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Ay caramba! edition
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Sharing and talking about this dumb thick zoomer Latina whore with based anons.

Anoyzesy on disc or jerstenz on kik.
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Requesting disproportionately native/aztec latinas, they make me coom fast and hard
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Middle aged, chubby & stacked
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If you're not also attracted to girls your age then I think you are just watching too much porn, lay off it and try semen retention and the lust will come back within a week or two. If you are attracted to both there's nothing wrong with you apart from maybe you just have some mommy issues and want to be held and fucked by a big woman
I'm attracted to both but 90% of the time I jerk off thinking about old fat ass women. Maybe it's true, I may have some mommy issues...
It's fine. These are attractive women.

Best in thread, any names?

Bonus points for Retro and leotard
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Wait is that ZARD
Oh my god you sound like the most annoying person in the world and should be tortured slowly while I laugh at your pain at the same time
cool outfit

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fuck yeah! amtrak!
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A thread dedicated to the sexy and beautiful pop artist Ava Max.
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I've worked with her. Very approachable and easy to chat to.
In autopilot I spoke to her in the wrong language (I live in not an english speaking country but am from one) and we had a laugh about it while I explained what it's like being bilingual that some times you forget which language you are speaking, then talked through the work issue.

Left a very non-diva impression.
lucky you

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Just a pair of girls enjoying begin with each other
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skintight leotards are the best
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Phat chicks with big tits are gross.
name pls. now!
I need to investigate that haha. But why do you need the name?!
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Post the hottest brown Muslim girls you have, I'm in love.
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Lmao why?
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she actually looks like that
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all the girls you posted are mid
at least I post more than one girl a week, faggot
oompa loompas don't count
We have claims that she's Filipino, a Hungarian Gypsy and Native American in this thread.
no one has addressed how this thread is 100 FUCKING DAYS OLD. CAN IT DIE SO I CAN MAKE MY VERSION AGAIN?! PoS faggots

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previous thread >>21973752
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any more?

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You know the drill. Long hair, the longer the better!

Previous thread: >>21847595
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> another compromised way, like dna ancestry kits, for the powers that be to get your DNA
Probably not. It would be a lot of work when most ''charities' getting into could could just quickly process the hair and sell it off to wig-makers. No waiting for labs to do their thing and having to maintain a database. Now when the entire business model is reading your DNA matching it with a database, well.....might as well sell it.
>Was planning on selling my hair?
Man or woman? How long is it? Photos?
>pic was Danny Cecati btw
It's interesting. His hair seems to have thinned out too much these days. It was already on the thinner side in old photos. I think if you ever decide to grow your hair out longer than chest length as a man, you should start taking dutasteride (stronger than finasteride) and a minoxidil formulation WITH tretinoin (to increase absorption) in it, plus other safe non-(early)experimental stuff that I've haven't spent dozens of hours looking into but guys like HairCafe say works. Because even if you regularly went to a dermatologist to have your hair density checked, you would have lost quite a bit of your mane before they notice it. And you will lose more when you begin treatment in the initial shedding phase, leaving quite a lot of it so much shorter.
There's generational hormonal cycles in many different animals that, across the board in a particular generation, makes their behaviour/height/size/etc. different from others. Maybe such generations where balding starts at a young age have existed before, but goddamn the slaphead curse.
>longer than chest length
whats your hair like anon?
Standard gentleman's cut. Scissors only, no clippers involved.
I have been thinking about it these days. A lot of women seem to like longer hair; 'long enough to sink my hands into'. I have the facial definition to pull it off, but I am worried about the job prospects. The 'boomers' are still in my industry, and they are part of the interview process.
I mentioned that particular length because up until that, the hair can still be an accessory; a particular style, complimenting your face and signalling what kind of person you maybe. Thicker would be noticeably better, but you can make do. Once you start hitting the waist, it becomes it's own thing. It's health matters; how thick it is, how shiny, whether you use the right water and the right product, whether you put it in that braid overnight that gives it waviness, etc. Of course, the hair you loose will take a lot longer to grow back too.
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Big tits general. (Old thread >>22003100)

If they're big they belong here.

Be a boss and try to provide sauce

Especially if they are faceless.

Don't forget to check file names
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Post thin and tiny girls, nudes or not
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Two Mommies Are Better Than One
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who's on the right? can't remember her name
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