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Whites preferred, Asians would work and no Blacks
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The wife’s holes
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Wife's tight little asshole
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It's so fucking weird when people refer to themselves as "white".
Unless you're black there's no reason to even make that differentiation. Must be an American thing.

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Hairy pussies, hairy assholes, hairy pits, hairy legs, treasure trails, hairy nipples, you name it. The less trimming or shaving, the better.
Try to keep them sexy and under 30. Definitely no wives allowed.

Last thread: >>22000450
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Name? Love the shaved pussy hairy pits combo.
fuck off degenerate.

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Last thread archived. You know the drill. Nubile Scandinavian women. Blonde, brunette, & nudes welcome.
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I know her irl

damn near mogged out of existence
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Dope, what a beaut. Have/had a chance with her?
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No unfortunately. :(

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feet and shoes
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>Cutest one is wearing socks
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Why so serious?
too soon
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Previous thread: >>21946923
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Face like a piano keyboard.

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Must be able to see tits or pussy at a minimum.
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garcia_iris on reddit

post women in see through clothing
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Insidemyheavens on ph
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Girls from Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal and France. Or who look like they could be from these countries.
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I literally said that they are PART of the White/Caucasian/Aryan race.
And, no, Italians are only White.
A shitskin living in Italy doesn't make them Italian.
Oh dear
>Why is this the case?
Less race mixing, stricter education, bigger emphasis on a proper diet with a lot of fish, olive oil and raw vegetables.
You're from the USA, it's not a bad country but the melting pot effect is real (also the demons that pushed that fat is bad and carbs is the way to go will have to answer for their crimes one day)
I don't know, I'm from Bretagne and I'm surrounded by pale blonde, green or blue eyed people with the occasional gingers.
Off course I had to have a thing for meds while living in Northern Europe...
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try posting one yourself
If he was wrong, sure. He’s right though, which makes me think you may be.

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found her and I'm hooked
Really? I thought Polish women were small boobied.
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Bonus for oiled/shiny
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She looks more Turkic with heavy facial surgery and photo filters than Slav.
She looks black
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Women with their legs bent back under their arms, making their holes as accessible as possible. Bonus points for muscular arms and/or well groomed pubic hair.
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Imagine looking like this and then deciding to put a permanent doodle on yourself.....women are fucking stupid
low test cuck
atta boy, oldfag. atta boy
Emiru is such a slut.
Is this a troll or?

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women in leggings
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Goddamn it man, that whole don't stsre shit doesn't fly when THAT's in your eyesight.

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Last thread hit image limit: >>22013821
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u/thixthixthix from reddit. incredible boobs with a really nice ass that likes to show off.
love cleavage! anyone else like jerking to IRLS and wanna share f friends pics we know on disc?

disc - mr.rager8660

I got a lot of cleavage pics
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u/bbkitter from reddit.

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