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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
Backup Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping3
Late Night Edition
Previous Thread: >>93195591
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>SC "Wings of Pandora"
Jack Steele (leader) >>93180946
Engineer "Screw" Batch32 >>93185525
Heyreddin Drone R3DD1N >>93177379
Reth >>93186605
William "Bill" Wayne >>93181127
Lorik Valas >>93182573

>Order of Sacred Ascension's Augustine Sector Artifact Acquisition Department
Catherine de' Medici (leader) >>93180596
Luther Vale >>93185712
Mila Ryen >>93192336
Evi Weber "Spinner" >>93184373
Corto Case >>93186043
Sophia "Reef" Trepan >>93185370
Dr. Isar Archer >>93188047

Maxx Headway, the Red Fortune >>93191473
Argus Mackenzie >>93190576
Yak-Ta'ang >>93193260
Dane "Claymore" Hoffman >>93195574
Grok, son of Gork >>93198133
Пeтp, Ancient Mining Biorobot >>93198872
Lorik Valas >>93200099
Lazarus Morton >>93200611

Navarizi Tango (Reef, Spinner)
Omake featuring Screw and Heyreddin on a mission:
Xat's Bar: the Disassembly
Fallout (Spinner, Reef, Пeтp) (Mentions Dr. Archer and Corto)

>Wings of Pandora

Full CYOA: https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdv9n725
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File: Naruto.pdf (7.77 MB, PDF)
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7.77 MB PDF
RULES: https://rentry.org/b595h6dm

>Team 1
>Natsuo Uchiha >>92078251
>D >>93148209
>Himari Miko >>92227101 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/HimariJutsu
>Takeru Suzuki >>92037873

>Team 2
>Osamu >>92030854
>Shimabukuro Fumio >>93186440
>Kichōna >>93033948 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/NardoKichonaJutsuList2
>Nodao-Douji >>92130402

>Team 3
>Kamiko Karatachi >>92474846
>Masukuda Rarime >>93032365 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/nbd7ikrf
>Ichika Chinoike >>93073774
>Kita >>92247657

>Team 4
>Kiko Inuzuka >>92046953
>Remilia Orochimaru >>93084258
>Itami Nanae >>92041809
>Kazen Uzumaki (No Yin Chakra Affinity) >>93174267 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/5kp2svbp

>Team 5
>Ezaki Tuto >>92143158
>Jin Hyuga >>93072884
>Shinrō Kamotai >>93066678 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/ShinroJutsu
>Yuma Kouda >>93027066

>Team 6
>Tsugumi >>92078303
>Ghidorah >>93079137 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/xant7fe2
>Junki Takenaga >>93007593
>Sen Yamamoto >>93077606 + https://rentry.org/mkyze5fa

>Team 7
>Kamiizumi Tadafusa >>92443623
>Fujiwara Nobutake >>93185043
>Kamare Hozuki >>92097216
>Daiki Ueno >>92099009

>Team 8
>Rio Konoki >>92286130
>Mitsuteru Chihoshi >>>92596513
>Kuro Blackshadow >>93174547
>Choko Yumiya >>92229037

>Team 9
>Inaba Hyuga >>92642892
>Mojo Nakasendou >>92130059
>Kitsumoto Hachirō >>93081661 + https://rentry.org/KitsumotoC
>Eiken Shinzo >>93133919

>Team 10
>Dojuma Takiga >>92435927
>Ayuka Hagihara >>92418225
>Oishi Teruo >>92424132
>Egao >>92425369

>Team 11
>Miura Lee, Man of Iron >>92982908 + https://rentry.org/MeleebroZ
>Rinka Akagi >>93199705
>Akaito Tenyo >>93033931
>Chosuke-Chosuke Kirabokua >>93127294

>Taihō Shiryō. >>92065120
>Eiji >>92132327
>Tahaki Shiteru >>93076567
>Shichirou Hyūga >>93125740
>Chado Kuro >>93147948
>Ankan Bidatsu >>93163286
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>Ahiratsu Ōtsutsuki >>92073651
>Darkbone >>92064881
>Kijyo-Douji >>92092125
>Engetsu Bōfū >>92101140
>Insane Wild Boar >>92164715
>??? >>92164855
>Setsu Suru >>92181406
>Sado Mazohisuto >>92181768
>Kanami-Douji >>92194017
>Barou >>92473683
>Sekka Hakobu >>93146142
>Gyū >>92157552
>Yōki >>92157657
>Koroko Kokoroko >>92235539
>Mr. Hopo >>92411015
>Lizard >>92249477
>Aika Yuki >>92251220
>Kondai >>92388984
>Makura Hachimune >>92445626
>The Surgeon >>92934104
>Greasy P >>92955486
>Brunhilde Gunther >>92974998
>Ishirō Honda >>93020553
>Hugh Napoleon >>93046548
>Gokan Nokemono >>93101749
>John Anonymous >>93105033
>Vix Raiu >>93164694
>Tsukusari Meikin >>93165978
>Kazushi (Zushi) Sakuraba >>93200782

>Naruto MP Additional Archive but better (Writefags, Art, Relationship Charts, Info Cards, etc.):

>Chunin Exam Stage 1 Hub Post:
>Chunin Exam Stage 2 Hub Post:
>Chunin Exam Stage 2 Logistics Post:
https://rentry.org/w78sxh6g + >>92321962
>Chunin Exam Stage 3 Logistics Post:
>The Chūnin Exams - Stage 2.5: The Preliminaries

New Stuff:
Updated Build:
>Rinka Akagi
New Build:
>Kazushi (Zushi) Sakuraba

Tournament Status Update:

Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/naruto-chunin-mcyoag-template-16244798
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1) Play as is. Assume that the powers picked are at their starting level. Picking Learner also unlocks the second spell from the start. Don't forget to design the character and the soul they possess
2) Ignore the companions section. Pick 1 build to be close to, and 1 build to be distant towards. Options increasing companions instead increase the number of builds you are close with
3) Pick any starting city and bonus. The story will still start at the town of Easily

>You're a native to Shower City. You don't have to be an orphaned high schooler. Pick any background within reason
>None of the companions exist. Instead, everyone is part of an online friend group that, when meeting for the first time, discovered the coffee table rune
>Other runes exist in Shower City that lead to different cities in case you don't want to join the main group. All runes and the objects they're inscribed on are invisible to anyone that lacks the ability to enter Gras Paada.
>The goal is still to defeat the 5 warlords, but in-universe the characters only have a vague prophecy to save the world from evil
>You teleport to the world Gras Paada solo during your first time to gain an adverturer's soul. Any subsequent teleport will require you to teleport with others to reduce its load on the soul
>Items carried by you can be transported with you to and from Gras Paada. The smaller the item, the less likely it is to get lost during the transit. Items that fail to be transferred will return to you when you teleport back.
>By default, souls only give you a themed set of powers and can talk to you after visiting Gras Paada a few times. The amount of influence they have is up to you. Most characters don't transform into their souls, but it's not the be all end all.
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Yoshiko Matsubara | Thalia
Amaury Felix Vaugeois | Verdeus the Green
Tojo "Rooster" Kaito | Belldandy
James Blackwood | Xernes, Regent of the Empty Legion

Reza Lotfi | Bassil
Tomoe Sasakura | Valeria
Mike Young | Reynard Sutton, The Unrelenting
Lucianus Salvius | Daimon, Bloodstorm Angel

>Ruy Eustáquio | Stinkleheimer
Shun Lee | Zacharia

Bloody Beginnings, a Strange Night (Lucianus)
Experiments, Preparation, and Anxiety (Lucianus)
New day, new life (Lucianus), (references to various other builds)
Amaury's discovery of Gras Paada:
Panic at night and unforunate falls (Lucianus), (Short appearance of Shun Lee, references to others):
The Innocence Of Being Unsure About The Future (Lee Shun, Amaury Felix, Lucianus Salvius, Kaito Tojo, brief appearances of others):
The Meeting at last (Lucianus, Shun Lee, Amaury, mentions of everyone else)
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Rentry: https://rentry.org/Be_The_Noble
Arena Rules: https://rentry.org/ovtoupqe
Chargen is rules as listed + drawbacks buffed to be 1=2 2=3 and Final=5

>Duke Archibald
>Quinn Smith
>Saint Maluscomedo
>Marquis Alric Bolivard
>Silas Nash
>Gristletooth the Turncoat
>Nestor Wolf
>Tanaka Haruto
>The Angel Emmanuel
>Auria Hirpinia
>Duke-Elector Vicaro de' Barca
>Duke Harold Staggard II of Reins
>Catherinne Aisla de Lyoncaster
>Avesta, Lord of Boglands
>St. Mog, the Avaricious
>Duchess Lucia of House Carafa
>Consul Levi du Ponte III
>Emperor Aurelius
>Lord Steerpike
>Evian, Grandmaster of the Order of the Boot.
>Sir Atticus Hendrix
>Natas Reficul
>Alcyone Pertinax
>Baron Raspail
>'Archangel' Seraphina
>Magus Filius Lupa, Barone
>Piza the Conqueror
>Tiberius Rex, The Pirate King
>Giovanni Florina
>Margus Iscariot Pertinax
>Duke Pollu Contra of Sunge
>Robin Stormlily
>Vožd Lampys Erymanthius
>Amos Hek
>Executive Officer Armaslanta
>Kamikage of Tengokugakure
>Elector-Prince Lothar II
>Abduladi al-Maki
>The Four Kings of The Mountains

>Vožd Invitational: >>93025558
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>Relentless walls whose darksome round contains (Ambrose XXII Arxakonte)
>"What's in a name?"
>Harold Receives a Letter
>Groanworthy Retort
>Answered Prayers (The Angel Emmanuel)
>The Arcaadji Plibtribyew
>The Calm Before the Glorious Storm
>To Kill Filius: Piza's Hunger (Piza, Filius' corpse)
> The Northern Struggle; The Joust (1/2)
> Northern Struggle; The Joust (2/2)
>Selected Excerpts from "On The Orientaille Provinces of the Telorian Empire" (2)
>>93145826 + >>93147418
> The Northern Struggle, Qüreş

Relationship Chart:
> Personal Thoughts of the Vožd on his Imperial Peers
>Giovanni Florina

Evian’s Rise to Power:
Favorite to Win It:

Latest Version (Graphic): >>93164835
Latest Version (Political): >>92871022
Latest Version (Emblem): >>92885956
Crusades: >>92963997

Build Reviews:

Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/be-the-noble-mp-characters-17234816
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>MHA Rentry

> Timeline: Just Another Story
> Location: Japan
>The Hero Students are at Shiketsu.

Instructions + Template for Making Cards: https://pastebin.com/NQ6JNH8r

>New Stuff:
The Beast Waits

>The Archive Link so you can keep using the funny numbers for builds (use this before complaining about dead links)

>CHARACTER PROMPTS (feel free to answer these whenever)
Class 1-D Prompts 1-50: https://rentry.org/mhamp
Class 1-D Prompts 50+: https://rentry.org/mhamp2
Everyone else's prompts: https://rentry.org/mhamp3
Same password for all of them (mha4)
>Older Prompt Links Are in Here
>Fighting Style Prompt (Leaving this out because it might be useful for anyone writing a fight)
>Class 1-D Timeline
>Class 1-D Character Summary

>Newer Version of the CYOA (Both the old and new versions are legal for builds. Use whichever one you want)
Version 4.2: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/post/92012978
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>Chihiro Mitsurugi HN Ascetic Sword Hero: Yako
>Soujyuuro Imai HN Wise Eye Hero: Mahoudeva
>Bobby Samson HN Sunlight Man
>Sora Tanaka HN Area Denial Hero: Orbit
>Kaylee Suzuki HN Flying Force
>Shinkan Sen HN Crazy Train
>Hifumi Takeda HN Warp Blade Hero: Challenger
>Minerva Kim HN Spark
>Hailey Chang HN Recoil
>Faith Kang HN Drone
>Maxine Nguyen HN Radius
>Edith Lee HN Arena
>Noah Abrams HN Archangel
>Victor Sigurd HN Hydra
>Inigo Myoga HN Dragon Hero: Ryu-kishi
>Christopher Cain HN Mirror Devil
>Son Jugo HN Aspara
>Genma Go HN Goldorado
>Ashleigh Katsuragi HN Blackout
>Atsushi Orochi HN Hard to Destroy Lizard Hero: Yamata
>Nyoro Hoge HN Maru(maru)
>>88273837 + >>88758766
>Yui Sagara HN Binding Hero: Capture Cloth (Held Back)
>Kyoda Hiro HN Overdose (Held Back)
>>88193619+ >>91985145
>Sally McCathy HN Last Rite
>Takara Tame HN Android
>Nijimura Mahoko HN Cool Boost
>Ian Takenaka HN Rush

>Class 2-D
>Mochi Uranus HN Smelly Hero: Stink Rat
>Kevin Rool
>Suzuki Nene HN Ghostly Cat Hero: Bakeneneko
>Hiroki Asai HN Champion of Negativity: Zetsuboy

>Class 1-E https://rentry.org/p6dwm

>Students (Cont.)
>Class 3-D https://rentry.org/vx255
>William Dustice HN King Billy
>Johanna Hilt HN Gauntlet Hero: Weiss Schwarz
>Ganto Kanzaki HN The Clone Hero, Commander (NPC)
>Kagami Reina
>Norman “Norm” Smith HN Whatabout
>Rumi Aratsuki HN Hysteria

>Class ???
>Kiki HN Yggdrasil
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>Students (Cont.)
>Class 1-C (Shiketsu)
>Okimoto Chisaka
>Isabela Nakahata
>Lilinah ‘Riri’ Inoue
>Ysmir Dragonborn
>Daniel W. Rain

>Class 3-B (U.A.)
>Top Smile
>Nekiro Nishi
>Madoka Mikan HN Heartbeat
>Itō Sukemochi HN Warpden
>Li Yinzhen HN Jiangshi
>Katsumi Hachizaki:
>Cormelia Busujima

>Class 1-F
>Suki HN Sukeban
>Runt HN Dust Devil
>Rob Williams HN: Velvet Worm
>Haiiroshi Kinzoku HN Fullmetal
>Igarashi Ryosuke HN Araken
>Tatsuya Yamashita HN Bad Touch
>Azuma Hisa HN Beach Day
>Daigo Ulmeyda HN Fly 1 Million
>Kiyoura Shidehara HN Icky Hero: Slimenuts
>Higa Umeko HN Slip-N'-Slideasaurus
>Nayuki Kyoko
>??? HN Meteoric Hero: Cube
>Misato Fukushima

>U.A. Teachers:
>Yunikon, the Brilliant Hero
>Dr. Seto Kawata

>Shiketsu Teachers:
> Anzu Nishima HN Karaburan
> Aiko Aimi HN Motivational Hero: Rosethorn
>Pierre Vachon HN The Gentle Way Hero: Ippon
>Masanori Kitamura HN Hijack
>Yasashi Koibito HN The Laser Hero - Majestic
>Junko Hongo HN The Overly-Enthusiastic Tokusatsu Hero, LocaLoca (NPC)
>Omura Tadao HN Deceptive Hero, Conman
>Riku Washizawa HN The Steel Talon Hero: Skycarver
>Takahashi Mako, HN Ersatz
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>Unaffiliated Heroes
>Kenji Shako HN Strongest Shrimp Hero: Magnum Shrimp (and Water Fowl Hero: Flamingal)
>Yuusei Atsushi HN Spring Dragon Hero: Seiryu
>Kalianne Sato HN "Flame Strike Hero: Honoken"
>Ryuji Inoue HN Transport Hero: Rescue Ray (Principal - Sunray Troubled Youth Center)
>Akagi Sanpatchi HN "Popsy"
>??? HN Birdy
>Edmund Connor HN The Tall Man
>Ryusei Sugiyama HN Smokin' Sexy
>Kevin Thompson HN The Purple Man
>Yuichi Ishida HN Slipstream
>Roland Walker HN PsyKing (Sandatsu'd)
>Ernst Hennig HN Impakt
>Junpei Ozu HN: The Standstill Hero, "Floor"
>Rodion Popo HN Overman
>Ludolf Raphael Victorius, Hero Name: Fair Marshal
>Taichi Kyoryu HN Cretaceous King, Saurus
>Kurogane Keisho HN Yoshizumi
>Tosuke Jinai HN Compound
>Yosuke Shirai HN The Lustrous Hero, Wavelength
>Astra Smalls Aka Size King
>Richard Wilkins HN The #1 Hydro Hero: "Splash"
>Shōgeki Heshi HN: Crash
>Tóu Zhǎng Koie/Phys P
>Kazuya Ono
>Alpha Ueno HN: Sylph
>Iwayama Kentaro HN Sisyphus
>Mash, Renji Kurokawa

>Lady Astoria Belmont
>Rika Eichi
>Isaiah Sibylla (Keola Ku)
>Aura Curie (Student)
>Just "The Doctor"
>Fransk Brunhilde
>Endless Horizons Ltd.
>Yusaku Kanzaki a.k.a. Clone Cop (NPC)
>Emilia Busujima
>Detective Risa Date
>Holden Deckard
>Satoru Tani (Student)
>Kuji Futoi (Student)
>Yuko Ozaku (Student)
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>VILLAINS (Villain Name):
>Turncoat Agency:
>Keiichi Tano HN Racer V / VN Getaway
>Tenshi Chisio HN Caduceus / VN Sawbones
>Jack Dunn HN Three-Sixty / VN The Asset

>Pax Organization:
>Eugene Kurtz VN Pax and Mercy

>Unaffiliated Villains:
>Bruno Garcia VN Mauler
>Karuga Ito (Teacher - Shiketsu)
>Shiori Shiratora VN Kamigami
>Recino R. Percutio
>Nakata Yumiko VN Walpurgis
>>88191796 + https://pastebin.com/nMZq81Jt
>hina seiyama VN panzer viii
>Giichi Mikata
>Miki Ginrei VN Fluegel
>Ginji Gō VN Desperaido
>Jack Mitchell VN Marshall
>Kazuma Oomori VN Charlatan
>Hattori Ume VN Broad Daylight
>Kōkishin Yuuki VN Shoggoth
>TechVision Elite 2023 - 43Vista UltraSmart 4K TV
>Ryuji Ayanokoji VN Overlord
>Jack Smithee VN The Gravedigger
>Zyra Mein VN Braindrain
>Rudi Brandt VN Sturmtruppe
>Bonzo Amato VN The Boss
>The Hospital Killer
>Paul Crémieux VN De Jais (Jet Black)
>Jessica Wu VN Surinam Toad Girl
>Jan Procházka VN Msr. Blanc
>Gustave Gavial VN Gnash
>Cosmo Black VN X.T.
>Kate Everly
>Sato Yukio VN Gold Man
>Kurogane Tetsuo VN Dreadnought
>Adrian Vasquez Domingiun Manolete
>Dewi Angkasa
>Kanami Shimizu
>Jimmy Vinchenzo VN The Indestructible Scumbag
>The Illustrious Illithid
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>VILLAINS (Villain Name):
>Horrific 5:
>Samuel Wilson VN Desolator
>On Giết Năng VN Tether
>Erika Murakami VN Nox
>Maddie Griffiths VN Maddox
>Edmund Muller VN Mercury

>Momotaro Tachibana VN Nebulous Storm
>Mark Matuli
>Junichi Takagi VN Marrow
>Miriam Slowburn Hakase VN Prologing Evil: Big Hat (NPC)
>Kester Greenfield

>Helene Lysingen VN Noctiluca
>Takigawa Shion VN Shapeless Blade: Aquarius
>Toru Imaishi VN Kampai
>Rebecca Weber
>Yushi Taneka VN Blazing Bright
>Sasha Azanami
>Kaori Kaoru
>Choko Yumiya, VN Eye High

>Night Parade:
>Cammy Link VN Karma
>Haruka Pulch VN Tatarimokke
>Sebastian Needle VN Greenfinger
>Okane King VN Midas
> ??? VN Maw
> ??? VN Bogey
> Tomi

>Wild Hunt
>Sandatsu Owari
>Mio Katsuragi HN Forget-Me-Not
>Hiromi Hitomi VN Feral
>Dr. Isaac Ivanov VN Drekus
>Ookami Shizuka
>Ivan Trup VN The Prophet
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>Early writefags here (18 Pages)
>”First Test” Comp
>Questionnaire Comp
Else check the rentry

>A Multi-Dimensional Valentine's Day (Ryu-kishi, Maru(maru), Last Rite, Mirror Devil, Challenger, Sunlight Man, Android, Cool Boost, Radius, Marrow)
>News (Reaper, mentions of Forget-Me-Not)
>Spectre of Revolution (Maru(maru), Marrow)
>Vigilante Hunt, part 1 (Ryu-kishi, Last Rite, Marrow, Maru(maru), 1-D, 1-E, 1-F, Satoru Tani, Rosethorn, Karaburan)
>Rehab (Overdose, Yamata, Ryu-kishi and a cameo from Goldorado)
>Baited (Reaper, Satoru Tani)
>Serpent (Mahoudeva, Honoken, Seiryu, Yamata)
>The Plan (Desolator and The Five):
>Team Wallflower, Assemble! (Yako, Drone, Blackout, Maru(maru), Capture Cloth, Mauler)
>Conservation of Ninjitsu (Marumaru, Ryu-Kishi, Yako, Aura Curie, Blank):
>(Beach Day, Saurus, Majestic)
>Never Have One Last Score (Marumaru, Shoggoth):
>If You Like Piña Coladas (Spark):
>The Doomed Plan (Desolator, Maddox, The Golden Age Five):
>An Attempt in Broad Daylight (Floor, Maddox, Mirror Devil, Smokin' Sexy, Tether, Mercury, Desolator, Impakt, Sunlight Man, Challenger):
>Catsu Curry (Bakeneneko, Yako, Capture Cloth, Overdose, Yamata)
>First Day: Ersatz, Rosethorn and a couple 1-D students make cameos.
>Night of the Reaper prologue (Mahoudeva, Mirror Devil, Blackout, Forget-Me-Not, Reaper, Satoru Tani)
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>Writefags (Cont.):
>Night of the Reaper, Part 1 (Reaper, Flying Force, Saurus, Rosethorn, Ryu-Kishi, Challenger, Cameos of Seiryu, Impakt, Sunlight Man, Mirror Devil, Mahoudeva)
>THE TOURNAMENT PART FIVE! (1-D, Smokin' Sexy, Popsy, Rosethorn, Majestic)
>Plan B (Mirror Devil, Desolator, Sunlight Man, Challenger, Impakt, Smokin' Sexy):
>Frame (Mirror Devil, The Doctor, Smokin' Sexy, Impakt, Desolator):
>Vigilante Hunt 2 (Ryu-kishi, Mirror Devil, Marumaru, Marrow, Yako, Conman, Majestic, Karaburan, Localoca, Ito, Rebecca Weber, Skycarver, Hijack, Ippon, Last Rite, The Clique, Flying Force, Yamata, others)
>The Monster's Aid (Desolator):
>Night of the Reaper Part 2 (Yamata, Overdose, Goldorado, Majestic, Desolator, Rosethorn, Reaper):
>Devil's Counsel (Last Rite, Desolator):
>Doing Business (Feral, Drekus, Karma, cameo of Reaper)
>Clown Days (Ryu-kishi, Popsy, Maru(maru), Mirror Devil, Smokin' Sexy, Popsy Team, mention of 1-D):
>Full Circle (Rosethorn, Feral, Yamata, Overdose)
>Recovery (Overdose, Yamata, Rosethorn and Karaburan)
>Arrival (Mash, Impakt, Floor, mentions of Reaper)
>Full Circle II (Yamata, Flying Force, Saurus, Drekus, Feral, cameo of Rosethorn and Hiro)
>The Maiden and the Monster (Shoggoth, Marumaru, clamguy cameo):
>Always Late (Rush, Greenfinger)
>Full Circle III - Part I (Flying Force, Feral, Yamata)
>Missed you too (Forget-Me-Not, Reaper, with cameos from the Wild Hunt, Satoru Tani and Karma)
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Writefags (Final):
>Full Circle III -Part II A (Flying Force, Feral)
>Full Circle III -Part II B (Yamata no Orochi, several mentions)
>The Blinding Lights (Desolator, Reaper, Maddox):
>That Old Saying About Memories (Mammogar, Maru(maru)):


For Art, Memes, Tierlists, etc. check the rentry
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The Lorik you put under Loners is the same Lorik in Wings of Pandora, just uses slightly different art.
Nope two different guys.
>I haven't completed my writefag yet
I failed anon...
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Second chapter of Corporate Obstruction:
Fixed the build list.

>SC "Wings of Pandora"
Jack Steele (leader) >>93180946
Engineer "Screw" Batch32 >>93185525
Heyreddin Drone R3DD1N >>93177379
Reth >>93186605
William "Bill" Wayne >>93181127
Lorik Valas >>93200099

>Order of Sacred Ascension's Augustine Sector Artifact Acquisition Department
Catherine de' Medici (leader) >>93180596
Luther Vale >>93185712
Evi Weber "Spinner" >>93184373
Corto Case >>93186043
Sophia "Reef" Trepan >>93185370
Dr. Isar Archer >>93188047
Пeтp, Ancient Mining Biorobot >>93198872
Mila Ryen >>93192336

Maxx Headway, the Red Fortune >>93191473
Argus Mackenzie >>93190576
Yak-Ta'ang >>93193260
Dane "Claymore" Hoffman >>93195574
Grok, son of Gork >>93198133
Lazarus Morton >>93200611
>Intelligence is under Combat skills
Oh. Huh??
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Name: Debtor #40404
Alias: Cheshire
Homeworld: Spacer/Penal Colony (Prison Station)
>Its not technically slavery if you're born to pay back a debt. But it sure makes life rough.
Polity: None
History: Criminal
New Life: Need
Sponsor: Fangli Group
Specializations: Asset Denial (Primary), Sabotage (Secondary), Data Retrieval (Secondary)
Traits: Psi-Dull, Difficult Socialization, Functional Illiterate, Identity Theft, VR Vertigo, Stunted Education
Skills: Stealth (Mastery), Combat Training, Void Piloting, Intelligence (Mastery)
Cyberware: Shock Management Implant, Smart Joints, Cyber-Tail
Bioware: Muscular Reinforcement, Skeletal Enrichment, Rapid Response
Weapons: Varied
Special Weapon: Waylight Combat Knives
Equipment: Outerwatch Camo Cloak, Waylight Exoskeleton, Concealable Jammer, Scrambler
Artifact: Universal Key, Gladiator Sword
Personal Ship: Military Patrol Craft ("No Regrets")
Weaponry: Magnetic Propulsion (Primary), Thermic Weaponry (Second Grade)
Upgrades: Targeting Assistant, ID Mask, Repair Drones, Spinal Gun Mount, Auxillary Reactor, Magnetic Shielding, Abalative Armor, Upgraded Point Defense, Second Grade Parts
Homebase: None
Companions: N/A, Rivalry: Grok
>I don't know why anyone bothered to try and go through him.

Cheshire is a name spoken in hushed tones by even the most hardest criminals, and decidedly avoided mention of by corporate bigwigs. The Fangli Groups Reaper who somehow seems to get into even the most hardened of security bunkers without breaking stride, piloting an almost equally infamous ship that has left many of its foes cored down the center drifting through space and has had many pilots in its time who all added their own little touches to it.

She cant really handle social interaction well, and her education was lacking in a lot of ways leading her to be even more insecure about the gaps in her understanding of the world than normal especially considering she isn't Cheshire - atleast not the original and sometimes slips up
Intelligence as in CIA, not Intelligence as in Doctorate
No, I understand. I just thought it would be more under social.
That would be really cool, I thought of Reth being that guy at first.
Also: >>93200890
It's the sexy unrealistic type of intelligence. The boring one would probably be under Management.
How about this?
James Bond type, yeah. Kinda sucks though, I was gonna take Combat Paralysis for my build.
Why not.
Since there are so many identity thefts I imagined a professional impersonator capable of fooling everyone. I would have made the complete opposite of Grok for his nemesis. Someone he can't just fight back. A skilled manipulator with psionic powers.
The horse archery tournament?
>Catherine and the loners constantly interacting
>Not a peep from the wings of Pandora past the builds
Guess we now know who the dumpers were
They have multiple writefags
Seems like Cheshire and Corto might have some shared history
I want to participate but I don't have a lot of time.
What's the best way to make a character who's a good addition to a narrative but plays a small role?
make a cute waifu
Bartender, shopkeep, info broker, weapon/armor smith
Like usual support characters. Someone that doesn't go with the characters to do stuff, but provides something to help them out. Someone to get them info, transport, communication, medical help, gear etc.
One obligatory "omake" with less than a thousand words does not a writefag make
Dude I wish someone would write even a hundred word narrative about my build.
Honestly this >>93205983
A non action oriented build that can support all sides in some way. You could also go with a non combat doctor or a courier or taxi driver.
A dangerous pair to be certain. OSAASAAD is a little full to join up permenantly, but likely worked together many times.
I'll just ask, would anons be fine if someone had Combat Paralysis and Intelligence? I'm making a no-murder-allowed doctor who has some experience in espionage.
As long as its paid for with a free skill, or VR training, it'd be fine.
Anyone really if you let other people play it
Yeah I would
New story. Hopefully I got everyone's characterizations right here.

Out-of-House Doctor (Dr. Archer, Пeтp, Reef, Spinner)
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Name: Robin Fleur
>Frontier Colony
Polity of Origin: Union of Free Augustine Systems
History: Colonist A New Life: Need
Specialization: Asset Transport, Data retrieval, Exploration (Mastery)

>General Traits: N/A
Skills: Mechanics And Electronics(Mastery), Athletics (Mastery), Survival
Cyberware: Shock Management Implant, 3D Maneuvering Assistant, Trauma Recovery Implant
Gene Mods: Dermal Insulation, Radiation Resistance, Immunization Treatment

>Equipment: Sleepless Drugs, Korovin Safe Containment, Ballistic Clothes, Echo Mapper, CTP Data Tool (Anomalous Materials)
Pets: A Cheerful SAR Drone 2x
Weapon Preference: Traditional Weapons (Thermic Lance)
Special Weapons: Waylight Combat Knives (Modified)
Artifact: N/A

Robin Fleur is a Colonial Surveyor who's taken up S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R. work to support her siblings. She specializes in finding the safest routes through hazardous environments, often employing drones to get high-value packages through even the roughest terrain. Robin pushes herself to excel in and out of the field, sometimes to her own detriment. Her only real combat experience is against the occasional hostile xenofauna. Off the clock, you'll find her quietly preparing care packages to send back home.


>Hi Commander,

>Your job listing ended up in the SWA Fair Labor Relations Network. Since I imagine a position aboard your vessel is highly sought after, I would be more than willing to adjust the standard wages for a longer contract. Attached are the Union offerings compared to major Corpo subscriptions, along with my itinerary of job experience. It would be my pleasure to work with you.

>Thanks for the consideration.

>Robin Fleur, Rapid Response Technician
>Spacefaring Workers of Augustine

nah Reth isn't well known as an assassin despite how capable his abilities make him because his owner only used him for a couple of small jobs before the main suicide mission
>no big booby spy lady
>Assassin raised for one specific job
I really like that trope. I'm guessing this would make people misjudge the combat potential of Steele's Crew.
Also the idea of tiny Reth fighting any of the other combat builds is pretty funny.
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Honestly Combat Paralysis blocking all of that is retarded.
It should be named something like "bad stress management" so you fuck up during any stressful situation.
You can still be ok at all that stuff without purchasing it.
No, you get paralysis while doing all of that
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Since no-one liked my sexy spy lady build I'll try again but make it a bit less fetish-y.


- The witch of the Augustine sector.



Paradise world

>Polity of Origin
Hado empire

Old nobility

>A New Life:

>The old cliché; born into the stultifying environment of Hado nobility I ran away to seek freedom, excitement, and not having to marry my cousin.

The Rownett association
>I met Roge Rownett at one of my parents' parties; he was the one who first put the idea of becoming a S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R. in my head.

Xeno procurement
Artefact acquisition (main)
Asset transport

>General Traits:
V.R. vertigo
>I was tested for psi-potential as a child and rated as 'very high latent'. Not much use on its own apart from making me sick as a dog in V.R. (apparently I can subconsciously intuit it's not real).

Psionics (mastery)
>Apart from learning how to deal with people (as all scions of nobility do), I studied psionics with a passion.

Psionic implant
Trauma recovery implant
Neural preservation implant
>As soon as I came of age the first thing I did was get an implant to tap into my latent psionic power. When I became a S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R. I invested in some life-preservation implants, too.

>Gene Mods:
New you treatment (pic related)
Immunisation treatment
Third eye treatment
>Gene therapy allowed me to further enhance my psychic abilities, and to completely re-invent myself physically.

Mind drill
Oneiric infiltration
Focus awareness
Intrusive hallucination
>There is no weapon as powerful as a strong mind.

>Weapon Preference:

>Special Weapons:
Silvertech needle gun

Lifeboost medical assistant
Korovin safe containment
>Artificial drugs provide a further boost to my psionic powers.

Black hand
>The power! THE POWER!!!!
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Civilian transport
>The Cygnus (pic related) is the ship my parents bought me for my sixteenth birthday. I had it modified a bit when I became a S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R., but she's still a beautiful ship, and my pride and joy.

>Ship weaponry:
Chemical propulsion
>An after-market modification; I lack connections in the arms industry.

>Ship Upgrades:
Luxury living quarters
Booster cells
High gravity living quarters (free with ship type)
Secret compartments
Probe launcher

The Beuter twins

>Homebase Upgrades:
Personal garden
Android assistant (free with homebase)
Training area (have to keep my figure somehow)
Recreational area
>My comfy little home.

>Connections and favours:
Zephyr medical service
>I have fantastic medical insurance.
Apex psychotronics
>I went deliberately out of my way to try and get a toe-hold with A.P., and I think this might just be it.

- Sorceress is willing to work with others as a psionic for hire. The Cygnus is quite small and would probably fit in the hold of a larger ship, or she could just leave it docked at her home base.

Also, is it just me or is everyone either psi-dull or psi-sensitive?
Then why can't you train these skills?
I liked your sexy bobby spy lady and I liked her better than this pagan
kill yourself
I like this pagan better.
Because that's the second part of the drawback. It's the same reason you can't take the psionics skill with the autism drawback.
Autism preventing psionic powers makes sense as psionic powers can be a form of evolved hyper-sociality.
Combat Paralysis preventing you to be good with computers is just retarded.
>>Also, is it just me or is everyone either psi-dull or psi-sensitive?
No, but most of them are. When I counted yesterday, there were 19 builds, 7 sensitive, 7 dull, 5 neither. Some more builds were added since then, I think at least one dull and one sensitive.
Skills represent being exceptional at something, don't they?
>Also, is it just me or is everyone either psi-dull or psi-sensitive?
It's not surprising for many S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R.S to be either psi-potent or psi-resistant.
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What? I specifically said in the post itself it's an update to the old build, how did that happen?
Then being unable to purchase a skill, doesn't necessarily mean you're unable to do the stuff fit covers, it just means you won't be exceptional at it.
That doesn't answer my question. How does Combat Paralysis prevents you from becoming an explosive expert or someone capable of concealing a space ship?
because that's the second part of the drawback
>Small Penis
>You have a tiny penis, everyone makes fun of you
>also you can't have an artifact that's the second part of the drawback
That doesn't make any fucking sense
>in dangerous situation, independently from your mental state, your body freezes up
It's not just in combat, just that you freeze up when shit gets dangerous. You're not wholly incapable of dealing with it (as the next sentence shows), but you're still held back from becoming exceptional at stuff that is like that. Dealing with explosives or trying to sneak by guards does sound rather unsafe.
Again, read you blind fuck. You can still learn all of those skills, you just won't be unnaturally talented at it.
That's why I said it should be named something like "bad stress management", but then it should affect all of these activities, not just combat. And >>93207015 tells me does not (he clearly wants to stack up drawbacks and just ignore their narrative effect)
Mechanical drawbacks should be related to the narrative description.
it affects dangerous situations
that's not the same as getting paralysis while doing everything listed under combat skills
learn to read
Really cool, different perspectives of the same operation, they slowly assemble to make the plan clear. Are the "cargo" supposed to be the other characters? If so Lorik is supposed to be more psychotic than emotionless, other than that however you got the kind of interaction right, he does go on apparently unrelated tangents and uses technical and complex terms as if it was normal to know them. I am curious to know what the job actually is, but that is a sign of good writing I think, there is enough there to understand a bit and to want to know more. Maybe I should start on my writeup too, I was holding off because I wanted to wait for both the crew and my own build to stabilize a bit.
>combat paralysis affects dangerous situations
>that's not the same as getting paralysis while performing these dangerous skills
>but it still prevents you from performing them at a high level because... because
if you think all those skills are inherently dangerous then what are you complaining about?
That people say these skills aren't affected by the paralysis, if they aren't, there is no reason not to be able to train them further. If you can't train them further, there has to be a reason why, and according to the drawback, it's paralysis.
paralysis makes you freeze up in dangerous situations
if you try to do archeology in an dangerous situation your body will freeze up even if you're a master of it because that's what the drawback does
it's not about the skill
This is all you had to do.
Who cares about the characters, Scrapper Ship and Hideout Tierlist where?
Hey Gras Paada adventurers, it's question time again.

What role(s) did you set out to fit a character into? Did this change as you made choices to design the build? And how do they feel about the power set they have; would they have preferred a different role than the soul they bonded with cast them into?

Also, side note, has anyone had thoughts about what a relationship chart might look like? The bit about picking a build to be close to seems to have fallen by the way side...
>What role(s) did you set out to fit a character into?
Nature guy but also a bit of a brawler
>And how do they feel about the power set they have
Already asked. No, they're soulmates
>The bit about picking a build to be close to seems to have fallen by the way side...
I did pick Reza to be close to as he seemed to have similar interests, even if he's older.
>Who cares about the characters
More like who cares about anything but the characters? Looking at BtN and the CYOA I had drafted a few weeks ago, nobody.
I did not have an idea for a role, I am new at this so I made a character that can stand on it's own if needed since I was not sure if people would even want to interact with it. I had a build ready for pretty much all 3 classes, in the end I randomly chose one and that's how I got Lucianus. He is supposed to be the "power at a cost" kind of character, with it being somewhat mitigated by the fact he is not the first one in this case, as Daimon is there and he also dealt with the same thing. I went all in on combos, super speed and lightning with battlemage to be able to imbue more than his weapons, mostly his blood, the vampire powers with a chance to grow for the ancient evil feel, and I tried to weave his ability to come back from death into the backstory.

As for relationships, I feel like it's a flawed system because you can't know what your options even are, because there could be more characters that would be more appropiate later or simply there are not enough characters, like it was in the beginning, to be able to use it as written at the start it pretty much required either the ability to see the future or a lot of discussion before the characters where made, neither of these happened. Now that the cast seems to have stabilized it could be fixed up by updating the builds, let me know if I should, some people may prefer the relationships to develop more narratively during the adventure but I am fine either way, I just need to think a bit about what would make sense. Ironically Lucianus is supposed to have 2 close characters despite being the less initially social of the group, it does make sense tho as he does get attached to the few friends he has very much.
>Mechanical drawbacks should be related to the narrative description.
mfw I'm illiterate but mastered cyberwarfare and psionics
am I going crazy or isn't this a recycled dump from star wars
>am I going crazy
>or is this a recycled dump from star wars
Nobody ever uses the same image, or looks at a catgirl and goes 'what cool alias would they have...Oh right cheshire'

Not that its impossible its just not really that weird.
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Emilia Kazama

Paradise World
>Polity of Origin
Pyriean Augustine Front
Old Nobility
>A new Life
Spacefaring Workers’ of Augustine
Crisis Management (Main), Xeno Procurement, Exploration
>General Traits
Management (Mastery), Diplomacy(Mastery), xenology

Logic Processor Assistant, Memory Assistant, Subdermal Armor Implants
>Gene Mods
Rejuvenation Treatment, Enhanced Digestive System, Third Eye Treatment, Immunization Treatment, Radiation Resistance
>Psi Abilities

>Weapon Preference
>Special Weapons
Waylight Combat Knives
Outerwatch Camo Cloak, Abelev Hazard Suit, Korovin Safe Containment, Portable Holo Projector

>Personal Ship
No Ship (2 gene mods)
No Homebase(1 skill)
A Mischievous Dofa(x2)

Joining The Crew

Emilia might be useless at combat, but she makes up for it by being such a ruthless and cunning businesswoman that she could probably bankrupt a rich man singlehandedly if she put her mind to ruining his business. She is also said to be a keen judge of character. Able to communicate with people and even aliens.
She is born from a noble family who specializes in entrepreneurship but she decided to become a scrapper to make ends meet.
She can also be a great secretary and her social acumen to build relationships is something to admire.
With Xenology, she has knowledge of the cultures of the aliens that she will interact with and this will make her enable to understand others better.

Hallo madam,
Might i join your crew? You won’t regret it. I am the best businesswoman this side of the galaxy. Yohohohoho.
Thank you truly,
Emilia Kazama
yeah nobody expects little autistic Reth to be a superhuman killing machine
nice, I really liked it
being a pilot for these fools seems very stressing
Nta but what bothers me is that she does not look like a Cheshire cat. I don't care about dumps or recicled builds, but that bothers me because I really like Alice in Wonderland. Not that big of a deal.
She is a One Piece character.
She has glowing eyes and maxxed stealth anon.
Yes, but she also looks like a normal cat, the Cheshire is supppsed to be eye catching when visible. Also she seems socially awkward, the Cheshire is supposed to be smug and witty, she has no psy powers when it would be appropiate to have them, the hiding power is literally perfect for that. All of this can be exused however since she is not the real Cheshire, she is just the latest version, maybe older versions where more appropiate for the title.
The original was probably more like this, but you know, human-y.
Yep, that's the Cheshire alright. Honestly as much as it bothers me it's good narrative, she is struggling to meet expectations and figuring out who she really is, at least that's what it seems like from the short description. It can go a lot of ways, it makes you wonder, that's a good premise.
I wanted to do a curveball on the identity theft that everyone seems to have.
The identity theft to SCRAPPER pipeline is going strong
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Great work, makes me glad I took a break to let others cook.
I think my favorite part is when Dr. Archer is getting cornered and Pyotr blow around the corner like the juggernaut.
The fact that Reef is so formal and positive afterward is just the cherry on top.
Speaking of which, you got her down perfectly. I’d like to add that she is still technically property, she just has a document from the Rownett’s allowing her to act in the broad interest of her owners as a scrapper with no supervision.
Not sure if I should write about Reef trying to learn Russian to understand be Pyotr properly so they have a philosophical discussion on slavery, or to go with the more action oriented budget cowboy bebop episode I had in mind.
>Are the "cargo" supposed to be the other characters
Lorik is the cyborg, William is the Gunman, Reth is the Psychic, and Screw is the crone. The crew are still relatively new to each other, so most remember each other through nicks rather than names, but in Heyreddin the clone's case, defining people through their abilities rather than their shapes is second nature.
>he does go on apparently unrelated tangents and uses technical and complex terms as if it was normal to know them
I referenced the fact that while Lorik is highly proficient in cybernetics and electronics, his Oldtimer trait has him struggle with other forms of technology, like the basic PMA.
He's trying really hard to make up for that hyper-focus by asking questions about everything.
>I wanted to wait for both the crew and my own build to stabilize a bit
Doesn't seem like any of them are planning any changes, so go for it. Steele's also writing one up about a job gone wrong.

They're a docile lot, Screw and Heyreddin just get along like cats and dogs.
You say that but I think its more likely just how they flirt.
Sometimes people just hate each other anon
My ship WILL sail!
You will NOT ruin it!
Sometimes I wish tumblr never died so faggots like you would never breach containment
Is this gif just an unanimated shite quality image or is it some issue on my side?
Unanimated shite quality image
Hello Robin Fleur,

Your skills at Asset Transport are impressive and have earned you a place in the Serendipity. Your job will mainly be to map out new terrain, excavate artifacts, and transport them back to ship. Do not worry about the pay, I'm sure you will be satisfied with the amount.

Catherine de' Medici

Hello Emilia Kazama,

Your resume does indeed paint you as one of the best businesswomen I have ever seen. I welcome you in the Serendipity. Your job will be to assist me in my work as a secretary for business and managing relations with xenos.

Catherine de' Medici
They are going for the wholeass armada, wildin.

We need a warlord to balance out the goody twoshoes
>Lorik is the cyborg, William is the Gunman, Reth is the Psychic, and Screw is the crone
Good to know I got them right while I was reading. It's appropiate for them to still use that kind of nickname if they don't know eachother yet, I guess Lorik would give people nicknames based on some mechanical term or some cybermod that is particularly defining.

I guess I will start on a short intro of Lorik getting used to the new ship and some simple interactions. I am not really good at writing other characters but I guess I will never get better if I don't try. At least it should help others write my character.
We can't all be online 24/7 anon. Patience.
My "Job gone wrong" writefag is almost done but maybe I should wait until you post Lorik's intro to see if I should change anything.
Steelebro here. Dealing with fishing and shit, I'll be finishing my entry sooner or later. I'll consider rebranding into Steele Armada and hiring more loners, so we can larp as warlords and conquer a planet or two. Would any members of Spacecruiser "Wings of Pandora" like that, or you'd prefer that we stick to comfy adventures?
Man Catherine's just gobbling up all the SCRAPPERS
Pretty soon she'll be a polity unto herself
That comment appeared shortly after a writeup for the Wings of Pandora so I am not sure what he meant.
Steele is technically a mercenary to the highest bidder, and his crew are equally amoral.
Being evil for evil's sake generally puts a target on your back, so at best your warlord would be a corporate puppet.
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Heyreddin's on until he's not. His contract's cool that way.
Dropping rods of god from orbit could be fun.
I don't think SCRAPPERs are on the level of conquering planets. It'd be like a tank platoon trying to take over a country.
A few military patrol crafts can easily take over a planet that can't reach space.
I write fast but not that fast. Any big difference can technically be excused by the difficulty in socializing and the fact Lorik is not exactly mentally stable. At worst I will try and come up with an explaination.
For Lorik building weapons of mass destruction that probably break a couple of laws and could be classified a war crime is a fun passtime, but he does not really like the idea of conquering planets, he just wants to have strong techs for himself and his friends. Conquering and managing would take away from reasearch and experimenting too, so he would prefer more "normal" jobs.
Oh so we're just bullying isolated islands that never had an industrial revolution?
I think William might be opposed to that, considering it's what was done to him.
>and his crew are equally amoral.
Lorik has a moral, a strange mad scientist unhinged moral but a moral nontheless.
I'm nta. I'm just saying that planetary conquest isn't that hard if you pick your target right.
I was thinking of becoming the "Diamond Dogs". Create our little isle of freedom on some Gaia World, establish a basic government, and aid fellow SCRAPPERs on their journey while defending their rights from big tech and overzealous empires. We can be better than assaulting innocent worlds by building a fleet that discourages any form of war (hopefully).
That's not exactly true. Steele lets almost anyone work for him because he prioritizes exploring the galaxy for discoveries and making fat banks through artefacts, but he's not going to engage in genocide or let an evil man on his crew. Evil has the disadvantage of attracting too many do-gooders, and they're bad for business.
We can try and take an uninhabited planet and go from there.
This gave me an idea, with Lorik's help and enough materials and energy how far can we push the Laser Sniper?
is Sen anon dead?
I am sorry, anon...but sen died during sex with her brother el hermano...
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the idea of Heyreddin drinking with without taking off his helmet or even lifting his visor is incredibly funny to me
Made me laugh. Nice shit anon.
After a certain level, you're probably better off using a ship-grade thermic cannon.
The Missile weapon is also described as having greater range than said thermic cannon, so it's probably not at the level of hitting ships from tens of thousands of kilometers away.
But if you're thinking what I'm thinking, then yeah, Heyreddin already lugs around a large battery when sniping pilots and fuel lines in micro-gravity. If they build a platform capable of self-propulsion, he could probably snipe targets on the ground from orbit.

He'd probably use an emergency induction port when he actually wants to drink, and saves the flex for when meeting rich clients, wasting their drinks and dirtying their carpets.
One of the pilots is actually a mastery level privateer
You do already have Screw's hideout.
We'd probably run afoul of the Warlord of Tronai. I say we do a few dozen jobs, collect enough funds and favors, then start working on our little kingdom. Gonna need the dough to afford rejuvenation treatment if we wanna see the fruits of our labors in our lifetime.
Privateer, not pirate.
Privateers are for hire, pirates have no such professional protection.
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We've got a lot of potential in this group for art/visual shitposts. I'm tempted to ask the drawthread for Grok and Yak wearing these shirts.
Ask the crew if they see a difference when their pockets get run. Amoral is for sure true in atleast her case.
They know better than to trust in pockets in a space-gypsy's presence.
Takes any missing gear out of her paycheck.
Hides all his stuff inside his suit.
Doesn't own anything
His Enhanced Ocular Pathways give him "pattern recognition". 'nuff said.
Probably rigged everything of his to self-destruct if moved without him disarming it.
Little do people know, but Steele was taught at Space Gypsy-Jewish Academy of Theft. His psi abilities are finely tuned to scamming any number of people.
Psi-Dull chads keep winning.
Crew as in Privateering victims.

Piracy and Privateering are the same thing, the only difference is getting paid to do it.
There are no psi-dulls in the crew
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Name: Mar'azenthiel AKA Mara
Origin: Paradise World, Naverizi Augustine Colonies, High Manager, Hope
Sponsor: Independent (No Sponsor Trait)
Specializations: Artifact Acquisition Main, Asset Transport and Privateering Secondary
>'The Zentoo species is an uncommon one among the Naverizi Colonies, for our size and frailty makes us easy targets, and our appearance dissuades many from open relations. Despite this, I became High Manager of the Telemari Retrieval Group, a company focusing on retrieval of assets ranging from slave chattel to the rarest of artifacts, and held a majority stock at the tim. At my ripe age of 20, I wish to do more with my life, using the resources and connections which I have amassed, and have splintered into my own company, Mara Desire Corp., in hopes of fulfilling my ultimate goal: To amass a great collection before my death and look upon great works and call them my own.'
General Traits: Genetic Rights Management, Psi-Sensitive, Critical Injury, Combat Paralysis
>'My species is frail, and only survived because of the select chosen few who possessed some psychic potential. I am, of course, one of these individuals. The pinnacle of all Zentoo. couldn't you tell?'
Skills: Archeology Mastery, Void Piloting Mastery, Psionics, VR Assisted Training(Investigation, Management)
>'I have always had somewhat of a fascination with ancient culture. To think, there are relics of the past all around us! And not nearly enough of them in my hands. But I plan to change that.'
Cyberware: Logic Processor Assistant, Memory Assistant, Psionic Implant
Gene Mods: Third Eye Treatment
>'My implants are thanks to the TRG, paid for by the company to allow me to better do my work. I'm quite thankful for the ability to remember any slight against me. My psionic potential is merely an evolutionary quirk, and a sign of good breeding.'
Psi Abilities: Mind Drill, Telepathy, Psi Tracing, Wild Experimentation (Psychic Scream, Shadow)
Weapon Preference: None
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>'I use my abilities judiciously; after all, if you are unable to resist my Will, you should be subservient to it. That's just the natural way of things.'
Special Weapons: No Special Weapon
Equipment: Psi-Enhancers, Portable Holo Projector, Korovin Safe Containment, Scrambler, FallSafe Pack
Artifact: Compass
>'My prized possession, and what set me in my ways of leaving the TRC to pursue my dream. With this, I can actualize my will upon the galaxy.'
Ship: Alien Space Vessel
Ship Weaponry: Thermic Based
Ship Upgrades: Luxury Living Quarters, Auxiliary Shuttle, Non-Standard Spaceslip, Second-Grade Parts(Spinal Gun Mount, Small Med Bay), Probe Launcher
>'My vessel, the Samsara, was inherited from my mother, who I killed for her inheritance. I can promise the upmost luxury even in the depths of space, and your time on-site of an artifact should be relatively low.'
Homebase: The Beuter Twins
Homebase Upgrades: Security Vault, Black Market Access, Private Rooms, Recycled Materials (Personal Garden, Interstellar Commlink), Android Assistant
>'The luxury won't end in space, of course. I have a penthouse at the Beuter Twins where we will spend some time after missions, in order to properly store my bounty. You will be treated like kings here; my android is quite the butler.'
Connections & Favors: Astral Legion XXIV, Glare Network
>'Favors gained during my long tenure. Don't expect us to be operating totally alone, out there. I can always pay a few million credits to the right person.'
Pets: Pets: A Bold Ares, a Protective Kali
>'My DARLING Fifi and Mimi. Aren't they the cutest? It's non-negotiable that they will be with me at all times, and you may be expected to aide in their care. But they're just sweethearts. And very pampered.'
>Probably rigged everything of his to self-destruct if moved without him disarming it.
This is so in character that it's almost scary someone else said it before me. He was already robbed once, the next time someone will definitely die for it. He also does not have much stuff to steal at the moment, his tools are literally his hands.

Sending out a recruiting call to all available SCRAPPERs. Mara wishes to obtain artifacts by any means necessary, solely to fulfill her personal greed. She will also like to pick up interesting biological subjects to observe, from time to time. She holds everyone around her to almost impossible standards, but understands that not many skilled operators lack enough morals to work with her, and will pay those who work with her handsomely. She expects your loyalty to be guaranteed once she starts to pay you, and will pamper her workers relentlessly when off-job. Not above stealing from companies, governments, tribals, other SCRAPPERs, anyone really. She basically sees everyone else as animals at best, and she loves animals that "know their place" and belong to her, while not caring about what happens to any others.

Her crew can expect a motherly relationship mixed with professionalism when amongst others. Any SCRAPPERs who want a big paycheck, easy living, and loose morals, feel free to reply if you would like to be hired.

Note: Going against the other crews is a likely story beat. But you'll b payed a lot, and you can have some heartwarming interactions in between stealing from the innocent and hoarding wealth.

And bring less likely to be hunted for doing it.
William is Psi-Dull.
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Catherine to Maxx be like:
Is Mara single?
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You've had mad scientists, here's a sad scientist!

Dr. Yvette Toyosaki

Industrial World

>Polity of Origin


>A New Life
Hope (for friends)


Main: Artifact Acquisition
Asset Transport

>General Traits
Genetic Rights Management (+1 Skill)
Identity Theft (+1 Skill)
Combat Paralysis (+1 Skill)
Difficult Socialization (+1 Skill)

>Skills (5 skills, 2 mastered)
VR Assisted Training (+1 Skill) (6 Skills, 2 Mastered)
Mastery: Archeology
Mastery: Mechanics and Electronics
Cybernetics (VR)
Void Piloting (VR)

Logic Processor Assistant
Memory Assistant
Psionic Implant

>Gene Mods

>Psy Abilities
Psy Tracing

>Weapon Preference

>Special Weapons
None (+1 Equipment)

Hazard Suit
Data Tool
Echo Mapper
Safe Containment

Universal Key

>Personal Ship
Scientific Vessel

>Ship Weaponry
Thermic Based

>Ship Upgrades
Auxiliary Reactor
Basic Fabricator
Magnetic Net

No Base (+1 Skill)
No Connections
No Pets

Dr. Toyosaki was all but expelled from her homeworld, as she found the native culture...distressing. The fraud committed against her was the last straw. Desperate, she fled to the stars, to try her luck as a scrapper.
She has an extremely high quality resume: 2 PhDs in both the history of bygone civilizations and the engineering of artifacts, and Masters degrees in a myriad of fields. She can be a great boon to any crew involved in the artifact market.

Please be her friend. She has no friends. She is so lonely.
She's a strong independent single mother of a number of scrapper children aka her crew.
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It's been some weeks since the preparation for the Tournament began and at this point I feel comfortable that some previously active anons may have become inactive. Instead of waiting longer, we will instead start the tournament.

At present, I can confirm the following builds as part of the Tournament;

...Chado maybe?

If your character is not on the list because I missed them, please reply to this post NOW, because we are beginning the Tournament in earnest. Your build needs to be upgraded to C-Rank to be valid, as it's proof of activity.

Meanwhile, we will begin the process of determining the first matches as follows;

>Fated Rivals will fight in the first round
>Any anons looking to writefag a fight will also take place in the first round (in the event that one build is claimed twice, we can discuss which fights that build will win and adjust accordingly)
>We will try to adjust the brackets for any other fights the thread wishes to see that are not covered by the previous two clauses

I will create a Logistics Rentry both to keep track of claimed fights, the builds involved, etc. but for the first set of rounds the actual layout of the brackets is unnecessary - as such, start writing Fated Rival/claimed matches now. The next dead line currently does not exist, and will likely never exist.
>there are people RIGHT NOW who already have 10 scrapper builds
>Not staking a claim while the gold rush is going on
NGMI, Imagine if I didn't make 4 characters in early MHA. The dividends would be so much lower.
And I'm willing to be her daddy
early game merchants always win
you WILL write about my build, doesn't matter which one
You'll be mom's dad?
...Grandpa, is that you?
Remember: Anyone can be bought. Shes spending that poor boy a job as we speak, regardless. He deserves a little fortune in his life. And his cheeks are so pinchable!
She is, but no mate could ever meet her expectations.
>The next dead line currently does not exist, and will likely never exist.
Vozd where is my tournakino?!
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Not if I just leech and never write anything.
I mean there's no reason for there to be a dead line.
Hello Dr. Yvette Toyosaki,

My sympathies about your unfortunate origins. I invite you to join the Order of Sacred Ascension's Augustine Sector Artifact Acquisition Department where your rights will be respected and your skills will be put to good use. Your unique request of making friends will also be fulfilled as well: all in the department are sure to give you a warm welcome.

Catherine de' Medici

PS: The artifact in your possession, the "Universal Key," is particularly worthy of study. I hope you will accept working together with other scientists of the Order to uncover its mysteries.

How exactly are we gonna finish the tournament if there's no deadline?
"Finish", you say? I think you're in a wrong MP if you think like that.
Hey doc, the Wings of Pandora could use your expertise... well I could use your expertise.
I've seen how that didicoy crone's been eying my goods and I'm worried she'll one day take a spanner to my dome. Not so much the shrapnel, and she kinda hits like a lab-fetus grown for the typewriters to begin with, but I've not been keeping up on my immunization treatments, and with my iron thumb physique being the way it is... well, you come from an industrial world so I figure you'd know all about it.
Please? Our only intellectual's been trying to get me to dump flesh for chrome, but I'm not about to add EMPs to my list of vulnerabilities if I can help it.
I'll be your friend if you want. Not many on the crew know what it's like to grow up a replaceable cog in a machine.
>"Pssst...lad, just tell her we'll be her friends and let her stick her into whatever ancient toy we can find. And Lorik? Let's say, I'll be puttin' the lad to somethin' useful. Something grandiose, you could say."
If you got rid of some of your flesh Screw could fix you right up. Shes not great with meat but metal she's a wiz.
My employer has advised me to point out we have another artifact buff who would love to trade notes.
My employer would also like it noted that he is an extremely charismatic man who would in no way shape nor form attempt to scam you.
He also says our van-sorry, our ship is full of toys and candy!
I'm just joking he's actually a decent guy, if too ambitious by half and likely to die a young death or become king.
We can all fix metal, wingnut. Lorik's the cybernetics guy.
And it's your touch I'm worried of depriving me of my flesh! So hands off!
Will be sending out invites throughout the day, but I must know, which Loners are already planning on working together?

>Dr. Yvette Toyosaki
Salutations, from one academic to another, doctor. My contacts have informed me of your recent bout of bad luck. Normally, I would have to refrain from picking up strays, but you have built yourself quite the resume! I am willing to pay you a hefty salary to retain you as my personal researcher and doctor. I have quite the interest in Artifacts, you see, and having a brilliant mind to confirm my own theories and provide an unexpected angle through which to view problems would be valuable to me. I must admit, I am an aesthete, and you seem to be without genetic modification, something my appraising eye finds quite pleasing, if quaint. Your kind is rare, especially among the skilled and capable! I'm fond of humans, aesthetically, you see.

Should you accept my offer, you will be shuttled to my penthouse on the Beuter Twins, along with a down payment for your services of half a million credits. Then, we will speak in person, and you can decide if you would like to join my growing crew.

With love,
Mara Desire Corp.
>'The Red Fortune'
I will make this message brief, as I have no assurance that you are the true Red Fortune. My associates have recently encountered a particularly brutish Teme, disgusting thing, claiming to be the Red Fortune, galavanting about in what is known among riff raff and criminals as the Red Fortune's ship. However, I do not believe the Red Fortune to be an idiotic, disagreeable thing. It simply does not fit the mystery, the image which was being cultivated throughout years and years of work in the criminal underworld. One of my bosses was killed by the Red Fortune, for heavens sake! I simply refuse to believe it. Imagine my surprise, then, when I heard tell of a handsome young human claiming to be the true Red Fortune, down on his luck after a harsh betrayal?

You will make your way to my penthouse on the Beuter Twins, and we may talk business. You may question the lack of transport, but understand that I expect the Red Fortune to be able to find me, as the barest proof that you are who you say.

Understand that I pay generously, and have little to no moral compunctions.

Oh, and do wear that handsome little red outfit of yours.

Awaiting you eagerly,
Mara Desire Corp.
>All fix metal
I don't know buddy, I think I'm pretty alone ontop of this mountain, You're certainly a comfortable second place above Lorik though.

Not knowing how to fix up a ship is simply unforgivable in the void, and I think we can agree on that part.
I mean there's nothing stopping anon from writing later.
Which crew has the most connections and favors?
>but I'm not about to add EMPs to my list of vulnerabilities
"How old fashioned, I am perfectly capable of insulation and redundancies to protect from that, but if you want to keep your inferior biological alternatives I will not stop you. Who knows, maybe being biological will be needed for some artifacts, that is why I am not all metal yet myself, only mostly."
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Indeed, and thank god we can all perform regular maintenance.

Now, getting hit in combat? That's a death sentence. Some of us -not pointing any fingers sike I am- don't seem to even realize that, and always try to fly their way through thermic salvos like they don't want to see a tomorrow.
Steele knew that, which is why he picked me up, so I can fly us when a cooler head is required.
What's up with all the filthy cyoag posting? What have you crapperfags done!?
>"What good is a ship without the creatures in it? Weapons protect us, machines do our jobs, cybernetics make you harder to put down and better at doing your job as well. I may not know how to build a ship but I can make the component parts better than before, you are a component too you know?"
A ship ain't meant to be pretty. Its meant to work!
Im not exactly a purity buff. I got the 'ware I want and need. And then a bit more than I really bargained for 'cause I think in binary now.

>I might change from Piloting Mastery to Mechanics Mastery
JamesAnon here, I guess I ought to answer my own questions.

>What role(s) did you set out to fit a character into?
I started out trying to make a blaster caster with a side of swordsmanship, a spellblade with more "spell" than "blade". This is part of why I skipped Battlemage (and grabbed Enchantment), as it specifies unarmed attacks only. Then I leaned into the "Elemental Summoning" angle and figured that could wind up doing a lot of blasting for him, and the idea of a more dedicated summoner grew on me, though he's still perfectly capable of blasting on his own.

>And how do they feel about the power set they have
While he'll warm to it just fine, if given the choice he'd have gone for more of a support/control role; powerful AoE buffs and debuffs, with some sort of corrosion/wither/Finger of Death type spell for close range threats. The more direct elemental casting will be too useful for him to ignore, but this summon controlling style will still suit him just fine.

I'm thinking that initially, his closest other character will be Hana Tojo; but once things go south with her, I'm not sure. Could be Sasakura-chan, could be Rooster-kun. I also have NO idea who the "distant" one should be.

Also also, I didn't initially intend it, but I do think Inventory fits with the Summoner theme well; after all, he's "summoning" items from hammerspace. It occurs to me that this one would be great for a rouge type, what with storing away smoke bombs, shuriken, and the like where they can't be searched for.

>Already asked
My bad, must've missed it. It felt like a natural segue out of the previous question, which is the one I wanted to ask the most.
Would balance the crew out, and fit her name better.
>cyoag posting
What do you mean by this? I'm genuinely confused.
Spinner here. It's why I'm thinking more and more that Spinner's less a full agent of Catherine and more a regular client due to having a hyper-advanced vessel and freakishly skilled crew. When pretty much everything and everyone around you has very specific needs that don't come cheap, you tend to gravitate towards those whose checks won't bounce. The moment Catherine tries to force compliance over any of the people taking refuge aboard my ship though, that deal is off.

Though at the same time, there's plenty of of work/fetch quests that can be done with Reef/Corto's current sponsors until they can break away. So the Neophron won't necessarily be constantly around Catherine due to pursuing side quests. I just imagine she calls up the Neophron when something's about to get a little too spicy.

It should also be noted that Пeтp, Ancient Mining Biorobot, is a member of the Neophron.

Huzzah! I'm somewhat thinking of maybe trying to do a write of picking up Corto as the last one. Low-key, but allowing for more character interaction between the group. That bit will probably be done tomorrow, though. I'm also hoping I got Archer's characterization right, whenever he weighs in.

Honestly, my vote for writing from you would either be the Cowboy Bebop-esque antics (which thinking on it, the Neophron really is the sort of group that fits the bill doesn't it?) or even a look into Reef's head about the kind of situation she's in right now. She took a chance, after all. Now she's in a situation where she's practically surrounded by unknown xenos items and is being partnered up with an eccentric doctor/augmenticist, a no-nonsense pilot who turned out to be socially awkward and her walking time capsule who just proved he can literally deck the halls with people's guts. Thar's a far cry from her life at her homebase.
This posting feels more like what /cyoag/ does when they do an MP.
>The moment Catherine tries to force compliance over any of the people taking refuge aboard my ship though, that deal is off.
Why are you so fixated on this?
>"I appreciate the work you do Binding Implement, but we all have our niches. I am trying to patch the missing files in my knowledge but I am happy I focused on what I did, artifacts are much more important to me than a ship but some people see it differently, I don't understand them but I know they exist and respecting them is part of being a functioning human being, or so I have been told. Look on the bright side, if something happens to your brain I can fix it, unlike a flesh brain. Well I can technically fix a flesh brain too but I would need to turn it into a metal brain first."
/cyoag/ combative mindset not suited to working with other anons.
>A ship ain't meant to be pretty. Its meant to work!
That's what I've been saying! That's why it needs a camo cloak lined with EMF glass. But we can't do that because SOMEBODY wants to run it through a firefight at every turn, and the repair would be too exorbitant to be practical!
You gotta kill yourself my man, writefags have ruined your perception of mps
I think anon's just jealous that another MP's getting more attention than the one he's been jacking off for the past few months.
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Name: Engineer "Screw" Batch32
Upbringing: Voidborn
Polity: Anarchy
History: Deep Sleep Rescue
New Life: Hope
Sponsor: Ceti Trade Pact
Main Specializations: Privateering
Secondary Specializations: Ship Recovery, Sabotage
General Traits: Difficult Socializaiton, Critical Injury (Robobrain), Psi Sensitive,
Skills: Astro-Engineering Mastery, Mechanics and Electronics Mastery, Void Piloting,
Cyberware: Psionic Implant, Logic Processor Assistant, Memory Assistant, Universal Limb Mount
Bioware: Third Eye, Neural Bridge, Radiation Resistance, Immunization Treatment
Psi: Psi Endurance, Psi Infusion, Mind Blank, Wild Experimentation: Shadow, Focus Awareness,
Weapon: Survival Rifle
Special Weapon: Waylight Combat Knives
Equipment: Psi Enhancers, Tar Rounds, Guided Rounds, Ballistic Clothes, Hazard Suit, Waylight Exoskeleton
Homebase: Haven (Private Dock, Workshop, Laboratory, Assembler, Private Rooms, Secure Black Market Access)
Connections: Theseus, CTPI
Pets: EC Drone, SAR Drone
Companions: Part of the Crew

Screw, so named because she has a few loose if you spend more than a few moments around her, is the most painfully obvious case of Psi poisoning out there, where your average Noo-Naut is a subtle entity slipping through the cracks she can batter you over the head so hard you won't even remember which direction is up anymore.

Her past is a mystery but its clear she knows anything and everything about piloting a ship and borrowing fuel rods from a nearby ship without them noticing and all sorts of middleground cases, its almost a surprise that she doesn't own a ship of her own...That's probably a story for the bar if you can ever get her comfortable talking to you.

Her personal little hideyhole in Haven is excessively well equipped for all things SCRAPPER, a veritable utopia of a home base for whatever crew lucks out and gets to share it with her.
>anon has been jerking off to the idea of Overlord Arena for months
Jeez, that anon guy sure is a freak.
i'd rather take mushoku tensei MP than touching overlord
Nta but she's a major player in a powerful cult and all of Spinner's screw are either super independently minded or the opposite and vulnerable to being abused by despots. It makes sense for Spinner to be jumpy.
Realtalk/OOC talk? Less "combative mindset" and more that Catherine's bragging of "Oh well if Archer's going here then he works for me anyway I got what I want" just sort of rubbed me the wrong way. I like cooperation, but at the same time? Come on, man.

It's also sort of like a back-up in the event CatherineAnon vanishes since she's trying to gobble everything up. When you make yourself the focus of everything, things fall apart if you disappear. So I'm just giving myself that 'out' for if that event ends up occurring, if that makes sense.
>I might change from Piloting Mastery to Mechanics Mastery
I forgot to answer this part, go for it, if it's more fitting for the character you envisioned.
I think you read too much into things.
That MP? Cocktower (soon btw)
women don't use this general
Factually incorrect
The higher the rise, the bigger the fall will be.
Yeah and we're talking ic. Go back to >>>/a/.
The one who makes ugly girls on purpose barley counts
Admittedly this is also the IC reason. Spinner's feeling pretty protective of the broken people that is her crew. Last thing she wants is for others to abuse them all the same.

I easily could be, I'll cop to that.
GOD I miss Hoardanon...
Hoard's sweaty NEET pits...
I prefer Nightmare stink.
>Implying I ever left

Until my biggest hater passes away I have to be here out of spite.
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What are you guys' thoughts on a huge event where an incomplete Dyson sphere (picrel) built by ancient humanity is discovered? There will be typical things like factions fighting over it, remnant robots being reawaken, the Dyson sphere defense system attacking intruders, etc.

The event is so big that it can possibly the scenario of the mp.
my build's genuine reaction? who cares
Irrelevant. I want to have sex with hot alien babes.
Honestly? Doesn't really do it for me. Trim that down to a Ring-World that is significant but not sector-shaking and I'm down. We can have a fun little colony rush. But a Dysonsphere? That's way too big.
>What role(s) did you set out to fit a character into?
This time around, I started with the narrative side of things and the mechanical side just neatly fell into place afterwards. Valeria was built around the concept of being a knight commander for vampires- a balanced unit with martial strength, blood magic, and the charisma needed to be the party's face if needed. Basically she's meant to fill in the gaps and help bring whatever team she's on together, as opposed to being a one-man show that can handle anything herself.

>And how do they feel about the power set they have
Tomoe... Would have probably rather been a mage. She's not out of shape, but she's not especially athletics either. She likely finds magic more elegant and more in line with how she sees herself.

>Also, side note, has anyone had thoughts about what a relationship chart might look like?
Not sure. It's fun when a relationship chart has some sort of bonus theme or criteria, but I'm not sure what to do for that... Maybe what Tomoe has drawn for them in the forum? Or maybe she was bored and secretly drew images of the other forum members purely from her imagination? Either way, I imagine her thoughts on the other PCs would be mostly lukewarm but positive. Not a lot of glowing reviews, but nothing much bad to say.

>The bit about picking a build to be close to seems to have fallen by the way side...
It kinda did, didn't it? Maybe we'll get some best friend pairings once the plot starts moving... But honestly that sort of thing often works out best when it's discussed before the builds get posted- like if two anons decide they want their characters to be friends beforehand.
And yet you haven't joined Mara's crew and given her much needed hag correction.
I would like it but it would change the whole setting significantly, the artifacts would be way less rare. From what I have seen people want artifacts to be even rarer than they actually are.
He can't, because I'm already working on it
Unless there's someone willing to actually run the scenario, it's just gonna end up like BtN's Abaddon invasion.
Captain Steele needs to join no-one, for he'll always reach for the foreign pussy. Give it a year or two, and all female alien characters will be impregnated by the gypsy bastard.
You're not in her crew and neither am I. We're both frauds.
Scrapper is just BTN part 2 anyway.
Not really
This seems to be the opinion of most people. I'll be back soon to ask about that.

The scenario is nothing like the Abaddon invasion. There is no overarching villain or whatever, everyone can do whatever they want.
>dump fest that will be revived later by a tournament after it fizzles out
I can see it now.
Can't speak for most people, but for me it feels like it reduces the setting almost. Suddenly you got this inconceivably huge thing that is above the level of SCRAPPERS. That shit is what moves empires into war.

Hence why I suggest the Ring-World. A dyson sphere is so big it becomes almost senseless, and you're not going to just 'find' that thing. The Ring world fits better for being recently discovered and has viable conditions for the powers that be to press their claims on it. You've got a living layer and a lot of underwork for digging around. Sort of a 'Scramble for Afric- I mean the Ring!' Plenty of space for SCRAPPERS, some of whom might try to press their own claims.
Yes, sorry, will get on it.

Close, changing some medication and it's kicking my ass, but I'm adjusting.

Thanks Anon, I appreciate the continuation of the AnbuGreypost, I'll make the attention post now, apologies.
I mean, a dyson sphere is just twenty or so ringworlds linked together. It's not that much more inconceivable.
Just admit you want to play Halo.
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Hoop world, anyone?
>halo CYOA
>imagining kino battles in jungle ruins as spartans-II while the planet is about to be glassed by alien motherfuckers
why can't we have nice franchise slop for our MP
>halo CYOA
Do we even have one?
Depending on the thickness of the rimworld it can literally be millions to billions of times the mass and output. If you're just going for themes, sure, if you're going by purely industrial output a single Dyson Sphere could beat the shit out of a massive empire of Ringworlds.
Vidyafags are too busy playing vidya to play cyoa. Animefags on the other hand have nothing to do between episodes, and shitposting on /a/ gets stale.
It's ok, you can take your time. No reason to apologize.
Sure but it's rude to give people a deadline that I don't follow. I'm not gonna beat myself up about it or anything but it's worth an apology. Anyway, I haven't pre-written it, so I'll write it now alongside the Inabaquest post.
What? A ringworld is around a planet or by itself, a dyson sphere is around a star or the whole system, the scale is completely different.
Soooo... anyone got any fights they're claiming?
Me vs everyone. I'll beat all of your shitter builds.
I'll wait for the real post, imposter-chan.
I am not, I don't even know what I want the outcome to be yet.
>Whole system
Never heard of this one, only heard of the star one.
Ankan's harem mists you, sorry.
sounds incredibly meh
Nope. I'd rather see whatever random matches come up. It's cooler this way.
>Horsehead Federation hires a bunch of Scrappers to be turned into super soldiers.
>Halo Reach but their fighting space pirates and shit on outer colonies
>Ringworld gets uncovered and nobody knows what’s on it or who actually knows it.
>”Send in the Spartans”
>A squad of super soldiers have to figure out if they want to go through with their orders against a bunch of desperate scrappers looking for easy artifacts.
There have been a lot of iterations on the idea, like building one around moons covered in reflective materials so it could serve as a pseudo sun.
As far as super structures go the smaller ones can be a lot cooler and more setting thematic for the setting. And they also won't cause a total sector war over the damn thing.
I remember something about that. The entire point of the Dyson sphere is to harvest the energy of the star, so it makes no sense to build it around a planet. I don't remember the exact place I have seen the system sphere, but I will tell you something similar in scale, in the videogame where you need to build a dyson sphere it takes harvesting the resources of the whole system to do it.
Just roll for a match and claim it
A ringworld is around a sun, doofus. It's a proposed alternative to the dyson sphere which is also around a sun.
You're thinking about a dyson ring.
Read your sentence again.
You're probably better off with a medical expert, since that's what's needed for real in-depth surgical operations.
The Niven novel where the term came from (stupid ass book btw) is about an artificial construct with a diameter of 1 AU around a star. A Ringworld orbits a star. Different scales of these ideas have appeared in different places in fiction, and a sphere slightly bigger than a typical terrestrial planet is no exception to that. But a ringworld is very much a hyperstructure, and comparable to a Dyson sphere, with a different purpose.
Wank so impossible that it's undisguised magic. Stupid fucking idea.
>Ah yes you know what this CYOAMP About singular agents in a chaotic age of personal rivalries and crews needs?
>You know how space cyoa keep dying off because the scale of distances and time means it makes no sense for anyone to interact? What if we set it in one location so big that no one would meet for ten thousand generations.
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A SCRAPPER has recently discovered a ringworld built by ancient humanity on the furthest explored area of the Augustine sector! The megastructure seems to have been abandoned soon after its completion as the infrastructure on it is sparce. What really happened? No one knows, but a little mystery isn't going to everyone from wanting a piece of the pie! Currently, most of the nearby forces are SCRAPPERs, so factions are paying big bucks to hire them to temporarily hold territory, explore, excavate, etc. in their name. Some of the SCRAPPERs have more ambitious thoughts though, thoughts about taking parts of the ringworld for themselves...
No one likes your pitch.
>picture of a Halo ring
>not even a ringworld
Damn. Wonder why we haven't had that problem yet? Could it be there's a shared commonality in the work people are doing? And there's direct incentive to work together in groups? Even crossing paths on the regular due to the nature of the work? That's a cope if I've ever seen one.
What mental disorder is it that causes anons to go to the maximum power level and push it one step further? Don't people normally grow out of one-upmanship in elementary school?
Name where this has happened in recent memory
You don't know how big the thing you're talking about is. People working together to take it apart and explore it would not see each other in their entire lifetimes, and starting from the same point would slow them down and cut into their personal profits. It also doesn't fit with the tone of the cyoa at all. You should masturbate before posting.
Literally every single game. You want some specific references, sealion dipshit? Besides ringworld? Every powerfag in nart. All of the MHA shitpost setting-breaker characters. The personal horror game where every single person was trying to be the protag of their own korean cultivator web-novel. I could keep going. Kill yourself.
Alright, I need to dip out but here's a genuine question. What's a good group prompt?
I'm thinking a derelict luxury space cruiser that is in a tricky asteroid field in a DMZ. Prime target for SCRAPPERs.
There, yes, better sense of scale and realistic stakes.
Space McDonalds lost a giant moon-sized shipment of frying oil and it is now inhabitated by nugget aliens.
>The personal horror game where every single person was trying to be the protag of their own korean cultivator web-novel
Apparently you couldn't keep going since you had start making shit up.
wtf do you think a halo ring is retard?
Better question. Who wants to lose and who wants to win?
>who wants to win?
Eiken, Kitsumoto, and Shinro are the most invested in winning.
Two crews almost out of food, water, and fuel come to a deep space station to recover but there's only one functional docking port left open.
I dock in your port if ya know what I mean.
Halo Arrays are very explicitly NOT ringworlds, faglord.
Therefore they should lose.
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Someone say derelict space station?
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>it's not SS13
Fuck, I got my hopes up for nothing.
Newfag consoomer
Shocking density of unfounded assumptions in this shitpost. Are you a beetle?
You're shitting on a classic cyoa, so yeah I'm a dung beetle collecting your opinions.
I'm glad you got the whole consultation team together so you could turn around a modicum of wit in eight minutes less. I mocked it back then and I mock it now for being fetishy, with a disjointed tone, and no creative muscle. Trash should embrace its nature to elevate itself, the way SS13 does. A great life tip for you to embrace, by the way.
Nta, but you just sound like you're obsessed with ss13. Maybe you'd be happier if you channeled that obsession into making cyoa for it instead of getting angry that things aren't ss13.
Do you masturbate to the smell of your own farts goddamn
lol you're a faggot
You definitely don't know what obsession is.
You definitely sound obssesed.
you're definitely a faggot
Depends on who my build is up against.
>boring build
Ugh, who cares. Dropping out BEFORE the fight.
>fun build
Beat them or lose, whatever they prefer.
Name the boring builds and the fun builds
>boring builds
The ones that aren't mine.
>fun builds
The ones that are mine.
Guess that means you're dropping out from all fights, huh.
I'll just fight myself.
This is good. We've shamed everyone to the point that no one wants to say they want to win the tournament.
the rest
I want to win the tournament, Tsugumianon btw
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>Name: A SCRAPPER Named Slickback
>Home: Penal Colony (Like Father)
Society's always trying to bring an honest scrappa down, but that ain't matter to me none.
>Hood: Anarchy
I been in streets where if you wasn't paying attention, the parking meters would rape ya while the crackheads raped your muffler.
>Mystory: Ex-Slave
Used to be massa's house negro.
>New Life: Hope
Then I learned about that reparations shit, now I'm taking what's mine. Also fucked massa's bitch, girls, sister, mom, and his favorite pooch (don't look at me like that, she was begging for it), so I had to skedaddle.
>Sponsor: The Rownutt Association
>Specialization: Asset Extraction (Main), Xeno Procurement
Yeah that's what I call 'em. He gives me a target, I find it, fuck it, then bring back the sloppy seconds.
>General Traits: Psi-Dull, Stunted Education, Functional Illiterate
I ain't doing no wizard shiet here. Now bend over.
>Skillz: Combat Training, Diplomacy, Athletics (Mastered)
You ain't escaping me with dat poontang bitch.
>Cyberware: Subdermal Armor Implants, Shock Management Implant, Palm Spectrometer
I uses the first two in case a fat bitch rides on me, and that last one to check if someone's bitchmade. If they's a bitch, my slap confirms it.
>Jean Mods: New You Treatment (2nd trouser snake), Muscular Reinforcement, Atrophic DNA, Skeletal Enrichment, Bio-Synthesizer
Pumping 'n dumping. I ain't got time fo child support. Imma pump alla dem bitches full of afro-deez-yax till they can only think about serving daddy.
>Weapon Preference: Traditional
Deez nuts 'n my signature pimp slap is all I'll need to put all y'all bitches in yo places.
>No Special Weapon
>Equipment: Ballistic Clothes, Psiblocker Drugs, Noo-Locator, Lifeboost Medical Assistant (refractory b-gone), Abelev Safety Bubble (loveshack)
Teched for trackin' and baggin' sike-o bitches.
>Artifact: Peacemaker
Plug my dick with psiblockers then turn this piece on. Dem bitches go all googly gaga eyed like dem hentais.
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>Ship: Civilian Transport, Chemical Propulsion, Luxury Living Quarters, High Gravity Living Quarters, Cryo Storage (for cookin' up koolaid), Cyberwarfare Assistant (she talks sexy), ID Mask (they wouldn't let me get my preferred license plate so I just made my own)
Get on the Pimpmobile and I'll give ya a ride you'll neva forget.
>Crib: City 31 (just like my home planet of D-Troy-T), Recreational Area, Interstellar Commlink (need my space BET), Android Assistant (fine piece 'a aass), Private Room (kang sized bed for da kang), Front Business (dance club where I pimp bitches)
This here's my crib. Look, but don't touch unless ya paying.

I'm here lookin' for alien butt. I know who you are, Mar'azenthiel, but see I calls ya Ma-calamari-meal. I watch your interviews all the time. So you can bring in your bodyguards and dem corpo cops waitin' outside, it don't make me no difference.
Now, I tell you what. I like ya, and I want'cha. Now we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way, the choice is yours.
>SCRAPPER is OUR word.
hogejanny, have mercy on this nigga
What is this new schizo theory?
those who writefag
those who shitpost

And now there won't be any writefags of it
not new and it's self explanatory
Don't worry anon, I'll writefag!
...As soon as I'm done with my current one.
It better be the horse archery tournament kino I was promised
>absolute silence on tournament matchups
It's over. The shitposters won. They executed Eiken and Rinka and put their heads on stakes as examples. Now, everyone is too scared to say anything on the topic.
I'm waiting for the actual post.
They're just at church.
Because of the shitposters, Rinka and Eiken start at opposite ends of the tournament and crush everyone until facing each other in the final, which ends in a tie (NOT a double knockout).
It's for Naruto...
I'm waiting for other match-ups, I don't like calling dibs.
Goddammit vozd...
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Missed by a day but we're still going. Yesterday was the final deadline for submissions for the Tournament. If I am not mistaken - the following are the builds that meet the criteria for being active (updated), non-eliminated and interested in the Tournament (as always, correct me if I'm wrong/have missed something);


At the moment this brings us to 21 contestants, sorted into brackets in the format of pic related.

At present the following fights are confirmed for the first round due to Fated Rivals;

Sen vs Kitsumoto
Ichika vs Jin
Akaito vs Kuro

We therefore require five additional starting matches to sort the bracket, after which the remainder of the Tournament can proceed organically as builds win and lose. The next step is to therefore determine which fights we would absolutely like to see before fate takes the proverbial wheel. To maintain some level of pace, I propose we put a deadline of deciding matches until 06/07, at which point the remainder will be randomized.

Writing for the Tournament can now begin in an official capacity - those with fight ideas they are willing to write take priority for the first round over random generation or thread decision. However, as each fight of the Tournament directly relies on the results of the previous matches, it is expected that - in the event it becomes difficult to deliver on a claimed writeup - that a general summary, including winners and losers is prepared to allow for pace to be kept. In the absence of any updates on a writeup or a summary spanning multiple weeks, the thread might be forced to take measures to ensure that excessive delays do not occur.

I am personally willing to write matchups that the thread would either like to see or that nobody wishes to write for during the latter stages, but cannot promise to carry the entire tournament on my own at the current stage and would always appreciate help.

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Didn't accept the file after posting, let's try again for the bracket image.

>Who Wins?
On technicality, the writer of a fight has say on who is victorious. Ideally, this is not abused - spite-writing a build you don't like, extremely low-effort writeups to claim victory for your build and the like is likely to generally be taken as poor form. In the event where a match is not claimed for writing, general thread deferrence can be assumed. If absolutely necessary due to total decision paralysis or lack of agreement, I am willing to make the decision or randomize the result, whichever causes the least issues for the playerbase.

Much as in the Forest of Death, we will be using a rentry to record all the participants, their status during different matches and the like. At the thread's discretion, this may involve a rudimentary injury system so we can track a character's general exhaustion and worsening shape in latter rounds - note that all builds will have narrative access to Konoha's medical nin between matches and usually a relatively long rest period between matches, so are expected to recover from anything but the most extreme injuries at a relatively quick pace.

The rentry is a bit of a mess right now but will use this same link as updated - https://rentry.org/4ebdxawk

Stay tuned for the narrative introduction post.
Let's all laugh at this anon.
I was too late. Shinrobros, we've lost.
Will take a second for the narrative post, noticed some details that need fixing. In other news, I need to come up with more AnbuGrey permutations, these are getting old.
Make a different color for each theme. Green for narrative, grey for meta talk, red for rules, etc.
>no one wants to win
>no one wants to lose
>everyone is afraid to claim a fight
How do we get the ball rolling? It all seems kind of doomed.
I feel sorry for them.
I will be the jury and decide what builds the fight and who wins. Because I fucking despise every single build, mine included, I am incapable of bias and will deliver the most fair fight.
Your hatred blinds you.
There is only one anon who is capable of the task.
He's a fraud who hasn't even wanked the monster hunter builds like he promised he would.
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Rolled 2, 1, 2, 2, 2 = 9 (5d2)

>randomized brackets
The dice will decide your fate
Rolled 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2 = 13 (8d2)

Winners of the primary:
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Did somebody call me?
Rolled 1, 1, 2, 1 = 5 (4d2)

Winners of the First Round
terrible results

Next round!
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d2)

Winners of the Second Round...

Shit, this is terrible, but it must be completed.
What does the S stand for?
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Let's see who wins this one...
These dice are far less fun than the ones for MHA
The dice have failed us...
"A question for the loners, are we going to group, go our own way, or join a different group?

'cause if we're splitting off, I'm going to go looking for some extra credits while we're here. I've been eyeing this ship recovery job in a nearby sector. It says here that HFS Gambier was a shipping vessel, but got lost with no distress signal sent, apparently. It's been months and it both hasn't been found, with no known surviving members around the system the ship was last seen in. Looks easy enough. Find the ship, bring back some cargo and workers if possible. We just need to activate the ship's distress beacon, and they can take care of the rest of what's left if it's still intact. Anyone willing to join?

I'd also like to ask if I could hire those already a part of a crew for this job. Maybe you could do a bit of freelance while the rest of the group rests after a mission?

P.S. If you happen to be a crew leader, please check your HoloComs notification. Also maybe check the trash and spam folder? Y'know, in case the application happened to be auto filtered..."

>End transmission

It is a genuine question if those from other crews can join in jobs with loners and vice versa. I might make Dane a free gun for a while if it is possible to borrow other crew members
>>Medical inspections are gonna be fragging tough, aren't they?
No offense, sir, but I'd rather have a full spectral over a manual inspection whenever possible. Don't worry too much about the smoking, though.
Kaylee beating Sandy in the final round was the dice gods blessing us with laughter
We have failed the gods for this bleh
It's just a cool S.
>shimabukuro wins
He deserves it. The only downside is eiken getting that far.
SuperSpic, anon. After an accident at a chemical plant, I've become 200% Mexican genetically and gained the ability to perfectly wank any kind of character I want.
>still silent
I didn't want to believe it, but >>93212816 was right.
Has anyone tried just feeding descriptions of the builds into an AI and seeing what a computer says about who wins or loses?
No, retard.
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The Chūnin Exams - Stage 3: The Tournament
It has been exactly one month since the Forest of Death and subsequent Preliminary matches that ensued. For the first time since the beginning of the Exams, you know what lies ahead of you. No more lies, deceptions or vague instructions - the Tournament is about to begin.

You stand by those few of your fellow Genin who have made it this far - a mere fraction of those you first saw arrayed in the Writing Exam that eliminated so many. Even so reduced, the numbers you saw before the gates of the Forest of Death eclipsed your own many fold. No matter what comes next, you might be proud to make it this far.

Collectively you stand as one, those elite few who have a shot at attaining the rank of Chūnin. Above you figures from almost every Nation - from shinobi to samurai to merchant to noble - gaze from the high perches of the Konoha Arena. Some of them eagerly look to their favourites, some of them scowl at those Genin they had hoped did not make it this far - most, however, are simply awaiting the entertainment that is to come.

That would mean coming up with descriptions for jobber builds, too much work. Can an AI absorb a CYOA and create accurate matchups that way?
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It is with some murmur and suspicion that a masked Anbu figure once again takes center stage to announce the procedings instead of the Hokage. This one you recall from the Preliminaries - masked, hooded and elderly.

>"Friends, allies, distinguished guests, today we celebrate the excellence of our collective villages. Before you stand the greatest shinobi of a generation - those with the wits, the guts and the skill to navigate the gruelling trials that now lay behind them. In the face of adversity these few have proven themselves worthy of the title Chūnin and their welcoming into our ranks - not as students or apprentices, but as brothers and sisters in our ways."

The noble's shock at the unexpected announcer appears to disappear, captivated by his force of personality and gravity of his voice.

>"These few now have the honour of showing their skills to the wide world for the first time. I assure you, ladies and gentlemen - they shall not disappoint. And so we begin with our most valued of traditions and announce the Chūnin Exams Final Tournament."

His gloved, robed hand points to a display of holographic chakra, catching the attention of the crowd.

>"You may be used to such a format, but I shall explain for those of you new. The Tournament is a simple one-on-one elimination match between two of the Genin you see before you. The victor will advance within the bracket, while the defeated will be eliminated. This shall continue until a champion is found in the final match. The Genin might use any means at their disposal to defeat their opponent and show their skill - fear not, we have taken measures to ensure that no foul play disrupts their chances."

Is it too late to to start my own crew?
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Some of the nobility move nervously at the prospect of a fair fight, while others relish the thought.

>"Once the Tournament is over, my associates from our fellow Villages will host a ceremony for those who showed the tenacity, the cunning and the mindset to be promoted to Chūnin. Until then, please, relax, enjoy yourselves and observe this generation's prodigies at work!"

Another Anbu approaches the hooded man, tapping his shoulder and whispering something in secret, in response they both make their bows and disappear in a cloud of smoke, but not before gazing intently at the arrayed Genin. Another Anbu takes to the arena and takes you through the process, revealing a pre-written bracket upon a piece of paper before weaving a sign and warping the empty holo-chakra above to match. You find your name quickly, then the name of your first opponent, then their eyes as the realization of what comes next fully strikes.

No, on the contrary, we NEED more crews.
I don't see a problem with crew members being able to take individual jobs. We have different specialties and it would make sense sometimes the members follow that, it would need a narrative explaination of why they are in the zone or that there is no big job in the meantime, but generally it should be fine. With how big of a setting it is the timeline may get a bit scrambled but there should be space (ah) for it.
>This many responses
Toyosaki is completely overwhelmed and has a panic attack.

BTW, while she may be one of the best minds in comprehending how artifacts work (for what that's worth, the things are still insanely complex) she is completely - and I do mean completely - incapable of any combat. Even the lasers on her craft are just mining/scientific lasers.

She is also completely socially inept. To put it in perspective, she once had a pet plant, but it ran away.
>elite few
>this generation's prodigies

You misunderstood the chunin exams.
Genin are little kids fresh out of the academy who have be be babysit by jonin.
Chunin are simply the regular ninja that make up the vast majority of ninja.
Jonin are the elites.
Independents are by-and-large open to any contract that comes their way. It's the ones with sponsors that gotta check with mom if they can or can't come.
Heyreddin's on his end is always open to freelance contracts, as long as they're done during his shore leave. Less he rests now, earlier he can invest enough in rejuve clinics for a "lifetime supply" of the treatments.
nobody cares
It didn't run away. I stole your plant and the last slice of pizza.
Pondering writefag ideas for Mila. I'm thinking about making something related to the psionic levels some anons joked about before. I'm guessing the max level is 5?
How could you be so cruel?
Understood! Tell me what the vibes of the existing crews are so I can tell if mine is unique enough. Don't want to have two groups with the same gimmick after all.
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// New V-Mail; {1};[!W! Possible-Spam] //

>From; egha iz shaa: YAK-TA'ANG / To; All High Ring SKRAPPER CREWS!
- Have contract in deep space or green hells? Have tunnels that need clearing? Look no further than this one!
- I am experienced in: Pirasie! High Impack ship boardings! Xenos! Jury-Rigging! Survival! In Filtration! Things not fit for light of day!
- Comes with all furnish and personal boarding shaddle, need only cargo space!
- Available for single or extended contract! So long as up front fees are paid you have my guns!
- Be advised; Not great in management or open spaces / difficulty with high-pop & high-polootant places / I bite
- All payments types beside kevvez welcome!
- Just add me to your registers! You Won't Not Regret It!
>UICR-Pub-ID; #9911039571351-81gi713-1001283811-XILTNV
>Eazy-Comm Hailing-Code; F13sTi3-K3VV3R / Universal-Deposit-Wallet Dep-Key; G1mM13_Th00s3_Kr3dz_D4DDY_001481

Here's Ta'ang's evaluations of the SCRAPPERS from what she can gather or saw personally. Also thank you all for making me keep adding to this thing.

>"Migh' be a good idea to form a pseudo-crew. Merc company thingy. Guild?"
>"You want that ship tho'? I'm happy to help grab it. Can board tha' bitch as long as you can put a bulkhead back together."
- Yak
>she once had a pet plant, but it ran away.
In this crazy world we live in that does not sound so strange.
The wings of pandora don't need a combat medic (we already have plenty of those), but a doctor and egghead that can stop postulating about how strapping a chip to everything will somehow solve all our problems.
If needs be, Heyreddin is willing to fund you for a third doctorate in medicine. He's tired of trying to get a read on which doctor's treatment works and which one's a salesman in a labcoat.
>Rules Recap
- 1v1 all-out combat
- Bracket elimination rules, winners advance to the next round, losers are eliminated
- Outside influence is not permissible and will result in disqualification - as usual, chakra-bonded animals and other things covered by abilities are given special exception
- Every round (an entire column of the bracket) will take place consecutively, a resting period - usually a day or so - will then be given for the contestants to heal and prepare for their next round
- Promotion to Chunin IS NOT determined by your performance in the bracket, but instead by showing your shinobi qualities in the arena, therefore winning fights is not necessary but does improve the number of chances you get to show off
- The actual winner of the tournament typically receives prizes from the nobles watching, often money, favours and the like, as they are more interested in your raw performance as a competitor

- It has been a month of hard training, most of the builds look or feel different, how has the experience changed you? Do the changes in others excite you? Scare you? Is there anyone you've been eager to meet in the month's separation?
- Are there any characters your character is hoping to fight, even if they don't get paired first?
- Is there anyone you are hoping to win? Yourself or others? Is there any other build you are hoping to lose?
- The nobles are obviously here for their own entertainment, betting money on your performance is not only likely, but guaranteed. How do you feel being paraded before non-shinobi? Proud? Caged? Indifferent?
- Is your build late and missed the introduction? If so, do they make a dynamic entry just in time?
You misunderstand. Their elite compared to the 90% of of the population that get taken out by kunai an those that don't make it to the final exam.
kill yourself
Guess I'll grab some match-ups that seem fun to fight for Kichōna.
We can get up to 5, right?
I'll take any combination of 5 of the above, assuming she makes it to the final round. Anons can try and give ideas if they wish.
Yes, he's glazing them like he did in the Preliminaries and stretching the definitions to entertain the nobles - they are, after all, the best of the Genin.
Are you gonna argue that they AREN'T this generations prodigies?
Also PC priviledge lets them beat fodder jonins.
yeah, 5 is the max psi powers you can get
maybe six if you count the black hand relic?
Roughly half of the builds have five rounds in front of them and the other half have four rounds, but that's only if they keep winning. Once you lose, you're out. Focusing on the first rounds that we need to see is probably a good idea because everything after that is the whim of the bracket.
Lorik would be happy to talk to a fellow artifact entusiast, and the fact she is so incapable if combat worries him greatly as he does not want the world to lose that kind of expertise. He is equally socially inept so he will not even notice that part. Still she should chose what makes he more comfortable, he does promise to protect her but a safer place could be better.
>SC "Wings of Pandora"
Mainly in it for the money, does just about anything short of mega illegal shit.

>Order of Sacred Ascension's Augustine Sector Artifact Acquisition Department
Exactly what the name says. Goody two shoes, at least on the surface.

Independent, hired by the Artifact Acquisition Department. Not sure what their theme is.

Being formed rn, an assortment of various builds that do not fit in/don't want to be in/aren't wanted by the above.
Rolled 7 (1d7)

Duh, that's why I put "assuming she makes it", I'll take a spot in the 5 round bracket section by default, unless that conflicts with someone.
>Focusing on the first rounds that we need to see is probably a good idea because everything after that is the whim of the bracket.
Yeah, I'll take any of the 10. It should be a good idea to roll for it right now (barring fated rivals) for the default match-up until anon begs to differ.
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Eh, doesn't feel right to have him be the first match-up for Kichōna, if at all. Shouldn't have included him, reroll. Let me know your thoughts on it Shimabukuro anon.
Well, let's see if I can't get my training writefag finished, then I'll begin the tournament stuff. I don't have to worry about match-up since I'm already a Fated Rival.
>"I take offence to that, there are way better solutions than chips, sometimes servos or microreactors may be a better solution. I also never claimed to be a doctor, I do have a doctorate but I never paid attention in medicine class, taking organics apart always seemed more useful than puttin them back."
Ok, Vix anon, what are your thoughts?
Max number of psi abilities you can get in the cyoa (ignoring strength modifiers from background selections) is all of them and then some for a total of 17:
>Psi Enhancers x20 (4 base equipment, 1 from foregoing special weapon, 2 from Stunted Education, 2 from Akami Syndrome, 2 from Genetic Rights Management, 2 from Identity Theft, 1 from Critical Injury, 2 from foregoing Ship, 2 from foregoing Homebase, 2 from foregoing a crew)

Assuming you can't stack Psi Enhancers however, then the max is 4
5.5 if you take the Wild Experimentation option and assume it counts for 1.5 powers.
There's another being formed by Mara, which seems to be going for an evil cult vibe (though depending on how A SCRAPPER Named Slickback fares it might be coming under new management)
Shimobukuro deserves to win in the last match and be recognised as the Chunin he is. In fact, he's the only one who deserves anything in this jobber MP.
You can just say you want to win dumpy. You only have Eiken to fight with over it.
I feel like if one dose of Psi Enhancers has a rare chance for hallucinations 20 doses is probably going to royally mess you up even if you can stack them. It'd be very funny to see a character become a psionic god then just completely lose it to the high though.
ok shimabukuro anon
Thanks for the build idea.
I just read up on it and I would be fine with it. The only problem is that as I am new I am not sure how to proceed exactly. Vix as a character wants to win, or more like he does not consider loss an option at all, I am fine with him losing, it's still character developement even if it would be slightly more impactful later. I am reading up on on her techniques and stuff, if there is any particular interaction you feel would give the advantage to either of us do point it out, I will try to make a more detailed list as well if needed.
Couldn't you just take the biomod and cybermod options several times to pick up the entire selection?
Honestly I'm surprised it took this long.
Can't wait for the build that puts everything into its ship and homebase and then founds its own OP crew.
I think stacking drugs makes more sense than stacking mods (which are implied to be full-spectrum), but hey, I could be wrong.
I am pretty sure it specifies that mods and cyber stuff can only be picked once.
You can't take any of those several times. The psionic implant is in your head. "Third Eye Treatment," not "Third-Infinite Eye Treatment." Buying Psi Enhancers gives you an entire box. If taking all of them don't give you more than 1 psionic power, why would taking more Psi Enhancers give you more psionic powers?
>Third-Infinite Eye Treatment
Eternal Mangekyou
>The psionic implant is in your head.
Fuck, accidentally deleted what's after and I can't remember anymore.

Shouldn't have taken that psiblocker.
That's a fun idea. Just someone who stacked everything and just operates the front business legitimately.
It only specifies that Second Hand Implants, VR Training, Unlicensed Clinic, and Wild Experimentation can't be taken more than once. Nothing in the cyoa explicitly forbids it.

It does, but if you're stretching the assumed baseline rules, you may as well just go all the way.
Hey real quick can you castrate yourself so the species gets less stupid and while you're there please cut off all your fingers so we don't have to read any more of your bad posts? Don't bother sterilizing the knives, it won't matter. Thanks, champ.
We just talk it out.
For the fight itself, I feel it can go either way.
>Kichōna has durability/regen
>Vix has speed/offensive/skill
>Kichōna has some defense bypass via sound
>Vix has an immediate omnidirectional projectile, so Kichōna can't outzone
>Kichōna can utilize underground burrowing for defensive and movement purposes
>Both have similar stamina, could go either way depending on how strong you consider the natural demon intake or my wanked myocardium pseudo-custom
>Vix has a major weakness in that his sword COULD be taken and used against him, which Kichōna may try and exploit
>Vix can't reliably deal with two of her clay types
>Kichōna can get overwhelmed and dismembered, not killing her but forcing her to surrender
>Vix can get overwhelmed/heavily injured by one of Kichōna's options and be forced to surrender
Really, what would you like to see in the fight? I'm under the assumption that I would write it, but do you? And would you want more fights other than just a round 1 loss (assuming that's what we agree on)? What do you have in mind for Vix?
He's not me. As a matter of fact, I don't think Shimabukuro should win. Ideally, I want him to win a couple matches and then ultimately lose in a way that fosters further growth. I'm kind of stumped on matchups for now though.
"Good day / time cycle, ma'am Mara

This is to acknowledge the recruitment message you have sent. As you would require my upmost loyalty, it would seem that our employment terms are incompatible with one another. I am still open if you have any freelance jobs to offer.

With regards,
"Damn. I'm really not the type to write stuffy letters."
Cool. I prefer writing more episodic rather than serialized.
"Extra hands for the ship repair, and someone who can see in the dark. We're covering a good amount of base in case the ship's battery is shut, or if the electronics are down. This might turn out easier than I thought."

On a side note, it's an awesome relationship chart. I like the way it's formatted, and it might inspire me to make one of my own in the future. Feels very HOTW. I think some might miss it due to being hidden under a spoiler
>"Migh' be a good idea to form a pseudo-crew. Merc company thingy. Guild?"
"Don't know what it's called, either. But, eh, why not? Good to stick together until we can make a name for ourselves."
If this is getting registered into the threadslave notes, we should probably think of a name. It's still a very loose freelance agreement, so members are kind of expected to go in and out of the group.
The fuck happened while I was away? Why are people saying the nardo tournament is dead?
Shitposting. As expected of weekend threads
Vix also has regen, Demon Form can absorb vitality it says, but I am not sure how fast it really is, the actual version is supposed to be way better he's not there yet. The Yamato (of which I may want to change the name) also at least partially bypass defences from dimentional slices but I think it's mostly range for now, and cannot be stolen once he transforms, as the sword does not work without the sheath and when transformed he encases it in his arm. overall I don't see Vix winning the whole turnament, he does need a loss to humble him and start his second training arc, but round one seems a bit soon. It also depends on if he goes all out from the start, I will probably roll to see if he does, in that case the fight would be more balanced from the start as I assume Kichoona would do the same after seeing him tranform. I am fine with you writing it, I am bad at other characters anyway and the turnament does not seem like the right place to get better at it. I see they both have the rage drawback, and I kida feel like a cool interaction would be that they both start going crazy during the fight for various reasons, maybe needing outside intervention, it just feels like that kinda fight looking at it like this. In fact that may be the key there, who would be more likely to be left standing after the berserk clash? If he does lose he will keep hanging around there to metabolize and possibly be dragged in whatever is happening there.
I got the formula for rolling wrong, anyway I guess it's easier for him to lose, He was a last moment addition, and has less stakes in the whole thing, he will fight his hardest but he needs to train more.
Here's who I would be fine with winning the Naruto tournament:


And before you accuse me, yes one of these is my builds but I won't tell you which one.
All this has convinced me Vix should lose as soon as possible and in humiliating fashion
It's Kazushi.
I know who you are, but I'll let you keep your privacy.
I won't tell you if you're right or wrong so don't try to get it out of me.
Thank you.
Lol, who remembers this dump aside from its creator?
I got resources to soup up your shuttle, fly it with laser-like accuracy, and I can soften defenses ahead of you so you can board without getting blasted out of the void or in a narrow hallway with an automated turret.
But yeah, I'll be needing a lift and a place to sleep until I can afford my own digs and wings.
While flattering, my suit stays on for my own safety. No offense but I have no interest in testing out how many of your diseases I can catch before I expire. I'm sure you are an otherwise ravishing specimen for your species.
Take my advice and don't go for the gyp. She'll clean your apartment in the worst way possible.
Ok kazushianon I actually agree with your list but take out Fujidumpra
>and I kida feel like a cool interaction would be that they both start going crazy during the fight for various reasons, maybe needing outside intervention, it just feels like that kinda fight looking at it like this.
Gotcha. I'll try and include that.
>In fact that may be the key there, who would be more likely to be left standing after the berserk clash?
I'm biased but I'd say Kichōna. Simply because she could survive more damage via Ex Machina Magmafication, so she can simply stab into the other person for longer, which is also the issue with Natural Demon. It requires siphoning or devouring the bodies of living things, and I'd wager that magma would be not very edible or cause as much damage as it heals.

Do you want another round or is round 1 fine?
Can you make a no accent version? It's kinda hard to parse.
>throw in a random dump build that no one remembers to fool anons
You can't fool me fujiwara-anon
>my build isn't mentioned
I thought we had something special...
Name your build and I'll give my honest opinion on it
I failed to roll the dice twice in a row. At this point it's better if someone else rolls for me. If he goes all out from the start I am fine with the berserk rush in round one, if he does not he would try and be more skillful so he would probably last a bit longer. I will start thinking up better characterization for him because honestly the tournament is the worst place for him for that and the loss would speed it up a lot.

1. All out
2. not all out
Don't look at me, I'm still struggling on a FoD writefag. And making a SCRAPPER build
nice try eikenanon
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Lol, not that kinda round. As in, do you want him to fight anyone else first?
And the command is "dice+1d2" without the quotes btw.
I see, I am fine with first round loss then, this is not the best debut for him and I would not do the tournament justice. It's beter if he gets his character developement sooner, it will make writing him easier later I guess.

I should write down the formula somewhere, I keep mistaking it for roll 1d2 from other places.
Yuma should win the tournament imho.
She's busy recovering from boar-related injuries.
That's a funny meta way of admitting it's not going to be finished, just like every other "arc" of this beaten-horse Naruto run.
Git gud or accept that you aren't the intended audience.
Eiken-anon's been throwing a fit about how no one else thinks his meme build is the coolest possible juggernaut and it's been two whole days.
Rinkadoomer... get over it although you're not wrong
Sorry, had a busy day. This was sick though. I liked your characterization for Archer, and it was fun seeing how you pieced together my random thread ideas into the setup for his pickup. I can see you put a lot of thought into implementing my answers in the writing, and it definitely paid off. I also haven't fully nailed everything down about his characterization, so there were some subtle choices you made in his inner monologue that I may not have thought of myself, and that I'll probably keep in mind going forward. Overall, you did a really nice job with his portrayal, especially considering what you were (and weren't) given to work with.

Beyond that, Пeтp really felt like the unstoppable behemoth I've been picturing him as thus far, and the action scene flowed really well. There was a lot of fun excitement packed into a fairly quick section. Nothing dragged on longer than needed. And as was the case with the previous writefag, I liked how the characters bounced off each other. I feel like I'm already seeing how the various dynamics between the crewmates may develop going forward.

If I was to give any criticism it might be that the the last convo between Spinner and Archer felt a little off to me for some reason. I'm not exactly sure why; maybe they were a little more forthcoming or more trusting of each other's statements than I would have expected for a first meeting? I can't really point to anything specific, so I'm not sure how valuable that feedback is. It also wasn't bad by any means; I suppose I just paused on that scene briefly when I'd been breezing through everything that came before.

It seems like you were maybe setting up their dynamic as one where they tend to "cut the shit," which would make sense considering the other crewmates are a lobotomite and a slave child. They might go crazy if they didn't have someone to whom they could just tell it like it is. Makes me interested in seeing Corto's addition as the third functioning adult.
Ask for one individually and I'll do it. And I already toned it down a fair bit and have a consistent accent guide for her and spent way too long putting it together to just do it without. Her wigging out a bit for one of those entries is a lot closer to what she's usually muttering.

>"I don' need laser accuracy. I jus' need to mag-lock onto the side and cut my way in."
>"But I might already have two people in 'is terrestrial mobile home of a border. Ain't no room for three 'en."
>"Claymore's handlin' tha' ship job. Take i' up with 'im."
>An' don't worry, my blood's almos' antiseptic. If I feel like given' you somethin' is' cause we're doin' the Komodo tango.

>Network migh' be the bes' way a' puttin' it. Loose connections. Shared info an all 'at. Good place ta' pool resources an put together a' lil' club.
>An good news, got another hand tha' might help with tha' ship...
>Finals ends in a double KO, both out of commission for the remainder of the month.
>The finals is now a royal rumble match with all the builds that didn't make to the finals.
>Yuma somehow wins amidst the chaos.
Why is SCRAPPER not in the Threadslave Rentry?
It was self compiled, and anyone is free to add it to the rentry at any time.
I've done it. I put SCRAPPER in the Threadslave Rentry. I feel accomplished.
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Excellent. I'm calling dibs on any attached void-worthy shuttles or ships. Really getting tired of having to hitchhike all the while.

>I don' need laser accuracy
That's what they all say, and then they have to shell out thousands to get their hull fixed and their engines replaced, if they even make it back to a workshop in the first place. Trust me, ounce of prevention's worth far more than a pound of cure.
>Ain't no room for three
I can squeeze myself into the engine compartment. I've slept in worse.
>Yuma is so forgettable that everyone else beats each other half to death without noticing she's there
Mr. Rogers with a blood-stained sweater
For the new builds and previous Loners, I didn't follow the whole conversation and don't know who is in which new groups, so I put all of them in Loners temporarily. What are all the new groups that were made?
>A' f-aaaagh' fine 'en! A' jus' hope you don' mind sharin' space with Grok.
>I liked your characterization for Archer, and it was fun seeing how you pieced together my random thread ideas into the setup for his pickup. I can see you put a lot of thought into implementing my answers in the writing, and it definitely paid off. I also haven't fully nailed everything down about his characterization, so there were some subtle choices you made in his inner monologue that I may not have thought of myself, and that I'll probably keep in mind going forward. Overall, you did a really nice job with his portrayal, especially considering what you were (and weren't) given to work with.
Hurray! Nice to know I got it down pat.

>If I was to give any criticism it might be that the the last convo between Spinner and Archer felt a little off to me for some reason. I'm not exactly sure why; maybe they were a little more forthcoming or more trusting of each other's statements than I would have expected for a first meeting? I can't really point to anything specific, so I'm not sure how valuable that feedback is.
Ah, fair enough. My logic for that was that Archer just got done with a real close call and was running high on adrenaline, and combined with his emotions becoming a ping-pong ball upon seeing Sophia and finally processing Пeтp's situation, he just sort of forgot to put up his filter for Spinner. You get smacked in the face with a lot of shit really quickly, and one's temper tends to get pretty damn short.

My thought was that Archer would slide more into his eccentric self as he became more comfortable with the rest of the crew, now that he's aware nobody's there against their will (that anyone's aware of, at least). He's not among a slaverunner and victims, he's among a ton of broken people and he's got the tools to fix some of them. Getting back into his element.

>Makes me interested in seeing Corto's addition as the third functioning adult.
AKA "Corto realizes he's in a fucking circus"
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>butch bislut
Ugly woman, or extremely lonely man?
Considering the image choice and the preference to girls (but allowance for guys), Imma say ugly sjw.
I'd even go so far as to guess it's aromage.
"R3DD1N, right? That's really a mouth full. Can't really guarantee there's anything more than an escape pod, or a space dingy out there. If ride does come up in one of the cargo, we can just say it got lost in whatever accident caused the ship to go silent."
>Network migh' be the bes' way a' puttin' it. Loose connections. Shared info an all 'at. Good place ta' pool resources an put together a' lil' club
"I ain't much of the management type. Hopefully we can find someone with good connections to supply us with a steady supply of work. Actually, If we register the network, we could probably start headhunting for a manager. Is Problem Solvers a good name? I think it's pretty descriptive of what we are."
>An good news, got another hand tha' might help with tha' ship...
Other than Heyreddin?

Also, if possible, what's the accent of Ta'ang based on in the possibility that she's very talkative during the mission.
>What are all the new groups that were made?
Mara and A SCRAPPER Named Slickback under Mara's group, and Claymore and Ta'ang under [name pending] which is separate from the ship recovery job that was being discussed at the same time. There's potentially a 3rd new group, but anon hasn't made it, nor the character yet.
Ah, right. One more thing I forgot to mention: Another reason I'm really happy with the approval of Archer's characterization is because I specifically wanted to avoid the "Dumb Mr. Science Man" vibe as you put it. Archer is smart. Incredibly smart. After being burned as well, I figured he also took a lot of time trying to train himself on how to improvise in a fight as well.

In essence, overcoming his 'difficult socialization' trait that got a hole in his skull the first time by becoming skilled enough to make it a moot point. Even if he might freak out over what he did later, at least he's alive to do said freakout.
I can't say I really have any preferences. I think there was some talk about Ichika fighting Kitsumoto at some point and I don't have any objections to it something Kitsumoto anon had ideas for.

Ame goes for Kichona and Ichika — if it's something you want to do than I
m fine with it.
Accent's a real fucked up north west Native that got hit by a specific regional American dialect. But just in writing terms? Short and terse sentences, usually drop h's at the start of words and occasionally (th) in the same position. At the back d's and t's get dropped. She also has a proclivity to use foreign words and chained words. Can also drop most of these as needed, but they get worse when something gets to her.
That's too many builds to read.
Give me the list of active anons from this list of dead/duplicates.
All of them.
I kind of built Reza to be more of an all-rounder of sorts, since I didn't know who else would be joining, or what kind of build they would make. In some sense, the build was compromised from the start due to this lack of direction, and I may need to start from scratch to make a more cohesive character.
Reza in his current state would prefer more of a backline role, but the powers his soul gives are good enough to out weigh that small drawback. Lots of freedom of movement, while having a bit of extra insurance due to higher strength and durability.
>has anyone had thoughts about what a relationship chart might look like?
I've thought about a DMs style chart that showed their initial online interaction, but it could be the standard "what does this character think of X" with the slight assumption that they're already acquainted with everyone.
>The bit about picking a build to be close to seems to have fallen by the way side...
It's a bit of a pain to update a build just to say that X character is now closer to Y. At the same time, the premise did end up being a bit restrictive in an attempt to bring everyone together. By its nature, characters don't struggle with each other due to being friends with one another, so it feels counterintuitive to pick a build you're not as close with. GP might've benefited from having subgroups, rivalries, or even enemy adventurers to bring conflict into the comfy world. But at the same time, the cast size is too small to have the party break into smaller groups.
Then give me a list of builds with good writefags worth reading.
None of them.
Akaito, Ichika, Jin, Kichona, Kitsumoto, Masu (I think), Rinka, Sen, Shimabukuro, and Shinro made writefags but I might be forgetting a few. I think all of those effortfagged.
Not mine. No one should read my slop. It's for myself and only posted as proof of life.
He said one's worth reading. Don't include Rinkaslop there.

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