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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
Backup Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping3
First Time Doing This Edition
Previous Thread: >>93266512
shit thread
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>SC "Wings of Pandora"
Jack Steele (leader) >>93180946
Engineer "Screw" Batch32 >>93210458
Heyreddin Drone R3DD1N >>93177379
Reth >>93218551
William "Bill" Wayne >>93181127
Lorik Valas >>93200099
Shotgunner Joe >>93226963

>Order of Sacred Ascension's Augustine Sector Artifact Acquisition Department (OSAASAAD)
Catherine de' Medici (leader) >>93190146
Luther Vale >>93185712
Robin Fleur >>93206767
Emilia Kazama >>93207908
Evi Weber "Spinner" >>93184373
Corto Case >>93186043
Sophia "Reef" Trepan >>93185370
Dr. Isar Archer >>93188047
Пeтp, Ancient Mining Biorobot >>93198872
Mila Ryen >>93192336

Mar'azenthiel AKA Mara >>93209414
A SCRAPPER Named Slickback >>93212490
Maxx Headway, the Red Fortune >>93191473

>Problem Solvers Network
>ISV Yak-yok-Yinnabeiygwou
Yak-Ta'ang >>93193260
Grok, son of Gork >>93198133
>Shock and Awe
Dane "Claymore" Hoffman >>93195574
Argus Mackenzie >>93190576

>The Barking Dogs
Jacob Koch (leader) >>93255007

Lazarus Morton >>93200611
Cheshire >>93205719
Sorceress >>93207006
Dr. Yvette Toyosaki >>93209536
Scrap-82 >>93228526
Asterios >>93232625
"Carrion" Marian >>93233986
Ix >>93260292
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Navarizi Tango (Reef, Spinner)
Corporate Obstruction
Xat's Bar: the Disassembly (Maxx, Argus, Ta'ang, Claymore, and Grok)
Fallout (Spinner, Reef, Пeтp) (Mentions Dr. Archer and Corto)
Out-of-House Doctor (Dr. Archer, Пeтp, Reef, Spinner)
Ta'ang's evaluations of the SCRAPPERs
Spacemen & Mutants (Heyreddin, Ta'ang, Grok)
Conference Call (Corto, Dr. Archer, Reef, Пeтp) (Spinner entioned)
Space Fuck-ups
Introductions: Spacemen & Mutants (Heyreddin, Ta'ang, Grok)
Conference Call (Corto, Dr. Archer, Reef, Пeтp) (Spinner entioned)
A Dream Job Offer (Sorceress, Shotgunner, Argus Mackenzie, Dr. Toysaki)
A Karadine Stopover (Heyreddin, Grok, Ta'ang)
Milk Run (Robin Fleur, Luther Vale)
Meet the Shotgunner (Shotgunner Joe, Jack Steele, Heyreddin, Lorik, Reth, minor mentions of Screw and William "Bill" Wayne)
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Wings of Pandora
Heyreddin Drinking
Emilia Meets Catherine and Friends

>Relationship Charts
A SCRAPPER Named Slickback:

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>MHA Rentry

> Timeline: Just Another Story
> Location: Japan
>The Hero Students are at Shiketsu.

Instructions + Template for Making Cards: https://pastebin.com/NQ6JNH8r

>New Stuff:
The Beast Slid Into Your DMs

>The Archive Link so you can keep using the funny numbers for builds (use this before complaining about dead links)

>CHARACTER PROMPTS (feel free to answer these whenever)
Class 1-D Prompts 1-50: https://rentry.org/mhamp
Class 1-D Prompts 50+: https://rentry.org/mhamp2
Everyone else's prompts: https://rentry.org/mhamp3
Same password for all of them (mha4)
>Older Prompt Links Are in Here
>Fighting Style Prompt (Leaving this out because it might be useful for anyone writing a fight)
>Class 1-D Timeline
>Class 1-D Character Summary

>Newer Version of the CYOA (Both the old and new versions are legal for builds. Use whichever one you want)
Version 4.2: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/post/92012978
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>Chihiro Mitsurugi HN Ascetic Sword Hero: Yako
>Soujyuuro Imai HN Wise Eye Hero: Mahoudeva
>Bobby Samson HN Sunlight Man
>Sora Tanaka HN Area Denial Hero: Orbit
>Kaylee Suzuki HN Flying Force
>Shinkan Sen HN Crazy Train
>Hifumi Takeda HN Warp Blade Hero: Challenger
>Minerva Kim HN Spark
>Hailey Chang HN Recoil
>Faith Kang HN Drone
>Maxine Nguyen HN Radius
>Edith Lee HN Arena
>Noah Abrams HN Archangel
>Victor Sigurd HN Hydra
>Inigo Myoga HN Dragon Hero: Ryu-kishi
>Christopher Cain HN Mirror Devil
>Son Jugo HN Aspara
>Genma Go HN Goldorado
>Ashleigh Katsuragi HN Blackout
>Atsushi Orochi HN Hard to Destroy Lizard Hero: Yamata
>Nyoro Hoge HN Maru(maru)
>>88273837 + >>88758766
>Yui Sagara HN Binding Hero: Capture Cloth (Held Back)
>Kyoda Hiro HN Overdose (Held Back)
>>88193619+ >>91985145
>Sally McCathy HN Last Rite
>Takara Tame HN Android
>Nijimura Mahoko HN Cool Boost
>Ian Takenaka HN Rush

>Class 2-D
>Mochi Uranus HN Smelly Hero: Stink Rat
>Kevin Rool
>Suzuki Nene HN Ghostly Cat Hero: Bakeneneko
>Hiroki Asai HN Champion of Negativity: Zetsuboy

>Class 1-E https://rentry.org/p6dwm

>Students (Cont.)
>Class 3-D https://rentry.org/vx255
>William Dustice HN King Billy
>Johanna Hilt HN Gauntlet Hero: Weiss Schwarz
>Ganto Kanzaki HN The Clone Hero, Commander (NPC)
>Kagami Reina
>Norman “Norm” Smith HN Whatabout
>Rumi Aratsuki HN Hysteria

>Class ???
>Kiki HN Yggdrasil
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>Students (Cont.)
>Class 1-C (Shiketsu)
>Okimoto Chisaka
>Isabela Nakahata
>Lilinah ‘Riri’ Inoue
>Ysmir Dragonborn
>Daniel W. Rain

>Class 3-B (U.A.)
>Top Smile
>Nekiro Nishi
>Madoka Mikan HN Heartbeat
>Itō Sukemochi HN Warpden
>Li Yinzhen HN Jiangshi
>Katsumi Hachizaki:
>Cormelia Busujima

>Class 1-F
>Suki HN Sukeban
>Runt HN Dust Devil
>Rob Williams HN: Velvet Worm
>Haiiroshi Kinzoku HN Fullmetal
>Igarashi Ryosuke HN Araken
>Tatsuya Yamashita HN Bad Touch
>Azuma Hisa HN Beach Day
>Daigo Ulmeyda HN Fly 1 Million
>Kiyoura Shidehara HN Icky Hero: Slimenuts
>Higa Umeko HN Slip-N'-Slideasaurus
>Nayuki Kyoko
>??? HN Meteoric Hero: Cube
>Misato Fukushima

>U.A. Teachers:
>Yunikon, the Brilliant Hero
>Dr. Seto Kawata

>Shiketsu Teachers:
> Anzu Nishima HN Karaburan
> Aiko Aimi HN Motivational Hero: Rosethorn
>Pierre Vachon HN The Gentle Way Hero: Ippon
>Masanori Kitamura HN Hijack
>Yasashi Koibito HN The Laser Hero - Majestic
>Junko Hongo HN The Overly-Enthusiastic Tokusatsu Hero, LocaLoca (NPC)
>Omura Tadao HN Deceptive Hero, Conman
>Riku Washizawa HN The Steel Talon Hero: Skycarver
>Takahashi Mako, HN Ersatz
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>Unaffiliated Heroes
>Kenji Shako HN Strongest Shrimp Hero: Magnum Shrimp (and Water Fowl Hero: Flamingal)
>Yuusei Atsushi HN Spring Dragon Hero: Seiryu
>Kalianne Sato HN "Flame Strike Hero: Honoken"
>Ryuji Inoue HN Transport Hero: Rescue Ray (Principal - Sunray Troubled Youth Center)
>Akagi Sanpatchi HN "Popsy"
>??? HN Birdy
>Edmund Connor HN The Tall Man
>Ryusei Sugiyama HN Smokin' Sexy
>Kevin Thompson HN The Purple Man
>Yuichi Ishida HN Slipstream
>Roland Walker HN PsyKing (Sandatsu'd)
>Ernst Hennig HN Impakt
>Junpei Ozu HN: The Standstill Hero, "Floor"
>Rodion Popo HN Overman
>Ludolf Raphael Victorius, Hero Name: Fair Marshal
>Taichi Kyoryu HN Cretaceous King, Saurus
>Kurogane Keisho HN Yoshizumi
>Tosuke Jinai HN Compound
>Yosuke Shirai HN The Lustrous Hero, Wavelength
>Astra Smalls Aka Size King
>Richard Wilkins HN The #1 Hydro Hero: "Splash"
>Shōgeki Heshi HN: Crash
>Tóu Zhǎng Koie/Phys P
>Kazuya Ono
>Alpha Ueno HN: Sylph
>Iwayama Kentaro HN Sisyphus
>Mash, Renji Kurokawa

>Lady Astoria Belmont
>Rika Eichi
>Isaiah Sibylla (Keola Ku)
>Aura Curie (Student)
>Just "The Doctor"
>Fransk Brunhilde
>Endless Horizons Ltd.
>Yusaku Kanzaki a.k.a. Clone Cop (NPC)
>Emilia Busujima
>Detective Risa Date
>Holden Deckard
>Satoru Tani (Student)
>Kuji Futoi (Student)
>Yuko Ozaku (Student)
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>VILLAINS (Villain Name):
>Turncoat Agency:
>Keiichi Tano HN Racer V / VN Getaway
>Tenshi Chisio HN Caduceus / VN Sawbones
>Jack Dunn HN Three-Sixty / VN The Asset

>Pax Organization:
>Eugene Kurtz VN Pax and Mercy

>Unaffiliated Villains:
>Bruno Garcia VN Mauler
>Karuga Ito (Teacher - Shiketsu)
>Shiori Shiratora VN Kamigami
>Recino R. Percutio
>Nakata Yumiko VN Walpurgis
>>88191796 + https://pastebin.com/nMZq81Jt
>hina seiyama VN panzer viii
>Giichi Mikata
>Miki Ginrei VN Fluegel
>Ginji Gō VN Desperaido
>Jack Mitchell VN Marshall
>Kazuma Oomori VN Charlatan
>Hattori Ume VN Broad Daylight
>Kōkishin Yuuki VN Shoggoth
>TechVision Elite 2023 - 43Vista UltraSmart 4K TV
>Ryuji Ayanokoji VN Overlord
>Jack Smithee VN The Gravedigger
>Zyra Mein VN Braindrain
>Rudi Brandt VN Sturmtruppe
>Bonzo Amato VN The Boss
>The Hospital Killer
>Paul Crémieux VN De Jais (Jet Black)
>Jessica Wu VN Surinam Toad Girl
>Jan Procházka VN Msr. Blanc
>Gustave Gavial VN Gnash
>Cosmo Black VN X.T.
>Kate Everly
>Sato Yukio VN Gold Man
>Kurogane Tetsuo VN Dreadnought
>Adrian Vasquez Domingiun Manolete
>Dewi Angkasa
>Kanami Shimizu
>Jimmy Vinchenzo VN The Indestructible Scumbag
>The Illustrious Illithid
>Stormy Day VN Dragonfish
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>VILLAINS (Villain Name):
>Horrific 5:
>Samuel Wilson VN Desolator
>On Giết Năng VN Tether
>Erika Murakami VN Nox
>Maddie Griffiths VN Maddox
>Edmund Muller VN Mercury

>Momotaro Tachibana VN Nebulous Storm
>Mark Matuli
>Junichi Takagi VN Marrow
>Miriam Slowburn Hakase VN Prologing Evil: Big Hat (NPC)
>Kester Greenfield

>Helene Lysingen VN Noctiluca
>Takigawa Shion VN Shapeless Blade: Aquarius
>Toru Imaishi VN Kampai
>Rebecca Weber
>Yushi Taneka VN Blazing Bright
>Sasha Azanami
>Kaori Kaoru
>Choko Yumiya, VN Eye High

>Night Parade:
>Cammy Link VN Karma
>Haruka Pulch VN Tatarimokke
>Sebastian Needle VN Greenfinger
>Okane King VN Midas
> ??? VN Maw
> ??? VN Bogey
> Tomi

>Wild Hunt
>Sandatsu Owari
>Mio Katsuragi HN Forget-Me-Not
>Hiromi Hitomi VN Feral
>Dr. Isaac Ivanov VN Drekus
>Ookami Shizuka
>Ivan Trup VN The Prophet
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>Early writefags here (18 Pages)
>”First Test” Comp
>Questionnaire Comp
Else check the rentry

>A Multi-Dimensional Valentine's Day (Ryu-kishi, Maru(maru), Last Rite, Mirror Devil, Challenger, Sunlight Man, Android, Cool Boost, Radius, Marrow)
>News (Reaper, mentions of Forget-Me-Not)
>Spectre of Revolution (Maru(maru), Marrow)
>Vigilante Hunt, part 1 (Ryu-kishi, Last Rite, Marrow, Maru(maru), 1-D, 1-E, 1-F, Satoru Tani, Rosethorn, Karaburan)
>Rehab (Overdose, Yamata, Ryu-kishi and a cameo from Goldorado)
>Baited (Reaper, Satoru Tani)
>Serpent (Mahoudeva, Honoken, Seiryu, Yamata)
>The Plan (Desolator and The Five):
>Team Wallflower, Assemble! (Yako, Drone, Blackout, Maru(maru), Capture Cloth, Mauler)
>Conservation of Ninjitsu (Marumaru, Ryu-Kishi, Yako, Aura Curie, Blank):
>(Beach Day, Saurus, Majestic)
>Never Have One Last Score (Marumaru, Shoggoth):
>If You Like Piña Coladas (Spark):
>The Doomed Plan (Desolator, Maddox, The Golden Age Five):
>An Attempt in Broad Daylight (Floor, Maddox, Mirror Devil, Smokin' Sexy, Tether, Mercury, Desolator, Impakt, Sunlight Man, Challenger):
>Catsu Curry (Bakeneneko, Yako, Capture Cloth, Overdose, Yamata)
>First Day: Ersatz, Rosethorn and a couple 1-D students make cameos.
>Night of the Reaper prologue (Mahoudeva, Mirror Devil, Blackout, Forget-Me-Not, Reaper, Satoru Tani)
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>Writefags (Cont.):
>Night of the Reaper, Part 1 (Reaper, Flying Force, Saurus, Rosethorn, Ryu-Kishi, Challenger, Cameos of Seiryu, Impakt, Sunlight Man, Mirror Devil, Mahoudeva)
>THE TOURNAMENT PART FIVE! (1-D, Smokin' Sexy, Popsy, Rosethorn, Majestic)
>Plan B (Mirror Devil, Desolator, Sunlight Man, Challenger, Impakt, Smokin' Sexy):
>Frame (Mirror Devil, The Doctor, Smokin' Sexy, Impakt, Desolator):
>Vigilante Hunt 2 (Ryu-kishi, Mirror Devil, Marumaru, Marrow, Yako, Conman, Majestic, Karaburan, Localoca, Ito, Rebecca Weber, Skycarver, Hijack, Ippon, Last Rite, The Clique, Flying Force, Yamata, others)
>The Monster's Aid (Desolator):
>Night of the Reaper Part 2 (Yamata, Overdose, Goldorado, Majestic, Desolator, Rosethorn, Reaper):
>Devil's Counsel (Last Rite, Desolator):
>Doing Business (Feral, Drekus, Karma, cameo of Reaper)
>Clown Days (Ryu-kishi, Popsy, Maru(maru), Mirror Devil, Smokin' Sexy, Popsy Team, mention of 1-D):
>Full Circle (Rosethorn, Feral, Yamata, Overdose)
>Recovery (Overdose, Yamata, Rosethorn and Karaburan)
>Arrival (Mash, Impakt, Floor, mentions of Reaper)
>Full Circle II (Yamata, Flying Force, Saurus, Drekus, Feral, cameo of Rosethorn and Hiro)
>The Maiden and the Monster (Shoggoth, Marumaru, clamguy cameo):
>Always Late (Rush, Greenfinger)
>Full Circle III - Part I (Flying Force, Feral, Yamata)
>Missed you too (Forget-Me-Not, Reaper, with cameos from the Wild Hunt, Satoru Tani and Karma)
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Writefags (Final):
>Full Circle III -Part II A (Flying Force, Feral)
>Full Circle III -Part II B (Yamata no Orochi, several mentions)
>The Blinding Lights (Desolator, Reaper, Maddox):
>That Old Saying About Memories (Mammogar, Maru(maru)):
>Clouded Mirror (Mirror Devil)
>The Sickly Light of a New Dawn (Karaburan, Rosethorn, 1-D, and special guests):
>Battle Against a True Dragon (Flying Force, Yamata no Orochi, Feral):
>Nyoro Leaves (Maru, Rosethorn, and 1-D):


For Art, Memes, Tierlists, etc. check the rentry
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Fairy Tail
>Please Put the Guild You Want to Join in an Obvious Place Edition

>The Gutsy Hall
>Big Killer Ape Tree

>Hob House
>Bastly Ugard
>Ibuki E. Fiore
>Alaric Falk

>Moon's Watch
>Father Mond
>Ciara Perrons
>Lanel Nol
>Cat Sid

>Mory Pose
>The Woman with No Name
>Mitra Albus

>Hag's Hex
>Vera Escher
>Axel Starr

>Forest Embrace
>Big Lover Resting Stone

>Church of Mana
>Saintess of Mana
>Mistress Fist

>Magic Council
>Regier Bunkan

>Hilda Verblitz
>Buster Henry
>Sebastian Stone
>Niera Flamey
>Lucius McShade
>Garl the Gallant
>Curie Lovelace
>Luckuv Thadraw

Tier Maker: https://tiermaker.com/create/-mcyoag--fairy-tail-17287780

Prompt: Favorite Food?
File: Fairy Tail 2.jpg (4 MB, 1600x7200)
4 MB
>Hot Hand, They Not Gonna Believe Me, But Check The Recording (Axel Starr, Vera Escher)
>A picnic (Bastly, Vera; intro with Seph)

Relationship Charts:

>He Doesn’t Know
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File: Naruto.pdf (7.77 MB, PDF)
7.77 MB
7.77 MB PDF
RULES: https://rentry.org/b595h6dm

>Team 1
>Natsuo Uchiha >>92078251
>D >>93148209
>Himari Miko >>92227101 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/HimariJutsu
>Takeru Suzuki >>92037873

>Team 2
>Osamu >>92030854
>Shimabukuro Fumio >>93186440
>Kichōna >>93033948 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/NardoKichonaJutsuList2
>Nodao-Douji >>92130402

>Team 3
>Kamiko Karatachi >>92474846
>Masukuda Rarime >>93032365 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/nbd7ikrf
>Ichika Chinoike >>93073774
>Kita >>92247657

>Team 4
>Kiko Inuzuka >>92046953
>Remilia Orochimaru >>93084258
>Itami Nanae >>92041809
>Kazen Uzumaki (No Yin Chakra Affinity) >>93174267 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/5kp2svbp

>Team 5
>Ezaki Tuto >>92143158
>Jin Hyuga >>93072884
>Shinrō Kamotai >>93066678 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/ShinroJutsu
>Yuma Kouda >>93027066

>Team 6
>Tsugumi >>92078303
>Ghidorah >>93079137 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/xant7fe2
>Junki Takenaga >>93007593
>Sen Yamamoto >>93077606 + https://rentry.org/mkyze5fa

>Team 7
>Kamiizumi Tadafusa >>92443623
>Fujiwara Nobutake >>93185043
>Kamare Hozuki >>92097216
>Daiki Ueno >>92099009

>Team 8
>Rio Konoki >>92286130
>Mitsuteru Chihoshi >>>92596513
>Kuro Blackshadow >>93174547
>Choko Yumiya >>92229037

>Team 9
>Inaba Hyuga >>92642892
>Mojo Nakasendou >>92130059
>Kitsumoto Hachirō >>93081661 + https://rentry.org/KitsumotoC
>Eiken Shinzo >>93133919

>Team 10
>Dojuma Takiga >>92435927
>Ayuka Hagihara >>92418225
>Oishi Teruo >>92424132
>Egao >>92425369

>Team 11
>Miura Lee, Man of Iron >>92982908 + https://rentry.org/MeleebroZ
>Rinka Akagi >>93199705
>Akaito Tenyo >>93033931
>Chosuke-Chosuke Kirabokua >>93127294

>Taihō Shiryō. >>92065120
>Eiji >>92132327
>Tahaki Shiteru >>93076567
>Shichirou Hyūga >>93125740
>Chado Kuro >>93147948
>Ankan Bidatsu >>93163286
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34 KB
>Ahiratsu Ōtsutsuki >>92073651
>Darkbone >>92064881
>Kijyo-Douji >>92092125
>Engetsu Bōfū >>92101140
>Insane Wild Boar >>92164715
>??? >>92164855
>Setsu Suru >>92181406
>Sado Mazohisuto >>92181768
>Kanami-Douji >>92194017
>Barou >>92473683
>Sekka Hakobu >>93146142
>Gyū >>92157552
>Yōki >>92157657
>Koroko Kokoroko >>92235539
>Mr. Hopo >>92411015
>Lizard >>92249477
>Aika Yuki >>92251220
>Kondai >>92388984
>Makura Hachimune >>92445626
>The Surgeon >>92934104
>Greasy P >>92955486
>Brunhilde Gunther >>92974998
>Ishirō Honda >>93020553
>Hugh Napoleon >>93046548
>Gokan Nokemono >>93101749
>John Anonymous >>93105033
>Vix Raiu >>93164694
>Tsukusari Meikin >>93165978
>Kazushi (Zushi) Sakuraba >>93200782

>Naruto MP Additional Archive but better (Writefags, Art, Relationship Charts, Info Cards, etc.):

>Chunin Exam Stage 1 Hub Post:
>Chunin Exam Stage 2 Hub Post:
>Chunin Exam Stage 2 Logistics Post:
https://rentry.org/w78sxh6g + >>92321962
>Chunin Exam Stage 3 Logistics Post:
>The Chūnin Exams - Stage 2.5: The Preliminaries

New Stuff:
The Ninja Lurk

Tournament Status Update:

Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/naruto-chunin-mcyoag-template-16244798
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Rentry: https://rentry.org/Be_The_Noble
Arena Rules: https://rentry.org/ovtoupqe
Chargen is rules as listed + drawbacks buffed to be 1=2 2=3 and Final=5

>Duke Archibald
>Quinn Smith
>Saint Maluscomedo
>Marquis Alric Bolivard
>Silas Nash
>Gristletooth the Turncoat
>Nestor Wolf
>Tanaka Haruto
>The Angel Emmanuel
>Auria Hirpinia
>Duke-Elector Vicaro de' Barca
>Duke Harold Staggard II of Reins
>Catherinne Aisla de Lyoncaster
>Avesta, Lord of Boglands
>St. Mog, the Avaricious
>Duchess Lucia of House Carafa
>Consul Levi du Ponte III
>Emperor Aurelius
>Lord Steerpike
>Evian, Grandmaster of the Order of the Boot.
>Sir Atticus Hendrix
>Natas Reficul
>Alcyone Pertinax
>Baron Raspail
>'Archangel' Seraphina
>Magus Filius Lupa, Barone
>Piza the Conqueror
>Tiberius Rex, The Pirate King
>Giovanni Florina
>Margus Iscariot Pertinax
>Duke Pollu Contra of Sunge
>Robin Stormlily
>Vožd Lampys Erymanthius
>Amos Hek
>Executive Officer Armaslanta
>Kamikage of Tengokugakure
>Elector-Prince Lothar II
>Abduladi al-Maki
>The Four Kings of The Mountains

>Vožd Invitational: >>93025558
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>Relentless walls whose darksome round contains (Ambrose XXII Arxakonte)
>"What's in a name?"
>Harold Receives a Letter
>Groanworthy Retort
>Answered Prayers (The Angel Emmanuel)
>The Arcaadji Plibtribyew
>The Calm Before the Glorious Storm
>To Kill Filius: Piza's Hunger (Piza, Filius' corpse)
> The Northern Struggle; The Joust (1/2)
> Northern Struggle; The Joust (2/2)
>Selected Excerpts from "On The Orientaille Provinces of the Telorian Empire" (2)
>>93145826 + >>93147418
> The Northern Struggle, Qüreş

Relationship Chart:
> Personal Thoughts of the Vožd on his Imperial Peers
>Giovanni Florina

Evian’s Rise to Power:
Favorite to Win It:

Latest Version (Graphic): >>93164835
Latest Version (Political): >>92871022
Latest Version (Emblem): >>92885956
Crusades: >>92963997

Build Reviews:

Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/be-the-noble-mp-characters-17234816
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1) Play as is. Assume that the powers picked are at their starting level. Picking Learner also unlocks the second spell from the start. Don't forget to design the character and the soul they possess
2) Ignore the companions section. Pick 1 build to be close to, and 1 build to be distant towards. Options increasing companions instead increase the number of builds you are close with
3) Pick any starting city and bonus. The story will still start at the town of Easily

>You're a native to Shower City. You don't have to be an orphaned high schooler. Pick any background within reason
>None of the companions exist. Instead, everyone is part of an online friend group that, when meeting for the first time, discovered the coffee table rune
>Other runes exist in Shower City that lead to different cities in case you don't want to join the main group. All runes and the objects they're inscribed on are invisible to anyone that lacks the ability to enter Gras Paada.
>The goal is still to defeat the 5 warlords, but in-universe the characters only have a vague prophecy to save the world from evil
>You teleport to the world Gras Paada solo during your first time to gain an adverturer's soul. Any subsequent teleport will require you to teleport with others to reduce its load on the soul
>Items carried by you can be transported with you to and from Gras Paada. The smaller the item, the less likely it is to get lost during the transit. Items that fail to be transferred will return to you when you teleport back.
>By default, souls only give you a themed set of powers and can talk to you after visiting Gras Paada a few times. The amount of influence they have is up to you. Most characters don't transform into their souls, but it's not the be all end all.
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Yoshiko Matsubara | Thalia
Amaury Felix Vaugeois | Verdeus the Green
Tojo "Rooster" Kaito | Belldandy
James Blackwood | Xernes, Regent of the Empty Legion

Reza Lotfi | Bassil
Tomoe Sasakura | Valeria
Mike Young | Reynard Sutton, The Unrelenting
Lucianus Salvius | Daimon, Bloodstorm Angel

>Ruy Eustáquio | Stinkleheimer
Shun Lee | Zacharia

Bloody Beginnings, a Strange Night (Lucianus)
Experiments, Preparation, and Anxiety (Lucianus)
New day, new life (Lucianus), (references to various other builds)
Amaury's discovery of Gras Paada:
Panic at night and unforunate falls (Lucianus), (Short appearance of Shun Lee, references to others):
The Innocence Of Being Unsure About The Future (Lee Shun, Amaury Felix, Lucianus Salvius, Kaito Tojo, brief appearances of others):
The Meeting at last (Lucianus, Shun Lee, Amaury, mentions of everyone else)
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You had just completed a serious contract that cost you a lot, only to realize the contractor screwed you over, leaving you with a handful of credits and a slap on the ass. What now? Spread the word the contractor is bad news? Start planning to get even? Just take a breather for the time being?
All three of those.
Shouldn't Ta'ang's relationship chart be on the relationship charts section?
Slickback's chart also has a typo, replacing Bitch with Slickback
I think you forgot that I joined Moon's Watch.
Say your build's name retard. Are we just supposed to guess?
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Rob them blind. If you can't afford to pay me, you can't afford to cross me.
Heyreddin is BROWN?!
Tactical camo for stealing. He's a master stealthfag.
Sorry about that. Curie.
Curie should be in Moon's Watch
Luckuv should be in Hag's Hex
82 awaits her master's orders (this answer is applicable to any prompt.)
>82 awaits her master's orders
"If he won't pay in credits, make him pay in blood."
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what if the bear is on cocaine?
>psychic superheros would lose to a bear
Am I witnessing autism?
My build isn't here.
I'm here is better
You seem to underestimate psychic powers vs a bear.
you're underestimating bears
deep lore: bears are psi-dull
All sorts of wrong. Almost everyone here could kill a bear btw.
Took psychic powers into consideration. Some work, some are next to useless.

I used the tiermaker attached to the cyoa. A third of the builds aren't there.

You seem to underestimate bears.
Accurate for my build.
I don't get it, do we just give our character's theme or do we just give music we find cool?
>t. gets raped by a bear
>Some first-wave dickheads made whole races of psi-dull bears, morlocks, mutants, and god knows what else.
Precursors. No sense of right or wrong.
Hmm, shitposty but fai-
>Yak doesn't win a fight against a bear
>Favorite Food?

This prompt sucks.
Thought process went like this
>Weapon preference is shotguns and has training with them, decent chances of survival
>no psi-powers
>only cyberware or gene mods worth a damn are skeletal enrichment which doesn't make her any more effective
Verdict: she scares it off but can't exactly deal a finishing blow.
I think the head threadslave got offended by Slickback's list.
I mean Mind Blank is GG no re for the bear. Shadow too. Paralysis also.
Builds for this feel: - https://youtu.be/f2suU7WGJVk
Hard mode: Not Satoru Tani.
This is wrong on so many levels. Half of the "would get mauled" characters are made of metal or have high power weapons. It's almost as if the person that made this did not read the builds and just targeted them out of personal preference.
Shotguns aren't really great for bears.

Rifles and Snipers are highest effectiveness for normals, special weapons all make short work of a bear.

Gonna need a summary of each character and why you dont think they can beat a bear. Just the ones you said would get mauled.
Nta but I like to consider them all one big song, because they are pretty much a story.
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I hope no one in your life has mislead you to believe you're funny.
Steele would easily win against a bear. In addition to having psi powers and the ability to pop the brain of anybody he doesn't like, that nigga is running around with a high power needle gun.
This tierlist is dumb and refuses to take into account that most people have a special weapon which would blow the bear out of this dimension.
Looks like shit.
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This is a very unwise thing to do.
A witch has many methods of making her displeasure known.
>Time for an elaborate revenge plot.
How big is the mug?! A normal mug can's phisically fit that many eggs, maybe a dozen if you are lucky.
I agree on Shadow (the wild experimentation version would require you to be already hidden imo), but Mind Blank doesn't work on a bundle of instincts, and Paralysis requires the bear to not already be in hunt-mode.
>Spread the word
>Return to shuttle
>Get out the old chew toy and blast some music for a while as she gnaws
>Start working on the next job soon as possible and remember to keep the bounty on hand until you get the money, stupid, dumbass

Depends really if she's got the auto-shotgun or the sawn-off on her.
Sawn-off? No reason to prolong an encounter with a predator like that, you learn that in the bush. Actually a fair assessment.
Automatic? That is a dead bear.
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Damn, that sucks.
Let people know over the network that this guy is a welcher and move on with life.
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Would you guys be up for a skribbl game but we guess each other's builds?
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Mind Blank is stronger than you remember anon, it stops your instincts and anything else. You keep forgetting the person is there until you see them, and you don't process anything regarding them short-term.

No brain = No ability to resist it.
If Kazen, a skinwalker, or anyone with a good idea is around, are there any cool moments/moves he could pull versus Fujiwara?
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Better Pic.
but what about a psi dull bear?
Diplomatic build. No combat mods nor skills. Likely to be armed with a handgun.
>Dr. Isar Archer
Nerd build. No combat skills (two mods that help survivability but won't help chase away the bear).
Weapons are "traditional", making them ineffective against a hunk of bear. Psi-infusion's his only hope, and I doubt it'd be enough to give the bear a fright.
Needlegun is useless against a bear unless paired with combat training and accuracy equipment. I missed her shadow, so I guess she'd survive the encounter by just running away.
>Jack Steele
Needlegun is still practically useless. Mind Blank doesn't stop a charging bear imo, especially a weakened one.
Weakened Shadow only works if you're already hidden imo. Psychic scream only makes the bear angrier. No combat abilities or mods.
>Evi Weber Spinner
Handguns practically useless against bears and pain gun effectiveness iffy. No combat mods.
No combat skills nor offensive mods, and her Shadow's weakened.
>Yvette Toyosaki
Doctor build with no combat capabilities whatsoever.
>Emilia Kazama
Handgun, implants allow her to survive longer, but ultimately shit in such a combative situation.
he is made of metal, high level cybermods like limbs and the tail can just crush the bear
>special weapons all make short work of a bear
Needle gun, pain gun, volt gun, and combat knives are all less effective, though I guess the latter could work if you're really fast.
Which one's yours?
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I leave this to luck:
1: male
2: female
half of this makes no sense
It's over......
>he is made of metal
Which chargen option is that?
It's a multi-tool.
>the tail
Explicitly can carry small objects. Its strength would be insufficient.
Needleguns could work if loaded with the right ammunition, and something tells me that its users aren't retarded enough to carry around ice cubes. Will people ever stop acting like combat skills are necessary to handle EVERY situation, even as simple as an animal attacking you while you're armed with a high-tech weapon? Weapon Preference covers this.
Make a gigachad.
Nta but you are completely ignoring the part where unlisted cybermods are easy to obtain, specifically limbs. He can just be made of metal and since he has master in both cybermods and mechanics his mods would be much better than commercial stuff. By that logic the guys that are 4 feet tall and made of muscle or metal should also die to the bear because being an alien is not a chargen option.
master in mechanics and cybernetics and mechanical parts other than the listed ones being free
But Yam already exists?
Nice and jiggly caramel pudding.

How it started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj5L9SYhoSE
How it's going: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPMhkIiapIA
General Mean Girl Shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ipscwyz3Zk
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this part with the stuff these two >>93277636 >>93277647 mentioned, as Lorik mentioned multiple times that he is made of metal
Increasing your strength requires a gene mod, so assuming balance holds, any unlisted cyberlimbs you get won't be any stronger than their human counterparts, which is implied by both the Critical Injury organ replacement not being better than the original, and the existence of the exo-skeleton.
So sure, he can be "made" of metal, but that won't mean the bear won't just shred him anyway.
>master in both cybermods and mechanics
Meaning he can maintain or make his own. If those skills are meant to give better options than the ones listed, then buying mastered astro-engineering should let you build a ship with all the mods too, which invalidates a lot of the cyoa.
Besides, pretty sure the scenario is the characters on chargen, and not after decades of building their own custom shit and landing on the bear's house teched to the gills.
I'm honestly starting to get tired of Lorik's spazzouts
>The Beast Slid Into Your DMs
What did MHA send us?
so once again being creative and using logic in a creative endeavour is punished instead of being rewarded
>which is implied by both the Critical Injury organ replacement not being better than the original
Idk. If my robo heart gives out and I still got hours before I keel over, I think that's strictly superior to my meat heart giving out.
It says it *can* shoot ice, not that it shoots it by default.
>Weapon Preference covers this
You'd be surprised how many neglected to take one.
None of this makes any sense in a sci-fi setting.
Heart failure takes 3-4 hours to kill you.
lack of oxigen take 10 minutes, brain failure is instant, they must be better if you get hours regardless of organ
Screw has the combat knives that are explosives and can inject poisons, also a rifle that fires auto-aim tar rounds.

Exoskeleton+Ballistic+Hazard armor, also Infusion and Endurance and Mind Blank, Also Shadow but weaker as you said.
>so assuming balance holds
why would you assume that in the first place? it's not supposed to be balanced in that way
balancefags are retarded
>which invalidates a lot of the cyoa.
as it should be, you invest in something so you don't have to spend points on it
I'm having a hard time imagining the type of person who'd unironically listen to that second song, but apparently there are 28 million others like you.
I see you have no real argument agains it and only artificially enforced "balance" stated nowhere in the cyoa.
>others like you.
You're mistaken. I pick songs off of vibes. Not what I personally listen. Except for Primadonna, I listen to that pretty often.
Investments are long-term, purchases are short-term. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
After a few months, Grok's creditors would have to explain to him that his client has in fact no plan on paying him and after a headache inducing conversation would eventually just help him with his legal pursuit as they just want their money back. If that doesn't work or isn't even an option then the contractor is a criminal so they'd advise him to hunt him down, offering the services of other associates, for a price.
in this case you can because your caharacter does not spawn from nothing so he had all the time to upgrade his mods already
Is she supposed to come off as cringe? If so then that's actually based.
Are that any brats that aren't cringe?
Are you seriously comparing the time it takes to build a fucking spaceship to the time it takes to build a pair of robot arms?
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Ignore the shitposter, here's the true tierlist
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Spinner not only spreads the word, but starts trying to plan out a raid on the contractor to take everything not nailed down, and equip Пeтp with an industrial cutter for the nails. She's making sure everyone gets their pound of flesh one way or another.
Now someone give the argument for why all these builds absolutely eviscerate the bear.
meds, now
I'm on that viagra grind!
t. preg victim
yes, it takes the exact same amount of time(this is a buff for shipchads)
Steele seduces yet another alien with his massive Big Human Cock. This is a win!
Got a chuckle out of me I won't lie.
Which builds should be medicated?
They're built different (full of micrometals)
Ah yes, of course. Every build that didn't take Cyberwarfare and Electronics mastery to mass-produce VR beds to sleep in for a million years until they master all the other skills and then proceed to spend another billion years to build enough ships and gear to take over the galaxy simply gets nodiffed. Who needs common sense when you got lOGic iN a CreATivE EnDeAVOr
This but unironically.
Reth confirmed bottom
What is the TANKIEST scrapper? And I just mean the tankiest. Who can receive the most damage head on and walk it off?
We get it. You're baby with no argument who just can't stand anyone having even the slightest edge.
It's never that serious that you nEeD tO TyPe like this lil bro
>doesn't build for something
>"nah I'll just do it later with my skillz"
>doesn't do well in something before later happens
Shinkan. He's a tank engine.
It's quite easy. Half of them are way stronger than the retard made them out to be and the rest are not retarded enough to not have countermeasures.

Archer has Franklin, and Franklin can maul the bear if with a bit of difficulty.

Lorik has already been talked about.

Sorceress has the needlegun and is not dumb so she can kill the bear, and has psy powers.

Jack Steele also has a needlegun, and mind blank absolutely does work on the bear.

Mara is a space squid, she can fly.

Spinner has the pain gun, and unlike what people may think animals are much more susceptible to it because they lack the self awarness to understand they were not injuried so they run away.

Screw has this shit >>93277839 the bear is already dead.

The last two I have not read so I don't know.
If we're being fair it depends a lot on the complexity of the space ship and the robot arms respectively. A 1960s space shuttle is literally less complex than a 2024 high end arm prosthesis.
The weapons in this setting are lethal enough that the weakest guns make short work of it. The only builds that wouldn't kill a bear are ones that took melee shit without being fast or durable enough to hang in melee, and at that point it's really your own fault for making a victim build.
Tie between Peyter and Grok. I think Peyter might give out first but that's just from their flavour.
Yeah, so weird to use the skills that are part of their build. Yawn.
I see Malumda has already meteor'd the bear from afar, so far that he could not make the list.
Not even the right MP Malumdabro.
Can you detail how Malumda can beat every single MP we've had with his meteors?
This is honestly sad now, it only goes against you.
Probably Reth, because of his cyber and gene mods, with Psi-Endurance and Panacea on top of that.
I'd add Joe. He's got a lot of endurance cybernetics + Panacea
Ships that can travel in space in this setting are by nature more complex than any kind of cybermod, you would need to get into nanomachines before you can compare the two.
Crush crushes his head with his tele-crush then goes away to incest his sister
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>>93277595 The dice have spoken.

Dale Conagher

Prisoner (+4 Magic Power)

Physically Fit (1)
Archmage (4)
Genius (9)

Enchantment (17)
Magitech (25)

Magic Power: 20 (Wizard Saint)

Dale is labeled as a mad scientist, but he prefers the term Engineer. Mad Scientist makes him sound likes he stays in a dusty ol' lab all day, whereas he's far more of an outdoors type. He's got an extremely impressive physique from spending so much time in the fresh air, as well as making all of his contraptions.

See, Dale's an engineer. That means he makes things, and it just so happens that the tyrant that calls himself a king doesn't like some of the things he makes, or who he sells them to. Which is how he ended up spending a stint in prison, until he escaped using a cunning plan and a clever contraption.

He is the foremost expert on engineering and magic item creation, and will make anything for the right price. HIGHLY unlikely to join a light guild, as he refuses to pay taxes.
Homemade nutri-slop and metal filings. It's nutritious!

I got some nutri-slop for you.
>Warlord of Tronai
>Tanaka General Contracts (ask for a tanky look)
>Asset Protection (bodyguard)
>Functional Illiterate (smoothbrain unaffected by concussion)
>Mastered Athletics
>Subdermal Armor Implants, Shock Management Implant, Trauma Recovery Implant, Neural Preservation Implant, Sensory Inhibitor
>Muscular Reinforcement, Skeletal Enrichment, Bio-Synthetizer (morphine)
>Psi Endurance
>Ballistic Clothes, Avbelev Hazard Suit, Waylight Exo-Skeleton
If your build has all these, you are as tanky as a SCRAPPER can be.
I preferred it when Stone was the only one with Enchantment and Magitech, but this is fine. Also, isn't that Engineer's literal name in canon?
>"I use the skillz retroactively so my build already has all the options in the cyoa"
>"I'm so creative and smort XD"
How many magitech builds is this now?
nta, but Engie's name is Dell. This must be one of his brothers.
>he uses fetishbait drawings with plausible deniability of Engi as a faceclaim
You know what, respect
>ANOTHER magitech build
you guys have the creativity of a peanut
A point that can't be made without gross exaggeration is no point at all.
using skills to have the advantages of said skills is somehow bad and equivalent to just getting everything in the cyoa
make the creativity tier list
Are you illiterate? Genuine question.
I mean it's obviously a joke build, so
you seem to be if you are asking that question
Someone who's functionally illiterate wouldn't be able to realistically answer that question in a written medium. It would require self-awareness and textual analysis beyond their capabilities.
I see.
It's a shitpost so I wouldn't consider it, but it's weird that we didn't get a Magitech + Technopathy user yet.
That's not an excuse. There's been plenty of creative joke builds. It's just a low effort expy.
>battle of the illiterates
we really are a shounen fanfiction general
Edgy boi
Seems simple enough to me.
>casts meteor
>they lose
>impenetrable susanoo stops everything they do
That ez.
If you mean JUST the meteors, that gets more tricky, but he'll pull through.
Are you a nut gobbler? Genuine question.
NTA but it feels weird that no character is ever allowed to grow or develop from chargen. Like you're arguing that what you make is what you're forever stuck with, stagnant and unable to do anything with it.
>the guys that are 4 feet tall and made of muscle or metal should also die to the bear
Which guys?
Funnily enough, I think Dale is the one person Stone would be more than open towards working on magitech together. They share similar dispositions towards others who don't understand the necessity of their work and even their methods of escape using raw ingenuity and tools show that Dale leans much into the role of a scientist than someone who relies on magic. Near carbon copies of each other, just one is a giant hulking metal monstrosity while the other has a hard hat.
>impenetrable susanoo stops everything they do
Crush crushes it then crushes his head
At the start I thought he was just overeager, but everytime he's mentioned he gets offended if you so much as get his eye color wrong. Kinda tempted to Piza him.
Jobsh jobshes and then goes home to his abusive Jobsher wife.
you're swingin at ghosts anon, basically nobody thinks this. we just got a quirk awakening writefag for MHA, builds progress all the time.
Yeah, it's a shit situation.
Grok and the russian one. I think there was a couple more too. People took a lot of shit that was not in chargen.

>Builds with Magitech
Curie Lovelace
>Builds with Enchantment

>Builds with Both
Sebastian Stone
Dale Conagher

There's only 3 thus far.Between Sebastian and Dale, Dale's got the better tech thanks to Archmage, but Sebastian can power himself up with Take Over. Curie meanwhile is a girl, so she gets an auto-buff thanks to coomer anons.
CHADsh slander will not be tolerated
Pretty sure the rest of the body continues working even if your brain shuts down.
Guess the character.
Wasn't there a Bionic chimera magitech chick posted last thread?
There are people literally arguing that the guy who knows how to make cybernetics shouldn't be allowed to have make himself improved cybernetics with it.
Counterpoint: Psionic Implants.
A nice case of lifelong trauma, embodied through a central archetype, drenched in alcohol, finely chopped and lightly simmered, served with a side of night terrors. Slayer magic can really screw with your diet preferences.

Honorable mentions go to salted crackers, fresh fish, Vera's virus magic at a low enough intensity, and soup served in barrels large enough to jump into.

Hmm. Maybe these?
Internal soundtrack - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgeJDSUchWY
Battle theme - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylTlUChWE7k
turns out she doesn't have magitech, it's a custom version of alchemy
>"only" 3
Who said that?
We're talking about the characters fresh out of chargen, not ten years in the future. Drop the strawman, faggot.
Isn't the argument that he shouldn't be allowed to start with those improved cybernetics?
Different discipline, they fall under psyonics.
he sucks them long and hard thru their jorts
>ten years in the future
Doesn't take ten years to make an arm.
You want less exaggeration? On a meme basketweaving forum?
my build doesn't wear jorts (her cock is too big)
>Doesn't rate the themes
A thousand curses upon you and your seed
Doesn't take for free either.
Do it!
Yeah, I takes one post saying they did it.
first time I saw this I thought you wrote skibidi
I hate gen alpha
Sounds cool, but which MP?
They're not 4 foot tall, and their builds are plenty strong and tanky
Them "raping" the bear was a joke about them looking like bears
I read it as scrabble. I don't know what skribbl is.
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didn't he just misspell scrabble?
>not an epic anthology about them collecting all the parts and funds from several jobs to finally be able to afford basic equipment
Nah, skribble is it's own thing.
The problem is they are not actually putting in the work to make the enhancements feel earned. They just want to have it (inevitably) by default.

You gotta write that shit up and win people over. Actually make a case for these improvements. Encounter roadblocks for the changes and provide creative solutions, suffer failures and comedic moments in the process. Have some things forced early on you. Etc. Etc.

Just having someone go 'no actually I'll just retrofit X and enhance my Y and I have the brain power to do Z and this and and and-' is boring as all hell.
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Probably this?
At this point I'm 99% sure he's Filius, just pizagate him before he kills this MP too
>You HAVE to write a novella to justify the use of a skill you bought
Stay in SCRAPPER you unoriginal whiny faggot.
meant for >>93277001
>is boring as all hell.
but if they have the skills for it and the things are stated to be easy to get it would not make sense to turn grocery shopping into the Odissey
I use my Mastered Diplomacy to convince everyone that I earned everything and that we should run a metacyoa mod with the scenario being that I'm the ascended god empress and everyone else is competing to be one of my consorts
Nah, Filius is Heyreddin, 95% certainty.
This. Every build has the right to evolve if the CYOA naturally accommodates the fact, but they need to put effort into it instead of pretending that they're an Adam Smasher super cyborg right out of the gate. No need to write novellas about it, just make it a fun read and create some sense of progress.
so builds just spawn from nowhere and the background section is not there? all the characters had several decades to get basic shit depending on the build
the post times don't line up but I'm feeling schizo
Big if true
Post proof
Whare your sexual preferences my queen?
Why are people who own a ship in gas money tier?
Basic shit should not be equal to the stuff you have to actually select on the cyoa. If anon wants to have a cyborg body it's going to be average at best, not an Exo-Skeleton lite. It's the things that are equal or superior to chargen choices what should be gained later on, and with at least some semblance of advancement.
The builds are what you start out with, your background needs to justify that. You don't get to "give" yourself free stuff equivalent to options in the cyoa through the background.
>everything needs to be balanced
that is not an argument
nah, I'm secretly the emperor of the hado empire
>some semblance of advancement.
Stop backtracking. You want 10k epic in exchange for someone to use a skill they purchased because if the balance you made up.
>I need to have more advantages form the start because I say so
>Build format
Greentext options, followed by extended blacktext descriptions for each individual line and option.
Double >> for option groups, single > for options.

>Avatarfag image selection
Heyreddin uses random astronauts, Filius uses random wizards.

>Extraschizo Perception
I can just feel it bro.
correct, it's a self-evident statement
because I took the right options*
Characters have grown and developed beyond their starting points in most of the games I've been in. Not everyone does it, but that's not the same as saying no one does it.
anyone is free to do the same if they get similar options and i never said otherwise, you cannot complain a build made to craft stuff does what the build is made for
Then I bestow upon thee a beare that is psychic and psi-dull, with claws forgede within the stars aelden, and furre nanite-strewn unleashen a flame hotter than dragon fire.
But hark, fore it hath a weakness, thus being allergenic reactione to thar lack of thy bitchy self. Against any but thee, it is as effective as a babe kot.
Thus, banished be balance, and all is well in this chaotic worl.
it's wrong
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I think we should do an Entropist MP..

None of this would be a problem if we just banned crafterfags btw
No real loss since they're always the same "sit in my room and jerk myself off into omnipotence" archetype
The points you spend in the CYOA are what you gained in your past. Even you don't believe the bullshit you're writing. Do better.
>imagechest into cubari
And you can't complain when a scenario that takes builds based on build choices and before their decades of crafting come into play says that your build is weaksauce.
I prefer cubari and I just had it open.
Fuck off.
Guess the character that's right, its *you* anon!
Only if we don't ban or alter true son
Why? It's a good cyoa with good options for interaction, growth, and storylines.
I liked the craftfag that led a guild in Overlord 2 pre-split. The difference was they sat in their room and jerked everyone else off into hyper-competence.
Oh? So are you going to be satisfied if someone puts out less thank 2k about how they made something? Or are you going complain that they should've struggled mire to acquire readily available materials and that a single writefag isn't nearly enough?
Only the usual suspects do it though. Nonpowerfags should feel more confident letting their characters grow and develop.
Take this powerfaggotry galore back to /cyoag/ crossposter. This CYOA's staying power relies solely on WB shitposting and anons's nostalgia.
no they are not, they are the rare things you gained in the past
the decades of crafting took place before chargen because they worked on it and the cyoa says nothing against it, you made up that your basic cybermods cannot be better than bought options because of your "balance"
I'm going to be satisfied with a 9999 word writefag and a blowjob.
i accept your concession
I'm trying to think of any builds, excluding dumps of course, where the character didn't grow and develop over a run. I genuinely can't think of any.
The decades of crafting can be how you got your basic and non-basic cybermods, as listed in the cyoa.
Just like I bought your mom as a companion.
You're already making up whatever you want with how the entire hobby works so it's not a surprise that you have to make stuff up to keep your threadbare ego intact, too. Keep on pretending you're winning an argument. Keep on pretending you're even in an argument, even.
My build did this.
>Just like I bought your mom as a companion.
Companions are explicitly banned tho.
Is it just my schizo senses, or is there a negativefag shitposter here? The writing style is very similar:
>same grammar and capitalization of sentences, typically only ever writes 1-3 words
>only ever replies to builds and adjacent posts with incredibly spiteful insults
>typically accuses them of mental illness
I swear I had hounded this guy in the past thread's secret hours, and his only response was to claim I am a schizo. We've always had spitefags, but these posts are just too similar to one another.
>You're already making up whatever you want with how the entire hobby works
by reading and understanding how the cyoa works? because here you are the one making up rules that are not stated anywhere
That's because you excluded dumps, idiot.
Anon this is multiplayer. We're literally sharing character generation images. There needs to be at least a little bit of balance. Some flavor is fine but wanking stuff to the point where it matches things that require an investment on the cyoa just because you picked some skills and say that it's part of a background is lame and gay.
if you're classifying anyone who criticizes things as negativefags or spitefags you might be too far gone
no it's appropiate and following the rules as there is nothing contraddicting it, everyone else is free to do the same, you are obsessed with making people weaker, balance can be reached by making everyone stronger too
It's pretty obvious, but just because you're right doesn't mean he'll stop.
You can't lose the game if you never even started playing.
>>A picnic (Bastly, Vera; intro with Seph)
So is that canon?
it's ultra canon
There's a line of difference between genuine criticism and shitting up the thread with falseflaggery. Pay attention to these posts:
>no actual criticism, just insults
>writing style is the same
Compare this to the posts pertaining SCRAPPER's discussion. I am not saying that the muscle wizard has a good build by any means or that the music choice isn't trashy but you can almost feel that a guy is samefagging, occasionally dropping around a reasonable point so he can shower posts with negativity or "nah ur wrong"-tier arguments. And he's doing a poor job at it.
It's better to point out this poster so people will be more aware in the future.
Marina is queen and I won't have you say otherwise.
Multiple people have called you mentally ill because you keep accusing them of being someone else due to paranoia and delusion.
depends on what Vera anon thinks
That's why I added her through my background.
Only by continuous gatekeeping can we keep dumpers from turning into wanky stagnant builds.
nameless and vera yuri stocks are TANKING, morybros we're so back
There it is again. Another vagueposting about mental illness while citing "multiple" people, despite only a single anon replying to me in that thread. This anon may also be assuming that I am a paranoiafag from earlier, which is interesting.
Claiming that you're an anon behind the build being trashed is one of the oldest tactics in a shitposter's book. It's better if I distance myself.
There are more chicks.
Make more ships.
the rest aren't shippable
YuriCHADS, maybe it's time we get rid of the ugly bastard...
How are people supposed to be creative when everything needs to be the same, progression needs to be gated behind uneeded effort for the simplest of things, and the rules in the cyoa itself can be ignored for the sake of "balance" with no prevous indication?
You seem to be the one obsessed with adding more things that aren't in the cyoa with half-assed justifications about background or skills
It's simple
step 1: ignore anons
step 2: do what you want
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I'm not insulting you when I say this. You should genuinely take a break for a while.
nta but editing isn't hard
>unneeded effort
I think you're vastly overestimating the amount of anons who even read writefags that don't feature their builds, if you want an upgrade so badly then churning out an easy 500 word rentry is laughably easy and actually pretty fun. it'll likely be accepted by everyone but the loudest whiners
Your "proof" took too long to post, and editing (You)s is something a baby can do. And your writing style still matches.
You're looking at it wrong. Being with a man reminds her of the painful past, so now she only dates women. Vera X Nameless stocks are at an all time high.
Some of the best character progressions are sometimes short and sweet. I'm not asking anon to write a novel.

I'm asking to be won over.

Just about every other build managed it, even the ones that have been completely dead in the water. Fucking R3DD1T managed to convince me he's an Aspergers Rebel.

That's whats lacking here. Cut away all the whinging about balance and all the rest of it and that is the fundamental bad base for characters that actually made me throw my hat into this shit ring. The fundamental lack of an ability to sell a character. You could do it long or short, you could do it a hundred different ways, but that is the crux of it. Failing to breach that basic barrier does the same thing that happens at the game table when someone just powergames and metagames blatantly without dressing it, it takes you out of the situation. Suddenly you aren't in the game, you are sitting in someones basement while the guy beside you has an episode that surely he should be allowed to have x y and z.
Balancefags really be trying to justify the dumbest shit. "The mountain explody skill does seem to suggest that you can explode mountains, but it never specifics how large those mountains are.. For all we know it could be referring to miniature mountains. It does say 'minimum effort' but I think we have to agree on what that exactly means. We need to make sure that flute playing is also a valid pick after all."
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>bastly traumatized vera so much that she molests nameless for affection and validation
>it'll likely be accepted by everyone but the loudest whiners
I.E. you when anyone actually does that. You faggots aren't slick with you constantly move the goals.
By doing what everyone else has been doing so far.
Making fun narratives and scenarios with what you have and slowly building up to your ideal end-state.
Not bitching and moaning that you aren't the ultimate badassest badass that ever badassed from day 1.
This'd be the equivalent of genin builds immediately turning hokage (they took mad science), or student builds conquering the world (they trained real hard).

But you know what? Go ahead. Make yourself uber-powerful. Give yourself all the abilities, equipment, and cool shit from the get-go.
I'll probably not put you in anymore of my effortfags, or even acknowledge your build exists. Saves me the headache of you butting in with "akschyully my build solos god".
>This'd be the equivalent of genin builds immediately turning hokage
desu, half of the fun in nardo is watching geninfags pretend that they're prodigies who can solo armies of jonin when realistically they can use sage mode for 2 seconds before they turn to stone
>Muh mountain exploder build is hated and people keep trying to gimp me >:(
>I will now make this everyone elses problem
Your (you) nerd. I thank you for managing to illustrate your hangups better than I could have.
t. seething flutefag
I just thought the song was a little cringe. I don't have a problem with the character and the reply her anon made implied it was kinda the point which actually made me like her more. I don't know what this has to do with with the dork who always spergs out about AI art.
It's kinda funny that some dude is angry on behalf of other anons.
>I just thought the song was a little cringe.
Your post was unreasonably vitriolic, just like the ones I keep spotting under build posts. I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt still because I just got here and began noticing patterns that honestly irk my inner schizo. This is not the first time some fag subtly shat up the general.
Should it not be? I didn’t read it
I've never whined about a single build in my entire life. Years of living with a half dozen siblings have imparted on me the ability to obliterate anything I do not like from my sightline, thus removing the need to ever complain.
The last few threads have proven fairy tail isn't strong enough to sustain the general
Let's quit while we're ahead
Idk, but it seems to imply that Bastly and Vera have a teenage so .
You're right. I propose Threadslaves not post Naruto, BtN, GP, SCRAPPER, and FT from now on. Let the players of those games post them themselves, and may the strongest survive.
All the last few threads have proven is that SCRAPPER has a few volatile fags.
>Franklin can maul the bear
Ares hunt vermin, not apex predators five times their size.
>talked about
And laughed at.
Already addressed. It's only useful against very soft targets or with accuracy mods.
>is not dumb
You literally made her a bimbo dude.
>has psy powers
Only one of which is likely to be useful, and only insofar as giving her time to run. Already acknowledged Shadow can let her do that.
See above.
>mind blank absolutely does work on the bear
>she can fly
Float at best. Not out of reach.
>unlike what people may think
I'm people and think. Fuck off it won't be as effective against a bear. Heck it might not even work on non-humans, since they have different nervous systems.
>screw has combat knives
Yeah, and little to help her deliver them before the bear's on her.
Lets her not immediately lose consciousness from the first hit. Which is arguably worse considering she has little else going for her.
>Mind blank
>The last two I have not read
Why am I not even surprised.
Sci-Fi is simply an inherently inferior genre. It attracts the most braindead players around, and whenever a fantasy cyoa offers something like "magitech" or advanced technology, the only builds that take it are the aforementioned dimwits who insist on dragging their subhuman balls all over the work of everyone else.
It's no surprise S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R. is full of losers and freaks, they're attracted to Sci-Fi like flies to shit.
I mean, there’s no point in skipping most of those since I’d post them anyway
And fappy tail has nothing but coom sustaining it (it'll die once post-nut clarity hits)
When post nut hits I just start fapping again.

Race: Ascended Master
Powers: Soul Drain, Power Word (All Modifiers), Arcane Magic, Physical Empowerment, Elder Ink, Oblivion Strike, Golden Truth, Dark Smite (+ Break), Aura of Dread (Power), Spirit Armor (Physical), Perish Song (March), Aligned Magnificence, Echoed Roar (Rallying, Booming), Walk Blessed
Perks: Commander, Alchemical Mastery, Talented, Sleepless, Communication
Minions: Ascended Master, Blood Guard, Dracolich, Black Wyvern, Black Dragon, Familiar
Oaths: Patriarch, Gentle Ward
Drawbacks: Dead Senses (Taste/Touch), Homogenous Existence, Entropy, Magnet, One Way (Perish), Mirror Assassin
Events: Multiplayer
Blessing: All Attributes moderately boosted in every way, Moderately Better at using and improving Golden Truth, Overall Better Caster, Overall better Warrior and General

I don't see how this could possibly work as MCYOA, the power level is way too high.
Isn't like 90% of it promised power and therefore invalid by /mcyoag/ standards
>I don't see how this could possibly work as MCYOA, the power level is way too high.
/cyoag/ did it and I can't fathom how we could be worse than them at MP.
>the power level is way too high.
this place is full of retards
I'm not shitposting when I say you should get thicker skin. Be more like the anon I originally replied to lol.
More like had a son that would have been a teenager now.
Well, they don't whinge when someone dares to say their builds strong for one.
Not really, they posted builds and talked about their plans to conquer the world, build interaction was sparse
>Little to help her deliver them before the bear

Like the exoskeleton and psy infusion that enhance you to superhuman strength and speed, and the fact that she has a autoaiming tar gun that can lock it down in a few shots combined with Mind Blank to make it stop mid charge for precious seconds to re-acquire the target?

You'll be hard pressed to find a build in SCRAPPER who cant beat a bear unless they literally just dont own weapons.
Not convincing. Other guy won.
We don’t another fucking mp in the first place. This thread hit bump in 4 hours
We should one MP per anon and turn it into an arena.
No, that's level 1 power. You can get stronger from there.YOu're supposed to start planeswalking at some point when you reach the end of your basic sandbox.

They just like talking about how they would destroy the world, not how they would exist together in it and interact in a meaningful way.

It has a bunch of instant kill stuff Notably this build can kill anyone in 90 seconds (Or less) by singing a song.
>I'm not shitposting when I say you should get thicker skin.
What are you talking about? I am trying to point out someone I assume to be a shitposter, I have no emotional involvement in this and neither has he baited me before.
We've actually discussed doing multi-cyoa MP, in particular combining stuff like Witcher, BTN, F&F and so on together was an idea.
That could actually be kino desu.
Combining Witcher CYOA and lore with BtN's mechanics could be kino, but at that point, you're better off making a DLC for Sylen's Witcher but for nobles.
Yo, what have I missed? I kinda got distracted by Elden Ring the last week or so.
Somehow, Fairy Tail returned.
Fairy Tail is BACK BABY!
I am developing the highest forms of schizophrenia. This general is a memetic hazard. Also, we got Fairy Tail and it's building up yurikino.
Didn't read lol
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Anybody trying to screw over a Fangli operative, especially one with a special place in the organization due to their "problem-solving" skills like Corto, is just asking for a shortened lifespan. Corto doesn't like to inflict violence but he realizes that anyone reckless (or stupid) enough to rip off the Fangli is probably not worth much anyways. He floats a juicy job to the contractor through one of his intermediaries, and then triangulates the position of the contractor's home, where he sends a squad of Fangli goons to not just take care of him, but send a message to any future intrepid individuals looking to make a quick buck off him. The final state of the contractor is a little bit too much for Corto to handle, but he steels his resolve that he has to go this far to maintain his reputation.
>Prompt: Favorite Food?
Mitra is a pretty simple girl who enjoys roasted wyvern... but she also stuffs her mouth with humus, so probably not the best judge of taste.
Oh I've got some humus for you.
What's your problem with humus?
praying on fairy tail's downfall, not because I'm a rival shonen merchant, but because I don't like yurifags
>What's your problem with humus?
Normal people usually don't eat dirt. Only slayers are weird like that.
Be the change you want to see, anon. Make a chad build and cuck all yurifags. Make hetero ships great again.
Yam and Lucius are the only dudes my build would fuck.
You're looking at it wrong. The biggest potential yuri victim just featured in a writefag that implied she had a kid in a hetero relationship. Yuri stocks are at an all time low.
All of our male builds are either nerds or hobos. We need more hunks, more chads. Or at least normal males.
My male build would fuck everyone except for other guild leaders.
Vera is in a heterosexual marriage and is just bringing nameless in for Bastly's harem though?
>snubbing my glorious king sebastian stone
shit taste desu
He may lack money, but his looks are not that bad.
My cute bunny boy....
can't call him a king when he's hardly even a man, dude replaced his dick with a laser cannon
bro has no swimmers
Who let the Roman out the freezer?
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challenge accepted. currently accepting questions but not critique.
I'm creative all the time and my builds have never offended anyone.
>stone mid
Apologize to our most original magitech build before he starts wanking up black hole nukes.
I'm gonna make a Fairy Tail build but I want to make sure that it will be mentioned frequently every thread due to shitposting, hornyposting, or otherwise. Any tips?
>lucius went from being treated as soulless to one of FT's heroes
I love a good redemption arc.
Pick a faceclaim with huge tits and respond to prompts and other fairy tail anons.
Be a hot man, and be susceptible to manwhoring.
I approve.
Give it big boobs, or make it a hot male, also make it a High Mage. Respond to other anons, and be active. If you want a shitposting bit, facilitate powerfag discussions, and claim your build solos to everyone else. You'll have to compete with Malumda's sovlful meteor posting, but I am sure you'll manage.
Honestly, just have a fun gimmicky backstory, thats why I remember anything about Axel. there's only so much you can shitpost about with nothing but a personality blurb, especially if the magic is uninspired too.
The only way we can combine these is a Sumo.
Or a trap with padding.
>Female Sumo
I am almost done with my build, I just need to come up with a good backstory and an image. The image will be the hardest part, there is not much around for the specific look I have in ind so I may have to edit something else, and I am neither an artist nor an editor. I am not sure if I should post it when it's ready or wait until I have the intro too.
>more Lucianusanon kino
we will be waiting
You're still doing this? You need public intervention or something. I think you've developed a no-joke mental disorder from social isolation. You need help.
Why aren't they all part of Yam's harem?
Does the nightmare magic training mean Seph will be giving Ibuki dreams of her true form until she likes it?
A cyoa's options tell you what the resulting person (sometimes a self-insert) is at time=0. Dead set present. That's the whole conceit.
That depends on the cyoa in question. Some specify that it's about potential, fated future and so on.
>Why aren't they all part of Yam's harem?
The god of yuri in FT is just kind of a dick like that.
>Does the nightmare magic training mean Seph will be giving Ibuki dreams of her true form until she likes it?
Correct, with positive and negative reinforcement during the waking hours to get Ibuki to conform to Seph's standard of morality. Unfortunately Seph's ideas of "positive" and "negative" are far removed from anyone sane's understanding of those concepts, so it takes a while to stick.
I guess that's true, a couple of the apotheosis themed ones are like that. But inventing infinite prep time to avoid spending points in the cyoa is next level deluded powerfagging. It's openly sartre at that point, which is obviously incompatible with multiplayer.
You need to stop. I think you're giving me a new fetish and it isn't actionable.
Axelanon actually writefagged so he's mid at minimum.
and yet the build didn't get a place in the husbando convos, so he belongs in that tier
But would you date him?
Yuri doesn't mean they can't be in Yam's harem.
He's pretty pump and dumpable.
yamanon you gotta stop trying to force your shotacon fetish into the mp
It's not even him I think, yamanon's posting style is a lot more dry and uninterested in shipping
But he'd probably steal your wallet the day after. You'd find out that you're in debt a few months later.
Correct. It's me. Yam's #1 Fan. I will still him even if he won't shill himself.
you a weirdo
Yeah, but you get boosted magical power out of the arrangement. It's more quid-pro-quo than most relationships.
I just discovered my PC has a way better editor than I was aware of, I may be able to do something that does not look completely awful.
Am I really that easy to spot? Did you manage to guess what MP I am talking about too? I am genuinely curious about the second part.
Normally I'm quite the yurifag but I don't particularly care for the ship I've been assigned.
>Am I really that easy to spot?
No, I'm just built different
>Did you manage to guess what MP I am talking about too?
It's gotta be fairy tail
Then push a different one. None can prove it's you.
The only thing stopping your wildest yuri dreams from coming true is yourself.
Ciaranon or Ibukianon?
Damn. Way to throw shade at Curie and Seph. Though I could understand if Ibukianon didn't want to be mindraped.
Seph anon or Curie anon?
>It's gotta be fairy tail
You are correct. Hopefully I can manage a good build, if not this time then the next. I am gathering images prehemptively by now and I am learning to edit better.
>You had just completed a serious contract that cost you a lot, only to realize the contractor screwed you over, leaving you with a handful of credits and a slap on the ass. What now?
To Claymore, contracts are pretty sacred. He might give a bit of leeway if the contractor is trying to pay it off over time, but that a big assumption in this scenario. He's trying his best to do what he's been asked to a tee, it's only proper that the contractor does the same. Though, credits aren't the only thing he'd accept. He's willing to shave off a bit of that debt for info, connections, services, etc. He's a SCRAPPER, after all. Can't be picky about how you get paid, only that you are paid.
>Spread the word the contractor is bad news? Start planning to get even? Just take a breather for the time being?
Spreading the word to not only the network, but to other crews as well is par for the course. If he got really screwed over, then all he can realistically do is bide his time until he's ready to do some redecorating. He's not going to follow through with revenge if it's going to cost him more than what he's owed. Better to do something else to earn it back that be stuck up on something that won't earn you credits. Getting a group contract screwed over might be the push for him to get revenge no matter what.

Not to reignite an old argument, but I expected Claymore to be ranked lower than the other builds in both lists. He's basically a regular human who can throw a C4. He has no combat mods of either type, and if the argument that pistols are useless against bears, then SMGs of the same caliber would be too by the text of the CYOA. It being a PDW was basically fluff, but I doubt anyone remembers the answers to the weapons prompt.
Thinking about making a relationship chart for Fairy Tail.
Same desu, but I should finish my writefag first. I'll get too hung up on a chart.
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Satan...we are unworthy of this KINO...
the Seph one was damn good, charts are always a fun time to read
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basically this (I am mentally ill)
Why did you think they were me?
Why is Reze from Chainsaw Man and some random ass lightning girl here?
If you don't know, you won't know
Those were the two guesses I couldn't eliminate somehow.

Demon Eyes and PMD, I think?
Anon, I'm choosing not to say who I am because I don't want to attack the anon behind the other build.
Trips of truth...
Can't comment on DE since I never joined it but PMD is clearly represented by Pikachu.
>I haven't beaten the yuri allegations
J-Just wait for my relationship chart!
Also electric girl is a Worm 1 build
lower right is definitely worm 1. lower left is a toss up but it might be urban phantom or memento mori but not demon eyes.
But I want to know so I can know where my build stands...
Who is your build?
Nah, I'm a push over.
I'm pretty sure it's Facility. Someone used Reze as a face claim.
saying you're not interested in a ship isn't an "attack" lmao cmon now anon
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Mimic Meeting (Mash, Ersatz, Yaju)

I hope Sandatsu Anon doesn't mind me writing about the Wild Hunt using the Night Parade to move pipebombs filled with Reaper's blood and drugs across the city. If it clashes with his plans for the villains please tell me.
>they don't remember juggernaut and powertrip
I'm cooked, my meme failed to deliver its message about wormfags and facility autists
I remembered >>93280842
What do I win
I'm flattered you picked my build to represent the entire autist clan
I'm sorry. I genuinely thought she was meant to be that lightning girl from the secret hours mythic lands run but knew that was impossible since nobody remembers that shit but me. You shoulda gone with the Cauldron boogeyman with yellow eyes.
I'll glaze one of your builds.
nameless' relationship chart, will be added on as i get more fun ideas for interactions
and no, the pic is not ai slop, thankfully
nameless wouldn't really be interested in mory, she doesn't have enough personality.
Never happening again
Was never meant to be an MP in the first place. Dead in the gutter.
Will return at some point in our lives.
I don't think of Powertrip when I think of Worm 1, but I recognized her. I don't think of Facility at all, so I missed that one.
I still believe in Wyrm. We just need a more concrete pitch next time.
The accident was my fault.
I'll keep proposing we play Cycle Continues for the kino it may bring. But I'd like Worthless Opponent too, for the comfy capeshit adventures it may bring.
It's a mid idea, but mid ideas can still work. Just don't let a complete psycho pitch it next time.
>He trid to plan
>his trian of thought
Didn't spot anymore errors.
Short and sweet anon, very nice. Like to see some lesser used characters.
nice i like how the patrol conspiracy is shaping up the whole thing with the manholes makes sense since it happens near Drekus's hideouts in the sewers, so the villains probably have a lot of free reign on that area

all good it's pretty interesting and I wanna see where it goes
Thanks anon. Using newer characters for these more recent plotlines just felt natural. I just wanted to include Yeju because he's a cool villain. Nobody henches like that man.

>We need more hunks, more chads.
Buster is right there anon.
Cool to see some more villain plots going on! It really gives the feel that evil is sinking it's roots all across Kyoto. Hopefully next time Chris and Tame and Drekus can join the mimic meeting
He's a married man.
Every time I do an attractive male build for anything I get called a faggot, so you can all go fuck yourselves.
Have you tried using straight art?
Maybe you just have gay tastes?
Look, there's a lot of homos in this thread that don't know how to deal with the sight of an attractive male. You have to be patient with them.
Look Google docs anon, we all know you're gay. You can come out of the closet.
Maybe pick art of slightly less oiled up men.
You sound like the type to play a sugary plump twerking thugshaker.
Own it. Start hitting on anons.
>if ye got no magic, that's a disability. Like havin' no limbs.
Based? makes me wonder where each of our builds are in the magic racism spectrum
>I-I don't know what's up with me, maybe I am some kinda weirdo but... I swear, I am never touchin' a gal in my life ever! I swear!
She will keep participating in yuri and she will learn to love it
>give him the chance, and he gonna suck on your [...] like a strawberry juice, then leave you hangin' for some more cash to waste.
New whore just dropped

Very good chart anon! it does the job of situating nameless' current rep with her guild and others, and it also made me like her moe.
her not remembering some of the build's names or misnaming them in purpose is also a neat touch
>RC time
hell yes.
it's cute how boycrazy Nameless is, especially when it turns into gay panic. hope she lands a good guy who makes her wear underwear eventually.
>lore on bunkan and at the end
interesting, though not much more than we already knew from stuff in the thread. wonder where her other 6 compatriots wound up.
Always great to see more pro hero action. Mash and Ersatz seem to get along well. A quirk copier copying a quirk that copies quirks, how many levels can it go with all our quirk copiers in a meeting?
Is it better to start with a relationship chart or an introductory writefag
Both at once.
Whichever one you personally find easier to do quickly.
Writefag if you haven't fully fleshed out your build in the thread, relationship chart if you have.
Haven't done any writefagging in almost a year. Hope to god this comes out ok.
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thanks, gotta cement my work with a nice writefag and i can rest a bit before trying to roll out some plot stuff
i might propose it as an arc later, but we need to start small
>it's cute how boycrazy Nameless is
male, or female, she needs someone to tardwrangle her
knowing FT, this will most likely be a guy, but do not underestimate vera's tricks
>lore on bunkan and at the end
haha, what are you talking about?

T H E R E W E R E S E V E N. F O U R H A D L E F T. T H R E E R E M A I N.
S H E I S O U R E S C A P E. S E L E N E.
I just went down a rabit hole of image searchingand found a lot of images, not many fitting ones for the build but they will be useful later. I have two images edited for the build but I am not sure which one fits more, it's surprisingly difficult to find appropiate art. That also means I just now started on the backstory, would it be appropiate to try and include other builds or is the interaction better later? I will try to catch up with the current events.
Including builds in backstory is fine.
Whose build are you using in the backstory?
Is it me?

And yeah it's totally fine to include other builds. Adding defining stuff like family relationships, you should probably ask, but building off of what already exists is no big deal.
>no nicknames
this compile is SOULLESS.
>Rooftop Repose (Capture Cloth, Bakeneneko)
Good to know.
I have no idea yet, I was not paying much attention to FT because of distractions and because I was thinking about how to make my build work precisely. I just remember that apparently there are a lot of ancient evils awakening and that felt like a good starting point, (the ancient sealed part, if it's evil remains to be seen). I have a lot to read to make a proper decision, but I don't think a family relation would fit much, and I don't want to burden other players too much.
try giving my chart a read if you're feeling like being related to nameless' plot thread of ancient evil
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>t. never seen a grizzly bear outside of a TTRPG or vidya before
Maybe that guy is just 3 feet tall.
I will definitely read it, to catch up if nothing else. I just read the build for now and it does seem interesting, it surprisingly fits at least a bit. I need to read faster.
>have an idea for a writefag
>sounds pretty edgy in my head
Everybody here can recognize that bears are extremely dangerous IRL, but we're talking about a sci-fi setting where people have access to weapons that could give them a run for their money. I can only see a bear having high success rate against builds that outright have no ways of defending themselves, but any guy with futuristic gun and some preparation could take one down.
Cocaine bear is an entirely different discussion, he solos everybody.
What's a cocaine bear gonna do if he gets hit with an plasma gun? Besides turning into a meat puddle, that is.
Bears are immune to plasma. This is pretty common knowledge, man.
Yuri is back on the menu.
Nene once again pulling Yui towards being a semi-normal human being with rational self control. Kind of a cliffhanger but I figure the celebration will be its own big thing, looking forward to it. Overall a neat little sol piece that let Yui actually think things through a little.
had no idea her birthday was on white day, that's neat.
You can't be immune to plasma. Plasma is superheated particles. It'd be like saying you're immune to the concept of energy.
Well, Kichona from Nardo is immune to the concept of energy, thanks to being a cyborg.
Look, anon, if you haven't put points into Bear Lore, that's not shameful, but everybody knows this stuff.
Bears are immune to plasma. That's just how it is.
edge is good, unless you're violently dismembering and raping anons' builds or something. I doubt whatever your idea you're planning is as bad as that.
That's just a myth that bears spread so you don't use plasma guns against them.
shut the fuck up Apo
But it's true. Eiken has infinite regeneration because of petrification and being made out of marble. Rinka can bend reality with divine arts and Angel Mode. Ichika can one shot anyone in the tournament with Blades of Blood 3 + Curse Arts 3. Ghidorah can poison the world. Sen has infinite chakra because she's from snow lands and has genius + knowledge.
The thing is, the "sci-fi" weapons are only the special ones. The rest are functionally mundane, though some variants have magnetic propulsion.
The builds that don't seem to be doing so good took the futuristic weapons with gimmicks, rather than the ones with destructive potential. Nobody's arguing the plasma shotgun or sonic rifle would fail to murder a bear.
Ex Machina bros... this is our moment!
Ichika, Ghidorah, and Sen are unironically true. Most people can't come come back from getting cut in and that's just the basic function of Blades of Blood. Pretty much everyone is susceptible to poison. Sen has more knowledge so she should have more chakra.
If Ichika used her one shot blood blades on Eiken who can regen infinitely what would happen?
Eik/en fucking dies instantly. Bam. Just like that.
>infinite durability
>resistance to all forms of energy
Ex Machina user can tank end of existence. They're stronger than Madara and Otsutsuki's Omnipotence.
Sen has infinite chakra explicitly, so she's stronger than someone who ate Chakra Fruit. She can one punch anyone.
They might cancel each other out, or Curse Arts can use the secret technique of infinity+2 to overpower Eiken's regeneration.
Regen tanks confirmed to be bottom tier compared to durability tanks and dodgeGODS
It's nice to see how narutards saw a powerlevel discussion and immediately jumped to make it about them
Sorry, but Nardofags dominate powerlevel discussions. Do you have proof that you can get infinite durability, infinite attack potency, or infinite regeneration in Worm? BtN? MHA? No? Then get the fuck out of here with your jobber build.
Be nice, it's all they have left.
Of course, this was already confirmed after Kichona no diffed Nodao, and then took regen afterwards as a joke.
>didn't want my build
It's over.
Wrong, they're already gone. Wankfags just don't have anything more potent to move on to.
all they have actually is stale build discussion and promises of kino with huge lengths of nothing
if nardo survives into inabaquest, it'll be only because of one autist with sunken cost issues trying to carry the plot
I do no not care about this fag.
then care for genin graduation and hope they'll do akatsukino or something
Nah, I'll write more SoL.
That autist? Me.
Inabaquest? Soon.
Akatshitkino? Also soon.
Nobody wants your build. Especially if you can't even spells correctly.
never bought into this. I haven't been sold that basically any of these builds actually like or care about anyone but their teammates, the idea of them going on a dangerous mission for the sake of some literal who just felt like anons wanted to do sasuke retrieval but without any of the setup to make it compelling at all.
the only way nardobuilds interact is violence and wanking
I will. I hate the idea of that dump getting anything. I fucking despise villainfags that drop their shit and expect everyone fight over who gets to write their faggot build kicking their ass first.
Wow, after that powerfagging discussion where my build was mentioned by someone who WASN'T me pretending to be a random anon, all of my motivation suddenly returned to me! Thanks, wankfags!
>just felt like anons wanted to [repeat canon] but without any of the setup to make it compelling at all.
but enough about the mha tournament
>finally with free time to write
>come down with pharyngitis, nausea, and rhinorrhea
I am cursed.
>specially if you can't even spells correctly.
>can't even spells correctly.
You're one to talk.
>he thinks I won't write Inaba getting raped and forced to give a little brother to Jin
>the only way nardobuilds interact is violence and wanking
i want akatsukino more desu, this whole shadowkage plot sounds gay as fuck and artificial
at least with akapoopy we'll have anons drive the world
you sound like you've played MHA for a while
does anyone care about the tournament except the one guy dragging its bloodied carcass across the finish line, shit's so late it'd be like getting a writefag for Monster Hunter today
I don't care for it either but all their villages are supposed to br allowed. That you got assigned a missions is enough justification.
Also there's been plenty of SoL.
The second trvthnvke is that Shadowkage is just a vehicle to also get to Akatsukino
The forbidden blvck trvthnvkepill is that the exams were also a vehicle for Akatsukino just to introduce our heroes.
>unironic "we just have to get to [x]" posting
You think it was ever ironic in the first place?
don't care for a character with no build and autistic genjutsu spamming
After the exam I'm gonna write my build settling down with the love of their life (Masu) and the raising if their children.
we just need to keep moving forward, no matter what.
The throwing knives literally pack scifi bullshit poisons and explosives and shit, and several people have auto-aim guns that make short work of a bear because they will aim for the soft bits instead of the skull like 90% of people who get speedblitzed by a bear do.

In general they are also just high enough fire power to punch through a bear since the setting has mass effect magnetic guns and thermics and all that.

Anyone who took a special weapon can beat a bear im pretty sure.
It couldn't be unironic or ironic because it never existed.
Unfortunately I made anons time travelling future child to kill off his build for my build's character development
I'm Ichika anon (real) and I'm going to impregnate her with my curse cock.
Spell is too short for me to misspell in funny way tho...
there are better things to do than trying to drag along a shitty mp with barely any focus
pretty sure that BtNfags learned this lesson, but i still believe into "singular autist" theory and preparing for vozd to revive so he can necromancy the tourney
Most mps barely have any focus. Anons just do shit.
>a shitty mp with barely any focus
But enough about SCRAPPER and MHA
>there are better things to do than trying to drag along a shitty mp with barely any focus
but enough about Fairy Tail
>a shitty mp with barely any focus
But enough about Overlord.
>vozd to revive so he can necromancy the tourney
Pizanon set out to do what he wanted to do and he completed his life's work
every good MP eventually tries to building up something long-term, but it doesn't work always
tribalismfags, overlord and KtH mog all of your MPs without trying
>a shitty mp with barely any focus
Phew, for a second I thought you were talking about Worm there but we're safe.
yes. kth has a focus, that being killing every single build i didn't like (this includes all ancestors)
>unironically thinks overlord and xianxia could even mog a pill picker
I'm so sorry for you bro.

Needlegun: Low lethality but great rate of fire and no recoil, really not ideal but better than nothing.
Pain gun: It'll turn it around in seconds once the beam goes onto it and incapacitate it shortly after, I think its one of the best options vs a bear
Volt Gun: Lightning probably works to kill a bear, not ideal but should do the job
Plasma Shotgun: If it works on exosuits it works on a bear, one of hte best options
Laser Rifle: Weak as fuck and requires sustained fire to do anything, Ide put it below evne the needlegun to be honest. Gimmick weapon.
Waylight: Throwing knives that can explode, inject super poison, or do taser shit. Not the best but pretty good and varied in methods to take the bear down. Solid middle ground to judge everything else by
Sonic Rifle: Better than the laser rifle, worse than the needler unless you get it properly attuned but it should have a simialr effect to the pain gun in terms of making the bear turn around instantly.

Traditional Weapons: Bad idea, you might be able to gurantee it dies but you'll go with it
Handgun: Historically not the best option but a pocket railgun is easy to pull out and aim so it has speed on its side, gonna give you the same odds as if you had a Big Iron
SMG: As bad as traditional weapons, not enough penetration to pop a bears skull. Basically a worse needlegun
Shotgun: Should be okay, ideally you want slugs but buckshot and a prayer might save you, below average though.
Rifle: Now were talking this is how you take out 30-40 wild hogs or a single angry bear. Second only to the sniper rifle in stopping power on the normal weapon side but way easier to use and way faster fire rate incase you miss.
Sniper: If you hit, it'll drop the bear in one shot, but if it deflects off the skull or you fuck up? GG you wont get a second shot. Still better than a SMG or Sword.
You now remember Gras Praada exists. I'm sorry.
Why does it exist?
I'm not. The hot companions weren't available for my build to fuck.
Does it, though?
...is what I would say if Worm wasn't hot garbage.
I WILL post it if you don't take that back.
>every good MP eventually tries to building up something long-term
Disagree. Try to force a grand narrative is often what kills mps.
Please do. Use Worm to destroy MHA!
I'm only sorry I can't seem to find the time to writefag for it. I still don't want to give up on the idea. Also, I can't help but be haunted by the fact that the MP with the lowest amount of powerfagging also seems to have been the one to have the least traction.
Might think of something else later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVtZqFCm3cA&a
Nice work on the relationship chart, Seph Anon. I can give Alaric's thoughts:
>"Truly unburdening ourselves from the guilt of past sins...it is quite the arduous task. And if we yet hold vengeance in our hearts, it is that monumental weight we must first abandon before such healing can occur. For some, this can take a lifetime of continued effort. To struggle is expected."
-Curious, hungry. Sometimes to her own detriment.
-Despite her bizzare composition, Seph is no more monster than any of us. Better than many, perhaps, as there is no shortage of those who consider themselves righteous while acting anything but. To diverge from the destructive path she'd once committed herself to so fully is truly commendable.
Cool, anon. I'll do the same for her:
>"I believe there is truth to the notion that we are the sum of those whom we associate with most often. Yet if we are to save those hearts which most need saving, then perhaps risking our own corruption is unavoidable. Assuming I am correct about her motives, the nameless one may yet possess a wisdom beyond that which initial appearances suggest."
-Despite her crude language and questionable choice in attire, she possesses a certain innocence, akin to a newborn. With such a lack of self-knowledge, it is a blessing that whatever misfortune befell her failed to strip her of her spirited nature. There will surely be those who aim to take advantage of her unfortunate circumstances. May she give any who try exactly what they deserve.
- It was for only a moment, but I sensed something...unsettling from her. I know not if she is even aware of it in her current state. Further investigation is required.
I WILL post a build.
Not the time wormfags, we're at 6 MPs already.
The threadslaves will riot if you try this.
I care not for the opinions of beggars that brought the plague of MHA upon us.
I can't write anymore bros, I just don't have the brainpower I once did
Then that makes it easy. They won't post it so you'll have to keep worm posted yourself. And then you'll be a threadslave too...!
We did it boys, the main anon personality has been fully mindbroken. We can all vanish into the wind knowing that we robbed all creativity from him.
Becoming a threadslave is a fate I'll willingly subject myself to if it means killing MHA.
If I were a threadslave I would just link the cyoa via a 4plebs link to when it was recently posted and then tell you all to fuck yourselves if you don't like it.
I'm the opposite. I'm the opposite of my flop era now that I don't bound to bloat.
That's why nobody gives you responsibilities.
Honestly if you have that attitude you wouldn't do it in the first place.
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>The throwing knives literally pack scifi bullshit poisons and explosives and shit
Not really.
The WASP injection knife's been a thing for half a decade, wherein you stab it into your target, then inject a stream of frozen CO2 to cause that chunk of them to explode.
From what I'm reading, the only futuristic thing about these knives is their relative compactness.
>several people have auto-aim guns
Note that none of them are on the "will get mauled" row.
>the setting has mass effect magnetic guns
Oh you're serious.
No, they aren't mass effect. Mass effect magnetic guns launch things at a fraction of the speed of light by reducing their mass using the literal magic of eezo. There are no references to any such thing in the cyoa, so you're just making it up.
The only thing they do have is magnetic propulsion, which, if they're a scaled down version of the ship guns, will require 9V batteries in addition to each ammo clip.
Part of being a threadslave is posting MHA.
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It's not a big deal. I'd just put GP and BtN on trial and see if anons still care enough to post those. Worm's not a particularly long cyoa.
You better post it next thread too. Every thread it's posted I'll add a build.
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>he thinks his flop era is over
You're either Evi or Screw, and I'm leaning Screw.
With this shitpost I summon!
Eight-MP'd Hammer Neurodivergent Sila Divine Janitor Jannyraga!
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I'd post GP. It's 3 pages long and I haven't gotten around to finishing a guild card yet.
>GP and BtN
Actually a good idea. Let's see if threadslaves want to keep BtN around, I am pretty sure nobody cares for it anymore.
I'm gonna have to after Operation Threadslaveicide pans out.
Are you the hammers anon?
>no scenario
quickshot over here
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Woah, let's not go crazy, the deal was for one posting session.
Rolled 1 (1d5)

No, I'm his stronger evil older brother, club anon.
>anon wants to kill an MP
>posting a 5-page cyoa twice is too much to ask
Forget MHA, every MP is safe with you.
Welp, see you guys after Leviathan battle inevitably flops.
Now he seems like a dark souls npc which gives me serious death flags.
I don't wanna kill MHA, that's some other weirdo. I just want to protect Worm's good name.
Oh, I was just gonna tell him the joke was never funny.
Here we go again. It's like we never left.
My bad then.
I'm waiting for Father Mond to drop his writefag so that I have something to work with for mine
Oh no, he's the Crestfallen!
Don't be a coward. Post it next thread at least. I'm going through all the trouble of phone posting a build here.
Did he promise a writefag?
No biggie, I'm aware how deep the battle lines are drawn.
I wouldn't go that far. It's mild shitposting at best. I only apologize because I rarely mix anons up.
His death could complete Ibuki's character arc. It'd be Kino.
People complain about MPs all the time. It's not a battle, it's a game of endurance.
Great work anon!
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>Favorite Food?
Baked tubers, though his favorite aren't actually yams, but sweet potatoes.

And since I forgot to answer the last prompt:
>Outside of their business, what are your build's recreational activities? Do they love to chill in hot baths, get a massage? Do they use their magics to fuck with the peasants for fun? Or do they utilise this time more productively, like developing their number of spells, engaging into politics, or just picking up a hobby to soothe the mind. Who are they as people, without their titles and mighty magic
Physical training and learning more of the language, the latter mostly as he mingles with and does errands for locals around Driftview. If he wanted to relax, he would go out into the backwoods and chill away from civilization for a bit.

Can't think of a fitting theme, honestly. I'd probably just pull out some vidya battle ost so I'll not put something down yet.
As Fairy Tail, pillow in hand, stood over the smothered and dying Scrapper, he felt a blow to the back of his head.
>ACK! N... No... another MP, and this soon!? I-I'm, I'm not just another dump like CRAPPER over here!
>Oh, are you now?
Fairy Tail turned, and he saw the eldest being he knew: Worm.
>All stars have their time to shine, Fairy Tail. Yet some burn out so fast. And others... relight after they're extinguished.
As Worm began to bring a pillow to Fairy Tail's face, in a forgotten crevice of the world, Nardo descended ancient stairs.
He recieved no answer.
>HEED MY WORDS! From ONE shonen... to another.
The ancient MHA smirked, its terrifying glow beaming from the darkness.
>Any price, you say?
There's no rules, anon. No power limits, no balancing tweaks, no endbringer ban, just rawdogging the CYOA as-is. We can have our OWN Leviathan, with blackjack and hookers
>No power limits, no balancing tweaks, no endbringer ban, just rawdogging the CYOA as-is.
I don't remember Endbringers ever getting banned, but I dig it. I'll post a build next thread, thoughever.
Reminder that will personally snuff the light out of Kaylee anon.
Ok but what if I made a build unironically?
I'm gonna make Leviathan Jr and he'll help out daddy kill all the meanies.
>I don't remember Endbringers ever getting banned, but I dig it.
It was in Wyrm, for some reason.
>Relationship chart that rags on everybody
Based? Based.
I wanna see what you're cooking with the ancient evils, arcs like that are always fun.
Wondering whether Seph could nibble on the demon inside Nameless' head. Probably can't afford to spare the neurons involved with that, though.

>Stone originality callout
Damn, cold. How will the man himself respond?

It's nice to have a normal person around in the middle of all the crazy exaggerated personalities.
Also, nice writing.
Fuck this got me.
Also when will an mp have a pillowfight?
Vozd go back to writing the tournament now
>gras prada so in the grave it doesn't even get a mention
>smothered and dying Scrapper
the evil is powerful, and it would prefer to treat seph as a nascent entity that is to be taught of their ways, due to some unknown losses
the dig at stone is also more than a meta joke
I can't believe I almost missed this. You tryin' to slip by unnoticed anon? Very cute White Day / Birthday - and are ya leaving what happens to people's imagination? Seems like a funny coincidence that her bday falls on the day boys give chocolates to girls, but that just means all the couples are too distracted to notice two girls walking around. I feel like you got the chemistry between these two down to a tee.
>Last year acted like you hated it.
So they were giving each other chocolates last year too. Cute. Makes me wonder if Yui was popular enough in her first year that all the boys bothered her.

I like how Yui and Nene are supporting each other through this and I will go to war if something happens to either of them. And can we get some help for Class 2-D? I know it's where 1-D is heading but poor Nene being stuck there with Stink Rat(?), K Rool(?), and Zetsuboy(?). She's gonna be the only competent senior next year. (Unless she gets heldback and joins the main class) Great stuff - thanks for cooking anon!
Where is BTN??
>want to find character art
>every single fucking art booru site people reccomend is just porn ads porn ads porn ads everywhere
>can't use adblock on mobile
Anybody know a non-booru site I can use?
Just download a browser app on your phone and install ublock.
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Brutally accurate
I finally caught up with most of the FT builds and writeups. I will start on my backstory but I will probably have to go to sleep soon so it will not be ready until tomorrow at the earliest, I learned to not post builds and writeups while sleep deprived, or do anything for that matter.
if there is anything specific I should be careful of with the spoilers let me know, I should also really learn to use them on here rather than on rentry, but I just keep forgetting how.
>Fairy Tail
A newborn, yet weak
So weak it died of natural causes. An old man, keeling over in the cold of winter.
Comatose. It's only a matter of time until the plug gets pulled.
Undergoing a midlife crisis.
>Gras Paada
An ironic joke.

These are your forces.

The ultimate lifeform. Unmatched, unsurpassed, unstoppable. Adapts to any and all attacks. Assimilates all foes within it's bulk. Growing faster than the cancer can kill it from inside.
It will outlive you by centuries.

And with that, you challenge a GOD?
Your "ultimate lifeform" hinges on one autist not killing himself after all the bullying finally gets him.
I don't care about any of this but with that last statement you awaken my JRPG instincts, I need to reject yet another god.
Safebooru doesn't have any nsfw ads on phone last I checked. I don't know, try pixiv?
Nta, but I have no idea what you could mean by this.
I am proposing that we stalk threadslaves IRL and make them kill themselves to stop MHA. Or, you know, drop BtN and GP and have another round of Worm.
He's saying he wishes he was clever enough to get engagement from anything other than hyperbole.
>assimilates all foes
Pregfag is going to convert the nardo builds into class 1-G(enin).
Now that I have impregnated all of male MHA builds, I will proceed to do the same with Nardo builds.
Seems fair although Mory's probably too high
Actually, what's with the worm posting? Earlier anons were shitposting about my Worm 2 character and now an anon posted a cyoa.
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Jon Ible
>Cape Name
Ghostboy 2
Male Adult Journalist (13)
Martial Arts (9)
Stealth (6)
Banter (5)
Zion (8)
Second Trigger x2 (0, 9)
Noctis Cape (8)
Peak Condition (7)
No Clip ST (5)
Pocket Room (4)
Cloak ST (-3)
Sound Control (-5)
Hideous Transformation (-4)
>Path Specific
Ambivalent (4,0)
Supply Line (0)

Jon Ible is a reporter by day, bringer of justice by night. He started out by bringing criminals to justice when he thought the PRT wasn't doing enough, and then stopping police he thought were abusing their power, and then fighting heroes that tried to stop him "just to talk". Yeah right, and his mother is a tricycle. He has a hit-and-run fighting style, a tool for every situation, and a "a fight isn't over till the other guy is bleeding out" mindset. He also likes to mix in jabs and taunts using his Sound Control during a fight, throwing off his opponents.
Trade Lucius for Primo and Curie for Cat Sid, then I'll agree.
Oh, also, he took the Ghostboy 2 name after another cape, just named Ghostboy, died fighting a corrupt hero. He's a lot more violent and unhinged than the first Ghostboy, and the first Ghostboy would probably call him "unstable" and "a maniac that shouldn't be allowed to own a kitchen knife, let alone a gun"
Why this edition have no good super strength power for Brutes? I just wanna punch shit hard without having to train or get Broken Limiter.
I will join Worm if my Sweaty NEETwife: Cassandra Blane (Hoard) joins.
I'll actually be sad if fairy tail dies because of worm
It'll live because BtN will die in its stead
Blane's sweaty armpits. . .
As much as I enjoy worm, I really do enjoy this cast for FT and I at least won't be jumping ship.
>Finally done with it, including most of the builds.
> Who the hell is this? Did she join five minutes ago or something?
Sumanai anon for posting a build at the last post time...

>nameless' relationship chart
Quite a friendly gal huh? The sealed evil's cute too i guess.

Tomorrow i should get a relationship chart started, i already have some good ideas for both sealed evils...
Nah, Vera's slaves are going to be major role players.
You'll be sorry when Malumda meteors all over the big bad and saves the day
Powertrip-chan... the Yuma before Yuma even existed....
What if we convince him to port the MHA builds into Shiketsukagure?
No we wouldn't.
The villain getting defeated is cool because of the journey, the danger, the emotions and story.
Some dude showing up and nodiffing big bad instead of the people who were actually involved would suck ass.

In the end, Malumda can't meteor away being lame.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

1. Waste my pure kino idea on the Fairy Tail mp even though I will fail to make my build relevant at all
2. Save it for the next Naruto run in 6 months
Yeah that's why I said you'll be sorry when that happens.
Wait, so you're admitting he's lame?
A villain who can be beaten by a meteor is no threat at all.
hard to call a tutorial boss who's gonna get dumped when she loses relevant desu
Horikiri Takeichi
Insert (Male, Adult)
>Civillian Identity
No Identity
Martial Arts
First Aid
Natural Trigger
>Perks & Flaws
Second Trigger
Plot Convenience
Rough Start x3
Worst Day Ever x3
Unruly Passenger
Slaughterhouse 9
Endbringer Target
Broken Limiter ST
Fan Club

Takeichi is a homeless man and an immigrant from Japan, renowned around the world as one of the strongest parahumans, a man who could subdue Endbringers with his bare fists. He was formerly a construction worker who lost his daughter due to his negligence, and later on used the strength he lacked to stop Kyushu's destruction, becoming Japan's number one hero. After finding out about this legendary feat, he was secretly ordered by Cauldron to head to US, and utilize his abilities to their fullest extent. But a combination of his declining confidence, drug abuse, and inability to cope with all the loss he underwent at home soon broke Takeichi when he was unable to handle all the pressure put on him.

Ever since, he has lived on the streets of Brockton Bay as a bitter, jaded hermit who wants to be left alone, only answering the call of Cauldron when Endbringers begin attacking. Due to this change, his shard began to rebel against him, decreasing his internal defences and straining his body beyond its limits when he tried using even the slightest bit of his strength. He uses this as an excuse not to do any more hero work and rot alone, as a failure he is.

Only time will tell if he'll find courage to return to the streets again, and feed into the conflict as the one man who can defeat anyone with a single punch.
There's a birthday chart. A lot of anons made them stealth jokes. Albino-ass tsundere Yui is born on White Day.
>I swear, I am never touchin' a gal in my life ever!
>He kinda cute, though.
Yurifags stay losing.
Three way catfight between Hilda, Nameless, and Vera when?
Damn, then I guess we'd be playing nardo.
Because I can, anon
then why not poop on your desk and post it?
Because my poop is reserved solely for threadslaves
Odd theme. I like crunchy bedroom rock vibes fine but I can't bridge it to the writefag. Not necessarily bad, not necessarily good. I need time to digest it I think. The story is fluffy and I like how it's a personal reaction to a big impersonal event. Does this mean we get a SoL b-day follow-up?

>She hadn't exactly what day it was.
She accidentally a whole verb.
>nameless and hilda punch vera's head off and pummel each other until they slowly die of her leftover covid magic corroding their veins into slush
great catfight, anon. very sexy
Add some mating press, impregnation and aftercare, then I'll read your writefag.
Whoa cool, rare pulls. Putting blood in the drug supply is a really cool villainous plan. A couple flipped letters or missed words here and there, but not to the point that a reader can't tell what's going on. Keep going, I'm looking forward to a new plotline.
sry im late

Marak "The Boozehound"


Physically Fit
Unique Apperance (He's a BIG dude, around 7'6 or slightly larger than Andre)
Combat Skills(22)
True Magic(17)
Mundane Talent(16): Moonshining
Mercenary, aka whatever odd-job he's doing at the time to get booze money

Mid Tier Magic(12):
Iron God Slayer Magic (Basically imagine Gajeel's Shadow Dragon Iron Mode for looks, but no shadow abilities obv)

>Magic Power(0)

Would like to join Hag's Hex, but needs the invitation.

Marak was born in a tribe considered primitive even amongst the groups isolated in the far flung reaches of the world. This tribe worshipped the ancient doctrine of a dead god that decreed all magic as demonic, and that all children born with an aptitude towards the forbidden practice shall only be fed fruit as rotten as their souls. Marak was unlucky enough to be born with a great magical aptitude, and thus only ate upon the most fermented fruit and grain and the only company he had were vermin for all his juvenile days. However the village so stuck in the past had realized little how muc Now, with how much ether-nano was in the air Marak would become more than physically powerful enough to slaughter his dreadful tribe-mates, and that he did. Eventually he went to the temple which brought his woes. And a corpse of a god he found. And the corpse of a god he ate out of spite. After that harrowing childhood he soon discovered that shiny things tasted very good, he could make himself into a dark shiny thing, and most importantly if he put what he usually ate in water he could make a drink that tasted really good and made the angry thoughts go away if he drank enough of it. He then wandered wherever he wished for the latter of his childhood and teenage years and saw all kinds of things. Eventually he "settled" in Balsam after being kicked of a place watched by the moon for trying to eat the fancy shiny things.
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oh shit woops forgot image
S class feels like B class in this MP
Thanks, and yeah I hope to do the B-day proper. I'm still working out how I want that to look but I've a got a bit of an outline so it hopefully shouldn't take too long.

>Makes me wonder if Yui was popular enough in her first year that all the boys bothered her
I figure her first birthday/white day at Shiketsu was especially weird since it'd probably be the first time she really received that sort of attention and she would've just assumed the worst even if there was some genuine interest.

>Odd theme
That's fair. To me it sorta feels like the opposite of one of those catchy songs that are actually kinda tragic and I though that fit for trying have a special day despite everything.
Ah, I see, I see. There was a logic like that to it.
Wizard-Saints are...forgotten...
I agree with that anon saying that High Mages and Wizard Saints should swap names. Wizard Saints being the peak of the verse sounds cooler.
>High Mage
Lame-ass Dnd shit
Mysterious and epic
Honestly, yeah. It'd be like have sword master after sword saint or something. Just doesn't seem right. Saint also has also has implication that of otherworldly/divine talent that fits better as the peak. I think it'd end up being confusing for people to look cyoas listing and then see them swapped everywhere else though.
With enough autism, some dedicated anon can use photoshop to make quick edits.
I disagree. Wizard Saint is a specific rank within the setting. High mage is kind of boring, but renaming it specifically would be better than doing a swap.
Wizard Saint -> Wizarder Saint
What could make for a good substitute, in your opinion?
God of ALL Mages (Goam)
Wizard Saint.
Alternatively, Magus Supremus, or Magus Biggusest Dickuest.
Magic Virgin
Wizard God
Honestly I'd just make every high mage come up with their own justification and name, to pay for being a scale-breaking nerd. It's not a tier, it's a bunch of weird anomalies, so Wizard Saints can now be peak.
Grand Wizard
Hmmm, great idea. I'll save this for a prompt, if threadslaves ever awaken from their cocaine fueled party.
Power is determined by who I find cool personally.
I measure coolness by dick size btw.
I can't do it that way because I assume all characters have pornstar proportions
Quick, female builds! Grow a huge dick NOW!
>Will return at some point in our lives.
this anon may be some sort of prophet. who knew it'd be so soon?
he probably posted it
I have not. I judge MPs by their ability to return, and Worm is pretty high up there thanks to the appealing setting. Same with Naruto MP.
Give me a few minutes. There's a thread timer.
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Emilia Kazama will have her revenge. She will drive the contractor into the dust and make them go bankrupt using her supreme business savvy. She will ruin the contractor's reputation among all the SCRAPPERS and make them regret ever crossing her.

If she has the time then she will freelance for other groups but i think her job to catherine would make her very busy so she would not have any time to freelance for others.
She could hire other SCRAPPERS to work for her

>Favorite food
Meliadne's favorite food are Green mangoes and bananas. A healthy diet of fruits. But when it comes to sweets, she prefers chocolate ice cream

Meliadne's theme
It reflects her calm and collected demeanor
That thread is so shit you didn't even post this take there.
lucius WILL become relevant when he joins a guild, I want to believe in him.
Well that went about as expected.
Any threadslaves around?
Damn, they're good.
Thanks, bro.
hella cute anon, good shit

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