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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
Backup Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping3
Look To The West Edition
Previous Thread: >>93232080
File: Be the noble 2.jpg (7.42 MB, 1600x10000)
7.42 MB
7.42 MB JPG
Rentry: https://rentry.org/Be_The_Noble
Arena Rules: https://rentry.org/ovtoupqe
Chargen is rules as listed + drawbacks buffed to be 1=2 2=3 and Final=5

>Duke Archibald
>Quinn Smith
>Saint Maluscomedo
>Marquis Alric Bolivard
>Silas Nash
>Gristletooth the Turncoat
>Nestor Wolf
>Tanaka Haruto
>The Angel Emmanuel
>Auria Hirpinia
>Duke-Elector Vicaro de' Barca
>Duke Harold Staggard II of Reins
>Catherinne Aisla de Lyoncaster
>Avesta, Lord of Boglands
>St. Mog, the Avaricious
>Duchess Lucia of House Carafa
>Consul Levi du Ponte III
>Emperor Aurelius
>Lord Steerpike
>Evian, Grandmaster of the Order of the Boot.
>Sir Atticus Hendrix
>Natas Reficul
>Alcyone Pertinax
>Baron Raspail
>'Archangel' Seraphina
>Magus Filius Lupa, Barone
>Piza the Conqueror
>Tiberius Rex, The Pirate King
>Giovanni Florina
>Margus Iscariot Pertinax
>Duke Pollu Contra of Sunge
>Robin Stormlily
>Vožd Lampys Erymanthius
>Amos Hek
>Executive Officer Armaslanta
>Kamikage of Tengokugakure
>Elector-Prince Lothar II
>Abduladi al-Maki
>The Four Kings of The Mountains

>Vožd Invitational: >>93025558
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2.16 MB JPG
>Relentless walls whose darksome round contains (Ambrose XXII Arxakonte)
>"What's in a name?"
>Harold Receives a Letter
>Groanworthy Retort
>Answered Prayers (The Angel Emmanuel)
>The Arcaadji Plibtribyew
>The Calm Before the Glorious Storm
>To Kill Filius: Piza's Hunger (Piza, Filius' corpse)
> The Northern Struggle; The Joust (1/2)
> Northern Struggle; The Joust (2/2)
>Selected Excerpts from "On The Orientaille Provinces of the Telorian Empire" (2)
>>93145826 + >>93147418
> The Northern Struggle, Qüreş

Relationship Chart:
> Personal Thoughts of the Vožd on his Imperial Peers
>Giovanni Florina

Evian’s Rise to Power:
Favorite to Win It:

Latest Version (Graphic): >>93164835
Latest Version (Political): >>92871022
Latest Version (Emblem): >>92885956
Crusades: >>92963997

Build Reviews:

Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/be-the-noble-mp-characters-17234816
File: Naruto.pdf (7.77 MB, PDF)
7.77 MB
7.77 MB PDF
RULES: https://rentry.org/b595h6dm

>Team 1
>Natsuo Uchiha >>92078251
>D >>93148209
>Himari Miko >>92227101 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/HimariJutsu
>Takeru Suzuki >>92037873

>Team 2
>Osamu >>92030854
>Shimabukuro Fumio >>93186440
>Kichōna >>93033948 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/NardoKichonaJutsuList2
>Nodao-Douji >>92130402

>Team 3
>Kamiko Karatachi >>92474846
>Masukuda Rarime >>93032365 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/nbd7ikrf
>Ichika Chinoike >>93073774
>Kita >>92247657

>Team 4
>Kiko Inuzuka >>92046953
>Remilia Orochimaru >>93084258
>Itami Nanae >>92041809
>Kazen Uzumaki (No Yin Chakra Affinity) >>93174267 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/5kp2svbp

>Team 5
>Ezaki Tuto >>92143158
>Jin Hyuga >>93072884
>Shinrō Kamotai >>93066678 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/ShinroJutsu
>Yuma Kouda >>93027066

>Team 6
>Tsugumi >>92078303
>Ghidorah >>93079137 + Jutsus: https://rentry.org/xant7fe2
>Junki Takenaga >>93007593
>Sen Yamamoto >>93077606 + https://rentry.org/mkyze5fa

>Team 7
>Kamiizumi Tadafusa >>92443623
>Fujiwara Nobutake >>93185043
>Kamare Hozuki >>92097216
>Daiki Ueno >>92099009

>Team 8
>Rio Konoki >>92286130
>Mitsuteru Chihoshi >>>92596513
>Kuro Blackshadow >>93174547
>Choko Yumiya >>92229037

>Team 9
>Inaba Hyuga >>92642892
>Mojo Nakasendou >>92130059
>Kitsumoto Hachirō >>93081661 + https://rentry.org/KitsumotoC
>Eiken Shinzo >>93133919

>Team 10
>Dojuma Takiga >>92435927
>Ayuka Hagihara >>92418225
>Oishi Teruo >>92424132
>Egao >>92425369

>Team 11
>Miura Lee, Man of Iron >>92982908 + https://rentry.org/MeleebroZ
>Rinka Akagi >>93199705
>Akaito Tenyo >>93033931
>Chosuke-Chosuke Kirabokua >>93127294

>Taihō Shiryō. >>92065120
>Eiji >>92132327
>Tahaki Shiteru >>93076567
>Shichirou Hyūga >>93125740
>Chado Kuro >>93147948
>Ankan Bidatsu >>93163286
File: Map.png (34 KB, 592x673)
34 KB
>Ahiratsu Ōtsutsuki >>92073651
>Darkbone >>92064881
>Kijyo-Douji >>92092125
>Engetsu Bōfū >>92101140
>Insane Wild Boar >>92164715
>??? >>92164855
>Setsu Suru >>92181406
>Sado Mazohisuto >>92181768
>Kanami-Douji >>92194017
>Barou >>92473683
>Sekka Hakobu >>93146142
>Gyū >>92157552
>Yōki >>92157657
>Koroko Kokoroko >>92235539
>Mr. Hopo >>92411015
>Lizard >>92249477
>Aika Yuki >>92251220
>Kondai >>92388984
>Makura Hachimune >>92445626
>The Surgeon >>92934104
>Greasy P >>92955486
>Brunhilde Gunther >>92974998
>Ishirō Honda >>93020553
>Hugh Napoleon >>93046548
>Gokan Nokemono >>93101749
>John Anonymous >>93105033
>Vix Raiu >>93164694
>Tsukusari Meikin >>93165978
>Kazushi (Zushi) Sakuraba >>93200782

>Naruto MP Additional Archive but better (Writefags, Art, Relationship Charts, Info Cards, etc.):

>Chunin Exam Stage 1 Hub Post:
>Chunin Exam Stage 2 Hub Post:
>Chunin Exam Stage 2 Logistics Post:
https://rentry.org/w78sxh6g + >>92321962
>Chunin Exam Stage 3 Logistics Post:
>The Chūnin Exams - Stage 2.5: The Preliminaries

New Stuff:
The Ninjas are in the Bushes

Tournament Status Update:

Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/naruto-chunin-mcyoag-template-16244798
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>MHA Rentry

> Timeline: Just Another Story
> Location: Japan
>The Hero Students are at Shiketsu.

Instructions + Template for Making Cards: https://pastebin.com/NQ6JNH8r

>New Stuff:
New Writefag:
>Clouded Mirror (Mirror Devil)

>The Archive Link so you can keep using the funny numbers for builds (use this before complaining about dead links)

>CHARACTER PROMPTS (feel free to answer these whenever)
Class 1-D Prompts 1-50: https://rentry.org/mhamp
Class 1-D Prompts 50+: https://rentry.org/mhamp2
Everyone else's prompts: https://rentry.org/mhamp3
Same password for all of them (mha4)
>Older Prompt Links Are in Here
>Fighting Style Prompt (Leaving this out because it might be useful for anyone writing a fight)
>Class 1-D Timeline
>Class 1-D Character Summary

>Newer Version of the CYOA (Both the old and new versions are legal for builds. Use whichever one you want)
Version 4.2: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/post/92012978
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6.88 MB JPG

>Chihiro Mitsurugi HN Ascetic Sword Hero: Yako
>Soujyuuro Imai HN Wise Eye Hero: Mahoudeva
>Bobby Samson HN Sunlight Man
>Sora Tanaka HN Area Denial Hero: Orbit
>Kaylee Suzuki HN Flying Force
>Shinkan Sen HN Crazy Train
>Hifumi Takeda HN Warp Blade Hero: Challenger
>Minerva Kim HN Spark
>Hailey Chang HN Recoil
>Faith Kang HN Drone
>Maxine Nguyen HN Radius
>Edith Lee HN Arena
>Noah Abrams HN Archangel
>Victor Sigurd HN Hydra
>Inigo Myoga HN Dragon Hero: Ryu-kishi
>Christopher Cain HN Mirror Devil
>Son Jugo HN Aspara
>Genma Go HN Goldorado
>Ashleigh Katsuragi HN Blackout
>Atsushi Orochi HN Hard to Destroy Lizard Hero: Yamata
>Nyoro Hoge HN Maru(maru)
>>88273837 + >>88758766
>Yui Sagara HN Binding Hero: Capture Cloth (Held Back)
>Kyoda Hiro HN Overdose (Held Back)
>>88193619+ >>91985145
>Sally McCathy HN Last Rite
>Takara Tame HN Android
>Nijimura Mahoko HN Cool Boost
>Ian Takenaka HN Rush

>Class 2-D
>Mochi Uranus HN Smelly Hero: Stink Rat
>Kevin Rool
>Suzuki Nene HN Ghostly Cat Hero: Bakeneneko
>Hiroki Asai HN Champion of Negativity: Zetsuboy

>Class 1-E https://rentry.org/p6dwm

>Students (Cont.)
>Class 3-D https://rentry.org/vx255
>William Dustice HN King Billy
>Johanna Hilt HN Gauntlet Hero: Weiss Schwarz
>Ganto Kanzaki HN The Clone Hero, Commander (NPC)
>Kagami Reina
>Norman “Norm” Smith HN Whatabout
>Rumi Aratsuki HN Hysteria

>Class ???
>Kiki HN Yggdrasil
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>Students (Cont.)
>Class 1-C (Shiketsu)
>Okimoto Chisaka
>Isabela Nakahata
>Lilinah ‘Riri’ Inoue
>Ysmir Dragonborn
>Daniel W. Rain

>Class 3-B (U.A.)
>Top Smile
>Nekiro Nishi
>Madoka Mikan HN Heartbeat
>Itō Sukemochi HN Warpden
>Li Yinzhen HN Jiangshi
>Katsumi Hachizaki:
>Cormelia Busujima

>Class 1-F
>Suki HN Sukeban
>Runt HN Dust Devil
>Rob Williams HN: Velvet Worm
>Haiiroshi Kinzoku HN Fullmetal
>Igarashi Ryosuke HN Araken
>Tatsuya Yamashita HN Bad Touch
>Azuma Hisa HN Beach Day
>Daigo Ulmeyda HN Fly 1 Million
>Kiyoura Shidehara HN Icky Hero: Slimenuts
>Higa Umeko HN Slip-N'-Slideasaurus
>Nayuki Kyoko
>??? HN Meteoric Hero: Cube
>Misato Fukushima

>U.A. Teachers:
>Yunikon, the Brilliant Hero
>Dr. Seto Kawata

>Shiketsu Teachers:
> Anzu Nishima HN Karaburan
> Aiko Aimi HN Motivational Hero: Rosethorn
>Pierre Vachon HN The Gentle Way Hero: Ippon
>Masanori Kitamura HN Hijack
>Yasashi Koibito HN The Laser Hero - Majestic
>Junko Hongo HN The Overly-Enthusiastic Tokusatsu Hero, LocaLoca (NPC)
>Omura Tadao HN Deceptive Hero, Conman
>Riku Washizawa HN The Steel Talon Hero: Skycarver
>Takahashi Mako, HN Ersatz
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>Unaffiliated Heroes
>Kenji Shako HN Strongest Shrimp Hero: Magnum Shrimp (and Water Fowl Hero: Flamingal)
>Yuusei Atsushi HN Spring Dragon Hero: Seiryu
>Kalianne Sato HN "Flame Strike Hero: Honoken"
>Ryuji Inoue HN Transport Hero: Rescue Ray (Principal - Sunray Troubled Youth Center)
>Akagi Sanpatchi HN "Popsy"
>??? HN Birdy
>Edmund Connor HN The Tall Man
>Ryusei Sugiyama HN Smokin' Sexy
>Kevin Thompson HN The Purple Man
>Yuichi Ishida HN Slipstream
>Roland Walker HN PsyKing (Sandatsu'd)
>Ernst Hennig HN Impakt
>Junpei Ozu HN: The Standstill Hero, "Floor"
>Rodion Popo HN Overman
>Ludolf Raphael Victorius, Hero Name: Fair Marshal
>Taichi Kyoryu HN Cretaceous King, Saurus
>Kurogane Keisho HN Yoshizumi
>Tosuke Jinai HN Compound
>Yosuke Shirai HN The Lustrous Hero, Wavelength
>Astra Smalls Aka Size King
>Richard Wilkins HN The #1 Hydro Hero: "Splash"
>Shōgeki Heshi HN: Crash
>Tóu Zhǎng Koie/Phys P
>Kazuya Ono
>Alpha Ueno HN: Sylph
>Iwayama Kentaro HN Sisyphus
>Mash, Renji Kurokawa

>Lady Astoria Belmont
>Rika Eichi
>Isaiah Sibylla (Keola Ku)
>Aura Curie (Student)
>Just "The Doctor"
>Fransk Brunhilde
>Endless Horizons Ltd.
>Yusaku Kanzaki a.k.a. Clone Cop (NPC)
>Emilia Busujima
>Detective Risa Date
>Holden Deckard
>Satoru Tani (Student)
>Kuji Futoi (Student)
>Yuko Ozaku (Student)
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6.73 MB JPG
>VILLAINS (Villain Name):
>Turncoat Agency:
>Keiichi Tano HN Racer V / VN Getaway
>Tenshi Chisio HN Caduceus / VN Sawbones
>Jack Dunn HN Three-Sixty / VN The Asset

>Pax Organization:
>Eugene Kurtz VN Pax and Mercy

>Unaffiliated Villains:
>Bruno Garcia VN Mauler
>Karuga Ito (Teacher - Shiketsu)
>Shiori Shiratora VN Kamigami
>Recino R. Percutio
>Nakata Yumiko VN Walpurgis
>>88191796 + https://pastebin.com/nMZq81Jt
>hina seiyama VN panzer viii
>Giichi Mikata
>Miki Ginrei VN Fluegel
>Ginji Gō VN Desperaido
>Jack Mitchell VN Marshall
>Kazuma Oomori VN Charlatan
>Hattori Ume VN Broad Daylight
>Kōkishin Yuuki VN Shoggoth
>TechVision Elite 2023 - 43Vista UltraSmart 4K TV
>Ryuji Ayanokoji VN Overlord
>Jack Smithee VN The Gravedigger
>Zyra Mein VN Braindrain
>Rudi Brandt VN Sturmtruppe
>Bonzo Amato VN The Boss
>The Hospital Killer
>Paul Crémieux VN De Jais (Jet Black)
>Jessica Wu VN Surinam Toad Girl
>Jan Procházka VN Msr. Blanc
>Gustave Gavial VN Gnash
>Cosmo Black VN X.T.
>Kate Everly
>Sato Yukio VN Gold Man
>Kurogane Tetsuo VN Dreadnought
>Adrian Vasquez Domingiun Manolete
>Dewi Angkasa
>Kanami Shimizu
>Jimmy Vinchenzo VN The Indestructible Scumbag
>The Illustrious Illithid
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>VILLAINS (Villain Name):
>Horrific 5:
>Samuel Wilson VN Desolator
>On Giết Năng VN Tether
>Erika Murakami VN Nox
>Maddie Griffiths VN Maddox
>Edmund Muller VN Mercury

>Momotaro Tachibana VN Nebulous Storm
>Mark Matuli
>Junichi Takagi VN Marrow
>Miriam Slowburn Hakase VN Prologing Evil: Big Hat (NPC)
>Kester Greenfield

>Helene Lysingen VN Noctiluca
>Takigawa Shion VN Shapeless Blade: Aquarius
>Toru Imaishi VN Kampai
>Rebecca Weber
>Yushi Taneka VN Blazing Bright
>Sasha Azanami
>Kaori Kaoru
>Choko Yumiya, VN Eye High

>Night Parade:
>Cammy Link VN Karma
>Haruka Pulch VN Tatarimokke
>Sebastian Needle VN Greenfinger
>Okane King VN Midas
> ??? VN Maw
> ??? VN Bogey
> Tomi

>Wild Hunt
>Sandatsu Owari
>Mio Katsuragi HN Forget-Me-Not
>Hiromi Hitomi VN Feral
>Dr. Isaac Ivanov VN Drekus
>Ookami Shizuka
>Ivan Trup VN The Prophet
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7.74 MB JPG
>Early writefags here (18 Pages)
>”First Test” Comp
>Questionnaire Comp
Else check the rentry

>A Multi-Dimensional Valentine's Day (Ryu-kishi, Maru(maru), Last Rite, Mirror Devil, Challenger, Sunlight Man, Android, Cool Boost, Radius, Marrow)
>News (Reaper, mentions of Forget-Me-Not)
>Spectre of Revolution (Maru(maru), Marrow)
>Vigilante Hunt, part 1 (Ryu-kishi, Last Rite, Marrow, Maru(maru), 1-D, 1-E, 1-F, Satoru Tani, Rosethorn, Karaburan)
>Rehab (Overdose, Yamata, Ryu-kishi and a cameo from Goldorado)
>Baited (Reaper, Satoru Tani)
>Serpent (Mahoudeva, Honoken, Seiryu, Yamata)
>The Plan (Desolator and The Five):
>Team Wallflower, Assemble! (Yako, Drone, Blackout, Maru(maru), Capture Cloth, Mauler)
>Conservation of Ninjitsu (Marumaru, Ryu-Kishi, Yako, Aura Curie, Blank):
>(Beach Day, Saurus, Majestic)
>Never Have One Last Score (Marumaru, Shoggoth):
>If You Like Piña Coladas (Spark):
>The Doomed Plan (Desolator, Maddox, The Golden Age Five):
>An Attempt in Broad Daylight (Floor, Maddox, Mirror Devil, Smokin' Sexy, Tether, Mercury, Desolator, Impakt, Sunlight Man, Challenger):
>Catsu Curry (Bakeneneko, Yako, Capture Cloth, Overdose, Yamata)
>First Day: Ersatz, Rosethorn and a couple 1-D students make cameos.
>Night of the Reaper prologue (Mahoudeva, Mirror Devil, Blackout, Forget-Me-Not, Reaper, Satoru Tani)
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>Writefags (Cont.):
>Night of the Reaper, Part 1 (Reaper, Flying Force, Saurus, Rosethorn, Ryu-Kishi, Challenger, Cameos of Seiryu, Impakt, Sunlight Man, Mirror Devil, Mahoudeva)
>THE TOURNAMENT PART FIVE! (1-D, Smokin' Sexy, Popsy, Rosethorn, Majestic)
>Plan B (Mirror Devil, Desolator, Sunlight Man, Challenger, Impakt, Smokin' Sexy):
>Frame (Mirror Devil, The Doctor, Smokin' Sexy, Impakt, Desolator):
>Vigilante Hunt 2 (Ryu-kishi, Mirror Devil, Marumaru, Marrow, Yako, Conman, Majestic, Karaburan, Localoca, Ito, Rebecca Weber, Skycarver, Hijack, Ippon, Last Rite, The Clique, Flying Force, Yamata, others)
>The Monster's Aid (Desolator):
>Night of the Reaper Part 2 (Yamata, Overdose, Goldorado, Majestic, Desolator, Rosethorn, Reaper):
>Devil's Counsel (Last Rite, Desolator):
>Doing Business (Feral, Drekus, Karma, cameo of Reaper)
>Clown Days (Ryu-kishi, Popsy, Maru(maru), Mirror Devil, Smokin' Sexy, Popsy Team, mention of 1-D):
>Full Circle (Rosethorn, Feral, Yamata, Overdose)
>Recovery (Overdose, Yamata, Rosethorn and Karaburan)
>Arrival (Mash, Impakt, Floor, mentions of Reaper)
>Full Circle II (Yamata, Flying Force, Saurus, Drekus, Feral, cameo of Rosethorn and Hiro)
>The Maiden and the Monster (Shoggoth, Marumaru, clamguy cameo):
>Always Late (Rush, Greenfinger)
>Full Circle III - Part I (Flying Force, Feral, Yamata)
>Missed you too (Forget-Me-Not, Reaper, with cameos from the Wild Hunt, Satoru Tani and Karma)
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6.46 MB JPG
Writefags (Final):
>Full Circle III -Part II A (Flying Force, Feral)
>Full Circle III -Part II B (Yamata no Orochi, several mentions)
>The Blinding Lights (Desolator, Reaper, Maddox):
>That Old Saying About Memories (Mammogar, Maru(maru)):
>Clouded Mirror (Mirror Devil)


For Art, Memes, Tierlists, etc. check the rentry
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>SC "Wings of Pandora"
Jack Steele (leader) >>93180946
Engineer "Screw" Batch32 >>93210458
Heyreddin Drone R3DD1N >>93177379
Reth >>93218551
William "Bill" Wayne >>93181127
Lorik Valas >>93200099
Joe >>93226963

>Order of Sacred Ascension's Augustine Sector Artifact Acquisition Department (OSAASAAD)
Catherine de' Medici (leader) >>93190146
Luther Vale >>93185712
Robin Fleur >>93206767
Emilia Kazama >>93207908
Evi Weber "Spinner" >>93184373
Corto Case >>93186043
Sophia "Reef" Trepan >>93185370
Dr. Isar Archer >>93188047
Пeтp, Ancient Mining Biorobot >>93198872
Mila Ryen >>93192336

Mar'azenthiel AKA Mara >>93209414
SCRAPPER Named Slickback >>93212490
Maxx Headway, the Red Fortune >>93191473

>Problem Solvers Network
>ISV Yak-yok-Yinnabeiygwou
Yak-Ta'ang >>93193260
Grok, son of Gork >>93198133
>Shock and Awe
Dane "Claymore" Hoffman >>93195574
Argus Mackenzie >>93190576

Lazarus Morton >>93200611
Cheshire >>93205719
Sorceress >>93207006
Dr. Yvette Toyosaki >>93209536
Scrap-82 >>93228526
Asterios >>93232625
"Carrion" Marian >>93233986
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Navarizi Tango (Reef, Spinner)
Corporate Obstruction chapter 1 (Omake featuring Screw and Heyreddin on a mission)
Corporate Obstruction chapter 2 (Omake featuring Screw and Heyreddin on a mission)
Corporate Obstruction chapter 3 (featuring Lorik, with small mentions of Willian and Reth)
Corporate Obstruction chapter 4 (William)
Xat's Bar: the Disassembly (Maxx, Argus, Ta'ang, Claymore, and Grok)
Fallout (Spinner, Reef, Пeтp) (Mentions Dr. Archer and Corto)
Out-of-House Doctor (Dr. Archer, Пeтp, Reef, Spinner)
Ta'ang's evaluations of the SCRAPPERs
Spacemen & Mutants (Heyreddin, Ta'ang, Grok)
Conference Call (Corto, Dr. Archer, Reef, Пeтp) (Spinner entioned)
Space Fuck-ups
Introductions: Spacemen & Mutants (Heyreddin, Ta'ang, Grok)
Conference Call (Corto, Dr. Archer, Reef, Пeтp) (Spinner entioned)
A Dream Job Offer (Sorceress, Shotgunner, Argus Mackenzie, Dr. Toysaki)
A Karadine Stopover (Heyreddin, Grok, Ta'ang)

Wings of Pandora
Heyreddin Drinking

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1) Play as is. Assume that the powers picked are at their starting level. Picking Learner also unlocks the second spell from the start. Don't forget to design the character and the soul they possess
2) Ignore the companions section. Pick 1 build to be close to, and 1 build to be distant towards. Options increasing companions instead increase the number of builds you are close with
3) Pick any starting city and bonus. The story will still start at the town of Easily

>You're a native to Shower City. You don't have to be an orphaned high schooler. Pick any background within reason
>None of the companions exist. Instead, everyone is part of an online friend group that, when meeting for the first time, discovered the coffee table rune
>Other runes exist in Shower City that lead to different cities in case you don't want to join the main group. All runes and the objects they're inscribed on are invisible to anyone that lacks the ability to enter Gras Paada.
>The goal is still to defeat the 5 warlords, but in-universe the characters only have a vague prophecy to save the world from evil
>You teleport to the world Gras Paada solo during your first time to gain an adverturer's soul. Any subsequent teleport will require you to teleport with others to reduce its load on the soul
>Items carried by you can be transported with you to and from Gras Paada. The smaller the item, the less likely it is to get lost during the transit. Items that fail to be transferred will return to you when you teleport back.
>By default, souls only give you a themed set of powers and can talk to you after visiting Gras Paada a few times. The amount of influence they have is up to you. Most characters don't transform into their souls, but it's not the be all end all.
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Yoshiko Matsubara | Thalia
Amaury Felix Vaugeois | Verdeus the Green
Tojo "Rooster" Kaito | Belldandy
James Blackwood | Xernes, Regent of the Empty Legion

Reza Lotfi | Bassil
Tomoe Sasakura | Valeria
Mike Young | Reynard Sutton, The Unrelenting
Lucianus Salvius | Daimon, Bloodstorm Angel

>Ruy Eustáquio | Stinkleheimer
Shun Lee | Zacharia

Bloody Beginnings, a Strange Night (Lucianus)
Experiments, Preparation, and Anxiety (Lucianus)
New day, new life (Lucianus), (references to various other builds)
Amaury's discovery of Gras Paada:
Panic at night and unforunate falls (Lucianus), (Short appearance of Shun Lee, references to others):
The Innocence Of Being Unsure About The Future (Lee Shun, Amaury Felix, Lucianus Salvius, Kaito Tojo, brief appearances of others):
The Meeting at last (Lucianus, Shun Lee, Amaury, mentions of everyone else)
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Where's the Farty Tail, dumpers? I thought you wanted to play a new MP?
Gonna post a build later.
I already dumped for that and now I wait for a new new MP.
Im still hype for the animal MCYOA, I got my character picked out already.
i have even drawn it
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Im goin for this.
>I have my fursona picked out!
How the fuck do you kill an orca with spray cans?
Haven't you seen Jaws?
Where do you think you are anon? This is literally the thread and the board for roleplaying as stuff. You're the odd one out if you don't have characters to play
In fact I have not, not a fan of the genre.
The premise of the cyoa that was given last thread is that people absorb the dna and abilities of the animal they kill with this insecticide/everythingcide that was distributed for a while before they discovered the side effects. So to turn into an orca you need to kill one with the spray can. In case you are refering to "what is an orca" it's another way to refer to killer whales.
That doesn't sound particularly difficult to me anon. Maybe it beached itself and they tried to mercy kill it to safe it from slowly suffocating to death.
I am not sure what animal I would want, it would depend on how the powers actually work, bugs and stuff should technically be really strong because of the relative strenght they have, with ants being able to lift around 10 times theyr own weight and other bugs having similar strenght, but from some of the exeamples last thread it seems the author is not going for that. I would prefer something that can fly, depending on the options I may not have much choice.
Mercy killing it with what's basically a pesticide meant for pests... that seems pretty fucked up to me.
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im going with this goofy weird thing
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Just don't shake my hand lil bro.
I mean, there are ways to do it I guess, it just seems very unlikely. I guess part of the appeal in this case will be seeing what crazy situations people will come up with that will result in killing the chosen animal.
I think so too. A less fucked up version would be just the orca eating the can and someone finding it on the beach after by chance, it's less intentionally fucked up but now it's less interesting.
nta, but I've been wondering if the PC in question has to be the killer. Like if you're just chilling and walking down the beach and some psycho kids are spraying the beached orca with pesticide, can you end up the mutant?
From the description that was given the act of killing does nothing, it's the fumes that the corpse expels after that once inhaled will turn you mutant. So if the wind is in your favour you could transform instead of them yes.
>animal MCYOA
new never WIP
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>Fairy Tail
>Digging up Stillbirths Edition

>Hilda Verblitz, Mrs. Punches

>Buster Henry, Mr. Punches

>Sebastian Stone, Not Aware His Magic's Showing

>Niera Flamey, Gal Fiery

>Seph, What The Fuck

>Big Killer Ape Tree, Gutsy Guild Hall
>Nameless Guild Master

>The Nameless One, That's Clearly a Name

>Bastly Ugard, Pretty on the Inside
>Hob House Guild Master

>Primo, Dumper Prime

>Alaric Falk, BtN Exile

>Father Mond, Fashion Show Escapee
>Moon's Watch Guild Master

Prompt: What guild you at?
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the term is forever-wip
I was gonna say never ever WIP but I hit post too early
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This cyoa can be broken real easy.
And it's a good thing. Makes it easy to find and filter out the shitters.
Niera is in her Dad's guild.

Name: Flavor Town
Size: Large
Alighment: Light
Location: Homeland
Relevent Amneties: Wealth, Reputation, Grand Magic (Cooking)

Anythign else is irrelevent cause its not in the area were in.
No one so far tried to pick One Magic, and if they do, that build will be safely ignored. Everyone else can stay.
Just take 3 custom high magics and you can invalidate almost every other choice in the cyoa.
Sorry but so long as you don't use custom magics, if you find a broken combo then you're not doing anything wrong
Though Hilda is not married to Buster Henry, they are both members of the noble house of Punches. Very exclusive. Nameless has been on the waitlist for months.
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mrs. nameless doesn't mind waiting if it helps her avoid the law
Since the manga is ending soon, wouldn't it be the perfect opportunity to end MHA once and for all?
No, this would be a perfect time for MHA II!
MHA isn't ending, because mha mafia will find Hiro and force him to make part 2 with our builds, signaling the beginning of WW3. John Anonymous was trying to protect us. . .
No. Its the perfect opportunity for a new run of Worm.
God, I wish.
Don't let your dreams be dreams. I got half a writefag and a build for Worm pre cooked already.
We should resurrect worm 1
Do it. I dare you. I double dog dare you.
Get us a Worm MP in Cycle Continues scenario and everybody will be able to take out entities right out of the gate.
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Since Medici-Anon is rolling with the Luxury Cruiser heist and Claymore-Anon is working on the Gambier Job I've been brainstorming other contracts and opportunities.

>Anon's Two Ships One Station Dock
The idea is good but it needs a bit more impetus. I'd recommend both crews actually being there for a bounty on something inside the station. Due to conditions surrounding the wreck they can't go gung-ho either. Bonus points, the artifact was never here and now the Crews need to pool resources to escape.

>The Molook War
A mega-corp has completely broken down in its control over the planet of Molook thanks to a fissure in the investment board. Now KNIL-Sec (The Ground based Merc company) and the ML-KNIL-Nav (The Merc Space Fleet) are both offering ludicrous amounts of money for securing priority targets. Of course, if someone was ambitious enough they could help the Rival PORT.INC corporation get rid of both groups, or even help the natives oust the corpos. But that last option doesn't pay so good.

>Rat Hours
The Hado recently won a battle against the Federation in the Yupitā system but were forced to withdraw. Leaving behind a whole bunch of ruined military ships from both sides. Each one has a bounty, and while there's plenty of credits on the table, but there is a rush coming for them. Fast.

>Lost Technology
Someone has issued a bounty on an archaic piece of technology now hidden away in stasis on a death world. Just getting to it will be a feat in of itself. But deciphering the thing will be almost impossible due to the outdated technology. It's a betamax tape.

>The Norainu Thing
On the shittest Federation planet the system government has imposed martial law and has turned to SCRAPPERs to try and hunt down the group selling high-end combat drugs. The problem being the planet's governor is in on the take and is going to do everything he can to cut his revenue.

Trying to get a wide opportunity spread. Thoughts?
let the next gen of mps be fairy tail (for shonenfags), worm (for capeshitters) and scrappers (for comfy sci-fi)
don't care for dead mps like gas brappa or btn
>it's only natural that you have a fursona pre-selected at all times!
You're not any good at this "logic" thing.
You only play Human Fighter don't you.
NTA, but yes. I have neanderthal build ready, and I'll be injecting myself with mammoth growth serum for further strength. Humans are the apex species.
>mammoth genes
>not a furry
Seems chill, but what animal is it?
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Mory Pose



Palm Magic
- Mory's Palm Magic emphasizes grace and dexterity. Despite the magic enhancing her strength, her attacks often remain relatively ineffective. However, her shallow cuts effectively complement her butterfly magic.
Self-Taught: Butterfly Manipulation
- Grants her control over a swarm of butterflies.
Self Taught: Papillon Pain/Preserve
- Mory selects a wound and directs the butterflies to cover it completely. When the butterflies glow blue, they place the wound in time stasis, also preventing pain without healing it. When the butterflies glow red, they inflict searing pain on the wound. Higher levels of the spell extend the duration of stasis/amplify the pain up to tenfold, causing intense, traumatizing sensations.

>Magic Power
Average (Formerly a High Mage)

>Guild Selection
Custom Guild
- Chrysalis: Once renowned one of the top guilds under Mory's leadership, the dark guild disbanded after she was cursed, resulting in her losing most of her powers and also transforming into her weaker, younger self. Members deemed her unfit to lead in her altered state, leading to the guild's dissolution.

>Custom Guild
Small Guild

Dark Guild


Lands (Magical Forest)
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Sorceress is still waiting to see if any of the people she's contacted with job offers get back to her.
Eventually, though, she'll probably be interested in the artifact recovery job.
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Chrysalis's High Mage was well renowned for her elegant swordsmanship, and her faint, ethereal smile. Beneath her composed demeanor lies a hidden sadistic streak rooted in her juvenile impulses. Mory controls butterflies to inflict intense pain on her enemies, deriving pleasure from their suffering. She even had slaves directly under her control, instilling fear that they might experience the traumatizing pain inflicted by her butterflies again if they disobeyed her orders. However, a curse from a High Mage reversed her abilities, rendering her weaker and younger, suggesting this transformation reflects what she truly is. To lift the curse, Mory must endure pain equal to the total amount of what she inflicted upon others.

The curse revealed her true nature, stripping away her once calm and soft-spoken demeanor, and leaving behind only the essence of a spiteful child.
It's not genes, it's a growth serum that makes me as big as a mammoth but keeps me human. I am simply built differently.
You should pivot to try and grab Maxx and Scrap-82 as well, I can see some synergy there.
Failing that? You can just offer to bring other crews for the job. PSN is already aiming for contracting and OSAASAAD's subordinate ships are pretty autonomous.
>he thinks the growth serum doesn't contain mammoth fetus genes
Looks like an anemone.
Doesn't have red eyes.
It's obviously a ryonafag build you idiot.
You didn't invite my build or ide respond.
I don't remember you inviting my build, but maybe I just missed it.
Does that mean I'll get pregnant with a mammoth fetus? What? Explain.
Start making prompts to keep these new mps alive.
You'll find out in 9 months.
idea for the first arc
>The Prisoner Mages (Sebastian, Nameless, Primo) were part of a large max-level prison on the shores of Caelum, containing all sorts of powerful criminal mages detained for permanent depowerment.
>They were all broken out during a riot orchestrated by a mysterious man from the far lands of Alakitasia. With promises of riches and power, he recruits these mages into his dark guild that begins to terrorize Ishgar, propping up wars between kingdoms and maximizing suffering.
>It turns out that he's a disgraced noble from the Alvarez Empire, a military-based country that has long ago attempted to conquer the entire continent, but has since been driven away. Forbidden from taking his rightful throne, this noble has taken the approach of false flagging - weakening the nations by pitting them together, and once the time comes, flattening their militaries and eventually having two continents under his thumb.
>Work together to stop his military conquest, or join him and become a part of the greater Alvarez World Empire. The choice is yours.
i might submit a villain for this but i think it'd be more organic if somebody stepped up instead
Hey Fairies. Who on the roster would you most want to fight one on one? Who really gets your blood pumping in a way that can only be satiated by the clashing of steel, the casting of spells, and the feeling of fist meeting flesh?
No, I am genuinely interested. How a growth serum will give me a fetus?
Your idea for the first arc is to elevate the three powerfag builds into also being the only important builds in the mp?? Are you fucking stupid?
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nta but like this, I think
i thought that it'd be cool to explain a bunch of random powerfags showing up out of a prison
i still think that dark guild engaging into evil politics is cool yo
Would the villain be the guy who broke the Prisoners out? I could make him. I wanted to make a dark guild guy anyways.
Are you really surprised that Sandyanon wants evil powerful characters to be important in the mp? That's his whole schtick.
All equally viable. What's stopping you from writing them?
I'm waiting on the Gambier job before going forward, just because I need to see how the PSN ends up. So in the mean time I've just been shopping around for these to get started, and give other people material to work with.
kinda close yea
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>What guild you at?
Guild masters, pitch your guilds
I think the edgelord is you, anon.
>Gotta say, I really like the vibe I can get from Scrapper. Kind of feels like Cowboy Bebop.
That's exactly the vibe I was feeling, good shit anon. Looking forward to your future writefags.
And thanks for the pretty bracelet.
See >>93237887
tl;dr: Hob House provides members with luxurious amenities, high quality meals, services of an experienced psychotherapist, and generous funding for personal projects.
Both pis-dull, and Scrap-82 is a robot. She mostly wants crew with whom she can communicate telepathically.
Which one are you?
She contacted some guys in 'A Dream Job Offer', here - https://rentry.org/cuii2nc8
She did not invite my build then, but he is Psi-Dull anyway.
Working on something right now.
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Thoughts on a build that focuses around kung fu kicking things at enemies from a distance?
That's always my favorite shit in fight scenes so I approve.
The truth is Saraki and Shihai were a couple, and the mixing of those psychopaths resulted in the unholy spawn that is Sandy.
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Fairy Tail..... home....

Ciara Perrons, the Witch of Karrsth


Mundane Talent (Gardening, Research, Judging someone's character)

Fortune Telling
Druidic Magic

>Magic Power
Wizard Saint

The Witch of Karrsth, a village that's not printed on any map. Whether that's because it disappeared long ago or it just never existed to begin with, nobody knows. For as long as anybody had known about her, Ciara is a mysterious but kindly woman that hasn't given anyone the impression that she's anything but just that. She has lived in voluntary solitude deep inside the forests of Fiore, only dropping by every couple of months or so for a bit of shopping. Because of how infrequent her appearances are, only a select few notice that she's been doing that for many many years without looking like she's aged a day.
Ciara spends the majority of her time at her home improving her trade, tending to her garden, and reading. Naturally, she does not get many visitors. The ones that do come tend to be younger people curious about her, and she gets her jollies by refusing to answer their questions and sending them on wild goose chases into the forests for some ingredient that either isn't there or is nearly impossible to find if you don't know what you're doing. One day, though, she was thoroughly surprised to find that one person actually managed to complete her little task. Not only that, but they came with an offer for her to join a guild. Ciara, being a witch of her word, heard them out and was eventually persuaded into giving it a try.

Not sure which guild I wanna throw my big witch hat in with yet.
Here's a prompt for you, Farty Tailers!
>How do your builds apply their magics, and do they have any creative applications? Do they tend to fire random bullshit, or develop techniques for their magic? Are they a "nah i'd win" kind of person?
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Mundane Talent (Archeology)
Physically Fit
Unique Appearance (Sharadow)
Sharadow Herald (High-tier Magic) -
Enables the user to have a Sharadow, giving them greatly enhanced perception. Also allows the user to summon a Sharadow Giant, a being made of energy that encases the user like armor, and is exceptionally strong and tough.

Quaking Star (High-tier Magic) -
This magic is used to create and drop powerful meteors. They can be as huge as a small village, or they can be as small as bullets.

Paleothief (High-tier Magic) -
Upon finding the corpse of a Mage, the user can incorporate part of their body into their own. This gives them a small but slightly permanent buff, and allows them to use a deriviative of their magic. If the user overexerts that deriviative, they lose access to the magic.

Malumda says that he comes from a long-extinct tribe of poweful wizards. He is part of no guild, and typically spends most of his time brooding. He likes to steal S Rank quests and hurry along to feel the thrill of combat; he always helps the good guys before brooding about how "it's just so I could steal those genes, not like I love justice or anything..." even though he's retarded and ends up losing out on the genes he uses via overexertion, ending up with a net negative of genes. His goal is simple; become strong enough to blow up a planet on the outer rim of the solar system. No one knows why, and the truth is that he just thinks it would be cool. Not exactly a social butterfly, but has a love for dramatic entrances. Deepest darkest secret: not actually part of the long-extinct tribe of powerful wizards. They're extinct. Just a nerd who perfected the Paleothief magic ONCE and gained a permanent, full power Sharadow that can't be lost.
I am going to marry this absolute SIGMACHADGODLY.
Ciara's main thing is her witchcraft, with Alchemy being the centerpiece of it and most of the others feeding into it. The benefits of Druidic Magic and Transport for Alchemy are obvious, but using Fortune Telling removes a lot of the trial and error and guesswork that comes with it. Burning some leaves from the plants that go into the potion she wants to make and reading the divinations that come with it can tell her what kinds of other ingredients she might be missing. From there it's research time.

>Do they tend to fire random bullshit, or develop techniques for their magic?
Ciara really isn't much of a fighter, but that doesn't mean she doesn't keep a slew of offensive curse-imbued potions sitting in her pocket space just in case of emergencies. She's only really needed to use them on dangerous wildlife that can resist her Druidic Magic and the occasional angry villager that's figured out that she's just fucking with them.

>Are they a "nah i'd win" kind of person?
Not 100% on what that means, but probably not. She keeps to herself.
>Not 100% on what that means
Are they a jobber underestimating their opponents and carrying out seemingly "OP" magics, or they're chill?
Then no. She's already not much of a combatant, so she'd prefer to just avoid hostiles if possible.
Niera is 'Nah i'd win' but I dont think its wholly unfounded, their entire gimmick is copying your magic and doing it better while also having Enhance + Speel Blitz + Dispel

But also she doesn't want to fight, she just wants to see the cool magic. So shes probably just gonna be like a fangirl to the cool magic techniques people have.
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Father Mond is "Nah I'd win" but not in terms of his personal power. He simply believes in and trusts the members of his guild fully and knows they can overcome any obstacle. Speaking of...

Join the Moon's Watch today! Want to be a part of the most prestigious Guild in the nation? Want to test and better yourself with the support of the world's greatest workshops, libraries, and support mages? Want a snazzy accessory or outfit to wear as part of the Guild? Want the most luxurious lodgings, 5 star meals, any comfort you could imagine? Diplomatic immunity? A signed copy of "How I Danced in Moonlight" by the great Father Mond? All this and more at the palm of your hands, at the Moon's Watch!
The fuck is "slightly permanent" supposed to mean?
> and allows them to use a deriviative of their magic. If the user overexerts that deriviative, they lose access to the magic.

Keep reading dumb motherfucker.
So it's not permanent at all. It's conditional. Stop mangling words, you dumb niggerfaggot.
Alaric attempts to resolve conflicts peacefully when possible. When that isn't an option, he tends to use his magic very subtly. Some may not recognize he's using magic at all, instead perceiving him as simply an exceptional swordsman: moving faster, jumping higher, and landing more gracefully than first expected. Occasionally, one may notice attacks missing him in bizarre ways or him ignoring what should have been a sure hit. A perceptive mage may recognize what appears to be some limited form of Telekinesis Magic. He's tried to keep a low profile during his travels, so his capabilities are still mostly an unknown to the people of Fiore.
I'd like to join Hob House, seems like it would be the best fit.
That OK with you, Mr. Ugard?

>Sandbagging Mode
Alaric, Bastly, and Mory, definitely. The first two as combatskillsbros, for some desperately needed martial arts practice, and Mory to get some extra perspective on pain magic.

>Let's Fuckin GOOOOO
Nameless. Another High Archmage of the Black Arts? You don't get the chance for a proper Etherious tide every decade. What demons you got bitch?

Seph's a Holder-type magician, with a focus on preparing lots of very specific spells. A demonic eye that makes somebody's teeth hatch and burrow into their skull doesn't really have many uses outside of that.

Her most creative stuff is in long-term projects across her magical disciplines, like her demonic organ synchronicity project, keeping a bunch of high-end demons in her fourth stomach to vomit out at foes, or the spell that launches you into a traumatic flashback where the souls of your dead friends and relatives are made to shittalk you with personal and specific detail. There's some inspired murder tools in there, but overspecialized hard into "kill the bastards as hard and fast as possible" at the cost of more generalist stuff.

However, Fiore's magical regulations say you can't hit people with "The Ten Hells" or "Sandpaper Eyes" most of the time, and other favorites like "Demonic Reincarnation Killsquad" are super illegal, so most of her arsenal is unusable. What's she's got left is low level curse and nightmare magic, and that stuff barely counts.

>But would you lose?
Nah I'd sneak.
Make some friends and bushcamp your foes. It's only recently where Seph stopped taking the 'make' part of that literally.
Buster uses his Steel Drivin' Style to do stuff normally heard in tall tales, like punch a mine out of a mountain or chop down a part of a forest with his bare hands. One time, when his miners struck gold, he was so overjoyed he ran halfway across Fiore, slew a sea serpent, carried it back, and served it up to his employees. That said, he thinks of magic as a cheap substitute for honest work, being broken if hit hard enough unknowingly, he's dispelling the magic with his fist.
>Are they a "nah I'd win" kind of person?
In spite of his tremendous strength, not really. If anything, it's made him jolly and laid-back.
You ever stop mid-way through writing a writefag and realize "Wow, this is the cringiest shit i have ever written"
Yes, but then I finished it and anons called it kino.
Yes, but then I finished it and nobody read it.
Nope. I only produce straight kino that makes homos seethe.
Turn it into cringekino.
Do we still need builds for fairy tail?
No mp NEEDS anything.
Yes. If Fairy Tail gets 108 builds, we can sacrifice them all to the altar of the Gods of /mcyoag/ and enter the golden age of endless kino.
Wrong. Scrapper and Fairy Tail NEED ships.
Dummy. SCRAPPER already has ships. It's part of the cyoa.
Anon, he's talking about different kinds of ships.
That's the joke.
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Lanel Nol


True Magic

Arc of time
Seith Magic

>Magic power
High mage

Whoever'll have him

Once a genius that contracted a deadly disease, Lanel was experimented on but in the end it became obvious that no cure would be found in time to save him. Lanel thus decided to escape and find salvation on his own. When his body could no longer go on, out of desperation he used necromancy to bind his soul to his cadaver, allowing him to go on until finding a way to return to life.

Lanel's corpse is kept in statis through arc of time, preventing it from degrading any further. He can also use arc of time on golems he created through seith magic or even invite another spirit into his own corpse to strengthen himself temporarily.

While he may look scary, he tends to be pretty nice once you start knowing him. He will feel jealousy in resentment towards the living for their ability to feel pleasure through food or other means but will try not to appear too bitter.
Your joke doesn't have two US battleships making out, thus rendering it null.
Eyyyyyyy, we finally got one.
Only if no ship occurs on the same ship. That’s borderline incest
one what?
>not an archmage
Nice jobber
Who cares, it's not a pvp cyoa
Doesn't have to be pvp to be a jobber. No need to be mad about it.
>Doesn't have to be pvp to be a jobber.
No one in a mp has ever jobbed to a npc
It's the opposite, actually. Archmages have already peaked and will get knocked down a peg to job for whatever next villain shows up, but the newbies will get to have their shounen power growth arcs and wind up the undisputed champs of the MP.

>True magic


An elderly tyrant of a woman who has a disdain for everyone and wants to be left alone. She has claimed vast swaths of useful land as her own and uses her unbeatable magic to enforce her claims.

Her magic is relatively simple. She enchants people so that they feel euphoric pleasure whenever they enforce her self declared property rights. Over the years countless trespassers have been hit by her magic and so any attempt to make new efforts to reclaim the lands she stole is met with fierce resistance.

She's very old, and not likely to live much longer. The local lords have simply resolved to let her live out her days in peace as it's the simplest way to resolve the problem.

For unknown reasons, her magic is completely ineffective against virgins.

She will allow some visitors so long as they respect the land and have a very good reason for being there. Occasionally she'll visit town for supplies, making sure to wear her enchanted cloak that hides her identity.
All builds can be killed by a dispelchad with a gun
There's no way a non-archmage can keep up with the years of mastery and experience of an archmage. It's pure wankery to imply otherwise.
What's the point of a build who hates everyone has no relation to anyone and doesn't want to change that fact?
t.doesn't know shit about fairy tail
sorry bro but the non-archmage rolled up with his squad and power of friendshipped his way through your hax, better luck next time.
So that things aren't boring.
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>"If you were to fight the Ten Wizard Saints, who would win?"
"Well, if they put up a Territory and disable enemy magic inside, it might be a bit of a challenge..."
>"Would you lose?"

Stone is very confident in his skills both in and outside of magic. After all, you don't just manage to escape from a high security prison by relying on sheer strength. You learn to think quickly on your feet and always have a contingency plan, whether it's knowing a proper escape route or tossing out an overwhelming amount of contraptions to eventually find one that deals with the problem for you. In the right hands such as his, even a paperclip may be fashioned into a weapon of mass destruction. Takes careful consideration of what to have on hand however, as any time invested into creating these tools could be completely wasted if he wasn't able to bring it along with him. He may be able to absorb machinery but he still has to haul around all that mass. Perhaps it would have been prudent to study a bit of Transportation or Reequip magic... or the far more efficient option of making allies with someone else who already does.
Not a real build and no reason to include it in the list since its just a shitpost 0/10 irredeemable.
Claims to be a genius but doesnt have genius because he wanted true magic. 0/10 but can be redeemed with writefags.
ok Kiritsugu-anon
Reread it anon, Archamges have an innate understanding that the novices dont.

"Your fine control over your magic is effortless and you can identify most magics"
The genius talent is about smarts
He was a magical genius
10/10 redeemed
But you aren't going to do anything?
On the offchance you aren't replying to yourself, Don't eat the bait dumbass.
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>Archamges have an innate understanding that the novices dont.
Bruh half our archmages are high magic.
We should change the rules and just make it so everyone has +4 Power innately for being a PC, and if you want to you can go for another +4 from prisoner or you can take a less meme background.
It is BtN all over again.
We already basically said that you can take whatever bonus with whatever background, but removing the inherent need of prisoner to be a high mage would be for the best since it seems like anons cannot possibly fathom not being a high mage.
This guy has neither, but if we're only talking combat then I think combat skills is more powerful than archmage. Archmage is better for literally anything other than combat though.
I mean yeah 100% like BTN, we have a lot of samey builds because everyone is going for the same setup to get high-mage except for a few people at the very start.

So if we raise the floor people might atleast spread out a bit.
Synergy>Eveyrthing else
Take stone, he's a fucking physical monster. Archmage isn't gonna do shit if you don't have the speed or defense to keep up.
I think it depends on your magic, some are going to benefit more from the brute force of combat and some are going to benefit more from the control of archmage.
That's also what happened in BtN.
He loses because half the high mages have enhance.
Nah thats gay, force them to invest 24 points to become a high mage or choose to become a prisoner so they can take arch mage with it. Otherwise theres 0 purpose in origins.
There's already 0 purpose in origins, not a single prisoner is at risk.
Nah, if you don't have a criminal record then you can't be a real high mage.
Actually foreigners can, They are even more powerful arguably because they actually know the spells.

Its a near thing though, and anyone besides Foreigner and Prisoner has to spend all their points on magic.
If we get 4 more points we get to be HIGHER mages.
I can accept that logic. I'd imagine something like summoning magic would be an excellent example of archmage supremacy.
I think it's simple.
>Combat Skills give you that boost to excel in physical combat, and if you've got fitting magics, it'll supplement that too.
>Archmage makes you good at everything magic related and gives you greater understanding, putting you far above novices pretty much for all time and granting you great versatility you can apply in combat.
>Both synergise but it'd obvious where they help the most.
>You can make a High Mage without prisoner, but those who do are canonically treated as menaces they are, with power that breaks official records and had them jailed in the first place.
>Foreigner is great for giving you a free magic.
woah Fairy tail feels exactly like nardo except devoid of any charming builds and a general direction for the mp
so just a bunch of bored powerfags
Yeah the powerwankery is already unbearable
We managed to speedrun the nothing conversation. I'd be impressed if this wasn't the most boring shit this thread produces.
>charming builds
don't get ahead of yourself, mr. five relevant builds that nobody cares for anyway
>general direction
it only started, MPs can die multiple times before they get a direction, and they're having arc ideas already
wanna tell me about how nardo shat it's pants before for the exact reasons you're describing lol
Gonna be doing a writefag involving Punchbros and some guests. All powerfaggotry shit will be ignored, and I hope anons will have the intelligence not to debate retarded that and try to have fun.
WHo has the
>Highest physical power
>Fastest speed
>Highest defense
>Strongest Magic
I don't get how this got a MP before. It just seems like a CYOA destined for powerfags.
It happened organically and was unchallenged
Presumably people didn't all go for high mages last time and completely ruin the CYOA.

We basically removed 90% of the CYOA and only use the magic section.
Last time everyone got custom magic and we had a guy go straight for the gojo magic port
don't be salty that kitsuchan wone the popularity poll shinro
People just weren't as concerned with how strong a build was. Not in the way they are now at least.
you can easily substitute your description for nardo or worm btw
anything can be made a powerfag contest, 99% of nardo is powerfagging and waiting for the tournament to proceed
instead of actually getting to writeups, you do the same scenario, "This MP is X, I am going to complain about it and rot in my MP for the rest of ages" lol
next you're going to try to tell me that we never had an MP where everybody took strongest shit and 200+ posts of shitposting went down instead of being productive
he had earned his spot unlike eiken or shinro
Back then a lot of builds started as self inserters before becoming actual characters. The first guild was started by anons trying to break the setting together and fuck the canon waifus before they morphed into some dark brotherhood thing. Then you got a bunch more builds and other guilds and everything developed naturally. When anons powerfagged it was usually cooperatively.
My only issue with this is that you're assuming prisoners are imprisoned by the state for some crime. The text only says you were locked up to be experimented on (which doesn't sound like a typical state prison), and the picture for the option is someone who wasn't a criminal during his imprisonment either. Just a victim.
I speedread origin descriptions, that sounds interesting though. Does that mean they've gotten their boost through state mandated experimentation, and now run scot free? Can we make a plot out of that?
Until there's a quality writefag, all of this is dumping by the same guy
We used to let powerfags wank in the corner. You’re under no obligation to include every build
>be in cyoag
>make a strong build
>"Good build anon, you're gonna crush the setting!"
>be in mcyoag
>make a strong build
>"Fucking powerfaggot, I'm ignoring your trash."
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That's what those armchair theorists get for not getting any hands on experience. How can you really expect any of the drivel they spill out to work in the real world when they only debate each other that it will or won't again and again.
'I cast Time Acceleration, I summon Bahamut the Keeper of the Damned'- well how about you find the time to summon the motivation to get off your ass and out of your office!

Only half? If that's all, then the odds are looking to be in my favor. If ruling over the natural traits of man is the strongest thing they've got going for them, they'll be in for sore disappointment as I've already grown far past that point. In fact, I don't think any of this lot could be any measure of use to me even for testing out my own ingenuity.

>Hilda Verblitz
Someone with such weak motivations can hardly expect to muster greater strength then their own wavering character could allow. Pah, to be drawn into conflict like a moth to flame, it's shameful. Waste of time to even discuss a specimen like them, I should instead work on developing my superweapon to disable any force who dares approach with the possibility of drawing my ire...

>Buster Henry
A self-made man such as myself, who has my respect for the commendable effort towards elevating themself without reliance of magic... however he has neglected parts of himself in this pursuit. He should not forget that the brain too is like a muscle, and you must use it to maintain it and develop it further. As it stands now, I doubt there is much he uses it for other than determining when and what to punch...

>Niera Flamey
A Scribe's Tablet you say? I wouldn't have taken you to be the academic sort with that... unusual attire of yours. Perhaps the traditions of your homeland are just more spirited than I am accustomed to. Very well, there has not yet been a person I couldn't disprove who announced something was "broken".
Yeah we need to kill SoLfags
>anons being positive on cyoag
Make your lies a little believable at least
Prisoner - High magic level, to overpower anyone else.
True Magic - Sounds really broken. Your changes will be permanent and if you're under extreme duress, you get potentially exponentially stronger. [20]
Lost Magic (Infinite Speed). The users' mental and physical speeds increase ten-thousand times. This essentially slows everything else down for the user to the point where it virtually stops time. Each action still feels like a normal one; i.e a step is still a step, but ten thousand times faster for anyone attempting to observe this. Thus the mind is incalculably quick in order to keep up with the magic affecting the body. Can be turned on or off at will. [12]
Rare Magic (Automated Security). Whenever any serious mental or physical harm threatens the user, they immediately either enter Infinite Speed (If they have the magic) or get an immediate alarm. This can and will trigger form almost anything that could risk someone's life or limb, whether life means mental health or physical. [8]
God Slayer (Light - Tachyons). A darker form of light, almost impossible to describe by the naked eye. Can look like nothing or everything all at once. [4]
Territory - In combination with Infinite Speed, simply create a Territory over the target and then reign in absolute control. Be able to do whatever with them, and as it says; - Teleport them, trap them, drain their energy, explode them. [0]
>Magic Power
24 - High Mage
None, Malakai is a loner
Good build anon, you're gonna crush the setting!
>Didn't even post the image
It was right there, lazy anon
lol did you copy and paste the guy everyone clowned on the first run?
>Their disgusting powerfaggotry, our balanced and fleshed out builds
>Their shitty writefags, our thought out plots and well written writeups
>Their stillborn unbalanced MP, our glorious kino multiplayer that'll last for ages to come
I want to say it was less a direct result and more a mix of indirect results and circumstances. For example, I think it was children with a lot of mana that were captured in the first place. Could still be that the experiments were taxing on their mana though, and by repeatedly using it up day in, day out their magic got stronger.

Canon aside, I like the idea of fucked up experiments being the reason why they're strong and the potential for a plot based on it. Gives dark guild chads yet another crime to pin on their shoulders.
Isn't this a Worm build with Tachyon field manipulation for infinite speed?
>and fuck the canon waifus
>Didn't take into account the true magic emotion growth
Delved too deep or crawled out of some hole previously undiscovered by man? Either way, I am humble enough to admit when something is outside my purview. However that does not mean it will stay that way forever. Admittedly hard to tell if there is anything there that can be fixed... or wants to be fixed, anyway.

>Big Killer Ape Tree
A mountain of disappointment, more like. I've seen plenty of mobile sanctuaries but none come quite close to the sheer waste of resources this one is. It's like you'd want to broadcast your presence from here all the way to the ends of the ocean. I pity the mage who dedicated their life towards the creation of such a thing... hm? That IS the mage? Well, I'll be.

>Nameless One
Do you have any idea how little this narrows it down. I've personally met several Nameless Ones while I was under the care of Magnolia custody. I can't imagine that they are anything impressive. Lacking both a reputation and place in the world, it's little wonder why they've been forgotten. Not like myself, Sebastian Stone, reputable man of the written word and magical chants.

>Bastly Ugard
In their shoes, I think put my full efforts into learning Transformation magic to be easier on the eyes... and fit into smaller shoes..

Homeschooled, pah. Who was their mentor, a relative of theirs? Could you really even call that an education? No better than those scholars who coop themselves up in their studies and lecture halls for years. The search of knowledge is a respectable goal but only if there exists an exchange of ideas to broaden both depth and understanding. I'm sure that's something they won't grasp the intricacies of with their upbringing though.

>Alaric Falk
I have no idea who this is. Yes, I have a name to go off of now but that doesn't mean I can manifest the profile of every single citizen on this landmass, now does it? Maybe when they publish an academic article of note or demonstrate something of interest, I'll keep them in mind.
/cyoag/ really fell off
This is just Fire Force Protag
Sounds like jumpchain
After some consideration of my options, I'd like to see if you're interested in letting Ciara join the Moon's Watch.
She doesn't really need any luxurious accommodations, but having constant reagents on hand and a good space for her garden will be most useful. She could even be a constant source of quests for the guild, hiring out other members to adventure out and procure rare ingredients for her. And I suppose she could be convinced to share some of her concoctions with the others who join. As long as you're fine with her knowing a few curses and her tendency to mess with the folks that bother her, I think she'd get along swimmingly with you.
This just reminds me that theres only a fire force jumpchain cyoa and nobody made a full cyoa of it.
This only works if they have lucky.
Bootleg soul eater isn't worth a cyoa
neither is soul eater
>Father Mond
One of those rich reformist types taking advantage of a power vacuum left behind, are they? It takes a certain type of person with a sharp enough mind and the perseverance to maneuver or trample over obstacles that may rise in your way. Time will tell if they along with their city will wash away with the changing political tides, or if they'll actually find a foothold to cement themselves as a fixture of a new and stronger monument towards progress. Even I couldn't tell you which way the future leans. I simply don't engage in battles which I do not think will grant me the greatest gain.

>Mory Pose
Ironic, isn't it? A Mage being brought low by their own magic. I'm sure they already know as much. A typical reminder of why trifling with such power without restraint leads to careless accidents and erases years of work in an instant. I'd say I feel sorry for them but really my sympathies are for those who had to put up with her that long before it happened. I couldn't imagine placing myself in such a position nor do I ever intend to.

>Ciara Perrons
Here I though I finally found a mind capable of matching my own, but alas it was just a desperate dream. I do not believe in the psuedosciences she practices, this... "alternative" medicine. The only alternative to medicine is illness and death. Anything parading as though it was will most likely just lead to those two results. At this rate people will forget how to take care of themselves all together and beg their nearest witch doctor to mash together a mystery salve, or even worse, think that using only healing magic is the proper way of things. I cannot choose between which of these two realities I view as worse...

It's a shame to see potential grow stale and sputter out before they can even realize it. Mages are all the same, they get hooked on a magic they think is the one solution for all their problems, and before you know it they only know how to deal with situations using magic.
bro its a prequel
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Chapter 5 of Corporate Obstruction. One more to go.
Of course Ciara can join. A skilled and intelligent young alchemist is a mighty boon indeed. Witchery certainly fits the aesthetic of the Guild, which is a plus. The curses and such is fine. Father Mond bears no grudges to any kind of magic; all are of use to do good in this world.

I suppose we'll go with Father Mond completing one of Ciara's "quests" and surprising her, having her join after? It certainly fits the image of him as an enigmatic and influential, but not magical, individual.

Ciara is now a member of the Moon's Watch, under Father Mond. In celebration, we will be observing the Festival of the Half Moon, as is customary for the arrival of mages of particular interest within the guild.
Oh coo-
>it's Reth
Blegh wake me up when we get to steeledaddy
>fire force is a prequel to soul eater
what??? I love soul eater but don't give a shit about fire force, is this real?
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The woman with no name loves fighting, and it gets no less straightforward than that - attack, defense, support, she's savoured every bit and feels the experience aching in her bones as the brain cries for answers about it's birth into the cruel world. "Sandbagging" is her preferred method against everyone, even the strong; picking apart their stance as they fight, first throwing around some simpleton magic arts to prob for weaknesses, and when the time comes, bring out the full power of her boiling blood and firey imagination to crush her under their heel. Most magicians get figured out eventually, but in this struggle, she always has an ace up her sleeve.
When too lazy to fight by her own, the black tendrils of the forbidden arts show themselves, and many demonic servants are called upon, holding the same thrill of battle as their creator. Admittedly, she's not creatively monstrous as some of the other practitioners, so the beasts she generates take the practical approach than trying to intimidate or shatter the sanity.
Alchemy's a hustle. What, you thought that a woman with no panties can't earn for a good living? Just have a taste of her health potion, built upon frog extract!
>Are they a "nah i'd win" kind of person?
She has healthy amount of confidence, but the consistent rate of getting ryona'd in past life is something she remembers clearly. The women that get cocky in this world are punished harshly.
Seph should be curbed before she messes up a lot of good people, so that's two Demon Lords ducking it out! I also think that her and Malumda can have a interesting match-up due to similar magics, but I think he's a dump.
>"....You're a talking magical toaster, sir."
in an extremely loose way yes, its not like connected more than the main character of fire force is the moon in soul eater.
God he's a dork.
+1 vote to cancel fairy tail
>main character of fire force is the moon in soul eater.
What the fuck. I guess I need to watch it now.
+1 vote to cancel nardo
Its like MHA in that its worth watching for the characters that aren't the main protagonist and antagonist.

Everyone is cooler

Unless you really want to practice your wanking, because they litearlly turn Fire Control into time stopping and light speed and shit.
Lots of ryona for the twintailed girl.
I'll have you know the title is Dr., not Sir, and I am far beyond some mere consumer mechanism. This form is the result of a well established foundation stemming from knowledge of both engineering and magical arts. A magical toaster, bah! I'm a scientific achievement beyond even your wildest imagination! I could fry a thousand toasts with just the flick of my wrist, a million toasts! A magical toaster... the insolence...

There's only one who seems to be even remotely near my own level, the recently resurrected Lanel Nol. He places me in a irritating conundrum. It is looked down upon to speak ill of the dead, however since he has seemingly gained a new lease for life, I will give him the lesson that he should have learned in his first go around. Not all problems can be solved with magic, and I will be happy to prove it to him. Someone who attempts to usurp control over life itself is clearly lacking control over his own, and a mage tampering with powers like that will end up causing no good for any party, involved or not. The decaying flesh versus unyielding certainty of steel, it's very clear how this will end.
>Unless you really want to practice your wanking, because they litearlly turn Fire Control into time stopping and light speed and shit.
The one thing I hated. The author went really hard in stretching fire into different directions, and it became retarded at the end. Fire Force is great otherwise.
>"Thousand toasts? Why didn'tcha say that before? Rev up the machine, Dr. Toaster!"
>turn Fire Control into time stopping and light speed
Hello xianxia.
If it helps, I'm going to include Steele in my Joe introduction writefag...whanever I managed to finish it...
That would be a pretty cool fight I gotta say
The last part of Full Circle will be due tomorrow.
I wonder if Girl Fieri can just copy his mech after seeing it or how spell copy bullshit works with magitech.
Good luck anon!
All the way through 3 is due in three days.
Keep at it anon, I'm waiting for it.
But the fags that complain about strong builds are always other powerfags who don't want competition.
>Of course Ciara can join.
Huzzah, then.

>I suppose we'll go with Father Mond completing one of Ciara's "quests" and surprising her, having her join after?
That's how I'd imagine it as well, yes. Whether he found it himself or simply pulled a few strings to get someone else to do it is up in the air. Father Mond is definitely the kind of person who Ciara would find amusing enough to humor them when they ask her to join their guild.

Whether you believe in the process or not, the results can't be denied, Doctor. That would be rather foolish of you. And it seems like you're chalking all potions up to be about healing, but that's far from the only thing a cauldron can concoct. If I wasn't sure you'd flip out and call my creations pointless and my divinations fake I'd invite you to come see what they can really do. Actually, that does sound rather humorous, so do feel free to drop by one of these days.
>it's very clear how this will end.
Yeah, with me raising you as a new puppet
I don't see how it would help them much. Magitech is applied to technology, without Conjuration you won't be able to make it yourself that easily. Stone has Genius to make all his stuff off field, Fieri would at most have the knowledge of creating a magitech item but not sure if that would apply to every single part that went into it. How mundane would the base process have to be before it turns from Magitech and instead into Smithing,
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It doesn't. That's boring nerd shit even if she could copy it. She's polite and all but hes not even close to on the list of people worth hanging around to observe, he is unfortunately for him, just a novice.

Fixxing up her Not!Phone or enchanting a hotplate for her will get him some praise, but nothing he can do is going to make her more impressed than that because she simply doesn't care about science.
You know what, fuck you.
>Ices your toast

Unfortunate that you can't come up with a remedy for that terrible unscientific mindset which plagues you, but I should refrain from judging too harshly. It's difficult to adapt to the modern age when you only just recently learned about it after all. Fortune telling, divination? Paltry party tricks in the face of pure analytics. But I digress, it seems clear that you too need an academic figure in your life. Unfortunately I cannot be that for you, as I'll be far busier cracking the secrets that neither philosophers nor saints had the possibility to. As an act of generosity, I'll drop off a few of my published works as to not leave you completely in the dark ages, free of charge.

Raise me as a puppet? You could barely raise yourself out of the ground. I doubt you could even make a third attempt at this point, so I'll try my best to go easy on you. Might be more merciful to just end it here. It's clear that your mental state has the same wholeness as your physical body does. If your brain wasn't the splitting image of swiss cheese, you'd know that idle boasting like that is liable to make you embarrass yourself. Try reaching a compromise with the maggots in your skull, they might lend enough of their shared brainpower and show you that you're clearly outclassed.
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Tutorial boss for light guildies to try and beat on is a go.
Vera Escher


Unique Appearance (24)
Tactics (21)
Archmage (18)
Lucky (13)

Element-Make (Smoke) (11)
Virus (3)

>Custom Guild
Hag's Hex
Medium Guild (2)
Dark Guild
Housing (1)
Business (Casino) (0)
Connections -2GP
Workshop -3GP

If Hob House is where wayward people go to get better, Hag's Hex is where they go to get worse.
Located in the seedy(er) side of Balsam, the guild's front is that of a simple casino where you can get drunk, make merry, and lose your inhibitions and cash to your heart's content. However, the moment one steps into the back room, the facade of cheer is immediately replaced by an intensely oppressive atmosphere of desperation.
Shady deals, last-chance gambles, fencing stolen goods, if it involves ill-gotten gains then Hag's Hex does it all, being something a channel through which much of Balsam's crime passes through. Its leader, Vera Escher, has been a thorn in the side of Bastly and the authorities in Balsam for some time now, and seems to have no intentions of turning over a new leaf.
Vera herself is wreathed in smoke and leers, as opaque as they come, and a woman who takes smug delight in blackening the world around her for no reason other than her own idle curiosity. Still, she is fiercely loyal to her subordinates and treats them like her own flesh and blood, though it's a tough sort of love more often than not to those who don't pull their own weight.
Recently, there have been rumors of members of Hag's Hex seeking information on the superweapons held by some guilds, though to what end it's entirely unclear. Whatever it is, Vera clearly has ambitions that lie far beyond petty crime and ripping off tourists.
>"Hey kid, wanna try kodoku with ancient superweapons?"
Fuck the powerfaggotry. We need a tierlist for the sluttiest girl in Fairy Tail.
Someone made a REAL build again, Awesome.
What's with the ryona builds?
>tutorial boss
bitch uses STD magic
She's gonna be sandbagging with less lethal pathogens, Hag's Hex is a pretty minor Dark Guild in the grand scheme of things and going around murdering motherfuckers is bad for business unless you really want some S-tier Moon's Watch bastard kicking your teeth in.
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>Tactics (21)
>Archmage (18)
>Lucky (13)
She unironically beats 90% of the current builds.
Not at 12 power she doesn't, 80% of builds are High Mages who just dunk her.
All the relevant builds, yes. Powerfags will instantly disregard her for not being a High Mage.
Magic Power doesn't actually measure how strong all your magic is.
Lucky's mostly for the gambling flavor, but still. It's fun to make anons work for it a little.
>True Magic doesn't actually measure how uncancellable your magic is.
>Tactics do not actually measure how tactically adept you are.
>Archmage does not actually measure how good you are at magic.
>Physically Fit does not actually measure how strong you are.
nah we need a rizz tier list
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Creating a superweapon in the form of a virus? A childish and primitive approach, far too unwieldy to utilize on a small scale. It takes the precision of a scalpel to remove the intended mass without damaging its neighbors surrounding nearby. One would only choose such a foolhardy method if they only sought strength beyond their means without regard of consequence. It's of no surprise that someone like that would try to collaborate with a mind capable of obtaining it for them, though I can't help but feel dually patronized, both by the addressment and the idea.
>"You sound like the type to claim that you've transcended your biological needs 'n' emotion cause ya attached a laser to ya dick or sumthin'."
>"Yo, bestie! Let's knock this academy reject's ego by a notch, I don't think anythin' good gon' be happenin' if he'll run around with his...laser-guided nuclear superweapons. Whatsa 'nuclear'?"
"And I thought people only called me a dirty @*!%$%**."
>1 point off of having everything I want
It's never been more over for me.
your build is gay
start over
Having Unique Appearance is core to the build.
Should I make my build a guild master or do we have enough?
We've got Hob House and Moon's Watch for light, Chrysalis and Hag's Hex for dark, and the nameless one from the giant guild hall guy.
Only two people have joined guilds yet btw.
Her younger and weakened state only allows for shallow cuts, which are enough to activate her butterfly spell. However, these cuts aren't deep enough to make her enemies fear significant blood loss and beg her to save them by 'clotting' their wounds, which also sets the stage for her pain magic.
>Are they a "nah i'd win" kind of person?
I'm not sure what you mean by this desu.
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Physically Fit
Unique Appearance (Tribe of the Winter Court) - a secluded tribe of nomads in the icy north, known for their insect-like wings and horns. On top of their poor choice to call home, they were driven to nigh extinction, suddenly found a brief period of peace after finding and worshiping a 'god', and then unluckily died off from a great disaster (save for one survivor)
Combat Skills
True Magic
Devil Slayer (Luck Devil) - Although his devil slayer magic is known as 'luck', what Yam eats is actually 'misfortune', which he then turns into luck.
Enhance (Luck)

A child was branded by his tribe's god. "He devours your tribe's fortune. Mark and shame him, for he is the devil's child. His misfortune paves the tribe's glory." So it were, the child would be outcast and treated like dirt. Yet he stayed, for he knew that his suffering was what allowed the tribe to thrive. However, the tribe would slowly suffer misfortune again, and the child's treatment grew worse, until they had enough. "Leave, our hardships are because of you! Begone, devil!" So for the good of his tribe, he did. And as he left, he looked back to his home, suddenly the ground shook and a boisterous laugh of a 'god' bellowed. A great wave swept up the ice beneath the tribe and then the child. "That was a good time, kid. I'll do ya a favor and leave ya alone. Go do what'cha want." By luck, he survived and landed on the shores of Fiore, taken in by a kind old man. Here, the child was named "Yam", after a meal the old man had eaten for breakfast (the old man was not very creative). Yam was raised and taught by the old man, who was a skilled magic swordsman. Yam did not take well to the magic lessons, but he did become a good fighter. After some time, Yam set off on an adventure with the old man's old equipment, to do what he wants.
nigga really bought into the luck meme
I was gonna have a 'Winter' variant of Ice Devil Slayer, but then all the talk about luck made me think of the "devil's own luck" saying so I switched cuz I thought it was funny.
join a guild fuck faces
give me a good one and i will
Is FT actually happening or is it still a meme?
Is there a guild list?
Only 6.8k ... not good enough. I need to flex on these posters.
see >>93249567

>Light Guilds
Hob House (casualfags with a side of redemption arc)
Moon's Watch (fanciest guild in the nation)
Unnamed (wander around in the belly of a walking hill doing adventurer shit)

>Dark Guilds
Chrysalis (semi-disbanded, led by a build designed to be bullied)
Hag's Hex (tutorial boss bad guys)
>That OK with you, Mr. Ugard?
Sure. Welcome home, kid.
>that appearance
>that luck
>fairy tail
so whose tits is he falling into first
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The Woman With No Name will temporarily stick by Chrysalis under the promise of helping her recover basic knowledge about the world.
>"Ahh... I wonder. Was I a little too indirect for your sensors, or were you always this poor at comprehension? With superweapons, tin man. With. Purification, concentration, evolution! The ugly survival of functionality and cannibalization of failure as each weapon is pitted against the next like bugs in a jar. Don't you want to see the end result of that growth? If none of these guilds are using them anyways... Why not take them off their hands?"
>"Then again, maybe not. I thought a walking repurposed scrap heap like you would understand this best, but I seem to have gotten my hopes up for nothing."
this woman's face is going up on the board as BANNED from the casino FOREVER
Rolled 3 (1d7)

1. Hilda
2. Niera
3. Seph
4. Nameless
5. Mory
6. Ciara
7. Vera

>Another ally of justice falls for the allure of evil
Worry not! She'll start dispensing justice once she recovers from her temporary amnesia. Hopefully temporary.
Now that you mention it...yeah, The Woman with No Name should join the casino instead! She's got a friendly face there already.
>eldritch nightmare noneuclidean titties
fascinating. looking forward to the 2000 word writefag
>>Bastly Ugard
>In their shoes, I think put my full efforts into learning Transformation magic to be easier on the eyes... and fit into smaller shoes..
He's already close enough to the peak male physique.
Why do you keep posting this in every thread?
I do?
Man, Animal Power CYOA looking peak.
Yam doesn't really have anything to his magic other than 'eat unluckiness, be lucky', but this 'luckiness' can play into his fighting style. Although he is strong enough to use an oversized sword normally, he swings it around in big arcs and lets momentum carry him around. His luck can make him trip and fall in a way that would let him keep up the momentum while making his movement unpredictable. He can 'accidentally' let go of his sword too to a more advantageous direction if he needs to reset. Ironically though, him eating unluckiness can make the other person luckier too if its a 1v1 and no one else is around.
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Ibuki E. Fiore

Wealthy (+wealth

Mundane Skill: Governance
Unique Appearance
True Magic

Mid-tier: Territory
High-Tier: Rules of the Area

>Magic Power

A princess of the kingdom who thinks even higher of herself than you might expect of a pampered royal. From a young age, she became comfortable with bossing others around as she sees her station and her magical talents as evidence of her right to do so. Nothing truly unexpected from someone like her. What is unusual is the level of dedication she's given to improving her abilities as a mage rather than just enjoying the praise she gets just for existing. Doubly surprising is that she actually has a mind for management. Unfortunately, her personality is still pretty rotten. She rarely hides her disdain for those who don't treat her like the princess she is and is eager to punish anyone who disobeys. Since she's still you her father has sent her away to be trained under the watch of one of the great guilds, though the true purpose of this little vacation is for Ibuki to have her character straitened out before she starts having the sort of ideas that lead to having heads lopped off. Whether she's the one making heads roll or it's hers going on a pike, neither is ideal.
Aside from her inflated ego and battiness, Ibuki can get on quite well with most people as long as they act as she expects them to when around her. If she takes a liking to someone, then she'll treat them like an extension of herself with all the positives and negatives that implies. If they're mistreated she'll take it as a personal offense and retaliate as such. Even if she's more lax with them, she'll be all the more angry if she feels they've disobeyed her.
Both the light guilds seem like they'd work for her but I'm leaning a bit towards Hob House. It seems like it'd basically be making her work at soup kitchen.
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>Now that you mention it...yeah, The Woman with No Name should join the casino instead! She's got a friendly face there already.
nice try.
>sir, kino has hit the Fairy Tail mp.
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>As it stands now, I doubt there is much he uses it for other than determining when and what to punch
Listen here, jive turkey. I don't need no fancy degree to know how to get this mine running smooth as silk. I built this place with my bare hands, and I can outwork and outsmart any man or machine that steps foot here, can you dig it?
>Name: Lucius McShade
>Origin: Foreigner
>Perks: Physically Fit; Combat Skill; True Magic
>Custom-Low Tier Magic: Earthly-Heavenly Splitter: Enhances all physical attacks that go up or down.
Example: It can make attacks that go up and down heavy enough to shatter the ground without touching it or make the attack extremely fast.
>Custom-Low Tier Magic: Horizon-Slasher: Enhances all physical attacks that move to the left or right.
Example: An attack may become so fast or heavy that its pressure can cut a foe many yards away as long as it moves from left to right.
>Custom-Low Tier Magic: Forbidden-Shredder: Enhances all physical attacks that move on the diagonals.
Allows the combination of the previous two magics as long as the attacks move diagonally.
>Mid-Tier Magic: Dragon Slayer Magic: Fire
>Custom High Tier Magic: Spatial Breaker: Allows the user to move so fast that space is distorted
Example: An attack can be executed so quickly that it can rip through space, making simultaneous attacks against an enemy. (Think a fire-themed Judgment Cut End)

Lucius Machsade is an "ordinary" mercenary from distant lands; he crashed on Fiore under a totally-not-dragon-related incident that displaced him in space, somehow ending in Fiore. Although he calls himself a mercenary, Lucius is a poor one with barely any tactical or survival knowledge and much less knowledge about how guilds work or the laws of Fiore. He also smashes things with his sword-pick-axe-scythe-weapon "Which is not an anchor, mind you. Please believe me!" instead of taking subtle routes.
Due to his name, menacing appearance, and demeanor, people think he is up to no good or is a hidden-in-plain-sight dark guild member, but he has not a single thought in his head most of the time. When he thinks about things, he wonders if he will have something to eat at the end of the day or if he will have to eat crayons or gravel again.
Without the mask.
>"Fight? Why should I have to fight? That's something for the palace guards to do. If some rabble is foolish enough to challenge I'll have them on their knees and begging for my forgiveness faster than the servants can brew my midday tea."

Ibuki's plenty confident but she's not a combatant. Sitting back and barking orders is more her style. If she has to do something then it's domain expansion time and she tries to bully people with rules and explode them or whatever by setting up conditionals for rules being broken. If she really hast to do it herself then there won't be much finesse in the actual process.
Nice job anon.
While Lucius is not a clever tactician, he is a good fighter. He uses a lot of feints and turns in his fighting style to bait his opponents into following his rhythm of combat, fooling them with the use of his magic by changing his movement mid-swing, or by simply utilizing combos to maximize the effects of his magic.
When he feels he has to win a fight, or can't afford to lose, he will use all of his magics in tandem to cause the most damage possible in a short burst, overwhelming his foes by the sheer numbers of his techniques.
His fighting style is straightforward, but versatile because of its simplicity.
I've completed what I hope to be a serious but still enjoyable reaction to Sandatsu's attack on Shiketsu. My intention is to get the mood of the nervous lull after a big tentpost event, like maybe the first or second episode of a new 26 episode season. And maybe signpost some obstacles and obvious vulnerabilities if anyone decides to do it again. Anon, who I always definitely take completely seriously every time, give me three requirements for the story, which I have risen to meet. The more personal follow-up is already written, but what's a cliff-hanger if I don't leave anyone dangling for a bit?

The Sickly Light of a New Dawn (Karaburan, Rosethorn, 1-D, and special guests): https://rentry.org/hvsqpxzi
>unnameable impulses
Most. Resist. Tasty. Plastic. Temptations.
>Kiba bothering the boars
Oh no
>Class rep being pulled out
Very nice work anon, delivered the tension really well while also showing a lot of neat character interactions. Nice job.
MHA vs every other mp
Oh no.
Guys I'm lost in the time-line
Does Sandy's attack happen before, during, or after the internships?
During which months do the internships take place?
how long do the internships last?
Good shit anon! Looking forward to the parental drama
I'm also a bit lost, but I believe after. Like he started to go villain and murdered his mother during the internship period (november/december?) then the news about it go public during the winter break (between Christmas and new years), then the attack on the school when Genma died is sometimes after the new year already started, but I have no idea how far in.
End of October-Christmas
2 months
after the internships
you're right that's about it
>no idea how far in
mio didn't return to Japan until after valentine's day, and he stayed a few more days fucking shit up in Europe, so im thinking either late February or early March
>either late February or early March
Now I can't help but imagine that Genma had some ship of his own starting to brew and there is a girl out there that was waiting for him to return her feelings on the White Day.
He's due on the next chapter.

A lethal dork. No head pats.

Damn, what a fuckin' weeb. Using each chapter to highlight how each member contributes to the job is an interesting idea. Is there a reason why Reth's chapter is full of constant breaks between sentences?
>I'm waiting on the Gambier job before going forward
Write it anyway. Anons waiting on a writefag before making an effortfag of their own usually puts the MP into a standstill. This is Claymore anon BTW.
>I need to see how the PSN ends up
What details do you need before you start writing? If it's about how the PSN works, it's mostly a loners+ group where each member can share a contract with one another, and you don't have to hire the whole crew.

On an unrelated note, which SCRAPPERS would be interested in xeno procurement of an unknown species?
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That's his psi tracing power, the one that lets him use a tool with the same skill as all of its past users. It's imperfect due to wild experimentation, so he actually gets drawn into the past users' most pertinent experiences in coordination with his senses (the italics text). That comes with setbacks, since some of the past users were retards, like the one that threw his sword at an archer, leaving him without a melee weapon.
Nta but that's kino
>Is there a reason why Reth's chapter is full of constant breaks between sentences?
I am not the writer but the way it's worded and the narration suggests that the breaks are psy tracing, Reth relies on it a lot and apparently he gets really in character when he is using it, thinking like the original owner instead of just getting the skills. You can see that because he talks about arrows and then switches to SMGs, the text is also styled differently but I think some parts should be styled but are missing. It's a cool way to narrate the psy tracing use, it complicates things if not properly used but in this case it has enough hints to the real situation to work.
Oh, I missed he had wild experimentation for that, this is a really cool way to interpret that.
/cyoag/ genuinely is better than here most days, shitposting has lowered an impressive amount and the CYOAs reposted are good. Still no new authors or OC, but Tankista will save us
That's some good news. Hope they have fun.
Come by some time, you might enjoy it. Part of the appeal to me is the variety, since none of the CYOAs here at the moment besides Be The Noble interest me
He's unfortunately lying. I don't know why. When it's not slow it's still as bad as it's ever been. When it's slow, it's still just as bad just in stop motion.
Lol shut the fuck up
>fairy tail builds
>No one joins a guild
>shitposting has lowered an impressive amount
You'd need to make a guild master first and the guild construction part just isn't engaging.
We got two people to join guilds, didn't we?
Seph joined the Hob House.
No Name Girl joined Chrysalis (temporarily)
Being slow is not an issue, I enjoy slow boards the most
Yes, a single troll that no one replies to in any thread is proof that shitposting is still out of control. Do you have some vendetta against /cyoa/ or simply are dull?
>a single troll
... we just gonna ignore the conversation on author purity right below that? Or everyone else bitching at anything that's posted? I don't know what your game is, but it's stupid when I can just look.
These threads are juvenile, what exactly did I say that was so insulting?
I went back to /cyoag/ a few weeks ago and it was a dumpster fire. No one played or discussed cyoas, everyone was just shitting on one another.
No one there has fun. They go there by habit and suffer there by habit. It's in no way better than here.
I'm not reading your rant. You're putting way too much work into defending being a crossposter. It's fine to be a crossposter. I'm one myself. Don't lie about the other thread though.
>Say something blatantly false
>y-you're mad!!!
You seem determined to shitpost here, could you perhaps go shitpost in your land of origin, cyoag/?
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Ta'ang is down for anything but she'd probably be better on the Xenos Procurement. And I didn't want to be presumptuous, so I'll go around on the assumption the PSN occasionally operates together but will usually be out in smaller components. I want to do the first four on a shared contract then I'll go from there, want to set up one of those drafted ideas from earlier in the thread.
>Still no new authors or OC
You're really downplaying something critical. It barely matters that the shitposting has died down now, the damage is done and that place is unsettlingly stagnant.
I don't know what the way forward is for CYOAs as a hobby. Call it schizo, but I really do think the aggressive shitposting /cyoag/ saw for a while caused long term damage. But also, I've mused about the apparent decline in long-form roleplaying I observed years ago, and I think it's due to any new blood likely growing up in a less text-based world than I (we?) did - and I think this has an influence on CYOA interest as well. More YouTube and TikTok, little to no forums or even Reddit now. Just like para RPing, CYOAs are relatively text heavy by modern standards (and honestly, saying multiplayer CYOA circles totally aren't RPing is about like saying "no homo" after kissing your bro on the lips), so it would take a very, VERY specific type of Zoomer to wind up interested. Thus, new blood is hard to come by (and then treated with excessive hostility early on, and understandably loses interest).
>He's still going
Just ignore him
NTA but I released OC within the last 12 months and although some anons were nice to me, most of the replies seem intent on shitting on it no matter what. When their criticism were adressed they just went on to try and find new ones no matter how insignificant they were. /cyoag/ deserves its fate
I doubt most posters will listen to the one poster getting angry over the existence of /cyoag/, it's not as if I said anything incorrect. If anything, defending that the quality of the thread has improved is useful
No retard, lying isn't useful
I really am not lying, how is saying the quality improved lying when it has? Just look at the replies to the recent Italics OC, mostly positive
I think it might be a byproduct of not just 4chan posting culture, but the inherent nature of CYOAs themselves. Absent a multiplayer aspect, they're essentially solipsistic, escapist power/waifu fantasies. It seems logical to me that this would attract socially maladapted, self-centered people (who would absolutely be excessively harsh on anything that doesn't satisfy their desires perfectly), and that a recurring thread devoted to CYOAs would reach a high concentration of them, given time. So it seems like the fate of /cyoag/ was almost inevitable, especially given the caustic posting climate of 4Chan as a whole being able to act as a "vector of infection", a handy retort against hypothetical calls to ease up on OC creators. /cyoag/ stands out to me as an interesting alternative outcome to the lifecycle of hobbies depicted in that one picture we've all probably seen by now: we all worry about death by normiefication/dilution, but we don't think about death by stagnation nearly as often. (For the record, I think both are terrible, but the mainstream fate is still SLIGHTLY worse).

>I'm fine with decline since it doesn't affect my playing of CYOAs
That's probably fine, but I have a persistent worry about the hobby dying out completely. It's a unique, indie, non-commercial form of creativity, and it'd be a shame to see that disappear.
Why hasn't reddit stepped up? They're like 100 times more numerous than us or cyoag
Why don't they make good OC and save the hobby
Is this MPable?
Dungeon city book wizard
I was wondering if it was, but there are already too many mps right now anyway.
Excellent points again, I also feel like the hobby couldn't have sustained itself against the constant shitposting in the end. Jumpchain avoids this to some degree because the system allows the poster to just choose what jumps they enjoy, and there is a high enough bar of entry to deter many worse posters. Unfortunately, /cyoag/ doesn't so here we are.
Also, I agree with you that both forms of death of hobby are bad, but /tg/ is dying anyways and it's at least more honourable to die from autistic tastes and posters than from getting flooded with idiots
Anons always cite the format of Reddit as bad for CYOA creation and the behaviour of redditors as reasons, but I can never fully believe those. I genuinely cannot fathom how Reddit is still behind /cyoag/ in terms of good OC after all this time, it simply doesn't make sense from any direction
>Just look at the replies to the recent Italics OC
Which one?
Unfortunately not, we need to pretend to include martialkeks
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I didn't know that she loved Nameless so much, that she'd add a no-ryona policy! They're besties already. They even have catfights like besties!
>there is a high enough bar of entry to deter many worse posters
Rolled 1 (1d2)

1. Meta!
2. Stay bitched by anon
The new Xianxia CYOA, can't remember name. You can probably find it easily in archives
PDFs seem to deter shitposters for some reason, I've seen this in other threads like the GURPS threads as well. Can't explain why, just have noticed this from experience
>PDFs seem to deter shitposters for some reason
kid named nardo
But you can be a martial already? That's what the Mithril emblem core is for. Add demon hide and beast tail or your blood and you have a martial build.
>PDFs seem to deter shitposters for some reason
...Maybe City-anon was on to something...
Gud news i rediscovered my love for kpop. bad news my new fave grp has 24 members
>It seems logical to me that this would attract socially maladapted, self-centered people (who would absolutely be excessively harsh on anything that doesn't satisfy their desires perfectly)
number one reason why cyoag is dying, say what you want but the likes of entropistanon dipped exactly because they're easily trolled retards who refuse to accept that author with no attentionwhoring is the best author, and left because the shitposters were too much
truth is, despite cyoag's diversity being a problem, it could still be a healthy general delivering on OC if shitpostfags didn't scare off all the new blood for a few cheap laughs and authors themselves got a healthier attitude towards posting there
and no, reddit community isn't doing shit, they still make pill cyoas unironically, these people are worthless to us
You heard him anons, we're starting a Feline Herpes Virus run once one of the MPs dies. Start shilling your favorite scenario now.
Oh God
It's time for the next hivemind to be 24 people!
Kpop class coming in to restore Shiketsu!
A talent to rival toybox......
Pill cyoa mp when?
He's the exception since he's not a very good author and his PDFs are easily digestible. For example, there is a well written several hundred page Legend of Zelda jump in Xianxia style
Heyreddin is capable of handling toxic xeno life forms, especially if they are helpless and guarded by dangerous entities. If anyone can sneak anywhere and make out with a haul undetected, it's him.
Oh, I forgot you converted the Naruto CYOA to a PDF. Jumps are usually longer and formatted differently, and that format requires quite a strong interest in that type of CYOA to not seem boring
>Heyreddit is capable of handling toxic xeno life forms
time to send him to cyoag
Laughs in jpop with a group having hundreds of members.
>which SCRAPPERS would be interested in xeno procurement of an unknown species?
Bill is good with (xeno)animals.
What inspires this kind of pointless anger over a hobby thread
His build got shat on and he's pooped about it, flinging poo on everyone else in an attempt to clean himself
I already liked my first build too much to want to play it again.
Does that mean mcyoag has a community of indians?
What is this? Genuine question, I am new.
A cyoa we've played before that was fun but kinda high-power for most people.
OC that was hyped for months in-thread before immediately slipping through the world upon release like that one batman beyond villain.
what? I was making a joke. cyoag shitposters used to accuse anyone they didn't like of being a reddit tourist out to 'steal' their cyoas, i don't know if they're still doing it
Their new trend is falseflagging as humongous retards to derail the thread.
which build was yours?
FT will never get writefaggotry, kill it already
Sorry, you're right that used to be a joke. There have been less Reddit jokes, and some anon was complaining about /cyoag/ just earlier so I got confused. It was a good joke
only if we do it with fire, hammers have a proven record of failure
Writefags are not the be-all-end-all of mps, kill yourself already
Slayer I think was the class I went for.
>hyped for months
Was it? CityAnon cyoas had a pretty bad rap at that point. KtH was hyped and ended up failing, but I don't think people expected much from FHV.
Hyped by him, I mean. Constant changelog updates every single secret hours.
There's a bunch of Guild masters
i am writing one as we speak, seething nardofag
>fairy tail hasn't gotten a new build in a whole EIGHT HOURS
we're cooked...
FT soul tier list DOKO
Rolled 1 (1d2)

1. Be stubborn
2. Have fun
don't worry about this
>nothing is ever gonna happen to 1-F
true and that's what makes it the most kino class, based retards.
great writefag anon, loved the very naturalistic exposition dialogue.
I threw Ibuki's hat in with Hob House is they'll take her.
1-F had a video game. Soon, there will be a comic.
waiting to see if any more builds trickle in
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Everyone who can become better thanks to their time with the Hob House is welcome. If the princess needs lessons in humility, there are plenty of bathtubs to clean.
They won't
It's over...
I like pill cyoas. Balancing how many detriments you can stomach against how many benefits you want is a fun little distraction and can be meaningfully shared with friends. Waifu Hunt Powerfag Fap-fantasy doesn't have that.
>Balancing how many detriments you can stomach against how many benefits you want
You're making a lot of assumptions. Their pill pickers are literally just "choose one, okay that's it." There is no balancing anything.
I think the only cyoas I shared with a friend were some coomer waifu pickers.
there's none of that there, it's power picking and that's it
redditors have only stolen from these generals
>Waifu Hunt Powerfag Fap-fantasy doesn't have that.
This is just false. I've shared character builders and Waifu pickers with friends and there was easily more to talk about regarding their choices than reddit pill picker has on offer. I make builds and talk about what I was aiming for with them and how they might interact with my friend's build.
Well that's weird.
nta, but with my friends I've found that the kind of super long CYOAs this thread is moving towards aren't usually a hit. It's a bit too much to retain their interest. 2-3 page CYOAs seem to be the sweet spot in terms of having lots to talk about but not dragging things out so long they get bored.
It was for around a month IIRC. I had a clear view of where I wanted to take Feline Herpes Virus so I worked quickly on it.
I also worked on it (mostly) alone, so I didn't awaited for Helper Anon either.
very nice
the pacing and conversations were great, and im hyped to see how hoge fares
>making oc
>have to find art
I now remember why I kept abandoning OC
I always spend a whole day looking for one. It's no biggie.
I don't think he means for a build.
Draw it yourself. It's the only practical solution left.
Very nice read, gave more gravitas to the fact that someone died.
Bit sad my build didn't show up though.
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Real chads just wait for anons to make the art for them. I still remember Traveller whose entire companion section was basically anon builds.
Damn that was a good read. Amazing work anon. There was some disquiet all throughout the piece, only broken up by a few characters trying to lighten the mood. Seeing all sorts of characters and the way the event impacted them was great. After my own character's stuff, I think my next favorite was Bobby's.

Here's hoping for Hoge's chance to have a heart-to-heart with her parents about the years of neglect.
Whose build? I'll make an edit. If it's the speedster, I was sitting there debating what part of the timeline we might be in, and I wasn't sure if he had been introduced, so I had to be vague with "new students".
>not even a single allusion to my build.
>zero references to my build
good writefag
When does this take place?
Still enjoyed it. I like the massive damage and scale of Sandy's writefags, but there needs to be an equal showing of the consequences.
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I feel some inspiration coming on, great work getting an uneasy atmosphere and fully fueling Sally's conspiracy radar!
After the attack and before graduation. :)

I think the timeline might be slightly fuck't
>before graduation
aren't they freshmen?
nta, but yes. I assume they mean before the end of the year.
Japanese school year from gov website:
>In principle, the school year begins in April and ends in March of the following year. Most schools adopt a three-semester system, with the first semester from April to August, the second semester from September to December, and the third semester from January to March.
January was intern month, attack was at the start of February, and at the end of March the term ends.
nta, but I think they just meant the end of the academic year, when the 3rd years would graduate and everyone else would move up a year.
>After my own character's stuff
Which character?
>January was intern month
Wasn't intern month November/December?
Also, if the attack was at the start of the February, it wouldn't mesh well with the Valentine's writefags.
Chihiro. That early scene with her in the forest, being one with the trees and the grass... I loved that. The way she's started to blend into the lives of those around her was heartwarming too.
If it was, then my bad, but point was it was before the attack.

That's too bad for Inigo anon, but January/February was when Sandy said the attack took place.
He literally said late February to early March ITT bro.
Huh, didn't see that. When was the timeline last updated?
>sandy specifically waited for february 15th to attack Shiketsu and ruin white day
delightfully devilish
Graduating to the next grade level.
And? It still took place before graduation.
Three logicians walk into a bar. Bartender asks, "Any of you want a drink?"

First logician says, "I don't know."
Second logician says, "I don't know."
Third logician says, "Yes."

The rest of the patrons pelt them with trash.
See >>93251078
Be knew that half the Boys are poorfags and he bailed out their wallets from the white day obligations. Based bro.
Peak. I didn't expect drunk Karaburan plotting on blowing everything down. Her anger fits well, but I had to check her build to see if she had some villainy in her background. Good to know she's aware of Mrs.Owari's experiment. A principal that mistrusts the government is interesting. She was doing so well until they fucked over her beloved school. Are we getting a more rebelious Karaburan?

Both Chihiro and Inigo had really great intros here, Inigo's was only slightly less cool than crashing in like a meteor. I enjoyed the moments of brevity sprinkled in and all the little details (like the return of cyclops, snakehair, and purple bowl cut kid), but it's an upward battle against the sad tone. Bobby's bit really got to me, but the C students rallying behind Shinkan gave me hope. The changes in the school feels appropriate.

>Broadband. A psionic for EM waves.
New faculty! Bet he's a big old-school sci-fi geek.

This was an interesting way fix the cast, at least the dumps and npcs. If someone's not mentioned we could just say they left during the Great Culling.
I tried to make a list:
>Nene might actually be the only sophomore in the hero-course. In a month, she'll be the only senior.
>Sora left to be an e-celebrity
>Interface withdrawn
>Dark Seer, Titan, the Harukas left Kyoto
>hikkimori Kamome and Yokia
>Kiba's joined the wild hogs
>CanadaMan returns to Mapleland
>Gunn and HYDRA missing
>Cool Boost mentioned
And based 1-F is untouched and unbothered. Too busy with church bingo drama to worry about Sando.

>I am withdrawing my child from this death-trap
fuck. Great cliffhanger. But where is Kampai when you need him?

Amazing work. With Chris dealing with his mother's quirk, Season 2 might just be the parents / family saga. Your output is as impressive as always anon. Looks like we're starting the next 26 episode season with a complete banger. Time to write and catch up. Thanks for the inspiration and thanks for cooking!
Looks to be threadslavin' time... And finally during my hours too!
New thread threadskaven, chop chop
>MHA picking back up for the summer
>I STILL haven't finished the tournament.
This project was way more than I thought it would be. I still will complete it, though, I promised.
Currently the next piece is over 5k words, and the overall work is over 53k.
Hope to get the next piece out soon.
don't sweat it
You'll finish it just in time to start working on the second year edition.
Doesn't sound bad to me. I'm only just getting round to finish something that should've been done like last year.
>Season 2 might just be the parents / family saga.
First and foremost: quads.
Second, I think it is long overdue for more branches of the Atsushi family to appear since Orochi and her parents were addressed in season 1.
mhafags are picking up...our response, narutosisters?
May I interest you in some powerscaling discussion?
Reduced to ashes and scattered out over an ocean cliff.
I'm in both so it doesn't really matter.
Each time I see a powerfag argument, I postpone working on my nardo writefag for a day. At the current rate, I expect it to be finished a week after the heat death of the universe.
they'd rather jump boat to Scrapper/FT instead of actually choosing someone to fight in the tournament
all those matchup/promotion/powerscaling/lore arguments... it was truly all for nothing
Tomoki still solos all of mha tho
If I don't sweat it, then it'll never be done! I want to write other things, but I cannot until this is done. I have made it effectively a book, but I want to do it justice. Just 3 fights to go! (huffs copium!)

I'm not doing this again unless...

It's more that it's been one single writefag that is now way in the past of the current place, making it largely irrelevant to the story. Hopefully it'll at least be a good read all in.
You have no writefag, Osamu anon..
>meanwhile BtN waiting on the horse archery tournament
I mean, I out out that I was fine with Ichika and Kitsumoto fighting or Kichona or anyone who wants to fight her. I'm not sure there's much more to say about it. Maybe Mitsuteru and Ichika would be interesting?
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Planning on writing how Sally responds to Desolator's offer to save her ass from a real conspiracy(she'll accept his help but with all all vitriol and self loathing she can muster)

as for season 2 Sally.....
At some point I want to have her get sabotaged as part of the plot to get her to fail and only pass classes and tests because of help from her friends, maybe culminating in a house fire which makes her live with either Chihiro or Chris with a lot of her keepsakes lost to the flames.
Maybe even have Bobby get offered a lucrative comeback deal in the USA if he helps to make her fail the year or quit the school.
I'll keep an eye out for it!
We could also do our own stuff and not just wait for Vozd to carry the whole MP
one anon carrying is the only way to do a tournament.
I don't know what that is but probably. In shonen circles, MHA is low power.
Hogs, the next thread is in this general direction. Just keep going east and you should get there eventually.
nta, but I now have an image of Sally somehow ending up living with Hoge instead of Chihiro or Chris, and pure entertainment value that'll come of that.
But we can do other stuff while he takes care of the tournament
Aren't there supposed to be dorms at some point?
That was a pitch that's come up at several points in the mps life. With the shit that's gone down, now might even be a great chance to do so, with the new school year and all.
I wanted to do a followup tournament desu
Dorms should be installed now. U.A. installed them after the villains attacked, Shiketsu should do the same.
Considering there's no AfO/OfA in the cyoa verse, deaths should be more expected imo.
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While that would be funny, that would mean Hoge is still at Shiketsu, or maybe the paperwork gets filed "wrong" and her temporary residence is placed with Hoge while she has daily arguments over the phone about the insurance policy she had on the apartment.
I can see equal parts comedy and drama in whoever gets put with Sally, especially if we go with that Anon from forever ago who suggested Noah be accidentally classified as a girl and Sally as a boy
I don't get the sense that Hoge's withdrawal is set in stone yet. Her parents are clearly pushing for it, but that could just be to set up Hoge's struggle to hold onto her place in Shiketsu.
Hype. Atsushi's getting a mass family gathering to take out Feral. Now I wanna see Orochi and Feral bringing their respective families to a family fued type japanese game show.
I guess it's better to deal with the devil you know. Mirror Devil won't be happy though.I had planned on Inigo helping Bobby out so he's less constrained by his deal with the US gov, allowing the Boys to act, just need a way for Inigo to get more control of his family.
>living with Chihiro or Chris
Why isn't she living with Noah? Kek. I can picture Sally in a goldilocks type situation where she tries to live with each classmate and she keeps having to move for one reason or another:
Kaylee's place is just too small. Orochi's place is too big. There's too many people at Hifumi's. Hiro's healing chamber machine is too loud, etc.
>Kaylee and several other students were crowded around Shinkan who was furiously speed-writing the last of a homework revision under the direction of their hints and encouragements. The British giant had her hands on Shinkan's shoulders and cheered him on with the same phrases she used when hyping him up at the gym. He had already been struggling [...]
Sorry, the appearance of Kaylee got lost when it got split for the new ending.
Cool. As I said, it was fun to read already, but having my character present does make it more fun.

Well, I'm sure that Kaylee can find another closet somewhere in the gym!
>Broadband: Are you aware there are two homeless hero students currently living in gym closets?
>Karaburan: Yes....but I have other things to deal with right now.
hasn't she had most of the year to deal with Kaylee sleeping in the gym closet?
The gym is 24/7, and they can't technically prove that she's living there, just that she spends a lot of time training.
Karaburan has bigger fish to fry anyway, and having one of your top known students (high ranked in tournament + interning with No.2 hero) involved in a potential scandal is not a scab to scratch.
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