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Work in Progress, "Green Stuff Sculpting" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Airbrush Priming and Thinning

>"Not yet, old man!"

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads:
WIP Secret Santa archives

Reposting from the previous thread, but does anyone have recommendations for what sorts of minis I should start out with for practice as a beginner if I eventually mostly want to paint artist scale/bust models or "pretty" miniatures like KDM survivors? Not interested in something like Warhammer at all since everyone there looks like they had their faces sculpted with a brick, but that's what everyone always recommends for newcomers because "ugly" minis with harsh, exaggerated features are easier and more forgiving to paint.
If you just want to do mostly people, find some cheap people minis. You can probably get the Frostgrave barbarian kit for cheap and I'm assuming that has a bit of skin. Although maybe not since it's snow themed. Alternatively, buy a board game with lots of minis. I like Blood Rage and a few other CMON board games for their minis and painting them has a practical purpose, so it's good motivation.
it's less that the features are exaggerated and more that at the scale the contours of the details are suited to the surface tension of normal washes and paints, so your shading pass at a basic level is just doing a dark wash and your shading is handled. On larger scales you have to paint your shading in with intent.
More and more GW minis are being designed with the goal being to paint with contrast paints, so you're getting modeled details for things that shouldn't even be 3d just so that the contrast and washes create automatic details for you.
miniature rant aside - go on etsy and just look for 75mm+ scale minis that you like the look of and order them from a 3d printer on there. They're not expensive, and you have an endless supply of options for any kind of minis and you'll want to paint stuff you like looking at regardless of what it is. A lot of the reseller/licensed printer ones have options to print in whatever scale, like 28, 75, 150mm. It's really up to you.
Currently firing up the manifactoriums, got a warhound to build.
>"Not yet, old man!"

Trim the fat, delete dead shit from the OP.
$7+ shipping seems like a bit much for such a small amount of green stuff. Man I wish I wasn’t so frugal sometimes.
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Hey /wip/! Posting a quick update with a better "finished" shot of my intercessors. My wife got me a new light box for Christmas, and I had a moment since the kiddo went down at a reasonable time tonight to set it up and take a better shot! I also had a chance to finally take a nice shot of my Jakhals too, so I'll post that as well in just a moment.
And here are the Jakhals I finished and shared a few weeks ago!
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Fixing trims
Thinkin of selling my old plastic CSM bits. Think it'd be worth the time fellas?
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I was also going to post this
i doubt it
never took the time to figure out what spiky bitz was but i assume they sold spare parts and i assume the market is pretty light on those these days considering all the 3D printing going on
Depends a lot on what you got anon.
Lots of legs, torsos, and heads. more sketchy on arms and weapons.
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Well she could have turned out worse I guess.
Something about her smile reminds me of a meme but I can't pinpoint which one exactly
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Oh hey nice, I was wondering what you were up to. She also has a different shirt but I don't think these colors would work either.
you like crabby pattys don't you squidward?
>You like coomershit, don't you /wip/ward?
I'm gonna try out some color combos from different outfits of hers. It's harder than I thought though to pull colors in without it looking too messy, just her hat alone in a lot of outfits is lots of different colors that look fine on her in that style but I don't know how I'd incorporate them well, and a lot of her jackets are pink and that's just too much pink.
I should buy some coomershit
KDM minis are sick and I'll die on this hill
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It's been a couple days and I'm hardly finished with one of these guys
Steeled up the rest to feel like I'm making progress
I like the turquoise metal anon. What contrast/speedpaint you used for that? Because I'm assuming that's what you did
I enjoyed painting it tbqh. It's definitely motivating me to get better at painting flesh.
Some are. There are a lot of them, and the quality varies, but at least that also means there's probably some for everybody.
AP Caribbean Ocean, then 1:4 AP Raging Sea and speedpaint medium over Vallejo model air steel. It's a recipe from a video, just with AP speedpaints instead of contrasts
have you seen that tutorial on how to do fishnets and pantyhoes ?
I have not. Ive probably got a long way before that.
Wrong, theres no such thing as too much pink
I think I mentioned this when you first started working on that but I feel like seifuku colors could translate pretty nicely into this bust maybe?
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You know...
Go for browns instead of yellows if you're trying to get blonde hair. Also slow down with your brush work and go back and fix mistakes when you make them. There's no reason for there to be splotches like you have there where 2 different surfaces are meeting each other. You got all the time in the world, so either catch them quickly with water when they happen or go back over them with the right colour.
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should i go over my metallics again after applying matte varnish? Also is pic related any good?
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Never used vallejo varnishes so I can't help you there but yes, matt varnish will kill all the metallic shine. If you want to get it back you can either relayer your metal parts or put satin/gloss over them. If it's a mini that has a lot of metal I just spray the whole thing with satin and it looks all right. Picrel for reference
Alright, thank you, i guess i’ll brush it on then instead of airbrushing and put some ardcoat on the metallics
lmao it is similar to that, yes. What's the story with this thing anyway?
Looks like AI. Whats the black stuff on the m8ni?
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Looking good.

I'll give you some unsolicited suggestions.
You have a solid scheme going on but I would be to add a tertiary colour and some hue shifting.

Here's what I mean.
You're heavily on the warm colour side and something to counter that can add some more dynamism to your paint job e.g. your squad markings might be in a desaturated teal.

Your whites and black could be hue shifted in shading/highlights.
- White could be shaded more to the red/brown side to align with your reds.
- Black could be highlighted with some navy/blue instead of just grey.
>it's less that the features are exaggerated and more that at the scale the contours of the details are suited to the surface tension of normal washes and paints
Yeah, that's more or less what I meant. The sculpting of Warhammer minis does a lot of the work of guiding the paint in the right places for you, so that's why they're a lot easier to handle for beginners. Unfortunately I personally just don't care that much for the resulting look.
I'll check out Etsy, though I'll narrow it down to EU shops so I don't get hit with huge shipping+customs fees.
Nice. I always like when models are integrated to their bases
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What are you painting today anons? I tried weathering with pastels on my old Meganobz - turned out well imo
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I'm not big on orks so I'm probably biased but these look pretty cool anon. I wanted to share the finished thing but here's the current state of my dunecrawler. Applied the decals and some chipping, going to be varnishing him later today. After that it's only some enamels for weathering and the base. This picture came out a bit weird for some reason
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I'm out of ideas. I try to copy certain movable parts but each time I have to drill connection hole, copies break apart, usually at place where two halves of mold connect. I tried to increase amount of green stuff in GS/Milliput mix but result is the same. Up to 2.5mm is okay but when I reach 3mm, they break. I don't have intermediate drill bit between 2.5 and 3mm, sadly. Applying thin layer of GS over broken section does not help, break simply propagate into new material.

Any suggestions?
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Slowly, but steadily my backlog is being completed
Make a real mold, use resin.
I don't have workshop, just my room. That means no resin (due to fumes) and no silicon (no way to set up vacuum chamber). Any ventilation system is also out of option.
That's a very cool, crab, anon. Beautiful work.
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Sadly, I don't know myself, but ever since I saw that image in /wip/, I haven't been the same since. I see him in my sleep. I see him when I blink. I see him in my reflection. I see him when I look at my loved ones.
Is vallejo collapsing?
nah the workers won the strike for now
but the investment firm will shit the bed hard in the next year
>Whats the black stuff on the m8ni?
looks like texture paste from the base
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Girlfriend's parents got me Grimaldus and Retinue for Christmas, and my Dad got me a ÂŁ50 GW voucher which I bought my first Dreadnought (Brutalis) with! Anyone working on Christmas projects?
>Anyone working on Christmas projects?
I am working on my projects during Christmas, if that's what you mean.
Still got 2 DKoK guys to go, after which I will finally begin assembling and painting my Necromunda minis (Necromunda genuinely has way way better models and customization wtf)
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Thoughts on the base? I wanted a very white desert sand but I'm not happy with it. Does it need more warmth?
before I read your comment I just assumed it was meant to be snow
> Heavy on the warm side
I am actually super happy you noticed that. This entire army's paint scheme has been my "anti-blue" project. The closest thing to a cool tone in the entire army is a few arid tufts on the bases that have a little tiny bit of green. As for the shoulders, if I dirty them up, I would feel obligated to go dirty up some of the full white models as well. Unfortunately then I would have a mountain of work ahead of me. I do appreciate the critique though!
Carve them out of wood.
>way way better models and customization
Try building a Cawdor gang. New levels of monopose bullshit that's painful to convert. I got mine together in spite of parts incompatibility, but there's gonna have to be a lot of greenstuff to cover the gaps and flaws.
>desert sand
Nope. Looks like an ok windswept snowfield, though the basing needs to also cover the plastic bit between the minis legs.
Yeah, I'm redoing it. But I'm not going to cover the tiny plastic bits, can't paint that decently.
Oh, do you mean the gap between the base and the minis? They're not glued, just tacked on. The base is just a test piece using spare MDF.
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>miniature not washed
>miniature not primed
>mold lines not removed
>gaps not filled
YEP! It's painting time!
I kinda meant both. The gap ain't good, but neither is having an untextured lump between the mini's feet out in this textured field. The more you can blend that in the better.
Is there a cheaper alternative to green stuff available?
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Just ate an entire box of Toffifee in bed by myself and the packaging kinda has potential as terrain.
Terrainbros, any ideas?
I don't know why it rotated.
Add pipes between them (straws could work), and some industrial looking caps on top. With some painting you can do pretty good fuel storage that way.
Milliput, in my country around 1/4 price of GS. But it dries differently, into rock solid instead of rubbery.
Getting some agriworld vibes here. Maybe some cultivation vats for algae or grubs? Or simply promethium tanks.
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Looking like this will be the last mostly-finished model for the year. Still deciding how to weather him and how much. 30k Destroyer, so "radiation and chemical weapon exposure + general lack of maintenance".
Got some other stuff put together yesterday, and partially painted the second guy for this squad, but don't think I'll be finishing that guy tonight. It's not pretty and it's not very technically good, but it's still painted to a decent standard, which is good enough for me.
Have you looked around for “kneadite”? You can find suppliers that sell it with other applications in mind so you’re not paying the hobby tax.
Not him but maybe if you are living in US/UK. I checked few stores in poland and I only found some plumbing stuff that cost the same as GS or slightly more and are not suitable for anything BUT plumbing. But such is the life in my country - every product people in US use as alternative for hobby, here is optimized to the point where it lose every alternative use.
Why does my paint rub off the primer layer? never had that happen before and its only in a few spots - primed with AP brainmatter beige
Eh, it's not possible to blend them in nicely due to how GW made them. They're just meant to be glued straight to the bases you get with them.
Did you wash your mini with soap before applying the primer? Sometimes it stay oily, especially if you touched it a lot.
No, i primed them straight after building. Didnt know thats a thing you’re supposed to do, guess i’ll wash the next batch
It's usually not a problem, but if you had something oily on your hands/spent a long time touching them (like when kitbashing) it can be an issue. You could probably give the mini a little coat of varnish if it is too bad.
I think the other anon is wrong. You mean the primer is staying on, but the paint you put on top of it is coming off, right?
I would first think it's due to excessive handling while painting, especially if it's on the edges/points and recommend a painting handle. Otherwise, if you left it for a while after priming, there may be dust. I can't speak to any issues with that specific primer though since I've never used it.
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Allright, second try. Stopped trying to do the chunky highlight with thunderhawk blue and thin highlight with fenrisian grey and went with just the thinnest highlight I could do with thunderhawk blue, I think it looks way better. Also, any suggestions for the visor color?
What the heck are those supposed to be? Men of Iron?
Castellan robits i think
They're Men of Iron that the Imperium crippled with severe autism by exposing them to the 41st millenium's equivalent of non-stop Ipads and Cocomelon
I thought they were just "simple" automatons that needed their babysitter tech priest giving them their ipads with cocomelon to make them do complex tasks. It's way cooler if they are actual men of iron kept in check by the mechanicus.
this situation is fucking insane. I hope once they sort it the people who pay off unions to stir shit up will get held accountable.
this is gone, whatever it was
And who, specifically, would those people be in this case?
yeah because fuck workers wanting to afford life, we can't have that and shareholder value at the same time
Speaking of vallejo a shop near me has those D&D prismatic paints for 2 bucks a bottle, are they any good? Or should I get AP fanatic instead if I want vibrant colors since they're 3 bucks over there?
Gofile links don't last very long if nobody downloads them.
It's the 40K episode of Secret Level. See >>94704015
Do bolt pistols really cause such massive recoil to superhuman power armored soldiers?
It's a squad of Bladeguard Veterans. Those are *heavy* bolt pistols!

Besides, it makes for a more dramatic visual!
Have you TRIED shooting a heavy bolt pistol in SM2?
I disliked this. The entire video was pretty much just a dumb rollercoaster that made no sense and was clearly made to just look cool. I'm not saying that W40k is some hard scifi franchise, but you can make stuff that actually makes sense WHILE being cool as fuck. Weirdly enough, Astartes did that right, and supposedly the author of Astartes was a consultant for this video, so who knows.
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Merry Fuckin Christmas Anons!
And to my SS, I love you.
Do you think the guy who animated this and Astartes likes space marines?
I wouldn't be happy with this because I can see the 3D print lines and would layer in some more black to cover those up as much as possible.
>It's not pretty and it's not very technically good, but it's still painted to a decent standard, which is good enough for me.
It's not decent by my standard but you do you.
Astartes was made by one guy. This video was made by a team of different people who supposedly had Astartes dude consulting them.
First off, why do you do this to yourself fat?
For terrain, the kind of look like missile caps or if you shorten some you could use them as eggs or bubbles.
Put it on the table, where it's much more likely to spend time than under bright lights for macro photography from a handful of inches away, and the print lines stop being a visible issue.
Here's what I would do.
Imagine the bulbs like vat/tank covers for some toxic waste or radioactive whatever, put some catwalks and an open square area over top of them with railings (preferably a see through grate floor, like a mesh or something), and some ramps that go up to it. Maybe add cover on one side or whatever if it makes sense to. But that's what I'm picturing - a gap and then some walkways over top of it.
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The sword is done but I think its a bit too shiny. Will have to muddy it up more than I thought.

Also do you also come up with lore tidbits about the model you're painting while you paint? Because I have a shitton of lore for basically all the models I worked on, even the most basic of bitches
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I did try this look. The problem I have with it is I just really don't like the bulk of the color being that yellow/beige color. I could probably jigger them around and maybe do the blue, and use the shirt colors for the undershirt/harnass things, but that said, I might have been too harsh on the overly pink idea, I do like the look of her criss cross pink jacket with the scarf color for the interior quilting. It'll be a bit easier to make it look interesting with such big flat surfaces too I think. Still unsure of the shirt colors though but I do think I like this jacket.
I really like what you have here anon. The whole idea of a Nadeshiko themed color scheme is super cool
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Tried to add some shading to the red cloak, does it look a bit more filled in/cloth like now? I'm still trying to recreate the burgundy that I want for the inner robes, and I feel like I'm going crazy trying to recreate a blend of 5 colors
I'm quite happy with how my ogres are turning out. A bit greener than originally intended, but i think I think i like it. Experimenting with the Zorn palette, so only using red, yellow ochre, white, and black.
Did cheat a bit and used a red wash diluted with a glaze medium a bit around the eyes and nose, though
I love assembling and kitbashing miniatures so fucking bad bros. I just can't stop! Put together 8 minis just today.
Painting on the other hand...
>to just look cool.

This. And it did look cool, but i didn't liked it either.
But then again, its just one cool action scene after another, with no explanation, so it probably fails to lead anyone into 40k, which is a good thing.
I generally despise this trend of removing all substance for shit to just look cool. This video, Fallout TV show, BG3, etc. A lot of modern media are guilty of this. Then again, there is a whole lot of good non-mainstream stuff that is still doing it right, so I can't complain too hard.
>package delivered
At least it's in time for the New Year.
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>Put together 8 minis just today.
To my anon, I appreciate everything but it's such a coincidence you got me those Tamiya sponges, as I just got my hands on a Villainy Inks set, meaning I do not need to destroy my nice brushes.
Thank you very much
As i said before, no such thing as too much pink, you should go for this
How do you get through all the sanding and cleanup?
Are inks bad for brushes? I've been using the same brush for everything
Yes, the primer is staying on and yes i did put them to the side after priming - this might be the reason, thank you.
I varnished them matte today and didn’t have any issues applying washes so the problem seems to be solved for now
>How do you get through all the sanding and cleanup?
Yeah i’d like to know that too, one mini takes me at least 20 minutes to clean and assemble, if not longer
How good is chaos black primer behavior wise? How big is the gap between it and other hobby primers like Mr or Tamiya? I found it really cheap nearby
Its fine.
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>20 minutes to clean and assemble
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Here, currently switched from AoS to Necromunda for variety sake
I just don't do any of that haha, I don't remove mold lines or file down stuff or whatever else people do.
I feel like I need to build and clean like 500 models to really hone and speed up my assembly and clean up skills.
If they're enamel and you're using sable hair brushes, it'll kill the oils in the brush hairs and cause fraying even with using brush soap
I need to build and clean all my models before the place freezes over and I can't prime anything
Richmond anon, your package has arrived, but I'm away for new years. I'll post it when I get back in a couple days. Thanks, London anon
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done with the second one
feel like I've gotten better control
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Last minis of 2024, far from done, but time is running out and its time to drink some beer.
Thank you for the update, London anon. Glad it finally got there.
Have a great holiday!
>gifted game for xmas
>nearly 40 hours since
Need a break, back to models for a while. Getting the last of the kommando team built up now. Six specialists and the boss nob, still not sure what weapon to put on him since both look cool. The bases and the first five kommandos are all dry so I'll get them pinned and glued down, that way I can varnish them at the same time I prime the rest of the kill team.
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Alright, enough assembling for today.
Glad to end on such a high note though, I love how this guy turned out.
That's a very cool looking mini, anon! Where is the head from?
Very grumpy fishman
Stargrave, but unsure which box he used. Possibly Mercs.
It is from Stargrave, I think from the Crew box.
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Or Mercenaries, that anon might be right!
But definitely one of those two
>gimme your credits!
Happy New Year brothers.
What's the best way to get the idea of leather, gloss varnish?
Happy new year.
never rely on actually mimicking the surface finish in reality to carry your paint jobs, learn what it is about the surface that makes it look like leather and not like cardboard for example. What are you trying to do exactly.
I liked the way a mud wash looked over brown, could try something similar
Like a shiny black finish
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Just managed to start another painting project this year.
Bought the AdMech Legions box without the Infantrie sprue, then found out that GW's advertisement is wrong, and that sprue is the only part DarkMech can use from the Box. Still want the tiny robots, and I probably need to provide two armies to get a game in anyway.
Probably your best bet will be stippling, that way you can get the look of texture while still keeping it fairly dark.
Will give it a try
I see a few brands for stone texture spray paint
Anyone have any experience using them?
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>got an airbrush
>have terrible gear fear and haven't used it yet
better rewatch all videos on the subject again. surely that will help.
just spray some sprues or plastic spoons and test it
You're just gonna suck with it for a few months and want to throw it out. Shit's a pain in the ass to learn, but it's worth it. Start by tacking your airbrush apart and putting it back together a few times.
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Thank you to my not-Japanese SS living in Japan! :) I'm SUPER excited to paint this pretty girl up. I appreciate that you took the time to look for it and I absolutely love that you went with such a festive choice. The snacks are great, especially the salt and sugar. I didn't know you could use salt for chipping so I'll have to give that a shot one day and I'll be sure to try a little of that sugar in the tea later tonight. This was such a great way to cap off the holidays! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Anon!
>Citrus Depressa Salt
Now there's some sad citrates.
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Happy New Year anons! I wish you all the best in 2025.
This crab was supposed to be my last finished mini of 2024 but it's a bit past midnight so I guess he's my first finished mini of 2025.
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... and the other side with a different gun since I bothered to magnetize them for no reason
Looks fantastic, anon! Happy New Year, fellow eurobro!
Damn, your SS sent you a whole ass waifu. Nice.

Looks great, anon. Glad you could finish him up by the end of the year (sorta) and start the new year with a fresh project.
Don't worry, anon
he sees you, too
Post the unboxed waifu pls
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Very nice anon. She looks fun to paint. I kind of want to check out my local japanese hobby shop and see if they have stuff like that. Anyone know if scale models like these that you paint yourself have a specific name?
I'm not sure about this one but I think those are called garage kits? Or is that something else
They’re usually known as garage kits
Please rate my custom captain pose.
Probably going to change a few things about the print
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Very good.
I mean it looks very cool but it feels more like it's from an action movie or something? Not exactly a pose I imagine for a miniature but that's just me
I like that he's doing slight of hand before punching your head off
>Primed in white
Immediate 0/10 on principal.
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Here you go. It looks push-fit but the fit isn't tight at all so I'll still have to glue it myself. Seems like it's just to make assembly easy. Notably, it has a few spots on the arms and on the doll she's holding where there's some sprue bits sticking out that I'll have to sand off but the rest of the pieces are all completely smooth. If I put it together properly, it measures 6 inches tall.
but enough about school administrators
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Happy new year anons. Finished another squad.
Prob start a diet
>I just don't do any of that haha, I don't remove mold lines or file down stuff or whatever else people do.

Say 'psych'...
I had the same problem starting. Keep your airbrush cleaner handy, and buy a bag of plastic spoons like another anon recommended. It really does help you train yourself to figure out what PSI's are correct and your technique.
I don't play BA's, but god DAMN that's some SOVL. What's your blonde hair mix?
Make a mix of 80% airbrush thinner to 20% flow improver, it will greatly reduce clogs and dry tip. Especially helpful if you live in a dry environment.
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Nice, the weathering is on point.
>first comes rock
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Finally painted my antelope. Only realized the over flow from the brown after I took pics. A few touch ups and I think I'm done. Anything I'm overlooking?
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It is 02:20 AM and I am still in my room kitbashing minis. I am addicted to this shit
Cut up from Adepta Sororitas, very proud of that laser rifle I turned into s pistol
Necromunda House Orlock guy

But now, I shall rest.
Happy New Year bros.
Happy new year
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So more experimenting with terrain. Tried 2 methods of making walls. One where you make the bricks and glue them to a cardboard template and another where you just draw into the foam itself with a pencil. Honestly amazed how good the pencil one looks.
>Anything I'm overlooking?
Sculpting it a massive fucking cock.
I think brightening up the eyes a bit would really help the overall evilness of it
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The giant cock was optional. I opted out because I play the game with homosexuals and would prefer an orderly table.

Pic unrelated. Idk how to into lighting. Tried diffusing the light with a piece of paper but didn't really help
God I wish I had a group of homosexuals to play wargames with so they could finger me under the table but it'd be ok because we're just bros and I'm straight.
It's just flashgitz yellow highlighted with flashgitz + white.
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Proper lighting takes multiple well-diffused lights. Lacking that, one can always cheat a bit.
The brick one is gonna look much better, more interesting to look at than the pencil one. Looks promsing so far in any case.
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Yeah I think so too. I've tried carving some chunks out and messing with it a bit to make it a bit more dynamic. I wanna try out mixing primer and mod podge now to see how that works. Also my chest is starting to hurt so i might wear a respirator when I'm working with this stuff.
looks like he's rolling up his sleeve
>chest is starting to hurt
Hate to tell you this anon but it's already too late. I'm so sorry.
Oh well, great WIP spirit take me to be with the others who have gone before me to inhale the great silly fumes in the sky.
Needs a captains sash or something. If I didnt know he was a captain I'd think it was a bladeguard or company champion
>chest hurting
>meanwhile headache after sitting around plastic glue for 8 hours
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Well that's done now. No idea if I've done it too thick or too thin or both. Never used mod podge before so I guess I'll find out when it dries. Not sure if it'll spread itself out like brushed on primer does or if it'll just dry in clumps like that. Not too concerned if it does because that'll just be more texture.
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When you're right, you're right.
Really like how these colors worked out so far for the base coloring.
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Thanks for the advice, frens. Phase one has gone smoother than expected.
Now watch this video:


It's crucial to preventing clogs.
I just spit on it when i'm done. Is that not good enough?
Based Hawk Tuah poster.
Uh oh, your layers are starting to get chunkier. Although kind of looks like caked makeup and covered blemishes.
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>trigger felt a lil sticky after sitting for a few minutes
>popped the needle out
>lil bit of paint on there
>wipe it off, apply needle oil for good measure
>goes back to being buttery smooth
I feel like I'm him rn
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>trigger felt a lil sticky
Yeh it did. You nasty
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Decided to take a look through what i finished this year, and I think I did pretty well for myself.
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slightly larger pic for non-ants
Cool mini's.

Are you going to give them a wash?
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Thoughts? I was thinking of adding props like candles, pine cones and branches but I think I'm in way over my head and maybe should keep it simple. The base will be snow and black is going to be the part not covered.
Nice job, and Happy New Year to you as well Anon.
Production! err... Promotions! Looks like you got a lot of stuff finished. :)
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If I wanted to make my minis look sweaty, would gloss varnish over their skin be enough?
Just use less of it/save it for surface details. You're not making anything that needs to survive a trip through a vulcanizer, so a little goes a really long way.
can you cast your foot around like a tiny wood dowel, or brass tube?
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Happy new year, Anon! I'm glad that the gift arrived almost on time. I have this Santa favorite deer btw.
It's local citrus called shikwasa - has very nice taste. I even made an analogue of limoncello out of it.
This one if from Maschinen Krieger line. They have very nice models and pinups and other fanservice. Even Yotsuba that could be placed near the mech, so it would become a nice diorama with mech and Yotsuba painting it. Last SS some cunt from down under got the mech for example. You can find it in the gallery.
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I've really got to start taking breaks when I start feeling lazy, I got pretty messy on the wing highlights.
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Doing some more work on this dorf. Just getting the skin and leathers done today.

Belakor looking pretty fabulous.
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Done with the prep. I will start the paint job tomorrow.
Looking clean, anon.
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>missed the new year ticking over because I was hyperfixated on airbrushing for hours
I haven't had this much fun doing anything since I was a small child.
Thanks, I'm finding skin so much easier these days by just starting at khorne red and mixing in more and more kislev flesh as I go up. I bought so many different skin tones before realising how much easier that is.
I don't know if I prefer the layer lines or the pube with black primer drops more.
Airbrushing is very cool, anon.
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Finally put together Malifaux kits I got back in mid 2023. I was a little hesitant because both of these kits are like 20$ more now then what I payed and I'm just getting back into painting, but that felt limp-wristed.
Holy Hell the Captain Zipp box was a nightmare to assemble. I had a different problem with everyone of those skeeters, the flying mount for that upright one felt like a special ordeal and one of the TINY hooks for those three pronged grapples came as a separate bit, also the fishman and giant both feel like they should have two or three bits less each. It Feels as though these kits are built to look like you're getting a lot, have detailed models, but be as small as possible and fit on the sprue even if it leads to painful assembly.
I appreciate the unique aesthetic, not sure I could get showgirls and robotic mosquitos anywhere else, but I'm not sure I want to finish out both gangs for a skirmish game(I've read core boxes play like ass against each other and you need to round out the forces for an even match up.)
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I literally have not painted a single miniature this entire year. It's fucking over.
(This joke was brought to you by: "This Year - 2025 Edition",)
Fuck it, let's do another
My spending habits have really improved greatly! I only bought 3 sets this year.
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>Cool mini's.
Azebs of the Iron Sultanate from Trench Crusader

i have no washes yet
the first model i painted (pic related) I put a mix of water and paint on it but it didn't look good
On saturday the washes should arrive. I'll then give both of them a coat
This is how a FW (or however GW is selling them these days) resin kit should be delivered.
Next to flawless cast, no injection points bigger and heavier than the whole model and perfect fit of parts and no fucking warped anything.
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What should i do next with the skin?
Add final highlights and then don't touch it again because it'll just go chalky and terrible.
Replying to an anon from last bread, a bit late ik.
My advice on BS casting:
Use boiling hot water and keep the bs there for one minute at least, then get a container big enough to house both sides (for me it was those small watercolor mixing bins i used at grade school)
Push the blue stuff in and immediately start to gently sink the part that you want to cast in too.
Use the end of a brush to gently push the BS closer to the part so no gap is beneath it or on it's sides (the orientation of the part should be the same as it was on the sprue).
Put the half cast with the part in your freezer for 15 minutes, until it is hard.
Prepare the other part of the mold, and slowly gently push it onto the part. Now get a flat piece of plastic or metal(to even out the pressure) and a clamp, and tightly clamp down on it.
Back into the freezer it goes for another 15.
Mix up some gs and milliput 1:1 and start pushing it in via sculpting tool first into the recessed detail on both sides of the mold(so you get the least amount of bubbles then fill out the remaining voids.
Clamp it down again, and after 6-8 hours you got your finished bits.

Keep in mind that you're never going to get a 100% looking part but painted up you cannot tell the difference. Also it's very easy to overfill the mold so use less than you think you need. My first shoulder pads came out very thick. Pic related is my clamping setup, the piece of plastic is a 2" base
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My first 3 attempts from the bottom up. I used milliput at first, but that is way too crumbly, adding gs gives it elasticity and strength. If you don't have milliput just use way more of the yellow part of the gs.
now hang tshirts on the hooks like a shitty summertime shop
what are moldlines
I don't either, just pick off any big bits with my thumb nail or use the edge of my Army Painter Clippers, you cant see any of this shit when they're painted

Even if it takes 20 minutes to assemble a miniature, thats 2-3 hours for 8-10? Where is the issue?
If you were smart, you would have a pile of primed models, just to paint them during the winter months.
And all you assemble in winter will wait to get primed when the weather is nice.
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But where can i put the highlights on though?
I don't know how cold it gets over at your place, but it's currently 2 degrees celsius here and my Citadel black primer works flawlessly.
Not a shill, I have my fair share of problems with GW, but their primer ALWAYS runs. (at least the black one, don't know about the rest)
>don't know about the rest
All their white and off-white primers will get grainy if used in suboptimal temperature/humidity. Chaos black is very solid though, I agree on that
It goes down to -15°C at times, and even then i can prime with an airbrush these days, but before that time, spraying in those temperatures wasn't nice, so i would always just prime 15-20 models in advance to not run out of stuff to paint during the very cold days.
>instinctively lick brush every time after rinsing it in the water pot
is it over for me
I do it unconsciously too, especially when edge highlighting so the tip needs to be as sharp as possible. Guess we're the reason pigments in hobby paints have to be non toxic lol
yeah, Wyrd models can be a pain to build, they basically make no compromises to the final model that would lead to an easier time building.
I will say though, as far as awful to build Malifaux minis go, skeeters are easily in the top five, the performer girls are a better indication of what building experience you can expect from the line, imo.
It's fine if you're just using the brush with acrylics. Keep in mind vallejo has toxic heavy metals in their formulation, and if your brush ever handled metallics or retarders, flow improvers, varnishes etc then fucking RIP
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Some progress on the gunpla kit.
Almost done with basecoats. Gonna sketch the camo patterns in photoshop before painting them properly.
well that's that I guess
Nice knowing you anon, should've listened to your mom when you were 3 and she was telling you not to just shove things that aren't food in your mouth
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Womb tattoo.
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I want to lick this tummy
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How do you take such crisp photos anon
Everytime I take a picture it becomes a blurry mess even with a high-end phone on a completely black primer'd mini
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>lick brush
I thought you guys drinking the paints was a joke.
Scotanon who got a photo light box from his Santa - I got this email telling me it had been withdrawn from sale due to environmental concerns.

It's probably fine but didn't want your dog eating the lead solder or something by accident.
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Yes, hehehe... yes...
The non-toxic label is strictly in relation to using them for their intended purpose. That is painting with them. Eating the paint not so much.

Yeah try holding a magnet near your paints on the palette and watch them move around. Dark sea green does that for example.
i'm confused
is this ai? photoshoped? a model? a 3drender?
Exposure to aniline dyes could lead to eczema, acne and carcinoma. Penetration of the dye from the pencil lead into the body commonly leads to severe and debilitating effects such as fever, anaemia, elevated white cell count, gastro-intestinal upset, kidney and liver damage, anorexia and necrosis of the tissue surrounding the wound. Such risks are not associated with ordinary graphite pencils. While these symptoms may appear after a couple of days they often develop only after weeks have passed since the injury was sustained. Surgery is required to remove the dye and the infected tissue and "the necrotizing action may be so severe and extensive amputation is necessary".[6]

From an article on aniline pencils, which are no longer in common use.
What are many pigments in hobby paints made from? Aniline dye based pigments.
While you aren't going to stab yourself with a paintbrush, some common sense is recommended.
What do you mean? The highlights go where the surface faces the light most directly.
Looks like a fake tattoo.
Almost don't wanna base these marines. They're versatile enough they can be played on practically any terrain. It'll trigger me if I go for an urban basing scheme and then play on a bunch of grass field or muddy maps
>Everytime I take a picture it becomes a blurry mess even with a high-end phone on a completely black primer'd mini
ai post processing with modern stock camera apps
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>The highlights go where the surface faces the light most directly
You mean like this? Sorry, i've never painted hightlight before
Pretty much. Just put a spotlight on it and take a picture. That's one of the perks of painting something that's already 3D.
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Looks cool af
wait which paints do they use heavy metals in?
More/better light never hurts. All that noise in the background suggests things were rather dim.
Stop shaking the camera and miniature. Oh yes you do. You're always shaking everything you hold by hand, no exceptions. Put the mini down and get a tripod for your camera/phone.
Balance the aperture size, the smaller it is (which means the larger the f-number) the better depth of focus, but too small (varies by camera) and the best focus starts degrading. If your standard camera app doesn't allow this get another one.
While we're at it, a lot of phones nowadays filter the everliving shite out of the photos. This means a really tiny camera can produce surprisingly ok results even in really poor conditions... but also means photos will tend to be smeared and muddy even in the best conditions. If you don't want to blow the cash on a real, proper camera then go look for a new camera app that allows you to say no to all the digital fuckery. You then do a suitable amount of digital fuckery yourself instead, using something like Photoshop, Lightroom, or whatever.
And finally while his photo is better than yours, it's still on the soft side rather than crisp.

> They're versatile enough they can be played on practically any terrain. I
Yeah, they're equally shit on everything. Now stop making up excuses for being lazy and base them.
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Some time ago I asked for advice about drilling in GS/Milliput casted parts so I guess I should post some progress - out of few batches of feet parts I did, one pair made out of pure GS instead of mix survived drilling (but it will be an ass to sand them now) but another still managed to somehow separate. No idea why apparently two halves from two parts of mold refused to properly join together, despite providing excess material and casting block pressure. Another pair after "patching" with GS and GS/Milliput mix also broke down but three pairs survived (one after being patched twice). Not exactly sounding success but better than nothing.
cute feet.
That's just plain wrong and I don't even know where to start but a few pointers.
Dyes and pigments are not the same. Pigments are not made from dyes. And hobby paints use pigments and certainly not aniline dyes.
Where do you get this crap information from?

What is true though is that some pigments and binders are still toxic when ingested. I.e see metals in paints.
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Jokes aside, it's for custom project. I copied few other feet parts from other models but probably will try to make boot soles for these latest pair. I have a feeling that two from the left on pic are too big.
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Simple candles aren't too hard. A fine drill-bit and some thin wire, for the wick, help.
very cool
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Half a blood bowl team looking distinctly Shrek like at the moment. The plates will be yellow eventually which I sincerely hope will lessen the effect.
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my gteneric fantasy/medieval model collection continues to grow. for rpgs and skirmish war games. Currently made the classic 4 fighter, thief, magic user, cleric quartet on the left, and have some more specific spearman, crossbowman, and inquisitor on the right.

If anyone wants a nice selection of fantasy types, I highly recommend what I got: 2 sprews of Frostgrave knights, which has a lot of variety of medium to heavy infantry parts and a lot of Paraphernalia to choose from like bags, satchels, knives, lanterns axes and sheathed swords, and 1 sprew of oathmark human infantry which has a decent selection of light infantry parts which I used for the spearman and magic user, and also includes spears and a Staffs, two things the frostgrave knight kit lacks. Together you can make 15 units of practically any kind of generic medieval/fantasy human combatant.

The only model not using stuff from those two sets is the inquisitor, which is an old gw warhammer fantasy model. Hopefully I can use these in a lot of different games.
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I use portrait mode on either 3x or 5x zoom and decent lighting.
>3x or 5x zoom
wouldnt that lower the pixel density?

guess it wouldnt matter if the phone cant focus on something close anyway.
Is it even remotely possible to make any money with commissions? Not enough to be a sole job, but even to break minimum wage during the time spent on it?
I guess I have a hard time imagining somebody buying a 200 dollar starter set army, and then wanting to drop like another grand on somebody else painting it decently. And that would be basically painting it all in 1 or 2 weeks. And that doesn't even cover material costs or anything.
Anybody know how the individual model commissions work? I'm assuming unless you're like a famous slayer sword tier painter and you're getting hired for indie model promotional pics it's basically a non-starter.
absolutely brainrotten
My paint water is kind of salty today, wtf?
you're supposed to put sugar in it, anon
Depends what country you're in. If you're in fuckedupland then it's probably good money but if you're in the UK or something you're probably better minimum waging. Even if you've got all the airbrushes and stuff to make things faster you're still probably getting minimum wage at best for the time you spend painting. You may as well tend bar and avoid all the ancillary costs.

Another issue with it is it's not really a scalable business unless you can somehow take on additional painters and make a go of it - I suspect you'd need absolutely loads of them to make it worthwhile.
Why do I just assume this means America?
What are you talking about, it made perfect sense. They drop on the planet, then fight their way down to a temple where the target is, while enemies move from generic cultists to actual demons the deeper they go. The whole point was to demolish the relic, whether that was the statue or the weapon the demon used, and they did that. What more are you expecting from a one-shot that didn't even last 20 minutes?
Don't worry about it, anon.
Oh it was baking soda I was using for some basing. That explains it.
I like those black and white combination!
How much do you get for an hour at mcdonalds?
Can you beat that with painting? Simple question, simple answer. If yes, then its probably worth it as a sidejob/hobby with benefits
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The first efforts of my attempt to get to grips with some of my backlog. Project 1, Tonkin 1885 skirmish, Black Flag army vs French. Some work done on my Black Flag, of these guys only the three colorful ones are new fully painted, the remainder were either partially painted to completed, or completed and were touched up/received semi repaint. I've got plenty more to go, the benefit being that I'll be able to use a lot of these guys to bulk out backlog project 2, Boxer Rebellion skirmish.
Instead of casting the feet separate have you tried making a mold of the foot as attached to the leg? You won't have to drill a hole if the imprint of the peg is part of the casting.
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>Shrek like
How is that a problem? The skin looks very good
I like the bright green and yellow you used here
I don't know anything about historicals but these look nice and for some reason I feel like those bases fit them very well
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Man, painting camo is fun
woah this is REALLY cool anon, nice job
Thank you, anon
I did commissions for 7 months to make ends meet after a layoff.

I charged $16/hr plus a small fee per model for materials (usually like $0.10-$0.25). I logged all of my time in a spreadsheet with pictures to show where the work was going.

I would consider myself a good painter though. Not slayer sword level but much better than your average joe.

You end up painting a bunch of stuff that you aren't really interested in, though. That sounds not so bad until you are 50 identical space marines into a project with more to do.
fucking cool bro
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Finally finished these barricades
what model, anon? It's cool. Is it a dreadnought imperial guard kitbash?
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Probably dropped 2 whole hours going back and forth between scraping and filling the right guy's this next to the binoculars because I screwed it up while trying to make the connection look nice and I should have just place something else there instead
thigh* next to the binoculars
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A wild Commissar Yarrick appears
really like how the black yellow and red look
why are these guys so thin compared to most marines posted here
you are too kind, anon

these are really cool

the torso is Sentinel, the sides (and the front plate) are partially spare parts from Redemptor and Invictor. The arms are from Balistus, and legs are from Armiger knights, plating being again spare parts from the dreadnaughts and the Sentinel. The back and the top are mostly plasticard and some cut pieces of Goliath truck.
"Stealth" version of space marine armor called Phobos armor
I got them after I had an for a paint scheme based on something else I really like
primarus marines have anorexia as a flaw in their gene seed.
How will you prevent that servoskull snapping off within the first 3 games?
Very carefully
They're the designated chapter twinks who got their gene seed injected anally
Indeed but these are movable parts and I only need to copy the feet that will connect to existing leg part. For copying entire leg, I would need to rather use silicone for making mold, which I can't do.
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2024's work. Just over a hundred models painted, plus the display board. Last year was close to 200 including a titan and 2 knights.
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Letting the nuln oil dry before I move on. Something seems odd to me about the chest but I can't put my finger on it
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Airbrushed the remaining Rubrics today. I know I've just submitted myself to painting the trim carefully but I'm fairly sure it will still be faster than painting volumes by brush
damn that's a lot of guys
I painted like 6 models.
They're all like, really good though. I promise.
post them this instant
Id e-mail the Santa.
>I like the bright green and yellow
thanks! I didnt even know I did that until afterwards. I just wanted green to be the comon color element between the 4. Only the cleric has explicit yellow, but the buff and bronze color on the fighter, yellow bracers on the wizard, and blond hair of the thief kinda inadvertently made it that way.
A badly painted model looks better than an unpainted model
I bet he has a small, bulliable cock.
Probably some chinese product without CE sign or whatever shenanigans of certificates and whatever else the EU wants these days.
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Here's the 2024 collection. I'm hoping to do a bit more this year and really grind some practice in while keeping the quality relatively high.
probably the solder being 50%+ lead.
most leaded solder is sub 40%, but even then its only an issue if you're using the solder A LOT, like if you were working in an electronics factory or had a habit of licking your soldering iron like your paintbrush.
I fucking love that lens on the Tau drone
Oh boy they really are nice. My models are bigger though
>be me, learning to airbrush
>people say paints with a more matte finish are harder to airbrush
>okay, I'll use my fanatic paints instead of VMC because VMC is matte af
>it's okay I guess
>try the VMC for science's sake
>immediately coverage goes to the moon
I'm starting to think the shilltubers might have been lying about how much "more" pigment the new AP has.
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maybe because the red isnt even on the raised areas. it LOOKS painted on. If you are going for a chipped look. it looks different. id personally recommend making the red cleaner then drybrusking silver to imply any chipping.
>people say paints with a more matte finish are harder to airbrush
I have genuinely never heard that in my life. Surely it'd be the opposite, since a matte finish would be more forgiving if your coverage isn't super smooth and even?
>never heard that in my life.
idk it gets mentioned in a couple videos on the subject, but given that an absolute beginner like myself can make it work out of hand, that's probably bullshit/boomer science.
Who's the sixth picture?
>>people say paints with a more matte finish are harder to airbrush
You need to start listening to people who have actually used an airbrush, because you don't seem to be. Generally speaking unless you're after a really perfect gloss and/or metallic coat it's basically all the same.

A showroom-perfect gloss finish is indeed a hell and a half to achieve, the scale model car people can go to absolutely insane lengths to achieve it.
Oh it's you, all those models are indeed very nice. Didn't even realize they come from the same poster.
Is $32 for 90cm of green stuff overpriced?
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Last year I really put my foot down.
I'm gonna find you and fuck your goblins.
I like the style of that model- What's the source?
Punga miniatures. They do warbands and football teams that are clearly made for Mordheim and Bloodbowl.
Her toes.
Good stuff.
Keep up the good work, anons. We'll finish our backlogs yet.
GSW sells 92cm for 13€/$15. Take that as a reference and keep in mind that they are not the cheapest store in the world.
>Punga miniatures
what i've found on /wip/ is that most of the people who post pictures are the same anons because they've figured out the photography part of minis.
my models for sure look better in person than i can make them look in photos, so posting them makes me realize how many tiny mistakes i made in like, the underside of armor plates, in person the wash and natural light covers the paint bleeding over its edges, but in a properly lit area, with a phone color correcting the image for more details, its a huge glaring flaw.
so good on you image posters, for being both skilled and humble (yet still proud) enough to post your /wip/ mini pictures.
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>assembling models
>cleaning mold lines
>back spasms
>send hobby knife into palm of left hand
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first dude in 2025
Blood for the Blood God
lmao, thats what you get for not using sand paper like god intended.
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>scrape with hobby knife
>sanding stick
>plastic glue final pass
>accept no substitutes
You got a start. 2 things:
>1 thin your pains more, you dont want the consistancy to have any streaks unless you are just cleening up little details. 2 coats of thin paint better then 1 over thick.
>2 Try using washes/shades (super watered down dark paints you put all over the minis), it does a great job bringing out shapes by getting into the recesses, and is also a cheat cause it covers up the creases between shapes covering up where you over painted and makes things look more defined. Also mellows out color differences.
Sounds tiring. I just snip out parts, cut out a tiny square of sandpaper, and just sand till smooth.
Do you lot not have like fifteen different files for mold lines?
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Hey this looks fun. I think this is everything I have pictures of, there were also a couple additional saurus, one more KDM mini and I'm not sure when exactly I painted some of my admech
Oooh the crab was you. Makes sense. Man are you actually Vince or something? Why is your shit so fingerlicking good?
>Hey this looks fun
It's fun to keep track of yourself, so long as you're not grading yourself.
Which is good because now I feel like a cautionary tale about mass production vs quality production.
find them too aggressive for most plastics. dont play much so i dont mind taking the extra time when assembling.
Your Azeb lookin a bit crunchy, anon. Thin your paints and add some more shades to your colours. Get some shadows and highlights in there.
yeah that's why you get the fine grit set with the red and black handles. The grey stripped handles are the ones that you use to hog material off the bit.
I personally prefer sandpaper just for being able to bend it around a part
>drown it in glue until it fixes itself
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What grit? It's hard to imagine it taking out a moldline.
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I start off by shaving the worst of it down with the knife, then use picrel going from roughest to softest
well those are sticks not the paper, that's a big difference.
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I'll take that as a compliment anon : ) I dunno, I just like doing this and trying new things when I can. That and a bit of autism where I want to paint every mini to the best of my ability
If I played tabletop I'd probably try to paint faster. I think finishing a whole damn table of minis in a year is very impressive in its own right
first (You) meant for >>94712540 obviously, I'm an idiot
I don't play much either I'm just not terribly attentive per model unless I want to make a show of it.
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>thin your paints
I thought I finally understood the needed consistency, I always try one drop paint for a drop of water!
I will try to thin it more with the next model, thanks
yeah those will arrive on saturday, then I can put washes on all the painted models.
For some reason the paint set (pic related) I bought didn't have any washes
>order paints
>they arrive
>one paint I bought as a second back up one of my favorite colors is visibly different.
Oh lord please let my favorite colour be the right the colour and the different tone looking one be a bad batch or something like that.
>I thought I finally understood the needed consistency, I always try one drop paint for a drop of water!
See now that's thinned too much. How many coats are you putting on? Really all you need is just a little bit of water on the tip of your mixing brush. If you go too thin you get no coverage and end up putting too much paint on in the end anyway. But yeah you definitely need to be adding layers to your dudes. The shoulder straps are a good example. You've done it as all one brown, but there's metal buckles in there and raised bands. There'd be a lot of wear and tear on the edges of the straps, in the holes and on the raised bits the strap goes through. So you have your base brown down that you currently have, then you start adding an orange tint to your brown mix going lighter to show the wear of the leather.

When all else fails, just look at some real images of the type of material you want to paint and try to replicate that.
Vallejo V?
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First 2025 models.
I couldn't really get the black background right. Idk how that guy manages it. Maybe my black sheet isn't dark enough, or I didn't give them enough lighting from underneath to illuminate them enough to stand out from the background properly.
>The poster on the inside
very nice work
NTA but I think I remember a discussion here about how he should do a tau pinup girl there. Glad to see it worked out.
oh hey you took my advice about the weapons, they look nicer now
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Well these were certainly an "experience" to assemble. Nothing compared to the old carried palanquin Slann of course (that one could give a cenobite PTSD), but still.
Thanks, Yeah I wanted to do something different for the unique shadowsun drones.
Ty. The goblin on the rock is pretty big, she could fist fight one of the LI titans at least. Maybe not win, but she could do it.
Takeuchi Marina from neko galaxy minis. It doesn't seem like it's available anymore or right now at least though, not direct from their website anyway.
Yeah! Those are some really tall ears.
I'll die before I let anything happen to them.
Oh I meant to mass reply to you too. Good stuff. You make me want to photograph things on plain backgrounds better, and also buy skittles.
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after playing this silly game for 26 years, I'm building my first marines. Gonna do the team tourney at Adepticon
just bought an iwata eclipse to replace my aged, decrepit master G22 and holy shit the difference is night and day. granted the G22 was my first airbrush (technically my second because i royally fucked the first one), but i kept it for way too long, should have taken the next step ages ago. Can recommend
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I'm calling it. What do you guys think?
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I am astounded I didn't paint any Battletech this year
No AK Interactive's AFV Field Drab. Love the shade of brown that it is.
holy shit is that an oldschool ork dreadnought in the bottom right?
Anyone have a resource for cheap wood wheels in bulk?
Really good anon! Love the usage of black eyes. I should do this for my miniatures as a cheat.

I think some basing texture like brown for dirt would work as the tuft looks like it is just on stone floor. Unless that was your intention.
Those scorpions are fucking neato
Do you mean the red thing?
Looks more like a custodes dread
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you know it! I decided I wanted a shooty dred. He's actually working very well in 10th. Walk in from reserve with a little mek for the +1 to hit. slap a few strategems on him and he's nuking stuff with a decent chance of killing himself on overheats. He's great for trading up

thanks! I've always wanted a TK army and printing the whole thing was a chore but I'm very happy with the results
I just kinda stuck it there with no real intentions. It's for my buddy I play dnd with and i figured if he didn't like it, we will just pull it off.
Why'd you paint his chest and nipples metallic? You can even see his nipple ring there. You haven't actually touched the skin after your zenithal.
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>I thought I finally understood the needed consistency, I always try one drop paint for a drop of water!
huh, maybe its your brush, I also use vallejo, and I tend to have 3 parts paint to 3 parts water for good consistency, maybe a little more paint then water, though some colors need a little more or less cause of how dark/light they are. Basically if it causes streaks while painting, it needs more water.in general if the pigment separates, you need less. you kind of get a feel for it eventually.
Yah, it feels like magic the first time you use them, cause it automaticly makes something amature look pretty decent and sellable.
More advanced people then I dont need washes, but its good for median painters and for making a lot of models at once. Next step up from shading is dry brushing.
not amazing work, but this is a before and after shading of a quick project I did for a friend (though here the shading hasnt dried yet so a bit watery looking). You can see the features are much more defined and the colors are much less harsh. where I overpainted the satchels, it just looks like shadow.
>3 parts paint to 3 parts water
3 parts paint to 2 parts water
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Working on a mini diorama
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And my other one
I like how squat they are.
that portly fuck better be ready to answer that troll's riddles three.
I was following a color scheme that my buddy sent me. It's for him and it's the way wanted it.
Did you tell him that the chest is exposed? Maybe he didn't see it.
No, but i do know that he wanted full armor. I fudged it on his lower back as well.
>No, but i do know that he wanted full armor
Oh well, I guess I guess you could easily say it's just armour ornamentation like the nips they put on some armour in fantasy. Hell it could actually be that. Hard to tell with the print.
>hard to tell with the print.
That's exactly why I thought i could get away with it.
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Nice. This is part of my 2024
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I finished up these proxy hunter clade skaven. Still some touch ups on spots I missed after seeing photos. I'm just getting into the hobby and these were fun to try different techniques on each.

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