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Touching grass edition
(sauce: https://e621.net/pools/41487)

Pokephilia /pō-kē-ˈfilēə / n. sexual attraction of a human toward a pokemon, which may involve the experience of sexual fantasies about the pokemon or the pursuit of real sexual contact with it. Note that pokémon on pokémon is not pokephilia.
Post female pokémon with male humans and solo female pokémon. F human/M pokémon are allowed too, but not solo male pokémon.
Ignore on-model autists, anthro is okay. AI is tolerated, but leave dumps to dedicated threads.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67488297

[New][A-Vulpix/A-Ninetales] https://archiveofourown.org/works/57279286
[New][Raikou] https://rentry.org/mchpoqs6
[Game] https://pawpunch.itch.io/pocket-campfire
[Zangoose] https://archiveofourown.org/works/54296398
[Green/Glaceon] https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/62646802#62665133
[Green/Vaporeon] https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/62638195/#62787404
[Various studies] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ni0fYdKi2TaQiKnC6yx1pM7nmG_KtGE0fn0XvKJOrR0/
[Meowscarada] https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54636012/
[Lopunny] https://archiveofourown.org/works/50821492
[Zoroark] https://rentry.org/i96o7
[Braixen] https://archiveofourown.org/works/49281094
[Deoxys] https://archiveofourown.org/works/49012456
[Blaziken] https://archiveofourown.org/works/48433849
[A-Ninetales] https://rentry.org/fkz4wk
[Hypno] https://archiveofourown.org/works/46530355
[Quaquaval] https://archiveofourown.org/works/47658094
[ShortVN][Manaphy] https://naughtysableye.itch.io/manaphy-meetup
[Meowscarada] https://archiveofourown.org/works/43963998
[Garchomp] https://archiveofourown.org/works/43892481/chapters/110359992

What pokephiles should know: https://rentry.org/bm9m59vu
More links and resources: https://rentry.org/bsp72
Various works archive: https://pastebin.com/jbe8xLuc

QoTT: Which species would you like to kiss (or get kissed by) the most?
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>QoTT: Which species would you like to kiss (or get kissed by) the most?
Mewtwo. <3
I want to be kissed by a mew
the best starter
>even her NFE stage is also plagued by boobashit since as early as 2007
I can't win this battle, it was over before I even joined it…
>QoTT: Which species would you like to kiss (or get kissed by) the most?
Damn bitch got me bad when Arceus came out.
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text says ''claim me''

coloring will probably make it look better
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birb butt
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have a quick floatzel scribble
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I don't know what to say Pato, other than that I'm immensely grateful and honored. Damn.
I'll ponder some more and get back to it when I'm done with my matters of today. Thank you.
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imagine having stuff to bump the thread with
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Honestly, thank you for the tips. It means a lot coming from someone I actually look up to art-wise.
Unfortunately, I'm more so just venting about how I never seem to improve no matter how I throw myself at things. It's not just art either mind you, it's usually my other pass-times like programming.
And of course I want an art style that's probably not conducive to fucking drawing tablets(or the program I chose to draw with for that matter.) Wouldn't be me if I didn't pick the hardest route imaginable.
Anyways, if I ever finish /anything/ I'll cross post it here. I'm currently working on a little looping animation. Not Pokemon related, but it might still give you a sense of how bad I am at drawing.
Have this in compensation to my rambles.
Puffy vulva
board's faster than usual again
>Blood coming out of her pussy
Jesus christ. Lucario is for loving, not shredding her pussy to bits.
>what else I can I expect from furries
Western? Dog dicks everywhere, including on dragons and other non-canines. Ugly as sin sparkledogs with color schemes which are physically painful to look at. Zero respect for the source material and I'm not talking about on model autism. Combining many gross/extreme kinks together because slippery slope. Hyperfixation on sex, massive dicks, always shooting cum etc.
Of course there are still awesome people out there whose art is stellar, but the ratio of goods to awfuls is terrible on sites like FA
Eastern furries? Good art usually although with shitty bars crossing out dicks and vulvas
There is a new poketf thread you might want to check out, tfbro >>67624321
>I wonder how often Pokémon conduct 'surprise adoptions' as a way to get mates.
Maybe it happens whenever the problem of a shortage of free human men appears.
Don't forget to milk your Pokemon.
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Catching up.
>>67716451 >>67717772 >>67717978
Cute girls and not on e6, huh! Especially loving the last one there. Thanks for posting.
Where do I start? I love this, she's looking great. Neat fur, great wispy mane/tuft/tail ends, the heart eye(s), the cute blush, the expression, the sexy nipples, the pose, the front right paw bend... It must be tricky to draw her with all the details, it's very impressive. Saved and saved hard. She's amazing <3
>text says ''claim me''
Goodness... <3 May I ask why you chose moonrunes? Just curious.
I don't feel my smut or I deserve this kindness, but I'm very grateful for it. My day (week/month) was made when I saw it earlier. Thank you.
What a nice lady. A very good day indeed! Thanks yet again.
Wait, I forgot, you mentioned you were going to attempt a more Eastern style.
pokebros i
>BIOHAZARD: Pocket Monsters Edition™
>Had a dream that I was fucking a Furret
Yeah this is happening
>It was a male with a penis
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Oh shit you dreamed about me anon? Nice! How many times did I get to cum in that tight ass of yours?
Sorry Anon you're not allowed in the thread anymore
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So who get's the most porn, the mons or the human girls?
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My ideal wife~!
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Hey bro this is the place for you >>67725930
Hard to say since there's no way to reliably filter e6 for human girls (and pinups are just not there anyway) and other websites are even worse for that due to shitty tagging, even r34. Which does have the most basic tag human_female but it's not assigned to a ton of pics where they are present
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Imagine being so fucking insecure you can't even take a joke
Fuck off I'm posting another penis just to spite you, get hit by a car and die worthless trash
Keep sperging out, homosexual AIDS ridden faggot!
Come on, do it! Show everyone how much of a nigger you are!
Wish he would cum in my ass
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That's nothing compared to another pic like that Zinfyu did allegedly as a commission, wherein a boy Lucario has an entire Sai dagger shoved up his dickhole.
Here you go, now he's technically Halal to still be here. . .
Sorry but you know the rules - if there's no foid to service him onscreen, this sort of material should go to /gpt/
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yeah that's fine
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I'm not forcing you to do anything Pato, but could you attempt finishing-up your Paradox dinocats pinup set with this?
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>tfw no warm hugs with a female fire-type
Stop being gay, this is the straight pokephilia thread *seething*
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Actually I came in your genital slit
>no way to search for JUST human male on pokemon
>pokephilia is both
God I want to sexually tease and bully Audino for hours
If there's a pokemon that's good to go gay for, Furret is near the top of that list
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I would but I have a aninetales to finish first

I kinda get hitting a ceiling on multiple pasttime activities (music for me in this case) but in the cycle of drawing ability and perspective ability you're actually at the part you can improve most

if you could elaborate on your endgoal artstyle there may be some digital ways to achieve it as well

the last one is a porn edit of a verrillon concept sketch, the second is posted on e6 with a slowbro

I spent about 3 weeks uploading to pixiv and I thought the moonrunes would make it look more authentic, but it's really going to be in the coloring/shading, also thought I'd do something more real for spt (human on pokemon)
I am curious if type: null and silvally have anything

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