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Kino as fuck
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i hate this place how do i somehow get spoiled about the middest unremarkable shows that nobody real heard of
>The leak is that he is a literal alien lol
hope not
i hope he's not really an alien
Oh nooooooooo he broke muh moobie rules!!!!!!

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Love both movies but the sequel has not a single memorable line of dialogue. Not even one.
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"You can't hold the tide back with a broom."
it's just Pinocchio man
the context is child birth, dipshit
The whole "I want to be real for you" and K the way K says "You are real to me". Also Batista's dialogue in general, as well as Deckard's "I know what's real" or when K asks if the dog is real or not and he says "Do you think it matters to him?"

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time to clock out of the weekend and gets some beers with my buds amirite?
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Not me, and I don’t want to post my steam account here

Can I post an email instead?
Fuck you idiots. I have to work all weekend.
Giveaway is over, if I feel generous again I’ll post in one of these threads and make a rule that it only applies to you guys
or you could do that now you tranny fag
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Today I will remind them.

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Imagine having late night conversations with your wife about death, claiming to want to die first but secretly hoping she dies first, and vice versa. Grim AF.

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>Chani is my secret weapon,” Villeneuve said about his changes to the character. “Frank Herbert was sad to realize that people saw the book as a celebration of Paul Atreides. He wanted to do a cautionary tale against messianic figures, a warning against blending religion and politics. I wrote the second movie trying to be more faithful to Frank Herbert’s intentions than to the book.”

>“In the book, Chani is just a follower,” the director continued. “I came up with the idea of her being reluctant. She gives us the critical distance and perspective on Paul’s journey. I wanted to make sure the audience will understand that Paul becomes a dark figure, that his choices are exactly what Chani was afraid of. He becomes the colonizers the Fremen were fighting against. And then the movie becomes the cautionary tale Frank Herbert was wishing for
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This board alone proves that people really are too stupid to get basic things
Exploiting other people’s religion for your own benefit when you become their messiah without actually giving a shit about the religion? Hmmmmmm….
I was gonna ask when Paul killed his own family members like Michael but remembered the Harkkonens lel
Imagine making up a problem to get angry about. This poster is retarded
>I’m gay

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Emma, Emma, or Emma?
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Why watson is still in consideration? She has neither looks, nor career, unlike other two
She's modeling for Prada. She'll probably find a new role when she's done.
> She's modeling for Prada
just like dozens of other actors for dozens of other brands.
she's not even prada's official ambassador.
> when she's done
done with what? a photoshoot for a fashion brand takes a day or two to make, she has all the time in the world. nah, she's simply not interested in acting and making movies anymore.

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What would be the juiciest lost footage out there?
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Josef Mengele's midge boiling videos
>'Israeli' and '[east] German' art students soliciting federal offices for 'art' sales
>we probably won't have a lot of 'lost' stuff in the future
That's the point
This is the holy grail of my morbid curiosity.
I’m probably wrong, but I really don’t think anything else is comparable to it based on the information available.
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Reminds me of how that Kitchen Nightmares episode with the two Persian brothers running a restaurant in New Orleans (Oceana) got scrubbed from the internet and streaming services because they filed a lawsuit against the network.
Anyone know where to find this in high definition?

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Never again.
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If Magneto is a jew, why is he named Erik?
>Jews can't have non-Jewish names
>it's Charles preaching coexistence.

Yeah. Chucky X preaching co-existence because he genuinely believed humans were doomed to extinction and replacement by mutants, who he believed are homo superior.

"Just lie back and die peacefully, flatscans! And make sure your daughters know to open their legs for any mugga who wants them! Muggas will replace you, so just accept it and die out quietly!"
I don't know, but Magneto represents separating from goyim while Professor X represents cohabitation.
They also represent Malcom X and MLK Jr.
It's just jewish nonsense and we shouldn't have to live near blacks or jews.
>muh 1940s plight
I'm exhausted

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ITT: we post the objectively best episode of a show. I’ll start with ATHF’s objectively best episode.
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24/7- the thunder will roll

>Yeah. Push the rolling thunder back to next week
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T. Jew or pajeet
epic bait faggot
Of course
Many of season 1 were great

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huh, neon genesis evangelion.
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>Did this little cuck even watch the anime?
He did.
Did they actually make those?
looks real
There weren't. Williams brought them in from his own collection and wanted to use them to promote Evangelion as he was a fan.
>he was a fan
>"the good guy"

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Is anime cringe crossing over to live action to blame?

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Would it have made more sense if Daenerys had been played by an impressive, feminine woman instead of a chubby hobbit?
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she was supposed to be like 14 right?
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Daenerys should have been a 14 year old with a pixie cut
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So this is podracing...

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>REMOVE FAITH remove faith
you are worst andal. you are the andal idiot you are the faith smell. return to andalos. to our andalos cousins you may come our contry.
you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,westeros we will never forgeve you. andal rascal FUck but fuck asshole faith stink..
faith genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead warrirsons..ahahahahah SEPTONS WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget dragon we kill the high septon ,
andals return to your precious andalos….hahahahaha idiot faith and andal smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE FAITH FROM THE PREMISES.
you will get caught. me+dragons=kill faith…/ balerion alive in valyria, balerion making dragons of valyria .
fast fire balerion valyria. we are rich and have gold and dragons now hahahaha ha because of balerion… you are ppoor stink faith… you live in a sept hahahaha,
you live in a yurt balerion alive numbr one #1 drgn in valyria ….fuck the andalos ,..FUCKk ashol sevenfags no good i spit? in the mouth eye of ur star and septons.
aegon aliv and real strong wizard kill all the warrior son and poor fellws with dragn magic now we the valyr rule .ape of the zoo king argilac fukc the
great other and lay egg this egg hatch and the seven wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig.
valyria greattst countrey
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I want to see someone wear this out in public
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>takes the fall for Alec Baldwin
That's loyalty
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>terrible terrible accident
>here get locked up with a bunch of 80iq violent thugs
>with a bunch of 80iq violent thugs
most womens prisons are walks in the park compared to mens prisons
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They expected one of them in the fire
I'm not even sure prisons are real. Hospitals are fake, lol just go to rooms with repeating numbers. We're in a simulation.

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