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hunted by hbo edition

do you think hbo forced the blog down or did the fat man quiver in fear and take it down himself
we are not getting more blogs about hotd, are we? no way hbo lets him write more about it
>sunset found HBO squatting in the grass
Post some westeros conspiracy theories you believe
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God bless the archivers
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>larger and more toxic butterflies to come
predict them
>that’s QUEEN Helaena btw in case you didn't know ya fags. QUEEN.
What did he mean by this
Elden Ring reference?
he probably signed something with a non-criticism clause but forgot about it, and his assistents stepped in.
Could be that he spoiled Helaena's death
he got selfconscious about the bad etiquette of shitting on a fellow writer no matter how bad said writer is
>Could be that he spoiled Helaena's death
Entire paragraph was dedicated to spoiler alert.
There's definitely a non-criticism clause in his contract, but I'm sure some assistant or lawyer would have brought that to this attention when he posted that teaser about his issues with HOTD.
i bet he didn't even see a scrip for that part but just assumed she's gonna an hero since that's what happened in his book so how could she possibly die any other way
Spoiler: "Titanic" ends with the ship sinking
Tyrion Targaryen
Faceless men causing the doom of valyria (based fucking braavos)
Varys Blackfyre
Maesters Conspiracy
Bran is night king and Bran will warg into Hodor and rape Meera
Sanshas lemon tree
Arthur Dayne is the quiet wolf
Anon is right, maybe that's the reason he deleted. I've seen Helaena's fans on X complaining about the spoiler of her death.
Aren't both George and Ryan involved in Dunk and Egg?

Kek I wonder how they'll work together after GRRM dropped this disstrack of a blog
pretty much any deal like this would include an anti-disparagement clause. But they've got so much invested in ASOIAF that they really can't go nuclear on GRRM. He's not some actor that they can threaten with no future gigs like with all the GOT actors who simply gave half-hearted effort during the season 8 marketing before release(too afraid to outright shit on it, but not willing to look like clowns shilling dogshit). People who didn't expect season 8 to suck based on that were retards
based on his pedantic navel-gazing of writing such a long blogpost about one scene of a season of TV which has been out for months, I wonder if he might actually be going senile.
>I've seen Helaena's fans on X complaining about the spoiler of her death.
Obviously only fans of that irrelevant girl would complain about that.
the TV series could've/could do something else with her just like other things getting changed, so this is real deal spoiler if indeed true, even though it's a "spoiler" any bookreader would know
George cares about Helaena and Maelor more than anyone else apparently.
he mentioned that he'd seen an outline for season 3 and that *he thinks* it's got problems. that's almost definitely a serious breach of contract.
>Ryan involved in Dunk and Egg

its over
i think Ryan is just an executive producer, that role is mostly just a title
Hopefully Condall is done
i dont wanna read this fag's blog post, qrd?
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Cute and canon!
Cry fag.
Westeros is Pandora and the Weirwood net is Eywa
Fucking showfags complaining while checking the blog of the author when the show is completely different at this point kek
Talentless writers make changes to the story without seeing the bigger picture. They are shit. Maelor is based. Winds of winter is never coming out.
book spoilers are whatever, but posting about an unreleased seasons means he technically posted a leak, there's a difference between the two
you suck and should reconsider your life
we need to get Sara Hess out of the writers room
>they've got so much invested in ASOIAF that they really can't go nuclear on GRRM.
any contract will be written in a way that gives them the kind of recourse that they need, even with not wanting to actually have to smear GRRM.
something along the lines of "if you fuck with us we can still make the show but don't have to pay you as much because you are actively hurting your own IPs profitability and therefore literally everyone".

HBO didn't do anything to the actors who gave us advance warning about season 8, because they were actually helping HBO out by directing the blame towards D&D where it belonged. Kit literally said the ending was disappointing to everyone, Emilia called it "best show ever" sarcastically etc.
>>Arthur Dayne is the quiet wolf
You mean the knight of the laughing tree?
HBO as a whole is rotten from the inside
It all comes back to Naath and Missandei's tits.
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I WILL eat out Alicent.
hi Disney
It’s getting there. The system for holdings is really cool where you can see the actual holdings on the map, the big cities are all visible and the holdings are all different places in the city.
I’d stick with CK2 and the MB+ submod for now though
From his POV he gave Condal a home run, a fully outlined story that could last several years, with appropriate scale, tension, locations, etc. and they butchered once it left their original idea, a tragic misunderstanding of two girl besties

If Dunk and Egg sucks, will it make him disavow TV and just focus on the books? Or would it drive him off the edge forever and he never writes again
Basic Bitch
>Aegon the Conqueror was a Dragon Dreamer
>Wyman Manderly wrote the Pink Letter
>Sansa's Fate is mirrored by the Ashford Tourney
>Tyrion was the target of the Purple Wedding and Joffrey fucked up by drinking the wrong glass
>Illyrio and Varys planned for Dany, Viserys & Khal Drogo to invade Westeros as Fake Blackfyres and cause endless atrocities so Aegon VI could sweep in and bravely dispatch the savages.
>All of Doran's plans will blow up in his face because he dragged his feet too long
>Aerys II + Joanna = Jaime / Cersei, Tyrion is the only legitimate Lannister heir
>Brynden Rivers / Bloodraven did not willingly become the Three Eyed Crow and was groomed into it
>The Tyrells and the Tarlys will flip from the Lannisters to Aegon's Side and siege King's Landing

Bit more deranged
>Littlefinger wants to take over the Iron Bank
>Hooded Man is a figure of Theon's guilt and doesn't exist, but someone IS killing people in Winterfell
>Azor Ahai isn't just one person
>Howland Reed warged into Arthur Dayne to incapacitate him so Ned could kill him - this drove Howland mad
>Coldhands is Jenny Flint
>Jon will marry Sansa
>Aegon is actually who he says he is
>Cannibal is alive and is on Skagos
>Bran-Hodor will rape Meera
>All of the followers of the Drowned Gods are Water Wights
>Rhaegar + Lyanna = Danaerys
>Helaena still kills herself… for no particular reason
Aegon is the real deal and Daenerys is a Blackfyre
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>From his POV
he isn't a very good judge of his own material though.
>gets made at tv show
>does nothing about it
I hate this fat fuck so much...
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>larger and more toxic butterflies to come
>uh, the budget was too small
>If Dunk and Egg sucks, will it make him disavow TV and just focus on the books? Or would it drive him off the edge forever and he never writes again
He is heavily involved in the writing team for that one. I predict S 1-3 will be GOT S 1-4 quality, and once he leaves the team due to them running out of material, it will turn to shit.
Disney, too
You only become a greenseer by eating a previous greenseer - so Bran did eat Jojen but Jojen had to eat Howland before they left Greywater Watch
Jaeharea will obviously die instead. GRRM just casually says she's too important and moves on.
the maesters are behind everything
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>I have no idea what Ryan has planned — if indeed he has planned anything


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>gets offered a part in GoT during its peak
>refuse because HBO cunts destroyed Rome to film GoT

George will never be as based as Purefoy.
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What happened? did the fatfuck finally died?
>Maelor by himself means little. He is a small child, does not have a line of dialogue, does nothing of consequence but die… but where and when and how, that does matter. Losing Maelor weakened the end of the Blood and Cheese sequence, but it also cost us the Bitterbridge scene with all its horror and heroism, it undercut the motivation for Helaena’s suicide, and that in turn sent thousands into the streets and alleys, screaming for justice for their “murdered” queen. None of that is essential, I suppose… but all of it does serve a purpose, it all helps to tie the story lines together, so one thing follows another in a logical and convincing manner.
holy based fatfuck
Bobby was wrong about the prophecy. Isn’t wasnt Bessie. It never was. Missandei is the tits that were promised.
he also says he's seen an outline for season 3. so apparently Ryan has been doing some planning, GRRM just doesn't like it.
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bookfags we eat good tonight
>jaeherys dies
>eh whatever, babes die everyday
>jaeharea dies
>um wtf? I'm going to heckin kms
so the boy's life doesn't matter but when its a girl that's suicide inducing?

new cryboom just dropped
Rome was lowest-common-denominator garbage.
>so the boy's life doesn't matter but when its a girl that's suicide inducing?
Yes. Haven't you see our Good Queen Alicent sacrificing her son's lives so she and her daughter and granddaughter could live in peace?
It's taking so long because he has to tie every lace he wrote together, which is not an easy task. as he doesn't seem to be good at it.
The funniest part to me is how Gorge only focus on the first two episodes lol and apparently he's a helaenafag too imagine what he thinks about the rest of the season
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GreenGODS... is George /ourguy/?
>gurm is a helaenfag AND daemonfag
poor man
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>He is heavily involved in the writing team
He is? The fat man is actually working?

The fat fuck still has some balls. Good to see him naming names instead of going for his usual passive-aggressive comments.
can't wait for the blogpost about how Helaena just spoiled F&B to showfags, Aemond, and Daemon.
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>Because of the fanged steel behind, it is impossible to lean back on the iron seat of the Iron Throne. Aegon I intended for it to be uncomfortable, believing that "a king should never sit easy"

>The Iron Throne is known for being dangerous to its occupants. King Viserys I Targaryen cut his left hand to the bone after stumbling, and Maester Gerardys had to remove two fingers to save his life.

>According to Septon Eustace, an armor-clad Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen was seen with cuts on her legs and left hand after sitting the throne for the first time, which led some to believe she had been rejected by it.

>King Aerys II Targaryen was cut so many times that he became known as "King Scab"

While Aegon II casually lounges on the Iron Throne drinking cold ones with his boys. What more fucking evidence you need?
obviously. this thread right now is just blacktroons seething so hard steam is coming out of their eyes because george dared to criticize their little faggy fan fiction
anon all of that applies if Maelor dies as well. why doesn't Hel stay alive for her daughter? she must hate women I guess. and then after marrying Aegon 3, Jaehara does a copycat suicide.

anyway the real explanation is that F&B isn't that good and GRRM wrote it because it was easier than finishing proper novels.
Sansa Ashford tourney qrd?
sorry your video is getting completely overshadowed lmao
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hbofags on suicide watch
I feel like primarily he's a fan of the thoughts and works of George R R Martin.
i'd take anon's words with a pile of salt.
they always say gurm is involved.
No, it's going to be the same shit over again and he's going to bitch and moan then die without ever having finished TWoW
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The prehistory of Valyria and the Valyrians is an exact copy of that of the Melnibonéans.
Great empire of the dawn - space flight
Squishers are the aboriginal population of Planetos.
Something to do with Sansa's possible husbands and Lord Ashford's daughter champions being from the same houses
>Baratheon (Lyonel and Joffrey)
>Tyrell (Leo and Willas)
>Lannister (Tybolt and Tyrion)
>Hardyng (Humfrey and Harry)
>Targaryen (Valarr and FAegon/Jon)
>Howland Reed warged into Arthur Dayne to incapacitate him so Ned could kill him - this drove Howland mad
This is pretty cool
I thought that was one fucking stupid and arrogant change
>you will le die in le gods eye
the most frustrating part of it is that the writers actually expect us to clap. they think this is a shocking kino moment, giving deep insight into the narrative of the story and heleana. instead it's just fucking stupid yet they expect a reward for it
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Anons of /tv/, heed these news: word has reached us of an anon with a lamentable taste in television entertainment. This individual, whose preferences include HOUSE OF THE DYKES AND NIGGERS, has chosen to indulge in shows far beneath the grandeur of what the medium can offer. It is with a sense of great relief and pride that we remind you of the magnificent tapestry that is ROME!

Rome is not merely a show; it is an epic portrayal of our own storied past, crafted with the artistry and detail befitting our great empire. Its tales of power, betrayal, and glory reflect the very essence of Roman life, and it stands as a testament to the high standards of THE OLDFAGS of /tv/. Let this serve as a reminder that in the realm of visual storytelling, there is truly no comparison.

IN OTHER NEWS. Winds of winter is never coming out. George is based. May the fat man rest for TWO DAYS.
Unbelievably based, fuck hbo
Is it over for Ryan? How the fuck do you recover from this?
Varys is an obese woman, the wife of Illyio Mopatis, and the mother of Aegon Blackfyre. The whole eunuch thing is a charade
grrm is smart enough to know that nothing really is deleted from the internet, especially if you're famous. He knows if something he posts is up for a few hours it will spread like wildfire and someone will archive the information. He's also careful enough to talk to a lawyer about how much he is able to get away with. So all in all this was a calculated move by him.
The one who is seething in the last two threads is you Daeronfag and Helaemond roastie.
>you suck and should reconsider your life
stop projecting so much, anon
I respect Michael Moorcock so much more than GRRM at this point.

what an absolutely based weirdo leftist king.
did you just casually ignore that Helaena lost her mind when Jaehaerys died in the book?
first son makes her retarded and the second makes her suicide.
I hope Rhaenyra gets eaten by Sunfyre while they simultaneously cut to someone eating Alicent's pussy
Realistically, what will happen? Even a slight bit of criticism of the show from GRRM is quite devastating. The news articles are posting the worst bits of the critique for all to see. HBO is probably pretty scared about another season 8 botch. Any possibility that they might reshuffle the writers room?
it really shows how fucking incompetent the showrunners are that their attempt at making Aegon look irresponsible and contemptuous of his authority is actually a massive in-universe omen that he is the true king
it was to make himself look good, though. not to actually try to fix the show or prevent it getting worse.
Imagine George’s big fat belly just pressing itself into Condal’s stupid fucking face, and then George looks down on him.

someone post the webm from DUNC where the Baron Harkonnen glides down to face Leto
nothing will happen at all lol. HBO can't shitcan people because an author deleted a critical blogpost, any more they can prevent him making such a post. everyone signs contracts they have to be bought out of.
It is quite amazing how HOTD writers tries so much to make Alicent and Rhaenyra good and being liked by the general audience just blows in their faces
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He is now.

Blacksissies are reeling right now, their shit team was exposed as dull and boring in the last season. And that's with blatant Blacksisters in the writing room. And now GRRM has bent his knee.....not to mention the Blacksissies that took major L's in the last 2 threads yapping about Daeron.
Does this mean no Allicent x Rhaenyra lesbian kissing scene for s3

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I don't 100% believe it because I'm pretty sure Meera or Jojen talks about Howland at some point and nothing seems to indicate that Howland's a gibbering idiot or completely mindfucked.
Yeah I can't imagine HBO will take this well. The narrative among fans has always been that d&d fucked up because they ran out of George's writing so Ryan and Hess deliberately going against him so bad he blew his lid is horrible optics after an already shoddy end to the season. Especially since he started spoiling shit.
Not sure, anon. Literally type in George RR Martin and there's a ton of articles talking about it, taking the worst and most critical phrases out of it and putting it on their headlines.
>Any possibility that they might reshuffle the writers room?

I get the impression that GRRM was given the greenlight by HBO to shit on Condal so they can sack him after the general backlash on season 2. Then they can put another showrunner in, I have no fucking clue who at this point though. Like who could do it that's a massive bookfag and George simp? Elio and Linda have no hollywood connection.
You’re so fucking stupid. The great empire of the dawn was RULED by the squishers / merlings / deep ones / some even more fucked up deep sea things

The FISHER queens are literal
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>Hess' Alicent-Rhaenyra-Misaria lesbian threesome is getting cut

she must be crying her heart out right now...
Why is team Black seething about Daeron again? Does everyone on Team Green have to be mindless mustache twirling villains in order for you to be sated?
Moqorro is Marwyn. He just is. The big gut does not lie.
Christopher Tolkien didn't like the LOTR movies, and yet Peter Jackson still got to make shitty The Hobbit movies.

it would be different if GRRM was still revered by the fanbase but he fucking isn't.
we'll see. Knowing execs though their egos will make them commit to their stupid decisions
Brynden isn't the three eyed crow.
>it would be different if GRRM was still revered by the fanbase but he fucking isn't.
He isn’t revered because he isn’t dead, like Tolkien. “GEORGE WOULD NEVER HAVE ALLOWED THIS”. Peak irony, fag.

Also, he is still revered.
>dull and boring in the last season
To be honest that was every character asides from Aegon, Larys, Otto, Jace, Hugh, Ulf, Aemond, Cole and Gwayne
The third son of a long dead author is not comparabale to the actual living author, shitting on the show and yes, people very much take the criticism of an author over an adaptation quite seriously.
Daeron is evil.
he holds lady Caswell responsible for something that she didn't do.
They didn't have Haelena more enthusiastic in saving her son because he was male and thus evil and therefore it is evil to try and save him and women must be goos.
>Rhaenyra supposed to be good.
I kek'ed

Epic post
>Why is team Black seething about Daeron again?
Are they?
I liked Alys and Simon
I'm a greenchad who is starting to dislike Daeron because of his faggot and fujo fans. There's a schizo here who thinks that if you complain about Daeron then you must be a "blacksissy".
Shit take. Not wasting my time explaining why. Go sit in a corner and think about your actions.
when will preston be live to talk of this? all i care about desu
I like them too, but they were around those boring lazy Daemon scenes. And Alys accent is bad
what would this reality look like if GRRM finished all the books before the the original show was done?
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too busy overthrowing south american governments
GRRM chose a pretty bad route to criticize Ryan because he acknowledged that Ryan had a financial reasons to cut a child character, admitted that the character's role could be filled by another child character who is actually in the show (Jaeheara), then just ignored his own point and skipped ahead to saying that there was no other way to make the ending work. I don't get the impression he's derived the correct lessons from GoT seasons 5-8, during which he was very positive.
Blacksissy btw
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Christopher Tolkien was the writing equivalent of picrel, who not only disliked the movies but refused to work in them and thus refused the chance to improve them or steer them to his liking, and also disowned one of his sons after he tried to help. That is despite his father being willing to help in the production of a movie.
He was, in short, a fag.
he isn't revered at all for years now. people are just siding with the person they know/care about the most, over a guy whose name may as well be "HBO showrunner #34B"

when he dies people are going to throw a massive fit over the books not being finished.
>then just ignored his own point and skipped ahead to saying that there was no other way to make the ending work
Because there isn't. Cutting Maelor just ruin Helaena's suicide, which was already ruined by "muh smallfolk children die too" and Helaena being retard whom the people of King's Landing don't know
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It still amazes me how much damage the word "Blacksissy" does to Team Black. Whoever came up with that hit a bullseye.
Helaena will kill herself because it's all just a story and she understands her part in it none

Like Bran the Broken!
y'all are sheep, it's easy to bandwagon and call the writers' headcanon as bad but they

>made viserys more likeable than the books (grrm agrees)
>Today is King Aegon II Targaryen's name day
>a good act does not wash out the bad
>nor a bad a good.
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Yup. YUP.
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You know when people say that X, Y, and Z escaped to Essos and became a prosperous cheese grocer and local politician they are usually taking the piss. But autistic teamtards who became overinvested in the tentjobber are actually doing this shit unironically.
In regards to the show, he has earned my respect if he cucks out he will lose it a hundred fold.
In regards to the books, brev should finish
GRRM is routinely pissed on in these very threads. you have just all done a complete 180 because you need to side with one celebrity over another in the latest online drama. you're all being completely shallow. both Ryan and George can be wrong in different ways, fucktards.

that makes Christoper Tolkien infinitely more based than GRRM, even as a fan of the movies. he had a viewpoint and he stuck to it, unlike all of you.

GRRM is LITERALLY distracting himself from finishing his real major work by sticking his oar into the writing process of shows he will profit from regardless. he's a fucking dipshit.
There's no chance they don't end the series with Aegon being hailed as the Broken is there
GRRM fully plans to die and have someone else finish his books.
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Couple hours later and still no counter argument? Damn, Blacksissies are retarded as well craven.
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My king...
u have smol pp lol
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S1 threads were so fun. How did it go so bad so quickly?
You keep talking about them. I know you want to suck their dicks and you want it badly greenFAG.
General mirrors the quality of the season
a bunch of really good scenes does not a good season of TV make.
rings of power season 2 is shaping up to be better than hotd season 2... how did this happen...
What did lady caswell do to get Justice? Kill three people only? One of whom only stole a horse.
All condal had to do was include maelor to make george happy?
Ozempic George is too powerful for you.
Tonight he feasts on whole chicken roasted with a covering of adobo paste, potage impératrice, pâté of quail, Myrish swamp, roast duckling stuffed with forcemeat, and the blood of his enemies.
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Alicent done well good season make
it's not tho, get your prime pussy out of here. nothing amazon video produced is good, meanwhile HBO has a good track record
Amazon budget.
it isn't happening, and no ones watching RoP anyway.
hello amazon marketing dept
>you must be some random person I btfod hours ago
Actual schizophrenia, pitiful stuff.
GRRM has been killed by HBO and replaced by an equally fat man wearing one of those Mission Impossible masks.
why does GRRM sperg out so much over blood and cheese? theres so many worse things in s2
They could make Daemon leap off his dragon and shove his cock down Aemond's throat and this would still be a better show
>Sits the Iron Throne (can casually lounge in it, fully accepted)
>Anointed by a septon of the faith in the Dragonpit before the cheering population of King's Landing
>Has the Conqueror's name
>Wears the Conqueror's crown
>Wields Blackfyre, the Conqueror's sword
>Supported by the previous king's Queen and regent
>Supported by the Hand of the King
>Supported by the Grand Maester
>Supported by the Kingsguard
>Has the most beautiful dragon
>Is the previous king's oldest son, thus heir
So how is Aegon not the rightful king again?
>Howland Reed warged into Arthur Dayne to incapacitate him so Ned could kill him - this drove Howland mad

Plus GRRM outright said he didn't add Howland into the story earlier because, by himself, he could answer half the story's mysteries, and is also extremely overpowered as a character.
Well you see the tangentially food-related episode was the fatfuck's tour de force.
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George literally just got started and is in chapter one, guys. You missed the point. Which is difficult because his blog repeatedly references butterflies and the butterfly effect and how small things early on lead to big problems later, and that he will get to those larger, more toxic butterflies

reading comprehension
media literacy
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Did Khal Drogo enter the Night Lands through the Nether portal?
George's bloodlinefaggotry obsession led him to believe that it would be more realistic to have the smallfolk revolt over an autistic princess who actually does nothing for them in the book or the show than over the Seven objecting to the incestuous abominations on the throne taxing them to starvation.
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1) sack Ryan, hire Craig Mazin for a second time.
2) buy him 50kg of cocaine so he has the energy to run two shows at once.
3) HotD season 3 and TLOU season 2 both air to universal acclaim.
That was just his first post, he obviously hinted at more to come. But I'm not sure if he'll post anymore now after HBO went after him
but he is, and a righteous war was fought over it, because that spoiled cunt Rhaenyra thought it was her turn.
So given that is has taken him two months to complete this blog post we can look forward to George finally giving his last thoughts on season two of house of the dragon in 2032.
>complain about Helaena's death being spoiled
>when she literally spoils half the show, in the show, for no reason
Blood and Cheese is emblematic of a lot of the problems with HOTD. It's a traumatic incident and major crime committed by the Blacks that is severely watered down in order to alleviate Rhaenyra of any responsibility and even makes Daemon's personal knowledge of what was going to happen completely ambiguous. And nobody in-universe even reacts or behaves like a child was brutally murdered. Rhaenyra seethes about "a son for a son" and Alicent doesn't immediately point out that her grandson was fucking beheaded in his bed. Nothing that should have weight has any weight, and all of that comes down to the writers insisting on making Rhaenyra a paragon of virtue and Alicent an indecisive airhead.
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>supported by the previous king's Queen and regent
The same one that just sold his head for one corn chip and muh freedom?
Daemon being reduced to muh queen and Blackwoods being portrayed as bad.
>Otto more mad about the Ratcatchers than his grandson
>Alicent as well lmao

the biggest shame of the show is that we were denied book alicent, she's hilarious in the books, and also a mother should fight for her sons. It's funny that she's trying to love them and fight for them while they're insane drunken lunatics.
She should defend Aegon's outbursts after the death of his fucking son, which she should feel guilty about. The show even shows her feeling guilty about it. There's even a moment where she sits in Aegons room and looks like maybe she'll go be a normal mom again
but nope
but no she's a traitor who wants to munge on cunt. God she's awful in the show.
tiddies <3
Why didn't Alicent just take off her shift and swim in the nude?
Why is there one guy mad that GRRM really likes Helaena
>bastard blood shed at war
Why does this make team black mad? She’s right.
My respect for GRRM has increased after the blog post but why was he so quiet about GoT the last few seasons? HOTD is still leagues above season 7 and 8. Let them all fucking have it.
it's also that he has one riot that kills a baby cause a suicide that causes another riot that has the most important plot consequence in the entire story. which means the outcome of the story is going to be decided by how the faceless masses and a sucidal woman react, not by a protagonist making decisions that bring about her own downfall via tragic inevitability.

like, he doesn't seem to see why that won't be satisfying as an ending to a TV show, just like he didn't see why people thought the Others were the primary antagonist of GoT.
They weren't even true born Targaryens. Seriously Rhaenyra, get over it.
If Gurm liked Heleana as a character she wouldn't be such a non-entity in the books. If he likes her he likes her as a blood-splattered plot device to whom horrible things happen.
And they literally died doing war effort related things vs a toddler saying good night to his grandma.
Because that was on him for not finishing the fucking books. Fire and Blood is finished so Condal doesn't really have any excuse
He's quiet because D&D will leak the ending notes GRRM provided in retaliation.
Yeah it's insane that the hanging of the fucking ratcatchers is somehow more horrific than the beheading of a toddler in his bed.
Especially considering that nobody cares about Rhaenys' slaughter in the dragon pit and the people are in fact sad that the beast that killed their "fathers and brothers and sons" was slain.
Did he remove the blog post? I just got here.
Aemond killing Luke when he was acting as an envoy is universally regarded as a war crime in Westeros. It was the same casus belli that Aegon the Conqueror seized on when Argilac Durrandon cut off one of his envoy's hands.

That said, murdering a toddler in front of his mother and grandmother is even worse.
Writers should have a resident autist to review their work

Although the Aegon throne thing was serendipitous
>mention how their sons and fathers
>mention how they payed the citizens off with aegons sons blood
Fuck Otto.
I remember being in High School and watching Thrones premier and it being this niche little show no one was talking about. Watching it week to week was like magic, having this fantasy series being taken so seriously, with everyone in the cast and crew working their ass off. I remember watching it grow and become popular with normies and thinking something was off after season 4. I remember the feeling of watching those leaked season 7 episodes and thinking “it’s dead”. Then the ending, and no one caring anymore. For a minute there in HOTD season 1 it felt like they were back, but idk what happened. What Thrones has become is the greatest media tragedy of all time. It actually hurts that this is all because this fat faggot couldn’t just hunker down, gather a few of these mega autistic youtuber theory makers, and hammer out the books on time.
>And nobody in-universe even reacts or behaves like a child was brutally murdered
Only the Bracken twink
The smallfolk actually have connection to the ratcatchers, until literally yesterday Jaeharys was just another of countless princes they never saw, from the branch that wasn't declared heir.
They didn't make a difference between Rhaenys and Aegon in the Dragonpit either, because they did not know about the Black/Green split.
doing the book version of B&C wouldn't have made the story better, it would have just made that scene into more confrontational misery porn. plus the whole scene is reliant on the Red Keep having huge secret passages which shouldn't exist.

but GRRM literally thinks he wrote something as effective as the Red Wedding and that HBO failed to convey his genius, proving he doesn't really understand why ASoIaF was ever popular.
I really wonder if they had people, or how many of them, even know or understand the "throne spurning the unworthy" thing, which is about at the top of the iceberg for this kind of stuff

Because there's a world where maybe it's on purpose, to create debate, team green can say look at how the throne accepts and welcomes him, while team black can say that's propaganda (which team green would say if if it was the other way around) and his incompetent and inserious

But this isn't that world and they had him sit like that because aegon is silly and he sat silly while drinking with his silly friends
GRRM likes Helaena because of how little effort he had to put into writing her.
>Condal doesn't really have any excuse

Condal does have an excuse, it's that F&B isn't really that good or that adaptable. but he can't say that so GRRM is free to posture as the wronged author.
>would’ve made team black actually seems equally terrible
>no focus on stupid pity dog scenes
>an actual choice
>Helaena showing more grief and an
Angry Aegon that doesn’t last for 5 seconds
>Helaena out of commission that shows how grief affects someone since she’s not doing anything in the tv version anyways
>Alicent becoming more cold hearted instead of begging to be forgiven for riding Cole
>the smallfolk actually feeling sad and not turning against Helaena
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>write woman
>"she was happy"
>this is my greatest character
Well the showrunners were convinced that Dany's eggs are from Syrax and shat on Phia during a quiz when she tried to use book lore about them being Dreamfyre's eggs.
It would have given Alicent a reason to hate Rhaenyra and thus eliminated the idiotic scenes of them sneaking into each other's home bases and trying to broker peace between themselves.

The Red Keep having secret passages isn't a new thing, it's well established in canon. Varys uses them all the time in the main books.
Maelor is an insignificant character that would have needed time that we don't have in this TV show and his omission is a good thing, GRRM is being fucking pedantic

He raises some good points, but in his autistic rant also misses the obvious
It is too bad about Heleana's character though, but he's not even complaining about that, just that it's not done how it is in his book (despite having given the ok to Condal)
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I know you're a retarded samefagging faggot but try to understand....
>Be a policeman investigating a bank robbery
>Have all the suspects in a room
>Loudly say "Wow this Bank robber, he sure is a retarded faggot!"
>One man stands up
>"I will have you know bank robbers are actually very smart and definitely not gay so fuck you.....also definitely not the bank robber btw."
Amazing how easy it bait your faggot ass out. You've replied (multiple times) to every one of my posts, everytime. Pathetic.
Poor phia.
>”well it’s probably the maesters I guess”
kek Tom, Phia and Ewan are trying to hold the show together while everyone else trying to ruin it
they're literally the greens.
Thank god no one has adapted Book of the New Sun or Elric. Let fantasy remain in books.
Unironically yes. Today's fictional characters are filled with doubt, vitriol, depression, and soak in their vices.
wait what, Dreamfyre literally looks like Drogon
A tv show is literally a collection of scenes.
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Greens win every argument here. Funny how that works out
You poor retarded autist.
What's the latest on those custom houses that anons were doing?
I love the scene where he's confronting Luke in Storm's End

>Hold, my lord Strong.

Perfectly captured the tension and feeling of the scene in the book, unlike the rest of the show
Yeah they said Syrax was. They had a quiz and phia said Dreamfyre was the one who had the eggs and she seemed very surprised they said she was wrong. Then she was sad she didn’t get to fly a dragon and she started saying stuff like “well I guess Helaena riding a dragon was propaganda” sarcastically.
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>have 3, sometimes 4 interesting alternatives of what to adapt for each major event
>instead decides to write fanfiction that is way worse than all the available options
>''not adaptable''
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>Inspect element
It's better in the book because he sounds like Trump roasting someone

>Little Luke Strong. You are wet, bastard. Is it raining or did you piss yourself in fear?
Still happening I guess GRRM stuff is more important
Any decent writer would be able to fill in the gaps of F&B
I would love to rub her arms gently and slowly ease my way to her breasts
Holy based, Elon Musk did something like that with ((((them)))) a few years ago.
thank god I stopped watching at Season 1 Episode 8
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I seethed for a day when they included that "she doesn't fly, she doesn't have the heart for it" in the last episode for no fucking reason
fucking why
in the book she rode, she loved riding

It's 100% unnecessary too

>they don't want to pay for CGI
so fucking don't, we haven't seen half the dragons
>they can't have her fight'need to make it clear she doesn't fight

not only was this done in a scene earlier, but simply change "she doesn't have the will to fly"
"She won't fight, she doesn't have the heart for it"


I was too autistic about book stuff and got turned off on S1 but persisted until 3 or 4 I don't remember
got into the series from the first ASOIAF mod for the original M&B
you don't have to agree, but Condal's whole approach is that there need to be likeable characters for the audience to get behind or a show can't work, and he's picked Rhae and Alicent. he's not a genius and he's fucked up in (particularly with Alicent theoretically okaying Aegon's beheading and with not realizing that season 8 couldn't have Jake dying near the end after the first season ended with Luke's death) but his premise was logical and is the only reason a show is being made. given how well season 1 worked I get it but now we're dealing with the knock-on effects of huge amounts of other material having to change.

in the books the secret passages are only used for a plot-critical scene when Tyrion kills Tywin. because that's a huge payoff they're less of a ridiculous plot contrivance.

where GRRM's blogpost about a single character fits into this, I don't know. apparently he was okay with them totally changing the angle of the story in season 1 because then the audience still mostly liked it.

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>she used to love flying but no longer
Character development and saves money
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they probably forgot she tamed a dragon and just thought Dreamfyre was born to her
fuck im seething all over again
Yes anon, everyone who disagrees with you on the internet or thinks that you are stupid is the same person, and this malicious stranger cares such a great deal about your autistic meltdowns that he goes around editing screenshots to confound your already confused spergbrain.
For me it's Seven Hells
But Rhaenyra points out how Dreamfyre is a formidable dragon hatched during Aegon's reign in the same scene
ugh I can't even fucking dilate right now because this fat racist old piece of shit thinks he knows better than the people literally making the show. george saw minorities and queer characters on screen and whisked back to the 1960s. what a disgusting, fat, racist pig.
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>seething enough to edit webdata
>porn addiction
>Maelor is an insignificant character
Retard gurm literally says why Maelor is important despite being a minor minor "character"
Is GRRM trying to burn all bridges at hollywood so he can only focus on writing the books? Imagine being a showrunner for one of the seven spinoffs and knowing that there's a chance your career can get torpedoed because GRRM wrote an angry blog about you. No one's gonna want to work on a GoT spinoff like that.
I promise you they are able to hold these two contradictory beliefs at once.
I bet if you asked half of them "Did Helaena tame a dragon?" they would not know she did
>Imagine being a showrunner for one of the seven spinoffs and knowing that there's a chance your career can get torpedoed because GRRM wrote an angry blog about you. No one's gonna want to work on a GoT spinoff like that.
I would simply do my job correctly
if you racist fuckwits are defending that blog post its literally only because you can't stand queer stories being on television. go fuck yourself all of you seriously. god forbid a queer love story take center stage over your dumb fucking civil war bullshit. kys everyone.
What have a missed?
....but enough about yourself.

....but enough about yourself.
You people have been pent up in this general for too long. Time to take a break for a few days.
>that tear in his eye
Fuck Hollywood and fuck writers. AI could have done a better job than Ryan Condal and Sara Hess
honestly thought most of the blackcels were being ironic but based on their reaction to george disavowing their fanfic its starting to make a lot more sense
HOTD walked so ROP could run
I believe what some others posted before, that he visited Tolkeins grave realized the importance of legacy, and how entwined his legacy is with shitty adaptations.
if GRRM had known what the best version of the story was, why did he write multiple versions of it?
he clearly thinks his POV system is going to be super-clever in ASoIaF too. pity that it has nothing to do with the clear unambiguous stroytelling required for fantasy to work.
I've taken the view that fantasy doesn't lend itself to TV. Early GoT is a bit of an exception but already the disdain for the larger lore and worldbuilding necessary for the genre was there

I was a fan of the series before HBO's GOT came along I got into the series just a little wihle fter A Feast for Crows came out in paperback and it was surreal watching it blow up in popularity and seeing normies become familiar with the likes of Ned Stark, Tyrion Lannister, or the Targaryens. I think The Red Wedding is what larely destroyed the show because while it did make it popular, the quality and nuance went down heavily after it D&D wanted more reaction from similar events because they saw how popular they were on Youtube so they put more presidence over shocking moments to draw in a casual crowd.
Mance is Rhaegar. Ran always shut down these threads and banned everyone who participated. When asking Linda in DMs she never said that they were right or wrong.
Quick! What's the episode of Season 2? Here's the hints:
>Daemon has some vision in Harrenhal
>Rhaenyra gets shut down by her council (Either Celtigar or Broome)
>Jace seethes at his mom
>Aemond stares at someone
>Mysaria talks about the smallfolk needs
>Alicent is crying
Psycho Faggot Central ITT
Anon...come on now...
ROP ran so The Witcher season 4&5 can sprint
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Dumb & Dumber torpedoed their careers without any of GRRM's criticism. Condal and Hess will do the same with their shit fanfiction.
What did he say in the end?
However, they removed the actual crazy red wedding type scenes from the books that happened afterwards in favour of shitty slay queen moments. Aegon would have been the same level of a reveal as the red wedding
What would you have me do
I think the point is that they’re in a tough spot. HBO isn’t in the good graces of fans that they can break from GRRM and not face backlash over it.
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>GRRM said "I'll sit the Throne today, Ryan and Sara."
>Proceeds to shit all over the retarded, nonsensical Blacksissy shit the biased writers show horned into the showing his blog
>Blacksissies get uppity here
>Start picking fights with people for simply talking about Daeron and Helaena and how what GRRM says affects the characters and the story (makes it more retarded and nonsensical)
>They're still seething

I don't care, HoTD sucks and GRRM still is a lazy fat fuck who can only muster this blog post
For anyone who doesn't keep track of these losers, they went and ruined Three Body Problem, the other series I am autistic about. It made GoT Season 8 look respectful, competent and genius
three body problem was pretty good and successful actually
>story has no main character
>story has no likeable characters in positions of power
>story doesn't even stick to one version of events so some sections of the fanbase were always going to be annoyed at which material was excluded
>major plot moments happen because of accidents or the faceless masses rising up and having a riot
>characters can be introduced and killed off almost immediately because they barely require more than a paragraph of "development"

you like it for the same reason GRRM liked writing it: broad strokes give your imagination free reign to fill in the blanks and ignore the contrivances. that's not the same as being translatable directly to TV.
I posted the latest one in the morning (american hours) and will post a new updated list maybe today or morrow morning.
Shoe horned into the show on his blog*
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you cant link that, he deleted it so you must delet it too
its true, sorry i dont wanna watch the chinese slop + how they integrated the plot from the third book this early was pretty clever
I feel bad for Phia.
if a character doesn't do something imporatant on a dragon, you can't pay to CGI scene with them riding a dragon. they threw in a line of dialogue to explain it.

I think Sunfyre is really dead and that Aegon will end up inheriting Dreamfyre and have her eat Rhaenyra instead. it makes visual sense for her to be eaten by a really big dragon, less messy.
if you enjoyed the changes made to house of the dragon it would not surprise me at all if you found three body problem good so that makes a lot of sense actually

Plenty of characters could be plucked out and given POVs and make for interesting protagonists, the issue is Sarah Hess being a dumbshit feminist chose the literal worst options because MUH WAHMYNNNNS.
Team green kids as a whole got shit on
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>Having a meltdown over Daeron and Helaena
For what purpose? They are the 2 objectively "good" characters on Team Green
this vn is so good, only long book/series I've finished recently that made me feel anything like when I finished asoiaf
>sub to Netflix nao!
I swear this board is a battleground for shills from the various streaming services.
Yet we saw a ton of Syrax scenes plus scenes with Baela who did nothing until the Aegon fight
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if writing well was as easy as speculating about how easy writing ought to be is, we'd all have HBO shows.
Should have saved that for the new thread, repost it there
Official media responses mean nothing
>There are few greater fans of GRRM and F&B
Didn't a bunch of them never even read the book?
Helaena literally has no plot-relevant scenes where she rides a dragon, all the other characters are involved in actual dragon battles riding their dragons.
the only good thing about that slop was that it had ser davos

so that's it? he just says "you shouldn't do that!" and you fags made it look like he just denounced jewry
Is it just me or actorfags from twitter joined these threads, I've seen the name Phia too many times already and Tom or Ewan mentions.
what a nothingness
subsrib to hulu we are a thing to
we mak shows you never herd of and wont finish anyways
cowards, at least explain why you forced him to delete the post
where did i say i enjoyed the changes made to HOTD?
Jesus Christ. They think they own it more than he does.
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>Condal and Hess
>an extraordinary job
It's the same anon (probably a woman) who is seething in the last three threads because there are anons who dislike Daeron and complain about Helaena.
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The HotD general is full of redditors and shills the show more than reddit.
Whats it called?
There’s no fucking way George deleted it, there’s just no fucking way.

The entire site went down. HBO called in on some internet people to do a thing.
I'm lmaoing that George has more balls to go against HBO then fucking Alt Shift X and Glidus who are in full shill mode.
Why is this even news? Steven King famously hated The Shining adaptation.

The fact that HBO is panicking just says everything about the childish mentality of the world right now.

Are people, authors included, simply not allowed to voice their opinions anymore? Even of the things they MADE?
Yeah, lmao.
>Blackwoods being portrayed as bad.
The one thing they're doing right.
Can we please stop with the autistic "muh team good, your team bad!"
Also, leave my boy Daeron the Daring alone, he's a good lad
"Because mom sad" can be achieved by killing her other children, he's not unique in his capacity to die
that's from Fata Morgana DLC

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