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HBO receiving word of the blogpost edition
The thing with season 2 whatever happened there
it must be really bad in s3+ if even grrm stepped away again especially after got shit the bed in s4
Unironically, what do you think will be the fate of ASOIAF after GRRM dies?
Idk hopefully it's soon though
He apparently wants all his work torched if (when) he dies before he finishes it. Hopefully his editors say fuck that
lol, I hope he's got some houseboy who's been programmed to burn everything before the lawyers show up.
Winds of winter will probably be released even if George dies first because it must be close to finished at this point. For everything else, maybe Blood and Fire will be released in an unfinished state and we will get entire books of notes and outlines throughout the years for the ultimate ending of ASOIAF

>wants everything burnt before he dies just like aerys

White walker families
The same fate that befell Tolkien.

Future people who think they understand the author will butcher his work for dumb political brownie points.

This is the cycle. It ALWAYS happens.
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Was Martin's latest blogpost everything you had hoped for?
Hackness gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no HBO's bribe, hold back no fair criticism , father no bastard season 2/8 children . I shall wear no crowns and win no glory in HotD press conferences. I shall live and die at my blogpost. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher in the writer's room. I am the fire that burns against the coal, the light that brings the gems, the horn that wakes the viewers, THE SHIELD THAT GUARDS THE REALMS OF LORE. I pledge my life and honor to the George's Watch, for this sunday night and all the sunday nights to come.
I doubt his wife and next of kin(I think his niece or nephew, don't remember) will allow it
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So you feeling okay? Milk of the poppy helps?
>Unironically, what do you think will be the fate of ASOIAF after GRRM dies?
He will finish it before he dies though?
Tolkien at least had a loyal son who protected it for decades, only now are his grandkids torching his legacy for money. GRRM doesn't even have that, so ASOIAF will get whored out until the IP has no value like Star Wars
He will finish The Winds of Winter but there's a very low chance he will finish A Dream of Spring. The best scenario would be him having a super writing surge like he did with a Storm of Swords and finish the final book in 2-3 years. I have some small hope on that because what corner can he possibly have put himself in that is not resolved or accepted by the penultimate book?
>his grandkids torching his legacy for money
that was based. the Amazon show is so bad it will have no effect on the books whatsoever, and they took Jeff Bezos for $250 million.
I think he has an image of the ending but he has to connect all the plots he wrote himself in and that's taking it's time, plus for 3 years he only worked on Fire and Blood, once he finishes WoW I believe it will take him at most 3-4 years to write A Dream of Spring like you say. I don't believe he'll encounter so many difficulties like with WoW.
I hope so, then we can talk about asoiaf until our own old ages
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>once he finishes WoW I believe it will take him at most 3-4 years to write A Dream of Spring
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Cute and canon!
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>mfw BranSan takes over
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Which Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon character would eat the red sauce and attack those around them?

>GRRM is terribly sick and delirious
>stuck in bed
>whispering "burn them all burn them all burn them all burn them all"
>Elio has to kill him to save the manuscripts
George, you know the milk of the poppy makes you emotional

Correct previous bellow

This thread and that one were created at the same time.
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>if you can hear us please save me Leyton Hightower , please, please save me Leyton Hightower, I am asking you, please save me, please save me please get these dragonloards away from me
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Ok /tv/ its up to us to make our own ASOIAF but with blackjack and hookers, gonna need
>War from history to base it off
>Mythical rideable creature
>Whatever else should be included in a legally distinct way
Trust the plan.
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Rhaenyra keeps being the main reason why the blacks were a mistake
>War from history to base it off - Armagnac–Burgundian Civil War/Lancastrian pahse of the hundred years war
>Mythical rideable creature - Morvarc'h
>Whatever else should be included in a legally distinct way - Viserys III but he uses yu gi oh-like magic to transform himself into a gigachad when agitated
These threads always feel the same sort of stupid. I feel like I’ve been responding to the same people for the last ten years.
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>The Warrior himself strikes down the last of the Dragons after this
TreeDemonsisters......DrownedSHITxirs....BurnYourDaughteralivexims......are we the baddies?
I came to talk about this new grrm shit but what's going on?
Is this thread just bots?
>War of the League of Cambrai
>The Sphinx
>Main country is a Republic so you don't feel the need to cram your shitty special snowflake family into all historical events
>yeah guise, it like totally happened like this, it was like the Gods, like, trust me
I bet you think the Hound sacked saltpans and that Alys Rivers made that guy's head explode rather than having some fleabitten peasant chuck a rock at it.
>Main country is a Republic

Let me guess, you don't believe Syrax was killed when the Warrior himself took form, thirty feet tall, with a black blade made of smoke that turned to steel.
>Republic so you don't feel the need to cram your shitty special snowflake family into all historical events
Problem with the republics is that they are harder to write then Dictatures or monarchies Its harder to write the decision making process. You can convince the readers/watchers to the rule "whatever king/dictator says goes" With republic there is a decision making process and votes and Various groups that, and im speaking from experience here, can behave in ways that the public would find unrealistic.
>Finno-Korean Hyperwar
>Centaurs (female)
>Light Sabers (uh, Laser Swords)
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Hold The Door!
is he still saying he can't finish wow because of trump?
I bet there's a line of succession with his friends to finish it if he dies prematurely
>well it's 90% done
>better throw the manuscript into the garbage
>it's what he would've wanted...
Honestly fuck the people of kings landing. Animals will rape and kill anything that looks at them the wrong way.
Dany torching half the city down was honestly the best thing to ever happen to that shitty capital.
Twenty feet max. An inch more is mass hallucination.
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They know what they are doing when they took the money: you're whoring out your baby to the merchant class.
Money is ecumenical in this era.
The incredulity of this from these people is itself incredulous.
The AFD just won the landtag election in Thuringia. Do you seriously expect him to work under these conditions? You're lucky he doens't do a Stefan Zweig and kills himself in the face of all this abject fascism.
Exactly. George has no right to bitch about the HBO adaptations because he’s the fat tard who sold the rights to them.
I wonder, had George never sold the rights or d&d not being interested in the books, would grrm actually finish the books without the fame he got out of the tv series?
>no right
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>Your brother Rhaegar, whatevah happened there...
>would George actually finish
I genuinely believe so.
It amazes me that King's landing is the only place that has such fucked up peasants, lannisport is normal, white harbor is normal, how did the targs allow their capital to become such a cesspool?
20 years in the black cells. Never made a peep.
Oh boy I can't wait for another rerun of "Immediately devolving into a corrupt plutocracy".

Jump to 25m25s, there he talks about Gene Wolfe and Book of the New Sun here and talks about how Gene Wolfe had a job and wasn't a full-time author so he had the freedom to write and didn't have a deadline so he could make changes to book 1 while working on book 4 because book 1 hadn't been published.
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>would grrm actually finish the books without the fame he got out of the tv series?
I've only just realized Varys and Illyrio's grand master plan is essentially the giant squid plan from Watchmen but who's going to be the squid in this scenario and who's going to be the one that unites everyone around them? Aegon or Daenerys?
>being so malleable that you start simping for gurm because he wrote some mild criticism of the HBOslop
In other news: Winds never ever ever.
All the crazies from the other cities migrated to the capital.
That’s just big cities in general really. Cesspools of degeneracy and criminals since the beginning.
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Wouldn't Dany be the squid and Aegon the unified resistance?
It's gonna be absolutely invaluable, not just to forever BTFO showfags, but for use in other adapted franchises as well.
winds of winter will come out, dream of spring might come out years later but will be clear what parts grrm actually did and what gaps were filled in
Yeah? That's what you need for your ASOIAF with blackjack and hookers. Do you want it to be this perfect golden society?
>or... well, anyone.
This is wrong because it fails to take into account Steven King who only ever produced SLOP and some of the films based on his work are good in spite of the original author, not because of him.
No because the root of the problem is George, its not the sudden fame with normies, or the money, or working on tv shows, its the Scorpion and the Frog
It didn't help.
I'll put it this way, he can't write what happens in the last few seasons of the TV show (even if it had some stuff he had planned).
What gets me is how it’s a relatively young city in the Dance era and STILL no one has tried to build the city a proper sewer system so it doesn’t smell like shit from miles away.
Every other major castle and surrounding city doesn’t reek, so they have proper sewer systems, even Oldtown, the literally oldest city, has a better system yet the capital for the entire seven kingdoms can’t be bothered.
No, it's just that republics are boring as hell and always fall into the same things.
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>canonizes all fanfictions on his deathbed
"Oh yeah I think I heard about them, there was a tv show or something?"
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I think it said in fire and blood that KL grew too Fast so it became chaotic and messy. Even Jaeherys wanted to level it and build anew(but ge couldn't due to budget). I guess It was like a Pre modernisation Paris or Those Barrios in Venezuela. Indeended Slums that rise before the goverment bothers to react.(if it ever bothers) pic unrelated i just love 21)
Republics after the italian mold gives you guilds, merchants, domestic nobility, and merrcenaries (often foreign nobles) all with their own interests vying for power.
It's far more interesting than Gurm's milord-wank.
You might be retarded.
It was mosty during the reneisance and early modernity. And usualy these states were republics in names only. You know local doges and princes elect or whatever. From the same fammily.
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>Still, though a name can change, blood can't. And The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring were A Dance With Dragon's only trueborn successors. Until they weren't. On his deathbed, George the Unfinished forever earnt his epithet by canonizing all fanfiction, from the lowly erotic JacexCregan and LukexAemond AO3 slop to the great schizo theorycrafts of noble YouTubers, including Preston Jacobs and David Lightbringer. Fittingly, George's last act was to thrust himself into the realm and seed and feed chaos.
Are they going to come after my books too?
Still republics, tho.
damn and I thought Preston's hairline was bad in the salad dressing video...
Man those "Histories and Lore" wre awesome.
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Counterpoint- the first 4 seasons of the show were practically direct adaptations of the books, except for the omission of a couple subplots simply because D&D didn't know where they were leading and Martin didn't have a suitable enough answer for where they were leading. Take into consideration how season 1 is almost a word for word adaptation, I think it's fair for Martin to expect faithful and mostly on point adaptations of his work so long as he has a solid go by.
Thus far, the HotD crew have a clearly established source to work with, and are pratically ignoring it with the amount of stupid shit they're nonsensically retconning and jamming into it. I think after GoT it's fair Martin expected his work to be treated with a little more respect, and the blatant disregard he's received is honestly a bit shocking, albeit par for the course in the current generation of retards who think they know better than the heckin racist sexist old man authors.
And North Korea is democratic
I doubt the fat man will finish Dream, but i think every POV will be in Westeros by the end of Winds, making it easier to finish to whatever will be tasked to (probably one of Martin's friends, Gaiman if we are lucky)
>It was mosty during the reneisance and early modernity. And usualy these states were republics in names only. You know local doges and princes elect or whatever. From the same family.
I mean, the specific war mentioned focused around the Republic of Venice and they did sometimes have the same dynasty take over but I don't even think there was ever a back-to-back of the same family.
Could we selectively breed Valyrians into existence like we do with dogs breeds? How do Valyrians come about if ASOIAF is post-apocalyptic?
>Gaiman if we are lucky
Gaiman has already been cancelled for raping women (ironic)
The first four seasons and season 1 of GoT I mean- sorry if that wasn't clear
Should i watch HOTD? Is it worth it?
survivors literally just moved northwest to Volantis iirc
it'd not post apo, since ASOIAF's Earth is bigger than ours
Good ole' Wolf and his pringle machine.
the first 8 episodes are worth it
I think we are supposed to think it is how rapid the city developed but, that does not explain how no one did not see it coming or never bothered to do anything in the years after it became a problem. King's Landing also seems like it could benefit from building a new outer wall: so they can move people within the existing overcrowded 'inner' wall to be between the inner wall and new outer wall. Cost is the obvious argument about why not doing anything but, the Targaryens ruled an entire continent without having to fund a standing army or real bureaucracy. Their only expenses seem to be the Royal Navy, Goldcloaks and running of the Red Keep - which do not seem like they should be a factor with how much money they should make through vassal tax and generated taxs/customs/tolls by King's Landing. When everything is considered you have the Hightowers, Redwynes, Lannisters and Manderlys being in positions that equal out to (if not are worse than) the Targaryens yet do far better.
ASOIAF is already getting whored out you morons
Surely the city would expand outwards regardless of the wall.
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>aristocratic or oligarchic republics aren't republics
You could have saved both of our time by staing outright that you don't know what a republic is.
is Preston an hbo shill now?
in his last video he shat on George's post and praised the hbo pr response
In the west and south america yes
In the normal world no
Purple eyes exist but only for Albinos. Valyrians are genetically engineered even if ASOIAF isn’t post-apocalyptic so they could’ve been added there.
iirc Jaehaerys literally did have a sewer system built after he got into an argument with Queen Alysanne and she shamed him by bringing a cup of water from the Blackwater into the small council and daring him to drink it
He’s just a contrarian. He didn’t like S2.
>he was never in Moscow or Kiev(before the Grand Slavic Slapfight)
These cities are fucking horrid. Moscow is many horrid words in one place.
Damn jews
That's already happened. There are shanty towns outside the wall because the poor can't afford to live inside. Not that living inside is great with the terrible smell, hygiene and overcrowding. The city is shit for both poor and rich. They need to both address the sewage and overcrowding. A new wall would see actual economic growth for as it is people don't want to be outside of the wall for reputation it even more shitty there and the big factor they are not defended.
Would have to select for some form of albinism. That being said, you can have people who look like they have purple eyes if they're a deep enough blue depending on lighting - for example, the very famous Elizabeth Taylor
Preston and Carmine do not get advances on HBO shows like some other youtubers (Alt-Shift X certainly does, I'm not sure who all else is on the list). To me, Preston's response is that of someone trying to get on HBO's good side, but to me that makes zero sense because half his personality is book theories and the other half is him shitting on Seasons 5-8. His Reviews have always been more negative than positive, even if he personally liked the episodes. And that comes down to the format of his reviews- he has his two major characters- the Night King, the disgruntled nitpicking bookfag, and Chad Summerchild, the excited show-can-do-no-wrong normie showfag who's a caricature that calls the bad shit FUCKING AWESOME. I don't see how he could ever get into HBO's good graces now.
This Plateosaurus goes hard ngl.
He just hates GRRM. He never forgave him for ignoring his retarded theory questions to talk about salad dressing.
There is a wall for a reason. You are not going to want to establish your tavern or butchers or whatever outside as it is guaranteed to get looted and/or destroyed if shit kicks off and comes to the city. Them not building a new wall is not just contributing to encouraging overcrowding of the city, it is also hindering economic prosperity.
>african and asian cities aren't massive shitholes
lmao. the only asian countries that aren't shit are south korea and japan
How is Preston allowed to have a YouTube channel if he’s a fed?
>/pol/tards are so bereft of reality that they think Manilla is a safer city than Montreal
his content was way better when he actually enjoyed GRRM's work
Preston Jacobs said on a livestream that Taiwan has nukes, and that it's an open secret everyone knows and why China will never invade Taiwan. He's apparently allowed to run off his mouth on a lot of things.

t. had to write a paper on how Taiwan's nuclear weapons program was dismantled.

it's more like he's blackpilled about the books never being finished moreso than their meeting.

I was at Bubonicon and other people were openly talking about PJ and what theories of his they liked while waiting for GRRM to show up. It was kind of surreal lol
Thank Vishnu we have safe and clean cities like Mumbai.
I don't follow this guy? He Taiwanese? Lives in Taiwan? If neither why his interest in Taiwan?
we will never find out about the toxic butterflies
Being a dirty, disgusting freak is Tragshit 'culture' so it passed on to the peasants.
He's a CIA glowie who uses Taiwan as a base of operations for going to southeast asian countries to have sex with underage boys.
he lived in Taiwan for like 2 years because he and his wife are glowies/deepstaters
Is Helaena dies next season does that mean God’s Eye is happening?
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2 years until KINO
Uh oh, Sunfyre bros...
So they’re going to put
>Battle of the Gullet
>Battle of Honeywine (to introduce Daeron)
>Fall of King’s Landing
>Battle of Tumbleton (first)
>God’s Eye
>Death of Helaena (presumably the Dragonpit)
All in 8 episodes?
Why didn’t they have the Gullet happen this season so one of the Velaryon boys die at the end of each season?
Unless they are milking things even more and having Jace survive longer?
That’s probably why because then S4 is only Rhaenyra and Aegon’s death unless they’re adapting up to Viserys II’s return. Oh and Tumbleton II
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>uh acktually my super secret source sai--
That wont be a big deal in 4-5 more years.
>The Targaryen and Arryn fleets met in the waters off Gulltown. The Arryns were able to destroy the Targaryen fleet and Daemon [Velaryon] was killed. Visenya's dragon, Vhagar, burned the Arryn fleet in response. The battle was a tactical draw since both fleets were destroyed, but a strategic defeat for the Targaryens since they were unable to take Gulltown.[1]
Pathetic and embarrassing.
well it was going to be 10 episodes before it got cut back to 8
I assume 9 would end with jace ded at battle of the gullet and 10 would be rheynera taking KL and executing otto
got hotted
>executing otto
Speaking about Otto why was he jailed at the end of the season?
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got hotted


got hotted
She literally sells 3/4 of her kids out in the finale to the evil Queen, fucking bitch has no right to cry.
nice art
That’s why she has blood on her hands
He has been doing this a lot recently. Muh secret source.
HBO asked GRRM to make this blogpost to help build support to oust Ryan Condal. MeToo allegations by the end of the month.
Kino, but she shouldn't be crying over her just deserts.
my hot was got

got hotted
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>Hello, is this Harrenhal mole removal?
unknown, the only things I care about for season 3 is that and if sunfyre is actually dead
Sure none of the Green’s bloodline survives, but the fact Rhaena gets plapped by a Hightower Chad six times while Daemon seethes in hell counts as a major win in my book.
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You meet GRRM at a dinner. Your challenge is to ask a question and get an answer of substance.
You have 30 seconds to ask and get your answer. After those 30 seconds, or even sooner if your question sucks, he will begin to have a conversation about salad dressing with someone else at the table.
That's kinda the trajectory for most adapted work: start off faithful to the source material then increasingly bastardize the project.
Come to think of it, there is very few to no new material that got better than its source once parted from the author.
At some point, these productions just become cargo cults imitating authenticity but producing inauthentic products. This type of creative entropy is so predictable that it may as well be a metaphysical law of how shit works.
The major win is the dragons die and the arrogant inbred fucktards entered borrowed time.
Probably came a river thinking about how mad her dad would have been.
maybe, but he had already been struggling as soon as Storm of Swords came out because he started writing as if the 5 year time skip was happening, then threw 2 years of writing out to start from scratch without the time skip. The show gave him more excuses to delay, but it still took him 11 years to write Feast and Dance
This was so fucking kino bros
I wish I was a Valyrian and had dragons
Preston has an asian wife btw
What is the best type of fish?
I ask him about the end of the show and if he thinks Bran and the CotF taking over Westeros is supposed to be a 'bad guys won while you weren't looking' kind of scenario.
>ugly, balding, scrawny white manlet
>marries asian woman
Unless you have a image or video showing her I can't really draw that much from that.
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Oh forgot this
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Be honest.

You wish you were Valyrian, had a dragon, and could fuck your sister.

Preston's 6'6" and complains about his height and how inconvenient life is because of it literally every other stream
Which female character in the setting has the best feet?
What kino?
I was thinking the same thing during the dragonpit dragonseeds episode in S2, but the show seems to be really underestimating how hot dragonfire is and how badly dragon breath must stink.
>Preston's 6'6"
No way
someone on /lit/ said that GRRM's wife has cancer and that's the big sekrit that's stressing George out and keeping him from focusing on writing.
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holy fuck that is one ugly gook
Does coffee exist in Planetos?
I wish I had an albino sister to fuck
Is the Faith of the Seven in any way legitimate, real etc. in that there is something supernatural or mystical connected to at least it's founding?
Here's our new favourite House lads

I hate these literally who houses.
I'd ask him a question about myself
Based. I have long liked that house for, what with there being no substantive information about it, must be its sigil, name and region.
based fatfuck dabbing on these fucktards
Do you regret saying anything about ASOIAF or another writer's work?
I wouldn't say a single thing to him, I would listen to what he had to say, and that's what no one did.
Do you have any characterisation for what Jon Arryn was actually truly like or is he too abstract and effectively just a name/tool to build things around?
When Tywin was Hand of the King for Aerys what was the tax policy of the Iron Throne?
I wish I was a Dayne.
I'd sip lemonwater and do nocturnal things
He's some US foreign relations bureaucrat apparently. Explains why he's such a lefty shill as of late.
Do strapon-dildos exist in ASOIAF and are they called "mummer's cock"?
I decided to rank some houses for fun mainly the ones off the top of my head from what I remembered on my last re-read which was a couple years ago. I wasn't going to do all the literal who ones just ones that left a lasting impression on me as I read
Did you have sexual relations with the woman who played Shae?
Why do much cucking?
Only just realised now how similar Lannister's and Baratheon/Durrandon's sigils are.
Arryn should be higher.
Also Mormont's.
>He worked for the CIA. He IS the propaganda.
wow seriously?
Amazing on the spot analyzes, but then desperately tries to come to weird dogshit conclusions? Yeah wow, he *IS* CIA.

Both him and Alt shift are pretty neat, but Winds isn't coming out.

Id say the most impactful thing him and others, such as the greenhand, came up with is the following.

Daenerys is Lyanna and Rhaegar's daughter
Jon Snow is perhaps Ned's only legitimate child and ALL the others are bastards in the eyes of the Old Gods and New
The Faith of the Seven worships Death
And the Old Town Conspiracy arcs....but honestly this last is just stupendously obvious. No shit a city that dominates religion, communication and education for centuries has its own agenda....problem is, unless they are trying to bring back The Others, its not even a 'bad' agenda.
>he even wrote an autistic rant on how Jaime would beat Hermione
....fucking really? Whats the starting distance, sword point at her throat and she is caught unawares?
End of the very first movie.

27-31. 4 seconds and we are being generous here. After that, she can just suffocate him. With anything really. Some fun bits of old fanfiction have this spell used in conjunction with live burials as a form of convenient murder.

And every later year, she becomes more outrageously dangerous. The question isn't can a young Witch defeat a Westerosi, its at what point does that Witch become capable of conquering and subduing Westeros within her lifetime. Or perhaps just become an exceptionally powerful Lady.
Why even does the Targaryen sigil have a red dragon? some old valyria og targ have a red dragon or something?
That is just more artistic interpretation found them similar. They are not described as 'rampant' (i.e. standing on two legs) so they could be legitimately shown on all fours.
>its at what point does that Witch become capable of conquering and subduing Westeros within her lifetime
I think that unless she's capable of mind reading (which wizards in HP can do if they learn it) she'll probably just end up poisoned at some point, since wizards don't seem to be able to conjure food out of thin air. So at some point someone who cooks for her will slip a little Strangler into her drink.
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time to pop open another bottle
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>he was gay, john the fiddler?
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>not listing the best house
>think about your grace, sudden weight loss...
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>Why do you think we called him the 'Brown Dragon'
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Literally who houses are the best, you fag
it's crazy how nobody in the world wants these changes, the fandom doesn't, GRRM doesn't
...except for Condal and the HBO execs, and these are the guys calling the shots
Deleting the blogpost probably brought even more light on his shit season 2 was.
For me it's Pryor.
Red is the color of blood
>he even wrote an autistic rant on how Jaime would beat Hermione
>....fucking really? Whats the starting distance, sword point at her throat and she is caught unawares?
It is mega retarded.
>A sword is not enough, though. This duel is life and death. Jaime is not likely to prance into that clearing smiling and clad only in cloth. He’ll armor himself before the match. His gilded plate-and-mail (this is not a fit occasion for the white of the Kingsguard), a crimson cloak, and a shield strapped to his right arm and emblazoned with the lion of Lannister. And of course he will have a helm. Knights who enter battle without one are soon dead. He can smile at Hermione before the match, then lower his visor. The helm, of course, would be fashioned in the shape of a maned lion. (Oddly enough, the Lannister arms look a lot like those of Gryffindor, which might give Hermione a moment’s pause).
For some reason she is not taking this serious but Jaime is.
>He’s not going to waste time and effort swatting at birds with his sword, either. He’s encased in gilded steel. What are they going to do, crap on him? He’ll rush right through the birds, and go straight for Hermione. A sword is not a knight’s only weapon. While she’s watching the blade, he will slam his shield right into her face, knock her off her feet. Let her try and mumble those spells with a mouthful of broken teeth.
She does not even have to kill him. She has a spell that can freeze him. If she has enough time to do the bird spell, and she seemingly does by GRRM, she has enough time to do the freeze spell before Jaime closes the gap.
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>sound like destrier pissing in there
>ser duncan the tall, my arch nemesis
>And if somehow Granger does get off that spell (cheating, really) and turn him upside down, Jaime is more likely to undo the straps on his shield and fling it at her head then to hang there meekly waiting to die.
Which she just meekly stands by as a retard without doing anything.
>But hey, let’s say everything goes the way your “experts” say it will, and Hermione wins. Sad to say, she will not live long to enjoy her victory. Sometime very soon, when she least expects it, a “boy” she does not know will bump up against her in the corridors of Hogwarts… and suddenly she’ll find a dagger sliding through her ribs, right into her heart. “A Lannister always pays his debts,” Tyrion will say, as he slips back into the shadows
Literally kid shit of 'actually my character has a special ability...'
You can dismiss it as a joke but, GRRM did a bunch of these and none have a true tongue in cheek nature about them. There is that underlying element that GRRM believes it, and/or in the case of this one he was bitter that Harry Potter won some award over his work.
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I know Joffrey Lonmoth's bottom was impacted if that's what you're referring to
>>And if somehow Granger does get off that spell (cheating, really)
>Character that uses magic is a cheater for using magic
You may as well say
>If Jaime does bring a sword and wear armor (cheating, really)
WHY do I always think he's on Geonosis to this day?
Tfw you will never be Lord of the Arbor popping bottles and cherries alike.
People defend this by saying he is joking. That is just them knowing it is retarded and thinking that GRRM cannot be so and hence it must be some satire. The truth is GRRM is just seething and loves his own character that much that, even if dressed up as something of a joke, he is ultimately of the belief that is how it will go down.
Bezoar's are easy to come by in a Medieval world. But yeah, holy shit is the gentle mindreading not the most viciously powerful thing to use if all you want is a loyal following and loyal servants who don't fuck your shit up intentionally.

Yeah no, fantastically easy for most of the better wizards and witches to set themselves up as fairly mighty lords and ladies.
Why did he make a blogpost on this but not GOT? Maybe he blamed himself for GOT but the source material for this is probably equivalent to the treatments he gave D&D.
>Bezoar's are easy to come by in a Medieval world
Yes, but in ASOIAF, so are poisons which kill in less than a minute.
lord paramount? of the good house lollipop
they were specifically cringekino.
i miss them.
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>"Rhaenyra decided to go back to King's Landing."
>Your kidding? What about Laenor? He must be devastated.
>"Laenor gone."
>What do you mean gone?
>The Faith of the Seven worships Death
Fuck off. This is not the place.
he learned from dnd that he mustn't play nice with jews.
Battle of the gullet is some bullshit. How do five dragons not decimate a simple fleet?
why does Australia take in refugees instead of taking care of their own?
Bracken needs to be C or D tier, since they literally just exist as a foil to GRRM’s favourite house the Blackwoods. The latter have a cool setting and sigil, whereas Brackens is just a horse no their only role in the lore is to be an enemy of the Blackwoods. Lord Bracken also works with the lannisters in AFFC despite his daughter getting raped by the mountain.
they did more than decimate it.
the fleet ran away in defeat.
Should GRRM have made the Valyrians Asian?
The males would be weaker, so no
No, because then Daenerys would have ugly feet.
By Asian do you mean East Asian? I doubt you mean something like Sri Lankan.
Bakker exits retirement and completes the Work.
He did a silly reversal in which the most northern europeans are the most brunette and an equator living people are nearly albino.

>But without Rhaenyra's tax policy royally fucking the Blacks, there's no reason for the Blacks to lose KL.

Unfortunately, I must point out that PJ, aka preston jacobs, did the best work on this. Although the order of the greenhand did alright too.

Maester and Septons, there was a massive longterm conspiracy underfoot and King's Landing was ripe for exploding.
Like the problem with black Velaryons they would end up looking white with inclusion of Arryn, Rogare, Martell, Dayne, Blackwood and whatever else blood.
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>Blood can’t seem to tell the twins apart, so Helaena is asked to reveal which one is the boy. (You would think a glance up his PJs would reveal that, without involving the mother).
Grrm is right though, tf they need Helaena for?
>despite his daughter getting raped by the mountain
When did this happen in the books?
Helaena herself realized there was no purpose for her existence and offed herself.
That should also happen with how they are currently portrayed. They should be ethereally pale, almost white haired, with violet eyes.
I hate this nigga so much
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The 1 (one) good scene in the entire season 8
East Asian yeah
I feel they shouldn't be East Asian but the weird look we got when Cloud Atlas had Elrond yellowfacing. Weird and uncanny creatures born from fire and blood sorcery.
If you own a mission to muirder a child why would you balk at the idea of stripping a child to make sure you're killing the right one? Fucking blood threanted to rape them and kill them if Helena didn't pick a son to die so stripping a kid is nothing.
George, you can't put that on television.
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>trying to think of a scene
>hard because I’ve excised most of the season from my memory
>remember the winterfell crypt stuff
>remember it maybe being spooky and quite atmospheric
>remember the absolute ridiculousness of taking refuge in burial crypts as an army of undead march on your location
What in the ever living fuck were they thinking
So Yi Ti and Valyrians get combined or you also still get Yi Ti and Leng? This seems like absolute bullshit by him but, I remember when black Corlys got revealed GRRM said or it got dug up from before that he said he considered making the Valyrians black but, something something dark elves something problematic.
If D&D had any sense as writers they should've tossed GRRM's ending notes and instead made season 8 all about Jaime and his redemption.
to simulate the sophie's choice from the book
of course anyone with a brain can tell it's not the same thing
Drow lookalikes would have gotten GURM into lawsuit territory. Hasbro is aggressive with enforcing their IP rights.
Just have Yi Ti not exist
iirc GRRM said he was thinking of making the Valyrians black but didn’t do it because he thought it would be insensitive. Or no, he never considered it but thought it would be a good idea
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>Beesbury.. the drone attacks the queen...
Will season 3 of HOTD explain why black valyrians got genocided before the events of GOT?
Why? As they are with silver hair and purple eyes they are not exactly 'white' as what we really take that to be. They have a otherworldly aspect to not only the people of Westeros but, also to the reader.
Valyrians as to also include Velaryons and Celtigars, or just Targaryens in Westeros? If just Targaryens then >>203258071 that happens even quicker.
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I honestly thought The Long Night was pretty good right up until Jon starts walking through the castle seeing all his friends die (kino) except then they don't die (not kino) and then the teleporting midget (the inverse of kino)

I get peoples complaints, it's dark (wow, the long night is dark?) the charge doesn't make sense (the change I would have had is simply that the Dothraki were getting impatient [out of hating the cold, issues with questioning Dany and the decision, etc] and charged on their own, it also helps the plot that Dany is losing control)

Everything else is pretty good. I also liked the crypt thing. Every single person who says "Taht is a stupid idea" would not have thought so before it happened. Also, the entire world didn't see Hardhome like you did. How did you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning? And even if Jon told people, it's perfectly normal not to think of this situation coming up when you're planning the defense of the city. It was a cool scene
>corpses couldn't punch through crypts!
They're magic infused wights. Shut the fuck up
Beware the BEEast beneath the boards.
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Look at a map. Half the Riverlands dumps into King's Landing. That city exploding into population probably literally as fast as wood and stone could be harvested.

The local geography might be the actual problem. I doubt Aegon actually meant to rule from that spot, and he damned sure wasn't supposed to plant the city exactly on the coast, literally right up against the sea. Only Buenos Aires is like that, no other major capital city in the world is. Washington DC comes close, but all the rest are up stream a good ways.

So water pressure is likely not high enough for a good sewage system. the entire city needs to be picked up and moved upriver about 10 miles. But Maegor plopped the fucking castle there...
The long night should have been at least a Westeros wide event and not something happening just in Winterfell and its surroundings. This is my biggest complaint, it should've been something of an apocalypse.
That I agree with, but I include that in my "teleporting midget" complaint
In my ideal world, the battle would have been lost, and Jon and Dany would have to retreat south, the white walkers chasing them on the north, Cersei blocking them from the south
If it doesn't have the same tone as this then it is shit. The Long Night is supposed to be horrifying, morbid, and exhausting. Not a fucking action scene.

The action scene should be to show that the battle is hopeless
some fun should still be allowed pls
All of them
Yeah, I've always imagined the Long Night from the books a slow horror unfolding through years. First heavy snow and rapid diminish of sunlight killing all crops over time and famine starts spreading from north to south gradually, millions of people fleeing ever more to the south until the snow reachs even Dorne and Oldtown. Then people dying along the way start to reanimate as whights and finally the White Walkers arrive.
If they are just Chinese or Japanese or Korean or whatever then what is the point? The Valyrians are supposed to have a uniqueness about them, they are not simply just a different though ultimately indistinguishable group of white people like First Men vs Andals. Having them be Asian will make them standout to Westeros in a way that is different to the canon version where they fall into that area where they look foreign but not too foreign. There is also the meta about what, if anything, is GRRM trying to do by making them Chinese or black or whatever. If you were to make them Asian I feel you need to say take Han Chinese as the base but give them purples eyes and silver hair but, how does this benifit the story over just having them be white/quasi-European and are they even properly Asian come these changes?
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>when the battle begins, I'll be in the kitchens. That's where it's safest.
Then crows equip with obsidian blades start suicide droning the white walkers >>203258799

>7 years ago

This hurts. It hurts so very much. Whatever though.
why does he start turning into Russel Crowe from the Gladiator mixed with the Gigachad?
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>not narrated by an old woman
I still love how Peter Dinklage openly stated how fucking stupid that was.
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Arya stark needs a 5 year timeskip and needs to be blacked. agree or disagree?
>plant the city exactly on the coast, literally right up against the sea. Only Buenos Aires
KL is comparable to various real world cities with its coastal (and river mouth and bay) positioning. Montevideo, Tokyo, Dublin, Luandu. If no Canberra, Sydney or Melbourne are probably Australia's capital. Capetown is one of South Africa's.
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> Is upset becaue George is not disliking and criticizing the show the for the reasons he is.
The fuck is his problem? He had no problem shitting on the show as it aired and now it's unprofessional of GRRM to do the same ?
That isn’t what happened.
She won't have to travel far then.
imagine how OP 1 single 4 legged dragon would be if he had human intelligence and a decent rider.
If that's what Robert Arryn looks like, someone should dash his head against a wall. Jesus H Christ.
Probably becaue he knew he would catch a lot of heat for doing so because he was the one who gave the story beats to D&D and he can't say he did it better when he hasn't even finished the story.
>So water pressure is likely not high enough for a good sewage system.
Anon, GRRM does not know anything about sewage systems. If he wanted there to be a sewage system there would have been one. He just wants the city to be a cesspit and hasn't thought about what it says about the Targaryens.
I think he meant that if you are going to be unprofessional anyways then at least go direct to the heart of the issues with season 2. But Preston and Carmine later in the video figured out that the blogpost was a means for Gurrm to attract attention from whoever is trully calling the shots in the IP adaptations(this much I agree with them). If this was his intetion, attacking the obvious surreal retarded shit from S2 like Daemon in Harrenhall and Rhaenicent would be going nuclear and burn the bridge completely.
Now HBO is forcing George to play nice and invite condal to a wedding.

>chamber pot

so these people just shit and piss in a pot and leave it under their bed or are there restrooms elsewhere
>accepting a wedding invite from GRRM
Please do Condal.
>Buenos Aires is like that
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>The Night King dies
>this happens
why do you keep lying about almost finishing your book are you contractually obligated to keep saying that every few months?
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>Condal when Linda shows up wearing a hairnet made of purple jewels
>GRRM invites condal and all the writers to the wedding
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sorry anons I overslept.

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You know, if Daemon wasn't a homicidal faggot and actually put a baby in her he'd legitimately be in a much stronger position
I made le new

Pure Vakyrians only
Also this:
Due to telegony and microchimerism Aegon and Viserys are part Strong anyways
And let Otto dominate the court even more?
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>Walda Frey? Sansa told Reek she needed a bigger house.
>Walda Frey? what she needs is her own castle
>Westeros is a small country, she moves in, she could tip it over.
> You grab onto Walda Frey, your fuckin' hands will disappear!
> She's so fat, her blood type is Boar-gu
> She's so fat, she goes campin', the dragons have to hide their food.
I don't feel bad about pirating his books and shows now
How would Otto dominate the court more if Daemon actually had a kid from his first marriage?
I want to have sex with that specific HOTD character. I'm not saying who because it's personal.
Okay then...one more thread.
>pirating books

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