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It Follows edition
Don't let this one die.

Previous: >>203978694
Why did it flop?
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When will they make a horror movie about her?
Excellent movie ruined by NPCs who think it's just about STDs
That shit completely ruins the whole idea of megamonsters following you.

You don't cure STDs by transmitting them to others... I don't know why people think that. they also never talk about unprotected sex.
So I watched 3 from the last thread recommendation
Not scary and mia goth is a very good actress
>In a Violent Nature
Garbage (I skipped a lot)
This was scary and disturbing holy shit
It's just a twist on the sex = death cliche
>You don't cure STDs by transmitting them to others... I don't know why people think that. they also never talk about unprotected sex
People have a very primitive subconscious that they repress because their IQ and EQ aren't strong enough to tame it.

This is why such weird mass hysterias and cognitive dissonance exist
Tried watching a modern movie lol. Lasted like 15 minutes before putting on Tales from th Crypt to cleanse my mind. What a fuckin joke.
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Can the demon/curse be spread by gay sex?

If so the obvious solution is to fly to San Francisco, install Grindr, and let some dude buttpack you. Fags really get around, they didn't even stop going to bathhouses and hookup bars in the middle of the AIDS crisis. That poor demon is going to get vertigo spinning around changing targets so often.
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Not a good start to this thread after the last one just died lmao
4 best Hammer Horror?
The Devil Rides Out
Horror Express
The Phantom of the Opera
Taste of Fear
Horror of Dracula
Dracula: Prince of Darkness
The Mummy
Countess Dracula
Their non-franchise movies tended to be a lot better. I don't believe anyone who's seen most Hammer films really believes the Dracula films are all that great.
Lil' bro tryin' shill his slop again bruh
It's roastie slop lmao
Lil' bro think he can save /hor/ lmao
Stop talking like a zoomer
>Lil' bro
what r u gay
lil bro ur doin it wrong
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What's up soifags, still have that Satanic 70s cock lodged in your throats? What Satan slop are you faggots watching today?
Finally, a film that's not 70s or 80s cock slop being discussed in /hor/ lmao
>Lil' bro don't know he's the one doin' it wrong
Lil' bro NGMI lmao
Uh oh the lil' hall monitor is seething again
rec me some horror movies with big fat booty bitches
Nah lil' bro you ain't /nigga/ enough for that
Boring ahh trope
Get new ideas already instead of using the same gay tropes bruh
Sup? Gay spongefag
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It's too soon for that
>Posting holes unironically
Also watch better movies, lil' bros
>he likes It Follows and The Substance
>he likes
Lil' bro are you an ESL or somethin'? Lil' bro thinks I like femoid slop lmao
Why are you imitating the niggaposter?
I am the lost twin of the niggaposter, lil' bro
I am a creation from the twisted mind of David Lynch
It's something only a /nigga/ could understand, lil' bro
i see u lil bro typin like a woman thats for sure
>Horror Express
Not Hammer, but better than most of their movies.
post hand
>Lil' bro tryin' to no u now
Nah this lil' bro really ain't tryin' to do that now is he? Lmao
My bad. I'd replace it with The Old Dark House then.
>lil' bro actually tried watching a modern movie at all
Nah a real /nigga/ knows that shit is for lil' bros only
A real /nigga/ watches David Lynch and Rob Zombie, lil' bro
>britbongs actually banned horror films in the 80s and called them "video nasties"
lmao what is wrong with brits
Hammer 2: Revenge of the Lil' Bros
Hammer 3D: Resurrection
Hammer 4: In Space
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I watched the OG Dracula and found it kinda painful. Jonathan Harker was a wet blanket and kept slowing down the action by being whiny and skeptical. Typical vampire abilities/tropes were over-explained(yes, I know this stuff must have been new and mind-blowing to people in 1931). Other stuff felt super rushed, like Lucy being bitten once and then it suddenly lurched forward to her being dead, and then she's shown luring a kid and then doesn't show up again. (Compare to the 1992 version where they're giving her blood transfusions, Seward calls in Van Helsing, she's near-death and talking about her senses being enhanced, and then they go to her tomb to stake her).

I liked the The Mummy a lot more. It at least had an interesting plotline with the flashbacks to ancient Egypt, the reincarnation angle, and the Mummy casting spells on the people investigating him.
They weren't satanic freaks, soifag
They understood that horror films are Satanic and evil degeneracy
The Mummy is the exact same film though it might as well be a remake. Except it's shot worse and has shite make-up.
ok christcuck
Now watch Blacula, it's the /nigga/ version
On the other hand, reading the banned list and tracking down the uncut version made a lot of horror fans with a common canon
Go back and stay there, faggot
/hor/ is for Christian films like The Conjuring only
>it's october in like 2 days
>/hor/ is deader than ever
Year-round general was a mistake
Lil' bro is just discovering this now lmao
>The Conjuring
>Christian film
Why do Atheist freaks type like this? Literally go back to plebbit and go dilate there, freak
This is a Christian general. We like normal horror films, not degenerate gore slop
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Absolute kino
It's the most American horror film ever made, that's for sure
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>Fedora atheists and nu-pagans cheer for the horrific death of a guy who is investigating a missing kid just because he's Christian, uptight, and refuses to cheat on his fiancee
>the most American horror film ever made
That short in VHS 99 starring Trevor from GTA is the most American horror film ever made
Everyone I know who has seen it liked it a lot, but none of them are trve /hor/.

Last 3 watched:
>I Saw the TV Glow - absolute garbage. Shouldn’t even be rec’d as /hor/
>Nosferatu (1922) - KINO OF THE HIGHEST ORDER
>Jacobs Ladder - pretty sick. Some awesome sequences and i love anything that touches on mk uktra.
why are you posting spongebob porn while larping as a christcuck
That's what Atheist do, they "attack" (cut off) their own dicks so they can larp as women lmao
Reminder: /hor/ is Christian, it's for good films, not degenerate slop
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>Old people are... le scary!
>The cute petite innocent Latina you think is going to be the Final Girl? She's a gross mudshark too. Take that, white bois!
>One of the killers just sitting by a gap in the side of the barn waiting to stab someone with a pitchfork if they come close - is that really the best kill you could think up?
>Mia Goth in old lady makeup - is there some shortage of actual old people to play roles or something?

I just don't see how this movie got popular enough to have a prequel and a sequel.
Genuinely one of the weakest non-sequel Universal classic horrors
Whats your fav LGBTQ+ horror films /hor/? :3 mine is Jennifers Body!!! lesbians ftw O.o (I'm bi btw)
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i'm ready
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Give me a non mainstream horror movie to watch tonight.
Thrillers welcomed.
The Night House
ekoeko azarak
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Fucking Based & Seconded.
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pretty good

is it out already?
are the Leprechaun movies kinography?
Yeah, first ep aired last night
First 3 are good-ish.
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Reminder: Dario Argento is the king of /hor/
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>tfw no psycho italian horror gf
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what are your thoughts on this film. The House on Haunted Hill remake.i love it
Is Never Let Go any good? The concept seems okay. I want to go to the cinema at least once next month. It's that or Speak No Evil.
It’s good. When they’re creeping around the basement scared me as a kid. Above average set design for the 00s and easy to watch
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>tfw you have seen all the good 80s and 90s horror movies
Everything else sucks pretty bad honestly :(
there's a black guy on the cover so I SHAN'T be watching
She's too sexy for me to be scared of any horror stuff she's in.
I love that movie
when Geoffrey Rush gets put in the chamber is my favorite scene, always gives me a spook
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Give me a comprehensive list of every horror movie that features a white woman having sex/kissing a black man, I am tired of seeing this shit all the time
Assuming you are not trolling, you could just not watch horror movies with a black person in the cast. A simple look at imdb before viewing would tell you all you'd need to know in that regard.
>It still follows
Scarier than it should have been. Gets dumb when that cgi miasma ghost thing appears.
yeah they should've made the monster stop motion TOOL video style, I give it a pass because of the time it was made
"They Follow" starts filming in 2025

Dawn of the Dead and Thanksgiving both paired Russian girls with nogs.

X and Prometheus also come to mind.

Anything Jordan Peele of course. I don't get why everyone eats his shit up. If Us was about a white or Asian family the movie would have been panned.

Candyman's plot has the heroine the reincarnation of a black vengeful ghost's white GF. But I don't mind it even though I'm racist because Tony Todd is a pretty cool actor.
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normies don't like body horror, especially body horror that goes all out unless it's full horror like The Fly, definitely not comedy/drama body horror etc.
The Substance probably alienated all the middle aged roastie audience that went to watch it too because of Demi Moore
Too soon, anon
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Rating system:
Worth a watch!
Good Job! Not Worth Watching! (well-made but pointless and dull)
Hot Garbage!

Dancing Village: The Curse Begins (2024) -- I was going to say “this on the dull backside of Worth a Watch,” but it’s too boring and unsatisfying even for that. However, it *is* too well-produced for Hot Garbage; I mean, you’ve got some nice scenery, green jungles, damp stone temples (very aesthetic, that), a lot of really sinuous synchronized dancing that took some major effort. So I’m going to invent a new rating: “Good Job! Not Worth Watching!”

The movie’s premise might fool you, but it *will* let you down, I promise -- slowly, slower, always slower, always SLOWING until the otherworld of Angkar Murka at the end, which should have been the freakiest part, is the MOST BORING THING OF ALL! Just think about that, the kind of film that makes a pocket universe hell a boring thing! Basically, there’s a rural village ruled by a DANCING DEMON that looks just like . . . some Indonesian lady in traditional dance clothes. Not scary, not interesting. Why couldn’t she have been inhuman, or rotten-looking, with saggy pus-tits? She strokes and hovers all over the brown ladies when she appears in their visions and talks about how delicious they smell. She gets a sacrifice from the village through possessed dancing-unto-death every 25 years, a supple young brown chick, and drags her soul to Angkar Murka to gyrate forever. But without the evil sources of her power -- sacrifices and a cursed snake bangle -- of which the villagers decide to suddenly deprive her in the beginning of the movie, she can still . . . inflict nasty black blood-spitting pestilences and drag women to Angkar Murka from MILES AWAY? (I don’t get the mechanics of the curse(s) or the demon at all.)

Part 1/2

Part 2/2

Then, when the evil bangle is brought back to the village, they go through with the sacrifice ritual after all this time, because she’s REALLY acting up and they want her to knock it off a while. Then it’s: “Wait, this is getting serious! Let’s stop her again!” And they make her even madder for no reason by being giant teases.

Look, if you’re going to live there, give Strokey Sniffer her dancing girls. If you’re not givin’ it up, don’t live there! When the movie tried to info-dump the curse mechanics and failed to make even a basic sort of folktale sense, it made things that much worse for me. (And I didn’t even get to see Buyut the sage turn into a black dog -- because he was INVISIBLE when he did it.)
Horror to look forward to.
Though I'm expecting to be shit because everything so far has been
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It's decent to good but I unironically prefer the sequel with pic related F13 final girl.
God I love pitsluts.
>Dawn of the Dead
The remake?
The original never did that
Maika is a legit scream queen
how about Bloodmoon 1990
shame about the tits
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Such a weird movie, especially with the random jump cuts to the games. But oddly entertaining, and at least they show plenty of tits.
I love how 13 Ghost just straight up copied DC villain Solomon Grundy and gave him the origin of Spider-Man villain The Digger.
It split the horror audience with Never Let Go which was released at the same time and both made less than they could and didn't get the attention they'd have if released separately
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what if The Digger was african american
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>Candyman's plot has the heroine the reincarnation of a black vengeful ghost's white GF. But I don't mind it even though I'm racist because Tony Todd is a pretty cool actor.
This is the only decent one. Besides the actor thing, it also plays it straight and without any
>oh poor misunderstood black man killed by evil whitey
because the entity isn't out for revenge or to right wrongs or anything, it transcended all that and became a monster solely focused on perpetuating itself for its own sake. I liked that. I'm sick of humanizing villains and this villain was un-apologetically evil, despite how sympathetic their backstory might have been. There's no redemption, just being an asshole and terrorizing everything. I never bothered to check but I assume they didn't take this route with the remake.
>and gave him the origin of Spider-Man villain The Digger.
Allright, I'll pirate it.
They weren't and they aren't but that's not the explanation. There was a politicized wave of assumption that violent movies led to violent actions. In the previous decade the UK movie industry released a lot of satanic-themed movie but these were in fact Christian stories as they denounced rather try to trivialize satanism.
Too soon bro
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you didn't hear it from me but people are saying this is the year of Tobe Hooper's Djinn
That's because your approach is too literalist. Your favorite horror movies could be similarly picked apart if you did the same to them.
X isn't perfect but it's a good rural horror movie. The visuals were efficient, it had hot actresses and the trilogy was almost an afterthought, Ti and Mia decided on doing Pearl and the Maxxxine (a truly missed opportunity) was the result of both previous movies doing well. But ultimately woke idiocy made X/Maxxxine worse.
Ils (Them) is always a dependable rec
I heard it from you
Pretty good movie and Rebecca Hall is really hot in it
I guess I'm the only one here who doesn't really like the remake. The original is much better IMO.
>*hauf hauff*
>*rubs glasses*
hmm, papyrus
Rebecca Hall is really hot all the time and everything she's in. Ideal phenotype in general.
come on man

it was filmed in the Middle East where they don't have other fonts
Finished watching Part VII this afternoon because I passed out last night.

Still one of my favorite ones. Lar Park Lincoln is a qt, as well as several of the others who get naked or topless. I do wish like another anon stated that we would get an uncensored version at some point. Jason is an absolute unit in this and I love that we see how absolutely wretched he has become. The dad part at the end is kind of silly, but not a bad ending. I wish Part VIII would have been a Tommy/Tina team up versus Jason instead of that stupid boat/NYC crap we got.
>Lar Park Lincoln
Bitches name is literally Lar Linkin Park lmao
This was my favorite one as a kid and I think it’s purely because I loved Jason’s design so much in it
Any good YouTube channels with night adventures through abandoned places, like in "Horror in the High Desert 1-2"?
One gap in these generals is that new releases aren't talked about as much, even those which have hit streaming/VOD. I may have missed it but there were only passing mentions to Beezel, Succubus and Abruptio for instance.
I was honestly severely underwhelmed by X. I was expecting the old couple to somehow force the crew into putting them into the porno, like maybe they had a big leatherface-like son or something. For how much it was talked up I really was expecting something more.
I'm just glad that Pearl came out of this at least, because that was a genuinely worthwhile movie.
Yup. When she squeezes the mask off his face and you see him, it's awesome.
Maybe I should watch this, I know some people are quite passionate about Hooper including his later output.
Expecting plots to follow the route you're imagining is always pointless because it makes it harder for you to enjoy what turns out to happen (even if it's flawed)
yeah they went in the most boring direction considering a good set up

honestly I think if it wasn't for the BBC cuckolding subplot it would have barely generated any buzz
>if it wasn't for the BBC cuckolding subplot it would have barely generated any buzz
But that "buzz" is essentially /tv/ types still fixated on it. X was talked about for its approach to sex in general plus Mia+Jenna, not because of le cuckold scene
Not him, but X is about the most by-the-numbers, GENERIC slasher film you can expect from a guy with some cachet and a budget. "Deconstruction" means nothing; a film is good on its own or it isn't. Ti West, the creator of House of the Devil and The Innkeepers, was capable of much better, and he turned out something that any copycat could do -- something I could take or leave and would never watch again. It was dull and disappointing. It might even have been sorta shit. It was almost as bad as "In A Violent Nature" (that 'A' being capitalized is so retarded), which is just about a generic zombie stomping around in a world with sub-F13 writing. It's supposedly a "deconstruction" too.
Recommend me some found footage kino.
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saw a funny moment in a /hor/ film and decided to make a gif
These are the threads that get spammed hard
This is the schizo you'll never know
These are the tips that you'll never take
This is the fag that's not so straight
This is the general you'll never change
This is the slop that ain't so great
This is the slop that is not kino
This is the voice of autism and more

We the niggas
Are we the niggas?
We the niggas
Are we the niggas?

Some kind of pissman
Some kind of cock lodge
Some kind of garlic
This spammers spams!
>Not him, but X is about the most by-the-numbers, GENERIC slasher film you can expect
Most slashers are-- that's why they're easy to categorize, and what the other anon singled out were the plot's unrealistic elements, which could also be singled out in virtually ALL slashers.
The movie's a re- rather deconstruction (as opposed to Scream, You Might Be the Killer, Leslie Vernon or even In A Violent Nature in a certain sense). Ti set out to do a rural horror where he recaptured the feel and content of these movies and established a metaphor between shooting porn and shooting horror movies (skeleton crew, nudity, ramshackle locations etc) which is something most ppl don't even perceive, they just follow the movie linearly.
>he turned out something that any copycat could do
As the guy from Social Network says, if they could have done, they WOULD have done. It takes an above average amount of talent to pull off a movie such as X with that cast showing confidence in the project.
The movie stood out because other contemporary slashers seem subpar by comparison
The best/most widely acknowledged:
[REC] (original)
Cannibal Holocaust
Blair Witch Project
Incident in Lake County
Safe Haven episode from VHS 2
>we haven't seen the real enemy
what does that mean?
But it’s still just a boring slasher
>established a metaphor between shooting porn and shooting horror movies (skeleton crew, nudity, ramshackle locations etc) which is something most ppl don't even perceive, they just follow the movie linearly.
How does drawing this parallel enhance the characters or story? No one thinks you're smart for regurgitating whatever your faggot film school professor told you to say. You're talking shit that has nothing to do with what normal people talk about when discussing a movie.
Oh hey, it's the It Follows faggot again who got laughed at a few threads ago, and he's back with more pseud babble
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I think it’s more fun to talk about movies that we all love instead of arguing about the same 3 movies every thread.
desert djinns did nine twelveven
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2000s Hooper is pretty damn good despite every film having a botched ending and some occasionally ugly low-budget CGI effects. he never lost his eye for locations and Toolbox Murders + Mortuary especially have a tangible sense of ugliness and corruption in their environments directly in line with Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the former all peeling wallpaper and labyrinthine hallways, the latter opioid epidemic rust belt coal heaps and sludge. not a quality that I think is generally associated with him but he created a genuinely empathetic cast of characters in both as well.
Djinn is definitely the weakest of the bunch but I love that most of it is confined to this fog-shrouded monolith of an apartment complex and it's got this Lovecraft + Islamic folklore thing going on that's rather unique.
I mean I didn't walk away hating X, it was decently shot and acted, and I can see some aspects that people liked about it such as the set up. Its just one of those cases where for me, the first half and the tension involving the old couple and the film crew's secret porno shoot, that was far more interesting for me as a campy drama than the second half of when it became a slasher with not terribly compelling villains or kills.
That's partly why I liked Pearl so much more, the narrative was far better as a character study and the format did a much better job of allowing the actors to showcase their talents much better.
>What if Chad was like a dark and mysterious supernatural killer omg he just can't control himself
Reading /film/ right now and what the fuck
New Pissman lore?
No chud, you WILL argue about It Swallows, X, and The Substance every day and you WILL be happy
>How does drawing this parallel enhance the characters or story?
By going beyond the usual immediatist standards of the average horror movie and presenting additional layers of metaphor-- which remain there for some but not all viewers. Those who enjoyed the surface narrative elements aren't harmed by the existence of other elements.
>No one thinks you're smart for regurgitating whatever your faggot film school professor told you to say.
And that's the issue with dimwits such as you: you try to shield your ignorance. Realizing what you previously ignored makes you seethe instead of-- as ppl who don't cling to their ignorance do- simply acknowledging there were things you didn't perceive but others did.
You can't blame others for being intellectually entry-level, you can either resign yourself or learn/improve. Pleb whining is irrelevant
It's cringe to see that you are somehow STILL seething 24h later.
Nobody cares that you're still fuming because you were humiliated a few times, Timmy. Just move on, stay in your low IQ lane and avoid further embarrassment.
As I said more than once, your ongoing meltdown is woman/tranny behavior, calm down already.
I was terrified of aliens as a kid.
Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County reawakened those deep childhood films while I was watching it.
It brought me back to hearing strange noises out on the street while falling asleep and being completely frozen with fear. I was convinced I was going to be abducted.
>You were humiliated
Nice projection. You had multiple replies laughing at you and proving that your posts were bullshit, you had zero rebuttals for any of them
You're a discord tranny too? Not surprising
Also, I'm only bringing this up again because you are STILL being an annoying retard. I like how you didn't even deny it's you either, are you trying to become a new recognizable faggot here?
>the first half and the tension involving the old couple and the film crew's secret porno shoot, that was far more interesting for me as a campy drama than the second half of when it became a slasher with not terribly compelling villains or kills.
If Ti had toned down the black guy and the old couple (the former being depicted too positively whereas the latter is shown as beyond stereotypical le evil Christian rednecks) the movie would have been even better. The cuck scene itself doesn't bother me as it was a cautionary lesson for men (some ppl don't pay attention to what the producer tells the cameraman afterwards).
In fact, the movie's heavyhanded, pathetic racial (pro-black, anti-white) and anti-Christian nonsense were the beginning of the end for Ti because Maxxxine is even more ridiculously woke and as a result Ti set his career back and is unlikely to regain the momentum he had after Pearl, which I also liked. I'd say it's
Pearl 6,5/10
X 5,5/10 (would have been a 7/10 without the abovementioned aspects)
Maxxxine 3/10 (despite everything going for it, the anti-men, anti-religion slant ruined the movie)
How is it anti Christian pro black exactly
>Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County reawakened those deep childhood films while I was watching it.
It's very effect and it has the organic, analog, hazy feel that countless VHS episodes tried to capture afterward.
>It brought me back to hearing strange noises out on the street while falling asleep and being completely frozen with fear.
Exactly. The sensorial aspects are spot-on.
On a similar but specific way, movies such as Ghostwatch and Late Night with the Devil can elicit similar emotions but Incident is ultimately more authentic in its own very low budget way.
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Yeah Smile was alright. Better than Suspiria at any rate. Finished Fire in the sky yesterday. That was better than Suspiria too. I'll probably watch Black Mountain Side tonight, and I reckon that'll be better than Suspiria as well.
Damn, Maxxine was that bad? I was thinking of watching it because the trailers looked slick enough, but I think I'm fine with treating X/Pearl as a nice little duology.
But yeah, X was just one of those films that could have been better. I don't even think it had to be a slasher at the end, I just think it could have also been interesting as a drama where the old couple find out, a confrontation between groups ensues, one person accidently ends up getting killed on accident, and then everything goes to shit.
>How is it anti Christian pro black exactly
Are you a bot? You wouldn't even be asking that if you'd watched the movie with an average amount of attention.
The black guy is not just sexually competent (that much makes sense as he's a porn actor) but also a nice ex-soldier guy who tries to help out before being killed.
The villains are both religious and the movie's ending implies Maxine "escaped" her televangelist father
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>chud gets tilted that a black guy is 'sexually competent' in a film
I triple dog dare you to tell anyone how you feel about that in real life you sad little twat.
The scene where they first encounter the alien ship is incredible. The low quality footage of them zooming the camera in to try and capture what they see while quietly freaking out builds amazing tension. Then they realized that the aliens are looking right at them. Even just thinking about it gives me chills.
God you people are so dull and useless

None of these movies are great though
>Damn, Maxxine was that bad?
It was even worse bc the expectations for it were so high:
-a director known for being very careful with the setting/genre aspects of his movies
-Mia Goth, known for being a bold actress
-a very interesting erotic thriller/late giallo plot
-an a-list cast also including Debicki, Esposito etc
Turns out all of that does down the drain because the movie is almost parodically woke to the point of seeming sycophantic, as in Ti/Mia humiliating themselves with the most blatant woke bs you can imagine. It also seems to have an unhinged anti-men rage that could be due to Mia's state of mind at the time and/or Ti being a pushover.
> I don't even think it had to be a slasher at the end, I just think it could have also been interesting as a drama where the old couple find out,
It's in the same subgenre of movies such as TCSM and Motel Hell but it comes across as less subtle than both because the woke angle was (as it always is) forced and off-putting.
The plot itself is very good and there are several great scenes such as Mia's nude swimming at the lake with the alligator menacingly seen in the distance.
What movie?
>>chud gets tilted that a black guy
I wasn't, as very clearly stated in my previous comment but you were still too retarded to see that so you come up with a chimp-level strawman.
It's the amount of good traits piled upon the one black character as opposed to the flaws of the white antagonists that makes the movie racially biased-- but you're evidently too much of a low IQ subhuman to realize the otherwise obvious.
>The scene where they first encounter the alien ship is incredible.
It gets the viewer right there with them, fantastic scene indeed
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Just be quiet.
about to watch this
Can you guys confirm if this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPIO72sJZNU is the one you're talking about?
I've said enough to trigger you but hopefully you learned something.
>presenting additional layers of metaphor-- which remain there for some but not all viewers
You're just repeating "there's a metaphor" without at all explaining how this enhances the movie. You don't know either, just pseudo trannies like you have convinced yourselves into thinking this is somehow a smart thing.
>No YOURE triggered
lmao you got con'd into watching the tranny movie
Sissy (2022)
came here for this
hope it's good
the scene where the baddie rushes the camera and there's a flash of all these scary monster makeups
the dropframe jigglyness of the spooks in this movie were good and inspired stuff like the Ring US
>No rebuttals
>Ignores half of his arguments
Saying something is “pro black” because the black guy in it has a couple redeeming qualities is honestly probably qualifying for some kind of mental illness diagnosis.
Yes (look for the alternate ending too, should be on yt) and it's a remake of this, also very watchable movie by the same director:
eko eko azaraki 2
What are some good occult/cosmic horror films? I really liked Prince of Darkness and As Above So Below. Not really a fan of super cheesy movies or slashers or gore films/body horror or anything.
The Empty Man
I'm pretty sure that's the one I watched. It's confusing looking up information about the film because there are so many different versions and the names are not consistent.
>You're just repeating "there's a metaphor" without at all explaining how this enhances the movie.
It enhances the movie inasmuch as it provides other ways to look at it beyond the surface level. That's what metaphor does. Why would you assume a one-dimensional, fast-food experience would be better or mandatory? Why would you expect works of art would stop at your own level of expectation/interpretation?
Understanding more is in itself enjoyable, particularly in the sense of appraising a movie, book etc contextually- in this case, how X relates to the b-movies made at the time.
Idiots such as you struggle with this notion because you're attached to your mediocrity instead of doing what should be done: evolving and becoming more insightful. But if you're too dim you may want to simply acknowledge some things are beyond your limits, it's a clever move to admit there's a lot you don't know.
from beyond
ninth gate
seventh victim
>I huff my own farts
tl;dr faggot
No, you're just too low IQ to realize it. There's no "mental illness" as widespread as the type of Dunning-Kruger stupidity your comment embarrassingly encapsulates. You'll eventually find out it's a you problem-- do an IQ test and I guarantee you're 2 digits
The Beach House (2019)
The Void
A Dark Song (not cosmic horror)
Kill List (not cosmic horror)
It's pretty decent
>The Beach House (2019)
So underrated and underrecognized
Ad hominem. I would tell you how your "reply" is yet another sign of low IQ but you're simply too dysgenic.Go back to your enclosure
Best horror movies to wank to?
Nobody with an IQ over jellyfish cares about about that shit, you retarded parrot
True. The other day I was talking about how well it shows the micro/macro cosmic horror dychotomy: the outer menace vs the underwater bacteria for instance. There's more that's just vaguely referenced in the movie but it does cosmic horror perfectly with minimal exposition. And the apocalyptic last act is done with a great sense of place
Predictably, you're too stupid to realize the contradiction in your comment.
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Going to watch this now. Hopefully it's better than I remember.
Nice buzzwords
Great counterargument. Why don't you consider the possibility that perhaps you don't belong here and go to r/horror instead?
Fuck you all
You problem. None of those are "buzzwords" unless you are considerably stupid, in which case you're just yet another evidence of what my previous comment describes: ppl so stupid they fail to be self-aware unless their stupidity is pointed out by others. That's a much-needed starting point for you and others at the same low level so you're welcome
Not horror but a really good movie
You know everyone can tell you’re a psued, right?
Oh god no it's not. Boat boat boat boat street punks sewer. The novelty Jasons, Jason X and Jason vs. Freddy, are way better watches, unironically. Jason goes to hell is not too bad though, with that one Canadian actor in F13 the Series in the 80s/90s.

1 = 2 > Hell, X, versus > 3 = 2009 remake >>>>>> than all the rest. These movies aren't that hot by and large, and neither are the films inspired by them. The "all the rest," including Manhattan, are interchangeable.
I think it’s rated the right amount.
Beach House has a great build but too little burst. Even worse is The Unheard by same director, Jeff Brown. All build (and not even good build) no payoff, too much screeching static that actually hurt my ears.
A great, atmospheric short flick you might have missed is An Unquiet Grave. Really great build, good story.
5.3 by the imdb lowest common denominators. The movie's significantly better than that. Horror in general is lowballed on imdb and by "critics" (many of those being just semi-literate bloggers/activists) because viewers have infantile expectations (why is it no scary to le me?) and the genre is sometimes seen as less prominent than, say, musicals.There are way too many horror movies made by inept types so there's that, the signal to noise ration in horror is lower so good movies are sometimes jumbled with bad ones.
>that one Canadian actor in F13 the Series in the 80s/90s
John D Lemay I think. I really liked that series. I watched it again back in 2020. I really liked the redhead. She was foxy as fuck.
What this guy >>203994691 said.
Beach House is just . . . okay. Certainly better than The Unheard. Slow can be good or it can be self-indulgent. Allegoria & An Unquiet Grave are better examples of indie horror that have something unique to show.
Angel Heart
Into the Mouth of Madness
The Order
D'oh *In the Mouth of Madness
>Angel Heart
>In the Mouth of Madness
Based. You should really watch these, anon.
Need a good ghosty film for tonight! Halp please.
I disagree as mentioned above >>203994261. There's much more going on in the movie than a surface viewing suggests- it is is own thing and belongs to the cosmic horror subgenre in a very clear way. The thing is that the dinner scene goes on in a Tarantino, drawn-out way and some ppl seem to get impatient but there are several clues and foreshadowing throughout the movie that are brilliantly ordained and summed up. The very last image is one of the best in any movie imo
My suggestion is always the same: 1963's The Haunting. Pay attention to what sounds and images suggest
I just like a good film, I'm not a complicated man.
what's good on the supernatural side of Hong Kong flicks? i've only ever seen the gory Ebola Syndrome / Men Behind the Sun type stuff
The Legend of Hell House
Sci-fi/Horror mix is there anything more kino?
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5.3 seems very generous for that movie. I remember the meal I ate while watching that movie more than the movie itself. Also I’m a little biased towards hating it because after I ripped it apart last year I got permabanned right after for “posting or requesting cp” so I figured someone who worked on that movie must be a janny here
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The bestest boo movie ever (ever).
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>So I watched 3 from the last thread recommendation
>Beezel - This was scary and disturbing holy shit
Excellent. Now that I got confirmation I am officially beginning to Beezel-pill the general.
You will proceed to watch Beezel (2024)
>I got permabanned right after for “posting or requesting cp”
lol wtf
Would cumming in your own ass cause IT to suicide?
Reminder the "It" that follows them in the movie is sexual trauma, not STDs
Haven't watched this yet, but I figured it would be lame. Coincidentally, I watched Vampyr (1932) for the first time yesterday, which I loved. At least as far as Horror films of that era go, anyway.
Good recommendation
looks cool, thanks.
>masturbating furiously is actually the cure
brilliant twist mr shyamalan
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I had a 4chan pass which is what really pissed me off. I tried appealing my ban 4 months in a row and they rejected me everytime so I vowed to never spend money to support this site again
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It Follows has some good bits in it, but I prefer picrel much more. The peaks are higher, but with the same or lower lows than It Follows.
I solicited this
she looks like she's coming out of someone's pants
That's majorly screwed up. I don't blame you.
What's the name if that 2000s film that sounds like "Suspiria" a bit.
is the amityville horror series worth a watch??
mental illness post
Nah the anxiety of literally anyone walking towards the camera being the monster is way worse that AAAH ITS SMILING IM GOING HECKN INSANE
Late night with the devil
It Follows is much more abstract and works on an emotional/sensorial level, Smile is more of a studio movie that uses some vague j-horror tropes. It has, unlike It Follows, the clearcut explanation that mainstream movies provide.
I liked the first 3, other anons have told me the rest stink.
I refuse to watch Smile 2 when it comes out because I have been forced to see the trailer at least 15 times while waiting for other movies to start. I hope it flops
generals are discord/reddit and the flavor of the week flick proves it
Good point, it actually does. Horror movies play with sexual themes all the time usually in an ambiguous way
I hate trailers so much. I need to autistically start bringing headphones to theater so I don't have to hear them.
>the anxiety of literally anyone walking towards the camera being the monster is way worse
Literally what Smile is, but better because an all consuming smile that traps you preys on our natural fear of sardonic grins. The director could've done so much more with the idea.
It Follows is very clear cut as well. Sex being the driving force behind a Horror movie is one of the oldest tropes, and I think Smile's is more sophisticated, while not wholly unique itself.
It's not going to flop, so keep seething.
The smilers were all extremely predictable.
I have galaxy of terror stored for months, should I click play, it's gonna be trash isn't it?.
Smile loses points because the protagonist is married to a jogger
Yeah, I'm not saying the movie is perfect.
It's actually a really great looking film for the most part.
I closed my eyes every time a trailer for alien romulus played because I didn't want it to spoil shit. I've been doing the same thing for Gladiator 2.
you people are fucking weirdos
Yeah that's it
OK I clicked play. It's your fault if it's shit.
>It Follows is very clear cut as well.
Not at all because the "curse" is vaguely dealt with in the movie, there's no magical solution. Smile otoh is a strictly by the numbers movie that includes tons of exposition
Watch Rear Window with it too as a double-feature night.
>eyes closed
>earplugs in
>glasses on
>standing on seat so can't feel speakers
>spf 50+ so cant absorb screen light
>there's no magical solution
Which makes it predictable, no different than Smile. But at least the latters idea is more unique than just "muh sex bad". Psychological Horror isn't anything new itself, but it's more interesting. I don't disagree btw that Smile's writing is flawed.
There's nothing to smile about when it comes to grief and suicide.
What were they thinking
Milk was put in my coffee instead of oat milk. I've been shitting and crying from the sheer gut pain for 36 hours now. What horror movie should I watch?
she cute
If you want to look at it through a racial lens the black guy is playing the classic bitch husband role and a white guy is the cooler ex she should have stayed with.
The Stuff
>Which makes it predictable
You seem a bit confused: mainstream cinema, of which Smile is an example, offers a neatly packaged solution/explanation, whereas movies such as It Follows are rarer because they challenge the viewer.
The "sex bad" trope is a template in horror but It Follows stood out because it does so in very ambiguous terms whereas Smile is not awful but it's ultimately interchangeable fodder.
…they explicitly say it feeds on trauma. PKDHR
It Chapter 2 because it's the cinematic equivalent of diarrhea
To the anon that has been recommending Beezel - I watched it today and it was good. Mini review: It's about a witch that lives in a house and torments several generations of residents. It's not meta, it's not ironic, and it's not played for comedy. The design of the witch is cool, there are some spooky moments, and the 82 minute runtime is breezy. I think this would have benefited from releasing on a streaming platform like Shudder for more people to find. I think Beezel was one of the better horror films so far this year.
>It follows challenges the viewer
Oh look, it’s the pseud again.
>It Follows stood out
Maybe watch more Horror? lol
it's from Kolobos
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I’d fuck a weirdo if she was cute
I also forgot to say that this would probably be a really good date movie if you anons can convince a girl to watch a movie with you
>> 203969289
Sienna is 30, not 40 kek.
fuck >>203969289
STILL seething? Kek. I shouldn't have been so harsh to you. You've got to overcome your trauma Timmy, just learn the lesson and move on
Yeah I should watch slasherslop #2580908 instead
Just watched Targets (1968)
Pure kino, not a single boring scene. Though I wonder, could it be considered a slasher, despite the killer only using guns? It felt a lot like a slasher film
Been a long while since I heard someone call someone "Timmy." You win the argument just for that maneuver alone.
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You should, yeah.
>Slashers are....le bad
>Metaphor slop is....le good
It Follows is not a good film and neither is The Blackedcoat’s Daughter. This is non-negotiable.
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>nell tiger free
It Follows sucks because the cinematography is boring and the colors are dull, though that describes 90% of modern films
Whoa how did you find out about this totally obscure 2023 wide release gem? Let me guess, letterboxd?
>It Follows is not a good film
the atmosphere and music make up for it.
Freudian slip much
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Actually, RYM, friend. Go there, recommendations abound!
I dunno if Blackcoat's Daughter was a good film but I really enjoyed it. In fact, i'd say I would reccomend it, to the right person. It Follows is ok, it's fine. It's whatever.
First two only.
Soccer girl face.
lmao what a faggot
1 is boring but has a few cool scenes
2 is pure kino
3 is fucking abysmal
Never seen any of the rest
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the Beezel brigade grows.
glad you enjoyed, I thought it was good too. the last section wasn't as strong as it fell back on the youtube jumps a little much but perhaps it was just the first sets of actors were so good.
I rewatched Hereditary last night. I liked it the first time but man it's kinda dog shit the second time around. I can't fucking stand that ugly cow Toni Collette.
I just downloaded it. Will watch in October.
I do not get the appeal of movies based around ancient "satanic" demons like that or Exorcist or The Nun. Maybe it's because I'm not Catholic. Smile actually got me, though, but mostly just the last 10 minutes.
I have it on deck but I've been gaming all day and want to give it my full attention and not just have it on in the background.
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>one more day until October
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>brown son
>don't address it at all
now that's cult like
Roger Corman indirectly gave the world this movie. Wouldn't label it as horror but it's a great concise, lean thriller with interesting settings and characterization
Based time traveler/non-white
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hell yeah. feels very ahead of it's time - I recommend it for fans of serial killer films like Henry, Angst etc.
There was a stretch toward the end that slowed down a bit and it started to lose me... but then they got me right back
I'll bake then
he took from his real father the desert demon.
I really enjoyed it. can't wait
Yeah my takeaway was that sex is fairly primitive/carnal and happens like needing to blow your nose or scratch an itch, and it lends itself to some provacative crimes against other people, victims, and of course "It Follows" it being the guilt or shame, or the very act that can come down on you unsuspectingly. 'It' could be anything, any metaphor or allegory, and of course: >>203985594
A boring family drama with 0 atmosphere that gets passed as a horror movie. The fact this soap opera horseshit is so popular boggles my mind.
This and the original The Haunting are the GOATS for ghost movies.
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what the fuck

name a horror series with more entries
those aren't official entries though, anyone can make an amityville vs sharknado film
late onset lactose intolerance is a bitch. felt like i was digesting shurikens

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