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spaghetti nightmare edition

Previous edition >>204341650
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First for Italian beauty Stef Casini, best known for her roles in Suspiria ‘77 and Blood for Dracula; Udo Kier also starred in both films.
>You could never give me the pleasure he gives me.
I am excited for the Nosferatu movie
I'm scared of watching Waxwork 2, I loved the first one and am afraid this one sucks. It's like watching Warlock and liking it and then letdown with the sequel
>You are afraid of rape and was probably raped as a child
I'm not a woman, rape has never even crossed my mind.
I did use to be scary of thugs breaking into my home though due to living in a pretty violent country as a kid
About to watch Grave Encounters, what am I in for?
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Remember this shiznit
You're in for some dire rendezvous
I'm not at that point in the month yet. Right now i'm still on mild horror/thrillers.

Yes, still trying to find a time to watch Creepy.

Love this psychotic motherfucker like you wouldn't believe

Wanted to watch Soderberg's Presence but it's not out yet. Looks like it's from the POV of the ghost. not sure how that'll turn out.
>There are way too many great films out there to bother with this shit.
Nigga unless you're legit a zoomer that only started watching horror movies now, you already ran out of "great" horror films a long time ago, lmao
this movie was dogshit
I watched Day of the Dead for the first time ever and it felt as though nothing happened for the first 80% of the movie and then everyone dies.
Night was good. Dawn was alright. Day was meh. I shan't be watching the others, thanks for reading my blog.
the protagonist being some autismo that doesn't speak completely filters me
You say that about every single movie posted here
i just got here take your meds
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Make your own and share
I would rather rewatch a classic than bother with VHS Beyond. Hell I’d even rather rewatch something better from this year.
I'll always remember the Firestarter remake for getting the Golden Raspberry people in hot water.
How so?
Too much effort, yours looks fine, I'd rate Let Me In, Pet Sematary and Red Dragon higher
Finally watched the new VHS movie
>1st story
Eh, I guess it could have gone harder, an entire movie with this feeling would be great.
>2nd story
The delivery could have been done so much better, a robot going rogue is a good idea but just going pikachu on everyone was kind of lame, plus how did the cameras survive after that...
>3rd story
Lmao, I liked this one but it was too dumb to take seriously, I was more curious than anything and knew nothing was going to be answered, primarily how did they get the camera back...
>4th story
Pretty good, could have been nastier and longer I guess, also anyone else think the fat chick was hot as fuck?
>5th story
Interesting but in a good way, plus the ending was actually scary, the only flaw was once again how they got the camera back...
>"main" story
I liked that there was one I guess, cool monster.

Overall great, I would have say it was the best of the series but I still hate how they dropped the whole cult main plot for the new movies, so 2nd best.
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You'll rewatch Day in the years to come and love it a little more each time you do until it becomes your favorite horror movie, like the rest of us. You just didn't "get" it on the first watch, which is fine.
For me
Dawn > Day > Night
tl;dr version. The child actress received a nomination for worst actor/actress that year. This led to the people behind the GRs to get a shit load of heat from people online accusing them of cyberbullying a minor. They eventually rescinded her nomination, and nominated themselves in her place as a way of acknowledging their mistake.
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Is that my Dagon-worshipping tentacle waifu
Yes it is!
That's just gay all around from all sides.
>Naming your daughter Macarena
That song ruined this name forever.
Just finished The Empty Man. Was not expecting that ending.
I wish I had a Jewish nepo-cousin that would produce my adaptations of /x/ threads
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are stories invented or discovered
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Man this movie was ten times better than the first three.
Idk about “better” but it’s certainly on the same level of kino. I feel like part 3 is hated on way too much
Don't reply to me ever again, scum.
But who was the door?
oh ok sorry
wtf was his problem?
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Watch Leaving D.C.
The Fly and Invasion of the Body Snatchers aren't better than the originals, they just have better special effects. There's more to a movie than that.
Only retards liked Bride of Chucky. Point proven.
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Night of the living dead remake is better than the orginal.
Good movie.
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Scanners III has nothing of what made the first two good, in fact it almost feels like a parody, one not particularly funny or insightful. The ending was pretty cool though.

Pic related was a real revelation for me however, i don't think i've ever seen her before and she absolutely carries this, not only by being a hot piece of ass but with some great, deranged, over-the-top unnaturalistic acting. Truly great, will look for more films she's in.

Next is Slumber Party Massacre II.
Now that is kino directing
I was reminded RE: Your Brains exists.
So I now am reminding you.
does it though?
31 Nights of Horror, 2024
>Day 9: Butchers 2: Raghorn
Well, this sucks. The first Butchers was a by-the-numbers Canadian TCM ripoff that was meanspirited enough to punch above its weight. This sequel squanders a semi-interesting premise, neither matching the originals' quality at any point, nor following up on a mishmash of disconnected ideas. The script feels both empty and cluttered, somehow, in a retarded little hour-thirty runtime. A dude gets his dick cut off and that's about all there is to remember. This film is a disappointment, it's gay, and it sucks ass.
Yes. Can confirm
i will
I thought OP pic said "Poltergeist and Zombies"
I thought "how lazy."
You can tell a lot about a person by which movie they prefer between Dawn and Day. People who like Day better are usually miserable fuckers.
Which is the one with the pet zombie he trains to be a friend?
what the fuck is the toxicity in this thread? did someone shove a cactus up his ass with tabasco or something?
Been watching the Creepshow series and noticed the stories are very hit or miss. Any particular episodes I should seek out?
That's Day. His name is Bub.
Wtf is this from?
It's defiantly crazier than the first. I enjoyed it way more than the original. but then there are people here who've inexplicably professed a liking for Warlock II so YMMV
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It’s a full moon
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I gotta full moon for ya
the braps my dear
This is a blue board, man
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>October is nearly 1/3 over already
Do you feel 1/3 satisfied?
I enjoyed it - it had head 'splosions and tits. Can't remember if that's the one with car chases but they definitely just threw it all at the wall.
I recommend the Scanner Cop films as well. They should really just be called Scanners IV and Scanners V: Return of the Scanner Cop.
yeah I still haven't seen Critters 4 or the reboot because of that but I'll get around to it.
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I feel like sadly I'm only going to get 1/4 of the uzumaki that was required this October.
I've been looking for more Macarena kino to watch but her horror movies are so hard to find outside of Spain
Watch The Laughing Dead. You'll think it's stupid for the first 60 minutes and then it goes crazy.
I haven't really watched any horror movies this month. At least not anything worthwhile. I'm not in the holiday spirit at all.
there's not a cgi effect in existence that looks as cool as this
What's stopping you? Go watch something before it's too late. I hope to God you've at least carved a pumpkin or two.
i honestly haven't done much horror watching since 2022
no movies are depressing me too much I can't relate to any characters anymore
Man I'm having a hard time finding shit to watch this year. I need some more comfy old obscure movies like Spider Baby.
Based fellow Patricia Tallman enjoyer
>been trying to get good copy of Evil Dead Trap 2 for months
>stuck on 97%
>french anon on dial-up powered by a hamster sending morse code slowly seeds the last pieces over a week
thank you frog, I will bless others in return
>What's stopping you?
I'm tired. Didn't plan at all this year either so I have to scrounge around to find anything interesting to watch.
>I hope to God you've at least carved a pumpkin or two.
I don't think I've even touched a pumpkin in years.
i watched 27 movies
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>have Sarah Michelle Gellar and Jennifer Love Hewitt in one movie
>no tits
I will watch the cops, have them downloaded already.
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Reminder: Brain eaters exist.
i enjoyed both 2 and 3. microbudget leaf kino.
What did that one guy who seethes about X think about Azrael? It seems to be right up his alley
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This movie concentrates everything that's wrong with nu-horror. What a gay and boring film. That being said, I still would Hunter Schafer
>Overall great, I would have say it was the best of the series
Pajeet hands wrote this post
Dawn is outright shit. By far the worst of the original trilogy.
Day and Return are the best zombie films of the 20th century.
That's a bridge too far. It's my least favorite of the trio but it's a trio of great zombie movies.
the dawn remake doesnt get the recognition it deserves on /tv/
I enjoyed it too, it's more action than plot-focused and has the underlying theme of UFOS except for one episode. It stand out from some of the recent previous ones as it is woke-free.
Live and Let Dive was my favorite, loved the dynamics of the episode.
Also liked the fact that they went further with camera usage: in the last scene they could have used that one angle even more, it's a great way to conclude the wraparound story: a scream filmed directly inside the throat through a microcamera showing the vocal cords.
>42 second webm
>oversized for the length @ 1920x888
>uncropped, black pixels eating up filesize
>not even 4mb
seriously fuck dennis
>And the end of harvest thing sounds retarded because the two months before are literally Middle of Harvest and End of Harvest.

The last day of the month called end of harvest/end of autumn, is the day before Oíthe Shamhna. So, the end of the end of the harvest is what directly preceeds the beginning of Samhain.

>the day begins at night ,just like winter begins the year

Yeah, and? All feasts began as methods of redistributing the agricultural surplus.

If you are so offended by my larping, explain what Samhain means. Literally.
Hunter's absurd casting (this is the 17 yo girl we told you about) and the woke wymmin good le men bad ending ruined it. It looks very organic and the bike scene was one of the year's best but the movie ultimately disappoints
Better than last year's /hor/ thus far. Zaniacs have definitely helped lift the mood. Feels more like classic /tv/ than the reddit retardation brigade it's been for God knows how long.
Overall 7/10 satisfied currently. The last two weeks are where it counts though.
Anyone else here Disturbia > Rear Window ??

It's not that I don't like Rear Window, it's gr8, but there's something endlessly comfy about Disturbia. I think it came out at the end of the pre-iphone era, so it just captures that "highschool" vibe like Scream did in a way that movies simply can't anymore. That partnered with a great Hitchcockian story... yeah underrated kino in my books.
Longlegs was worse. But both are horrid.
Any new found footage kino?
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>starts with a great title card
>no horror to be found until the very end of the movie
I hate when movies do this shit. The good scenes are pretty good but I don't think it lasted even 5 minutes total
Not quite kino but VHS Beyond is perfectly watchable and enjoyable
Haunted Ulster Live is supposed to be out on Screambox now but can't see a torrent.
I recommend Beezel though. it's one of those half found footage films where they switch back and forward.
I wish I could do 3 a day. I've done triple features before but I can't do them often. I'm doing my best getting 2 in each night. I work the late shift so most days I can't even start watching movies until around 11pm, and then 2 movies will take me until about 2 or 2:30 in the morning
yeah but sometimes you get luchadores to make up for it.
that is some high-ass quality mummy quality, did it get a new release?
The luchadore stuff was pretty entertaining, just not horrific
>that is some high-ass quality mummy quality, did it get a new release?
I got a blu-ray of 3 of these movies. I'll probably watch the other 2 another night
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Any other kinos like this?
well, Kairo is his other big film. he also released something called Chime which I haven't watched yet, apparently it's ok.
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>/hor/ slows down to 1 post an hour

Anyway, what's the superior serial killer PoV movie?
After Terrifier 3 releases, do you think she'll go back on twitter to bitch about people making comments about her body again?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate V/H/S: Beyond. The found footage format is groundbreaking, a revolutionary step in the genre that shatters the boundaries between the viewer and the story. Each segment, a living nightmare, is a work of art that pushes the limits of fear and perception. The fragmented storytelling, the disturbing visuals, and the unconventional structure all contribute to a cinematic experience that’s not for the faint of heart.

V/H/S: Beyond isn’t just a horror anthology; it’s an exploration of the human condition, a meditation on existential dread and the fragility of reality. The way it bends time and space, manipulating the viewer’s sense of immersion—it’s something only truly perceptive minds can grasp. You wouldn’t understand it if you don’t have a background in psychological horror, surrealist cinema, or if you’re not capable of understanding abstract symbolism in media. Most people just watch it for the jump scares, but those with the intellectual depth can appreciate the deeper meanings at play.

It’s not just a film—it’s an experience, an invitation to confront your deepest fears. But honestly, unless you’re mentally prepared to question everything you thought you knew about reality, it might just be too much for you.
>door knocker piercing
Who gives a shit. Her agent should tell her doing this is a career killer though (see: Milana Vayntrub)
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>trying to watch all puppet master films
>need to watch demonic toys series so I can understand Demonic Toys vs. Puppet Master
>now I find out I need to watch Dollman so I can understand Dollman vs. Demonic Toys
I will not be defeated by this maze of lore.
don't forget Bad Channels
might as well just marathon the entire full moon collection
The Full Mooniverse is so crazy bros...
what is this?
Henry is the more unsettling film to me and has Michael Rooker's best performance.
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I will probably watch the Ghoulies films if I have time this month (haven't seen em yet).
I'm honestly most impressed that charles band was behind the music for Puppet Master, because that's one of the best parts.
>I will probably watch the Ghoulies films if I have time this month (haven't seen em yet).
Ghoulies 1 and 2 are great (2 focuses much more on the Ghoulies), Ghoulies 3 is retarded but entertaining in a bad way, and Ghoulies 4 is just dog shit and doesn't even feature any ghoulies.

I was watching them last year alongside Critters. Critters is more consistent overall but I think Ghoulies 1 and 2 are better than Critters 1 and 2.
that's the first mp3 i ever downloaded as a kid
>Ghoulies 4 ... doesn't even feature any ghoulies.
lol how do you fuck that up.
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Anything good in here?
Maniac is amazing, a real paranoia nightmare.
Literally all of it.
Unironically all of them. Watch as many as you possibly can. I'm partial to the Fulci/Argento movies and the 2 Prices but all are excellent movies and all of them are important to the genre.
they did Last Man on earth last year, warms my heart that will is a vincent head. chud taste on suicide watch.
All of those are good
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i wish they could recreate this feeling for the utes
There better be a Nightbreed poster somewhere in this room
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Slumber Party II is much better than the first one, wonderfully ridiculous, a caricature of a time and a type (of film, of girl, of dude). All the hallucination scenes were great and the last twenty minutes are glorious. I'm really enjoying this series, and i like how there is no lore, the killer is just a guy who shows up and starts killing and nothing really matters. Excited for III, will try to watch it tomorrow.

Happy i got to watch two films today.
Is Last Man/Vincent Price anti-Chud in some way?
Looker 1981. I was going to make more webms but kind of gave up.
>have a whodunnit plot
>the killer is just really mad that they hit him with a car after he got through revenge killing someone
Pretty flimsy plot. I felt nothing upon the reveal.
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for me it's the back of the Hellraiser 2 VHS box that had the deleted scene when the cenobites dress up like surgeons
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>trying not to look at the Critters VHS cover as a kid in case they become real
This is just time stop porn, isn't it?
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Did they ever explain how Frank was able to astral project like this? According to the cenobites he shouldn't be able to escape Hell in any way, but in both movies he does some shit they've never heard of
maybe in the book. definitely not in the film.
the host is a commie podcaster, he's pretty funny. also funnily enough the source of the word chud as an insult.
>tfw walk past the horror section and get my mom to re-rent Jungle 2 Jungle for the 8th time in a row
I was a troubled child
Other than the remaining Scanners and Slumber Party, here's my list again, at the moment, not that anybody asked:
>Alucarda 1977*
>Haxan 1922
>Eyes without a face 1960
>Onibaba 1964*
>Seven footprints to satan 1929
>Convent of sinners 1986
>Devils of darkness 1965
>The embalmer 1965
>Fiend without a face 1958
>Fog island 1945
>Il diavolo nel cervello 1972*
>La llorona 1933
>Lemora 1973
>Maciste all'inferno 1962*
>Marquis de Sade's Justine 1969
>Mesa of lost women 1953
>Night of the eagle 1962
>Possession 1981*
>Spider baby 1967
>The bat whispers 1930
>The case of the frightened lady 1940
>The devil's daughter 1939
>The devil's hand 1961
>The devil's messenger 1961
>The haunting 1963
>The innocents 1961
>The lady in the morgue 1938
>The legacy 1978
>The spiral staircase 1946
>The unseen 1945
>The Vampire Bat 1933
>Tormented 1960
>The bug 1975
>Vampire's kiss 1988
>Scream, Pretty Peggy 1973
>Suspiria 1977*
>Suspiria 2018
>Phenomena 1985*
>Love of the monster 1974
>Malpertuis 1971
>The scary of sixty-first 2020
>It's Alive 2014
>Wolfen 1981
>The Beyond 1980*
>City of the Living Dead 1981*
Asterisk denotes that it's a rewatch. Subtracted the House series (lost interest) and added the last four (city of the living dead i just added thanks to frizzianon on the previous thread, made me want to rewatch it). I'll probably add more stuff that gets mentioned here and there's no way i'll get through it all on october alone, will probably make it all the way to mid november.
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>eyes instantly dart to fright night 2
What ones are ya gonna watch on Halloween?
also did you watch Haxan yet? I never feel in the mood to see it.
one of these years i'm gonna have to watch some pre-1960 horrors
You're already 45 movies in, in 9 days?
I think that's his "to be watched" list
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Cool movie, though not spooky at all. also this is the second korean horror movie I've seen where the villain is japanese lmao
It's somewhat similar.
Should I avoid this general tomorrow to avoid Terrifier 3 spoilers?
I like that the jap is basically a mini-kaiju.
in fact that is one of my favourite tropes - giant, but not kaiju sized demons, monsters etc. like in Night of the Demon
It's not out here in NZ until the end of the month so I'm giving up. I'm sure the spoiler consists of "he slashes people" anyway.
Don't know which one i'll do on halloween yet. And no, i've never watched Haxan, or any of the other one without an asterisk.
It's my "to watch" list, not my "watched" list, i've only watched about 6 or 7 so far.
This is probably the safest place anon. The rest of tv is gonna be spamming camrip webms.
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if you haven't watched the wailing...what the FUCK are you doing???
I would've thought you can't be a horror fan without being very conservative. Almost every horror movie is about the consequences of straying from tradition, is anti-foreigner, and/or emphasizes the value of modesty and humbleness
Fair enough. I'll just try to be careful.

RIP. I imagine the ending could be something worth spoiling, but yeah, it is a slasher at the end of the day.
for me it was the spider-man comic
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tell me about PHANTASM. is it good? how many should i watch?
It's the most overrated dogshit I've ever seen in my life. I wish I was being hyperbolic.
The shiny killer ball is cool I guess. Watch one. If you don't like it, quit. It doesn't get any better.
1 is good and the story behind it is fun, it was just one yougn guy in his little town wanting to make a movie. The sequels tend to get shittier, but they have their fans.
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Brehs...I've realized, horror GAMES are infinitely better than movies.
>archive.org is dead
All of those movies I was about to watch...gone like dust in the wind....
The first one is a very weird slayer, but in a good way. The second one is a more typical 80s slasher, funnier and with more action. I haven't watched the rest
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Phantasm as a series is near the top for me. but for a particular reason. Unlike anything else I've seen, it feels like you're actually watching someone's full life story because they have such a strong thread running through them, and Reggie and the Tall Man remain constant. There's something about seeing the characters age... and yet their friendship is so strong. Feels good man.
There's lots of horror films that don't reify those values. Particularly modern horror films.

Also you can enjoy horror without holding any particular beliefs, as lots of them are fundamentally entertaining movies.
It's very odd and eccentric. There's a nightmarish/liminal haze to it, location's become very well known as have the odd Tall Man and his flying death ball. The plot itself is uneven but it dares to go into several directions.
Might be offline now. I was there like an hour ago and it was working fine
they got pwned by some tranny hacker unfortunately. I'm sure they'll be back up once they figure it out.
why don't you just upload the entire film while you're at it
i will always love phantasm 2. the setting is comfy and the lore is fun. its also charming how they retcon the last movies ending every time. beastmaster is still my favorite coscarelli.
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Not in general, but they're a good addition to the season
Leprechaun does the same thing lol.
honestly that's why I defend Ravager though. it almost dedicates itself to making no sense when it would have been easier not to.
what’s a lesser known horror that in your opinion is one of the best ever? for me it’s Creep.
..always have been but vr made that difference even larger.. its basically not comparable anymore.. playing resident evil 7 in vr was legitimately real world scare not game playing or movie watching scare... needed a entire week to get through it lol

not based
Mr. Vampire
the subway one or the one with the guy from the league? if the first one, i highly highly recommend that directors other horror movie severance.
Here are some not necessarily THAT unknown but all classics in their respective subgenres:
Rituals and Wilderness- slashers
Ils (Them)- home invasion
HouseBound- comedy/horror
Mangue Negro- natural horror/zombie
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It's troubling how few people today have seen this. It didn't stay relevant throughout the generations the way its contemporaries like Psycho and Rosemary's Baby have but it's one of the best movies of the 60s.
the scenes with their "guy in the chopper" are perfect psychological horror. all these $100 million movies spam jump scares and terrible cgi and all you need is someone trapped inside while someone else describes to them the pandemonium.
It's in my list >>204358306
>and yes, I DO have a V/H/S tattoo and no, it's for the ladies only
Quirky redditor kino
Good movie. Not just good horror

I'll link this here, so that the anon who replied to me yesterday about Oíthe Shamhna can see it.
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Jack Earle Haley is a great actor, I can see how they lined him up for NOES even if it didn't work out.
>I can see how they lined him up for NOES even if it didn't work out.
I still feel like they should get James McAvoy
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>Git in th' fookin furnace!
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watch the first 2....boooooooooooy
Movie stream later tonight, in 9h or so.
I really dislike both Turn of the Screw, Henry James in general and The Innocents adaptation of it.
I remember the radio presenter making a clumsy reference to some real-life social theorist at some point. It was embarrassing and very tryhard as in the screenwriter trying to incongruously validate himself
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Dollman was actually pretty fun, sci-fi/action but horror adjacent in the splatter way the Scanners sequels are with all the violence.
A haunted asylum... OR IS IT???
I've run out of Lovecraft movies.
some anon mentioned a japanese made for tv adaption of shadow over innsmouth. I've been meaning to watch it since it's on youtube.
Well damn. I'll give that a watch. Thanks. Will report back in 2 hours.
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>secret The Beyond thread
she is gorgeous ngl
Movies I've watched this month
>Night of the Creeps
>Friday the 13th (first time)
>Nightmare on Elm Street 3 (first time)
>Prince of Darkness
Original Friday movie was actually pretty good, I liked the characters and seeing my girlfriends look of angry confusion when the killer wasn't even Jason was hilarious. Nightmare 3 fucking sucks, kills were all boring and I was surprised by the massive step down in quality compared to the first movie.
GHOULIES is a messy movie with a bunch of shit going on and I had a gut busting laugh when 40 minutes into the movie they just add a voice over explaining that the main character is now being controlled by an evil spirit.
I think I like the ideas and implications behind Prince of Darkness way more than I like the movie, "THIS IS NOT A DREAM" is burned into my brain and still creeps me out.
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Frankie Freako has a streaming date now, October 25th.
>still creeps me out
I was surprised by how creepy Prince of Darkness was in general. That scene where she wakes up and and stares around while he's trapped in the adjacent room was fuckin spooky.
Very good. I'm particularly fond of Society, as it really gets at my number one fear of gangstalking/bodysnatching while also being amazing body horror.
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Prince of Darkness is Alice Cooper kino.
Also spot him in Hellraiser.
Which gives us Clive Barker - so watch Nightbreed.
le kino has arrived
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i've known about this for a long time but had no idea it had been subbed. thanks m8

have you seen Dark Waters (1994)?
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>Dark Waters (1994)
Maybe? I've seen a half dozen with similar sounding names.
1 day for terrifier, I wonder if they clown kills anyone
it's the italian one where a girl returns to an island convent where she was born and uncovers various spooky things about her family. pretty heavy Lovecraft influence particularly from Shadow Over Innsmouth
it's going to be the best horror movie of the year.
I love that the second the woman wakes up the Asian dude realizes how fucked he is and just smashed through the wall to get away. The priest taking all the credit for stopping the devil was also great
Is it out on streaming platforms aswell?
>watch v/h/s 1/2
>been saving it up for years, expected it to be kino
>shitty gorefest with nothing of substance
>easy 2/10
>watch terrifier 1/2
>go in expecting shitty senseless gore with nothing else
>it's actually fucking kino and really well-done
the only impressive thing about v/h/s was that out of a pile of shit, ti west still managed to have the shittiest entry of all with his insane woke virtue signaling
i genuinely hope this nigger gets cancer and dies
Taking a break from watching to say driver girl is CUTE! CUTE!
think it's cinema release for October, with streaming release for xmas.
Dawn has the better setting, fortifying a mall is comfy and fun. Day is the tighter movie with amazing effects and better soundtrack. I like Day more, but it's a close one.
aw man that sucks, i dont want to go to a theater i cant get immersed in horror with other people around
There's nothing in the theaters right now. What happened?
that's why I'm going on Sunday night when nay cunt's around
late night with the devil was shit
sydney's tits didn't get nearly enough exposure in her shitty nun movie
and the omen prequel was maybe one of the most underwhelming and shitty horrors in years
if terrifier 3 sucks too i will be taking a permanent break from the horror genre and /hor/ as well
that's vhs 2 was better than 1, no ti west.
the terrifier films are great, makes shudder movies look like the woke dog shit they are.
*that's why
VHS 1/2 shows its age but it was really good at the time when found footage was emerging. Now there are just way better found footage films. Hell house LLC is well done and is basically a full length VHS film.

Terrifier is top tier. I'm not sure what makes it so good. Obviously the kills and gore is interesting, but I think it's just the clown actor and his mannerisms. It's just so good, you can't be bored watching the clown.
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I love this nigga like you wouldnt believe
vhs 2 is better, but barely
the cult short is okay but still overdone, whereas that zombie one was just fucking embarrassing like wtf even is that shit
not to mention just the way these movies are made with people constantly dropping the camera or it glitching is sooo infuriating
even though they have different directors they end up feeling identical in style
the only good thing about v/h/s 1 was that there was not only one but two good pair of titties
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>but it was really good at the time when found footage was emerging
blair witch is better and it came out a decade before
REC came out in 2007
cloverfield came out in 2008 and did the whole shaky-cam thing a million times better
i hope you realize v/h/s is from 2012, that was in no way the "emerging" period of found footage, that was actually around the time it completely fell out of fashion
so i'm sorry but you're actually completely, objectively wrong
blair witch is bad, rec is spanish, cloverfield is a meme blockbuster
the movies have some nice touches in them too in spite of the small budget
yeah I think the color correction is pretty good, a lost art for mainstream films somehow despite their big budget
the ticket prices gutted the business both ways
Finished watching. Decent low budget made for tv movie. Cute girls and Paint It Black playing got a chuckle from me for no reason.
none of which has anything to do with anything
blair witch is the movie what started the found footage craze while it lasted, and, yes, you are correct, cloverfield is when it peaked and died
which is pretty much exactly what i said
so i must ask, are you retarded? every single major found footage film that's present in popular culture from blair witch to paranormal activity was made before 2010
calling a 2012 release the point when found footage was emerging is fucking retarded lmao
emerging to make what? frogman? LOL
let me guess, you also think twilight was the emergence of the vampire movie because that's when you happened to be a kid?
a lot of people have no idea how to use their budget
i remember watching underworld 1 and falling in love only to be shocked that underworld 2 (which had a way bigger budget) looked like fucking ass
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I already told you hell house LLC is the peak of found footage so it's impossible that VHS was after it died
>found footage craze
it spawned the genre but the craze didn't truly start until paranormal activity
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>twilight was the emergence of the vampire movie
that was the worse fuck thing to happen to everything lore creature related and you know it.
apparently big studios adjust colors to make a scene match their "brand" of films or to convey an emotion they want associated with the film even if it's ugly
it didn't spawn anything, there were found footage movies before blair witch
>hell house LLC
idiot my favorite found footage movie is from 2013, but that doesn't mean that was the time when the genre was EMERGING
do you understand what that word means? this is like saying that the 80s, the peak decade of action shlock, was when action movies were "emerging"
it makes no fucking sense
by the time V/H/S came out it was pretty much an established genre with plenty of commercially successful movies, which is why V/H/S being so dogshit is especially egregious
blair witch is a popular movie in the found footage genre but it didn't create the craze, it's paranormal activity
>there were found footage movies before blair witch
oh yeah, well name 300 of them
it's okay dude you dont know what emerging means
i'd rather watch twilight than some of the shitty 60s-70s british "vampire" movies i've seen with friends any day
vampire movies have always been shit, apart from the retarded sparkles twilight is bearable, it's shot in a nice place and both the main stars are hot
there were found footage movies made in the interim as well, you just don't know about them because they were extremely shit
everything preceding shit like paranormal activity and cloverfield was an emerging period, not motherfucking 2013 when every asshole started realizing they can make "horror" for cheap with found footage
yes, it's why every netflix
i do, which is why i used it correctly, kike
i fucking love halloween
>people started monetizing pop science books in x decade
>therefore science wasn't emerging for centuries prior, because capitalists didn't find a way to make money off of it
He's right, are you a fucking kike? Who thinks like this?
I meant literally at this moment. I guess Terrifier is coming out tonight but that doesn't really excite me. Other than that there's Speak No Evil and, I guess, Beetlejuice. Sad!
so the real issue is your poor taste
Nah. The only issue I've been having recently is my nuts not going as far down your throat as I've grown accustomed to.
like i said, if the tickets were cheaper maybe more people would go to to the movies more and studios would make the effort to market to cinemas.
Fair point. If Terrifier 3 was $8 to get in I might consider going for shits and giggles.
so the secondary issue is you're a poorfag
how much is it where you are?
Why are there 11 Tomie movies
because Tomie is love, Tomie is life
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>STEFANIA CASINI nude - 131 images and 27 videos
kek, I guess it makes sense in the context of the story (she's akin to a fast-spreading infection)
I've tried to watch this on Tubi a while back but their copy is fucked. Should check around for it again sometime.

Ghoulies 3 is my favorite. If you watch it expecting a "normal" Ghoulies movie, you're going to be disappointed but if you except it for what it is, which is Van Wilder with tiny monsters, it's great.

? His brother does all the scoring on his films and is listed as the composer on that.
(WTF Chuck's son is a founding member of The Calling?)

You've been through the full list on wikipedia?

Just saw him recently in Dark Shadows.
He stars in one called Monster Dog.
Matinee is like $13 all things considered ($1.75 online ticket fee.) Regular showings come out to about $17.
wow it's like 3 buck more than mines after conversion
>tfw just watched VHS Beyond and Alannah Pearce is randomly starring in a segment
It’s also the only really decent short film
Messiah of Evil was boring.
I'm definitely a left winger. (Although I hated both of the "left wing" horror films I've watched this month, maybe I'm a rightie in denial idk) Also when I go to horror cons it's a bunch of gays and homos too. All white people though. Horror seems to appeal to lefties somehow, although everything you say about the archetypes rings true. Maybe good movies are just good movies. Like Silence of the Lambs is super feminist but it delivers the message without being preachy everyone still liked the picture.
>five measly dollars is what determines if he'll see kino or not
poor taste and a poorfag, truly shameful
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Last night's movie was Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter
It struck me last night for the first time how similar the setup to part 4 is compared to Halloween II
>killer presumably ded
>nurses in morgue/hospital are fucking around
>killer comes back to life and murders them
>And the end of harvest thing sounds retarded because the two months before are literally Middle of Harvest and End of Harvest.

The last day of the month called end of harvest/end of autumn, is the day before Oíthe Shamhna. So, the end of the end of the harvest is what directly preceeds the beginning of Samhain.

>the day begins at night ,just like winter begins the year

Yeah, and? All feasts began as methods of redistributing the agricultural surplus.

If you are so offended by my larping, explain what Samhain means. Literally.
Rewatching the remake of Nightmare after work
>i will be taking a permanent break from the horror genre and /hor/ as well
Please do, you sound too flustered and could use a break.
Tbqh your comments just sound rambunctious and uninformed. VHS was a watershed in its own way bc it made ff more flexible w/the anthology format and better directors contributing to the franchise.
Why the remake?
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Lifeforce sucks shit. Half of this shit is the writers barely disguised fetish.
>naked lady fetish
Almost as bad as gamers with their girl fetish.
Anyone seen rhis? Released a couple of days ago w/ ppl comparing it to Ghostwatch/LNwtD:
Incel rage "comment"
It's not that bad
>Half of this shit is the writers barely disguised fetish.
And that's a good thing
Literally looks like those bogged pictures of the weeknd. Why do rich people do this to themselves?
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kys fag
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>jump scares

vhs beyond is so fucking bad holy shit what a waste of time
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i want a slasher with Spaget
I liked Waxwork 1 more but Waxwork 2 wasn't bad. First one had better pacing though imo.
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>watches VHS
>finds out low budget horror shorts are bad
Are you the same guy still seething about it ott? That's quite the meltdown
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>webm didn't show up
Swear I sent it, idk what happened. Here.
Have you seen Frogman?
Dunno. Watched it once and liked it.
nah I rather watch 30 days of night than twilight to be honest.
funfact: Meatballmug is Leatherface's cousin from Naples
>terrifier 2
>in a violent nature
>the last matinee
What are some other good recent slashers if I liked these?
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Truly a babe.
The Beyond >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VHS Beyond
Where is From Beyond on this list?
You are not allowed to like that movie.
>recapping the plot while fake laughing through the whole thing
terrible podcast, Will is not a real movie head
Haxan is barely a movie and pretty boring though historically noteworthy piece of non-fiction. I wouldn't pin my Halloween on it unless it's muted background visuals
it's off the charts
I'll bake.
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