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Arthouse and classics

Fat edition

>/film/ charts

>/film/ literature

Previous: >>204428099
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Define em
Was Hitch seriously inspired by giallo when making Frenzy?
>In feature films the director is God. In documentary films, God is the director.
Kino > Cinema > Film > BBC (Brilliant Black Cinema) > Epic > Arthouse > Movie > Joint > Flick > Episode > Saga > Slop > Goyslop
>“I would almost say that the best screen actor is the man who can do nothing extremely well.”
Cinema about eating?
>Was Hitch seriously inspired by giallo when making Frenzy?
Dunno. Probably. He must've seen some.
What did he mean by this?
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>I hate humor and especially satire. During the whole Nazi time in Germany they had a lot of satire. It is kind of important that when people are no longer able to rebel or to change what happens or, to use a bad word, influence politics or history, they begin to make satires. I hate also the so-called English humor. That's the reason I hate all English movies, even when they are made by Resnais.
Classic ≠ old product
Farthouse. It is the highest good yet they don’t even realize it. It is pure cinema. Stuff like Buster Keaton, Hitchcock, classic film noir, B movies, Roman pornos, John Ford, Bresson.
Arthouse is what you typically think of when you talk about art cinema. Stuff like Rossellini, Godard, Tsai Ming Liang, Tarkovsky, Melville etc
Sharthouse ranges from Stanley Kubrick, Woody Allen, Quentin Tarantino. Basically all the wannabe artists who make nothing but slop.
Hitchcock was inspired by Vincent Gallo
>It is the highest good yet they don’t even realize it. It is pure cinema.
Not a concrete definition. Too subjective.
>Arthouse is what you typically think of when you talk about art cinema.
Subjective. Not a concrete definition.
>Basically all the wannabe artists who make nothing but slop.
Again, not a concrete definition.

Try again, João.
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>Empty form doesn't exist. I feel that every filmmaker should be a Thomist in so far as one can only make films when one somehow believes that the soul is nothing but the form of the body. This is particularly important concerning the people in front of the camera.
Farthouse. Think of Buster Keaton and all the great films he made. He didn’t realize what he was doing or think about it. He just did it because it was fun. He thought it’d be funny. He made some of the greatest films of all time by just trying to be funny. Or think of that Seijun Suzuki quote where he says he made his films because he thought they looked cool and for no other reason. Farthouse is top tier.
like Kubrick, Hitchcock preferred to work with leading men who had limited range. This made the actors unable to steal the movie away from his vision, that often happened with method actors later on.
dude has to invent quotes cause this guy never said anything smart or interesting. and it ain't even a good quote.
>Method actors give you a photograph. Real actors give you an oil painting.
Sion Sono??? More like Sion KINO!
Greatest director in the history of cinema
It's very real, look it up.
looked it up. wasn't real
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>I grew up watching Hollywood movies and European movies, rather than Japanese movies. In shooting over 40 films in the past, across all those filmmaking experiences—even in shooting Japanese films—I had these Hollywood and European movies I’d grown up on in my mind. Getting set to shoot my first English-language film, I actually felt even more familiar with this filmmaking than I did with shooting Japanese films. It was a very interesting feeling. And that’s maybe because I grew up on these great movies from Hollywood and Europe. It was organic for me; an English-language film shoot, somehow, was more fitting to my feelings.

>Even while I was making all these Japanese films in the past, I was a little bit of a stranger in Japan, because my ideas and stuff all came from [...] the influences that I got from those American Hollywood movies, European movies. So this time, it was rather natural for me. And it was even easier for me to get into this for the action stuff.

Zion Sono Western
He said it on one of the comic con screenings, so try to find some of the Q and A's
Not sure why they abbreviated his name like that
Can't believe Sono gave us Noriko and Love Exposure within three years. Two back to back contenders for the greatest film of the 21st century.
lil bro aint foolin anyone
why are you calling everyone lilbro lil bro?
God damn, that is actually more profound than more art house directors.
cause im all ur big bro

lil simp cuck bro is back
It's word salad
All this talk yet Straub never made a great film.
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover

So the title refers to the thiefs wife and the lover of the thiefs wife?
Fat anon. I thought you said you wanted to quit binge eating. You better start doing coke or adderall soon.
A book is a mirror: if an ape looks into it an apostle is hardly likely to look out.
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Thank you.

I'm a different fella. I merely wish feast with my eyes.
*wish to
mucho texto
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An actor is meant to be filmed. He is no different than a landscape or a sinking ship set piece. Robert Bresson understood this since he cast non-actors and told them about who their characters were.
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Thoughts and opinions. Some say this is the Travis Bickle prototype. I thought the film had its moments.
I think it's really bad, but the black movement part in the middle is kind of cool. And yes, Bobby's character is like a pre 'nam Travis.
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>Was based to see this for free […] Also showed Suspiria
Crazy coincidence: I get to see Suspiria for free in theaters this Weds cuz a nearby college happened to have the Synapse blu-ray in their library :) I called the manager about it and we had a nice conversation. I really thought about it and I haven’t been this excited for a film all year. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited to see a movie on the big screen and I saw both Phantom of the Paradise and Lawrence of Arabia earlier this year.
The cook's wife & the thief's lover.
I know that Lawrence is probably the "better film", but I prefer Suspiria. You just can't fuck with old giallos, specially Argento's.
lil pleb
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Queen of /film/
goo goo ga ga
Straub is a humourless cunt, what a surprise.
Turbo based. Method is gay and has ruined many generations of american actors.
What is a real actor?
Peter O'Toole.
Please elaborate.
peter or tool
I love him so much. I would've worked as a dog walker for Hitch just to be around his humor and basedness and genius.
Come on man, have some self-respect.
He comes from the english theatre tradition, where they teach you to perform a character, to truly ACT, method wants you to be the character, it wants your performance to be a non-performance, it aims for naturalistic acting which is not acting and is in it of itself an impossibility.
A nicely encoded 2gb 1080p rip is all one needs.
Tomayto tomato for me.

It was, until I discovered rips between 4GB and 10GB. From there to the remux I feel no difference. But still, PLEASURE AT ANY COST!
LSD and giallo is all one needs
360p VHSrip taped from a RAI2 tv exhibition for me please.
>Tomayto tomato for me.
Not really, they're completely opposites.
Fucking hate this guy.
3 films a day, 3 books a week, and records of great music is all one needs.
“This guy” doesn’t even know you exist pal.
I feel that watching multiple leads to "completionist" behaviors like watching films just to clear a backlog demeaning the experience.
Also it would be exhausting mentally.
Fucking love this guy
He means if an actor can be convincing and natural doing nothing, then the camera will love him and the character will work.
add drugs, alcohol and one girl from Russia and another from Japan and I’d agree.
That’s my reasoning too.
“This guy” doesn’t even know you exist pal.
How do we know any of us exist
We’re all existent here.
Cinema connects us all.
A billion years after it released, I'm finally going to watch Squid Game
Yeah, I’m thinking based.
why tho
It sounds interesting enough
I'm going to watch something kino tonight, something like Chungking Express but good
I watched it with family when released, didn't pay much attention to it. I then rewatched it last year; sucks, but not so hard, 5/10.
My suggestion for all cinephiles is to do lsd or mushrooms while watching films. It’s like you live a lifetime each movie.
tfw too dumb for Straub-Hulliet
How do you control yourself on LSD though? Last time I tripped on it I just ended watching random shit for hours with my brother.
I like to watch two films, and then go out and have fun. Or sometimes I stay inside and watch three films in a row; each one feels uniquely intense. I love cinema.
When is he getting uncancelled? Cinema needs Red Post 2 ASAP
I just do what I want. I’m not sure what you mean.
I used to occasionally drop a tab or two then stay up all night and watch 3-4 movies in a row. I stopped taking acid though.
Same I stopped for about a year, but now I’m back at it. I used to live in a city that great cinemas that showed all types of films. I would take lsd or shrooms and spend all day there watching whatever was showing. Then I would walk through the park and go eat ramen. I think I’m going to move back in about a year and I’m looking forward to going back to my favorite theater more than anything.
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Yep I'm thinking it's /film/
God save us from the angloid woman.
>I’m not sure what you mean.
On acid, I felt like I was just "doing what I wanted" too, but my focus was terrible. I just kept going on rabbit holes on the internet, watching music videos for hours without stopping. Don't think I could watch a movie with such ADHD like symptoms. DOC lacked that element of the experience, though the body load was extremely uncomfortable.
How do people go out on acid? The anxiety is so strong with the cars and the noise, every time someone blew a horn I felt like they just shot a weapon near me lol
I never had that issue.
That’s the exciting part. I also usually listen to music with my headphones unless with others.
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Thoughts on Pope Francis' favorite films?

>La Strada (1954)
>Orchestra Rehearsal (1978)
>The Spirit and the Flesh (1941)
>Rome, Open City (1945)
>Babette’s Feast (1987)
>The Leopard (1963)
he wants to be italian soooo bad
I want to know his real list, not his public approval list
big if true
A comfy post to say the least. Hope you enjoy going back to that theater.
>no giallo
He is.
What do you find so questionable about his list?
Looks only slightly less fake than Obama's top songs lists, but still, the only one I've seen of those is La Strada, which is great.
He is argentinian?

Indeed, this bitch ass nigga probably can't stomach some serious giallo killings a la Suspiria
yeah, and "irish-americans" are irish :^)
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You just read my mind, friend.
Forgot to add Kurosawa's Rhapsody in August which he mentioned in a meeting with Tokyo university students once

>My great concern is that in their haste the youth will lose their memory and their roots. The message of Akira Kurosawa’s film “Rhapsody in August” is the need for dialogue between the young and the elderly, and shows how the grandchildren finally find their roots. I ask you to find your roots through speaking with elderly people. In facing the challenge of the present, those roots will bear fruit, and tomorrow they will flourish.
someone gotta show this nigga francis a spike lee joint
Thank you!
gadonfag you ass why did you run off the kinskifag
Italian ancestry.
Been watching more /hor/ trash. I’m sorry everyone.
/hor/ trash is underrated. That kind of movies are so fun.
I love when despite obviously being very sensitive and vulnerable Kinskifag tries to toughen up and pass as a chill guy who isn't bothered by bullying. And this is an adult man we're talking about, in his 30s at least. I wonder what his relationship with his mother and other women in his life is like.
Beautiful eyes.
What should he do, in your opinion? I just feel like killing people most times nowadays. Good to feel your feelings, don't wanna end up killing somebody due to road rage.
Lee used to look so cute :/
Is C.H.U.D /film/?
Spend more time outside. Go for a walk or for a run.
No, but /film/ is quite chud.
I already do, but the bullying I receive on /film/ is turning me, slowly but surely, into a serial killer. Many such cases.
He's had a busy day, there was a Carey Lowell thread that was up for most of the day and he's probably hanging out in the Northern Exposure thread now.
Of course.
/film/ doesn't feel that chuddy compared to the rest of /tv/ desu
I don't know what to tell you then. And if it's this serious you shouldn't discuss the problem with strangers on the internet. Talk to people close to you or qualified professionals.
True, but that's not really saying much.
Why do I find Hitchock so insanely boring? I'm trying to give Vertigo another chance and its such a goddamn bore
It's because you have a room temperature IQ. In Celsius.
Prove it bitch
What happened?

They’re truly stunning. I just can’t get enough.
Still is.
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What have you even tried watching?
I'm sorry, but you're simply insufficiently evolved as a film watcher. I wrote that I despise Vertigo in the last thread, but I admit that it's an extraordinary film. There are so many filmmaking tricks throughout that create a magical atmosphere, the sudden, subtle, unexplainable diegetically changes in lighting, musical cues, long, melancholic, but carefully observant takes, etc. It's brilliant, pure cinema. I agree with Laura Mulvey and Lynch in their readings that the magic of filmmaking in Vertigo is transposed into the filmic ontology. And if you think about it long enough you realize that it works both ways, the film-as-form influences the film-as-world, the latter realises it and starts modifying the film from within. Genius.
What directors do you think genuinely might be insane?
That is the post of a man that is both fed up and beyond exhausted. You have to admit he doesn’t deserve having his own schizo. Unlike his stalker, Kinskibro actually discusses film, is generally respectful to other waifuposters and has taken a lot of shit over time that has evidently worn him down.
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I'll skip.
That Howard Hughes fella didn't seem alright.
why does gadonfag hate kinskifag anyway

/tv/ is making fun of us again, sisters...
He is right that generals are shit but he is wrong about them being the cause rather than a symptom
I completely agree with the OP. I wish this general did not exist and we'd discuss all the separate topics in their own separate threads, because it's very evident that people that come here, chat, share their little pathetic jokes, feel elitist and look at others from above, throw "lmao" and "filtered" at each other, etc are insecure, undersocialized young adults that come here to fulfill their psychological needs first, feel they belong to a cool group second, actually share useful info tenth and actually discuss films eleventh. But at the same time this general is a necessary evil because otherwise all the useful, special, valuable threads would be very quickly slid by people and bots that are even worse and we'd have nothing at all.
>because it's very evident that people that come here, chat, share their little pathetic jokes, feel elitist and look at others from above, throw "lmao" and "filtered" at each other
That's the entirety of /tv/
I found it

>Sister Act 2
>Nutty Professor
>Leprechauns in the hood
>Mystery Men
>Scooby Doo 2 : Monsters Unleashed
>Maid in Manhattan
>sisterhood of the traveling pants

You rike
Thanks, Dr Freud.
He’s obsessed with the fact that Kinski had a kid with Quincy Jones. At this point I’ve seen them both have separate meltdowns in Kinski threads
Almost everytime i tried to be earnest and sincere about a film here i was met with a soijack/reddit picture. This is why shit like niggaposting/lilbrosting flourishes and actual film discussion doesn't happen. I also used to rec a different film every thread and almost nobody cared, it often not even get a response.
lmao filtered
that always felt like just a pretext to attack kinskifag. i doubt he really cares about the bloodline of some actress who was mildly popular half a century ago. there must be something else
>Almost everytime i tried to be earnest and sincere about a film here i was met with a soijack/reddit picture.
That's what you get for having a cringeworthy writing style.
>I also used to rec a different film every thread and almost nobody cared, it often not even get a response.
People rarely care about recommendations unless they ask for them. No one knows who you are, so a random recommendations really doesn't mean much to anyone.
Waifu jealousy?
maybe, but then again i've never seen him attack harperfag with the same vitriol
>Laura Mulvey and Lynch in their readings
Any citations, my fellow big-brain noticer friend?
/hor/ is much nicer than you guys.
Then what's even the point of these threads? To post pictures of Lee? To post Straub quotes?
Post about cinema, just don't be bitchy and cringe, little brother
To unearth forgotten masterpieces like John The Violent and Han Ye.
Anybody know where I can see more of this filmmaker?

dude has a youtube channel
>just don't be bitchy and cringe
So don't really talk about my thoughts and feelings about the film, just go "cool photography".
yeah if your thoughts and feelings are bitchy and cringe
There's literal Wong Kar-Wai fans here and i'm the one who's bitchy amd cringe
no one said you're the only one, little brother
All i'm doing from now on is reponding to people and mocking them.
Mulvey quote I wouldn't be able to find right now because I read it long ago, but I distinctly remember that it was from a writing connected to Michael Powell. Maybe later.
Lynch never spoke explicitly about Vertigo, but his filmography is full of citations and references to the film. Twin Peaks The Return is the culmination of Lynch's homages to Vertigo and can be seen as its full-on modern remake, and this is where I get his reading of the film.
Enough with the in-fighting. Cinema is supposed to connect us.
The language of cinema connects us all.
No, because that's bitchy and cringe.
Films are dreams we watch with eyes wide open.
>Rear Window
>The Man Who Knew Too Much ('34)
Psycho is okay. The Man Who Knew Too Much was the best but also kind of boring.

>I wrote that I despise Vertigo in the last thread, but I admit that it's an extraordinary film.
How exactly is it "extraordinary" anon? Be precise.
>There are so many filmmaking tricks throughout that create a magical atmosphere, the sudden, subtle, unexplainable diegetically changes in lighting, musical cues, long, melancholic, but carefully observant takes, etc.
>And if you think about it long enough you realize that it works both ways, the film-as-form influences the film-as-world, the latter realises it and starts modifying the film from within
Are you out of your goddamn mind? This is bullshit.
go take a shit or somethin
When I'm on /film/, I'm at home.
When I'm on /film/, I'm bitchy and cringe.
That's true.
>>Scooby Doo 2 : Monsters Unleashed
I retract everything I've ever insinuated about him
My home is my castle.
Wim Wenders, the directionless director, is one of the best! I love this man’s movies.
>the directionless director
u can say that again lil bro
/film/ sweet /film/
Fuck off with lil bro shit please. I did not mean that as an insult. That is his style, and it is beautiful. He is clearly a master filmmaker.
lil bro it doesnt really mean a thing
Rope puts Rear Window to shame in every single way besides muh eye candy and chick flick romance plot.
Then why say it? Why must you exist? Lil bro posters are pure evil. I shall not tolerate it a second more.
I think they're both terrible.
when i say reckless words u gotta listen recklessly lil bro
You should really consider suicide. I mean it. I don’t think life is working for you, and you should just put an end it to all.
a big bro knows its better 2 sit on top of a mountain n smile at angry lil bros than 2 attack em down at the bottom

chill n go watch a movie lil bro
We're all brothers here.
Did you see that nightmare sequence, though? That fall? If you can’t make something convincing, don’t do it.
I, for one, know how you feel. It might not be worth the effort for you, but try to find someone as knowledgeable as you on Discord. Inb4 blablabla
Brothers and sisters! Cheers, I say, to the beautiful women of /film/!
Lil bro poster is worse than Nico Sperg. At least Nico was passionate about things.
>the film-as-form influences the film-as-world, the latter realises it and starts modifying the film from within
utter drivel
lil bro poster is harmless. why are you letting two words get to you like this
My little brothers
In my eyes, you're all giants.
My little loves
Mon petit frère
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No more brother wars!
What are some movies that have similar cinematography to Alexander Nevski and Ivan the Terrible? It's very graphical, strong shapes, almost has a 2D geometric quality. Antonioni has a similar thing going on in some of his movies, but I don't know anyone else.
yes and anything you don't understand is magic
just die already moron
Uh, Cabinet of Dr. Caligari obviously but you've most likely already seen it. The Golden Coach (1952) maybe?
I respect that you're trying to engage but realistically even if a dear friend recommended me a film I wouldn't drop everything to watch it and offer my thoughts, let alone a perfect stranger on, let's face it, a Vietnamese Fishing and Basket-Weaving forum. if you wade through the shit there's usually some cool takes and interesting observations interspersed.

having said that, my rec of the week: Three Crowns of the Sailor. just found out it was shot by Marienbad dude. awesome
Rest assured he has tried derailing many of my threads. Also I seem to have a schizo of my own (NPM) that pops in /hor/ occasionally with the sole purpose of trashing Jess, posting the same low res pics and shitting up the thread in general. Then he gets banned and all his comments are deleted in one swoop so you can how much he samefags, just like Gadonfag lol. Yet another schizo I just can’t figure out…

Based and checked!
The way you waifufags gossip reminds me of catty middle age ladies
This is a very high quality camrip, from the same source as the The Substance leak from the other day.
formerly the sneed of a sacred fugg:D
No way it's a camrip
Don’t take it so personally, anon, we’re all strangers here. Also, don’t recommend films just for (You)s. Recommend films because you genuinely want to!
The original 1080p file size (pre-yify) is under 4GB for a 3 hr movie. You'll see a more legit rip probably in early November.
It ain't a camrip, at least from the straight-to-TG upload of the file i'm currently looking at. Neither was The Substance release. I think you might be using a wrong term.
We’re all bitchy and cringe here.
>verification not required
I can tell you are a gay who fucks ass
>The only reason I didnt stop a long time ago is because I don't want to give you stupid assholes the satisfaction of bullying me off here.
his heart hasnt been in it for a while it seems.
What is /film/s beef with Jarmusch?
If there was a separate /film/ board it would be ruined by raiding /tv/ normalfags, like with /vr/ and /v/
He sounds a bit like Kikifag there. Nothing good ever comes from posting purely out of spite.
Lack of memes, and his slow cinema style is zoomer poison. They also do not like his white male POV and reliance on sterotypes.
/film/ never talks about Jarmusch but when he's mentioned he gets nothing but praise
Kinskifag is worse than Gadonfag because he does the exact same thing except he acts all innocent about it “golly guys I respect EVERYONE’s waifu, gee willikers isn’t Cat People a great film?!” while Gadonfag is just a merciless retard. And I actually like Kinski more than Gadon.
>Gadonfag is just a merciless retard
Don't know that I agree with you on Kinskifag, but you're 100% on the money about Gadonfag. He's an adversary no doubt, but he's a worthy one who never fails to put up a good fight (through sheer, merciless retardation).
Been away since 2023, what good films did i miss out on this year? any recs? was hoping some good east-asian films were already released by now since it's already october.
It’s a shame Kinskibro appears to be disheartened by the bullying. I have never seen Gadonfag discuss anything that wasn’t Sarah Gadon. In fact, I’ve never seen him discuss a film once or show even an ounce of personality. The man is a human bot and it’s like the Parker Poseyposter that never engages with anyone and just spams his pictures/threads. I like Posey but that’s not how you get people to watch your waifu’s films.
Gadonfag used to post on /pol/ and was a bit more genuine.
Speaking of lol >>204460414
Interesting. Did he post Gadon while revealing /pol/-tier opinions or something?
Cringy stuff about trad wives and white children. I can't find examples in archive because he never posted her name in OP and passed her as a generic white woman or sometimes his wife.
Someone called him a hack in another thread.
found an example
Jesus Christ
>282 results found
>every post is Gadonfag larping that Gadon is his wife
Holy fuck, and here I thought he couldn’t get any more unhinged.
Here’s a classic Gadonfag meltdown from last month:
Holy shit he's polish agahaahahahahahahahahahaha
That's some Bjork stalker tier shit
Kinskifag may be autistic but that nigga is NUTS
I thought that at this point people had enough layers of irony to understand that I was joking. I do feel like killing people every single minute of the day, but I have no intention to do it. I just feel the emotions and that is enough for the feeling to slowly dissapear. Speaking seriously, repressed emotions of rage are what I actually think make people become killers.
Just feel your feelings of frustration and lower your expectations about /film/. The world's an ugly place, don't be like me and wait until you're obsessed with sadistic fantasies to start the "feeling your emotions" work. Only wrong answers allowed.
Why is that anon so spiteful? No one is entitled to care about your film recs.
Just guess that he's annoyed by the fact that his good intentions go unnoticed. It often seems like the only intention of life is to make you mad.
Don't know what this has to do with my reply, Leenchposter
I will never forget the time some ZOOMER came and said Lola Montes is mid.

Then someone came and said To Catch a Thief is mid, a literal top five Hitchcock film and his most signature auteur minded film according to Francois Truffaut himself.

A day fucking later some retard called Cobra Verde mid, literally Herzog'sost spectacular vision that channels Jodorowsky with afroprimitivism, spaghetti westerns, and colonialisr war epics of the 40s.

These are no mid by any stretch. They are 5/5 films.
The Lola Montes "zoomer" was me, I even forgot about it. Just let it go.
I knew it
Nigga we are literally in a thread where people think John Ford is shit so you shouldn't get all worked up when some classic films getting shat on. /film/ just like any other place is 70% hivemind with its preferences, memes, etc
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I read your posts in the voice of comic book guy
I interpret this as "read" - past tense - and your post is a sort of confession, if not apology. Glad you're better now.
Ain't the only one that gave Lola Montes a 6/10? I actually think /film/s preferences are pretty heterogeneous, for example, the Hitchcock backlash that has come recently stands in stark contrast to the usual Hitch fellatio that most normies and even cinephiles give him.
They don't dislike Hitchcock for valid reasons. The old style of movies just give them the ick because rhey are ZOOMERS!!!!
He's mid when compared to others from his time
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t. Zoomer

Zoomers are coming into
/film/. Zoomers like Joel Shaven. And they are SHIT TALKING. OUR. MOVIES!!!!!!!!
t. 27 year old mizer
You really proved him wrong, huh kek
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>Franny Brazilian
I'm "technically" a 27 year old zoomer.
The point is that the rec should spark a conversation about the film/director, that's all.
Impressed how you quoted both of my posts lol you’re also right though.
Because these Generation A zoomers are coming in our community. Their only qualification is in a series of Super Mario videogames and anime TV shows. Then they are kamikaze diving head first into the canon: Alfred Hitchcock, Citizen Kane, and Lola Montes, and going, BAHAHA THIS IS MID!!

These zoomers never question if they are the problem. They believe that everything is meant for their pleasure. They have no humility, no discipline, no soul. They should stick to /v/, anime and the Terrifier movies.
Zoomers are the future anon, be welcoming to them.
I'm a Super Mario and Hitchcock expert
>people that come here, chat, share their little pathetic jokes, feel elitist and look at others from above, throw "lmao" and "filtered" at each other
Based senpai, I love you guys :)
Everyone joins us in the end…
To the daily recommendation guy- I appreciated your posts, I wish you’d do them again. I would search the films you’d rec if I didn’t know about them, a few times I downloaded and watched them and posted about them later.
Sometimes I watch without posting or don’t watch if I’ve already seen it and don’t post about it- don’t let that get you down if you don’t get (you) replies. I always post films I watch that are on topic in these threads, guess how many times people actually respond? with positivity?
tfw recommend films because I really want others to experience them but only receive snarky and cynical (You)s. The duality of filmovich.
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Okay here's my rec for today.
What do you get out of being such a faggot. There are no reddit upvotes here.
Okay here's my rec for this thread.*
he's just fostering a healthy place for the discussion of classics and arthouse, don't get pent up lil bro
No 'edgy 4chan kid' awards either so you can chill
I’m the guy he’s attacking and I agree I was being a bit of a faggot. I just like the daily/thread recs
No you weren't. Shit like this >>204470559 is the problem with this place.
People have gotten so used to the bullying and gaslighting in the world that now they convince themselves that being positive and acting correctly is faggotry.
I mean, you didn't use a single buzzword in your post and you don't seem to view the world through 1000 prisms of irony so I guess you are a faggot by 4chan standards but I still disagree
I agree with the anons above that he was a bit of a faggot doing a reddit moment. Being positive is one thing, saccharine is another. Strange that you can't tell the difference.
>reddit moment
Unironically start taking walks outside, that shit helps. I do this and also motivate myself by grabbing coffee and drinking it on the go with a cig
I run 7300m every other day. Anything else you want to recc?
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Extremely based.
The intrusive thoughts are getting worse, more vivid and happen more often. I used to be able to just brush them off, now I have to vocally and loudly respond to them, usually repeating “FUCK FUCK FUCK” or “GODDAMN IT GODDAMN IT” over and over while scratching my head or rubbing my face.
I don't know you type like a guy who gets mad for no reason, people like that usually don't get enough fresh air. Like what the fuck even is a 'reddit moment'? When people don't throw shit at each other like retarded apes?
>I’m a cock expert
>saccharine is another
And what harm does that provide? You bastards only gang up on a guy trying to be nice instead of doing something positive for a change. You are the reason the world sucks: got no balls to fight against evil or annoying people, instantly judge and bully good people. Annoying good or good good doesn't matter, only the intention and the action, which in this case was absolutely harmless. Maybe you are the true fag after all
I’m chimpout anon and get very regular exercise/cardio, currently working on improving my 5k time.
The “have you tried exercise” meme is a load of bullshit for retarded faggots- doesn’t help with depression or rage in the slightest
To Catch A Thief isn’t too 5 hitch
>Like what the fuck even is a 'reddit moment'? When people don't throw shit at each other like retarded apes?
That's exactly what he meant. Just leave him alone, people like him only thrive on negativity. They are really tired of living and in pain, but lack the balls to pull the trigger and kill themselves, or do something to heal.
Lol, intrusive thoughts about what? You OCD?
Literally how new are you, friend? Reddit moment has been a staple of 4chan lingo for many, many, many years. I didn't write
>Strange that you can't tell the difference.
for no reason - you already smelled of a reddit tourist at that moment.
For me personally taking simple walks helps, swimming also does a little bit. Lifting and cardio doesn't, yeah
God forbid we talk about what we enjoy, right?
You're absolutely right on this:
>The “have you tried exercise” meme is a load of bullshit for retarded faggots- doesn’t help with depression or rage in the slightest
Look at the amount of chimpout boxers that killed their wives or other people. Exercise is kinda like running away from the problem, only gives you a temporary relief then you're stuck in the jam again when the high goes away. What you bitches need to do is some introspection, just stop running away from your painful feelings and face them like a man.
The fuck are you talking about?
Not OCD. 95% of the time they’re memories of awkward moments, embarassing situations, regrets, etc. Occassionally violent imagined thoughts or fears but those are rare.
It's a '2015 newfag' lingo man, people like you have learned about 4chan from facebook or some shit I don't know and your idea of the website is
>loool everyone is so cool and so mean, amazing, wow it's a secret club man
People like you have been polluting this place for almost 10 years now, that's the reason every board is just a subsidiary of /b/ and /pol/ now
Please start the next thread with no bitching.
This, it’s just temporary distractions. You don’t gain much distance on the issue at all.
It's inauthentic, ie fake, which cultivates poseurism and contributes to the decay of the general.
Welcome to /film/- we’re all schizos here
Why yes, I browse /pol/, what gave it away?
I'm baking


Just observe your thoughts. It sucks, but it's probably the only way out. I used to have those kind of thoughts too.

>The classic "everything good is fake and inauthentic, real persons ARE PSYCHOPATHS!"
I highly suspect some of y'all niggas have fallen so far within your own doomer perspectives about the world that you can't tell when someone is trying to be nice genuinely vs. when someone is trying to con you or be a poser. 2 different things.
If you were genuinely, sincerely trying to be nice, I apologize. Maybe I got the wrong impression because I'm an ESL.
I honestly was- but again, I admit there was a bit of faggotry inbetween the nicety.
I wasn't even that guy, I was just defending him
Zoomer opinion
I wrote long replies to both of you, realized how silly and faggy they were, and deleted them. It doesn't matter, the thread and the conversation is over. The "problem" was blown out of proportion anyway.

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