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Hounds from Hell edition

Previous >>204723034
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First for Ginger Snaps
i get to make the first kolopost in this wonderful new thread, thank you so much to my family and god and also all you horror movies out there for being so wonderful!
first for uh werewolves?
First for Olivia Taylor Dudley.
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Emily’s just something else.
Sorry, I already got 1st >>204734296
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They said a dog couldn't be a vampire. I bet they feel stupid now
fuck off kolofag
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Terrifier kiddies need to check Headless 2015

>,,Headless‘‘ is a sadistic, mean spirited and disgusting film. But it’s also a very good and engaging horror/modern grindhouse/slasher experience.
the unnecessary torture porn pushed to the extreme grossness and stinking mysoginy it's just the fantasy of a weirdo with a problem with women ,bruh.
>Very extreme and quite disturbing at times!
Gore for gore's sake in this no holds or heads barred flesh skewering horror movie set in the 70s.
> this movie is just REALLY amazing gross gore effects and weird visuals for an hour and twenty minutes

you can watch it on plex https://watch.plex.tv/watch/movie/headless-2015-1?utm_content=5d776b79594b2b001e6db081&utm_medium=deeplink&utm_source=justWatch-v2-catalog
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I wish I lived in a slasher movie.
Literally me
shit i still have to watch ginger snaps!
I don't think I've posted in any other thread this month on this board
how about a monkey tho?
Idk if this general would care but the Bendy movie got it's producers announced today and will get the director on Halloween.
Blessing the thread with "The Search for the Next Elvira" reality tv show episodes
The didn't notice this on the ultrasound?
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that one has a slight halloween theme, so it works good for next week. but we're close to the end anyway.
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take your slop and fuck off
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>we're close to the end
Brother, don't I know it
low imdb score always guarantees kino for horror
Shut up faggot.
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>His Suspiria remake was incredible. Stop having bad taste pls.
You first.
The wheelchair chad kill is one of the best in the entire franchise.
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oh sure it does

eat a bag of dicks faggot
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It's probably my favorite in the franchise desu.
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my she-wolf waifu
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I've watched nothing but shit this year. Just not in the Halloween mood at all.
It's in my top 5. The bed in Freddy vs Jason, the head smash from Jason X, the sleeping bag in oart VI (or was it VII?), the running slash through the head during the remake prologue and this one.
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I made to mission 14 out of 16 of Alien Isolation before dropping the game in a fit of rage just now. I haven’t dropped a game since Sonic and the Secret Rings a year and a half ago. FUCK this FUCKING game to hell. Just completely deleted it off my PC so there would be 0 temptation to go back. Now I’m gonna watch a FUCKING movie to calm down
it's Part VII. There's also one in X as a reference and the one in 2009 where he lights the sleeping bag on fire
polarizing films that excel appealing to a niche target audience is good actually. the reviews I posted is the same shit people say about Terrifier, some people want exactly that
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Solid picks. I also like Annie's death in Part 1 even though it's not too complex.
What movie?
The quality of /hor/ threads are like night and day without the spammer here
you wish you would get killed?
Dracula’s Dog ‘77.
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>mouth by Bush starts playin

underrated flick
Pure 90's sovl

>hounds from hell
Reminded me to ask, is this any good? I need another animated kid horror to pair with Paranorman
>the Annie time loop webm
exactly, i only watch IMDB approved horror "kino" like Get Out, The Babadook, The Blackening and The List Goes On!
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For me, it's the axe throw in 2009, and chopping this dude in half in FVJ
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you mix in the classics in tandem with the exploration to keep the mood groovy.
The Blackening was funnier than I expected ngl
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Nothing hurts like... your mouth!
Wasn't that movie total crap?
did anybody watch the new omen from this year? It was pretty good, but they reversed the gender of the jackal, so Damien had human mother and a demon jackal father
and she's the only good thing in it
No, it's comfy, funny, with great soundtrack and a cute waifu.
Only literal fags hate it.
kinda meh
Yeah it's good and I usually can't sit through animated films. I also recommend the Frankenweenie short film he made in the 80s
I should watch this because I love Corpse Bride.
I did and it was a wicked epic kino of the highest order kek surely approves!

The subtle themes of The First Omen, coupled with the overwhelming groundswell of support for presidential candidate superstar brat Kamala Harris have coupled to completely rework my previous, utterly naive, outlook on life! Surely a woman's right to choose is of the upmost importance to a free, democratic society!
>wicked epic
Stop appropriating New England culture.
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I'm about to watch this one. wha I'm for?
Gosh! I had the exact same experience but was too frightened to voice my opinion here, this place can be a real 'echo-chamber' as they say!

Thanks to brave 'anons' like yourself the rest of us can now step out in to the light and reveal ourselves and finally say enough is enough! The era of misogynistic, fascist horror films is over!
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Times you acted like Der Fan?
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I think I'm tired of watching horror slop.
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Remember this thing from Hellraiser 4?
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Only seen the first three.
>tfw October but cant wait to get drunk and watch Black Christmas (1974) in December
No because I always stop at 3.
Rec me something on Tubi to throw on while I go to sleep
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>tfw no cute french werewolf gf
Mr crocket was alright, decent enough hor for a party or while you shitpost

But the actor that played mr crocket did a phenomenal job, he took it from an irrelevant b movie to something actually watchable
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Ticks 1993
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watch The Rambler and tell me if its good so I don't have to
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>Mr Crocket
no i won't watch your woke slop
it's oddly not woke
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Maybe that's my issue. I've been putting off rewatches all month. I also marathoned so much slop during the summer, I just really get the urge to watch any and every slasher once its hot out.

It also really doesn't help that I feel like I should be doing something else while watching. I don't even think it's just my ADHD, I feel like I'm not doing enough.
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a surprising amount of my obscure watchlist is on tubi so lets just keep going

Saint Bernard 2013
>mind fuck, nightmare, insanity, wtf, stress-inducingly chaotic, trippy
Do you just think anything with a black person in it is "woke"
Kys IMDBfag. Obnoxious.
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Is The Sect any good? I'm running out of October nights so I'm trying to make them count. I like generally like Argentos movies but I haven't seen this one discussed here.
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sure it isn't lol

no anything made by Hulu who're owned by Disney is woke

still not watching dipshit, go troll somewhere else
I have a notion that it probably will be woke, yes
I was thinking of watching this one myself, as well as The Church.
Important to note is that he didn't direct it, he's just writer/producer on it like with Demons (which is also kino)
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Premutos: Fallen Angel 1997 from the amateur splatter kraut god Olaf Ittenbach
>Premutos is the first of the fallen Angels, even before Lucifer. His Goal is to rule the world, the living and the dead. His son should pave the way for him and appears arbitrary throughout human history and is then recognized as some kind of monster. In the present time, a young man living in Germany begins to suffer from visionary flashbacks - of the lives he lived in the past as Premutos’ son! He remembers how he appeared in the middle age, when mankind suffered from pestilence and during WWII in Russia. On his (earthly) father’s birthday, a case containing some strange old book and a yellow potion is found in their garden, which was hidden by some peasant in 1943, who experimented with witchery in order to re-animate his deceased wife. When the young man gets in touch with the book and some of the yellow potion, he mutates into a monster and awakens an army of zombies, ready to bring back the fallen Angel Premutos and to disturb the little birthday party

this is the closest a movie will come to matching the carnage and humor of Braindead
It's been a long time since I last saw this many practical gore effects in one movie
Tons and tons of gore, goofy German humor, Satan, and the mother of all zombie massacres.
Considering the limitations on budget, its extremely impressive stuff.
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it's one of the best looking films you'll watch all month
I love Demons so that's no prob.
Hellraiser 4?
I think you mean
Hellbound 3: Hellraiser 4: Bloodlines(1996)
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subspecies 2
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it's also produced by Argento dir by Michael Soavi hence not discussed in Argento oeuvre but yes still underwatched here for sure
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hecking liminal is so spookey
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The Antichrist 1974
>An Italian nobleman seeks help after his paralyzed daughter becomes possessed by the spirit of a malevolent ancestress.
an Italian rip-off of The Exorcist, but I got a dash of a Rosemary's Baby rip-off as well, and I couldn't have enjoyed it more.
As Italian Exorcist rip offs go, The Antichrist is surely the best of them
Lots of incest and nudity and sexualizing everything, but it turns out this is actually a pretty good movie in general.
A tad dry for the first half, but things pick up in the second
Weakest Soavi, watch Dellamorte Dellamore and La chiesa instead if you haven't yet.
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Speaking of splitting, there is also the dude in part III getting chopped during a handstand then put on top of wood beams.
I love how brutal 09 Jason was. The original was more of a simple dude, quiet but menacing compared to that beast in the remake.
If we go with non Jason movies, I think Part V, which I'm not a fan of, has one of the best kill in the franchise.
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Short Night of Glass Dolls 1971
>La corta notte delle bambole di vetro
An American journalist in Prague searches for his girlfriend who has suddenly disappeared.

Out of this world horror-fused giallo, incorporating a flashback/non-linear narrative
>successfully balances a decent whodunit with pending dread
One of the high points of 1970s paranoid fiction. It is about sinister forces, political and sexual, that the protagonist stumbles upon, but it keeps its focus clear on how helpless he is against actual power.
>Impotence is socially inflicted upon civilians by creepy murder–sex cults, that's the takeaway — the treacherous intransigence of the cult-like social order makes us feel dead.
I need to get out of the city man, after looking at this beautiful shot i looked outside my window and all i saw was a brown wall.
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nature really is a balm for the spirit
so in Ginger-Snaps are the sisters supposed to be twins? Bridgette, the cuter one, seems like the younger one but it also seems implied theys the same age
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>going home this weekend to visit parents
>mom just said she wants to watch The Substance while I’m there
We rewatched The Fly a few months back and she liked it, I figure it’s more of the same? I’ve already seen the webms.
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found footage fiends don't miss this one
Mortal Remains 2013
>A docu-thriller that sets out to uncover the details surrounding the life, brief career, and mysterious death of horror filmmaker Karl Atticus, referred to by some as the forgotten father of the “slasher movie.” The film includes interviews with various horror historians and aficionados including Eduardo Sanchez (director of The Blair Witch Project), who posits the question: Why, for 40 years, has the story of Karl Atticus been all but eradicated from the annals of cinema history?
trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIvC_R3eXjo
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Times you acted like Hoffman?
Watchin Zombie and House By The Cemetery tonight. Where my Fulcichads at?
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Don't forget to light your jack-o-lantern before you start your movie so the spooks can't get you
>80 year old woman has smoother skin and better teeth than me
theyre a year apart
>Ginger Snaps
One of the best horror movie titles desu.
i was thinking that but theyre in a lotv classes together and their mom says 'the girls are both 3 years late for their periods' made me think theys twinsies>>204736856
yes it is
the wolf looks like ass but its good, very good
Any recs for gory kinos with satisfying kills?
Yeah, it's good. A funny kids film.

The original short film is definitely worth watching though.
My Bloody Valentine (original, the uncut version)
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Too Beautiful to Die 1988 'Sotto il vestito niente II'
>A group of high fashion models have been invited to an isolated house to attend a party. As the night wears on, one of the models falls victim to a deadly ‘accident,’ which sets into motion a series of brutal murders, all traced back to a shocking secret…
flashy stylistic sleaze and fashion model murders
> dramatic slow motion, smoke, beautiful girls, broken glass and more help to make up the aesthetic
blistering guitar solos, scandalous hijinks and zany ideas.
>An assemblage of beautifully staged music videos and the occasional murder sequence held together by the thinnest of mysteries
>"somethings wrong... like more than you just being female"
do they even eat any ginger snaps in it?
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yeah when i was in a police station
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Frownland 2007
>Keith is a disturbingly maladjusted social outcast and self-described “troll” whose neuroses plunge him into an unstoppable spiral of self-obliteration as his crummy coupon-selling job, pitiful living situation and last remaining human relationships disintegrate around him.
Basically a 106 minute greentext
>the most nerve wracking study of social anxiety ever committed to celluloid, it's nothing less than a massively disorienting schizophrenic shriek from the bowels of some powerfully dissonant, forbiddingly bleary and inescapably banal hellscape of the mind.
Frankenhooker was fun watch, and a good palate cleanser after watching Scream 6
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Just finished this one. What a qt.
On one hand i really liked the comfy feels of a rural town in the middle of a pine forest, on the other the plot and the monster were weak. Kinda boring in some parts.
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im eating all the halloween candy now
watching Evilspeak (1981)
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First for Leaving D.C.
the fact her menstrual cycle is synced up to the full-moon cycle is 11/10
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>me on November 1st
thanks for the rec. I'll give it a go.
what movie
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Nothing Underneath 1985 Sotto il vestito niente
great giallo ripoff of De Palma's Body Double

>nice bridge between Argento and Soavi with the previously mention De Palma vibes for good measure. I loved the score, the Laura Mars psychic link stuff, the one night in Bangkok fashion show, that cocaine fueled game of Russian roulette, those pov scissor shots, and the great Donald Pleasence as a bumbling Milan cop who eats sauceless spaghetti at a Wendy’s
trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBItlRE3Ghk
full movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txIWPbWcxNo
Cyclops 1987
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I miss computer/internet horror kino
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Vamp 1986
>Two fraternity pledges go to a sleazy bar in search of a stripper for their college friends, unaware it is occupied by vampires.

comfortingly familiar vibe
>neon lit From Dusk Til Dawn at an 80s strip club
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claire was such a bitch
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The Wax Mask 1997
>Paris, 1900: a couple are horribly murdered by a masked man with a metal claw who rips their hearts out. The sole survivor and witness to the massacre is a young girl. Twelve years later in Rome a new wax museum is opened, whose main attractions are lifelike recreations of gruesome murder scenes. A young man bets that he will spend the night in the museum but is found dead the morning after. Soon, people start disappearing from the streets of Rome and the wax museum halls begin filling with new figures…

House of Wax + Terminator
>the only collaboration between Fulci and Argento
What is this capeshit
Watching Azreal
any time that movie was brought up i felt strong urge to remind everyone london is better and that bring up paris should be punishable by death. I'm over that now and can acknowledge paris is fun. The cg still sucks.
Looks kino
Added these to my watch list, thanks.
>Day 21
Lief Jonker's Darkness
Okay, big ups to the anon who recommended this. Lots of fun. This is a microbudget vampire flick, which marries zero budget and maximal scale. Giant crowds of vampires, drawn-out gore scenes, nothing but wall to wall action. I love Microbudget horror in general, but especially so when it puts a million things on the screen. A low-budget movie about two people talking is fine, but a low-budget action film, with a ton of crazy shit in every scene, now that's some serious charm. This is just a pleasure to watch. Obviously super rough and ready, but that's all part of the fun. Seeing what some fucking kids were able to do. Really enjoyed watching.
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>80 year old
Kek don’t do Babs like that.
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imagine Cramptons brown, wrinkly asshole

- no cute waifu
- boring ost (criminally lack of Werewolves in London by Warren Zevon)
- nothing happens 80% of time
+ great vfx
+ great cinematograhy
+ great ending

+ cute waifu
+ banging ost
+ great ending
+ nice autumn feel cinematography
- cheesy vfx
- shit ending
It's fucking awful kek
>anon posted his mom again
/rec/ me some religious horror?
I've already seen the omen and the exorcist.
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>great ending

I mean shit ending.
Auto fix.
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Amityville 2
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STOOPPP I can only deal with so much Schadenfreude in one day
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The sentinel (1977)
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was this gratuitous sex scene clearly shot by an ass-man cinematographer really necessary for a horror movie?
Ive been trying to watch this for a long time but I can never find it.
Does it have Michael Winner's usual far right messaging?
Anybody seen it yet? Any good?
Good movie but not /hor/. It’s practically a comedy.
>no cute waifu
Cute British nurse
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Coolest part of Hellraiser reporting in
Watched this with my mom as a kid. We turned it off at the lesbian incest scene. I should really give it another go.
Sister Death from last year since you're a nu-horror baby. it's even on Netflix
BUT - there's subtitles
Saint Maud 2019 a good A24 flick
you can't skip Exorcist 2 but DON'T miss Exorcist III
Midnight Mass series worth checking if you like it
watch The Devils 1971 or japanese School of the Holy Beast 1974 for some real shit though. or Benedetta 2021 from Robocop dir come November
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She’s cute.
*can skip Exorcist II
it's quite bad
also I think a lot of folk horror scratches the same itch unless you're like super hung up on Catholicism specifically
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i'll be playing the same ac/dc riff all night
Now i want half a barbecue chicken to go, thanks anon.
don't know. maybe i can watch this. i'm running out of main events this month. I shouldn't have watched romulus so soon, should've left it for the end. i have nothing exciting to look forward to now. i could watch older stuff, but i have seen everything mainstream at this point. i do not know. For the end of the month all I have is the Fog.
Absolutely do not listen to this guy, Exorcist II is a batshit mad film, they went all out, it's also a kind of satire/mockery of the first, which i find quite interesting, it has no respect for the concept or any reverence for the religious aspect that the first has, quite the opposite.
I'm a protestant, i just like the focus of religion in my horror. The rest is all fantasy to me with my faith, but the exorcist and other movies focusing on faltering beliefs or whatnot are my jam.
>inb4 christcuck
>verification not required
Exorcist II is underrated, mein freund.
One Dark Night (1982).
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Headless is everything that haters say Terrifier is. Bleak, misogynistic and genuinely fetishistic in its depiction of gore.

I like Terrifier (2 and 3, first is unwatchable) for the wop-madonna-magical girl ass religious themes and power fantasy aesthetics.
haha imagine getting ghost job from her or the angry princess ghost from thirteen ghosts
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wow the incredibly rare retro Korean horror
neat find thanks
>Headless is everything that haters say Terrifier is
>Bleak, misogynistic and genuinely fetishistic in its depiction of gore.
say less senpai

When I watched Exorcist II, I was set up for it to be so unbelivably god-damn bad, my bar was so low that I found a few things worth liking. The general idea of going up in a cave, the whole 70s ESP Washington set or whatever was also fun to look at. It isn't good, It's like a D-average flick, but it isn't a total train wreck. It was just the bit of schlock that came out after the true art, whence etc.

For that matter, Exorcist III is also a bit over-rated. George C. Scott is very annoying as the protagonist, he chews the set and doesn't really do anything. Brad Dourif does a good turn in his usual creep role, and I like the shot where the woman's neck is snatched away from the BIG GIANT SHEARS as it's threatening her neck, but apart from that meh.
>One Dark Night (1982).
some of the most kino zombies of all time
>first is unwatchable
>Tfw no wop-madonna-magical girl girlfriend
Feels bad man.
It's a spinoff of the 2012 movie Found which is also great
this was unintentional comedykino. the accent, the scooter, fat Russell Crowe talking shit to the demon and turning into a vidya boss character at the end. retarded and funny.

need more obscure type shit like this. I've seen too much shit this month, especially movies with terrible music. I desperately need some kinos with great music.
It's boring and doesn't really have the ineffable "special" feeling that I got from 2. It seems more like a proof-of-concept rather than a feature film.
For once I actually agree with a criticism of the film, so high five!
>first is unwatchable
It’s a modern classic.
what? they look like actual embalmed bodies
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Amsterdamned 1988
/hor/ favorite from last year still on tubi
>A mysterious diver hiding in Amsterdam’s canal system embarks on a rampage of gruesome murders, terrifying city officials and leaving few clues for the city’s best detective, who doesn’t suspect that both his new girlfriend and twelve-year-old daughter may be closer than he is to finding the killer.

Holy FUCK this is such a bad movie I can barely stay awake
Avoid at all costs or pay the price
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It's hilarious how many cunts love to downplay Terrifier's success and how mainstream it's becoming popularity wise
You could have Art literally beat them on the head with a wooden plank and they'd still go "nah, the average person has no idea who Art is"
leviathan in the 2nd one>whatever that gaylord thing is
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ah yes i've heard people with ADHD say it was too low budget for them, your loss.
The Exorcist III
The Omen II and III
The Devil Rides Out
I'm still watching tales from the crypt
Also Rosemary's Baby
Terrifier 3 will NEVER break 42 million
wheres the blu ray box set
i like he wear sunflower glasses in second one now he wears sunglasses the third one? awesome!
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It definitely won't do more than Smile 2 which also has much wider of a release/marketing, but it's hilarious that it can actually break Joker's 2 domestic
It’s easily better than Terrifier 2 and on par with the third.
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What ep are you on at this point?
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yeah I liked 'Found' quite a bit, seems slept on from the metrics it's an ingenious balance of a coming of age indie film trapped in a horror genre
Yo I need something with a fun vibe while I finish up the SH2 remake. Any recs?
right here
Vamp 1986
Braindead aka Dead Alive
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were going into the sweet home
we've told you NOT to go in the house
watch another movie, any movie
I wish /hor/ was like this all year.
Isn't this that early Peter Jackson joint?
yes. it's hilarious
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/hor/ is better out of October because it's when the cancer tourists leave like the IMDB/you're trolling guy, and the people that remain actually like horror outside of mainstream only stuff
Based. I still need to watch it
True horror, indeed.
Honestly, I’ve been here almost all year and enjoy it regardless outside of NPM spam. October /hor/ is just on another level of comfy. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been looking forward to Halloween all year.
Saint Maud
Okay. Sounds alright.
Seen it, of course.
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guys all i want in a horror movie is a killer who shoves the victim’s heads up his or hers ass and snaps it off clean
Is that too much to ask for?
Ultimate high school 90s horror kino
Which /hor/ anus can accommodate this?
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This is the hero that have a chance to fight off the killer
In the dream world, Freddy can do anything
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Why are there so many movies called Host from 2020, which one is the horror one.
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this is a good rival for a VS movie.
>Ass Vore Killer VS Pinhead
evilspeak is kino and a lot gorier than I remembered
Struggling through the first season of Chucky, does it get better? So far there's been too much zoomer drama around "am I gay? Are you gay?" that I don't give a fuck about
Just watched John Carpenter's Vampires for the first time and have to say I wasn't a fan. What was the deal with the fade to black cuts? Made it feel like a made for TV movie.
I love you two, anons. I love you so much, i dont care if you sleep beside me tonight, i will leace this monitor up and bright, auto updating thread, so that i can be surrounded by my sexy cute frens of /hor/!
based cinegrid anon
looks way better than its current 2.7/5 rating
can count on Hooper for visuals at least
>Actually playing the SH2 remake
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the tripfags and discord freaks are away and I've some 40 posts ITT of screenscaps webms and recs but I don't typically post to interrupt their circle jerk. say what you want about the troll he has a point
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What horror movies would boost my testosterone level?
The Thing
Times you snapped a pencil like Herbert West?
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>Ryuzaki, an editor of Muscle Magazine, which features photographs of men with sculpted bodies, becomes involved with a man named Kitami; their affair soon becomes dominated by sadomasochistic games, with a horrid result. Jump ahead one year, Ryuzaki is released from jail and goes in search of Kitami, perhaps to make amends.
Army of Darkness
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See >>204740542
sounds gay
I liked it . . .
Friday The 13th Part 2-10
imagine you're jason
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Ciao til tomorrow gents
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What the fuck was the monkey's problem?
kek. what movie?
What's the most batshit insane giallo out there?
Amsterdamned I think
i remember seeing it movies all the time as a kid, so i obviously had to try it, then being disappointed it was so easy
Holocaust 2000
The Unholy
The Seventh Sign
End Of Days
House with the Laughing Windows was pretty insane, especially that ending
Also Phenomena if that counts as giallo
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Dead Heat
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okay look I realize it was the sp00k and everything and it's some surreal shit, but okay, in the first scene of Phantasm, how am I supposed to believe this is supposed to be her riding on his wiener? I'm no sex expert nor mathematician but the angles just don't line up. The logistics are simply not accurate.
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The scene with the kidney wound getting ripped open was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in a movie and I can't believe it was in THIS piece of shit.
until next time cowboy
Looks fun and comfy.
it's so good. you can really tell people risked their lives to make this kino.
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>What's the matter, Charley? Afraid I'd never come over without being invited first?
Is The Pope's Exorcist actually worth watching, memes aside? These webms make it look kino
I watched the remake the other night and it's such a downgrade in every way
I just can't take Russell Crowe seriously in anything he's in
it's a pretty average modern horror film but russell crowe plays a very likeable character. there's gonna be a sequel so yeah I'd give it a spin.
God this sucked, and I'm glad the little clown didn't became the devil, now that would have scared the shit out of me, the part with the filters working on the ghost was very creative though, wished they did more with that.
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simpsons should do an entire anthology horror season. that'd be the only way I'd watch it again.
any of the characters from the new Hellraiser
the assistant guy from Smile 2 aka 2mile
>I just fucked your mom, Charley, but that's nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to you tomorrow night.
the second season is way worse and takes place at a catholic school
sad to say even the remake is better than this
>faltering faith
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I'm gonna go get burger king and then watch another horror movie
there are some good moments, the show keeps faithful to all the past movies is the best part, lotsmof references. just skip the gay scenes.
Get WaWa or Sheetz man not BK
Or GetGo
Or make your own burger because it's the easiest thing in the world to make and it comes out 100x better
If Chimpanzees share over 98% of our DNA-why aren't there monkey ghosts? Explain this science?
monkeys didn't eat from the tree of knowledge
Even among people, I've only ever heard of white, asian, and american indian ghosts
>There aren't monkey ghosts
What about the one legged Thai monkey vampire ghost?
>and I'm glad the little clown didn't became the devil
No movie has ever done this.
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real vampires prefer tomato soup with crackers
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Sorority Massacre 2

How did this movie have so many big titters in it? And why didn't every other movie have the same, damnit !?
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I should probably start doing this since it's so expensive to get takeout. Need to get some sauce that tastes like the real thing.
An AI took my order as well for what its worth. Real M3GAN shit.
Most boring of the trilogy. This was one of the best scenes though.
Disgusting coomer
based big titter liker
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Get a load of this kino
Quiet you
We need more guys like you
I've watched The Omen '76 5 times in the past week. I think I have autism.
How's that Halloween playlist going?
Naked big breasts or even clothed big breasts make movies even better.
Is it the only movie you own or something?
I still need to check out the original blob. need to go back and check out more horror-leaning sci-fi from the 50s
era in general actually
>Olivia Taylor Dudley.
>Height: 5′ 3″
>34 D
Oh mama
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i didn't like it

New thread for us
found it, thanks
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Same with me, need to watch orig Blob and orig. The Thing
Orig. Blob is baaaad. It's so stiff.
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>I just fucked your mom, Charley
wouldnt even be mad at all. look at that hunk of a man, AND he's a vampire. sign me up, skipper!

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