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Previous bonfire: >>496103969

FAQ before posting, if you're new:
(a work in progress, and don't take it too seriously)

>The Archives
A repository of lore documents, interviews, art and more about FromSoftware games and other miscellaneous stuff:
Character planners, gameplay information, online tips, etc. for Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, and King's Field:
(some links could be outdated)
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good op
Is Sekiro that good?
john sekiro must be one tough cookie to hold up all that weight
It's the magic arm.
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dex and str bills
yeah but that has no effect on the five grown men, most in full metal armor, hanging from his midriff
dex > str
str < dex < int < faith
from unga bunga to most enlightenment
Has anyone here done a ds3 no death run? How hard is it?
I didn't, but if you're aren't speedrunning, it's just a matter of time and a bit of grind
be a pyromancer
level vigor
souls no death runs be like
poison+toxic the boss then run around the arena
unless you're doing a stream, then you gotta roll and play it cool, or the audience is gonna get bored
>tfw did a dark souls 3 no death run on my literal first attempt
>tfw no one believes me
>tfw no one will
Damn i couldve streamed that shit and gotten like 10 viewers maybe. What a waste. I bet if i tried it know id die at high wall of lothtic
not ashamed to say i pwnd every ER dlc boss with endure + raptor talons r2 spam
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How many skidaddle skadoodles?
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gotta applaud this german autist for single handedly destroying DS2 hate
varied per boss as i only played that dogshit dlc once when it came out
C'mon, it's not great, but it's not that bad.
How good is int + fth in ER, is 40/40 still a good idea for a caster
>is 40/40 still a good idea for a caster
Not really, 45/45 at least, or go 80 Int with a Faith tax.
the entire dlc map is just belurat and shadow keep, there is nothing else
>it's not great, but it's not that bad.
like ds2
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omfg i forgot my clothes in the washing machine last night oh my ghoooddd i want to die
don't care
didn't ask
do care
did ask
i wish i was a cat so i dont have to wash cloth
Yeah, better discourage getting too personal and off-topic
Otherwise we'll end up like /erg/
erg for sperg
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washinf clothes is the dark souls of chores
there i made it on topic
Pveers are so silly
can you please mod a QoS tattoo on your character? she's built for BBC and im imagining her walking around with a brown baby knowing she got knocked up by a buff tall black man
Kill yourself
is it lero/klippi?
if yes, then he deserves that
A bit weak, but doable
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okj i think thats enough slopshti3 for another month
psgs is fucking unplayable on kb+m because of the input drops when you crouch
>rl150 can match with rl125 in seamless
the first L of god yui
161 meta it is then
ergtroons please kill yourself
not from there
good webm
Why are all of the modders for this series so retarded? Did all of the intelligent ones move on with their lives?
but god yui isn't retarded
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the estrogen made them stupider
It's incredible how playing Elden Ring made me like DS2 even more, because the latter has as much if not more variety in areas without making them so massive to traverse you need a horse, the devs were smart about making their own magical world with the technical limitations of the time.
Also it definitely has more armor and weapons variety.

So yeah... For years I read about how ER was what dark souls 2 tried to accomplish, and while it has some merit, it just highlights what ds2 did right. Game would be an instant hit even with haters if the graphics got merely remastered to current gen levels AND the physics engine was tighter. And I think both get fixed with mods, at least I installed enough 4k mods that my ds2 is indistinguishable from DS3 / Elden Ring but I haven't been able to play because the game is bugged with ps4 controllers
sounds like he'd fit perfectly between the other trannies and chasers here
another thread where your stupid faggot ass refuses to take the archives out of the op
be grateful we keep your rentryslop
Its so funny how ds2 sloppa poppa piggy sissy sisters latched onto ER claiming its """""their"""""" game because maybe one or two mechanics from ds2 made it into the game (every other game in the series had a bigger part in the game's development)
also no 4k texture pack is gonna fix this garbage KEKAROO ds2 sloppa sissies are so delusional!
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i'm sorry for breaking your mind ds2sloppa poppa poopa sissy sister piggu piggu doggy woggy woof woof oinku oinku sloppa yum yum bum bum poopy poo poo wee wee faggy waggy faggot
It's our game because both try to be big colorful fantasy worlds reminiscing of a mmorpg, but DS2 does it better for me.

SOME parts might suck but that same castle has some amazing parts (the entry door with the golems, rain and a night sky, so cool)
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crappa youre actually so funny because alot of what you say is just incoherent schizo babble and its hard to take you seriously but its still so endearing to watch
we should play risk of rain 2 together
>a namefag and an trannoid
I don't mind DS2, but you aren't helping
don't reply to it, esl...
I typed avatartranny first
DaS 2 is okay on its own, it just doesn't live up to the other Souls games.
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ok if u dont wanna play ror2 what about uhhh
oh right you like minecraft do you wanna play minecraft with me? i cant build cool houses tho sorry the best my tgirl brain can come up with is a square box and a stairs roof
Trannies love ds2
they love elden ring, actually
But ds2 is their favourite
no elden ring is their fav. it's got the most despicable technical pvp and also the best character creator so it attracts them like flies to a corpse
i did not play worm today
You don't know what you are talking about
and you can't refute my statements
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my favorite is bloodborne actually but the one i played the most is dark souls 3
patiently waiting for the bloodborne pc emulation to replay it
did you guys forget bloodborne is all about feminity
your bait posts get worse by the day... you fell off, lil brogroid :/
it's been 27 threads since the last god2 invasion webm
what even is a brogroid.
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some mold
yeah idk why that guy is forcing that archive on the op when it has literally nothing to do with dsg (picrel is the tranny behind it)
all these new OPs are soulless shit anyway
where's my mass embed kino
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incomprehensible, may god have mercy on your soul
how do you theyre trans. you dont know that. and if they are then why should that matter? they did a good job archiving all that information which is all that matters
that is an npc, xir
Those salamanders might be the worst enemy in ds2
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xir was my grandfathers name, my name is xhe xiang
why didn't you just reaction roll that
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They're pretty bad.
i have old person reflexes and also i didn't think ninja slice would go that far
take the archive link off next op thanks
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maybe I should play ds2 again
i dont make the ops dummy...
Because it was trying to do something different, which makes sense because when it was made only DS1 existed. How would you make a ds sequel back then? If 2 didn't exist and instead DS3 had been the sequel, it'd be seen as the hackest move of all time because it's pretty much reusing the same ideas. Well no, even then Zelda TOTK and BOTW would be the worst in that regard, but DS1 and 3 would be very close.
But that's another good comparison with ER, which ALSO isn't meant to be Dark Souls 4 but instead its own different thing.
But yeah other souls games might be tighter or whatever but DS2 is just a better gamey videogame I feel, AND YES ADP MAKES SENSE do you know what's the #1 word used to attack souls games? "ROLLSLOP". The B team realized immediately how overpowered rolling was so they made it require an extra stat if you truly want to zip around the battlefield being invulnerable, otherwise you still have the roll button but it's not a free Out of Jail card for every situation. Apparently that made Souls fans go blind with rage so the following games truly are a roll spam, YOU wished for this.
kill yourself lero
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omg i just got such a cool idea for a sloppe3 mytha bill im gonna reinstall right meow

what rewards do the bell keepers get again
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you'll see
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>titanite chunks
god I hope belfry sol is active
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he's gonna make it
its impossible to mix playing ER and DS3 because of the roll distance difference
ok nvm i was gonna use this mod but its too lewd.......so saj,,...,
elden ring light rolls are so weird after playing 3
yep, domoGODS won.
posted it again award
number one trannyism defender award
you are mentally ill
The mod looks cool though
yeet is back at pontiff
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you are the mentally ill one you fucking retarded trooney loon
consider joining the 41% with your ilk
If you were stuck on an island and you could only have one fromsoft game to play, which one would it be?
biggest gaynigger pissbaby award for '96
DS2 is the only one with NG+ changes
How to fix PvP
>bring back a slightly weaker version of chaincasting and/or remove crouch cancel handy tech
bc pvp isr eally boring when 99% of fights are 2 moves
crouch r1/l1 or running r1
>6 tranwoman limit
self explanatory

mayb if shitazaki actually did that ringslopworm would've lasted years like GOD3 and not 2 months after slop of the sheckeltree
Well I reallocated my points and split it between VIG, END, and VIT. But I spread it too thin so it hasn't made a big difference. But I can block with the FUGS a little better now that I can spare some stamina
>block with the FUGS
nigga why
the FUGS has practical stats for blocking, but it's too heavy to use with a shield unless you gimp your defense or pump out your vit
Is your roll button broken or something?
Weapons take increased blockstun
I just wanted to try something different man rolling every playthrough gets old
play elden ring and cheat in the deflecting hardtear at the start
dryleaf weapons should have the deflect tear effect on them permanently as a weapon passive, similar to stuff like blasphemous blade having the health-on-kill passive

you literally cannot disagree with me
that's retarded
>spears of the church
>use a ghetto health regen build
>run around the arena
>only engage when health is fully healed
I don't care if it's trash, it was hilarious
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they should buff katana counter strength
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did he dieded
DS2, besides the ng+ changes, it just has the most variety in everything. Wanna play a Resident Evil run with a knife and shotgun? Be my guest.
It also has the most spells and catalysts, I remember in 2014 cosplaying as Gilgamesh from Fate unleashing everything the game offered to me on the enemies as if I had infinite treasures
nigga fucking leonmaxxed wtf
ds2 is just a really fun playground, but it's a lot more tight than elden ring. sure it doesn't look great, but it also runs on the most potato of potatoes you can bring it anywhere...
ds2 also rewards you for doing pvp
He tanked that shit
next patch will save spears and flails and 2h ss
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revert to ds2 patch soon
why didn't that rapier hit you from ten miles away
how did you strafe those soul arrows
i hate my life
armeowred core 6 dlc came out guys its called hawken is back holy shit lol
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The forbidden power of sub 200ms net
hawken tuah
god damn ds2 invasions are like crack
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wtf ais a creabon
>boss has 1 hit left
>immediately die
every time
>get summoned the moment I go afk
bell keepers is making me schizo
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i miss her syo much....
there's fun to be had in the sandbox but it's still full of piss and cat turds
If you pretend it's a ps2 game it has outstanding combat and graphics.
But yeah if you're taking 1 souls game to an island, 2 offers the most potential making up weird builds, handicaps, boss resets and ng+++
Is there a single good poison weapon in worm
poisson sneklaws
poison antspur
poison mist poison hts (nasty buildup)
poison venom fangs
poison mist poison lgs (funny)

poison hands are top-tier and poison-related
poison hands have 0 range and people only use it for the passive
I really wanted to start a new Bloodborne run tonight, but PSN just shit the bed
poison hand is only slightly shorter than star fists and has the same r2. you can use it at the beginning of the fight to poison the opponent really easily since it has solid buildup and a great moveset, and then swap once you get the poison off. also self-poisoning only works in invasions.
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star fist moveset is mid as HELL
bitch tf are you smoking. the r2 is insane!!! super fast, fucked up damage, and keeps prio into a second r2.
It's BORING dude
that's NOT what mid means bitch
Boring = Mediocre
I don't write the rules
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what was this gennie like during dlc release because i didnt open 4chan once until i beat the dlc
surely you guys were ecstatic about finally playing new slurm content right
>+0 gus blade is on par with my +10 uchi
Why would I webm myself bullying the mad warrior
you'll get wdc webms of it later
no webm, didn't happen
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no webm, did happen
>People don't remember when DES and DS1 were praised for bringing back old school difficulty
>People now bitch about everything and have become ''experts'' in game design

Unfair lost its meaning. I replayed DS1 and DS2 but this time unpatched on console and it was even easier than the first time I played those games, sure I got my ass kicked for dumb stuff, but they didn't feel unfair. I mean, I'd already finished DS1 several times and DS2 2x and I still looked at guides for both. In an upcoming review DS1 and DS2 have a lot of bullshit, mainly DS1 because of the annoying backtracking, which is even worse unpatched, god they took almost 1 year to patch new bonfires to warp, farming was bullshit, achievement hunting and PVP were the last thing they thought of, and speaking of PVP everything hidden behind Covenats. In hindsight, Souls games were made to play with guides. That's why the game has messages and those replay blood things. It's a game made for community and I kind of like that.
It also took them a year to patch coc in DS2. Even after the first dlc you had no way of farming anything
>In hindsight, Souls games were made to play with guides. That's why the game has messages and those replay blood things. It's a game made for community and I kind of like that.
True that.
Is a magic shield buffed bks too mean?
uhhhh helloooo you forgot to answer my question >>496706946
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the honeydew period was delicious for slurm it was exquisite
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oh but to answer your question ppl i kept in contact with were very excited finding new stuff fighting new bosses and sharing with each other
it was very optimistic for the most part, finding scat fragments was a tiny bit annoying but ppl were more curious and searching for them than annoyed
only thing i was rly annoyed by were the wickermen i just ignored them
i did a get a bit jaded after a full playthrough.
wait wtf this nigga is still alive?
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yep. exploring everything in gravesite plain and fighting dancing lion was the most fun i had in gaming in a while, after rellana it kinda died down as i realized how many empty useless areas there are
Why did zonky add even more misery to the er setting
misery is good. marika and messmer misery made the dlc fucking good. without the whole shoving blonde women and prisoners into jars body horror shit and marikas whole village being fucking dead and messmer hornsent genocide the dlc would've been NOTHING
even on paper the miquella stuff was cool, excising parts of yourself until nothing worthwhile is left and then trying to become a god or whatever
using the corpse of youer half brother to become a god, like some crazy high tech zombie magic shit.

idk all of the ideas in elden ring are awesome, i just didn't care for the open world
yeah... its nice the first time to admire the views but then it gets kinda old and then im like damn i'm not gonna bother with some of these areas because i dontt give a fuck about ghost glovewort number ten shiggydiggydillion, but hey i think elden ring works better if u treat it like a semi-picture book art gallery to look at or something dude idfk

im coping
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dlc needed another 6 months in the oven
got depressed after reaching aldia's keep 2.0, but the jagged peak atmosphere was neat
jagged peak atmosphere was okay but then after I fought the double dragon fight and talked to ahab again I was sick and tired of it and then bayle curbstomped my nuts into the ground until I upgraded the dragon greatkat
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nah thats a normal way to think, i think most people who play open world games dont go exploring every nook and cranny of the map
personally i dont mind there are being alot shitty items that i will never use since im an item hoarder i just wish there was more, like idk you couldve put a boss in the finger ruins or an npc there or something
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+1 Ring :)
when will you people learn that it's not about time, fromsoft and miyazaki in particular make more shit than they need to, and they cut it, and remove perfectly good finished content for no other reason than 'it's too clear' or 'we want to change it for some reason', extra time might help, or they might spend more time developing something that they'll then cut, or swapping something out instead. that's why literally none of their games are finished
>i think most people who play open world games dont go exploring every nook and cranny of the map
I normally don't until they force that shitty leveling system.
It ruins the exploration since it felt forced as fuck, and it ruined my first experience with it.
yeah i legit wouldnt mind them putting an unique boss behind this item, they couldve made like a bigger stronger version of the alien worm sucking dudes
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desu its also liek a ur fucked if u do fucked if u dont kind of moment if fromsoft doesn't have any more new bosses to put in one of those areas like
ppl r gonna be upset if u copy paste a boss there and its not unique and you potentially ruin the atmosphere of an area
they will also be upset if that area is just empty for atmosphere (you cannot do this too many times in a game or ppl will notice lmao) or no good reason at all

finger ruins are cool on paper, i like the idea of these weird finger whorl craters with only finger enemies, but it feels dogshit boring from a gameplay perspective. I would've preferred fewer finger leech dudes and then maybe a boss instead idfk. It is very pretty and atmospheric at least.

also i'm still honestly upset that the red dancer npc was a fucking phantom in a crypt and not an npc fight in that flower field.
Nah, it's just Lero being a tranny again
zakibe like what if we made an entire game that's ash lake over and over again
>Had zero expectations for the DLC
>Still let down
It's truly impressive.
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lmao fuck that made me snort
zaki WHYYY
>best fromsoft dlc ever
>umm actually it's le bad
dumb contrarians
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time to lay in some sludge until spellbound/dlc 2 comes out
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Eh, I wouldn't be so sure
those are all people who dont know about scadutree blessings or complaining about performance
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isn't this mostly optiomiazation issues
wit ha smattering of wow scadutree fragments and level design sucks niggapenis
go play some other games... read some books... educamacate yourself..
it's good but i would not say its the best one.
old hunters crashes through the fabric of relaity and drop kicks elden ring
also ds2 dlc was peak
Where's the souls dlc tier list
>third worlders upset that their shitcans couldn't run the game
T. baby first soul game
i have played them all
Wouldn't be surprised if people start calling games "Ring-likes" in a few years
That's even worse
I doubt that. ElR is more about a decade of polishing and perfecting existing formulas rather than experimenting and inventing something new.
>download Rubicon's Inferno because some anon recommended it
>enemy vomit right from the fucking start, first mission has an absolute fuckload including several tetrapods, basically have to skip them because you have nowhere near the amount of ammo needed to even dent them
>forced to fight an LC before the helicopter in your shitty loader 4 AC
>starts you with a plasma gun, grenade cannon and explosive thrower because the mod maker knows they just copy and pasted a fuckton of enemies
it should be an immediate red flag to you as a mod maker when you think you have to give the player some weapons early to deal with the shit you're throwing at them. you have to work up to that point gradually, not just go balls in right away like a dipshit.
here it is
>missing one
>Dark Souls 2 DLC at the bottom just because you don't like Dark Souls 2
We get it faggot, Dark Souls 2 is janky and sloppy as fuck, but the DLC didn't suffer from the same issues as the main game.
god3 won im afraid
god2 trio
ringed hallway
asses of ariandel
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>ds1 dlc
forest area is a cool parallel to darkroot time travel shit is cool but its not a fun area bcause its just flat land and trees, township has rly good level design, all of the bosses are god-tier ds1 bosses and very very fun to fight. dlc has aged not amazingly, but still i would consider it to be goodish. the cutscenes and story was pretty cool too and it was a nice way to bring artorias into the game when he had been talked aboutt. also the sif cutscene. new spells and weapons were cool, for the time.
its a very humble dlc. not my favorite but it doesn't leave a bad taste ibn my mouth
>ds2 dlcs
i fucking came so hard
god tier fashion, weapons, spells were okay, boss fights, cool enemies to fight, level design mwah fuck me in the asshole, everything was good
yeah the coop areas suck ass to play alone
>ds3 dlcs
there's a lot of dogged level design but some chunks of trc and corvian settlemtn and the ariandel forest sections were good.cool aesthetics and expansion of base game. some of the most awesome sauce weapons and armors and spells in souls introduced here. bosses were fine.
>bb dlc
peaked so fkin hard
god fashion, weapons, bosses, music, enemies, areas, fucking everything about this dlc is just peak fromsfot just flexing dick vein bulging just godtier zaki form right here its tight this is a tight ass dlc

laurence fucking sucked nvm -1 point.
>er dlc
this is the opposite of old hunters this shit is loose ran through pussy blwon out arbys
it has godtier fashion and cool weapons and enemy designs and some of the level designis good but thanks to open world its just like you dread replayng this esp with the scadu tree fragments. some of the bosses were epic, the game also just shit the bed with combat and gives u fucking sekiro mode which is funny.
also fromsoft still doens't know how to balnace any numbers or even playtest their game so almost all of the spells wre fucking dogshit and weapon balancing and eveyrthing was just retard mode
Isolated, SotE is bigger and has more material. Is it because it looks poorly with the base game?
Move Ringed City down 2 tiers, Old Hunters down a tier, SOTE down a tier, Artorias of the Abyss down a tier, and move Ashes of Ariandel down a tier for good measure. None of these DLC's are better than a B overall.
2- for the retarded trio bosses and Nashandra reskin + summoning
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i have a personal vendetta against elden ring solely for its open world design desu. i dread replaying elden ring and i dont think I ever will after that third time i did. it's the one game wher ei'm like fucking SHIT I HAVE TO BE ON THAT BITCH OF AN ANTELOPE AGAIN AND COLLECT ALL THIS SHIT FUUUCK.
trio boss was sovl... nashrandra reskin was genuinely awful dogshit but the 0.00001% pig spawn was funny and the level design of the dlc itself was nice. also cool weapons and armor.

honestly i would put trc fucking 6 feet under elden ring if it didn't have such godtier weapons, armors, and artstyle. that shit carried it so hard. i go to sleep and see the rkpugs ringed knigth standing there majestically

stupid ass dragonslayer armor in the swamp.
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guys what if we made a really cool snow dlc for the first time along with a great final boss
and then add the single most dogshit abysmal putrid unfun area that you have to go through every single time just to attempt an already difficult boss
Fuck off, Tanimura
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i still like sote and elden ring, but i can't replay it. if that makes any sense. it has a lot of really cool ideas and fun weapons and spells and mechanics but I just really do not ever want to replay it ever again
(except i will reinstall it just to spam bear roar in pve for 1000 more hours)
also the story trailer for sote peaked so fucking hard, maybe even harder than those shitty american rock music dark souls trailers...
2kat honestly isn't that hard. Ruin Sentinels should've taught you ages ago how to approach fighting 2 bosses at once. You know what you should hate? Valiant Gargoyles. I hate that fight with every fiber of my being, and you get a checkpoint literally right before them.
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guys i just got a call from miyazaki he said spellbound is gonna be vr game lmao
I hope I can pull out UBW with spellbound
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the shot with messmer and the impaled dancing lions was so fucking cool man god i love fromsoft cinematics
>they changed messmer's VA from the gameplay trailer
AAAAAARGGGHHHH WHYYYY he sounded way cooler and intimidating in the trailer
>unironic pve and lore talk
post pvp or go back to fsg and erg
for lore reasons.
But I want smug Messmer instead for cinematic reasons.
sir your pvp webm, albeit a tad wee bit moldy
oh wtf i had no idea his VA was changed.
I have never fought them alone, i grew tired of fromsofts shit and caved into spirit summons
just found a webm of me using prepatch whirlwind spell doing 200 dmg to some guy with barely any armor on
Jesus the comment
>Trailer version makes him sound like a cartoonish, snivelling, moustache twirling villain. In game version sounds much more like a nuanced character who thinks for himself and isn't just here to be a generic archetype.
Being le depressed is a fucking archetype of its own especially in a fucking soul game
QRD on noktily trooncord
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same im tired of hearing shit like "oh he sounds like this because of lore reasons" bitch who gives a fuck what happened to the rule of cool
that doesnt exist...
There are better games for PvP
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heh, caught you erging
fsg is dsg is eroge
Bonfire on Bloodborne
Good to know
snoy is going to wait until the project is complete and working 100% then copyright strike the fuck out of them, claim the software as their own, and then sell that version
sounds based i would gladly pay €70 + tip if they did that
Meh, it's better than anything else in the base game. Maybe Catacombs and Sen fortress are on the same level, but it's kind of meh.
They made DS1's DLC better, DLC 2 is what Iron Keep should have been and DLC 3 is overall great I admit I didn't beat frigid outskirts
I think DLC1 is underrated and Wolfy and Painting Lady are one of the best bosses in the game. DLC 2 is okay weird retcons and just boring level design I liked the arrow thing.

I haven't played BB and Elden Ring yet
>weird retcons
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wuh i just took such a nice nap
anyway uhh yemmy yem it slurm tiff yaoi
The fuck with those chink runes?
i found it on twitter from a chinese fujo
Why pretend being a chink?
klippi falseflags for the sake of falseflagging
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well no theyre also an extremely talented artist with 65k followers heres the original tweet https://x.com/DUOJ_ji/status/1840851883474502120
see pic related for one of their artpieces
This post is advertising or begging.
is offhand 'fume jeeproved
ya youre kinda dumb..
It's so refreshing to see him point out in detail just how bad all the DS2 critics are at Souls games, and how disingenuous and misleading most of their arguments are

Really opened my eyes
Why Ranni is good, but Mike is bad?
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give me a hexer pyro hybrid bill for god2
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What is the purpose of this door?
its to make you question why you are playing dark ''''''''''''''''''''''''souls'''''''''''''''''''''''''''2
you can actually drop from above outside and land in that door
ds2troons are pathetic...
ruin sentinyals shortcut
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>ruin sentiny-AAACKKKK!!!!!!!!!
you will NEVER be a woman and you will NEVER be a catgirl
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it's so easy to bait this retarded shartyfag
nahhhh blud really used the morbius jak
why is dsg so keen on defending their tranny posters? what went wrong?
bro don't you know the first and most important rule of TheRegs 'cord
no insulting our wholesome trans catgirl posters. it is the worst thing you can do and it is our duty to defend them at all costs.
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Most of us don't
lil bro is fighting ghosts
transwymen are the target audience for soulslop pvp
why is he still replying to his own post
>everyone i don't like is the same person
kys tranny schizo
the only schizo here is (You)
why are you defending trannies who speak as if they are a cat? don't you realize how ridiculous this looks?
filthy data is that touched by troon eyes.
kos have mercy
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Again, most of us don't. Usually we just ignore it, and sometimes retaliate for couple posts, so they don't forget they aren't welcome here.
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Dark souls would be better if every npc were female
>most of us don't
but TheFags and their orbiters sure do
I like it like a colorful fantasy mmorpg from the 2000s. Dark souls 3 wishes it was that soulful
pine resin buffed anri goes hard
DS3 world is more alive. Sure the areas in DS2 are livelier than DS1 which is a downgrade from DES, but DS3 has npc infighting and they have more interesting routines. Undead Settlement, Highwall of Lothric and etc... They doubled down on that. In DES you only have DLC and part of the forest where the Npc's have unique behavior.

DS3 > DES > DS2 >DS1
are all demon souls worlds 1-1 levels the same difficulty wise? im new and flamelurker is kicking my ass. I'm thinking of jumping to another world to lvl up and comeback to him
good page 10 save
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amazing things at pontiff
death by brap
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klippi post
better than erg's bump bot
So, there's some gear that can be missed in this game. And I mean items of a level that you can't get because you've walked into some dumb trap.
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Dragonscale is "okay" with the door shields
aldritch gem rings are good for co op
stoneplate rings are good for pve and pvp they cuck elemental bills when combined with bug pellets
clutch rings are bad
steel protection is ok for pve
hawk ring is bad
all status rings are bad
farron ring is good if you have a swappa bill ledo gandeer
pontiff ring is bad
dscale ring is bad
evil eye is good in pve and pvp cus everything that the host party kills heals you too
>6% ele res
Stoneplates are garbage
if your build isnt garbage then you should have 2 flex ring spots, so may aswell
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you now remember titanite demon hitboxes
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you now remember uhhhh ummmmm
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43/43 staff of the great beyond
seeing this boss again reminds me of a post from fsg where someone confessed to recording the bossfight and staying behind him the whole time to jerk off to it later
i do love the amount of enemies that infight in ds3, it's enough that the vibe of corvian knights wiping out dudes in ariandel is enough to keep me from hating it. i still am not a fan of the combat or linearity though
pontiff's left eye has niche cases where you can heal one million hp on groups of enemies
Is the Profaned Flame supposed to be the Great Swamp Flame
int/fth pure caster is actually really good now. the weapons are kinda piss tho...
profaned flame is like the deep, it's just a lore breaking idea that they didn't iterate on at all
ah, meant to reply to >>496777371
>both cursed
>both ashamed by it
>both are bound by duty
>both rejected by Marika
There really isn’t anything that distinguishes Morgott from Messmer, is there?
YUO STOLE MY DOUBLE BUMP what the flip man,,,;.
also why does the r2 not even combo thsi game sucks
nobody at Fromsoft stopped to think “hey we already wrote this character” when making the DLC, please be understanding
morgott is an actually good character
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rapier apes STAY losing
How can Morgott be king of Leyndell when everyone there is turbo GO and Morgott is a disgusting omen? It makes no sense.
new 'aati
I just want you two anons to know that I really appreciate all the webms you two have been posting lately
I guess he curses Marika at the end
been a while
Who cares about this hack
'aait on 'eck
tomorrow we will gank @ rl139 raya lucaria on seamless
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thanks bby <3
c-can i join anon? o//o
I forgot how bad DaS3's PvP was
Bayle is a cooler Seath
It's true
fuck off back to your parents
My parents are dead, brother.
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bump it up
chill, we aren't on page 10 yet
He was more edgy
That's not the place to talk about dragons in Fromsoft games
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go join them
Why? I don't hate women or care about "feels" threads. I like talking about Fromsoft games
ai well least we got a nigga bumpin the thread now im audi
>not a SINGLE infusible sword with innate poison in slurm
Why does Memehacki hate poison so much???
Please come back to /erg/ I was told to come get you
thanks mr ergie
I think I'll stick with two tabs
erg fc?
>retro games like dark souls
Why would we do that?
ds2 katana
do you have these kinda moments when you almost beat a multiphase boss 1st try but get killed at like 20% and get angry and proceed to fail the boss for like 10-20+ times because of stupid mistakes or ai suddenly reading your every input perfectly
i jobbed to gael like 7 times after my first attempt failed when he was low
also if i don't kill smelter demon on the first try, it'll turn into superhell
no that has never happened to me
That happened to me with Isshin
idc lil nigga
guys, i did it. i beat flamelurker. there was an anon that said that it's better to stay in soul form and to jump from high in the Nexus. why is that?
google world tendency
You care enough to respond bro
didn't read
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how the fuck am i supposed to fight that!?
Then you must be pretty dumb
post ignored
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Why is this kino stuck in dogshit games
this shit should instakill the enemy if it lands...
Shoot it
He's hiding behind a veil
There's a cut GO npc that was supposed to give you a quest in Leyndell that started as hunting omens in the sewer and culminated in him asking you to kill Morgott.

>Kill our lord...
>He is a stain upon all things golden...
>Kill Morgott, kingly impostor!
if u die in any level but the hub as a human u fuck up your world tendency
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Run to the ballistas
Hide behind pillars
Fire the ballistas
Finish him off
ipen up my phone n see 50 screenshots of bb wiki reddit n youtube of chalice codes for good gems i hate bb so fkin much crazy how the game makes u play the game to make a pvp build u gonna fight the same two niggas from brazil with
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melee weapons for this feel?
sacred land butcher's knife
anri ss (turtle)
ER doesn't have Warmth
25fth/50 Luck sounds painful to manage
er has warming stones and sacred ground XD
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Your words cause me great pain.
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i accidentally fell asleep but i wanted to say thanks yuo thats very nice of u,,...
also i forgot to eat dinner uugggggg fuck my stupoid neko life
warming stone
sacred slurm
prayerful shrike
70 fth wamrth
You can't have 70 fth at rl80 you dumb btich
>another cut npc
Why the FUCK do they remove all the good shit
go to sleep instead of eating dinner thats my thinspo advice. any time u r hungry u sleep.
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i just pulled up a buildplanner and gave myself 79 fth before hitting rl80
I'm NOT playing with base vigor
you gonna get oneshot by two 10 yos with L2 button on they controller anyways
what's the point
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i like eating but im already thin because i habe fast metabolism or something like that
its pretty sick i get to eat hameburgors without getting fat
I can eat TWO L2s if I level vig...
yeah your metabolism is fast. u gonna have to eat like a mfing pig or work out if u wanna gain weight
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yummy 3k calories that dissolve into the ether
>dsg once again worshipping trannies and wagging their tail to any sign of them
this is just sad to see
could be samefagging
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hi i have a question do u have like brain damage...
I'm genuinely confused about that. They did all the work, then just decided to leave it on the cutting room floor
i pull the tail out of my butthoole
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>or work out
nyoooo i dont wanna do work out i just want to eep and play videyo gaem...
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You gotta work for that chiseled broken ss hollow look
ok now i have to ig...
also cool webm that guy was prototype radhan i think
shi man finna bump dis bish
no jee no click
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why would you advertise this dogshit
it felt like the wrong amount of wrong to post here
least porn addicted slurm player
Is that the Jee I've heard so much about?
i hope the next souls game is BAD nigga like rly fuckin bad like horseradish dogwater bullshit bad
japan's work ethic is crazy so this will never happen
i cant think of a single badly developed game from japan on the same level as redfall/concord/fallout 76
Japan's had some stinkers but yeah nothing as bad as what's going on in the west here. Fromsoft will always put out something decent desu.
Turn off your net for a couple of days, go outside, touch some grass
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touch some WHAT
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Why the fuck won't Stayd finish the Flames of Old mod?

every time I open his stream he is jerking himself off over the slightest most insignificant texture or shader in some obscure map location that nobody would ever notice. How many fucking years has it been
his mind is occupied by far right bigots and chuds
whens he gonna transition
based stayd
Only the middle statement is based
no i just re-checked the post with my based-detecting tools and the whole thing lit up the sensors
You need to recalibrate your tools and brain
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never kill yourself
You already killing your body by eating and drinking that stuff
is that none pizza with left beef
markov chain ahh post
I'm trying to curse some players in DSR, I can give the status to NPC characters, but it doesn't work on other players online. Would like some help
Ask Malcolm
Master please teach me the ways. It probably has something to do with, clientside/serverside stuff
Join the Ravelord
Use the Eye of Death
Stolen from ergite:
>remove L2den Ring
that is, make ashes of war have an actual FP cost and not being faster and cheaper than any spell while also doing more damage with half the stats

>remove crouch cancel and handy tech / soft swap recovery frame skip
At this point in time everyone doing pvp does it, everyone knows it's a braindead easy "tech" and 90% of pvp is just braindead crouch r1 l1 slop. Hardswaps are fine though, if there's a single thing that's not braindead in this game it's hardswaps and melee-spellcasting gameplay and even then hardswaps are not even hard, once again, almost everyone does it nowadays.

>6man limit online multiplayer
Let 2 people invade 3 coopers, and have a 4th coop s lot bc 4man coop is fun.

There, Elden Slop of the Sheckel Tree is saved and enjoyable again. Fromdogshit won't do this though, these would be good changes and they don't like to do those

Would these be good, dsGODs?
Maybe for the next sauce game
what was the slurm patch
Not that kind of curse, heh.
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a nothing burger, sadly
>Fixed a bug that allowed Skills to be used in incorrect combinations with Weapons under certain circumstances.
they fixed bolus swap, this is not a nothingburger
level and soul memory? i wanna start playing dog2 some more and i wanna know if i can just pvp with my current chars
nahhhh this dude really thinks that people have tails
ladder players taking the "don't be a faggot" challenge
difficulty level: nightmare helltorture
it's not a recovery frame skip this idiot is so dumb
yemmy it up nox the gem
where is the hero shooter souls game
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is there a working method to dupe titanite/upgrade materials in dsr? i remember doing a dupe that involved storing the item in question in the bottomless box, viewing a drop prompt for 999 arrows, then using a homeward bone while rolling and cancelling the popup by opening the menu, and you had to keep moving while you got into the feed menu with frampt. but i don't remember if that was ptde or remaster and it doesn't seem to be working on remaster if it ever did
There is. But if you're on PC just use DSR Gadget
where is the made in abyss souls game
shut up retard
>There is
link me, brotherman bill
pmask would win because she's wearing armor and therefore can take less damage
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what happened to speedsouls
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post it in mmcg
is this the worst dsjee has ever been
why am i in there
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STRgod thread
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yeah kinda but it's also been the most eventful
just think of all the bullshit that happened the past half year
yo is this bird aoell good yet
explain how it is bad
do not open up the latest jee its ragebait
like sl90 450k-500k, DS2 as active as fuck thanks to wex dust
no worries i dont watch frauds
nothing to play
nothing to watch
just coomed
you have god2 and dog3 to play
how big was ur load and what did u coom to
the 'pa comic
it was...big
they didn't fix the smith spear...
a lot actually
inside my imouto
if elon musk says to have two shields equipped in the offhand slots and to be in fatroll range and have multiple spirit ashes on my hotbar, then i will do that because he is a genius
>your billionare genius, xir
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>endless dogshit the past couple hours
Where did you "people" come from
truly a god among us mortals. praise be to elon
the spell is still dogshit and eats your entire fp bar in a second
>Where did you "people" come from
you are a literal /v/eddit tourist
is there an online item checklist for ds games where you upload your save and it automatically checks everything you have/don't have?
No, go make a spreadsheet.
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are doggy2 servers down or am i just banned
2serbs are a bit buggy
reboot and try again
ok works now, i was spooked because i was fucking around in CE a bit earlier (offline before you call me retarded)
i will call you retarded regardless
ahem. retard
explain in a logic, factual, reasonable manner what exactly you dislike about the thread
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all of them are gone
when you get banned in god2 it doesnt mention it anywhere also you dont have to be offline to make builds with CE
if you have to ask then you are part of the problem
i always forget about darius
research connection to oulero
thread's completely fine not sure what the problem is
yemmy yem it slurm 'tiff 3/4
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No genius would buy fucking twitter
>Start playing the Dark Souls games in order (and 10 years late)
>Beat Dark Souls like 4 times to test different builds (and frankly magic looks terrible, only Homing Soulsmass looks/sounds good)
>Start DS2:SotFS expecting an insult to life itself (like DMC2, where you you see a cut-scene and try Stinger and start cursing the devs)
>It feels OK, and Majula is just beautiful
Losing HP on death is lame, so is kneeling to level up, the Forest of the Fallen Giants feels slightly too big and I don't enjoy the invader there with Soul Greatsword who acts like he's the real MC of the game, but so far it's nice (though the Last Giant is a trash boss). I hope the game is not full of Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith levels waiting to ruin the experience.
bro got pwned by armorer dennis the menace
doggy2 pw club when
if losing hp on death bugs you, there's a ring in the tower area past majula that makes it so the hp loss from dying is halved
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no it was a 6D chess masterful gambit he's a genius ok
never change dennis the menace, keep on raping pvers
yeah nvm this thread is fucking dogshit
im gonna go play some fallout 4 now
what's the minimum amount of mind for 2 casts of rot breath
bumping this thread with no survivors
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would you kiss a pk girl
can we brick lero's save already
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>Dark slop poo: Sloppa in the first bin™sissies will tell you that in pic rel the game is working perfectly and that dark sloppa sissy poo poo has the best pvp in the series
why are scholar sissy piggu oinku oinku sloppa yum yum sisters like this, has the dollar store estrogen pills caused tumors to form in their brains to like this shit? quite sad honestly!
i like how jee said that people claim seamless is too easy and then proceeds to one shot 10 vigor pvers on ps5 for the next 4 hours
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'oop it
'oop it just 'oop it
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yuh yuh yuh dark souls 2 is the best game in the entire series buh buh buh
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>xe's still seething days after his failed /V/igger thread
wtf is a igger ead
>the ds2 doggy dog piggu runs to defence of his game within seconds, but unable to even formulate an excuse for the shitty programing and game design shown in the webms, immediately resorts to insults and ignoring the issue
scholar sissies are so pathetic KEKAROO
>ds1 out of NOWHERE
mind BROKEN. sissies have been beaten black and blue so often by ds1 chads they have a pavlovian response to posting webms of the game while playing badly on purpose (all while failing to refute the issues pointed out in the initial post)
>scholar sisters... we have been mind broken and our bussies have been spread and bred.... its over....
hellooooo you forgot to reply to my post >>496916351
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>scholar siss- ACK!

answer it. right. meow.
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Where can I get a better weapon? This one is horrible.
wait i meant this >>496916351 not >>496916729
idk its na okay comic im not really big on the whole blacked thing if u know what i mean just not my thing im not racist i just not a huge fan the artstyle is alright i guess not my thing really i also dont like how the white girl is calling the black guy nigger that's rly not nice but it is what it is world is uncaring
very trueeee very true very true
good points good point i agree dark souls 2 is the best game in the series
this is your brain on modded mc
>avoids proof in thread of his game being bad
>d*** s*** p**** webm
the lengths sissy will go to to avoid even THINKING about the flaws of their game, KIKEmura did a good job conditioning ds2 slopsisters for them to act in such a manner.
>scholar sissies flock to ER like flies to a pile of shit
>immediately claim the game
>start making BLACKED porn of eachother
many such cases, the scholar sissy is a depraved creature my only hope is that they are all wiped out (51% chance of occuring)
i wanted to hear pa's thoughts not urs but its oke i forgive u
erm thats porn of you...
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GODimura won
yo chekc out this funny ass video
>has to round up each enemy to get them all the swarm him like this
>avoids one shotting them while they're stuck in the doorframe
>once they're in room purposely doesn't attack at one point even opts to attack the other way
>still takes more then 10 seconds to die
yiddish manufactured webm by a dick ripped scholar sissy, no doubt dilating their pus filled axe wound while recording. meanwhile in sloppa slop poo:
>playing normally
>attacking as soon as possible
>immediately rushed by off camera enemies that do 25% on each hit
>dies within 4 hits
sloppa poppa poopa sisters don't want you to see this
i beat that encounter no problem
im still waiting for you to give me your thoughts on >>496916351
I don't think the ds2schizo is 'p mask
Stop samefagging, you got the reply already
it's absolutely her 100% literally who else could it be..
Too bad
yo yo yo
yuh yu yuh dark souls 2 lost
pmask is like the old gods in funger he has left but there are traces of him his concept will never leave t his place
pmsk is a retarded new god
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me on the left
that game looks boring as hell
its dogshit boringg all u do is get raped by dogs and raped by men until u figure out the pattern u need to win
>doesn't like rpgmaker games
Soulless or retarded?
name a single good and engaging rpgmaker game
oh wait you cant because its all pixel turn based indieslop fuck you you have fucking dogshit taste moron retard
they all suck dick
ywnbaw kys
Ao Oni?
The Witch's House?
Yume Nikki?
Corpse Party?
>tranime wlaking sims
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im kinda bored of baiting time to go back to installing videogames
mario really is wlaking through that level with a lot of skill

guys i can't wait for the nextelden ring update
This is /dsg/, not /erg/
>that VN
The most unforgettable horror porn game I've ever played. No other game had a bunch of elementary schoolers gangbang a teenage girl against a wall. And the teenage girl loved it. No other game I've played had a 17 year old bishonen guy drink a 14 year old girl's piss and chase her down the hall to rape her, only to wind up getting anally raped by a 32 year old fat man. I still remember the scene where a 16-17 girl was hiding under a bed as her same age best friend was having sex with that same 32 year old fat guy on top. She heard every moan, bed shake and sound. In the wrong end she was discovered under the bed by her friend and made to join. A most terrifying scene was when an unwilling girl relives another girl's sex memories. The girl in the memory consented but the reliving girl didn't. It didn't matter that she was mentally screaming, her body in the memory did all the motions and actions as in history. It's like mind control rape except the victim was fully aware. Another scene the same girl and a friend were almost raped in a magic sex ritual, saved by the girl's older sister, and the backlash made the older sister want to rape her younger sister and friend.

The loli in this pic is freakishly lewd and once disguised herself as a teenage girl, fucked a boy until he nearly came, transformed back saying
>You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren't you? I'm an elementary schooler all along!
And leglocks that boy, forcing him to cum inside her unprotected, when he screams in fear upon learning this. This isn't even getting into the tentacles, the gay sex, the lesbian sex, the incest, the sequel's mother/daughter lesbian scene, etc. The first chapter alone contains lots of lesbian sex scenes with an unavoidable girl masturbating in the bathroom. Truly horror is intrinsically connected with sexuality.
Stale pasta
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Not me
if they make a star wars movie the main character should be played by christopher wlaken
Best King
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magic infused longsworn
i wish there was an easier easer way without the dodge button to swap between running and wlaking
the 'fic
Don't leave home without your poison heide ss
patches was a supporting character in the the'fic
>all u do is get raped by dogs and raped by men
Sometimes I boot up ds3 and go to high wall with a high level character, strip of all my armor and masturbate while the hollows and dogs kill my character
what alcohol should idaydrink today
why would you record this embarrassment of a webm
stop replying to bait
go back to posting this garbage in /erg/
actually you know what, just stop posting period
grim day for the /dsg/ denizens
most grim indeed
Are you saging?
don't make this weird, pal
Why are you doomposting, sageboy? Are you afraid of us?
If you want to, I do
sage? IN MY GENNIE? i like bumping at page 5 more
please please PLEASE stop saging
we're already dead enough as it is I don't think we can take many more hits......
why sage in dsg nobody cares if this shithole dies we'll just make a new one and the jannies won't care
ds2 is a good game but
I just do that everywhere I mean though
but i wish we got a dark souls 2: 2
omggg ds2:2 dlc and baegame came out itscalled elden ring!! <33
die in a fiery train derailing
endless misery upon you
i wish it had been more like ds2
will you accept a non-fiery train derailing
*the train crashes into the Z team workign on ds2:2*
*backsteps the train*
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I cried when I first saw that video
I didn't really think it was that real but the idea was enough
mfer i forgot to sage all these posts
someone make a poison bill for ds3
rotten pine resin ghru weapons... wowie
yoo im bored ds1 bill for this feel
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that's not a poison gem
fuck me bruh
poison astora gs
uhh poison astora ss
poison wooden hammer
>no mention of ckugs
fake status fan
i thought about it for a second, but i didn't want to have two ugs
i have two ugs
one for my cat and one for me
what's wrong with 2 UGHS
i already mentioned one ugs so i figured that i'd give some love to more under-appreciated weapons
In what world is astora under-appreciated
i didn't say that it was
You'd mention ckugs if you REALLY cared about unloved weapons
im tried any good classical music
yeah i would've i just didn't wanna change my list or mention more than three things. at least ckugs is arguably better than the gugs (?)
1 off......
ok I give up. DS3 Lv. 1 is too hard for me. I got stuck on Pontiff and Dancer (early encounter). I technically cheated on Yhorm because I did Seigward’s quest for the Titanite Slab but didn’t have the heart to kill him afterwards, so he joined the Yhorm fight. GG I guess.
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some sekiro fan art ^_^
kys lero
just parry pontiff and use dark on dancer, nooba
did you guys hear about the new 4chan slur filter
yeah who cares this wbesite sucks anyways
why don't you tell us about it
you mean the new bot filter?
Yeah it's great
you can only have 3 total of nigger, faggot, and tranny in your posts now. crippling blow to oldcucks and their "culture".
legit who cares about oldcucks they're all like 40 years old now why the fuck are they even using this website anyways
Nigger nigger nigger nunchucks
spamcucks btfo
luck build at meta?
Why not???
get off it dude
It's better than raw and blessed tho
why is it so popular
What year are you living in?
luck is nothing without anri ss
lucerne is dead tho... worm killed the fuck out of it.
>reaction stomp greatswords
Why did nobody use the dark sword
ds2 2 evil dimension where poke halberds dominate and chopberds suffer
they did
I never saw Jeenine using it
they nerfed it and everyone forgot about it since lks and rkss are better. dark sword is good on str tho with offyhorm
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dar ksouls 4 incomiing
It seems to have great potential against rkss cancelers
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>50% absorption bonus is active before fp is spent
I can't believe One Piece is getting a Soulslike and might become the first decent One Piece game ever.
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insane game
any pics?

ark souls 3
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ape brain caught on camera
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whats the bill for today
post a list and we'll pick
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This is /dsg/ not /erg/
make an arc build that focuses on poison/rot
Almost looking forward to play DS2 after I finish 1. Though I have been getting a bit tired of playing.
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todays bill is uhhh FUCK ITS THE SAME FUCKING BILL
why do you have so many hours in all of these characters
actually this is /fsg/
not making a poison bill because the ugly mushroom crown exists which forces me to use it
Okay im going to do a shit2 run with butcher knife and xbows i think it’ll be soulful
are you asking why im playing the game
are those hours mostly from pvp or pve?
ok you're trolling
Is Lies of P's NG++ much harder than NG+? I'm literally stomping everything up to the sixth boss.
I'm not trolling.
the game got nerfed HARD so everything is easier
off topic kill yourself. make your own gennie
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oh so now you care about offtopic posting? but shit like >>496949985
>>496936251 is completely fine right? retarded wannabe janny
yes. make /fsg/ if you want to post about dog shit
don't listen to the catfucker, post your pies lies to your heart's content
>discussing blacked porn is a-okay! but dont you DARE mention a game similar to dark souls you fucking offtopic chudcel!
Nah, I think it's just an 8% increase
Just don't take him too seriously and simply do your part, if Lero or someone like him gets too cocky again
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Bro, you can do better
that's just how my phone saves images on here idk what to tell you
why not make your own general like soulslike general of something instead of shitting up this place
>shitting up this place
maybe stop doing that first, if you want to be taken seriously
based fsgmen bringing order to those regular rascals
40% NG+
48% NG++
No Int and Arc?
For shame, hide it better
How's PCborne?
int fth is just int with a fth tax
pure arc is bad
hide what better?
i think he means you should hide the fact that you're phoneposting. it is pretty embarrassing after all
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fuck you gon' do about it white boi?
not much because i don't care. i was just chiming in to hopefully answer your question
nice porn though
cringe phoneposter
based chimer
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fucking hell imagine wasting those digits on blacked porn
this gen is cursed i hate you all
hello from /gig/
a bit more traffic, thanks
Kys freaks
Why do white guys like watching black men pound women so much
>white guys
Are you sure about that?
>not much
Damn, that was a lot actually
Yes. All black men I know are weirded out by this shit and I've only seen white nerds be obsessed with this BUILT FOR BBC and spade tattoos
I wouldn't even notice that detail, if you didn't cry about it
just got lovemail where he called my build cool
I don't mind BMWW and WMBW pairs. The contrast is aesthetically pleasing.
Why? Because white males are nazis by nature, who want nothing more than the birth of countless übermensch. That means men with superior genes (Black Men) flooding the wombs of white, cute, intelligent women with their hyperfertile sperm.
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It just works
Astraea and Garl
no anon that's irina and eygon
omg it's tanith and her knight
hello to you, /gig/
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euro hours are the worst
no it isn't
make a dex/fth build and name it terri
claymore is good
kgs is good
bkgs is good
ordovis is good
marais is good on the pwncombo
damnation is broken
solitude is decent
rest are slop
you forgot lizard
dex fth has no weapons
>but what about [bad weapon]
shut ip
i did not forget it, its right there with slop
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lizard gs is not slop fuck you
kys tourist
lizard gs is fucking useless
wrong. it does a lot of damage and the r2 is cracked now
the 50 damage projectile is awful
it does like 200 damage and can punish really well
*tanks it with passive poise*
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bitch you do not have 155 poise
*walks to the left*
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no this is from the release
it doesn't matter anyways tho the projectile poise damage doesn't change if you charge it or two-hand it
defend dog2 my hounds, >>>/v/690758413
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>customize channel
>manage videos
That's a reused pic that domo dropped in dsg tho
i just posted a commment on reddit and got a bunch of upvotes, while the other comments either got 0 or -1 or 1 upvotess
are they so easily impressed? no
the average dsger is just a god among redditors
doesn't make it any less embarrassing
shut up biscuit
lol what. didn't know that domo visited here.
The 'chives don't lie
sadge that /v/ thread got nuked i wanted to link domo's posts from here for an epic expose
oh well
Why would you post that
are you retarded
>robot voice
>is a robot
should have not been surprised by that
>begging /dsg/troons to defend your game
scholar slop sissy sloppa poppa poopa woopa sisters... can we get any more pahetic then this?
anyone saved the iron golem grab webm?
>more pahetic then
'pa has gone insane
He's also the most infamous Souls shitposter on Reddit

All his posts end up with everyone throwing shit at each other until the post gets deleted
there's a new one
the schizo is 'pa?
we've known for months
>killed looking glass before he could summon
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>but only pursuer has a broken grab hitbox
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the ds2schizo mindbroke him...
ripple > bud
budberd > chud knight's halberd with flaming strike
why did you bring up a non-somber weapon
i can do what i want since i own /dsg/
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giant hunt blood banished 'berd is slept on
nah, i didn't vote for you
mge me
Did you win the pvp tourney?
domo more like homo GEEEEEEEEEEEEG
total god3 victory
summon new thread?
i'll handle this
terrible op, cunt
fuck off why'd you stick the archives in the op again
we do not need it there
i just copypasted
shitting rn also i forgot how early u get the bandit axe aka the best qeapon in ds2
chest in no man's wharf

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