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She singlehandedly succeed at destroying luca career
61 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
Luxiem combined still has more views gained than dookieshit this month, i would say thats a success on their part.
Good for you. That doesn't change what I said in the slightest.
>views gained
The absolute state of the once-powerful “kings” of EN.
Luca is too old to get away with it. Time for him to face the music. Any sister's know of a good replacement?
>the whole might of NijiEN and luxiem has to compete with a single indie

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When you let me smell it directly CC
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She has saved the brapbros!
It's not /vt/ without a cc brap thread on the 'log

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When will people accept that she was the problem? Hololive is not great, but they were wrong to terminate Mel if she was as menhera as she is now behind the scenes. Like, what odds is she struggling against, she gets like 2k viewers across her YouTube and Twitch streams, rakes in the cash from sponsorships, gets plenty of collabs and support and she STILL wants more. The only battle she's fighting is with herself.
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Why wasn't I invited to the Holo Kino event?
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>Thinking Gigi is anywhere near the level of Doki.
Shouldn't have joined nijislop instead of holos
I didn't even notice that Luca showcased his 3D model today. NijiEN truly has fallen.
if they banned SEA IPs post quality on this board would skyrocket

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I coom in Moom's womb
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harpy moom outfit when?
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Yeah my coom
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>I coom in Moom's womb
good job

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Who else could it be if not them?
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I don’t honestly know, from what I know Gamers have two of the members who have collabed the most with everyone in Hololive and outside it, so calling them a small clique would be stupid. And as for VShojo, that still isn’t a clique by scouting talents with connections to the group, as they do not share clique like behavior by separating and acting negligent to those who aren’t part of the group, part of the reason why people spam “NEPO NEPO NEPO” is because they basically interact with other people in the space, enough to get the agency behind them interested. People have been really damaged by the perception of that word, the whole debacle about the original accusation of a clique, came from Niji, which makes sense, people called a clique the small formation of certain individuals within NijiEN who acted like a group and would be neglectful to one talent in the form of bullying. If we started acting like small corpos, small teams of people are cliques and others in the Vtuber Space, everything would small cliques.
it's pretty baffling that people still spout that nonsense.
Kuro's religion "yab" was a literal nothingburger where he just made a tone-deaf joke with no ill intent and even apologized for it.
Froot never took money and ran so calling it a scam is just disingenuous.
there even an actual new streamer that debutted in vshoujo

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Kek this got post got them steaming
But you don't love them when they collab with the boys, correct?
only retarded people like you would care if they trying to destroy idol culture where that shit doesnt even exists in the west

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Why wasn't she invited?
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checks out with the amount of bait threads about her
this >>81608551
fuck I hate SEA hours
She was too busy having sex (with me)

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How are they the whitest EN vtuber group
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only white person in vshojo is actually hime
No? What is this bizarre cope?
Ina is Korean
bringing skin color to a japanese company that probably doesnt care if you are black or white
less than half you mean

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Luca Kaneshiro gonna get 3D tonight? Kinda hype!
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Raziel, a tranny in NijiEN
Did you like the stream?
The spelling bee collab was announced before your shitter's 3D date was announced.
>luca was awesome in his 3d model. a far cry from the AR live concert.
good to know
you mean the one you sisters got her signature thinking it was luca's?

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gurack obama
Where's the medal?

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t. frenchie seethe
that's an expensive hooker
He is that dumb.
Pergenante clearly
kek fpbp

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the state of homossharts
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sounds like he's salty he's just another failure in the homo branch. maybe if he changes to an even more generic bishy model he'll become relevant
NTA so idk what goalpost you're talking about, this was buried in the dirt and no one created an outrage about it. So it's old news.
here's another you can do
well 24 hours stream is just a normal stream
try 48 hours thats the new trend these days

namely in vspo

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Eeehhhhhh, maji~? What's that thread over there?
This bitch has been dead forever. update your bot





>SmolRyS plushie rerun

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i will feed IRyS my yogurt
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I love my wife IRyS, and I am going to bed. The bed I share with IRyS, my wife.
Stop this hallucination, guys. IRyS is a streamer and she isn't anyone wife.
nephilim butthole
Then explain the bed I am posting from right now you can't.
You are right about everyone else though.

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