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/pcgen3k/ is a thread for Phase Connect’s Third Generation: Phase Euphoria, and Phase Kaleido (JP)

Fairy edition

Previous Thread: >>93567746

Pico-chan talked about winter, and also played GTA5, day 65 and 66
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woLBOD5jCWs
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUjEQtcSFKY
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXJj5Yf7SyI
Eimi played Fortnite using Miku
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ERtMEL0t04
Muyu did a pair of Members only streams
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVqwnqTLyfQ

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Oh, I missed it thanks.
are we gonna have a proof of interest post after? or those poll posts are it?
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I don't remember the cook's hat.
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I think the polls, the submitted chants, goal horns, emotes for cytube, discussion in thread about the kits, etc. That's all proof of interest, no?
Oh, probably, it's just that most threads I am in also had a "Reply to this if you wanna play" kind of post as well.

What was that about being unmarketable?
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nigga she not in vshojo???
I hope whoever told Selen she was unmarketable was fired for incompetence, nothing else, someone just taking a look at Doki and then looking at the guy responsible and asking "What the fuck did you mean with unmarketable? Do you see this shit?"
Anon I'm happy for her too but the catalog doesn't give a shit unless it's something they've heard about.
It's a bandai namco game on the bandai namco channel but it's still not a big enough IP to bait with.

$50 mp3 plz
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when you are very in love with your oshi then yes
it's a form of superchat but yt does not get the money
Cover also takes a smaller cuts from voice packs.
Depends on the pack honestly.
I bought a couple of valentines day packs because I was lonely as fuck, after that I never really bothered afterwards.

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So that was a fucking lie, what was even the point of remaining an "affiliate" if she's not gonna show up to literally the biggest event of the year for Hololive?
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Sorry to say but you fell for the good old corpo tactic of changing the name but keeping it same otherwise. (Facebook = Meta or Twitter = X)
Affiliate status is because Myth is important for marketing. That's why Fauna was never offered affiliate status
>believing /vt/
>get disappointed
>blame hololive
Ame wouldn't have taken the affiliate deal if she really believed her disagreement with management could never be settled. Cover definitely pissed off most of the EN talents but for the moment Ame would like to eventually return to Hololive. If management keeps making sexist decisions than maybe it was no different than a graduation but several others including Gura, Kronii, Ina, and Mumei would leave as well.

Yagoo doesn't like having to rely on unicorns and blatant sexism will only destroy any chance of them getting more casual fans. 2025 will either have the mood slowly improve for HoloEN or will turn into a garbage fire with several graduations.

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Keep the Faith Edition

>Server IP


>How to install/play
https://pastebin.com/raw/MDr9aFRW (embed)

>Website (Tag Picker and Other Links)

>Upcoming Events

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I can't really remove it after all these years...
Literally my life :)

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Ever since a saw that picture on twitter i new i needed her membership and to have sex with her unrelated but i need it omg shes so hot im cuming just thinking about it. But i dont want to spend 5 euro some one help me i cant keep strocking it to a pixilated image of her tits. I need here tits uncensored in that cosplay but i dont have the euros to spend fuck i woul pla pla pla pla pla that huge fucking ass shes so hot man i need thos fucking big tits her voice is so got imagen her vice screamung my name while her tits smack around and that ass gose pla pla pla pla pla i would also take nasa but cant jork it to her shes to cute i only wana marrie her and here her cute snors in my arm. But i need lokis membership fuck maybe il go get work for it but i dont want to dose she do privat chat with her pay pigs if she dose i will have to get a job fuck
Also need groming tips

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I just don't want to watch vtubers on twitch.
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Untrue to the nth degree.
Brain dead opinion from a twitch monkey
>n-no brown people on twitch, chuds.
>twitch is based like you!
The biggest streamers on twitch are a black burger and a communist islamic terrorist ass kisser.

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Here is the story of how Kiara Takanashi cucked me out of my relationship

>be me
>last September, want to prep for No Nut November
>ask gf about it
>conversation turns to fetishes
>we decide to indulge each other's fetishes before NNN to "get it out of our system"

>decide to be considerate, let her go first
>she says her fetish is sex with an idol
>cosplay as a bunch of KPOP dudes for her
>she's not really into it
>ask her what's wrong

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>Not having the both of you dress up as Kiara and take turns having her peg you/fuck her up the ass
You're an idiot anon.
I've come to make an announcement; Takanashi Kiara's a bird brained mother clucker, she stole my girlfriend. That's right, she took my girlfriend away from me and she said her harem is "This big" and I said that's disgusting, so I'm making a callout post on 4chan dot com, Takanashi Kiara, you've got a small harem, it's the size of a monogamous relationship except WAY smaller, and guess what? Here's what my gacha harem looks like: PFFFT, THAT'S RIGHT, BABY. ALL MINE, NO CHEATING, NO LESBIANS. Look at that, it even has some ultra rares. She fucked my girlfriend so guess what? I'm gonna fuck her carrier. THAT'S RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER ANTI THREAD! Except I'm not just gonna to anti Kiara. I'm gonna go higher. I'M GOING TO ANTI HOLOLIVE! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, YAGOO? I'LL ANTI YOUR WHOLE COMPANY YOU IDIOT! YOU HAVE 23 HOURS BEFORE MY NEXT ANTI THREAD HIT THIS FUCKING WEBSITE NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I ANTI YOU TOO.
wtf, she really made it.
Kiara wouldnt accept it though
Reine, stop posting your cuck fantasies on /vt/

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I can think of maybe 1 or 2 Vtubers who directly oppose common male interest nowadays. The rest seem to lean heavily in that direction, whether it be through their content, sense of humor, or their own personal thoughts.
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Can you explain why its bad to appeal to male interests when 95% of your consumer base is male?
>inherently pickme
>common male interest
Well, there's your problem right there. You're assuming having men as your target audience is inherently "pickme" behavior, when the entire point of the pickme insult is that the person doing it is being dishonest about it.

"Pickme" is a female version of "grifter", and, like actual unironic grifters, it's not grifting if you believe what you're talking about.
I hate this faggot grifter holy shit.
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Buy an ad, MentisWave.

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Your maid, wat do?
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Marriage would be a good start
Have her clean my apartment and do my laundry and wash my dishes and give me a blowjob.
Tell her to wash my cum soaked laundry

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6th FES PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwYrVo4JaaU
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>Kronii is working on more 3D lives
Fauna wasn't able to work out a deal with management. In comparison Kronii did find a compromise during contract renewals and wants to show fans that she will stay in Hololive. That doesn't necessarily mean they love the idol stuff but 3D lives do show fans they are willing to invest money in their Hololive channel. Ina and Kronii absolutely hate their sleazy coombait designs so it's notable they are willing to spend money on 3D lives. When a talent won't do that is when they are getting close to graduation.
Hey outfitschizo, can you promise you’ll kill yourself if by the end of the year neither Kronii or Ina gets a redesign, and they continue to use their original outfits on stream?
You should be

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What would having Mumei as a wife be like?
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Coming home from work to see her just enjoyers you.
>barely able to cook or clean
>unwilling to have sex with you
>your needs are always second to her pet's
She's got ADHD and Autism so there will be struggles but ultimately might be stable because she means well and willing to improve and lend a hand.

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Thoughts on Nimi's new model?
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He's right though. OP is ESL.
Nothing that comes out of the back of a brown creature can possibly smell good.
Tfw this is the hill she chose to die on and not the green woman label.
Curry smells nice tho

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Why doesn't she just pay someone to make Youtube shorts for her so she gets more subscribers? Does she want to be passed by Marine?
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It's symbolic
Gura was already famous before she joined Hololive. You're huffing copium.
She's the One Punch Man of Vtubing?
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Are you talking about the streamer that has 3 silver play buttons and 2 gold? Built 3 successful channels from scratch? More subs than any in Holo before joining? Was already ranked third in the world? Then restarted again to become number 1?
As in sports, the gifted just makes it look easy.

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What feelings does this invoke in you?
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I love Zogog so much bros
Did they stop pandering to people who couldn’t care less about them yet?
Zogog is my newest oshi and i am most certainly not going to get really tired of people saying Zogog

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