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Now that everyone knows you can be more successful as an indie more Holols are going to quit

Fauna literally killed Hololive
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when are you killing yourself, windy?
Qrd bout windy
a bvtm tranny who hates former holos
My oshi leave hololive? dont care, going to keep watching her. My oshi stays in hololive? Dont care, going to keep watching her. Now kys

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/VReX/ Schedule: https://pomu.pages.dev/vrex

Arial Yuriko

Amaya Whisper/Rana Ianna


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bossy's eggs are $5.99 a dozen if she buys the store brand
Mama Cookie is playing Yes, your grace
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Where do I sign up
Pick a rexie

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What happened to her?
lung and testicular cancer from smoking
she's on twitch
Had sex with Tachi
Kidnapped by the e-celebs she worshipped.

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A thread dedicated to our AI vtubers and future overlords, Neuro-sama and Evil Neuro!

Schedule: https://post.nuro.lol/Neuro-Schedule-Bot
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
Merch: https://neurosama.shop/
Orisong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDc1mjrIsPM

Previous thread
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Sometimes it's funny to remember that people actually like him /here/ more than the discord server
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i don't like him either. i used to like him back when he didn't appear on streams
i feel like if i don't mind my shit, i may actually fall in love with neuro and evil. why do i feel this way? they're even less real than normal vtubers. or...are they more real? since they actually are what they say they are (an AI). i'm so fucked up guys
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Forget about fleshchuubas, embrace AI cunnywives.

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[Sound check]
Good evening.
This is Murasaki Shion of the Hololive 2nd Generation.
A-ah, my heart hurts...
I've recorded this stream because I have an important announcement to deliver to all of my loyal fans. I'm really sorry for making you all worry in the time before the start of the stream.
I'll... I'll go straight to the point. Uhm, Murasaki Shion will graduate from Hololive on April 26th, 2025.
The reason is disagreement with the company's direction. It's something I've come to feel over these six and a half, almost seven years, and especially the last few of those. It's something that with time, as the years passed, grew to be bigger and bigger. Even more so now, I think it's very significant.
I went on a hiatus without deciding on a return date a little over a year ago. It was a distressful time for me. Things happened and I became mentally exhausted and, to be brief since it's a bit of a heavy thing to say, I was, frankly, struggling to keep living. I was thinking that taking a break will heal me. I was at the brink of becoming hateful toward the internet, my beloved hobby, and that feeling of "I might grow to hate the things I love" was very scary. The state of both my mental and physical health had influenced it. Even now, I'm on an outpatient stay. I'm wondering if it's something that can't be fully healed.
Many things happened, a year passed, but I haven't grown to hate [the things I love]. Past me wouldn't even have chosen to get hospitalized. Past me wouldn't have thought of trying to fix everything up, she would've given up. But she didn't. Thanks to and for you, my loyal fans, who always support me, I could find resolve to cherish myself a little bit more this past year. Once again I'm sure that the internet is my place of belonging. I'm happy if I can be on the warm, kind internet, smiling, surrounded by my loyal fans. I truly, truly, truly love you all. This is the honest truth.
I believe that if you belong to a company, to conform to its direction and to follow its rules is the right thing to do. Only, as years passed by, more and more of those came to be required, things I hadn't expected nor was ready to commit to. We're out of alignment with the company as to these things. That's why I chose graduating from Hololive.
To be honest, I was really unsure about announcing it right before FES. Despite that I decided to do it today, at this timing, because I wanted you to watch FES knowing it would be my last FES.
I said "disagreement with the direction" a lot and really, it's just that. I'm sorry that I can't say more. I'm sure you know, but I'm not very good at this kind of communication. Let's hope I'll be able to talk about it in more detail during later streams.
Lastly, I think there will be grumbling and rumors will fly after this. Please, don't get misled by speculation and only believe what you heard from my mouth. What I'm telling you now is something I thought though well. I kindly ask that there not be groundless taking out of context of my words.
Since there's still some time until my graduation, let's make a lot of memories together. I'm always thankful to you. Until the last day is over, let's have fun.
And... Now that I'm done with reading the script I carefully made, I should finish the stream, even though it was a short one. Uhm, yeah. Uhm, it's kinda a weird thing to say, but I'm really thankful for everything until now. Please, support [Shion] until April 26th, 2025, the last day. I'll give it all at FES too. Thank you, thank you for hearing me out.
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I watched her some, but it's no shock she's leaving. She was a regular mention in discussions of who would graduate next. I hope wherever she goes she ends up happy.
guessing some people would care because graduation broadcasts are usually big community events.

and others would care just for their curiosity to hear why someone would want to quit.

you seem to care enough to open the thread first of all, and then made a dumb post in it.
Who's the new front runner?
Gura is always the answer, then Mumei
Mori and Kiara are among the last on the list, even Korone is more likely to eat chocolate on stream
thanks for the translation

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The talents, I mean. Not that management. And I don't mean hating on the ones that are racist cunts like Enna or Uki; that's totally justified. I mean the ones that hate on girls like Aia or Finana JUST because they have low viewercounts, and for no other reason.

Personally, I don't watch them regularly, but I have a sense of... empathy, I guess? For them and for humanity as a whole. Whenever I see someone going through hard times, I feel bad for them and want to help them and see them get better. I don't feel a primal urge to kick them while they're down; that seems like something a sociopath would do. I CAN'T be the only person on this board with a conscience, right? I dunno man. I know 4chan can be dicks sometimes, but this board, along with maybe /pol/, is one of the only boards that seems composed of mostly sociopaths. Like, I'm worried about how many of you guys walk around at night looking for homeless people to stab because you can't be assed to give them a dollar for a gas station hotdog.

Like, Selen tried to off herself a year ago. Imagine how much of that was caused by people mocking her for "only" getting to 2k viewers, or for "only" making a few hundred bucks per stream, considering management was confirmed to be discriminating against her for not performing as well as the males.

Imagine if Finana, or Kotoka, tried to kill themselves because of how useless they felt, and because of how much bullying they were getting from the rest of the Vtubing sphere. Imagine if they succeeded. When you die 40 years from now, how are you gonna explain to the big G in the sky that you're not responsible for her death, and that you don't deserve to go to Hell for killing her? Is this just a Christian thing? Like maybe I just put more thought into my actions because I'm expecting something greater after my life is over.

I dunno man. The people on this board just don't seem as... mentally there, as the people on other boards like /v/ or /co/.
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>Is this just a Christian thing?
Her coworkers allowed for a demonic work environment in which they bullied a suicidal woman. Most of the blame is with Nijisanji for creating that crab bucket mentality but even some of the talents sided with management. They rewarded Elira for the black stream so Riku didn't even try to fix NijiEN and now the entire branch is cursed.
>rosemi but aussie
>one of the cutest en vtubers ever
Grim if true
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I thought I recognized this post. What do you call this behavior? At least you changed one month ago to one year ago lmao
what makes something feel like cuck content
i don't have heightened ntr sensibilities like you
Anon, the black stream is more than enough evidence.

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What led to their decline in cultural relevance?
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I bet no one actually watched Shion on /vt/ outside of clips when Marine molested her. Making sticky just because she is holo would be dumb
Shion hasn't streamed regularly for five fucking years. She basically graduated 5 years ago.
literally keep forgetting she exists until someone posts that clip of her and gura saying white power
Why should there be a sticky for some irrelevant black company?
Have you got that? sounds funny.

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kek op you are a retard
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So that would mean Nijisanji is Shadow Moon?
Well-respected and the best indies started out as fans of them?
But who is GOLGOM?

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I'm genuinely perplexed that there's a holo that CHOSE to graduate.
Like bitch, you have the EASIEST job in the fucking world with higher salary than doctors and you still LEAVE on your own? You have million of fans that love you unconditionally and you chose to BETRAY them? Indies would LITERALLY KILL to have your job and you just THROW IT AWAY LIKE NOTHING? WHY?
What the fuck is wrong with women???
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As a practical matter, they really can't actually afford it: Cover needs the merch sales, and the constant idol presence to drive the sales of the games needed to actually satisfy investors, and they have until next year to do that.

That invariably means pushing people to do idol stuff and fanservice of various kinds, mostly at the idol's own expense; and if Cover doesn't push for everyone to do that, the people who abstain will look like leaches to the people sinking their own money into Cover's projects, which would threaten to break apart the company.
What I don't get is not even doing the "affiliate" bit. It's a paycheck for even less work, you can have your normie job that you've convinced yourself you want (for some godforsaken reason).
Damn, Cover must be in trouble if they're sending out interns to look for talent on /vt/ of all places.
Investors havent learned their lesson after being scammed THOUSANDS of times across hundreds of industries
They ignore all the obvious risks and low level of trust because they glaze over at the idea of the POTENTIAL earnings, "imagine if everyone in china bought our shit!" it's been the death of far bigger companies

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>cat hort
at least shes still collecting the money

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Do you think this alliance still makes sense? Hololive has gotten so weak now. It's like Goku is teaming up Yamcha.
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Vegeta was able to destroy planets before Namek saga.
Now that holocuckies are all dead in a ditch somewhere what's the next step in our master plan Phasegods?
kakavege is unironically a good ship
Tons of Marvel characters are absurdly OP too

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Mori Calliope, Something Wicked This Way Comes
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>people hyping up Flamelurker as a run ender
>Mori first tries him
Never Punished Mori strikes again. Also the boss music really makes DeS somehow.
Somehow that dude spent that much while staying like 20m from the venue. What a lunatic.
Jiggy sounds a lot like my uncle
I think she is asking if the person would be disappointed if she moved on from it finally
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I poked fun at Kiara spinning all the ballads into a Takamori thing but when you think about it, skeletons could be read as a Myth song

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He used to roll the dice...
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RIP Hololive o7
I used to ruuuuuule the world…
>Give company you love to investors
>Watch them carve it up for all that its worth
Just tragic, really.
SEAs would rise when I gave the word.

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Will the indie community accept her?
Literally the other way around, aside from Doki most ex corpas avoid the wider indie community and stick to themselves if they can, and even Doki is more interested in the esports community that indie vtubers. Ex corpas are indies but they are not full indies, mostly by their own volition.
>Doki did wrestletuber
Retard. Just admit that holowhores are fucking lazy cunts who couldnt even be bothered to play minecraft on stream 2 hours a week.

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