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/eien/ - EIEN Project General

Website: https://eien-project.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@EIENProject
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EIENproj

>Gen 1 Museia
Skye Shinryu: Dorky mecha fan, action games, zatsu, drawing.

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Yeah, I'm thinking no more double Strive days is a good idea
Why are greys like this
They're fucking awful tonight
Navi seems to be in better spirits compared to how you guys were posting earlier in the stream. She also seems to have learned a lot since last night, going in with aerials and using teleport for pressure.
Earlier she legit felt like she was experiencing league rage. She is in higher spirits now

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i dont care about le unicorn wars. i watch all holos, females and males. so im not biased when i say that this was fucking painful to watch. even as a fan of herbal tea, even i knew this stream fucking sucked. if you thought she had no chemistry with justice, she has even less with these guys.
she's not good solo, she's not good in collabs except with gigi, so im taking this as a sign to just stop watching her now. ill stick to robopussy i guess
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the comedic timing at some moments was so good like it was rehearsed
It was great, hilarious even.
why did you think she spamming rebroadcast of her own unarchived karaoke
outside singing and vocal control everything else is subpar
> we
> Still believing in subsidy rrat
Subhuman, begone.
>"I'm a totally bon biased omniwatcher!"
>No capitals
Show me your Holostars memberships, OP

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Welcome to /news/, your only source for events in the chuuba world.

>A new wave a mini figurines from hololive Collection is out, called vol. 2 "Happy Halloween ver." and still featuring holoEN's Myth group. Note that this time, they're individually on sale and not random.
>hololive Advent is releasing a new original song, titled Sirens, on 7/28.
>hololive GAMERS and ANIPLUS are doing a café collab in Korea, starting 8/15 at four locations.
>hololive treasure mountain, a new game developed by BeXide and published by holo Indie, will release on 8/1.
>The 5th fes. Live version of The Last Frontier, from AZKi & Hoshimachi Suisei, is now available for streaming.

>Higuchi Kaede will have her live tour "BREAKING" in Taipei 11/29/24 and Tokyo 4/19/25.
>Hoshikawa Sara and Hyakumantenbara Salome participated in a cervical cancer prevention article and video published by Shikyukeigan.

Other Corpos
>Azekazu Machi, from First Stage Production, has been terminated following a "serious violation of contract", according to the agency. All content will be made private and deleted on 7/31.

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Wasn't she used to manage and do technical support for Sora? But then again her role grew into basically a PR-staff, but I don't know when was that transition happened
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News from /warkop/
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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest Indies.

Previous >>81462267

Reminder to report and hide shitposting, off-topic raids.
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Friends that don't follow each other's accounts
good job schizo you made her refollow pamu
cunny pee
You think if I pay my oshi enough she will break my arms and legs
the pee goes directly into my mouth

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She sure is cute...
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You love THIS????????
Isla .....
feet reveal when?
isla sex btw
>She sure is cute
Only if she keeps the glasses on

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Lumia checking out the summer Vket!

>What is /indie/?
/indie/ is dedicated to the small and hopeful that may otherwise not get attention. It's here that you'll be able to shill your obscure oshis, save all the 2views and platform smaller companies beyond the scope of the catalog.

Previous thread: >>81259119
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she sounds like lamy
indie love
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Kyomu playing Dread Hunger
Dokuhaki Mutsume

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silly manager

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama

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why's that shondoro looking at me like this
everything in general is just a vibe to zoomers. they don't live in the real world
I hope she does
Would you buy Otis gunk?
It only plays LSD: Dream Emulator.

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What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles or beginning wholesome friendships for the glory of their oshis.

gyaru edition

Previously: >>80850893

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:


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l o r e

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anon? i said none of new jp branch hit 100 ccv unlike denauth
hes gonna quill himself!!
It is a stretch. It's one thing to mention it while their termination is fresh, afterwards its just a matter of them not being relevant. Unless a holo actually met one of the terminated/graduated talents, why would they bring them up? It's not malicious, they just aren't present.
>Also stop calling me a Nijisister, I'm a Phasefaggot you moron.
Even worse.
>Also stop calling me a Nijisister, I'm a Phasefaggot you moron.
Did you actually think that made you look better or something?
>Whole branch is dying and the internet is shitting on your corpo
>Let's vague post some shit about my private life that will make everyone look bad
Smart move. They should hire me to revive their dying ass brand. I would do a better job. I guess almost everyone on this planet would do a better job.

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She is everything a vtuber fan wants.
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When they were 11?
That's an interesting depiction of Haachama.
Fuwawa paizuri
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Fuwawa is the best.

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GFEchads won
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I like it when erina plays spyro
small corpo life is basically just a loser farm simulator. no one care what you do unless it's GFE baiting so fans can feel like they're grooming you. look how many of them start out with plans and ideas and just end up another lame ass ASMR streamer.
>Not miori tier succubus asmr type
Is she a hag?

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Why are new vtubers like this?
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Didn’t gatekeep hard enough
Fuck off Rev.
Shondo tbdesu
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If vtubers had an Olympic competition, who would you choose to carry your flag?
They do, it's called the Special Olympics.
Does it include a category called Mental Gymnastics?
Are we going by corpo or country?
or miko because pink hair

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New flavour Edition

>What is /choc/?
A general to discuss vtubers that have tanned, caramel, chocolate or overall darker skin color. EN, JP, Male, Babi, anything goes.

>Our Menu list

>/Choc/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Other Threads of interest:

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Do you think if you slapped ogas ass with a full swing would his milk duds booty cheeks quake like a rolling ocean wave or just clap each other back and forth like two massive and juicy balls in a Newton's crattle?
you're describing different slapping motions anon. you'll only get the newton cradle of oiled up dark meat with a side attack. slapping head on like you're trying to paddle a naughty boy will compress the plump choco ass and make it ripple outward. a vertical slap can make it bounce like it should be in a twerking video.
slap your own ass as an example to learn a little physics. and if you're a cute brown boy tell us how it felt
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night choc
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Up next on /choc/! Times in JST.
NOW RipSkip | https://www.twitch.tv/ripskip
>12AM: Hayama | Fatal Frame
>4AM: Azura | Chained Together Collab
>6AM: Maiko | Simple Saturday
>7AM: Nyaru | VRChat FanMeet
AND: Char | Licensed Kusoge
>8AM: Ceelio | Lilo and Stitch (Discord)
>11AM: Nyaru | VKetNyan x Vket Ambassador Meet
AND: Kyu | Detroit become human
>12PM: Neon | FFXIV
AND: Scarle | 2 Year Wheel of Chat's Demands
AND: Sena | Roblox
>1PM: Mumkey | Act Raiser
>8PM: Kiri Kilovolt | Birthday Party

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She singlehandedly succeed at destroying luca career
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Luxiem combined still has more views gained than dookieshit this month, i would say thats a success on their part.
Good for you. That doesn't change what I said in the slightest.
>views gained
The absolute state of the once-powerful “kings” of EN.
Luca is too old to get away with it. Time for him to face the music. Any sister's know of a good replacement?
>the whole might of NijiEN and luxiem has to compete with a single indie

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