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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Honse Edition

>What is /choc/?
A general to discuss vtubers that have tanned, caramel, chocolate or overall darker skin color. EN, JP, Male, Babi, anything goes.

>Our Menu list

>/Choc/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>/Choc/ Skeb List

>Other Threads of interest:

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UBs are hung and know how to fuck. They are the full package besides looks.
Both of these are true
Any skin color can be great if the design is well implemented and attractive.
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Thread to discuss the VSingers; the virtual singers of this industry. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them all here.

Previous >>93746908

Quick Vsinger primer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTBi4uaMG51lP8VQRTWpV1FE2itlmFAziaaeVOt1e5O-g7OksrVCgCEJ5FL5FUf40LpzJoZ1KUPdv3Q/pub

Upcoming Lives:
1/25-26: Virtual Music Award 2025 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10546
2/1: Hoshimachi Suisei Nippon Budokan Live “SuperNova” https://spwn.jp/events/evt_25020102-engsuiseilive https://hololive-production.zaiko.io/item/365602
2/1: Suzumi Nemo 2nd ONE-MAN LIVE「ONESELF」https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10539
2/8-3/8: Sanrio Virtual Festival 2025 https://spwn.jp/events/evt_uk1UM7UNPJ1KbP9lfwC5
2/9: Iori Matsunaga Birthday Live 2025「TRAVELERS」https://youtu.be/P46qMOfWK0c
2/13: Shirakami Fubuki 1st Solo Live FBKINGDOM “ANTHEM” https://spwn.jp/events/evt_25021302-engfubuki1stlive
2/15: HIMEHINA LIVE 2024『涙の薫りがする』@Nagoya Diamond Hall https://ec.himehina.jp/online-kuji/detail/83c62c80-71a7-4905-a410-c8d7183d9ff4
2/15: Hiiragi Yuka 3rd One Man Live 「Present For You .ᐟ.ᐟ」 @Asakusa Kagekijo https://t.livepocket.jp/e/presentforyou

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Cute style with a very cute expression.
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Mikagura Suzume Ballad Song Frame
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/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images - Rap Battle Edition

Previous Thread: >>94063852

Unofficial Official Thread Anthem: https://files.catbox.moe/rh37vq.m4v

>/vtai/ Wiki (DOWN,TBD)

>/vtai/ Resources
https://rentry.org/vtai/ | FAQ: https://rentry.org/vtaiFAQ | VTuber XL Loras: https://rentry.org/vtaiSDXL | VTuber LoRAs (ARCHIVED): https://rentry.org/vtaiLoRAs | LoRA Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtailorachecklist | EF+HLL Guide: https://rentry.org/5exa3 | VTuber Model Mixes: https://rentry.org/vtairecipes | VTuber Prompt List: https://rentry.org/vtaiprompts | Embed/Thread Archive (OLD): https://rentry.org/vtaiarchive | vtaiArchive: https://rentry.org/fhydhwdm

>/vtai/ Scripts
Catbox Scripts: https://github.com/CCC-anon/CCC-Scripts/tree/main/catbox

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translate it, weeb
A thick ass boy Kaela.

UOOOOHH. Man vtuber designs are sorely lacking in skin color variety. Everyone seems to be going for various shades of human skin tone when the sky is the limit.

First tweet is her saying there's nenenetowawa at the end of the month. Second one is just her making sucking noises.
the perfect pose for femboys
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>Requesting pov Lumi Kaneko with a smug smile and big tits giving you paizuri on a space shuttle and when you cum it goes floating everywhere and she looks up surprised/amazed please

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Why are nimicucks like this?
go collab with a male retard
Oh little napling is jealous because his whore can't join the fun?
And I bet some of you retards gamble your money on crypto as well
This post made me sad

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blue homos look alike
Same anon, or belly dance
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yes please ToT
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>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads

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what are you talking about
She definitely did seem more lively, I hope she gets into being Addy as well
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I hope so too, her experiences and connections could really help the other girls and the company as a whole, seeing as how she is the most experienced one, other than Lan I guess, but I get why she would have doubts

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Peko thread no longer up 24/7 is it over?
It's been the norm for a while sadly
when will pekora play dynasty warriors origin?

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A thread for the Corrupt Crypto Coin Crusader, Calliope Mori
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Aradia should lick Mori with her split tonged
Would you let Mori rugpull you?
grimoire is technically a rugpull

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Stop Lookin' At Me With Those Big Ol' Eyes Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Mata is LIVE! And is conducting one of the worst YLYL streams of all time. Not that the stream is bad but she's laughed at like every video the girl has no self control. Other than that Michi is LIVE! And is currently hanging out but will soon be playing Doom with Heavenly. Mouse is also LIVE! And is hanging out at the moment. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/ginpe_souda/status/1881899931209986375

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hestia - https://www.twitch.tv/hestiahappiness | https://www.youtube.com/@HestiaHappiness
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570

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I frankly think males aren't a bad thing, like yeah, I do agree with some points over Kuro. But I don't agree with the rest, except for the Sykkuno part.
I think there's potential in male vtubbing, but I think many do stagger to just be another Luxiem-lite or are too unique to create an actual audience. It really kinda sucks because, I don't think there should be like this whole "male vtubers can only be baits for girls to watch", like where is the good days of let's players, streamers like Jerma or even a VTuber Ludwig
Nuclear opinion:
VShojo doesn't need more members with small dicks.
Kuro is already too much, but at least he is being used as a butt of a joke, calling it a "clitty" and so on, which makes his presence somewhat justified.
But add one more and things will start getting awkward. There is no "VShortpenis", so they'll be effectively a part of the same unit, meaning every company-wise event and performance will have to include them, ruining the dynamic. No more "big dicks hanging out" vibe the old VShojo had, more SPH and drama. Especially if the new male will be someone like Sykkuno.
I remember that almost everyone posted in support of Zen
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follow yoroshiku

Previous: >>93685284
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou
1st orisong - Prism no Mahou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pjFfKBonI

Next stream: WED - Handcam Pokemon Card Pack Opening at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 9 AM JST
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVttIAAVEag
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0
3D Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0zL5YshRk

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


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I love how Ceci is consistently evil in such silly interactions.
Mori confirmed /here/
I think I have to SC Biboo about a limited(!) bridge
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This blew up huh
Anyone have the Aqua Biboo?
My poor gullible wife, she needs me

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oh ok.
Good work, OP
Kek no. These retards would think Mori was trans if she hadn't been doxxed
Ok thank god, I was about to judge myself very harshly on my faps
Don't get it twisted, I'm still judging (You)

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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Mesugaki edition, talk about your favourite msgk uohchuuba

Previous: >>93962830

Remember to report shitposting, trolling, and offtopic.
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Boobs too big.
It makes up for your lack of dick
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Oh lawd she comin' edition
This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.


>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>/pyon/craft server

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Fulfill your destiny
You never confessed to him
it looks like you only need just one rank in everything other than chemistry and phys ed

- Rank 1: The protagonist will be able to tranquilize and kidnap any female student using the tranquilizer found in the infirmary. This can only be done in the gym's right storage room. and Corpses will spill less blood pools upon death.
- the rest of the ranks: Corpses will spill less blood

- Rank 1: The protagonist will be able to locate poison in the school's science lab and poison any student's bento during lunch time. She will also be able to create an emetic poison in the Science Lab.
- Rank 2: create a headache poison
- Rank 3: create a sedative
- Rank 4: create a lethal poison
- Rank 5: create a smoke bomb

- Rank 1: The protagonist will be able to write a note after faking someone's suicide and place it by their shoes on the rooftop. You can also read through manga books faster

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>those legs
Is that dinner?
>The game is structured so that if she attends class every single day on time for ten weeks, then on the final day, she will have maxed out all her school subjects.

Previous thread: >>93967281
> It's Not a Phase - Nanashi Mumei & Ceres Fauna
>【3D LIVE】「 Outside the Box 」Nanashi Mumei Birthday Celebration 2024
>Promise first group song - Our Promise
>Mind Craft with HoloEN
>Second original song - mumei
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!

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i'm sex
Hi Moom
So who here put it all on $MOOM?
I moom for $MOOM

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