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Except actual JP idols do professional male collabs all the time and the JP branch of this very same company is less schitzo than you are about it. I don't know what this mental retardation is, but it's not really idol culture anymore at this point.
>nijisisters are an endangered species now
look at this clueless retarded anon LMAO MY FUCKNG SIDES, whos gonna tell him? ah forget that, its funnier that way
>ERB's current stream wouldn't be performing better
anon, ERB is the worst of her gen, her other genmate literally mogged her on that monetization stream so fuckng hard that its not even funny.
Of course not, she can't do anything to it.
But just because a creep can't destroy a theatre by running on stage taking a giant hemorrhagic shit, the audience watching is sure going to be annoyed at the interruption of service.
but its not destroyed tho? in fact many other corpo want to be idol and doing idol stuff too

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Previous >>81386247

Important links:



>Sakura Miko 1st Live “Flower Fantasista”

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Miko cute!

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/nasfaqg/ - NASFAQ General - Buy Nene Edition

Thread for the discussion of NASFAQ, a global financial market simulator based on buying coins that represent the members of Hololive, Holostars, and some of their mamas. Basically, numberfagging for actual-schizos.

This is a fake stock market game meant for to be played for fun, and is not a real stock market. Cryptofags will not be happy here, there is no real money involved. NO, you won't get better at stocks from this. YES, this is an actual game with people playing it, despite what it may look like in thread.

https://nasfaq.biz/info - READ THIS. No seriously, read it, faggot.

Research 1: https://schedule.hololive.tv/
Research 2: https://vt.poi.cat/
Research 3: https://hololive.jetri.co/
Research 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P5oggg7aSE

F.U.C.K. Reports (Market-based reports, updated daily): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/104gsM_vZz1MuhJxfuYeT_xNFC1Qk1h7zeLVoCyFsrSw/
"Real Oshiboard" Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c-ioaVcHWb4kMHXF8kqND9mZ_O84P-xLzbDoY-JGmrk/

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except koyolabo!
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ayameshu my beloved!

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/ag/ chuuba rentry: https://rentry.org/agfrens
/ag/ literature rentry: https://rentry.org/exq5m

>divegrass team

Previous Thread: >>81190255
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It's real!
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Post her cute chubby hands
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Apparently the one that circled around was altered, she has normal chubby fingers and not sausage ones.

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The Sheep Returns Edition

X: https://x.com/tsunomakiwatame
Fansite: https://www.tsunomakipasture.club/

Original songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iBK39rTWRAs_G93pnUW3K-7
Mini original songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iDfjOVqChEelXHyaDQBpA8m
Cover songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iAP2AdGLOHthUhAJTrEXqGb

>Hop Step Sheep!

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Ever since ive been working from home, I gained like 20 pounds. I just bought a bunch of healthy stuff to snack on instead of shit like ritz crackers and muffins
She gained weight and her blood pressure increased to normal levels.
Excellent! It must be a huge weight off her shoulders knowing she is in tip-top shape
Watame is reading Yu-Gi-Oh?
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The はばない Watame shit this week will hopefully come out sometime in August. It was most likely with Ui and involved ninjas.

Someone else do Justice.

• Gura - WATER
• Mori - GHOST
• Kiara - FIRE / FLYING

• Kronii - STEEL / PSYCHIC
• Mumei - NORMAL
• Fauna - GRASS
• Irys - DARK / FAIRY

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Ame: Azorious
Gura: Simic
Calli: Golgari
Ina: Dimir
Kiara: Boros

IRyS: Orzhov
Bae: Gruul
Fauna: Selesnya
Mumei: Rakdos
Kronii: Izzet

Fuwawa: Bant
Mococo: Naya
Biboo: Esper

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>Get that dildo out your ass
>Someone else do Justice.
come on anon dont be like that
Ame is grass/electric you bozo
Gura, Water
Mori, Ghost
Ina, Psychic
Ame, Electric
Kiara, Fire

Kronii, Poison
Mumei, Steel
Bae, Fire
Fauna, Grass
IRyS, Fairy

Fuwawa, Fighting
Mococo, Fighting

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Last stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kBMUXNML-8
Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtHC0cUtYJE and then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uaDnUOgLo8

Buy the Merch:https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/takanashikiara_bd2024

2nd Hololive English Concert, Breaking Dimensions, @ Kings Theatre Brooklyn, August 24-25th

Hololive Stage World Tour, New York, Jakarta, Singapore, Atlanta, Kuala Lampur. Future information to be announced, but New York will be in AnimeNYC, same time as Breaking Dimensions.

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Two of them collabs, although one might be a surprise.
wawa never
Now that I think about it, edf is lobbies right? Maybe we can join
she'll probably stick to singleplayer

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I'm tired of schizo wars, drama, false flagging, and doomposting. Let's have a nice thread for once and talk about chuubas we enjoy watching but don't get much discussion /here/

Inami Yoki appeared on my youtube feed the other day, so I decided to give her a watch, and she is surprisingly fun. She's a bratty smug loli baba who focuses on zatsudan content and art streams, and from time to time, she does a bit of ASMR with some ear licking. I usually just watch chuubas playing games, so it's refreshing to see someone who just sits there and banters with chat for a couple of hours

What about you, anon? Is there someone you’d like to share?
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She is pretty well off, if I remember correctly she was a corpo vtuber, made some bank, has a few whales and she is also an artist
Yoki is a good girl
Retard, yoki isnt posted because lumischizos will come shit up any thread that talks about her
>because lumischizos will come shit up any thread that talks about her
>I'm tired of schizo wars, drama, false flagging, and doomposting. Let's have a nice thread for once and talk about chuubas we enjoy watching but don't get much discussion /here/
I don't really care, I'm just recommending a chuuba I started watching recently

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RxRxR: https://youtu.be/7WXVFl-N6-o
PAKU PAKU SEIBAI: https://youtu.be/zAFA8SCKpXk
Colour MV: https://youtu.be/u9alGJE9ZXA
EIEN MV: https://youtu.be/xGgKKwc-jWg
LOS LOS LOS: https://youtu.be/oCOGTtxq24k


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this one
Kanade zatsu
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Big Kanade face

We love Pink Woman!

Welcome to /pink/! A place where you can discuss pink-themed chuubas from different companies. Discussion of any Pink Chuuba is welcome here no matter which language they speak!

>Extensive List of pink chuubas:

Have some pink chuubas that aren't on the rentry? post them in the thread and they will get added.

Because for some reason pink chuubas are very popular and we love pink women, Pink unity!

>But X chuuba is bad!
Ignore the unnecessary hate and just believe in Pink Unity, because all Pink Women are in fact good!

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Midsemi Midlock
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more like ended dragon!
Sexsemi Sexlock

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a fucking jobberbeat edition

This thread is for the discussion of vtuber wrasslin' feds, official vtuber streams of wrestling content, and the various fan projects they inspire.

HoloFightZ, the original fan project to bring Hololive to the squared circle.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/holofightz
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgJUUcCCg5dzRkyG8-fNBw
>Archive Magnet Links - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13yW33SdapXW5GEuKu4uFFjM3bH-cr0dUSr0jLjhZQfE/edit#gid=0
>Music Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPVRBbmPJfj21iujCdCYLRW6LkzymhskT
>Website - https://holofightz.surai.xyz/
>Latest Stream - Stream 62
>Upcoming Stream - pls OP :(

HFZ Dark, the DEFINITELY CANON story of the Holo fans, the Holostars, graduated Hololive talents, and the stories that bind them together.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/hfzdark (embed)

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VOD with chat soon... I belieb
glad to see Kilia and Aura found a new job
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>this and the spelling bee at the same time
Maybe Fridaykeks aren’t so bad...
Get back in the ring before I pin you against my bed, jobbers

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Unmedicated Summer edition
Previous: >>81307736
Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC1CfXB_kRs3C-zaeTG3oGyg
Haachama Dark Web: https://youtube.com/channel/UCHj_mh57PVMXhAUDphUQDFA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/akaihaato
Red Heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9HY4DsRTCg
Infinity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mj2QJE-UOI
BUTA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWd6cpvnfd0
Girl with pink hair: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDJtcmSbyUA
ブタサンダー【Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GozEv0IruEE
Boo!【Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXasW1OSb10
Previous: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDc9GC_VPek
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Goodnight pigs

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>no bullshit drama
>not a grifter
>not a whore
>straight to the point
>says what she really thinks
>no pandering to faggots and groomers
>will call you retarded and tell you to kill yourself if you are being annoying
Post this again in /#/
>like muscular man
Indeed. I'm getting leaner thanks to her.
Kiara has this exact same list , Is Kiara based ?
looks like you've finally figured it out
I like both of them.


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I don't hear about her anymore, is she still a thing?
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If anything, her abuse of the shorts algo made me avoid watching her.
I think that was talent-directed and Aviel just rode the wave because it worked until he had to course correct
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She just seems like your average normalfag, pretty harmless.
Ironically better than some of the scumbags they've employed at that corpo.
I liked Rin but she took too many breaks
No wonder girls her, Nikki, Juna and Kai feel like misfits in that company now.

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