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Banned for a week.
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I thought fulgur was the leaker
Don’t forget about Ike
Finally, a sister I can respect.
He probably was? In any case, there was a lot of evidence pointing towards Hex being the leaker at the time he endorsed the black screen stream. That evidence was quite possibly fabricated, but this is why the schizos weren't jumping on him, and instead interpreting it as important information he was feeding us. Noticeably; if it weren't for him writing in the uniquely fag way that only Hex writes in, everyone would've assumed all the organs were skinwalked. He also implied the organs knew the contents of the stream by endorsing the message.

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>spy posts VOD with timestamp from twisty's stream
>VOD (days old) gets taken down within MINUTES of this to the point that most people couldn't even tell what the timestamp had linked to

Possible rrats
>1. She was being genuine and nijisociopaths are being nijisociopaths as always
>2. She was being sarcastic to mock niji antis, in reality she's a riku shitlicker
>3. She was lying to play the victim card (grifter) and become another Vivi, which is in line with how certain anons have been trying to shill her as "le good niji" (possibly herself)

>why was the VOD any% speedrun nuked the moment this timestamp was found?
>manager lurking or twisty herself lurking (or COPEincidence)?
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Aren't you embarrassed to share a hobby with teenage girls as grown-ass man
Yeah I’m sure all the OG vtuber fans of Kizuna Ai and Kaguya Luna were teenage girls, then the fanbase got invaded by those darn unicorns!
No, I'm here to groom the teen girls.
meanwhile niji organs share the hobby of shitting on hololive in their private discords

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Previous >>77121567

Important links:




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Naisu Miko!
Waiting for Miko Ch...
Miko my beloved
I want Mikoruto and Suisuke fanart

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>Um, so... Everybody in this company is evil—and abusive. And, Um, yeah, I'm being harassed—basically, I'm being harassed... I'm being harassed, I don't know what to do. And basically, I'm very upset—I... why do I live. What is there to live for...my god.
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She has more shill threads than viewers.
>holo yabs, thousands of threads are made
>phase yabs, a hundred threads are made
>niji yabs, "noooo, just keep it to one thread!!1!"
you faggots brought this on yourself with your own threadspam, sis.
>joking about suicide
>just after a former talent was terminated because of a suicide attempt
that does not make it any better, you idiot
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>mocks bullying victim by making a joke out of their experience
>posts the clip to bait drama and attention
>immediately takes down the vod so no one can see the context
>invalidates criticism against kurosanji when people end up taking it seriously and she reveals "it was just a joke haha lol," making them look stupid
I can't see a way this isn't malicious aside from the very off chance she's being serious. Nijisociopaths arent beating the allegations.

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Thread to discuss the VSingers; the virtual singers of this industry. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them all here.

Previous >>76779361

Quick Vsinger primer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTBi4uaMG51lP8VQRTWpV1FE2itlmFAziaaeVOt1e5O-g7OksrVCgCEJ5FL5FUf40LpzJoZ1KUPdv3Q/pub

Upcoming Lives:
6/1: VRide vol.10 https://www.youtube.com/@enogu/streams
6/8: HOLOSTARS 5th Anniversary Live -Movin’ On!- https://spwn.jp/events/24060802-engholostars5thanniv
6/9: Meteopolis Carnival https://riotmusic-live.zaiko.io/item/363194
6/9: MUSIC VERSE Fes. (Isekaijoucho, KAF, RIM, Haneru, Ayafubume, & more) https://v-clan.spwn.jp/events/24060918-musicversefes
6/9: vortex presents Strongest Unit LIVE 「#今日だけ最強ユニットLIVE」 (Inside-chan mk2 x Yui / Ci-chan x Miro / Fuuri x Hoshizora / Kimayu x You) https://pjblue.zaiko.io/item/364621
6/15: Victor Entertainment MAGICAL JUKE BOX #1 https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/24061522-mjb
6/15: Sanbaka 5th Anniversary Live 3!参!SUN! https://www.nijisanji.jp/events/sanbakalive_5thanniversary/
6/22: VRelation Live Vol.1 https://www.stream-ticket.com/events/detail/1390.html

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So today the topic is all her pons and selfdoxing. I love this family
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yuzuha shooting for 200 greetings(?) to make two announcements https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1aqvbbBRs4

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>Time to interact with Pippa, what could possibly go wro-ACK
What was Mori thinking?
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you underestimate how desperate for drama catalogue fags are, schizos can't help themselves.
You guys are so fucking weird. Mori been targeted by retards with much larger followings who did the exact same things as this guy and she just ignored them in the past. She was bitching about knee pain from her surgery she is recovering from in her last 3 streams and just finished doing her week of album promotion for the limited edition. She is just going back to resting it like she was doing for the 2 and a half weeks before she started the promotion week and has another stream in 2 days. If she didn't have her album to promote she probally wouldn't of even came back to streaming until she needed to stream for her song on the 6th since she already extended her rest break because the surgery was more intensive than they first thought it was going to be.
>She privated her socials because of a knee booboo bro
>Topic sinks of /pol/
>Some retards wonder why Pippa is hated.
If you are talking about her personal account, it was privated because a joke tweet of hers got over a thousand fucking comments before this even started. Her Mori account isn't private. No one gives a shit about your hiding in mexico from the feds retard who hasn't been relevant since gamergate. When I clicked his rumble stream all he was doing as crying over how much more engagement she gets than him lmao.

What a lovely company
"Everyone in this company is evil and abusive"
"I'm being harassed basically" "I'm being harassed. I'm being harassed and I don't know what to do"
"And basically I'm very upset"
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Yeah, that 100% is not a joke. If it was, she would’ve said it differently, laughed afterwards, and would even clarify it was one. She seems smart enough to just say it as it is, like she knows it’s wrong.
Don't mind me just posting a non litter link
That's is just a joke being taken seriously. Which means that she's a bitch making jokes like that at this point.
>it's just a joke
Now that's cope
selen was making just a joke about the music video too

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It's real this time edition

>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?
Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.
>Is BFE and gosling allowed?
Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.
>Is female collab discussion allowed?
No females or female only related drama is allowed, you have the entire board for that.
>Is self-shilling allowed?
No. Go to >>>/vt/wvt instead.

Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, falseflaggers and don't derail the thread with fighting. Fujoshi, yumejoshi, and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males are discouraged and considered off-topic.

Previous thread: >>76993295
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Nidaime 11F
remove uki and this would be perfect.
Uyu Trap Trek
Fuma zatsudan
Or put another Uki in. One for each of Doppio's arms.
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can't, Yugamin took over

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megane monday

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama

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That home? my house
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megane shondo looks like a big fuckin neeeerd

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A girl who came from another world in order to become an idol. She loves singing and dancing, and drawing. She is training hard every day to become someone loved by many.

A circus performer who joined hololive in hopes of becoming the ringmaster of the VTuber world. She enjoys wowing audiences with acrobatics, and she lives by the words, "When you've decided you're gonna do something, follow through!" Her natural charm glosses over her occasional mess-ups. Her sworn nemesis is 低気圧

"Konlamydesu!" Hololive 5th Generation's blue rep, Yukihama Lamy! The daughter of a noble family from a distant, snowy land. She decided to leave her home, along with her companion Daifuku, after hololive's streams full of fun and color touched her heart. Her serious personality belies her naive, sheltered nature.

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NTR sheep
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posting wife
Nene soon!

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Swawa sitt (Take 2)

Thread for avant-garde/alternative/horror/weird indie Vtubers!

>VTuber list

>Question of the thread
How do you treat your waifu after a ryona session?

Previous thread:
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good morning /freak/!
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Good morning friend <3
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Molly is live! *chew*

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>Sayu befriending Matara and let into the anti-Niji clique
>Hex getting bitchslapped by Youtube
>Twitterdrama about sociopathsisters tearing EACH OTHER apart now
>Twisty exposed as a /here/schizo and grifter
All in one day, good going Nijisociopaths!

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>Will never be ready for children
>Yes but let’s adopt a child instead

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Temma said Rikka did invite him for his tournament but he couldn't make it with his schedule
>who is going to have my baby
All of them
Astel says if he joins Vsai he absolutely doesn't want to be IGL.
You mean he's just grinding for fun? Sasuga kishi

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"The piss was not a sexual thing"- DYRBI?
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You're already wrong from the very start, but chargebacks are a thing for actual scams. That anon's rrat sounds retarded to be true as it paints her as a complete retard, but I don't have any horse in the race as I don't watch her.
>Unironically asking, since I only found her pretty recently
You only think she's cute because you're new. Eventually you'll come to understand what a numbers-obsessed, lazy grifter she is.
it’s so funny how you just believe everything she tells you like a good little cuck and just ignore the mountain of evidence otherwise
You're correct. She often talks about how she was "scammed" but it wasn't a scam, just a subscription service with a shitty cancellation flow.
It does sound retarded but trust me, I've watched her since she debut in kawaii until she graduated. I know her enough to know that she is prone to take that kind of emotional fueled action like that. Anyone who watched her for a long time would also understand.

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