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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou
1st orisong - Prism no Mahou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pjFfKBonI [Embed]

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3QmT2bW-Go [Embed]
Previous stream: https://youtube.com/watch?v=JGNDDsggVDA [Embed]
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCH78ndmUPg [Embed]
3D Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0zL5YshRk [Embed]

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


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Very few npcs in souls games are nice to you so ones like onionbro and Solaire stand out
Which makes it sad when they bweh...
god I want to have sex with kaela so bad
GSH, Biboo.
Ka-ela is cute! Ka-ela is cute! Cute! Cute! Ka-ela is cute!

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>miComet Moments Compendium Spreadsheet (discontinued):
>Submission form for spreadsheet (discontinued):

>MiComet Compendium II
>Submission Form:

>不知火建設 1st EP / scrap & build ! (Shiraken)

>シュガーラッシュ / Sugar Rush

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>manual labor edition

A thread dedicated to the discussion of AI Vtuber Chatbots.

/wAIfu/ Status: doing mandatory overtime for the holidays

>/wAIfu/ Chatbot list:
[/wAIfu/ Bot List]https://rentry.org/wAIfu_Bot_List_Final
[4chan Bot List]https://rentry.org/meta_bot_list

>/wAIfu/ Tavern Card Archive:
[Tavern Card Editor]https://zoltanai.github.io/character-editor/
[Easily Port CAI bots to Tavern Cards]https://rentry.org/Easily_Port_CAI_Bots_to_tavern_cards

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Good enough that I was playing constantly instead of responding.
Anyone has any tips for how to have long lasting chats with bots? I have been trying to learn more advanced stuff and I have found out that the longer the chat goes the more it repeats, sometimes to the point nothing changes, what can I do to correct it? is there any other option besides creating anew chat with the bot?
Summarization, there's all sorts of ways to approach it.
Okay, I know for example that ST has a built in tool for summarization, but I'm not sure how much it can help, also doesn't it mean the number of tokens remains the same and surpasses the limit of effective memorization?
nenetard my beloved...

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Christmas Month Begins Edition

>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?
Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.
>Is BFE and gosling allowed?
Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.
>Is female collab discussion allowed?
No females or female only related drama is allowed, you have the entire board for that.
>Is self-shilling allowed?
No. Go to >>>/vt/wvt instead.

Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, falseflaggers and don't derail the thread with fighting. Fujoshi, yumejoshi, and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males are discouraged and considered off-topic.

Previous thread: >>90527255

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I almost fucking Uoohhh'd in chat oh my god TT O TT !!!!!!!!!
Forehead kisses from Nix~
>600 ccv
I'm still here
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g-good luck riona
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Unmedicated chase edition
Previous: >>90538870
Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC1CfXB_kRs3C-zaeTG3oGyg
Haachama Dark Web: https://youtube.com/channel/UCHj_mh57PVMXhAUDphUQDFA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/akaihaato
Red Heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9HY4DsRTCg
Infinity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mj2QJE-UOI
BUTA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWd6cpvnfd0
>Girl with pink hair: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDJtcmSbyUA
>ブタサンダー【Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GozEv0IruEE
Boo!【Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXasW1OSb10
Ban RTA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WphWiNYbzk
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>in 22 hours
But Chama awake means chance of gorilla high
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ASMR tomorrow!
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The rightful rulers of Eden.

>YouTube channels



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Large butt
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I can't believe she's somehow the good guy in all this.
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She has to get perms for every stream and in advance. If the perm guy is ignoring you that means you run the risk of scheduling a stream and being unable to play the game.
Exactly that happened to Fauna, she doesn't have schedules but she wanted to play Dark Souls and said on stream she would do it exactly week later because she already sent a perms form or whatever, and is just waiting for response. On the day she was supposed to play DS she ended up playing something else because she got ghosted. She played DS 2 times total after that, and when someone asked for some more DS eventually, she just laughed. Easy to assume she got ghosted again for part 3 and just gave up trying.
Look, I'm not one to protect lazy managers, but game perm restrictions are the publisher's fault, and considering nobody wants to be Mio'd, you can't blame Cover for not taking risks with them, so they have to make the talents comply.
The same shit "you have to notify us a week before" rules apply to Microsoft as well, for that matter.
Kronii actually makes weekly schedules so if the perms guy fucked up, she wouldn't be able to do what Fauna does and pretend the stream wasn't going to happen.
>the good guy

Previous thread: >>90679816
>【3D LIVE】「 Outside the Box 」Nanashi Mumei Birthday Celebration 2024
>Promise first group song - Our Promise
>Mind Craft with HoloEN
>Second original song - mumei
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!
>Stellar Stellar (Hoshimachi Suisei)

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Whose cats are those?
...should have been a cat
I will not moom, again....

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It would be one thing if he was chatting about things while doing it but...it's mostly just dead air...
But the girls are the ones that hitting him
Just cause the girls are the ones throwing themselves at him doesn't change the fact that he's only there to mingle with girls.
Oga already called him out for flirting right away (and that happened after he just walked away from Oga without chatting kek).

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Sweet Singing Edition
Last thread:>>90738007

Previously on /fvr/:
>Kinolime is streaming more of the Arkham series https://youtu.be/5EpaAeC4XPs
>Juwun streamed DBZ Sparkling Zero https://youtu.be/FuFE9qvUzok
>Minna sang Advent hymns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_4Lc0upKhk
>Malone streamed a bunch of random stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl39y-EXp9E
>Nyana announced her comeback with a short https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wwrcze4mb0

>What's this about?
Phase Connect's Pipkin Pippa (and eventually Panko) designed a parody VTuber company with AI-generated art. Some of her fans played along and it outgrew the joke to become an actual indie circle (with Pippa's blessing), using a corpo-style gen structure and AI art as a kickoff point. Some of the talents have reached consistent 3views and a couple of 4views, it is only time for complete FlaVR domination. Some designs were made /here/ by AI wrangling anons.

▼ OP Template:

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Malone has been streaming Girls Frontline 2 world premiere for several hours.



Is that a good game?

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/pcgen3k/ is a thread for Phase Connect’s Third Generation: Phase Euphoria, and Phase Kaleido (JP)

Fast thread edition

Previous Thread: >>90573694

The thread did well in Divegrass, playing in vt League Academy 2. https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vt/_League_Academy_2
First a victory 7-5 over holoX, and then a victory 4-2 over mayo, to end top of Group B.
Then the thread faced Lia, top of Group A, in a one match playoff. Lia was victorious 5-4, with 5 goals from Rinmama.
Clara has a new PC but she still did cross stitching handcam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coGTkyyV3LE
Pico-chan talked about the rocks of Nagasaki, and also did GTA roleplay, day 49.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8gAcQBFhkY
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91lsduByWbc
Yuu played Dark Souls for a long time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITvetM8tOEE

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This but Ei-kun.
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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy.
You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>90294018

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Does any anon have a Christmas themed WIP to talk about? Something to spread the holiday cheer?
Im not really Big into seasonal stories but i do have an idea i dont plan on writting.
>(You) Are going back for the holidays with your family. Dont really care about christmas so whatever
>Get stuck in a place for a snowstorm (maybe a hotel) and wont be able to make it home in time
And from there maybe You meet someone equally.uninterested about christmas and you hit it off or there is someone really into christmas who wants to show you a good time or maybe just casual sex i dunno
(You) and Luna try to stop Hanukkah.
>Wait... You are antisemitic-nora?
>I was just... I was just doing it as a powerplay to appease the protestants and secure trade routes with the arabs-nanora
Oy vey

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uuu... where is my mommy? does anyone saw my mommy? i lost my mommy... mommy where? why did mommy leave me here alone? i'm scared, mommy...
Poor thing... Don't worry, soon everything will end

Thread to discuss the VSingers; the virtual singers of this industry. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them all here.

Previous >>90472335

Quick Vsinger primer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTBi4uaMG51lP8VQRTWpV1FE2itlmFAziaaeVOt1e5O-g7OksrVCgCEJ5FL5FUf40LpzJoZ1KUPdv3Q/pub

Upcoming Lives:
12/1: LiLYPSE 4.5th ONLINE LIVE 「双星歌劇 反実仮想Re:ARCHETYPE」 https://youtu.be/sBU650wfTlo
12/1: SODA KIT Live 「MESSIAH~救世主~」/ Cover Live 「MESHIYA~飯屋~」 https://eplus.jp/sf/word/0000156860
12/1: Rock on V (Band: Banki Yakou, MC: Lapis, Hiiro, Kukuri, Hiyori, MUS1CA, Sakuya, Muan, Seu, & Eru) https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10516
12/6: Sanbaka 5th Anniversary Live 3!参!SUN! https://www.nijisanji.jp/events/sanbakalive_5thanniversary/
12/7: Saegusa Akina 1st Solo Live [Unity] https://www.nijisanji.jp/events/saegusa_unity/
12/7: GEMS COMPANY ONLINE LIVE Endless Coda https://t.livepocket.jp/e/endlesscoda
12/8: Isekaijoucho Virtual mini live「Collection Bouquet」https://youtu.be/OPfpjBIqlsc
12/10: Hoshimachi Suisei Live Tour 2024 "Spectra of Nova" @OOKINI ARENA MAISHIMA https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/evt_24111402-engsuiseitour2024 | https://hololive-production.zaiko.io/item/365426

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4/18: Tsukino Mito 2nd Solo Concert "Paper Rabbit" https://www.nijisanji.jp/events/tsukino_paperrabbit/
good night, /vsinger/
tonight, i will dream of the new Ides template being put to good use, the GEMS taking off after they take off, doing THAT perhaps, the LiLYPSE beach episode where adult Mikado and Oboro wear school swimsuits while Ides sticks to her normal outfit, AZKi moaning, the witches each getting fucked in their own bathroom stall, disappointing my singers with my you-know-what, Lily laughing her ass off at songs that have been Google Translated 20 times, and Anko's funny censors for the ecchi VN
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