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Previous: >>79963615
Most of nijiID dont know nihongo though
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Koyo’s Mayo filled tits
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

>FWMC taking ANOTHER break
I should have believed the japanschizos
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No stream next week
Fuwamoco week hiatus, it's so over
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Summer of Advent...
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Fucking scarlet rot being an attention whore again...
dog niggas
voracious niggas
mystery niggas
psycho niggas
80's niggas
So they are recording this week huh
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>people here find this smug fuck as sexy
i don't know what's right anymore...
Blame the homos for clogging up the 3D line for 3 months for no justifiable reason.
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It's my turn to protect their smiles
Miko will win gold if she somehow clear the game today
>no one is Live in EN
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His content is homo free so it’s a good thing Liz is only watch the girls.
Advent is falling apart
sex with domesticated mayo dog
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whore should stop leeching and go back to sucking the homos off
Kys Phasecuck
FWMC are live you retarded mongoloid nigger
Nobody in /baubau/ biting???
>scarlet rot
hope she plays ER
this isnt even an elizabeth thing, people need to stop adding S to make senpai plural it is driving me mad
AHHHh You were supposed to be the Gura killers not join her in your long breaks
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Your move?
>well IRyS is actually sexy
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Then why the fuck don't they show up in vrabi?
Whos stream?
I love calling people mongoloids
RR eyes are the opposite of Lui's eyes
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Now that the dust has settled, moving to Japan was objectively a bad move.
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At least she got 1st place while dunking on Fauna
They stream on youtube
They've already streamed more while doing 3D prep and recordings than previous gens did, give them a break.
will Fillian break the record of the most catalog trash posted in the board at the same time that's currently held by Kiara today?
Jwu qrd on the yab (Filian edition)
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Joshu kun blowing his load early?
What's a Multi?
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Fwmc love you Raffian
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What game should Advent vs Justice collab play?
Not even close.
I didnt saw doggos mentioning her
Miko ending, 24k funnel to King for gold
Justice monetization when?
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pls consider
learn to drop hate
invest in a smile
love will come
maybe you will like it
I'd put my mayo into Koyo's tits if you know what I mean
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guys he's working hard, help him out with some (you)
>Gets into legal trouble
Ace Combat 7 TDM
Starcraft 4v4.
Or just l4d...
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I feel bad for Filian. She not all bad. She did some good things too like giving exposure to mediocre 2 views trying to make it.
4v4? Warcraft 3
Pagpag is a double edge sword
>If youre good, they will support you 100%
>If youre bad, they will be the first assholes that will stab you in the back
In 3 weeks after ERB is eligible to reapply again
I was about to say League of Legends but apparently they are doing crab game. Less janky horror factor but im into it
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>ligger trying to flip the board when they're losing
Stop being mad already, Holokek's
Just using other people for content again
That blue bitch with the violin is ugly as fuck
>mediocre 2view
look at who is at hololive and who is having a massive yab involving lawsuits that is most definitely not in their favor, anon.
Red fucked it up
/lig/ lost.
Left 4 Dead 2 versus
Fillian is proof that twitchniggers shilling you to their audience is easy incline. She didn't exactly build a 6k average from YT shorts watchers, but her eceleb friends propping her up. Literally ANY twitch indie could be a 6k shitter if jewsmongold or kaicenat or whatever shilled her.
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I would like some proof that Fubuki is a tittymonster.
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New art mama soon.
Mignon please, Filian
Why is Mococo such a retarded dumb nigger
Family Feud
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Rome II: Total War: Attila
Why is it always 3 standard messages lol
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SCP secret lab.
What do you guys think the ??? is gonna be? Could it be a new song?
And look who's monetized on twitch while the other is poor and using a 1080
NTA but I discovered her with this stream. SO at least Flipian did something good.
>leeches leeching each other in the leech tournament of the queen leech
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>Steals content to do YLYL #2135
>Steals from original creators by going behind their backs and getting merch done of their original art
>Use 2view indies trying to make it even tho none of her fans will go watch them
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>Another obligatory 3 posts for the girls
Just stop pretending and fuck off, red whore. We know you don't care about hololive, just stay in your corner with the homos.
probably 3d announcement
i don't feel bad.
retard got complacent and thought nothing would happen.
it's like when youtubers stream games and mods but thinks since nothing has happened to them for streaming it, it's okay to do it anyway because no mod creator or game dev will go out of their way to smite them when they have the right to (eg. PewDiePie and the FireWatch dev)
she probably thought since the japs don't watch her, she can do whatever she wanted with the model and nothing would happen, but she forgot how big GoodSmile is in japan and of course they would take notice after seeing their model get a nendo and they had nothing to do with it.
Not a nice way to describe Uruka
Agreed we hate dumb red whores here
Fuck would be kino if we can actually get 10 people on
She wasn't friends with any of those people before, they only cared about her because she started getting popular. If you want to look at someone who was already "in" with people and just bought a model and walked into 1k+ average, it's Sinder.
chat after the figures announcement
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Persecution complex or newfag?
>3 posts
more like 13 https://www.hololyzer.net/youtube/realtime/supana/gzVC7mqG-kY.html
>they only cared about her because she started getting popular
And by popular you mean "unga bunga lots of subs on YT!" kek. She basically faked it until she made it and now it's crashing down her head
Holy shit shut up
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Anybody going to the ball game tonight?
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Fillian, and all VRChatters who think they're above Vtubers, deserve the rope
>Watch Filian dying
>Go to bed
>Wake up
>It somehow got worse
>Tons of indies are dogpiling because they smelled blood
>Pedo accusations
>People found even more shit she used her model for in merch
This is hilarious, I thought Niji had retarded dramas copywritten. Has she even said anything yet? Nerissa collab still a go?
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>samefag discordnig hours
Why does she keep doing this
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>What game should Advent vs Justice collab play?
my ass and balls
The gall to call anyone mediocre while defending Filian in the same sentence is not lost on me.
Like the blu leech, she need first army to shill her so she can then redirect her "fans" to the homo. (it never worked)
>I feel bad for Filian.
Why? Indies have so much fewer limitations then corpos. So much freedom. And their fans go "omg haha corpofags btfo we match like 50% of your power (not really)". And even then they fly too close to the sun.
Sinder was known for her ASMR before vtubing anon...I know it because I gooned like gremlin to her work.
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proof doko
where do i search for lewd stuff?
She takes good care of her paypigs. Jealous much?
Dont be too jealous anon
Try to be on your oshi FAN to get the same treatment
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Did you watch her and sub her past a month? Cus I’ve discovered a lot of new people from my twitch oshi but I never actually gone and watch them past a day or two
>I feel bad for Filian
This was your first mistake
Why anti filian of all people? I understand this thread's cultish nature and desire to kill and maim anything that isn't hololive. But she has always shown deference and understands how big hololive is.
shes smart anon
gotta keep those paypigs in check or they will cheat
I perfer it that way, when she spam fauna it was annoying
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my wife
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So what is this supposed to be?
Usually, I don't care about indies and their everyday drama. I will just say she deserves it because she knew it and still proceeded with it despite people warning her several times for a long time.
Announcing Fauna's graduation
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>he fell for the "I love you all equally" meme
Orisong for sure
But she’s explicitly called out people thinking she’s on the same level as Holos?
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Cock and Barrs torrtutre
Cover song
I am bored of the shitpost raiders. This season anime is just trash. Who dafuq names their protag NOOR. Along with all the boring romance slop. sigh.
It's a live stream not a premier..
>Who dafuq names their protag NOOR
nothing wrong with calling a retard what they are
Someone used to shitpost with her fairly often, probably ennacuck. Posting about every time she passed someone's sub count with her youtube clip channel.
I don't hate Filian for the most part (even though she's a bit retarded, not in the cute way), I hate stuck up /lig/ggers and their crab mentality whenever "one of theirs" joins Hololive.
This thread isn't even a cult for Hololive, but for specific girls in Hololive.
>executing pero
>Germany vs Spain
who you got for this anon
Bragging about getting their nendos before Promise
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>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover) *new*
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>symmetry *new*
>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
What anime
Guess IRyS isn't in the Crab game collab then. She was in the last one and she said she would be streaming today so I thought she'd be in, but oh well.
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But Pedro is just Mococo changing voice
Shilling stream for their nendos
Sorry that your whore isn't considered part of hololive just because she's employed by Cover, but there are strict rules as to who is considered hololive and who isn't.
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Good. She was dead for almost the entire game last time and she doesn't like big collabs in the first place. Smart girl to do a members only today
After that twitter space it is now clear to me that she can be dangerous if she wants to, her voice is still resonatig in my head
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we already know senpai
if calling her out for being a complacent retard makes me an anti, then im the 2nd biggest anti.
>EN collab
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If Fauna promised to go back to biweekly ASMR but the cost was you had to watch 1 full Uki stream per month (can't do anything else or mute it) would you do it?
The guy has a GF and still spent lots of money in SC & merchs. He's a keeper (for a paypig)
What are the rules?
all the lab research clearly paid off
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anon, you know to much
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Ok. At first I thought
>nothing burger whatever they are gonna settle it privately
But now the whole thing is getting interesting. Small QRD
>Filian nendo
>Rindo's original creator contacted both Filian and GCS saying they did not ask his permission to sell his IP
>Turns out Filian never asked permission for any of her merch
>The other model which she uses for merch was also not hers. The original mama tweets that they also did not ask for permission and he condones using the model to sell plushies and games (the thing Filian used the model for)
>now this

Oh boy.
what are these rules?
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IRyS why you do this
España, of course.
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>pegor ended
Time for koroner or hajimer. That's how it goes
Huh? Are you talking about catalog threads? Because Kiara is going to hold that record forever. I don't think anons remember just how many fucking Kiara threads were spammed during the absolute peak of orange board days, not even the Mori lean and Connor SC yabs back to back produced even half the amount of threads that Kiara produced by her simply existing.
I don't like invasive species.
Why do Filianfags keep attacking hololive? Didn't Filian kneel to Gura already?
I didn't know. Just checked 4ch and YT the first time this morning
Sounds like a nothing that will blow over soon, got it
Kiara won't flash her tits for either, so I don't care.
I just beat my dick a few minutes ago...
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izumi papa making hag sex real
I'm pretty sure other indies are spearheading the filian hate. This thread was dogshit moments ago
She was in the last one. Perhaps she got salty from being the only one (out of 10) who didn't win a single round
My only exposure to these whores is through the schizos that come to this thread. I don't care about her but I'm glad those retards are sweating
She'll be fine if she's amiable with the guy btw
She didn't for Austria
Considering the number of 1/2views on Twitter I’ve seen trying to latch onto it absolutely.
>retard does something retarded
>get called out as a retard
"why is everyone being so mean"
It’s not nothing, it will definitely cost her a lot of money, but I don’t think any further drama beyond that
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The indies aren't on her side either, they're all in a feeding frenzy it looks like.
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>dog niggas
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Play Garou. It's a good game.
I have hopes in the one of the bullied hero and the masked spellcaster
I'm surprised his GF doesn't care. But maybe in her mind it's no different from liking celebrities.
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it's a big mix
A) other indies and their fans that have a bone to pick with her or just want to cut her off at the knees so maybe they can get some of the fans/attention
B) nijisisters trying to make someone else the badguy for a week and get heat off their dying branch
C) tribal holofags who opportunistically attack anything not holo (or not the specific holos they like)
D) phasefags and general shitposters and drama addicts that just want to watch something burn for entertainment
Reminder: It is ALWAYS funny to laugh at Kuzuha
Damn she also made racist jokes....
Thoughts on global?
fuck you this never happened
Wait a minute that violin...
Haven't been here in a while, does this Filian situation involve hololive or should I continue not giving a fuck?
I don't hate or much care for filian tbqhwyf but it's clear seething 1views are jumping on the hate train simply because this one time it's justified. Dumbass should have commissioned a model that she could own the legal rights to.
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>Spam "Filian is destroying holos in subs LMAO"
>Surprised people hate her.
It looks like Ragus'
Did promise fags being pissy they didn’t get theirs do this?
I don't know how Global got so bad but it's in a sorry state
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She was gonna collab with Nerissa supposedly so it tangentially involves Holo, a tiny bit?
Nerizzler have a collab with her coming up.
I would try to make an argument to defend Filian from "racism" accusations, but these are the same retards that doxx Mori while accusing her of "racism" and no indie ever tried to defend her, so I couldn't give less of a fuck.
You can safely ignore it.
Why do threadshitters keep posting Ch**bs after we all agreed to ban her?
Is there a ratt up go run and share your shit there Mongoloid
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orcat <3
I hope sex happens during the collab tonight
Yeah they've been holding on to that one for a while. That was that George Floyd joke she made.
/baubau/ doxxing already huh
I don't hate Filian. I'm only unironically pissed about this >>79970656
>Another one of these account
Am I the only one who is really invested in this secret competition between /vt/ containment breaking Twitter account? It’s fucking clear that they are competing with each other for dramafag numbers
The good thing about the promisefags who camp is thread is that at least they usually ignore things that make promise look bad. I thought the thread would get extra bad after the new promise song flopped but everyone's just pretending it doesn't exist. When the FWMC nendos get announced tomorrow I'm pretty sure everyone here will just ignore that and act like they never cared about nendos.
(You) sucks eigo mon
They see the chance, unfortunately it's a leech leech leech world outside the walled garden.
too long; skippa skippa
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It's simple, everyone that isn't hololive should be eliminated or strive to be hololive one day
anya didn't win either but no one noticed
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Sup /#/
Left 4 dead 2 versus
Whats the point?
Travelers and new baubaus are already in their own discord long ago
You posted other doxx? Usually it’s only of FWMC themselves
wasnt this the girl that was hiding she was part of a company until she got fired?
woah that's too spicy for this chirstian thread anon
I agree.
>I the only one who is really invested in this secret competition between /vt/ containment breaking Twitter account?
Yes. It's also another phase account for the record I'm pretty sure they are all being paid by Sakana to shill the company.
you have ADHD. better get that checked
I support the antis because if filian temporarily cancels her nendo, the pipeline for (Me) to actually being able to preorder Promise and Advent nendos will be fast tracked a bit.
What about holostars?
Anon it’s not a weird thing at all, HoloJP literally have mother and married couple watching them
what the, i wasn't informed
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IRyStocrats look like THIS?
It just looked like one of those "left meme" things from the thumbnail and I doubt I would care about the content anyway.
Promise need to beg if they want nendos before Justice
I mean the endgame I hope would happen is these accounts started going for each other throat for attention from dramafag
Why tf Nijiniggers spamming dox in /pw/?
Armis nendo doko?
Shouldn't you be asking that in /nijien/ or something?
JP is actually entertaining and mainstream. EN is for parasocials and GFE coomers.
filian ran over my dog
When was the last time retards post doxx in #s?
You should've not bully them out, now they doxx everywhere
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IRyS laying at the grassRyS
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The holy trinity of leeches.
Do we have stats for number of raids in a set period of time?
It's always filled to the brim with Kiara shitposting around these hours and it doesn't really go away unless Kiara, still persists even when Justice members are streaming. And it gets 10x worse if Kiara is on a break or vacation/trip see the shitposting on her 1 month break getting so out of hand that it was actually drowning out stream discussion over entire days, including in NA hours over people like Fauna, Gura, and Ame, even if there was 2-3+ ENs streaming at the time It's why I came over to here to discuss streams.
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we dont since all raids in #s are just like farts
It stinks but goes away fast
She should be careful sleeping like that with her butt sticking up
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>I'm pretty sure they are all being paid by Sakana to shill the company.
Yup, bvtm and couple of that weeb culture warrior accounts are paid by sakana and of course they are all brown
Nobody anti filian, we called her stupid because she is stupid. Everyone told her to get a new model with her own ownership and right and apparently she's too lazy to do the thing that could affect her entire career.
No but in holoEn everyone streaming at 10PM EST or later has far more raids received than anyone else (except Biboo)
Phasenogs are completely delusional.
>English ref
owari da...
Leech King won the runt race.
Kronii has it on her schedule.
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She fucked up? Why you expect us to defend her? We aren’t even hating on her as much as in the catalog and twitter
New fuwamoco VN
Literally like two threads before all this dropped some indie fag was crying and shitting his pants over how much better they were.
one of the weirdest places i've seen vtuber dox was /gif/ that's the only place where you can post the Kiara wrestling clip without getting banned.
The literal who's trying to get five minutes of fame jumping on Filian are pretty funny sometimes I forget libtards have brain worms so they stay upset at George Floyd or Hitler jokes from two years ago because she bypassed their permission structure
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Holy shit there is immense seethe about Filian in the catalog right now
>Accidentally describe Vox
That would expose the fuck out of IRyS and we don't want that
Isn't this a homobeggar faggot?
No you see people want all the benefits of the walled garden without being in it
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She show up in the most random place ever
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Talking about her arrangement with clippers didn't they already try that angle months ago
Quit samefagging
her future...
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first time?
Nah. We need a place for the trash vtuber fans to congregate that isn't associated with hololive .. keep em over on twitch
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Anon you dont have to kinda-doxx yourself
Im sure youll get a job someday(but alot of merch if you do)
>3 threads
>immense seethe
Well this time its actually deserved unlike gura seethe which is just retarded all of the time
>inb4 chumbuds are the ones doing whatever headcannon thing you think
I don't feel bad about Filian anymore.
Mel joins Vshojo Japan this year by kson nepo hire. Screenshot this post
Damn, her success really rattle them.
what a scoop, sell it to TMZ.
I NEED a holo L4D2 versus collab
Why? How does that help her career?
Pekora number is so trash
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It's not only that, a big indie is on a bad spot? better get some clout from it before the chance goes away, that's why they are this motivated
sub 30k gold vtubing is dead
AkuPeko teetee
I like Germany's plan for today of murderball
No wonder ennacuck keeps their shit going when there’s people this genuinely stupid.
Weird circumstances or trying to knock suisei down a peg? Kind of weird how she's the only AI pic
waow anon this is really important, I'm sure this will change the entire scene
Also its really relevant for this (en) board as well
i'll stop you before you shitpost about how mel collabed a lot with amelia so this is relevant here at all
Nice torpedoes
And when everyone is hololive...no one will be
Live by muh talent freedom die by muh talent freedom
She has 3x as many youtube views as the shark for a reason.
Astel was a solid 4view a year ago, the homos are going backwards
holy shit man, all the filian threads are filled with retarded people, thank god for making me holofag and not a brainless twitchfag
where are the streams we need EN5 asap
You can't just blame "ennacuck" for everything when fliplianfags called her le 4th richest chuuba (before she corrected them).
Are we still larping that tomorrow they're not just announcing Promise+Advent nendos?
Shorts shit spam?
Wow that’s like less hate than Gura gets in a regular day
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Everyone has genmates except for Fauna, she's on her own
I hope she doesn't get raped..
>GSC announces she's getting a Nendoroid today on AX
>Artist who made her VRChat model she uses cries foul, says this breaks TOS for her model which does not give users right to make merch from its image
>Suddenly all her past merch which was also using her image is put into question whether she had gotten permission for those as well
>Another artist who made a different model she uses also goes on record on twitter to say she did not give permission for it's image to be used in merch and game collabs
>No statement yet from Filian, Good Smile Company, Mythic at this time
>she corrected them
lucky sobs
>the shark
Ennacuck using indies now for shitposting
we will hate Mel now because she lost the Mandate of the Blue Dorito
IRyS is literally streaming today what's her excuse
That empty space is for da boiz
What the fuck are you talking about?
VShojo were the ones running the talent freedom ads do you have dementia?
>pizzafag VCR incline arc
>Rikka singing contest thing
>Rikka vtuber SF6 tourney
>Homostars anniv concert
Despite all those big events they still managed to go back to low 3views, and somehow beggars always cope that da bois just need exposure to get big
EN5 was 3 years ago anon...
League. Not even once.
Typical number anon can't stop thinking about homos
Lig fags use the same rhetoric.
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>the shark
Shes a sololive in case you dont know
I love how that's not even a fucking superchat or anything. It's just a comment
No, she's great, but i will have to reevaluate my opinion of her if she goes on vshojo
You know like normal people do, change their opinions when people act in different ways
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>3 threads
Rookie numbers.
SS’d to show you when only FWMC are the ones to get nendos :)
damn, global really hates IRyS
Fauna is an official-unofficial member of Promise, Advent and holoX though.
No he wasn’t. Even at his best he was only reliably 4view for karaoke and FPS during peak Apex.
you think the doki shitposting in here is from dokibirds?
proof this thread?
She has no interest in EN collabs.
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People complain about her in big streams all the time. I’m pretty sure it’s Sana faggots but still she must read them
So you’re shitting on her because of posts you saw on 4Chan?
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Are there any cheeb merch?
Still would.
Crosspost your shitpost then faggot.
I just jerk off again on IRyS a few minutes ago...
are shitposters still being protected by jannies banning anyone who dares reporting them?
IRyS only collabs with EN if Promise needs to shill something.
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I wanna fuck Koyo so fucking bad
>suisei AI slop
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Millie accidentally joins discord for a moment, then leaves. Luca sounds eager "wait, Millie was here?" Starts saying "Millie's here?" trying to pressure Millie to come on stream.
Calls out Millie on stream, basically forcing her to join. "Millie if you wanna join back, I'm right here." Millie trolls him then leaves again.
Begs Millie to come back, once again pressuring for her to come on stream with him. Millie finally joins.
Millie says "I have a present for you, here's my present". The "present" turns out to be Enna doing a sexual voice for him, then blowing him a kiss.
Luca does sarcastic little-brother roleplay "only mother gives kisses" clearly sees the little brother act as a joke
Enna does more sexual voice for him.
Millie and Enna were watching Luca's stream
"I have a question for you and Enna". Isn't satisfied talking to Millie wants to get Enna in the conversation too.
Luca asking about their butts
Enna spanks herself for Luca
Starts talking about twerking and hentai
They were going to bed and weren't really interested in coming on stream in the first place. Nina joins and takes over for them.
Luca asking a doxxing question about their timezone. Millie says "we have to do something in the morning".
Nina joins. Enna says "aaah no it's her again" and Millie says "I am tired of this woman"
Millie does a sexual voice for Luca
They finally leave
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No. I didn't say anything about her honestly the only things I've heard about her are her liking Gura and humbling the few retards hyping her up as a danger for Holo. That being said the whole environment she is in is toxic and she knew it. Go corpo if you don't want these leeches sucking you dry at every misstep.
No cc?
Wait what the fuck IRyS actually is streaming today, what the hell is her problem
She should it’s a miss opportunity since that’s her most popular art thing
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Is theres translated version of Shiraken-baki manga???
You're blind?
If filian wanted rights to use the model for merch, she could always just fucking ask.
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Interesting number swiped from JP fan
Today stream is the 399th game Pekora have played
IRyStocrats like solo streams more
koyo likes girls
I just checked on vrabi and in june of last year he has 21 streams logged and only 3 of them were 3views. That was without vcr or tournaments, obviously he was doing fps streams but if that was helping him incline why stop?
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Hello Lesson in Love schizo
Ok ennaschizo save it for lat-- WTF IS NINA THERE?
>Nina joins. Enna says "aaah no it's her again" and Millie says "I am tired of this woman"
Hiatus killed his channel in youtube algo. Hopefully VSaikyo captain arc reignites it.
hm, looks like numbers to me!
topical, i approve
while majority of those are probably one time kusoge it's still more than amount of games i played in my whole life
Arguably more humiliating than being a homobeggar
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Anyone with an oshi would rather have a “let’s talk in in members” over this big collab that’s gonna have 10 people yapping over each other at all times
>inb4 Fliplian apply for EN5
Crab Game is a garbage big collab game.
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He has a vsai captain arc every year and the incline is always temporary
This is a fucking cope. She could do that tomorrow, interacting with her Kouhai (that she won't fucking do otherwise since she always solo's 99% of her streams) would be a fucking good thing
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I mean she couldnt read the contract for the model since it didnt come with one due to her pirating it
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I’ll be her towa
>liking gura
Nah she just mostly seethes about how sucessful gura is
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There's also monthly stats, this is Pekora's 2024 so far, the number of new game she started every month
Why would she downgrade herself like that? Her YT channel is bigger than Pekora's in every important metric and that isn't even Filian's main platform.
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ESL ranking

Interesting takeaways:
>Top is almost entirely Europe, only Singapore and SA infiltrated it.
>Northern Europe + ~Germany are the highest.
>PH, Malaysia are surprisingly decent at English but ID are absolute garbage
>Central Europe block (Poland etc.) is above countries like Italy, Spain, France
So true, anyone who loves hololive hates collabs and the holobox
Do Twitchkeks really?
But I’m a 2yr + IRyStocrat who would prefer this? You think I don’t know what a 8+ member collab sounds like? Yeah everyone BUT my oshi talking
If Filian is more successful than Pekora then why isn't she a millionaire?
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>Central Europe block (Poland etc.)
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Filian stealing stuff again to make content? Oh color me surprised
We all know you hate IRyS so why do you even care?
Jingo will make hundreds of thousands of burgers from this lawsuit
IRyS only needs kouhai to be raid vectors, she doesn't actually want to interact with them.
Sorry, I don't watch her. My point is she's not the worst but the people around her absolutely are so she shouldn't expect mercy from them.
The last Crab Game not only stole a planned solo stream but was not enjoyable whatsoever for almost the entire stream. With a members zatsu, I am guaranteed to enjoy hours of IRyS chatterboxing away
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Why's schizoling like this?
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Good afternoon /#/. I love Jelly!
don't let me catch you doing the exact same thing i'm accusing you of
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You're oshi a hoe >>79952738
green fauna my beloved
I don't feel anything from this since it can be resolved by bts deals with the artist. Like paying a fee or taking a percentage from merch sales. I'm more interested with Kronii game perms issue that's about pushing back against Omega remnants in management.
I hope Advent gets it at the same time. Myth and Promise fought and struggled for years to make a better place for those who come after. No holomem should ever have to wait for 3D or nendos again like they had to
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monkeys are shitting up global go do your job and ban everyone
kys phaseshart
Honestly expected more since it was a JP stream
Filian doesn’t have that much according to her getting pissed and saying so when people were assumed she was a millionaire
She saying stupid make my dick diamond.
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>clock tit in thumbnail
So is she in or not???
That's like 2x their usual CCV combined
kys ennacuck
I thought the model was free download?
Jingo will not sue her directly
But they will surely go to GSC for a big buck
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Cutie is back
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But that's not Jelly; it's Alice.
Maybe Cecilia didn't want to remake her symmetric doll arrangement after kronster dropped out.
I hope not
does it matter?
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>still doing multiple vtuber persona
Shes unsalvageable
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chubas for this feel?
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you have to buy the right to use it from what i understand
Goodsmile was the one in the wrong.
How do you try to commercialize a product without even having the paperwork?
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Is that all?
me, but AZKi
>No holomem should ever have to wait for 3D or nendos again like they had to
Uh, not all of the JPs have it. A single ID doesn't have it. Gura and Mori got theirs pretty fast too.
They're japanese, they probably thought there's no way a 2.7 mil subs youtuber doesnt have rights to her model because they can't fathom the possibility.
Don't say hi to me at the game, we don't know each other
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Gonna try and enjoy baseball for Goobs tonight since imma probably get hit by a hurcaine a day or 2 after. I’m glad it waited at least
I can't either tbqh.
I think Kiara should do a guerrilla Germany vs Spain watchalong
Its dead
It's on kronii's schedule and she didn't say anything about dropping out last night so I think FWMC is just retarded
No sane person would either.
Done tons of business deals with the model for years now the artist decides to get mad after Filian build a brand to take her down.
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Are all 12 going to stream their POVs?
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>ITT SEAs pretending they enjoy or know about Baseball
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Bros... It's beautiful......
She's streamed as Nazuna multiple times before after leaving Vshojo.
>American pretending he cares about VSPO or FPS
King gold?
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they were careless but I can wholeheartedly believe that they just didn't even consider the possibility that the design of the famous person they collaborated with wasn't even ownes by that person.
>using a stolen model to do business with a JP merch company
no shit. I hope GSC takes Filian to the cleaners for this.
Dodgers (and NY Yankees) merch are quite common here in the Philippines. we know baseball too.
stop spamming this shit you stick out like a sore thumb in every single thread. it's not funny because you're not believable.
>Mori was almost named Nyx
would /vt/ have used Nyx or Mori?
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According to copyright law Fillian is in the right the artist failed to trademark their work in the U.S which make it FIlian property by default due to her copyrighting the model and her brand.
Imagine the Nyxxers
>They're japanese, they probably thought there's no way a 2.7 mil subs youtuber doesnt have rights to her model
Mate, there is this level of retardation that’s beyond comprehension to anyone with half a functioning brain
I just came back from 763chan, the 4chan offshoot in subsaharian Africa and there was this thread from the Masai tribe laughing and saying
>no way Filian<click> didn’t secure permissions to her model<click>
>*african tribal ulululuing and laughter*
Fine, I laughed
I'll take KARI-CHAN KAKKOI, thank you very much
GSC is not a US company.
japs dont care or follow anyone outside japan
iirc mr beast went to japan and was surprised that nobody swarmed him
Has filian reacted to the drama yet?
Proof that Filian filed for a copyright of the model?
Current name flows better.
Show Filian US copyright documentation
It's a bit strange that it took years for this to become an issue. Filian has been collabing with companies for merch for years at this point without any fuss being made about the model they use. Maybe the original artist needs to pay some bills and that's why it's coming up now.
Like that succubus in SEQUEL?Is Nyx like pink or devil or sth in Germany?
honestly she made the right choice
She's going to live-react to the lawyer's coverage of the drame soon.
Funniest part is that her fans are so dumb it's hard to tell when you're joking like this
Or maybe the artist got no idea who she is?
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kek, that’s not how copyright OR trademark law works at all.
Actually it works the other way around, it’s even beneficial for the copyright owner to wait and see if the party infringing have any success before suing so they can get a bigger bounty.
See: Rolling Stones suing and taking the WHOLE revenue out of Verve - Bittersweet Symphony until they took pity on them and gave it back after a decade or two
Holy shit shut the fuck up. It’s literally always the exact same cunt showing up here crying about DA COLLABS STOLE MUH IRyS kill yourself.
It's simpler than that. Nips don't pay attention to Gaijin outside of movies. I used a japanese artist at first but it was so hard to deal with them. You're always in the back of the line unless you're huge and even then they treat it like a pain in the ass. Switched to an artist in EU and as long as you're paying them, they treat you right. The guy just didn't care about Filian or anyone else in the west until GSC logo popped up.
And, amusingly enough, it’s about the same situation Filian just stepped into
> As it turns out, the Verve had used a sample from a 1965 version of the Rolling Stones’ song ‘The Last Time’ by the Andrew Oldham Orchestra to create ‘Bitter Sweet Symphony.’
>Although they’d initially got the rights to use the ‘Last Time’ sample from the copyright holder, Decca Records, they were later denied permission from Klein, who claimed that the Verve had used far more of ‘The Last Time’ than they originally agreed upon.
>Ultimately, the band lost the copyright lawsuit and had to relinquish the credits and part of the royalties of the song to Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.
Filian situation is similar: she has the right to use the model to stream but not to make physical merch and the first doesn’t give her anything to help her avoid a suit for the later (as shown in Rolling Stones case)
>Copy paste twitter comments.
Fillian better hurry up and settle with the artist cuz her retarded fan and twitter warriors are gonna make this whole ordeal a lot worse for her.
Someone literally @d them on Twitter about it.

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