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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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New to /wg/? Lets get you started.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1) Look before you post
2) Post more than one, sharing is caring
3) We already have an Image Modification thread
~ ~ (ALL colorsplash, watermarks, photoshop requests)
4) We already have a Desktop thread
~ ~ (ALL desktops, rating, and theme/hax questions)
5) Share anything WP related!
~ ~ (NO low res/quality, illegal content;
~ ~ ~ anime goes in /w/, this is not /r/)

We on /wg/ love WPs and we love sharing them.
~ ~ ~ That's why we're here.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Now lets do it!
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~New Visitors Please Read~

This guide will tell you all you need to know to enjoy your stay on /wg/. This guide is for YOUR benefit so don't tl;dr. This is good stuff!


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , The /wg/ Bros

~ Read inside for more helpful tips, ~
WallPapers, and desktop customization!

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Thread #10.

All are welcome here.

Previous: >>8031927
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I'm not the person you're replying to, but I just posted my whole spiel recently.

Reading what I just posted, I think I expressed it? For me, it’s the lack of a social places. Although, I know I’m just not looking. But, I feel like I will when the winter is over—snow is keeping me locked inside. I cannot help but feel black-pilled about the world atm, but Christ is about the only thing giving me hope to continue on. Right now, in life, I’m just in this changeover stage, where I just have to keep doing the menial and small things before the big things come of it.

I can tell you, when this snow finally melts, I’m going to go back to hiking. Use to do trail hiking with my gf. But, given that she’s gone now, and I have no friends to hike with: I might just solo it for my wellbeing any way. I learned that through reflecting on my life pre-gf, during gf, and post-gf: that what held me back from enjoying things was I excluded myself from doing XYZ because “I’ll do it when I have a gf to do it with.” Given that no chick is on my horizon for the time being, I’m just going to do the stuff anyway, because I enjoy it! But, I am curious to see how much I will enjoy it without a friend or gf to do it with—none of my irl friends are exactly in shape to do outdoors stuff.

But, I am planning on trying to get into some hobby groups to make friendships. I might pick up archery and join a archery club. The idea of getting with some survivalist groups is also peaking my interest. We’ll have to see what’s up. Although, since Spring is still a little’s way away, the thing I’m trying to figure out is some church group to get involved with.
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>Virginity is weird like that, it seems like the most important thing in the world both to keep and get rid
This comment is so REAL. I gave into the FOMO and rushed into sex with my gf (despite being quite a zealot sometimes) and I hold some regrets over it. I’m foremost regretful because I did it for my sake; I was a horny depressed loser who basically kept pressuring her into it. For her, something like that was very special, and for me, I was just getting indulging in my pleasures. Ever since then with my feeling of regret over it all: I have been on a sincere long journey of trying to fight my lustful ways. I’ve knocked pornography out of my life, I masturbate seldomly, and I look at chicks more for their cuteness and personality than sex appeal. Don’t get me wrong, I do fall into these old habits time to time, but I like to think this is all God trying to prepare me for a more suitable partner. However, I suppress the thought of having a partner quite a bit nowadays, because I don’t want to make it the thing I think about every day; I remember the years I was like that, and it was absolutely destroying my mental health. Where I’m at, the nothingness stage that it is right now, and thinking about girls: it is all very complex for me. I have such an artistic and metaphorical attraction to feminity that I believe is derived from having a terrible mother. So, I kind of struggle on trying to figure out my balance of emotions towards women.

I don’t think my ex-gf and I were truly meant to be, but, I got to learn a lot out of it all and better myself.

(I know in previous posts, I said that she didn’t do anything outside her comfort zone, and that was relatively true… she eventually would if I kept poking her to do so. But, don’t misconstrue that by “outside of comfort zone” always meant something sexual; I was talking basic stuff like exploring a little off of the beaten path of a hiking trail: she would throw a big protest over.)
God-damn, anon, that sounds super rough. Despite being a Zoomlet over here, I can greatly feel your pain. As I alluded to a bit ago in previous posts on this thread—that is turning into my therapy sesh —I’ve had a terrible mother, which I believe now has greatly affected the way I react and approach femininity.

Combined with my crusade against my lustfulness, I have been feeling a renewed attitude towards femininity. And, with this, it has led me to a great adoration for innocence within the realm of femininity, and this has led me to daydream about having cute daughters to raise, love, and adore. Such ages that those two are in: are such crucial moments, and it tugs on my heart strings thinking about investing so much time into these girls to be for nought because of their mother.

I’m at a loss for words, and all I can say is I will be praying for your predicament, anon. I’ll be praying for the best, but may the Lord’s will be done. <3
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Same, fellow chud.
Yeah, I still feel this despite having a girlfriend—she just wasn’t the girl for me.
But, much like you, I’m just continuing on, “fighting the fight.”
Nice photo, and best of luck to you anon. <3

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6/10 only
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These are not even wallpapers. You are in Wallpapers/General you stupid retarded donut fucker. Why dont you fuck off to /s/.

Ukiyo-e, Byōbu, Ink Wash, etc.
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Natsoc Phone Wallpapers
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You're referring to 4chan Nazis.
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I wonder what the story behind this is
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ffs phone anon... at least make them usable wallpaper resolution

original colors: https://files.catbox.moe/182qlz.png
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Casual nudity
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Why do you think they're considered lewd? Why are women's nipples considered inappropriate while men's aren't? Because men see their sexual purpose first and foremost and their natural reproductive purpose second.
4chan is so much worse than it was 15 years ago. If I'm not offending the trannies in their "girly" thread and getting my posts removed, it's me getting censored for judging the 5 different pornography threads on the front page.

I'm just not going to contribute here anymore. This board is as dead as /gif/. Enjoy your miserable lives!
Good fucking riddance and stop acting like anybody wants you here at all, Moron. Leave, and stay out.

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real or illustrated
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Welcome to /wg/'s videogames general thread, /vgg/ for short.

Post any wallpapers here for whatever you're currently playing, a game you like. Or whatever you want to share as long as it's video game related. Old, new, PC, console, mobile, or desktop. Everything goes. Please avoid posting AI slop.

Other related threads:

Previous Thread:
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this would be great if it hadn't been darkened to the point of uselessness
loving these nintendo wps
I posted that, I used this Castlevania Anniversary Collection image
and merely made it larger. If you want non dark version feel free to post it
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edited to suit my taste
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Anything that, in your mind, represents a duality. Please keep it safe for work.
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2 freaking years this has been up!!!
We’re aiming for 4. It’s a pair of dualities.
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10/10 only
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This is the official thread for lewd, alluring, and sensual drawn or illustrated wallpapers.

>This thread is for:

- Full frontal nudity
- Subtle and provocative eroticism
- Lewd and revealing outfits (bikinis, swimsuits, leotards, lingerie, topless, latex, bodysuits, towels, etc...)
- Seductive and enticing poses (dress, partially undressed, or nude)
- Horny fanart and Rule 34
- Male, female, and anything in between. Straight, gay, yuri, yaoi, futa, anything goes. Don't be a shithead. If you don't like it, hide the thread and move on.
- Anime, western, paintings, and any other artstyle.
- Lascivious or salacious comics (as long as it's presented in wallpaper form).
- Usable laptop or phone resolutions.

>This thread is not for:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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This board has been so fucking dead for months.
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Unsure of this one, but I hope it's alright
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Personal favorite and current wp.

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This thread is dedicated to Women and Girls in videogames and related media.

Last Thread: >>8081300

Just follow the basics and post wallpapers (desktop or phone) that:
1) Have a female prominently pictured
2) Are videogame related in some way

Keep in mind:
3) Fanart, redesigns, gender swapping and crossovers are most welcome. Cosplayers, streamers, developers, and pro-gamers are also fair game.
4) Anime/Manga/Japanese style art is ok as long as it relates somehow to the topic (Women in Videogames).
5) Lewd, risqué, nudes, erotic, 18+ wallpapers are accepted as long as they are tasteful and comply with the general rules of the board. Please refrain from posting openly pornographic or shock content.
6) AI art is not welcome and will be considered trash, but there's nothing we can do to prevent you from posting it.

Have fun people! <3
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Time for a winter/christmas theme

Post any comfy photos that fit the theme. No anime or digital images or whatever. Real photos only please.
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