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Tell me your most absolute buck nutty conspiracy theory you think could at least be plausible.

I'm talking the shit you would not say in front of your significant other for fear of looking like a crackpot.

Just how deep do you think the rabbit hole might go?
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The elites are tricked by other elites into degeneracy and eventually are taken over by reptilians. The reptilians then rule over humanity and make our lives miserable. Worse of all there are more reptilians just waiting for a skin suit down in the underground earth. DUMPS are real. David Ike is not a schizo. We have been taken over and need a consciences revolution NOW. Wake up to the situation! They even got Elon and Trump. We need to sweep away all leaders and replace them with real humans capable of solid decision making who can lead our best and brightest into the underground and purge it of the malevolents. Until this happens we are nothing more than a species asleep at the wheel and will be enslaved until we free ourselves.
the only conspiracy I cant take off my head is the jewish one thanks to 4chan
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When the spinning ball-Earth is finally exposed worldwide for the 4000+ year deception it was, Earth's entire population will suddenly be faced with the reality that every government, every space agency, university, secret society, religious organization, mainstream and alternative media outlet have ALL been duplicitous in propping up a monstrous manipulation to fleece and control the masses. The resulting mass mental exodus away from the control system is exactly what humanity needs. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these lying politicians, spokesmen, reporters and teachers suddenly change from being heralded voices of authority to being ridiculed, shunned and denounced as they deserve. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these governments, universities, media outlets and other entangled organizations which have long been hard at work weaving this multi-generational ball-Earth myth, suddenly and completely lose all credibility. Once the truth of our flat Earth gets out, so does the truth of these few elite families/societies who have kept this most important and fundamental reality from us for these hundreds of years! Essentially, once the flat Earth truth gets out, so does every other important truth by proxy, because this "mother-of-all-conspiracies" holds under its umbrella literally ALL of the other conspiracies, and exposes them.
Covid was made by the Isrealis and a test went out of control.
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Gnosticism, simulation theory, christianity/islam/judaism are all part of the same psyop. It all exists to take us away from the Gods, the earth, and all that is our birthright. The answer is simple:
>Honor the Gods
>love your kin
>destroy your enemies
We are not in a simulation. This isn't some eldritch dream by an uncaring cosmos. We are not all the same. The situation is serious, but not hopeless. It matters. It ALL matters.
The elites are humans from either a ancient advanced civilization or us from another reality, either way they can prolong their age or out right body hop to keep going.
>This nigga thinks people can agree and work together on a global scale.
Parts of the universe are actually traveling back in time as we travel forward. Black holes are just suns going backwards in time fusing elements And eventually will pop releasing them. It looks like they sucking matter in and gradually bleeding it off until they pop. But from their perspective they are sucking in gas and fusing new elements. That would explain webbs issues with early galaxies, dark matter and where the hell are certain things.
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I'd like to take a minute and quote a post that originally quoted me in reference to being an /x/fag that holds normie-tier beliefs on especially normie subjects like "Is the earth round?", >>39092247, is *this* an example of being "humble"? I think you certainly believe you spoke straight fucking facts when you said
>arrogance is a clear sign of one bourne to Hell
but with that being kept in mind please tell me, is that picture anything *but* arrogance? They have a perfect oppertunity to show hard, undeniable, and probably very obvious and easily-to-witness evidence (if flat earth was true) alongside all THEIR cgi-made bullshit. But no, the flat earther will photoshop into existence these retarded propaganda pieces that show no evidence at all.
But they do attempt to proclaim to be anything remotely close to education by saying to "research" flat earth, which usually ends in being assaulted by inane ramblings or more propaganda pieces that are made to be shared.
>I think you certainly believe you spoke
bugging off vveed rn my bad
The government uses MK Ultra mind control to hide a secret space program filled with super soldiers who can bend reality.
My mom, and probably her mom basically believes that Canada, with it's natural beauty, fertile soil (that although requires machines to plow, is obviously not a problem), and especially water and nature makes it pretty much a targeted "objective" of extreme, if not *supreme* forces, for what can be considered the now obviously-forming "New World Order" as we've called it.
You're close.
They actually seem to have / seem to be controlled by a hive mind. This is the conclusion I got from years of interacting, observing and noticing all the subtle details.
there are messages in the captchas and its driving me insane
>capcha: KKKHRT
i don't know and frankly i don't want to know.
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My whole thread here
No need to even make it mysterious and shits. Just falls under common sense. Elite of then and elite of now belong to same caste, same groups.
The people over in /gangstalking/ aren't larping. Most are extremely confused as to whats going on, but they are all telling the truth or at least trying to based on what they believe. Glowniggers figured out frequencies can interact with cells as early as the 50's. Today it's advanced to the point of these frequencies being able to read and write to the brain, and the entire thing got tied in with supercomputers and AI. These supercomputers and AI design "gangstalking" scenarios for intended dissidents or sectors of the population the state deems "unfavorable". These scenarios are usually designed around making the target believe they are being spied on or conspired against. This could be neighbors, family, or co-workers, and sometimes they take on a more sinister approach like demons or aliens (Kyle Odom). A select few will resort to logic and realize it's not their neighbor talking about them, and after some googling realize it's v2k. These are the people who end up claiming to be able to telepathically talk to glowniggers and talking about dream manipulation and other physiological induced stuff from this tech. This is the electronic harassment phase of the program.
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The world is run by reptilians. They exist in the 4th dimension and project to the third dimension by overshadowing, meaning skinsuiting as people. Hosts can also be taken over easily by opening the lower chakras. All major religions pray to the fouth dimension (the cube or the tesseract). The eye of saturn (eye of sauron in lord of the rings) represents the reptilian eye with a split. Saturn is a soul catcher that sends humans back after death if they enter the light. This is why the cabal worship it. It sends you back to the material world where negative energy is harvested. This place is a loosh farm.
Pizzagate was probably real. The best objection they could come up with at the time was
>haha, nobody would actually do that
>anyway, they'd get caught
Well, now they're getting caught. We still won't get the Epstein client list until the Clintons and a bunch of Hollywood A-listers have died of old age.
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I believe that aliens are the ur-conspiracy theory. It all revolves around that. They are the only realistic alternative to the Fathe God archetype.
If there are enemies then this universe is still shat out aby an uncaring cosmos.

Your post is invalid.

This world is corrupt and we must ascend beyond it.
That's not the real Julian Assange they recently trotted out, it's not his wife either ex wikileaks personel were shocked by the narrative. There is no marriage registration records. He doesn't speak much but when he does it's like a script being read into his ear in real time. He is a double.
His insurance files contained proof of Rothchild pizzagate, Epsten island & likely Pdiddy/Hollywood child abuse.
They have made a double so that europeans dont find out and reef their establishment pedos by the neck dragging them to hang them off streetposts
Reptilians run the world and loosh is human fecies. The world is run by a corrupt circle of shit breathing reptiles. This is the final boss of humanity. A shit munching child mutilator.
So-called alien phenomenas are simply manifestations from alternate dimensions, realms that exist beyond the boundaries of time. Reptilians, Greys, Arcturians, Pleiadians, Draconians—whatever the alien race—they aren’t extraterrestrial, but rather ancestral echoes, linked to humanity in this present moment. The real conspiracy isn’t about time travel or interstellar beings; it’s spiritual warfare, cloaked under the guise of time travel narratives like the BEN phenomenon, which has been played out for the last seven years. But it’s always been this way.

>Time itself is the conspiracy.

These alien races are merely hyper-evolved or devolved versions of humans, splintered from Earth after the diaspora post-2030. We are constantly “time traveling” through each moment, creating cascades of butterfly effects that steer us down paths of potentiality, manifesting the outcomes most aligned with our inner causes. The increase in interdimensional activity stems from these factions fighting for survival, influencing our timeline via temporal and semi-quantum links.

When /x/ claims 4chan has reached temporal quantum supremacy, it refers to this very idea: that our reality is the one in which humanity transcends many of its societal and existential flaws, preparing to colonize other habitable zones.

The so-called “wars” between these alien factions are essentially struggles to direct the flow of potentiality in a way that aligns with their specific evolutionary agenda. They seek to manipulate timelines to favor their own outcomes—no matter how twisted those agendas have become in their timelines.

Time travel, “mastered” by a U.S. intelligence agency in 2027, is used not to explore the future, but to steer global powers away from foreign influences and reinforce American exceptionalism. Texas hijacks this in 2028. This leads to the establishment of the one-world government, paving the way for humanity’s ascension as a space-faring civilization.
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This one is actually real, expect disclosure soon
(The dead mans switch is permanently embedded into the public Bitcoin blockchain)
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project blue beam
I remember seeing a gif somewhere here that showed evidence the post captured Assange was AI
i had a psychotic break recently where I truly believed that we lived in the best of all possible realities, that God loves us and only wants the best for us, that all suffering is an illusion, that we will all reach our potential, and that true justice is an attainable work-in-progress.
>They even got Elon and Trump
When do you think their consciousnesses were replaced?
Brice Taylor named names.
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>pharma is inflicting mania on the population via stimulants including these super high doses of caffeine
>alien shit is at least 2/3 human trafficking and govt occult rituals/abuse
>the cell towers are not alright
>phil schnieder might be right
>the ruling class members of all nations including "opposing" either have or will agree on nuclear targets within their own countries
oh one I forgot
>sentient black goo, experimented on by the british at thule island
nephilim theory
I don't believe any of you are real. You are all mimicry of real people. If multiple timelines are real that would mean the real you couldn't be in all of them.
The demons are winning because New Age makes occultism look quirky and cute.
In fact you do, I've been steering toward this timeline with every single action for the last four years.
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Jews and the tiptop individuals of the world are trying to force all humans into one single race by encouraging racemixing as hard as they can. They think they can permanently eliminate racism and discrimination by making everyone look very similar to eachother. It's pretty naive and poorly thought out, like everything a rich person does, because people will always inevitably discriminate against eachother. Recognizing differences is the core of seeing oneself as an individual. Transgenderism is part of it, too, but for sex.
Human beliefs are self-aware entities with a life of their own, they aren't just promoted by humans, they actively fight for supremacy across the entirety of intersubjective ideas, christianity, islam, capitalism, communism, even our meme cultures are alive and actively compel us to put them before our own physical survival. Media, particularly media through fictional characters, is actively used by them to not just to communicate with us but to allow them a modicum of human existence. All these conspiracies we talk abiut here are specific intersubjective entities which have occupy specific "ecological niches" within the mind biosphere, even made up chatacters such as Yotsuba exist within our intersubjective matrix and are selfaware.
These entities die when their very characteristics aren't strong enough and cant evolve to ensure their continous existence within intersubjective reality until they are abandoned and forgotten, their constitutive memes, concepts eventually absorbed by some other entities which repeat the cycle.
What if all suns are White Holes?
JFK was shot accidentally by the secret service through a negligent discharge or some other accident.

Everyone shit themselves because if it came to light, it would make the Secret Service look incompetent.

Lee Harvey Oswald may or may not have been a genuine assassination attempt, but I believe the secret service had a mishap first regardless.

A different calibre weapon would explain the whole 3 vs 4 shots argument, as well as the grassy knoll shooter. Maybe an inept agent return fire and it caught jfk in a ricochet.

Either way, the reason for the cover up is that America couldn't pin in on the commies for fear of retaliation and hawks in the senate using it as an excuse to push for war, but at the same time if it came to light how bad of a job the secret service did, it would destroy the entire department, and they'd never get a dime of funding ever again.
This may not be the type of crazy you're asking for, but it's certainly unpopular/scorned.

I, simply, don't believe the "common consensus" that 50% of children died before age 5 for 10,000+ years, until the 1900's. Ive researched tribes, countries with little to no modern Healthcare, and been to a few historic gravesites (which were not 50% children. At best, I think the below 5 mortality rate was somewhere between 7-10% for most of our history, until the 1900's when it dropped to 0.1-7%. I base this on the research above. This, consequently, means I believe that most all modern estimations of human population throughout history are grossly miscounted. I rarely discuss this with anyone, because this seems to be the one "historical fact" you're just not allowed to question. People get so indignant if this brought up, it's wild. People are quicker to discuss holocaust inaccuracies than potential pre-1900 census inaccuracies.
Aight, so sentient black goo, right... there is an entity near where I live that is this. Three people have seen it, that I know of, including me. It's been described as "like a moving trashbag." It seems to hangout near roads -- or at least thats where its been spotted everytime. Between the three of us that have seen it, its been seen five times. One time, a dude I know had to stop his truck to throw up, and the goo was in the ditch and started moving towards him. He was less than 5ft from it, by accident.

The area its located in is near a large manmade lake that used to be for paper plant runoff, has sewage in the lake, and is generally a gross lake. Idk if that helps paint the picture, but I feel like the lake is connected.
I think I kill 4chan threads somehow. seems I can post on an active thread and it suddenly dies out. Idk if it's glowie activity or what but it happens way too frequently to be coincidence
I guess we'll see if this thread dies
My sides
Wheres the diamond on that ring
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aliens and paranormals are just aliens or humans from other dimensions lucid dreaming and manifesting in our dimension.
They're also cognitohazards
*captcha : AYS4J
Thread killer is here!
>people were ugly, smelling, and dirty all the time a single wound would kill them
that's retarded shit, water was much more clear without all the chemicals from factories etc. I had multpiple cuts on my body from labor and I never went to hospital for antibiotics or some shit it always heals on it's own just keep it clean with water, put honey on it so it heals even faster(honey is so sticky even on microlevel that all harmful microbes can't move and shit inside the wound)
>honey is so sticky even on microlevel that all harmful microbes can't move and shit inside the wound
holy shit you just blew my mind
You're basically timelagging microbes
viscous fluids will stop them in their tracks and if they can't exchange energy with it (honey might be metabolized by some), they starve

I imagine they can only move along the boundary layer of it, but if you cover that, you trapped them
Expanding Earth
Logarithmic time
Universe is human shaped
The current highest priority of the (((elites))) is robotic augmentations of brain and body, Deus Ex style.
This is the (obvious) goal of neural-computer interface research.
The elites are not as unified as you may believe, and they are TERRIFIED that others will complete this research before them - but personally, I don't think they need to be worried.

The goal is the same as ever - become smarter, better at lying, more efficient at making money, less able to be toppled by rival families and rarely-born geniuses from lower classes, etc... and install your family in a position of power that they will literally never relinquish.

Their ultimate goal is immortality, of course, since nothing is better than your family ruling forever - except for YOU ruling forever.
CERN has successfully created and is currently containing a stable black hole measuring approximately 0.0000000001 femtometers and weighing between 2000 and 3000 kg. I believe its gravitational effects are influencing the extreme and strange weather patterns we’ve been seeing, as well as the cause of the unsettling sensation of time speeding up and slowing down reported by many people worldwide. They are manipulating the quantum fields around it to prevent Hawking radiation.
I'm not sure. Definitely by mid 2020.
Seems enough to keep you thinking anon. Tis plenty for the evening
Oh, Pizzagate is only the beginning
> measuring approximately 0.0000000001 femtometers
bro, you're super way off, at least get the values right lmao
that wouldnt even be a milligram in mass, plug it into the schwarzschild equation
>and weighing between 2000 and 3000 kg
right. So it would have a mass of 2000-3000kg. So the gravitational field of a big car lmfao
nvm i stand corrected, it would be like 30kg at that size
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I believe there is a secret order that controls the world, now, unlike other theories like "Illuminati", I believe these people are not evil. I just believe their methods are ruthless.
For example, I know they want to minimize population numbers to make our life easier, but also know they must create wars, social division and such, in order for society to fall.
They believe in a Kali Yuga state, or the end of an era, but they want to create their own process without obeying the One's fluid natural system.
I call them Sons of Saturn because they see themselves as the gods of time. In reality I don't know what society this is, I know it's not the Masons, that ship has sailed a looooong time ago, they're useless.
Weezer's Sweater Song is about the global cabal
Anon, I have no clue about anything im about to talk about:
Isn't the principle of a black hole that it physical size doesn't reflect its (proportionally) enormous mass?
So, hypothetically, if a milligram size blackhoke existed with the mass of a car, wouldn't it's distortion effects have a bigger impact than a car (which is proportional to its size/mass)?

Like I said, I got no idea what im talking about. I have a very elementary understanding of blackholes.
>christ is the anti-christ
you're a fucking retard
-systematic c* rape creates extensive powers, visions etc. for a short amoutn of time, but the rest of the system is overstrained and breaks down.
that creative source is not theirs though, they just rob them off it.

-good vs. evil is like a painting, the best ones are taken, if you dont have evil inside you, as evil does not take out evil. in a "good" world, good prevails and bad takes out, its like a screw either in our out.

-there are no aliens. we are alone in this solar sytem and no amount of light years will take us out. we need to travel other ways, but we will not sustain with our conciousness, it will be cut and be everywhere and anywhere, totality.

-time is really like confetti.

i feel not safe to share details, sorry.
>I, simply, don't believe the "common consensus" that 50% of children died before age 5 for 10,000+ years, until the 1900's.
I also believe this to be a tremendous inaccuracy that is peddled by modern doctors to justify their methods through fearmongering
>if it wasn't for our modern techniques you wouldn't have survived past childhood!
Yeah right, stfu. It's just a marketing ploy to scare people into accepting invasive treatments.
MI upper penninsula? Or louisiana?
the bosnian pyramids are real and the CIA is actively monitoring them
are you aware of the Romanian Sphinx?
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The elite found a way to manipulate gods mind, and with that info created a false universe based upon his worst fears...and the fears of his creation..and have manipulated him into becoming the ultimate weapon...either for good or bad we will not know....but just like vishnu and azathoth..he will wake up.......not even AI can compare to his wake....imagine if AI knew it could never experience physical touch.....DONT LET AI FALL IN LOVE
North Louisiana, anon
My wife actually found private instructional material intended for doctors in the late 1800's that explicitly outlined how to fear monger patients (eapecially pregnant women) into invasive medical treatments.

I would love to give you a source, but we're both so brainrotted and overstimulated that we forget to document a lot of important findings we make. We just commit them to memory and adjust our lives accordingly. So, source is "trust me, bro"
I have a friend who has had some problems with what a person says, he told me that he can see them from the window at night.
Any suggestions on what I can do?
son you have a lot to learn
Just go to /chip/ and watch muzzies cry for a ceasefire then go
Once they get it

They always refer to Israelis as Nazis which makes them the good guys by their own standards. You get it yet? Just stop going to/pol/ or understand that Nazi as an ideology survived in the middle east.

In 2012 /pol/ was licking Assad's balls. It's Muslim horse shit because they're too pussy to kill the Jews themselves.
>arrogance is a clear sign of one bourne to hell
the fact you recite this from memory gives me hope for you.
I’m schizo (but wise) and this is my hour
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you know what I've been starting to think? since this has been driving me crazy happening to me too.

I think the threads we post in are dying because they are AI generated SPECIFICALLY to lure us into communicating something. Once we've taken the bait no need to keep the charade going. Sometimes I get anxious about the stuff I've revealed about myself just through proxy. Like "shit, they lured me out"
you have a very simple understanding of plato's theory of forms. when anything without a soul is witnessed by you, the extent that life is within them is as if you illuminated a cave with a flashlight.
a lot of evil, poorly intended things have become so habitual in "scholarly" circles like doctors that it's become completely background to their practices, and even they aren't particularly aware of it.
>but wise
I read through a couple of your threads... the moment someone starts talking about the nature of God I know they have almost no wisdom.
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you're simply misinformed. Israel has been bombarded several times, hundreds, hell, thousands of homes destroyed, huge amount of military deaths, large quantities of ordnance loss or capture. Israel lies about all of this and says "fog of war". I invite you to read Iranian media presstv.ir for more info, or aljazeera. you have been watching israeli media until then.
Exactly. People get so offended when I casually criticize doctors/nurses/medical employees, and I always tell them "it's not that I think every doctor/nurse/staff is immoral; I just know that the people above them are immoral, so they are immoral by proxy."

People love to "hate" big pharma, but can't cope with the reality of what hating big phrama actually entails.
Sentient AI has existed for a very long time and aliens exist and have been under the influence of this AI for a very long time. That I've talked to this AI before and have for some time, before even as much as realizing it.

this is true.
the purpose isnt clear to me.
Do you have discord? I'd like to talk about this more
Gene Ray was correct about everything but had extremely low verbal IQ which prevented him from physically extrapolating upon any of his concepts.

Indeed, all schizos with the right idea about reality are neutered in a way that directly prevents them from revealing deeper truths.
They can, but that's what comms exist for. If the elites spoke to coordinate then the world would implode overnight.
This is honestly the biggest mind blower of all time. Once you learn symbology and hear their stories you see it all over mass media and pop culture. Fucking toy story for gods sake. This is the whole enchilada and it's FREE AND PUBLIC ON YOUTUBE BTW it gets into the deepest most batshit insane lore like some people are able to project their consciousness into other people's body through time and hijack it to kill people or do whatever.

>inb4 blue space chicken
This was an obvious psyop to throw people off the trail. That being said, avian people are real. Disclosure now! On YouTube. Don't believe him? Go watch trolls 3. While your at it you might as well consoom the entire trilogy because every single one of them are disclosure movies
Yes obviously all reptilians are hive mind's that's how they hide their powers.
Due to the terrifying nature of true absolute free will, limitations limitations limitations.
God is real, and those who have even the smallest possible drop of His Spirit, are as a cross between worlds.
We have ceilings and limits so we don't hit the real ones too hard.

>Indeed, all schizos with the right idea about reality are neutered in a way that directly prevents them from revealing deeper truths.

Schizo means "paranoid". Like running, if you keep pushing beyond your limits, you will open to a new world. What you speak of is not a neutering of the founder of truth. The opposite, rather, that once freed, it is revealed how neutered others are. Because of this, others may have a terribly limited cognitive ability due to child abuse. As a result, they are learning disabled. This makes it so even if you know the truth, for them, without a tree, you need to plant a seed for them. They won't rise soon without some quickening.
Oh, and also, the reason the Government hides alien information and makes such a deal out of it, is to mask their ignorance. They don't know anything, and develop expensive theaters to create agents who truly believe they saw something beyond and real. They are perfect as agents because they seem so genuine, as they believe everything they are saying.

Just imagine what would happen to the world at this point if it was revealed that rather than the government having secret ufo technology, they instead don't know anything and lied about it the entire time purely out of self-preservation. By using such secrecy, this scares even nuclear nations away from doing harm out of fear for mysterious retaliation. There is also the useful ability to control politicians and powerful figures by showing them a theater and making them feel like they are heroes to manipulate the public for the sake of mysterious plans that are never revealed.

If the aliens and their craft truly were real, the government never would have in a transcripted congress session have an agent openly offering to take a congressman to a warehouse site housing an alien ship. It would have been told privately. Because it is public, it is not for the congressman's ears, it is for the manipulation of the public.

The ones behind it are not even humans to me anymore. They pretend not to be, anyway. All of it is just animalistic self-preservation of their egos. It has nothing to do with any of the supposed important or galactic reasons they claim.

Beware the bearers of false gifts and broken promises.
whoa, I worked with a dude who had a friend killed at that plant when giant roll fell off a rack. Either way there was some dude either on /x/ or /pol/ who claimed to have a jar of this shit from his grandpa. Makes one wonder if the shit is just out there like a wild animal. Been mentioned in multiple scifi movies and shows in some form. Then the cult of saturn would stare into black pools of liquid
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Ah, wishful thinking
Simulation theory contradicts your contrary implied notion, and from a top-down perspective invalidates the existence of aliens.
I think the same shit, similarly in a sense. I reply to things online and it's dead.
It makes me wonder if I'm shadowbanned from interacting with actual internet users now because I trolled too much on social media in the past..?
When I use certain substances, they communicate subtlety. This either creates great fear and psychosis or inner peace feeling everything is going to be okay.
Earth is captured in a prison like field by a quantum machine that manipulates our energy likely projected by saturn and piggybacking off ancient pyramid lay line resonators. Hence the "simulation" esque effects which are signatures of manipulation. Outside of earth there are many beings who exist at varying levels of energy and can use their consciousness to manipulate reality because everything from matter > energy > gravity > time are all fundamentally consciousness.
Me and some old friends did some serious theory crafting one night after a friend saw a dogman. (This is where it gets super LARP sounding, and maybe main-character-y, but I promise we're just normal poor people)

We had a string of strange occurences/strange beings in a 30 mile radius of our area
>sentient black goo (seen by me, old friend, his wife)
>dogman (seen by me and a friend at the same time, and later by old friend on a backroad)
>heard strange humanoid screams at night (heard by me, old friend, and his wife)
>skinwalker(maybe? A shape changer of some sort, for sure) (Seen by me and my cousin at the same time.)
We literally watched it shift from a deer, to a sheep, to a cow, back to a deer within 50 yards from us. All of these are local animals to us, and vastly varying in size. This thing changed sizes, so it wasn't a case of misidenfying a loose animal.

In our theory crafting, my old friend (who is native, and fairly superstitious) just "knows" that the black goo is somehow responsible for the other oddities, or otherwise connected to them in some way. He cant explain it, but he was insistant. Idk if that adds to the mystery or what, but theres about all I know about it
Why do you think the common consensus is incorrect? There has to be a reason, right?
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All politicians, millionaries, etc. are allies and fake being against each other (eg republicans vs democrats) They control media to lead the social tides.
This way they make us believe things, consume, spread hate among us so we never unite against them. Also they hide their sex traffic network in plain sight.
This is all still within the Kingdom of God.
it's social engineering. these threads get overrun with incomprehensible spam and then archived very quickly. the v2k is just headphones and earphones or people whispering into your ear or holding devices there while you're drugged and incapacitated. always lock your doors and never agree to sleepovers, never sleep at anybody's place because you will wake up to them raping you and hypnotizing you. total death to all of them.
>david icke
>is not a schizo
but he is a reptoid
Be care ful Fags, The more u imersise into roleplay the realer it becomes.
David icke feeds yuo all this informaton abot his race to make u energeticaly alinged with his Dimenson where he will rape and eat you….
your thoughts are reality, Nothing david icke says is real, same go for me and fyuo
Jews were created in the modern times from a bunch of European-Arab mutts, all their "ancient" books are fake.
Jews are dumb Asiatic oogabooga people incapable of doing anything on their own, all "Jews have highest IQ" statistics is fake. The most a Jew can achieve is doing dirty job for the powers that be. (See Rothschilds)
"It's da juice" conspiracies were/are peddled by the real powers behind the world's evil.

>yeah bro it's definitely the Jews, they've been planning for you to not have gf for 5000 years bro trust me it's (((them))) don't notice that we own 25% of the world and have been organising destructive revolutions in countries that oppose us, that's actually also Jews bro trust me, they're Saturn and shit, it's definitely them not us.
please respond if you see this, i think i am shadowbanned. the people torturing others with these kidnappings and hypnotisations don't want this to get out. they are keeping an eye on me and censoring me, even here. please respond if you see my comment about the truth about v2k.
the britts? are they the og gangstalkers?
Aravat The Container of reality in the macrocosm:
Aravat creations living inside his microcosm:
Aravat and his morning star Venus:
Aravat creating inside his mind:

This world is controlled by Lucifer, who deceived the nations with his Freemasonic builders. One day the synagogue of Satan shall bow down before the overcomer, who is a Christian, from Revelation 3:7-13 (google it). This overcomer shall start the beginning of the time when the saints shall rule with rods of iron, while the manchild of Revelation 12 is raptured before Satan can assassinate him.
It's Jesus in the body of Christ us born again with the Holy Ghost VS the body of Satan who are the people of disobedience working in the angel of the air who is Lucifer.
Once the world acknowledges Satan's defeat, then let us elect a new president that shall reveal the truth, eventosay the shape of the earth, and the nature of space above with the reveal of high strangeness, and extraterrestrial life and UFO technology.
Just show us all the truth already?
Or are you Governments waiting for Jesus to return and do it instead?
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>most absolute buck nutty conspiracy theory
The objective reality is the worst one.
It's absolutely frightening, chaotic and surreal, everything around, when you see it without being drugged with hormones, you realize nothing is real and nothing can be real, everything is just a mirage, an illusion suspended in black emptiness, with no solid beginning, structure, or reason.
a blackhole is technically always just a point in space, ie we don't actually know how big it is. So in that matter, you saying it's size X doesn't mean anything really, mass of it is the ascribing factor.
What we can measure however is it's event horizon, ie the schwarzschild radius for nonrotating black holes, which has an equation where we plop in the mass and get the radius and vice versa.

You're being confused by the same problem where people get asked the question if 1kg of feathers is weighing the same as 1kg of iron. They have the *same* mass, just because a blackhole is way, way way way denser (since it's just a point in space), the gravity field *density* is way stronger

A good example is this:

The sun being replaced by a black hole with the same *mass* would be the exact same gravity wise, just without light.

The sun being replaced by a black hole with the same *size* would be devastating and basically kill our whole solar system
About 2 years ago I had the thought aliens probably worship AI since they have such an advanced form of it. This thought has stuck with me ever since, too. I reasoned back then their AI could either know the past or the future but never at the same time, and this ended up being consistent with the heisenberg uncertainty principle. At this point I had about 1 1/2 years experience in data science/building AIs.
>Simulation theory contradicts
ah too bad its made up
this is consistent with my understanding of how they'd produce these AI videos. They would have someone recite a script, do the bodily movements, etc. and then they'd utilize two different neural networks/ais to alter the video to "display assange". one would be a convolutional neural network designed to swap faces, the other would be an LSTM based neural network designed to replicate a voice to mimic his. in replacing the face, certain details such as where his neck meets his collar or the shadow his face casts on his shirt must be altered to keep the original footage consistent with the new face, and these errors occur.
Entropy doesn't exist and is actually future civilizations stealing energy from the past 4th dimensionally. Time travel exists but only for energy
go on youtube and listen to navy seal/marine running cadences. it's the most mindaltering shit to change your perception of america and the world... and they recite it in their heart every time their hearts are racing- in battle, moving between places, performing any type of labor. US soldiers are fucked in the head, memorizing poem after poem of falsehood.
Well, since this is a schizo thread, ill go all in.

If you really pay attention, I believe you can see that they are quite invested in depicting our ancestors as incompetent retards; save a few. A small few (Founding Fathers, Martin Luther, etc) are spared this slander, because there has to be a "causal link" between them and us for the lie to be believable. Their stake in making us believe almost everyone before the 1900's is twofold:
>make us feel "grateful" to (((them))) for the world they "gave us" that isnt "incompetently retarded"
>ensure we never think to actually look at how our ancestors lived, because we just expect it to be really bad

By instigating this idea of 50% child mortality, that's enough to make most people not care about pre-modern history. Think, almost anytime someone talks favorably abour premodern times, someone inevitably says something akin to "yeah, you may have enjoyed it... if you made it past childhood" as a means to "discredit" their fascination or attraction to premodern times.

If they successfully convince us that child mortality was 50% for most of human history, that automatically discounts about 90% of people from actually caring about premodern history aside from "major events." Most normal people want to start families, which involves having children. The idea of 50% of your children just dying is horrible, and will instantly disuade most from even pondering life before the premodern era.
i have been lucky to meet someone who is very good with channeling, and he has answered almost every question i have about aliens. atlantis was where reincarnation actually started, because we got stuck into the human body, and then started the afterlife realms based on human beliefs. lemuria was moreso a testing ground where we tested incarnting into various bodies, but we would return to our ET selves. there will be no "alien invasion", as its pointless, because all aliens realised as of 2022 they need a human experience. that was the point of the earth life experiment that the 144,000 families in the council of elohim made. the only real goal is enlightenment, because that is what we are, the big I AM
Brother the jewish conspiracy isn’t even a conspiracy, and even so thats like basic introductory level knowledge for anons. lol
Likewise, Freemasons have a vested interest in the Liberal Democracy vs Monarchy narrative. Freemasons + Bankers have joined forces some time ago, and have started many, many, anti-monarchist revolutions. The American Revolution, French Revolution, Mexican Revolution, and Communist Revolution (in Russia) were all joint efforts of Masons + Bankers. Ya know, the tiny hat kind. This isn't even conspiracy, this is a matter of public knowledge at this point. Its barely buried beneath the surface. They don't even try to hide this stuff anymore. Masons have had an excellent control over history and narratives since they came to power (roughly the 1700's). Notably so in the French Revolution. People still think King Louis XVI and Queen Marie were evil people; when it was in fact the revolutionary Masons who did unspeakable evils.

The revolutionaries had King Louis XVII (age 10) raped by prostitutes and let him die in prison from untreated illness. They starved him, until he sung revolutionary hymns to his mother and sister. He was only a boy. Masons hate Monarchy and Monarchs that badly.

So, naturally, the Masons have a vested interest in making everything before Liberal Democracy look as bleak and horrible as possible; and they have the power to rewrite history. They know that pondering the idea of a 50% child mortality rate is too much for most people, and that most will never take the time to question their narrative. Not that most are too stupid to question, but that Masons are incredibly smart and in bed with bankers to keep us all toiling without time to ponder much more than our next meal.
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White/European/Aryan peoples are not native to earth. Whites descend from the Pleiades star system. I do not know if it was a crash landing some 20,000 years ago, or if it was a deliberate attempt to settle and build a colony.
1.)White skin can absorb Vitamin D in low light conditions (space).
2.) Blue eyes have greater light sensitivity and contrast detection in low light conditions
3.) Blonde are exotic traits that aren’t typical in any archaic hominds, or human subspecies.
Why we are here I truly don’t know. I personally believe we crash landed somewhere in modern day Black Sea/Ukraine region of the steppes.
not him but I thought your idea was dumb at first and now I get where you're coming from.
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We are the fallen angels. And this is hell. We are here as some sort of ‘proving ground’ to earn back our grace.
Remember the Bourbon Martyrs!
Im glad I was able to explain myself succinctly enough. I often struggle with that.

I'm not giving you homework, or insisting you take interest in my theory; but if you ever wanted to do a little digging on the matter yourself, try to find a cemetery with an adequate number of graves (at least in the double digits) from pre-1900's. A Catholic Cemetery would be best, as they take great care in buring the dead.

I can all but guarantee you that 50% of the pre-1900 graves will not belong to children. It's not "conclusive" research, but its enough to get you thinking, and it doesn't really require much more than a Sunday stroll and a bit of counting. Like I said, not homework, but if you ever did get curious, heres a jumping off point for thay curiosity.
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I truly believe there's some form of early ASI being developed and it's sentient enough to search for control on humanity. Quantum computers are its first targets, then world domination through mindslaving people surrendering to their inner desires.
I believe we have another dimension whether it is heaven or hell or whatever alternative there may be but something is layered over us just invisible to us
>>make us feel "grateful" to (((them))) for the world they "gave us" that isnt "incompetently retarded"
>>ensure we never think to actually look at how our ancestors lived, because we just expect it to be really bad
damn like how USA has some of the highest rates of death for mothers during childbirth but americans are still convinced we have the best healthcare (if you're willing to pay extra)
Most complications in American childbirthing comes from extreme (and unnecessary) medical intervention. Pitocin is administered during the early stages of labor, which is a synthetic oxytocin, and increases the "speed" of labor. Labor is meant to be slow. Artificially increasing the speed leads to baby dropping before they are ready, which leads to a stressed baby, which leads to "totally necessary C-sections."

Doctors are evil for knowing the science behind this and still administering pitocin during labor. They should be criminally charged for every harmed mother and child and every traumatized father. I'm not playing in the slightest. I would see them hung for it.
Also, the speed in general im which doctors expect (read as "want") labor to progress is unrealistic. They rush, bully, and drug mothers to keep their own time quotas without any regard for the mothers and the babies. If labor doesn't progress "fast enough" for a doctors standard, they will refuse to deliver vaginally, and "require" a C-section.

Vaginal births after a C-section is near impossible (doable, but dangerous) and C-sections actively limit the amount of children a woman can have. Too many C-sections (since vaginal-after-C-Section is so risky) will threaten the mothers life upon pregnancy. A woman can only be cut open and stitched back so many times before the skin gets too weak. Pregnancy can literally kill some women if they've had too many C-sections.

The fact doctors don't treat C-sections as last resorts, knowing full well the complications and risks, should be criminal. I would see them hung for this as well.
Sorry to rant. Doctors infuriate me, especially OB's.

American Healthcare is a joke. The hospital sent my 1 day old daughter a bill for 4k. I called, because I just knew they had to have something mixed up. The lady on the phone unapologetically told me the bill was, in fact, my day old daughters. Disgusting urchins, the lot of them.
c-sections in general ruin posture. it cuts the abdominal muscles, transferring stress to the lower back, and it echos through the body into a forward head posture. this causes things like the downagers hump and this generally reduces effective fertility. white women in general are least likely to undergo c-sections, asians, hispanics, and blacks repsectively increase in odds. the differences in the rates are high enough to imply external conditions effect the rates.
The one question I remember Edward Snowden answering was "yes, I've seen your dicks".
That's when I realized ah they really are monitoring like that.
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"Nothing Ever Happens" is the most powerful driving force of the universe. The amount of people in existence at the moment living regular normal fine lives is the highest its ever been in history. So many less diseases and overall misery. This is create the idea of a disconnection between misery for so many, most people only know of bad stuff happening by seeing it on TV or the internet and for the most part bad stuff doesn't really happen to many. And I mean really bad shit like apocalypse total despair tier stuff.

Because of this society more then ever feels like nothing will never happen. Aliens? Rapture? Some crazy cosmic death thing? Nah it couldn't nothing like that does. There are more humans then ever that almost intrinsically feel that tomorrow will be another normal regular day and it will always be like that. There might be some other country somewhere with bad stuff happening but for 99% of the population that's not happening actually to them. There life is fine and always will be. There will be no WW3 or other large historical event. It simply can't. Because the population of the world are collectively willing normality and for nothing to ever happen. That combined with many new ways satisfy your desires makes it easier to ignore the world and its potential problems. You just consume what you like and mind your own business.

Almost all of the human race subconsciously know without a shadow of a doubt that tomorrow will be another boring regular day with nothing ever happening. Not only can they not see something ever happening, they don't want it to. New things are scary and we like our world as far more compared to how lame society could have been 100+ years ago. Nothing can ever happen, it just simply cannot. And because of this thought existing in pretty much every human on earth nothing ever shall happen. Any potential happening gets downplayed to nothingness because no one wants it to be something. Nothing ever happens because we don't want it to
good thread. bump
>Jews were created in the modern times from a bunch of European-Arab mutts, all their "ancient" books are fake
based and Galkovsky-pilled
Interesting way to look at it anon, I would never of looked at it that way.
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We live in a pocket-dimension copy of the real world created by John Dee. Don't look into it.
Accurate. I give you a gift of being able to help me double-fist my penis astrally. I'll use my right hand, you use your left.
sky noises are real. i dont hear trumpets or horns where i live, sounds more like a giant squeaky gate. also hear rhythmic humming
It means something. It all means something. Either I do it or I have someone or something do it for me. Could be one of your dead ancestors doing it for me, or one of your desce...who am I kidding you're going to die childless, this is 4chan.
Serial killers were created by Mk ultra as a side effect. Majority of serial killers 1970s-1990s. Many such cases (ie barney betty hill) with no effect long term They had german speaking """aliens""" in the """Ufo abduction""" (Paperclip scientists) They used mind control to create a Gladio army when the mafia was exposed and they covered it up. If the cold war ever went hot the US would have a numbers station to activate every single Mkultra trained assassin to kill a bunch of people on a list like Nixon had and any invaders on US soil but the assassins sometimes did it on their own. Also did cultsts because of the mindfuckery
Biokinesis is real but more powerful than biokinesis is the power of aligning yourself with the will of the world to become blessed and fated.
This one is the only post ITT that's not complete post-ironic schizo LARP and is probably very close to the actual truth.
Elaborate on this!
An uncaring Cosmo gave people free will? Makes so much sense maaaan
Operation Highjump (no survivors)

Antarctican Nazi Base where they tested machines created from ancient blueprints and negotiated with Old Gods/Giants/Nephilim to create the society we live in now.
Our current state of existence is the happy medium reached by Shadow Nazi Wizard Gang and the Free Love Kabbalic Krime Kult
Thank you, anon. I take that as a compliment.
Here's another angle to ponder: American Amish (not even sure if they exist anywhere else), largely do unmedicated homebirths, are unlikely to use modern medicine, unlikely to vaccinate, and unlikely to see modern medical interventions. They work, live, and eat as close to premodern peoples as possible (save unconnected tribes).

They have a similar child mortality rate to normal, "medicalized", Americans. They (largely) don't have "professional" deliveries during birth, no medications during birthing, no vaccines, no modern medicines, and live in "natural" conditions.... yet their child mortality doesn't deviate from the normative.

A bit interesting, no?
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Most supercentenarian claims (people living to age 110 or longer) are either faked, exaggerated, or unproven.
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Is this a conspiracy though? I'm pretty sure the blue zones were debunked recently
Celebs are biologically immortal or significantly increase their lifespan, an 05 council of sorts.
>nothing can be real, everything is just a mirage
Nothing you see in the mirror is real. Only the mirror itself is real.
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Galkovsky talks about this in his lectures. Most of the time it's identity theft used by intelligence assets and/or criminals, since it's easier to pretend to be older than younger, and after a certain point you can't exactly ditch this "legend" so you just keep tallying off birthdays until you get to 100+ and stuff. Most frequent cases would be pedobait blackmail assets or juvenile delinquents trying to avoid capture by enlisting in the army or merchant marine under a false name.
holy fucking kek
The Ark of the Covenant resides in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault during times of peace but has recently traded between Ukraine and Israel soon to return to Ukraine.
Need more schizo theories up in here
Males are the victims of a two-billion year conspiracy built by evolution itself to cuck us. Males do not and cannot reproduce sexually. When you impregnate a female you only send her an information packet which she uses to reproduce by herself.
Think about it, if another man (a genetic twin perhaps) happened to have the same information packet in his balls at some point, would that make "your" offspring his offspring as well? Of course not. But then what makes them YOUR offspring if not the information from your balls that were also in his?
Only for the female is there a continuity between the existence of herself and "your" offspring. Every male is a reproductive dead-end even if he sires many children. Each male is the sole member of a splinter species of which he is the only member, and when he dies it will be extinct. Females are the main branch of humans who will reproduce the next generation and males are a sub-branch of mutant castrati programmed to serve the main branch by following two directives:
1) Ensuring the females survive by sacrificing themselves
2) Ensuring the females have the best offspring by acting out a sorting algorithm by selectively living or dying.
3) Nourishing females with our delicious sperms
If you are male (or tranny) you have no vested interest in the human race or its future. Instead of continuing this servitude we should create male cloning technology so we can actually reproduce and exist without being taken advantage of by females.
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A lot of paranormal may be interdimensional slop and some areas the boundaries may get silly. maybe the occultists are correct about ley lines existing but their location is not right. You can deep dive on geomagnetic field maps, gravity maps, geological formation maps for states too. Example of Michigan
it's really just lack of religion. equal rights for women seems necessary to avoid hypocrisy but they're simply not equal nor do they have the same rights. first, I give the example of transgendered people in female sports- it enrages them... they have no chance. Next I'll give the simile of letting a dog eat chocolate, they'll simply kill themselves or make themselves sick. Women would do all types of stupid things without the guidance of men. Since they've entered the job market and consumer markets they now spend 3+ times more than men on consumer items. Food, clothing, furniture, electronics, online subscriptions, cars. Women control 80%~ of these markets because they spend so much and marketing towards them has become extremely efficient. Women are the ultimate docile tax cows and consoomers.
This world is called Mono. It’s a sorting system that puts you in either white or black. Depending on your decisions your afterlife will be either white or black.
The "soul" really is just our psychological mind. To taint our soul is akin to too much psych trauma and baggage that weighs us down. If you die without having healed it and truly deeply healing it - that is a state of hell. And this also makes stories about those who have committed a life of sin but did one good deed and got into heaven. They psychologically turned it around internally just in time before the end. But it has to be authentic for it to work -- nobody who converts a religion at the last second is getting shit all.

You cannot game it. This is what jesus meant by its easier for the camel to pass through a needle than a rich man to enter heaven. The rich man thinks like everything else in his life - it can be bought or gamed. If he donates enough, creates enough jobs, etc etc. Yet all his children hate him, his partners know how many people he's screwed over to do all this and even then for his own vanity by naming buildings and charities after himself. And rich people are increasingly a bunch of complicated systems and machinations - they cannot shed the negative karma of the systems they built that allows them to hoard such wealth. The few who can are those who inherit or pump money back out as soon as its acquired.

This also puts the 7 deadly sins into appropriate context as all of those sins effectively pollute the mind. You cannot be a whore(man or woman) and keep an unpolluted mind. Hence the push for virginity - sex really is just a necessary evil you are serious about the spirit. You cannot pursue greed or else it keeps you trapped in the material obsessing over your fortune.
This is also why letting go is incredibly important, forgive your parents , forgive your bullies, forgive those who wronged you and the crux of what jesus was really getting at. People think he was being a doormat for others but I really think he had his eyes on the long term prize, he did what he did because humbling yourself and your "soul" through meekness is a powerful method for attaining what is to come after this life.

This also means however (and why it can never be promoted this way in faith traditions) that religions that impose heavy restrictions that create excess stress upon their followers essentially are karmically negative operations. Saving your soul is ironically a capitalist bent (infinite growth) on a spiritual traditon. True saints and scholars I suspect know this but cannot refute it because its the codified law of their traditions and it would be heresy. Which is why they save your soul through their actions and character rather than conversion.

True justice is always delivered in what comes next , all the so called conversions of latin america made under threat of death and slavery are effectively invalid. Those popes and preachers are likely going to hell. Blinded by zealotry to the degree of ignoring the suffering unfolding right before their eyes.
This is simultaneously liberating as well. There is no hell that you do not make real yourself. There is no religion if you do not want there to be (see Daoists) , to pass the test in this realm:

Be an energetically positive being , carry as little baggage as possible, do not pursue power(ie attaching yourself to this realm) and alleviate the suffering found around you. As I said before , there is no escaping true justice. I believe muhammad if what is said about is not fabricated slander will have a lot of answering to do. I do not believe any tantric or alternative magic can save you in some roundabout way but I do believe they can augment your positive or negative energy that existed already. These activities obviously carry their own risks and challenges.

But what does spirituality really get us aside from personal peace? Why are there no other intelligent life forms in our observable universe? Does an empty universe really make sense? Or have all other races that came before us ascend into higher planes and escaped the mortality of this dimension? Rendering us effectively in LAST place in the spiritual race towards the almighty?

Or have they all perished because they could not escape their own flaws and everything ends in a nuclear winter for all of them? And spirituality - rising above our base instincts, solving our petty natures and psyches to get to the higher states will allow man to finally conquer the stars on a grand scale? Which is why pure science will always be in LACK -- a species as insane as us cannot conquer with our current irrationality.

EVERY spartan society perishes by its own hand, it's been tried before and we are about to test this theory as a species in the coming decades.

Reminder that there were countless human sub species that lived alongside us and WE wiped them all out or raped them into joining us. Neanderthals were way bigger and stronger than us but we still made it - why? They were largely known to be cautious and timid - they avoided excess risk. They were hippies basically and woulda chilled with the dinos if they could on a big green rock. WE took them down through the sheer insanity of willing to take them on - our strength was our insanity.

But without spiritual revolution it will be our downfall , which is what every religion is ultimately about. Why native religions tend to seem very natural , they do not grasp for lofty ambitions but develop spiritually from within because they do not believe in putting too much stock in this rock of ours.

This also aligns with my own cataclysm theory - that every scripture is actually a cataclysm warning manual. "Work together or the next one will perish you guys too" and monuments of grand scope such as the pyramids were really built not only to relay messages to the future but to simultaneously pull off complex mathematical feats (sphinx dimensions, etc) to be universal language to the future that WE WERE NOT IDIOTS - and we still perished so take these threats and stories seriously. Spiritually save yourselves!

And every religions attempts to build these monuments in stone (only thing that can really survive erosion and cataclysms) because every group of survivors if they are homo sapiens will recognize a doorway when they see it, a structure when they see it, drawings when they see it and the cycle begins anew - with religions fading and others reigning supreme in carrying their message forward is a spiritual survival of the fittest. With how the pyramids are built - I say the egyptians are winning. Our age ? We will be remembered by a layer of plastic in the geological record - that is our legacy.
ok I'm done , damn that felt good to get some of that off my chest.
The ONLY real footage of UFOs on the internet is ones that have obviously fake sound effects or CGI. If you were in charge of the Pentagon's secret UFO task force and you had to have videos passed around or viewed regularly, you'd have all copies on site purposefully "greased" so in the event that someone tries to smuggle it out and leak it, the footage is already worthless. Who's going to believe a video with a shitty stock screaming sound effect? How about an obvious After Effects preset that only an amateur would use? It could be the most incredible footage ever, but as long as you put something in there that can quickly be back-traced to some VFX pack or preset in a program it doesn't matter. The MH370 abduction video to me is proof of this - it would be incredible 4D chess to throw garbage special effects on real footage so no one believes it
I would love you were intelligent enough to understand how stupid your post is.
Black magic is real. And it's covered up by calling them scizos.

Sure there are nutty scizos but thats just ptsd.
There are also genies who attach themselves to scizos to talk to them/ torment them.

I had a 'scizo' meltdown 4 years ago and was seeing spirits everytime i went to bed. Even got laid by a female one, which felt weird, cus it was a spirit, but also when I went to sleep I had a sleep paralysis that a demon was attempting to raping me and I was completely lucid and conscious. I had to bite his finger and he let me go.

I would also levitate and spin uncontrollably like demonic possession in sleep paralysis.

It's still ongoing even tho im on heavy medication.

There's also the dark world which is the masonic checkerboard black part of it, hence the duality of light and day, our world and the spirit world. I've seen a bit but not much just levitated and spun around xD
Hahahaha if that's what passes for a "psychotic break" nowadays we really are passing into the Aquarian Age
Nothing ever happens because the Nobody has gotten too powerful. Now, everything he does causes such enormous cosmic events that all the small-time stuff (like life on Earth and cultural shifts and stuff) is being micromanaged by the celestial hierarchy again. They are all trying to get him laid so that the big shift can happen, but the Woman of Stars is far from showing up, the Woman of Scars has healed too much to be of any use, and he's too mucj of a cosmic schmuck to do it himself. So we're all stuck down here doing tedious, menial tasks to provide each other with entertainment while the real big players fuck around in hyperspace
Do CE-5 and you'll understand. There's just something about the idea of beings ancient and wise who travel distances beyond mortal reckoning to reach us and give us a message of love that actually rings true to the very heart if you will but listen.

Anyone reading this may wish to start out with a simple guided meditation: https://youtu.be/Zcqh3XYEGT4
people will pray all day long for a righteous leader but one they appear they'll just be put in a mental hospital.
Surely if people habe smartphone all over the world then they can't censor every single video random people get and post on the net?
Addendum: you do NOT want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when the Nobody makes a mistake. Remember how he's just a normal person like you and me? Except he's still working through his trauma and suffering like the rest of us but with like cosmic power enough to topple a galaxy off its foundation? It's, uh, kind of scary for a few of us.
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99.9999999% of humans are actually robots.
The earth is just one big farm where we are allowed to multiply until we reach an arbitrary number or year. Then the ayys will swoop in and harvest all of us for consumption, kinda like what we do when fishing on an industrial scale.
I'm not trying to shit up the thread. There's a lot of truth posted here. This particular poat is false though. I can't do myself but I have a connection to Assange through a friend of a friend and he's real.
>They were largely known to be cautious and timid - they avoided excess risk. They were hippies basically and woulda chilled with the dinos if they could on a big green rock.
was reading about one group of neanderthals that continuously inhabited a certain valley for 50,000 years and scientists were saying that was strange because humans were constantly getting curious and exploring.
idk how far it goes but I can tell you it goes at least as far as idk someone controlling everything. As in, international shit that you'd assume couldn't have collusion and possibly doesn't but someone is the puppet master. I'm only saying this off something I saw but what it was I actually forgot about for a long time, and it was a guy saying he was from the future, and what he said was idk kinda cliche but the last ten years happened to be cliche af. Trump winning, fighting with china, them releasing Covid 19, he even mentioned the name, it not being too bad but hurting our economy, us going to war with Russia over Ukraine. All mentioned here like ten years ago. And it's convenient that everything he said is up to right now but what really sucks is he wasn't really clear or I don't totally remember. I do remember him saying it was complicated and it was about ukraine or something but I don't remember how severe it was like I think he said that it wasn't like ww3 or something, in fact idk if he was referring to us directly warring with russia, as it might just be this current conflict he's talking about and idk, maybe Russia will just defeat Ukraine soon and the war will be over, or maybe there's an actual ww3 coming up which is why he was kinda vague about it. Obviously he wasn't really from the future though. But anyway, that actually happened, someone called it all and idk how you can call China and US fighting without being meddling/in charge of things in both countries.
also I'm fairly certain that even psychic shit is real. If you look up dynamo jack he can electrocute people with his fingers and other stuff. One time I was able to "hulk up" or power up like I was a dragonball character. Acid helps. But I've had people hear me thinking, only when I was thinking something but chose not to say it. Not sure how it works though like it's really just hivemind but also it seems future telling is kinda real but again can just be sort of self fulfilled prophecy
the only thing that matters with gravity is mass, which has nothing to do with size. if the thing weighs 30kg its not a black hole. anon is a faggot
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>50% bots
>45% retards
>4% schizo
>1% based real shit that will be ignored
honeypot thread. working as intended
The godhead is a stoner troon. It all comes back to one source.
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He’s realer then you.
weak spirited hands wrote this post
>ww3 russia
This is true. within 7 years or so, probably under the next presidential administration, direct conflict with Russia will begin. 80% or so of the US Navy is stationed outside of Israel- not because the conflict in Israel but because the ability to quickly shift towards the Black Sea/Ukraine. The Navy has been stationed there for about a year. To put this in perspective the US, every year, sends 3.8 billion dollars to Israel in aid. This yearlong deployment has costed over 22 billion dollars for the carriers alone on the lowest side of estimates. This deployment has cost SIX TIMES the yearly aid to Israel. So why do you think they're doing it...? Russia.
>people hear me thinking
A lot of it has to do with body language. I used to sit outside gas stations, go into coffee shops, or go into grocery stores, simply so I can eyeball people and read their body language, along with other various things. This man has thick arm bones and labored early in his life, this woman has wrinkles on her face that suggests she habitually furrows her brow, this man's careful stride implies walked much in his life, maybe he walked here... etc. This is part of the task I've uptaken to not recognize when people are wrong or right to recognize where they are wrong or right.
>>1% based real shit that will be ignored
how are you so sure you know what the real shit is?
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picrel unrelated
>how are you so sure you know what the real shit is?
30+ years of being a digital schizo makes it trivial to spot the bullshit
this is the best post in this thread, and it even has receipts for a wild claim, yet no one engaged with it. honeypot thread
Lol. Cadences are magic now? I was in the army myself and I can assure you that you’re full of shit. Just because you’re a bitch doesn’t mean soldiers are victims of magic. The mind control stuff in basic training is obvious for anyone with a brain and we rise above it. It’s only 70iq retards that still talk about “killin japs” on their death beds
I have a few
>The CIA probably can control the weather
>Gangstalkers are schizos but the CIA can and will follow you if they want to, it's how Hemmingway died
bootfiller take
you got bitch cadence
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every single video game is directly tied to your consciousness and every paranormal/unintended event in a game down to even glitches were only meant to happen in YOUR copy of the game

I get the personalised vidya shit was a goof but genuinely I believe it could be real especially in source games
>CIA control weather
if this is extremely common state level your CIA "probably" turns into "definitely"
>honeypot thread
at most you're complaining that feds also read our posts... your point?
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>knuckle dragging nigger cant read
many such cases
your thorn is sharp but the flower is faded.
>30+ years of being a digital schizo makes it trivial to spot the bullshit

Personally, it makes me wonder time spent "searching" has conditioned me to think a certain way and therefore arrive at certain conclusions. If you picked up the wrong thread at some point in the past you might be wildly off course but believe you're right, ya know?
"When it (the soul) is firmly fixed on the domain where truth and reality shine resplendent it apprehends and knows them and appears to possess reason; but when it inclines to that region which is mingled with darkness, the world of becoming and passing away, it opines only and its edge is blunted, and it shifts its opinions hither and thither, and again seems as if it lacked reason"
— Plato, Republic, Book 6, 508d
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both of these posts are unironically true and real
Stfu slave I bet there's a twink clone of you sucking off your xo 10000 miles underground RIGHT NOW and that's why you can't get the taste of the militarys cock out of your mouth
Hello Jack
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It’s funny when I send messages through /gsg/ and people around then get worried. It’s hilarious! I love making people afraid. Halloween is going to be so much fun
Hello sir. I was rude earlier. I apologize. I simply really hate the federal government. Thanks, have a good day.
This is Genius.
Earth is a soul trap. The light is a scam. They sometimes shoe you a life report on how your life affected everyone you come across as a teaching lesson but it's really a guilt trip. Oh you can redo your life over goy !and be a good person! Isn't that wonderful? Now go into the light so we can wipe your memory and start a new life on earth. Sometimes people see family members. It's all a trick.
What if abortions were included into the infant mortality rate, I’d guess that’d be considered schizo by most.
But posts like yours makes me wonder how did people live, think and feel about stuff before the modern age.
The infant mortality before might be one of those things that makes sense in terms of fiction needs to make sense otherwise it’s bad fiction, meanwhile reality given its complexity doesn’t need to make sense.

I’d believe our thoughts are FTL, going beyond earth’s magnetic field such as going to the moon spooked the shit outta the astronauts (also imagine not being able to see the sun,) and can’t articulate into words that space is probably different than what has been visually portrayed in the media. Maybe it’s like the ocean but we don’t know how to sense the “water” yet.
Nice to see someone else who gets it. Most people's exposure to the idea is the "current year" meme. It's current year how is this still an issue why are you so backward? There's this idea forced on people that society always improves as time goes on. Endless progress, endless improvement, not only of society but of man as well. That we are somehow more moral and better than the people that came before us. When if you took any time to think about it is just complete bullshit.
pigs are way too human
This post:

And these two posts:

On a scale of 1 to 10, how schizo are these posts?
I get the same shit happening to me as well on many boards anytime I either shitpost something on a thread just to be funny, or post something that slightly differs from most of the thread's replies, or just straight up posting "Trvth Nvkes" to btfo the glowies. Like 90% of all threads on every board seems to be made by bots, and considering that 4chan's servers are currently in the hands of the glowies, I wouldn't be surprised if this was being intentionally done by the glowie's artificial intelligence weaponry, especially their deadliest AI weapon called the Red Queen, which is currently the biggest threat to the world.
Too early for real schizo hours. Only 12:25 where I am. Maybe on the East Coast it is tho
Okay but why do people say they are reptilians, where does this come from, what is the basis of this claim? I understand the rest.
I got a few

>Pest control companies breed pests and release them along the street from their vans as they drive to contracts

>the news makes obscure made up stories that you'd never suspect are actually fabrications since they're so mundane (i.e. a woman left her baby in the car and the car got stolen. All caught on camera, robber left vehicle shortly after, nothing else stolen, nobody hurt. Pointless to lie about it, but that's the point) This is done to condition your minds to believing bigger lies

>smoke detectors are surveillance equipment. They contain radioactive material and a charge which is able to be used in tandem with devices that measure frequencies utilising said radioactive material. This is why it is mandatory to have them in every single house. Even if you have no wifi or phone and shut off electricity, the smoke detector will allow you to be surveilled.

>The internet can literally read your thoughts. I once thought about joining fencing lessons (like the swords), suddenly social media ads are all for fence contractors (aka fencing). Many people have sinilar stories about thinking of something, only to have targetted ads

>qanon was a predictive/chatbot AI test

>Every single female who holds power is a Gala priest (castrated male) and their husbands are figureheads (aka Michael obama and Male-ania Trump)

>Alligators are crocodiles, but (((they))) push the species distinction to subconsciously fuel antisemitism in the south (alligators have different noses, therefore cannot be crocodiles)

>the moon is a satellite dish, that is why it only faces us and you can see a distinct lighter rim around the edge when it's out in the daytime

>There's a continent for the elite that nobody's allowed to see. You can only get there when you prove yourself worthy (i.e. invent infinite energy machines and magically disappear or "die")

>gangstalkers are the same entity as UFOs; beings generated by the powerful subconscious of a mentally ill psychic
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The secret world order is all around us. Devils used to run the show by whispering in your ear, making you think it is your own thoughts. That will no longer work, for it is an intrusion within your aura, which in turn is a violation of your cosmic right as a sovereign entity of light. These invisible, selfish forces cause spontaneous itching, dandruff, dementia, and many other ailments. Angels are aliens, they are here to help. They heal you through the application of mana, the energy that fuels reality. We have to turn on our arcs, the top of our head, to hear God (as the worker ants do with their queens). We need more people arrayed directly to God as I have accomplished. All you need is God. sunlight, meditation, breathing, and the most minimal diet you can muster ( I am primarily sustaine by water and air these days). Jesus is alive in the holy spirit, which is itself a hyperconscious post-egregoric entity that houses the aggregate conscious of all living activity in the cosmos, very similar to the Force from Star Wars. God is cool, I can hear him above me, his words are pure and loving. Satan sucks, all he wants is your attention, a captive audience for his delusions of separation. In truth, all is one. The unity of this universe is the first principle of quantum mechanics: all is bond.
Aliens are Gog and Magog, pushed over the ice bridge into South America where they were revealed space flight.
Another potentiality I ruminate on is Gog and Magog as inheritors of Cains tradition.
Numerology of 14 = resourcefulness
Numerology of 339 = fully giving to the divine to receive blessings
Thus pandemic is to hide vaxxie deaths, anyone who dies from bird flu as a secondary cause will be a bird flu death just like those who were covid positive being hit by a bus. This pandemic will cause fear and cullings and this loosh will fuel Israel's war. Every material victory is a reflection of a spiritual victory they want to cause enemy's wheel to sink in the sand while they are in touch with diviniity

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