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/y/ - Yaoi

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Discuss /y/ and yaoi meta ITT.

1. USUAL BOARD/GLOBAL RULES APPLY - no yiff, cuntboy, futa, shota (twink/short guy is fine), hardcore /d/, make sure they're legal, etc. Use Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) if you're worried a request/fill is too extreme. NO CONTENTLESS BUMP(S).
2. NO THREAD DERAILMENT (spamming, begging, trolling, arguing etc.), simply report & hide filter(s) then move on. If you want to contact the mods:
https://www.4chan-x.net/4chan-irc.html | https://www.4chan.org/feedback

>>3053476 >>3053683 >>3054288 >>3054289
>>3054325 >>3054321 >>3054327 >>3054329
>>3054326 >>3055224 >>3055207 >>3055208
>>3055206 >>3055223 >>3055212 >>3055210
>>3055211 >>3055399 >>3055400 >>3055401
>>3055402 >>3055395 >>3055395 >>3055397
>>3055398 >>3055407 >>3055408 >>3054325
>>3054408 >>3054724 >>3054725 >>3054845
>>3054846 >>3055215 >>3055216 >>3055217
All bitch jannie-approved off-topic spammer posts.
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the janny is a fat woman fingering her yeasty pussy to all this just saying
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Disgusting and unsurprising if true.
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Unfortunately we need to do you know what on a massive scale (compared to this board visitor population) to see any change.
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it's been done by multiple people, how massive does it need to be?
I love senpai from friday night funkin'

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