I like bees. They're the only insects I feel sympathy for.
What's your favourite bee?
>>4935229fucking june bugs, man.i hate them too.have you ever tried any repellent for them?
>>4935269thats cute? youre deranged. if that thing had the option it would crawl inside my jap's eye without a second's hesitation
>>4935269Awww>>4935361The humble bumble
My centipede gave birth and I have about 20 centipedes now. What should I do with 20 centipedes? Keep in mind they are not a native species.
>>4935783Barely, the earliest known examples of both date around ~430 million years ago.As in, they probably split apart before land animals existed.
>>4935258congratulationsnow just get 20000 more for your army
>>4935318Same way you fug a wommynz: I don't know how.
>>4935404>Some goth chick and her fat boyfriend that came later into the store then took itChicks aren't real, thats how i know your story is made up and gay.
>>4935813>they probably split apart before land animals existed.they're both land animals
Ancient Editionprevious: >>4912115This thread is dedicated to all animals of the Reptilia and Amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answeredClassifieds for finding breeders and products:>morphmarket.com>kingsnake.com>faunaclassifieds.com>caudata.orgMost forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.When asking a question, make sure to include these details:>Type and size of animal>Enclosure dimensionsComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>4935598That might be a good idea. I'll try to see if my country has some kind of a network (maybe on social media or something) where I can find pet owners willing to part with their snakes.Honestly, when I was beginning to do research on pet reptiles, one thing that really surprised me was how long these things lived.Even something as simple as a bearded dragon can live up to a decade. I've always thought they only lived like 3-4 years at most. But in captivity? Turns out they can live quite long lives.
Why are snakes considered on the whole so much more dense than lizards when if you give a (comfortable) snake some kind of new toy or terrain it will generally investigate and interact with it wheras lizards dont give a shit about anything unless they want to eat it or they think it wants to eat them, which is exactly what people say about snakes? I've never seen a lizard do anything with any kind of enrichment items like snakes will, they barely seem to be aware of the world around them if its not moving
>>4934340>>4934418thanks fellas, flat rocks it is. hopefully will have the energy today to go on out and collect
Dubias having such long flexible necks under their shells always looks so weird
x-posting here from /aq/ because i know you guys use heater lamps more. usually you'd use a thermostat but the bowl is tiny and i'd need a light anyway. what's the minimum requirement lamp i'd need to keep about 6 liters of water at 21~24 ºC? my house is probably at around 15ºC most times.
Shrimp farms are probably the closest things to hell on earth.Imagine that you came across 1,500 shrimp about to be painfully killed. They were going to be thrown onto ice where slowly, agonizingly, over the course of 20 minutes, they’d suffocate and freeze to death at the same time, a bit like suffocating in a suitcase in the middle of Antarctica. Imagine them struggling, gasping, without enough air, fighting for their lives, but it’s no use.Fortunately, there’s a machine that will stun every shrimp, so that they’ll be unconscious during their deaths rather than in extreme agony. But the machine is broken. To fix it, you’d have to spend a dollar. Should you do so? We can even sweeten the deal and imagine that the machine won’t just be used this year—it will be used year after year, saving 1,500 shrimp per year.It seems obvious that you should spend the dollar. Extreme agony is bad. If you can prevent literally thousands of animals from being in extreme agony for the cost of a dollar—for around a fourth of the cost of a cup of coffee—of course you should do so! It’s common sense. In fact, this would be the best dollar you spent all year—every penny would save 16 shrimp from an agonizing death per year!I asked ChatGPT to make an image of 1,500 shrimp in a lecture hall—here’s the image, but it’s only of ~200 shrimp, so you really save much more than this:A large lecture hall filled with 1,600 shrimp, each seated in rows as if attending a class. The shrimp vary slightly in size and have expressive eyes, some holding tiny notebooks or pencils. The lecture hall is designed with realistic details like wooden desks, chairs, and a large chalkboard at the front. Warm lighting fills the room, creating a whimsical yet realistic scene of shrimp attending a lecture. Overhead, a large projector displays a slide with shrimp-related topics. High level of detail, 3D style. (Above image is not realistic—shrimp do not actually attend lectures).
>>4935220I could say the same thing about you. I can't know another mind human or shrimp It's an assumption either way
>>4935177Interesting readI donated 10 bucks to the Shrimp Welfare Project, thanks shrimpanon
>>4935235Thank you for donating :)If you liked reading it you can find articles and videos from him here https://m.youtube.com/@deliberationunderidealcond5105
So I thought I’d share pictures of the best dog that’s ever graced the earth from 2008- 2025/1/15
>>4935511Cute dog and great taste in /co/. Have a Luanne gif anon. I hope you are doing well :)
>>4935727That was actually live on adult swim last night not a joke
>>4935777An anons dog from 4chan got honored on the [ swim ] ? Very honorable channel if so.
How does it feel knowing you betrayed your best friend's trust that you would take care of her by killing her when she wanted to live. You murdered her than came here crying to get some sympathy. Too bad she got stuck with a psycho like you, her last moments could have been a lot happier (and had more of them) had she gotten a different owner. Now fuck off.
>*record scratch* >Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation.
>>4935761Blud is just making up words
>>4935720Spiders are small and can crawl undetected into clothing, shoes, under the sheets of your bed. They can come out of nowhere at any moment. I went into the bathroom once and looked up at the mirror and there was one on my shoulder. I guess it crawled on me when I was sitting on the couch but I didn't know it was there. You can avoid big and small cats. You can't avoid spiders. And it doesn't matter that most are harmless. The fact that some of them can bite you and cause your flesh to rot off is enough to keep people spooked.
Catfags open silly cat threads.This is a pityflag thread.The local zoosadist loves baby monkey distress as much as they love baby lion death and falcon vs kitten videos.There being a leopard don't make it a "catfag" thread.
>>4935769I've posted videos of hawks preying on outdoor cats and I had nothing to do with this thread. You're just talking to yourself now.
>>4935720arachnophobia is a legacy of our reptile brain
WHAT IS SPECULATIVE EVOLUTION?Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.RESOURCES:https://speculativeevolution.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Tutorial>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a projecthttp://planetfuraha.blogspot.com/>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depthhttps://specevo.jcink.net/>The Speculative Evolution forums, full of resources and ongoing projectsRECOMMENDED PROJECTS:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>4935416oh boy are you in for a treat
>>4894711Can I get a qrd on the project this image pertains to?
>>4935416Check out "Kaimere" on YouTube.
>>4935755>recommending the worst possible spec evo project featuring dinosaurs
>>4935554Oh aye? Don't leave me hanging if you have recommendations. I'm really eager to throw them into my Aztec alternative world setting.
There's a fucked up weird lifecycle with people trading sick and gangsters.Apparently the way this works is that someone drugs someone so they're sick whenever they breathe in smoke or there's some other cue, and then they use behavioral conditioning on them like a dog not to do that. Until the person makes enough money to afford their own dog which is associated with someone that's sick and they do that until they're killed by the next person to be sickened to the point where they need to work to afford a dog.This is a.weitd and gross thing. Nurses in San Francisco have sprayed down emergency rooms with air fresheners when "dogs" with lung disease start acting up (these are.people) and then everyone puts a mask on.Is this what COVID is?
>>4935885>I don't have to care if this thread is hidden from everyone elseeveryone can see it, but nobody knows what to say.you're crazy. There is no coherent response to your incoherent mental spasms
>>4935882>>4935914Remember that when you cash in your chips in to shoot a bunch of glowies, not a bunch of children. They will try to convince you otherwise. Stay strong soldier.
>>4935885Do you like cats or dogs better?
anyone got some spare tinfoil so I can make a hat?
>>4935924Sure, just gotta smoke my meth out of it first, then you can have it
>EW YOU LIKE EATING CRAB LOL YOU MUST LIKE EATING BUGS!! THEY'RE JUST SEABUGS!!!!>the closest they are related is the phylum level>its like saying eating beef is the same as eating rats because they're both chordates>...BUT YOU EAT BUGS THOUGH AHAHAHA
>>4935477Thank you, frogman, for blessing my thread.
>>4935477Thank you, frogman, for rightfully declaring this thread as a pile of shit.
>>4935487OP already did that by posting retard frog
why should i eat ze bugz and live in ze pod when i can have a chicken do that for me
Blub blub, I am fish
>>4934429All fun and games until the lady put on some stilettos.
>>4935864>*splurts uncontrollably*
embrace chaos editionDiscuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, bettas, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them>Age of the tank>Pictures are always helpfulTank Cycling:>www.modestfish.com/how-to-cycle-your-aquarium/Stocking and Water Change Calculator:>www.aqadvisor.com/AqAdvisor.phpComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>4935533>I think the surface agitation from the filter is killing my red root floatersIt can be done with moderate flow from a hob filter or agitation from a sponge filter. The trick is to take a floating feeder ring, secure it in whatever area of the surface gets the least agitation from your filter, add whatever floater you have inside the ring. Tie a suction cup to the ring and stick the cup to one of the side walls so it stays put. Also, and this may sound counter-intuitive, duck weed can actually help you encourage growth of the more delicate floating plant species. The way this works is duckweed will surround your other floating plants in such a way that it shields them from surface agitation. You do need an excess of duckweed for this to trick work though. And you have to routinely remove some of the duckweed so it doesn't just outcompete everything and take over (which it will).
>>4935533Absolutely not, that's enough fish to need the filter.You also need the agitation to keep the water oxygenated. Maybe try putting in one of those "floater barriers" to help the floaters hold in place.>>4935496Shrimp will eat their dead fellows almost before the latter stop moving. If the shrimp wasn't eaten by the salamander but died, its body would have disappeared in a few hours.
>>4935462I tried so hardAnd got so farBut in the endIT'S NOT AN ECOSYSTEM
i've come to terms with the fact that if i release my crystal red shrimp from their maternity when they're mature, the betta in the tank is just gonna eat/harass them until they're either all gone or so hidden i never even see them anyway.so now i'm thinking of setting up a ~6L shrimp bowl. my house is cold as fuck so i thought of getting some of those heater lamps. how do i know how potent a lamp to get to keep it appropriately warm without it being overkill?
previously on /jg/ >>4913581Who is Jefrey (with one F) and why should you care?He was found abandoned in some bushes late one night, filthy and covered in fleas back in mid-July 2024. He’s growing up fast, and enjoys car rides, climbing trees, fetching his ball, playgrounds, and capybaras. Some believe him to be a goblin or gremlin. He was named after the Pixies song “Space (I Believe In)”.Jefrey suffers from severe ear-ectile dysfunction.Originally posted him here back in July 2024 seeking advice for potential health problems due to his folded ears, some /an/ons wanted more of him, and so now you’re stuck with him.
>>4935083Right... that's for the best
I’m heading on a weeklong trip with my wife, in the meantime one of her friends is gonna housesit for us, so Jefrey may be more radio silent than normal til next weekend.
>>4935668Aw ok>>4935718Sleep tight kitter
I don't see how the dodo works.https://x.com/pitdesi/status/1879675718621356308
mammoth steaks
>>4935825They've sequenced the entire Asian elephant genome, and they made a mRNA vaccine for EEHV.
>>4935821It's not natural if we did it genius
>>4935817>I don't see how the dodo works.it doesn't work>We're working on itdoesn't mean it worksalso mammoths and tasmanian tigers are impossible currently as well.
>>4935817Who wants this? Aren't bears and moose enough trouble for us as it is? Don't really want a hairy elephant stepping on my ride thanks...
what's causing this?
>>4935849the American Kennel Club pushing 'breed standards' leading to enormous amounts of inbreeding, most likely.
>>4935849Loss of genetic diversity for "unknown reasons".
How many dog vaccines did they reccommend in the 70's vs today?
>>4935902>still mind broken after literally half a decade>>>/pol/
>>4935849Who do you think? The same people that put plastic in your food and send your sons off to die in war if they're straight and white. They own the dog cereal companies too. Wake up.
>>4935908Why is kleptoparasitism so prevalent in seabirds compared to many other animal groups?