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>Imagine eating this good

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Why my cookie look lime this?
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It's sad looking because it doesn't have enough chocolate chips in it. It needs more chocolate chips to make that cookie happy and turn that frowny face into a smiley face.
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looks like it might be a raising or.... something fleshy
bruhs be high on the weed
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snickerdoodle was made yesterday with love i tried the tactic anon said to split it in half and then merge again while having the split parts face the sky. one or two were rolled, and a ton more cookie balls had been placed in the freezer. i handmixed room temperature butter but unforuntately it didn't incorporate entirely.

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Webm thread
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Kek. It got stupid then got funnier each time.
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>finnish low-sec prisons are substantially much nicer than my own fucking house lmao kill me
what gets me about indians is that they always try to go super fast and show off, but all they do is smear that shit everywhere and look retarded
It's a cultural thing from what I understand. They're all focused on extremely shallow posturing so they can feel better than the other billion pajeets. So being fast=being talented even if the work they do fast is shit. In their mind they completed the task even if the result is terrible. And they will never admit that what they did was trash. They behave the same way with food and work like coding. That food is probably average at best. I had Indian programmers exclude over 60% of the crash test data point because they excluded everything that gave an error and they were super proud they delivered the code on schedule and refused to admit that the code didn't do what it was supposed to do. Because you could run it without errors.
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Is this show good? it is representative at all of working in a cooking joint?
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I didn't notice the maon character being Jewish. I don't think its brought up or referenced ever.
>le heckin' BADASS chef with tattoos and a shitty attitude
why are they like this?
What hardened metal compounds are you scraping out?
How do you know about the injection mould industry, do you also injection mould parts in your place?
If you don't have a personality you just get a bunch of tats and imitate what you think a cool person would act like. Happens a lot. Those are the type of people that will call tattoos "addictive" but have the most basic tats or shitty pop culture referenced that doesn't have any personal meaning to them.

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The webm that destroyed /ck/
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I approve of this because those bar donuts (chocolate AND maple) are disgusting.
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you need a really tall fence to keep them in
didn't think about it much until some cow somehow jumped a 5 foot fence without damaging anything
If you love cows so much why don't you ever visit your mom?
I understand that sentiment because I eat dogs

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Black beans or refried beans on tacos, /ck/?
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Mexican food is so baaad
For me it's usually either black beans or red kidney beans and I don't layer like in OPs pic, I like mixing up, most of the time I'll just soft tortillas and do a roll so it stays together. Those hard shell or open things tend to fall apart.
beans in my taco is wrong. enfrijoladas are what you want
What's that on top, it looks a bit like chocolate sauce?
>I have no taste
We know.

Oi now that's a steal. A couple of faggots, shat peas, and chips all for 5 quid. How is your local scran?
Even comes with a quaint li'l hand trough

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Asian food takes too much effort to make and it's never as good as how asians make it
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the yellow man's kryptonite
skill issue
You don't have an authentic China Town in your nearest city?
Yeah that's why I only eat bread and butter
Asia is a big continent? do you mean food from India?

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What's the easiest way to transition from vegetarian to vegan in a household that thrives on eating meat ? My family are already weirded out by the fact I'm vegetarian so I'm wondering how to switch out dairy products while still being on a budget
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>...i dunno, ask all the companies who do why?
It's pretty simple: when a horse like Boxer is no longer useful, they send them to a special building where he/she/zir is then given a special one way ticket to Sugarcandy Mountain.
And at some point after that, the marrow is removed from their bones, and then the bones are turned into gelatin, and sold to lollipop manufacturers. Isn't communism great?
>it's also easier to just come up with original recipes that don't use cheese than try to make frankenfoods
I can't eat cheese, but sometimes I have a craving for mac and cheese, so I'll buy a box of noodles and instead of using cheese, milk, or butter, which comes from animals, I use alfredo sauce instead.
>instead of using cheese, milk, or butter, which comes from animals, I use alfredo sauce
Which comes from animals
From someone who grew up in a whole vegetarian household. Just don't do it. Being vegan will translate in both malnourishment combined with more foods that are bad for your health, the grains slowly destroy your body on the longterm, all replacement foods are processed to hell and back. Best thing you can do for the world and yourself is just eat everything in moderation.

If i grew up with a normal varied diet and whole fiber foods i would've made it a lot further in life,instead i almost can't eat anything anymore but vegetables and meat. By becoming vegan you will curse your offspring.
Well the doctor seems to know fuck all about diet and nutrition then, because whatever the "meathead" is doing (eating steak and eggs, which is full of nutrition) is working great!

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what are your favorites of these? you know, the weird shit from the "international" aisle with names you've never heard of.
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I've never seen it before but haven't looked, I'll keep my eyes open for it. If I see it I'll try it out.
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Lol yikes
>Why yes, I do buy Ass Blasters regularly, why do you ask?
it's a secret recipe from China with ingredients from South America, I would think but I bet it tastes like Cholula

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Are professional kitchens still like this? I'd love to train as a chef but the reputation for needless aggression and psychopathic behaviour makes me nervous about pursuing it.
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Why do restaurants do this? There is no way any of them do all those dishes well. Best place in my town has a menu the size of a calling card. It does 4 things, if you ask for alterations you get told to fuck off. But those 4 things it does better than anyone else in the business.
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ITT: foods boomers reminisce about
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Did you watch wendigoons video on government/milk cheese?
>milk cheese
Are there cheeses NOT made from milk?
Put the slash at the wrong part of the sentence, meant to say government milk/cheese
Water from the hose

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choose up to 3 and a beverage
for me its
>hash browns
>black coffee (beer also acceptable)
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its more likely than you think
Absolutely loathe weebs
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Sushi is really the only one. I only eat it at buffets because eating a reasonable amount of it is not even an option for me.
and what would you like to drink with that?
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my grandpappies cornbread

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I generally avoid regular soda these days because it gives me bad breath.
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I bet you have tonsil stones, I would get them regularly when drinking regular Cokes and other sorts of beverages and would basically disappear whenever I stay away from such drinks it was terrible bad breath at times sometimes like a sewer or even fishy and other times like rotten eggs

Typically, the smell is sulfuric, like rotten eggs. Bad taste in mouth: You may experience a metallic taste in the back of the throat due to tonsil stones. Difficulty or pain when swallowing: When tonsil stones form, they can be accompanied by inflammation.
>lets consume poison because it has less calories and therefor healthy.
Im happy to accept on.e of us is delusional
Yes, but that doesn't help against erosion because it's caused directly by the acid, not by bacteria. If you brush your teeth right away after drinking soda the enamel is already softened by acid and brushing (which normally won't harm enamel) will add to the damage, so you should wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth. Same applies if you vomit and get stomach acid all over your mouth btw. The only other thing you can do to minimize harm is rinsing with water right away after drinking soda. But if soda is your main everyday drink your teeth WILL eventually look like this and be sensitive as fuck.
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Stop drinking soda.
Does kombucha pose the same risks as soda? I enjoy it but it's also a carbonated sweet beverage so Im worried

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Get fucked I'll eat my sushi however I want
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>greatest insult to a sushi chef
What if you just call him a fag?
You don’t get to bring friends
I'll take a bread roll in my pocket and make a fucking sammich if I want, maybe a couple of packets of diablo sauce to give that bad boy a little zing. Fuck that bitch.
>mini beef wellington sushi
Interesting UK Asian fusion

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