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rate my dinner
A+ well done chef

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is this a sign that the flat design era is finally coming to a close? The future is looking pretty SOVLful chuds.
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Because you don't need to put in the artificial apple flavor, kids can taste it if it's there or not
you don't even have to try convincing them just suppose it might be possibly there and they'll come up with that shit on their own
what life choices lead you to being unable to construct any kind of argument to anything that was ever said
What lead you to respond to trolls you limp wristed namby?
i’m just trolling btw if you reply to me you lose which you did
how did they get the design perfect twice. i enjoy the look of those cans throughly. shit sorry i was looking at a pic of your moms tits (love the design though!)

Is it true that eating/drinking slowly makes things taste better?
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>Save the best for last
Whenever I eat a proper meal I find myself thinking about what flavors I want to be tasting after I'm finished, and I save that bite for last.
Pretentious gay faggot shut the fuck up
oh I'm pretentious when >>20434834 says gay shit like
>Take inventory of your plate, and make deliberate choices of what you want to eat and in what order
>Save the best for last
you replied to the wrong post
The real "lifehack" as your goys call it is to periodically sip from a glass of water. It'll refresh your palette, and make the next bite/sip of whatever you're eating/drinking taste more flavourful.
water is icky

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It really is impressive how they managed to make chicken taste like water.
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Everyone should learn to season.
>basmati rice
>in a fictional african country
>from a comic series invented by two jews
you can’t really blame them, they’re under at least three layers of retardation
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Why does this make /ck/ so mad?
Don't make me post the webm of the nigger getting knotted
This trend where basic information needs to be communicated in the most truncated way possible is so 2020s I'mover it.

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ITT fruits that enter GodMode once you add salt to them
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Ah. I’m colour blind. What is it then? Cucumber?
Granny smith with salt is pretty tasty
A labradoodle.
>Pretty sure you can't eat those raw
Lol wtf

Ahhh… now that’s a supper.

sus af
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it must taste really fucking good because it looks revolting

it looks like the plastic food you get with children's play kitchens. it looks like an unreleased play-doh set. nothing appetizing about it.
The chicken’s not bad. Not any better than Popeyes. The spaghetti is wretched and overly sweet.
lold IRL
I'm not eating anything that's had Filipino hands touch it
It doesn't. The only amazing thing about it is the skin. Both the spicy and mild ones stay crispy no matter what. I get jollibee with steamed rice as a side, and they enclose the bucket in a plastic bag and yet it's crispier than what I get out of my deep fryer. I don't like the chicken meat itself though, it's rubbery. Also never have filipino spaghetti, it's extremely sweet.

I just learned about Ohio Valley-style pizza

what the fuck man?
why would you do this?
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The heat of the chili melts the cheese though
I have to know... what city is this?
Dallas, Texas
Lived in ohio for all my 70 years and never once heard of or seen this.
The only people who have been successful enough to never leave their homeland one generation after another since the dawn of humanity are sub-saharan africans

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Can hotdogs have ketchup?

Colby Jack.
Does your country have it?
Does your country have either of them on their own? Have you tried them?
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>You are faggot.
>why are you getting emotional??
Still didn't answer the question, nice deflection though
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you didn't ask me any questions
>does your country have it
Of course not.
>Does your country have either of them on their own?
Of course not.
>Have you tried them?
Why would I want to? We produce +/- 950-1200 different cheeses annually (competition is cut throat) for a population smaller than the city of New York. 12% of our population are Italian immigrants who brought along their 2500+ different cheese styles. We live next door to France with its 1200-ish varieties, and south of The Netherlands wherewe can get any variety of Gouda imaginable. If I ate a different cheese style every day it'd take me 10 years to try them all. That's just talking cheese styles, not individual producers, aged, refined ("affiné") or cured cheeses (with Barolo, edible flowers, hay, Jenever...). I know there are a few fantastic new producers in the NY, Boston areas and in Vermont and Oregon but they're irrelevant where I live (Belgium).
Okay, congratulations on your many good cheeses.
I am from Vermont myself and I can recommend Cabot sharp cheddar. I have actually spent some time in Cabot and even been inside the original facility there, though I don't think it's made there anymore.
There are some fancier cheeses they make but the sharp is very good. The best one is actually called their "hunter sharp" cheddar, I do not know why it is called that.
Aside from that, sometime you should try colby jack. Any will do, whatever is cheapest. It's just a nice, mild, soft marble cheese with a very nice texture.

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If youre a real man this is the only fucking thing youll eat in your life. I literally dont eat anything else, its also cheap as fuck.
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that aint no pierogi. that's a gorbys
ai food images gettin out of control
it's a fucked up looking pide.
>t. pidephile
It seems expensive to me
Would it be wrong to make a sandwich out of a gorby between two billys

>Stop drinking coffee because it's summer
>Poop gets impacted
>Pooping is a boss battle
What's /ck/'s approach?
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I pour coffee down my mouthhole in the winter, and I pour it down my poophole in the summer
Get your gross smelly soygoy cat pictures and shit discussion OFF MY FOOD BOARD
Iced coffee
This. Between vegetables and the fact that my favourite salty snack is popcorn, I get plenty of fiber in my diet.
This what happened to me too once i stopped having my morning goffee. Never thought it was a thing anyone else had until I read your post

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Can chili have beans?
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I mean it makes nutritional sense
My God it's nothing but furry porn
chili can have a little beans. as a snack
i like my chili with diced button mushrooms instead of beans
and people say there’s not a furry containment board.

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Overhated. This shit is perfectly drinkable, tastes like bananas (which happens to be my favourite fruit). It does the job and is better than most macro beers.
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You should meet my cousin ricky, he’s hilarious after a couple tall boyz.
I hear the same is true about a lot of people after they smoke a joint, or do a bump of meth. In all cases, my response is the same: I'll take your word for it.
Im sorry I dont actually have a cousin rick but try and lighten up like him.
Well, now that I know he doesn't exist, I will, in fact, lighten up "like him."
This is fact. If you can find the imported stuff in Aus its much better. Interesting too the 0% heineken in the supermarkets, the bottled stuff is import but the cans are locally brewed

I want to get my brother a knife sharpener for his birthday, but there are so many different types. He already has spent some money on a really nice knife, so I'd like to help him keep it sharp.
What's the best kind of knife sharpener? Is simpler better in this case?
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look up OUTDOORS55 on youtube.
Guy has an entire channel dedicated to knife sharpening, and good recommendations for what to buy first.
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>Best type of knife sharpener?
>AVOID SOAKING STONES. You want a splash and go style whetstone.
QRD and redpill me
I've seen a few videos from chefs who say these are bad, but I don't remember a good explanation. I think it's that they strip the knife away, which I thought all sharpeners do; that's how you get them sharper.
its a rock dude you just scrape the blade on it to sharpen it, is that too hard for you?

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