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>shopping for shirts at thrift store
>everything sucks
>finally find something that looks good after 10 minutes of searching
>check tag
>40% polyester
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>shops at thrift store
>has standards

I do because when I buy anything that costs over 50 dollars then they shouldn’t cheap out on the material
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>"100% cotton" on the tag still means a third of the garment is made of polyester
Our economics teacher in high school showed us some burnt ass documentary abt fast fashion and it radicalized me to be a trad schizo nigger because I have hyper empathy for dravidian slave classes but still hate Kikes. Mom can you buy me these Solovair steel caps with your credit card now?
>Anything other than an outer wind/waterproof layer will give you skin fungus in hotter weather.
True mental illness
Because they feel bad on your skin

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Who makes the best fitting straight leg jean?
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Why are you still humoring this low effort troll?
Time to kill + enough retards parroting the bootcut meme online that I think he may be genuine
lol what? my 501s are literally skintight over my thighs lol, what the fuck are you talking about? you’re the one who buys jeans that are too long for your legs rofl
probably because i’m right and bro has some whack ass jeans that don’t even fit him properly.
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here’s my cowboy cuts next to my LVC 1947 501s. if cowboy cuts count as tapered then i guess so do 501s, invalidating half the recommendations in this thread.
>Anon learns that 501s are tapered

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Is there any fetishwear that doesn't look gay for men?

Everyone tells to wear a suit, but they're boring as fuck and formal

The clothing they sell is mostly catered to gay scene.

Harness over shirt, leather pants and boots seems to be the only option.
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>what the fuck is wrong with you people
I think most of us wish we knew DESU.
> how do you read that aloud in your head and not realize "im deeply damaged as a human being"
I think we're very aware that we are damaged as human beings. We can't fix it or make it go away so the best thing we can do is to try to find a healthy and constructive way of handling it.
A masochist has this deep drive to seek out pain. It gives them immense pleasure. They can try to get into normal situations that inflict pain on them, but it's kind of fucked up to rope other people into your kink (take notes >>18090515), so they don't go to a boxing gym and get beat up on purpose and masturbate to that experience. They try to find another way.
A sadist gets turned on by hurting other people.They can also try to put themselves into normal situations where there is some social acceptance of inflicting pain, but it's also obviously really unhealthy to go to that boxing gym not to pursue the sport, but to inflict actual pain on your sparring partner for sexual reasons. They also have to find a way.
Now if you put the sadist and the masochist together their desires naturally complete each other. They can be damaged together in a way that completes both of them. It gives them the ability to life a more normal life.
All kink pairings work that way. Dominants get off on control and subs get off on being controlled, rope tops like to restrain and rope bottoms like to be restrained, etc.

Nobody has to have a kink, having a kink can be viewed as someone being "damaged as a human being" for sure, but healthy kinksters are good people, because they contain what is wrong with them.
I like the outfit, but what sort of shoes would you wear with it? For some reason a lot of people just wear regular sneakers and it looks odd
I was worried about that we well, mostly dresscode wise. In the end I just wore black adidas sneakers and kept my black combat boots in reserve in case the fetish Gestapo didn't like that. Luckily it was fine, wouldn't want to dance in a sweaty cavern club in boots.
Yeah, fair enough. Combat boots look cool, but aren't really practical for dancing. I guess gladiator sandals could work while keeping the theme.
Come to think of it, a lot of fetish gear can get seriously uncomfortable (and not in a good way) if you're active in them all day. I've found leather pants to be particularly bad for this since they don't really stretch
adidas tracksuit and a really nice leather gimp mask, not one of the gay plastic spandax ones

I want these SO BAD, why does Guidi cost 2 months of rent for boots, I'm going to get reps fuck it, this is outrageous I hate rich people

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how can i improve my style?
being a man and wearing womens clothes don't make you unique or interesting
Can't be done. You have reached the apex, sir or madam.
I would grab my pocket knife and stab you in the heart if I saw you on the street
average londoner

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What's effay's favorite undies? Are you a boxers or briefs man? Do you prefer to buy them new or do you like to have them broken in ahead of time with thrift store purchases?
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i have a tailor in nyc who crafts bespoke boxers specifically for my packages dimensions.
I love to wear women's used panties
Briefs. My balls are too big for boxers
i'm a briefs man, but not for the reason/s you're most likely imagining
you see, i like to keep my penis tucked UP in my underwear. as in pointed up towards my belly button. some people call this "the texas tuck," but fuck whatever it's called
to me this is superior to just keeping my penis hanging downward for SO MANY reasons...one of the main reasons being it hides massive boners. so if when in public my penis gets hard, i won't be embarrassed about other people seeing me and judging me
but anyways, um...back to the underwear...boxers are too loose, so my penis will just hang downwards regardless of how many times i put my penis up. boxer-briefs are a bit better, but still not tight enough to keep my penis up at all times
but briefs man...ah...it keeps my dick UP all the freaking time!!!
plus, whenever i get naked in front of a girl i'm sleeping with, i always get comments like "ah! so that's how you hide your boners?! genius honey!!!"
that is the life...;)

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Coveralls: in or out for 2024?
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wranglers that much better than all cotton 501s?
Only slightly related but one of my favorite artists who larped as a cowboy is now larping as whatever this is. He wears jumpsuits for his live shows. Whole time Dude is a theater kid from austin lmao
Yeah that's what I'm thinking, the coveralls are like mechanic, illegal shit, and some bands and stuff.
>larping as a cowboy
>now larping as something else
fucking hate that place

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How to discover your ideal fit beard and hair style wise?

It’s entirely possible that whatever you’ve been doing all this time, there’s a better suit for you that you don’t know, right?
I tried different barbers, asked for recommendations and I got one I liked and it looks good, easy to do in the morning, girls like it, and my guy cuts it well
it's important to go and get recommendations from female barbers, and hairdressers (young ones)
The tan is honestly the biggest improvement.

With it getting hotter does anyone have recommendations on shorts? What brands and type of shorts do you wear?
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nahhhhh bruh. short shorts looked ridiculous back in the 80s and before, and they look ridiculous now
i also think it's hilarious to watch some douchebags think they have massive thighs all because they have on some short shorts
short shorts don't suddenly turn your thighs massive bro...
if i was a teenager in the 90s and a young adult in the early 2000s obviously i can't be a middle schooler now bro, LMFAO
not unless i was held back several, SEVERAL years...
Kys liberal
You're a huge faggot

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>zuckerberg will never be effa-
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Saars what is the pay for this job
>people keep reposting this subtle shop
reality really is what you make it
Stop trying to force this meme, zuck will never be hot
he also got a little sun, grew a well-kempt beard, and started accessorizing, tbf
and that first one's a serious sacrifice because he will age worse as a result
first pic is so adorable like he just won his first t-ball game i want to pet him

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You will smell and also be better than everyone else
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That creamy oakmossy drydown is heavenly
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Get mogged
I tried this the other day on a whim and it was the worst oud wood I have ever had the displeasure of smelling like.

Also Tom Ford has become such a poor person brand
Yeah. Anything sold in malls nowadays can no longer be truly exclusive or high class, regardless of the price tag or former prestige.
It smells very good.

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this face?
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Putins son
Holy fuck if I saw this demonic abomination in real life I’d immediately pull out my carry (10mm or 38 spl +P+ depending on the day) and blow it back to hell.
Dracula looking ass
I wouldn't fix a single thing about this face. I would allow it to fix my face. And that's what no one did

Anyone here wear Naked and Famous Denim? Any recs?
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What're your waist and thigh measurements? Take the first at the navel and the second at the thickest part of your quad
Are those the Good Luck Jeans? Post a link please.
>Are those the Good Luck Jeans? Post a link please.
Not Good Luck Jeans it's a Levis reproduction, if you still want the Good Luck Jeans you can buy them on their website.
Anyone get the broken twill? I normally just grab something when it's 60% off

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remember these shits? edition

old: >>18049684
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no just get margielas its worth the money adn dont get white ones get something else
TS releases are heavily faked so they'll just assume you're wearing the same fakes that they are.
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first time air force 1 buyer not sure how to feel
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Get the cumstain version
well you are already wearing joggers, so you should be used to feeling retarded

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