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/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Reminder that if you can clearly see your scalp when your hair is wet, your hair is thinning, lots of small new hairs sprouting around the hairline or crown is a sign of recession.

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that prevents free T from being converted to DHT, a byproduct of testosterone that serves no purpose after puberty but to choke out your hair follicles and make them thin out and die in a few short years, this is called androgenic alopecia.
Fin mostly prevents your hair from getting any worse, mild regrowth is expected, though some people see a significant recovery on fin alone. Can be taken orally or topically.
5ar inhibitors are not dosage dependent, taking as little as as 0.2mg fin can reduce DHT by 68% while 5mg reduces by 72%. 0.5mg dut blocks up to 95% but its more expensive and harder to get prescribed.
Fin has been used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia for 30+ years, it's very well studied and is tolerated well in almost all men, however, there's a 1-2% risk of erectile issues in controlled studies.
These can be avoided by reducing dosage, spacing out dosage, or stopping the drug. The half life of fin is about 8 hours, adverse effects that persist after ceasing fin are not real and have no basis in reality.

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>there's no incentive to post negative comments about it, nobody gains anything from it thus it -might- be more truthful
Are you a paranoid schizophrenic by any chance? I'm not getting paid by anyone to promote anything.
>Your problem is that people don't want to take a drug with heavily documented side effects?
No, I don’t have a problem with that. In fact, I don’t care whether you take it or not. It’s a drug that can have side effects for some people and none for others. Would I believe a random person on an obscure forum if he said it curved his dick into an L shape, shrank his skull, etc.? No. Do I believe it can cause ED, gyno, low libido, brain fog, etc. for some people? Yes.
>Hmm that's a bizarre thing to have a problem with, almost like you have something to gain from it.
But there is something to be made from being anti-fin and making up random side effects. You do know groups sue pharmaceutical companies all the time and there's some decent money to be made from that, right? I could say the same thing about you and call you a pfsfoundation shill.
0.5mg dut decreses your scalp dht by 50%, 1mg fin decreases it by 40%.
Both fin an dut have hard diminishing returns, right?
iirc 5 mg fin is literally 2% better than 1mg fin and the curve is basically flat past 5.
What's the curve like for dut?
Fin didn't work for me and I'm a nonresponder to min, so I'm thinking I'll hop on dut + microneedling and fully embrace every meme that looks even slightly legit, i.e. topical caffeine, saw palmetto, peptides, melatonin.
My bar for "looks even slightly real" is "I can link an NIH study that I can use to cope".
dut has way better returns. you get more complete dht blocking all the way up to 2.5mg dose, which inhibits 70% of your scalp dht. you can google that, im not making shit up. its expensive to take 5 pills per day tho.
>ts expensive to take 5 pills per day tho.
>half-life of at least two weeks
Can't I do a "loading phase" where I accumulate dut in my system then do 2.5mg like twice a week?
That's 10 pills a week instead of 35.

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Night club outfit.
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>feel yourself
You look like a cheap hooker.

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Discontinued: >>18367040

NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack: https://lucaturin.substack.com/

Informative Videos for newfags to Perfume General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for newfags
W2C bottles

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>discontinued fragrance is $50
>shipping is $50
you son of a BITCH
i'm still tempted
the shape of the bottle
so nothing that really matters
well, some would argue that og shemale, while it set trends at time of release, is dated at this point and you are better off looking into things that have taken its dna and run with it, but if you like it then wear it in good health.
>you are better off looking into things that have taken its dna and run with it
Like what for example?

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what's your favorite "boring middle age man"-core clothing item? please do not post "millennial manchild"-core nor "millennial fake masculinity"-core
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yea i mean the barbour jacket is up there
Go get yourself a Work n' Sport Flannel coat from the nearest Fleet Farm.
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i've been wearing walmart wrangler shirts a bunch lately
My Beaufort, I guess.
Would be nice without the little red wrangler label. Shit like that ruins shirts.

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How do you rest your teeth? I recently realised my jawline, which is normally 7/10, looks way better when I put my incisors on top of each other like right. It looks bigger. Should I make this permanent?
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Yeah I'm not doing surgery or anything like that. It's invisalign at most
You know, I always had crowded bottom teeth. Never realised it was a problem until just now
literally nothing changed
Normal is a slight overbite.
Stop using cutlery, the overbite came after we stopped having to use teeth to take bite sized pieces off our food.
Only because we use cutlery to chop down our food, 700 years ago “normal” was OPs second pic.
Also, I know you’re a /fa/ggot, but normal?
As good?
The fuck you smoking.

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What your all-time favorite hoodie? I ordered a Reigning Champ midweight from their old made in Canada stock and i'm super excited for it.
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I’d only get a Japanese hoodie if it was indigo or some kind of special dye.
Brave Star, depending on your definition of super expensive.
One of the more special qualities that a lot of jap hoodies have is loopwheeled fabric. Because of this, they just feel extra plush. All that said, the majority of them are overpriced if you're buying from US or European based retailers. Ordering jap made clothing from Japan is the way to pay what they're actually worth.
unironically that "perfect hoodie" kanye and gap made before he got canceled. double layered thick cotton with a slight crop. think you can find them on ebay for less than a 100 used rn.
I like justsweatshirts. Heavy 100% cotton with a roomy fit and made in Canada for $90. I wish it was a bit shorter though. Id like to find a more cropped hoodie.

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maybe something like this idk
It's gonna be really hard to match anything with it. Probably go with white/black.
By hoping Wario gets picked up by the Yankees.
yeah and this belt. basically lean hard into the irony/00's referencing
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Why is this happening to gen z? I'm 35 and all of my friends have full heads of hair except one and we mercifully roast him about it. But he's also the biggest and most jacked out of us so it's okay I guess.
Zoomers are the ones who started recreationally fucking with their hormones in both directions, having unfettered access to gray market HRT and TRT like no generation before them.
I'm a millennial and I had my first gray hair as a teenager.
early graying is genetic
gen z have messed up genes from globalism
Millennial, here. I take a lot of ZMA. I heard too much zinc can deplete your copper and cause premature greying.
So I started drinking water out of a copper cup sometimes.
I had a grey hair in my beard - disappeared after drinking from the copper cup and I haven't seen it since.
Doesn't seem like that should be a thing that happened, presumably it just fell out and will be back, haven't seen it though.

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The three options I've narrowed down, whatever gets most votes after a few hours i'll pull the trigger

Lacoste L2966 210

Giorgio Armani AR7125 5026

Persol PO3092V 9066
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>I want to be be Patrick Bateman but the Store doesnt have Oliver Peoples' frames
Either go for something like Pic related or aviator style just with a straighter bottom
They're all too big for your face.
So he can look like a d-bag try hard.
I need to get glasses too, which kind would fit me best?
Tried fixing the picture but it's stuck sideways for some reason

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Bring it back generation Ayyylmao
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They had all the most cringe fucking trends of all time. Scene kids, lumbersexuals, Hipsters, twee, twirly stomp clap hey Hipsters, sleeeze Hipsters, wiggers, Gino's, guidos, straight edge, cybergoths, pitt kids, bike courier Hipsters, bapesta scene kids, hXc, white trash revival, steam punks, crust punks, hottopicore, crab core, indie kids, apple indie, crunkcore, Christcore, post rockers, neo thrash, indie Jesus Iron and wine core, working class skins, Williamsburg Hipsters, popcore retards like hellogoodbye, American apparel sluts, snap back swagsters, manbun metro sexuals, MySpace whores, brutal kids, faux hip-hop gym class hero white boys, sXe warriors, niggas in sean jean valure track suits, niggas with triple xxxl long shirts. I could go on and on. Every style was so fucking cringe.
Crazy I can picture each one of these. But think about zoomers. How many distinct trends of theirs can you name?
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Broccoli zoomer, fila Dino stomper zoomer, females in air force ones. Ummm 2000s revival. Eboys and girls. Ummmm were art hoes millennial or zoomers?
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Don't forget Hollister Beach kids. Popped collar polo kids. Video game nerds wearing those dragon ball z short sleeve button ups. Long sleeve shirts under t-shirts. 80s revival snowboarding gear. Double xl snowboarding gear like Shaun white. Emos painting their nails black.

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This is all you need:
>Low profile white sneakers
>Persol sunglasses
>Harrington jackets
>Shawl cardigans
>Pea coats
>Turtle necks
>White tees
>Chambray shirts
>Straight fit khakis and selvedge denim
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You'll look like a cringe LARPer if you do this
I don't get the issue. Looks perfectly fine?
looks stupid
It's looks good
>Blackbird spyplane

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Hygiene/skincare General #15 Christmas/New Years edition
Previous >>18313188

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

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pretty sure I overused the moisturizer and fucked my skin up...
>overused the moisturizer and fucked my skin up
Not possible unless you put bleach in it or used expired shit or something
>put suncreen
so: do skincare
No, it's the cerave cream. It's non comedogenic, but I forgot that if I use too much of any moisturizer I end up breaking out
My elbows, belly and knees are a lot more discoloured than the other parts of my skin. What do I do to make the skin tone more even?

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Kofe time edition.
You may only post in this thread if you have a recognizable collection and or watch and want to contribute to the discussion or if you just want to post in a watch thread.

>Your budget
>Preferred brand or manufacture
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot, etc
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz, etc
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, chronograph, etc
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet, etc
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Let's keep it polite. This is a gentleman's hobby after all.

Previous thread: >>18358394
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A G-Steel
>A positive display GShock
1 designer at Casio committed suicide over seeing this
He died for the sins of Casio making unreadable negative displays.



The place to actually discuss watches, free of avatarfagging drama, including bittercelposting, pics of food or drinks, or long-ass stories about your lives.
If kofe time posts, just ignore him. He's off his meds and can't control himself.
Keep that shit in /wt/.

>Your budget
>Preferred brand or manufacture
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot, etc
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz, etc
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, chronograph, etc
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet, etc
>Wrist size or desired watch size

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How successful do you have to be to pull off a Casio F-105W?
Thqt's WPNT or Watch Photo North Time, there exists Watch Photo South Time as well which is 13:50 and is used by photographers in the southern hemisphere.
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Kofe time.

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