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Is Jonathan Blow unironically the smartest living programmer?
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technically nothing really. but it's a really creative puzzle game in the ways it asks you to think.
witness is a literal IQ filter.
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>2010 was 20 years ago
tldr, what the fuck is rewind and what is braid and how does this improve netcode speed for fps games?
I don’t know or care who the fuck Jonathan Blow is but he sounds like a gay porno actor (sub/bottom)

Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases (e.g. 4K editing, high FPS gaming)
State budget and COUNTRY or you will not be helped

Zen 5 / Ryzen 9000 announcement likely June 3rd at Computex

Fully seat a 12VHPWR connector in its socket, otherwise the connection can melt.
https://youtu.be/ig2px7ofKhQ?t=1345 [Embed] [Embed]

HTPC(4K60)/Web Browsing: i3 12100

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Know this is a pc building thread but is there anyone here that knows any good gaming laptops? I'm sure a few good ones exist.
nerds here have been shilling ultra low cpu running temperatures, thermalpaste, but i wonder whats an acceptable consistent t for ryzen 7950x
I'd say the entry price for 60FPS on High in 2024 moviegames is around $1200. Maybe $1k with good deal hunting and some used components. Tower only btw; not including peripherals.
What I'm not saying is that a $700 PC will suck - just that current games are really demanding at the margins. You can get a perfectly good experience at 1080p medium (which still looks better than Ultra settings from 10 years ago) at your budget. Plus ofc less demanding games, even current ones, will run great. Managing expectations.
Post your country and an attempt at a list and some anons will help you. The PCPP build guides are a great place to start. Something like a 12100+RX6600 should be possible at $700 unless your country has stupid high prices on these things.
a steamdeck
Technically anything <90C is within spec. Mobile chips have been boosting based on TjMax for 10+ years now and they're not dying in droves. Ofc on a desktop it's cheap and easy to get a lower load temp so you might as well.

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why do people hate it? ive daily driven linux for years and never had a reason to care about it
NSA botnet
>remote pre kernel boot updates
>ring0 rootkit literally called run0
The Chinese are cucking us with The Great Cannon so we gotta level the field.
checked, bless

I've read it's fine on Fedora as long as you don't have brain damage and follow these rules...
>Don't use Wayland yet, 555 drivers may change this
>Install the proprietary driver from rpm-fusion repo
>When updating let the driver recompile in the background for 5-10 mins before rebooting

Anyone else have experience with it on Linux? How's it been? Is DLSS alright? I know framegen dosent work.

P.S If you were trying to run the latest Call of Whatever using the free drivers on Wayland on BumFuck niche distro and getting 0.5fps and crashes, kys, I don't wanna hear from you.
It works

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>bearer token
>only humans are using my app
it doesn't make sense
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I've heard a new OAuth3 spec is being developer that includes the `humaner` token so that you can still get authorization even if you're not a bear. This is only a rumor though. Please don't share this information.
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The OAuth4 spec (being researched by aliens in Area 52) won't even require headers or even HTTP. The super intelligence (which already exists mind you within secret research laboratories buried under Switzerland) merely accesses your brain waves to authorize your use of the web application
does it use 7G?
the versions are updating so quickly they decided to stop numbering them

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The sex robots are inevitable, they will make using fleshlights and/or onaholes look like jerking off by comparison.
Do not respond to people trying to sway us away from going through with this. The more responses that are fed to them the less bumps we have until the bump limit and 404.
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>BONUS: you could reproduce in litters and have like 8 kids at once.
And where would you find the 3 planet Earth to host to excedent of child?
There's a lot of people dying before 53. She didn't have that bad of a run.
I'd rather die at 50 -after self retiring at 40- than become a 90 demented fuck.
The only way you could convince me to stay on Earth past my prime would be the prospective of a new synthetic existence. And it would need to be fucking good.
That's why I want sexbot : to be reborn as one. A new, better, synthetic ubermensch.
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pic related is jeremy meeks look him up
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dammit, read that in a Skyrim guard's voice because of "I used to be-"

>16c/32t 170w 95°c
>No core upgrade
>No power efficiency upgrade
>No thermal upgrade

AMD seems to be at the 4c/8t stage intel was stuck in.

Seems like the biggest nothingburger™ release from AMD and that's coming from a long term AMD fan.
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Based and QCOM pilled
>i have heard they start to degrade much earlier than that so i keep mine running at 60-65 degrees max.
I have my doubts that it really matters. Usually when you hear people blaming temps for instability it's always the same overclocking retards who have likely damaged their systems by being ham fisted idiots, configuring settings they don't understand and manhandling the parts until a once working system becomes marginal.
Hell, apple for the 10 years before the M-series was putting intel chips through the torture racks on a global scale. Inadequate heatsinks shared with the GPU, fans set to idle until the CPU hits 90°C, constant throttling due to 99°C maximum temperatures for the whole time the CPU usage is >80%... And yet, you never heard of CPU degredation. The drives would fail, the LCDs would have issues, keyboards definitely failed a lot, but the CPUs just didn't seem to care.
Ryzen has been PL = 1.35x TDP for a long time
why are polacks so fucking stupid
any decent board has usb flashing now
Biden blew up our pipelines.

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All your doing is using a rolling release distro but way behind. It's like if you just copied the 6 month old version of Arch repositories and used that.

Obviously there's nothing wrong with waiting a bit instead of jumping on the bandwagon, and I'm sure "stable" distros also have ways of updating packages in ways that is more stable, like waiting for bugfix updates after a major release.

But wouldn't holding packages back in a method as extreme as Debian degrade the user experience by limiting features and fixes?
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I would be ok with Debian if the maintainers did any actual testing at all. All I want is the deluged package to work and its borked - and stuck that way for 2 years.
That only shows that they overextended themselves. They should remove the package.
This. People are so impatient in 2024 it is unreal. Nobody complained that they had to wait a few years for new OS versions. You also used to install software from a disk and never update it basically.
If your software is fine now, it will probably be fine for the next 2 years as well (with security patches along the way).
It is easier to use and maintain (both for users and maintainers) an OS where you have 1 snapshot, that is then patched for security for 2 years, than to have an OS where all parts are moving all the time (like Arch). This is why Arch has issues from time to time, because package X updates, which affects package A, B and C, and suddenly thins go haywire. And it is almost impossible for the maintainers to test all interactions every time a package updates.
>Nobody complained that they had to wait a few years for new OS versions
meant to write:
>Nobody complained that they had to wait a few years for new Windows versions
what you see as "outdated" or "user experience degrading" software in debian is really just a slightly older version of software that probably works fine (if not flawlessly). you will barely notice any difference between different versions.

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The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-1086 and carrying a severity rating of 7.8 out of a possible 10, allows people who have already gained a foothold inside an affected system to escalate their system privileges.

It's the result of a use-after-free error, a class of

>vulnerability that occurs in software written in the C and C++ languages

when a process continues to access a memory location after it has been freed or deallocated.

>It's not possible in RUST.

Use-after-free vulnerabilities can result in remote code or privilege escalation. The vulnerability, which affects even Linux kernel 6, resides in the NF_tables, a kernel component enabling the Netfilter, which in turn facilitates a variety of network operations...

>It was patched in January, but as the CISA advisory indicates, some production systems have yet to install it.

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I would love to exploit her holes.
>already gained
so non-issue then
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Linuxoids BTFO
crab crab crab crab
get deprecated
get deprecated
get deprecated
kys troon

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/bst/ - Battlestations thread
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needs some work but im moving apartments this week so ehh
cute background
Doubled down on the boomerism, not a single good vehicle or engine has ever been produced here
Poor bait.
whats ur t now

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What laptop should I get for $1,000-3,000
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pretty epic copypasta bro
The only apple product I've ever owned is an m1 macbook air and it's an excellent laptop. Whatever else gay shit apple does these things are great laptops.
pajeets cant afford 3000$ laptops

also whats with this trend of hysterical third worlders (and pajeets themselves) thinking they have the right to use the words "jeet" and "street shitter"
How many calories are on that plate?
>cant refute even a single point
>these things are currynigger shit laptops.
I'd guess about 1200 per four pancakes, plus the syrup and butter, I'd estimate around 7k-8k? more than a week's worth for sure.

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Aesthetic edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

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you just leave them there for months before using them again? fox iems for summer, lcdx for winter?
>he thinks the headpos are in rotation
oh are they leftovers that you just dont use anymore? or do you just wear them with the fox ears to look cute on camera while you ride a dildo on discord?
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Let's see what this is all about. I don't know why but I have more faith in cheap earbuds than cheap iems.
not him but basically yes. foxzo is very based, be more like him
trust me, you'll lose faith very soon

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Welcome to /aig/ - 6502 June edition

ITT we discuss non-x86 ISAs from the past (6502, 68000, Alpha, Itanium, PA-RISC, PowerPC, SuperH, VAX, Z80, PDP-11), the present (ARM, MIPS, POWER, SPARC) and the future (RISC-V, OpenPOWER).

You can also ask here for more information. Don't forget to check out the wiki, by the way!

>Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki//aig/_Alternative_ISA_General
>Library: https://mega.nz/file/0PplHSyL#eK_f2ZSc2f0E8_RLUGz9nVn40myXhyiRDMU_FhgO2wk
>Anon's Strawpoll: https://strawpoll.com/py64hxj18
>OP pasta: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/AigOPmsg
>Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/99775334

>PINE64 Quarterly Community Q&A [Live Stream] - 2024 Q1

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RISC-V advances.
get a toilet street shitter
What does RISC-V bring to the table that makes it more appealing than ARM or x86-64? I get that the ISA is open, but the chip designs themselves are still entirely up to the manufacturers.
It's even more fragmented than ARM.
There will never be a fully free and open SoC. The core being free doesn't matter at all since it will always be paired with a proprietary GPU inside a proprietary SoC.
The main feature is ironically that it is boring.
No fancy new shit, only well tested ideas.

... save for the Vector extension, really well designed.

But the reason RISC-V exists in the first place is that the Berkeley needed an ISA for their vector processor research project.

Ultimately the Vector extension is the result of that research, plus extensive review and polishing. which is why it took until November 2021.

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>employment is ending within 3 years according to the chief of staff at Anthropic
is she right?
your mother
Indians love "AI" because they see it as an opportunity to grift and make a quick buck scamming people. Same reason they love crypto, NFTs, and basically every new technology that shows up with minimum utility and maximum hype.
> I work at an AI company
Are you illiterate anon? It’s an ad to prop up the stocks she gets.
three more years

you'll always need people who know how to wrangle the ai, it's a tool not a replacement

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What's your thoughts on picrel now that they're a few years old?
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Considered buying one but they're not sold in my country
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do they have coreboot yet?
it wouldnt be related to patents i dont think, the UHK ultimate hacking keyboard has a trackpoint module (no ortho though, which is my biggest gripe with it) and it works great
no thoughts for a thoughtless product

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