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“Alphabet has been slashing headcount since early last year, when the company announced plans to eliminate about 12,000 jobs, or 6% of its workforce, following a downturn in the online ad market. Even with digital advertising rebounding recently, Alphabet has continued downsizing, with layoffs across multiple organizations this year.

Chief Financial Officer Ruth Porat announced in mid-April that the company’s finance department would undergo restructuring, entailing layoffs and moving positions to Bangalore and Mexico City.

[ … ]

The latest cuts come as the company enjoys its fastest growth rate since early 2022, alongside improving profit margins. Alphabet reported a 15% jump in first-quarter revenue from a year earlier and announced its first-ever dividend and a $70 billion buyback.”

It's over for America
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yeah basically
Kill off ze goyim vith project covid-19
Activate ze pajeet immigration ships
Load ze microchips
Check zem
this is just major cope as we are maybe 100 years from getting universal healthcare much less UBI

if you're jewish, NYC gives you UBI
But Americans need to pay $40,000 for school.

Well worth $80,000 a year less salary for the rest of your life to avoid paying a onetime $40,000 loan.
saaaaaars let's go! India superpower 2025!

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When are you going OLED?
>Too poor
Second hand units are under $500
Covered by warranty and not an issue
>LCDs better
Even the cheapest OLED outperforms all LCDs
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I've got a Flanders X311K at work and an LG EP950 at home. The X3110 has nothing to offer me and I honestly don't see it as much of an upgrade. It offers nothing new, Dolby Pulsar in 2014 had 4000 nits peak luminance and more saturated colors.
And who exactly does the evaluation? A video game colorist? There is nobody in the gaming pipeline that could do the work. They have some technical artists but they probably work on a good quality monitor, like a few thousand dollars, but not a reference one.
The Dolby Pulsar is massively outdated in every single way. You're just slinging 10 year old marketing everywhere as if it were still relevant today.

Contrast. Peak brightness. Low luminance. Not something everyone needs access to at all times. Just another tool needed to make the best content.

/g/ is such a luddite board it boggles the mind.
>The Dolby Pulsar is massively outdated in every single way. You're just slinging 10 year old marketing everywhere as if it were still relevant today.
It could literally do everything the X3110 can do 10 years ago. That's what makes 3110 so unimpressive, it can't do anything we couldn't do before.
>Contrast. Peak brightness. Low luminance. Not something everyone needs access to at all times. Just another tool needed to make the best content
Are you having a stroke?
>PWM to control subpixel brightness

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>Tech isn't working
>Slam my fist on it
>Starts working
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You have to be 18 or older to use this site.
>tech doesn't work
>ground the voltage by touching the machine, resets it, and starts to work
>after generations of inbreeding to recover from the holocaust, tards think the computer works by slamming it
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>tech is working
>cats slams its body into it
>stops working
Yeah, I know. So, why are you posting here?
Reason why you were able to fix old tech with beating is that old components tend to weight heavier than nowadays and make contacts on motherboard loose, so hitting it may have big change of readjusting connection. This is a case with upper highvoltage transformers in CRTs when they dent motherboard

Is Jonathan Blow unironically the smartest living programmer?
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he made 2 games in 15 years neither were technically that impressive.

Braid wasn't a technically impressive game and nobody has copied that specific particle system because it's not useful or desirable anywhere else.
What's so impressive about the Witness? I get that it's enginedev work but I don't see anything unique about it
technically nothing really. but it's a really creative puzzle game in the ways it asks you to think.
witness is a literal IQ filter.

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only if you tell me the button on firefox to give a plaintext list
opensuse user is wintoddler at heart of course, can't write a small script hahaha
How about you OPEN your mouth and SUSE my dick while teasing me about how to do it?
bookmark all tabs to a folder, right click the folder and copy paste.
Fuck you I wanted my dick Sused

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Now that the holy trinity has settled what could we still improve?
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Apple has adopted JPEG XL, but has no role in promoting, funding, or governing it. It does, however, have a role in governing and funding the Alliance for Open Media. And by extension, AV1 and AVIF.

Shilling an Apple-sponsored format is literally all that you ever do.
You know what I mean, smartass.


I find it rather suspicious that apple adopted it first. They're not famous for adopting good things early on (ie USB C).
>You know what I mean
Then fucking say it, instead of outright lying because you think it helps your point. You are a shill for a format sponsored by Apple, lying about another format to try to make it look bad.

Anyway, Apple actually is notorious for adopting media formats early. They want their walled garden for hardware so that they can sell their own hardware at grossly inflated prices. But for software, they want to capture the "creative" market, so they quickly adopt formats that have the most merit for creative purposes. Adobe, another early adopter for JPEG XL, is the same.

You can't say it's bad because of low adoption, then blindly shit-talk adopters with blatant lies. The hypocrisy shows that you really don't care about the logic of your arguments at all.
>Apple adopted a format that Google deliberately suppressed
>Let's ignore the adoption outside of the browser realm where they have little influence
No, there is no saving your argument.
Webp came out with a huge security vulnerability recently. What makes you think jpeg xl is so secure?

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I use Cloudflare.
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> not using dnscrypt
dnscrypt with encrypted self hosted SNI is the way to go
Dnsmasq with public queries sent to cloudflare. Been eyeing unbound though because I'm a schizo
kill yourself

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I want to host a YaCY instance for shits, are there better alternatives?

Gonna be hosting it in a VM on linux.
Host a Lacey instance instead

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The more I learn about linux, the more I feel like a retard.

Things that should work don't work. Intuition leads you to broken installs and false command prompts. Some issues are so specific that you can't find help in forums. You later find out that the exact same thing worked on your other PC, just not your previous one. Why? No one knows. Some packes are broken in one repository but are ok in others.

It's a jungle. Even when I accomplish something, I don't feel smarter. It feels like luck or being a retard that copy pasted a solution from an old forum post. Nothing ever just works.

At least as a desktop operating system, that is. I have no issue with simple Samba or SSH stuff.

Is there some good guide on daily driving Linux? Like, actually learning how to understand the inner workings? To get gud? Not just copy paste solutions? I really want to like Linux.

>inb4 I tried Debian and Fedora
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>the more I feel like a retard
Anon, you are a retard.

>Intuition leads you to broken installs
The intuition of a retard, yes. This would happen with any software that a retard was "intuitively" attempting to use.

Because you are a retard.

>Nothing ever just works
Only for retarded people.

>Is there some good guide on daily driving Linux? Like, actually learning how to understand the inner workings? To get gud? Not just copy paste solutions?
Not for people with an IQ below room temperature. Please stick with Windows 11, MacOS, or whatever phone OS you're posting from. God bless your heart.
t. poo
I knew before you signed off
Isn't ubuntu made for retards that don't want to get their hands dirty?

do you eat in front of your computer?
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>"spics" of German descent that don't speak Spanish or have Native American blood
fuck off
subway is based
subway hate is cringe
>but muh heckin fake meaterino!!
i will forcefully shove my cock in your whore nigger mouth if u say this

love, subway marketing department
You sound like a faggot-bitch beta male that I could punch into the dirt with one well-placed swing. Address?
Uh how come this term is so popular among girly boys?
>After a certain age, you only need protein shakes.

fucken ensure drinker - m8 unless you're anorexic, 75 or a fucking retard (even they get manoy plates and shit) that's just stupid.

at that point I think it looks the same going out as it does in.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

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Guys, I'm a big fan of node but this is really pissing me off.

Why does npm update <package name> not update the fucking package? I want the next major version, but it doesn't increment the major or minor versions. The command does nothing.
>I want the next major version
Learn a bit of semver.

If your package.json has your dependency set to "^1.0.0", it's only going to update on v1.x.x, likewise "~1.1.1" will only update the "v1.1.x" range. Semver ensures that you don't bring breaking changes to your code (as long as the package maintainers actually abide by it).
Ok, but how do I upgrade something if I want to?

One of my packages even warns it has memory leaks and not to use it. It's a dependency of another package that has since gone up a major version. I also might want the features of the next major version.
I decided to take the opportunity to install yarn and use that instead, not that it resolves my problem. Upgrading one package's major version doesn't upgrade its peer deps to the versions it requires. So I still have to go through them all manually... which doesn't seem right.
Ok I added resolutions field to package.json so I could specify the version of the dependency to use manually. blog post over

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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

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Not big enough to avoid having Scarlett Johansson as the lead.
for me its aphex twin
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These are nice, anon. Thanks for sharing. As you are fighting the privacy battle as well, you and the rest of the thread might be interested in checking out Unredacted Magazine:
The site author publishes a free .PDF magazine on all things-digital privacy, and is the author of several books.

If your interested in heckerman stuff, here's a site that publishes 'cheat-sheets' of various types:
[Security Research & Penetration Testing Blog]

anyone got any ideas? imagine i have full control of what the url used here is on someones PC, how could this be used for some kind of script injection
MI5 has been ordered to “refocus” its efforts on targeting spies rather than terrorists following a major recruitment drive by Russia, China and Iran, The Telegraph can reveal.

>16c/32t 170w 95°c
>No core upgrade
>No power efficiency upgrade
>No thermal upgrade

AMD seems to be at the 4c/8t stage intel was stuck in.

Seems like the biggest nothingburger™ release from AMD and that's coming from a long term AMD fan.
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>No core upgrade
prepare your anus
Based and QCOM pilled
>i have heard they start to degrade much earlier than that so i keep mine running at 60-65 degrees max.
I have my doubts that it really matters. Usually when you hear people blaming temps for instability it's always the same overclocking retards who have likely damaged their systems by being ham fisted idiots, configuring settings they don't understand and manhandling the parts until a once working system becomes marginal.
Hell, apple for the 10 years before the M-series was putting intel chips through the torture racks on a global scale. Inadequate heatsinks shared with the GPU, fans set to idle until the CPU hits 90°C, constant throttling due to 99°C maximum temperatures for the whole time the CPU usage is >80%... And yet, you never heard of CPU degredation. The drives would fail, the LCDs would have issues, keyboards definitely failed a lot, but the CPUs just didn't seem to care.
Ryzen has been PL = 1.35x TDP for a long time
why are polacks so fucking stupid
any decent board has usb flashing now

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What are the target schools for places like Jane Street? What does it take? Should I do the Putnam competition? Do you know anyone who got in here?
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no I'm saying they only have like 2,000 employees who are actually writing trading rules and they aren't hiring that much. I think they get like 200 interns a year and maybe half of that go on to work for them full time. so maybe they hire a few hundred people a year at best. it's extremely competitive because if you're cracked you only have to work there for a few years and you can retire when you're 30.

never been to Boston but I don't think it's the same. there are finance people everywhere in New York. I heard Boston is mostly students and micks.
Let me guess, Somerville
This feeder school thing is nonsense. The founders themselves didn't even go to those schools. It's the projections of anxious, tense masses in an information vacuum.
crazy, I've been thinking about making some open-source quant analysis software but unfortunately that's already been made (QuantConnect), maybe I'm not thinking hard enough but I wonder if there are any more real ways for me to demonstrate interest. This is just a pipe dream, i'm at community college so unless I somehow transfer to an ivy league this is a 0.01% chance (I'm sure a quant here can do the math and give me the real numbers).

The combination of finance and CS makes it so fascinating to me, the cracking of market data and throwing away all traditional financial analysis for just a complete math & stat look at it is so appealing to me. I wish I could work in this space, maybe I could have a shot at a some super low tier quant fund or something if that even exists. I guess there is a lot of money in this field but im honestly not chasing that, it's again a combination of two major interests of mine. Sucks that I wasn't career minded in highschool.
>this thread again
no one has heard of Jew Street
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>Let me guess, Somerville
>he knows
it's over

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Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook)

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards, tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium roll cage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>Excellent Linux & *BSD support

ThinkWiki - General info about ThinkPads/specs

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I was wondering if I could put something together that could be useful to anons across /tpg/ and /fwt/?
Probably a wix site or something with useful resources? I'll gladly maintain it as a hobby.
No pirated shit as I'd prefer to stay out of trouble, otherwise, I'd gladly share some of my cracked software.
What sort of content are you thinking? There are a number of resources out there already, are you trying to aggregate those or preserve/archive stuff or do original reviews or what?
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Been thinking of getting the E15 for the following usecases
>running burpsuite
thats it. will use fedora as well. would this work well?
didn't disable built-in battery and my T480 broke, should I get another T480 or something else?
I have no idea, I'd have to get feedback from anons across the threads for that.
Not reviews.

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