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when will this be patched?
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It's just a notation. Repeating decimals are not real. 1/3 in base 3 would just be 0.1. What matters is the value, not how you write it.
>0.3333... = 1/3
this notation is inadequate for expressing what 1/3 is. there's a reason it is not used in any serious math

american fear of fractions and obsession with decimal systems was a mistake

it's not really "forbidden" to divide by 0, it's just undefined. consider that you cannot multiply a number by anything other than 0 and get 0, but you can multiply literally anything by 0 and get 0. so dividing by 0 may as well just get you "any/all numbers" which is not a useful result. but it's sometimes useful to try, which is why you learn how to do derivatives and limits in 6th grade anywhere that isn't retarded
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the question is ill formed, infinity does not exist
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The result of dividing by zero is unsigned infinity. It doesn't exist on a number line but it exists in projective geometry for example.

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How difficult would it be to learn combinatorial optimization? What material is actually good and what should I avoid? I'm looking for learning material and it's a bit overwhelming.
Honestly, I don't know that this is what I actually need to learn. The descriptions of this topic seem to fit my problem. I'm building a tool for an RPG. The tool looks at all of the items you own and calculates which combination will give you the most DPS. Brute force checking each item against all other items is too slow so it's not an acceptable hack here. GPT told me that I could use "Combinatorial optimization, a branch of Discrete optimization".
Small tangent, what is the best way to search for concepts like this when I don't know what they're called? I was using search engines (Google, DDG) but I couldn't come up with the right search keywords so it took forever.
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I don't think mathematical optimization was covered once in my Software Engineering degree. If it was, I don't remember it.
you are looking for an optimization algorithm, mathematical optimization is completely different. A computer does not do mathematical optimization. Optimization algorithms is basically all of CS
Try this coursera.org/learn/basic-modeling and if its not enough then try coursera.org/learn/discrete-optimization have some fun. I don't know if it will be fast enough, but you will probably learn something interesting and fun.
You need to abstract the problem sufficiently to the point where RuneScape is not mentioned. I've never played RuneScape. Look for rules that obviously produce better gear, it might be solvable that way.

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I just to want to uh, lay in bed in whatever position while I interface with my computer with my brain
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Skill issue. I use my pc from bed.
bed sores hurt
Yeah, that's right.

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As far as security and other stuff. If i’m a pleb what do i need to worry about?
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Most companies use Windows laptops as their default. Most consumer product come with Windows pre installed. Most schools will use Windows as their default OS.
What are you even trying to do?
>t. microcuck
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U ded
just let Windows do its thing and don't ask questions.
Windows also comes with a bunch of handy third party software you'll want to sign up for (if you're not already a subscriber!!)
>Facebook Desktop
You know it!

What are some other preinstalled software you NEED to have that comes with Windows for FREE?

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What's your thoughts on picrel now that they're a few years old?
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love the idea, but to build the same laptop I have right now it would cost about 50% more
also the expansion slots aren't enough
my laptop has 5 slots right now and they're designed nice and compact
if I go with framework, I'd have to lose one slot and carry a usbc hub

also I need digitiser + stylus
360 folding screen so I can use it as a tablet
it would be nice to replace the trackpad with a touchscreen
and a glasses free 3d display + stereoscopic webcam would be amazing for videocalls
Too expensive, no pointing nipple with middle click.
Considered buying one but they're not sold in my country
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do they have coreboot yet?
it wouldnt be related to patents i dont think, the UHK ultimate hacking keyboard has a trackpoint module (no ortho though, which is my biggest gripe with it) and it works great

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2nd edition.
we are here as usual to discuss about the possible emergence of robowaifus, how could it be made, and how would it affect our lives.

▶ Links :


> Masiro

> Nandroid

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Some anons are lonely and can't with any real women ever, some are super stupid coomers, some are misogynists or whatever whackjobs that SHOULDN'T ever with any real woman and they'd prefer a bot that best suits their "needs". Is this your first time on the internet, my dear youngling?
I have an idea regarding robots that I'm sure will be made extremely taboo to the point of where you aren't allowed to even discuss it because the government and the public at large will deem it a horrendous act against nature/god. I have the unique privilege in time that I can talk about it now because perfect robot companions are still far far away.

Let's jump ahead to this future with amazing robots and super advanced technology that blows everything that we perceive about technology out of the water. Robot companions are really good, but they still don't genuine feelings or emotion. They can "act" like they're sentient, but deep-down people know they're fake. I have the solution to make a robot be alive. What they'd do is harvest the brain from any living creature (could be a human or even an animal) and you just interface the robot with the different emotion and feeling-based sectors of the brain. You don't use anything else. You don't give it the consciousness of said human or animal, you use their brain as a glorified Expansion Pak for living emotion features. I think it would work with animals because animals feel emotions. A dog feels genuine happiness and it has desires for warmth and companionship. These are things you'd want in a robot wife. But yeah, I know what you're thinking, harvesting brains from living things is highly unethical! If you had a human brain in your robot, she'd be even more valuable.
that just seems like a waste of resources. Not only would you have to charge and manage a robot, but you also have to maintain the brain within the robot, keep it cool, feed it, etc. Maybe If the robots were more organic (using actual flesh, bone, muscle, and organs) this would be acceptable.

If we're suggesting how we make robots more sentient yet still human like, I can throw in my idea. Instead of using actual brains, you can make a series of neural networks that mimic functions of the brain (Like language processing, understanding facial ques, problem solving etc.) and stitch them together to create some sort of pseudo brain.

you trolls really have a problem with cuckholdry.
you should seek therapy.
That's ass-backwards, you assume that emotions are "magical mysticism" or whatever, but they are, in fact, logical and chemical-based, refined my millions of years of evolution. By the time we have "super advanced technology that blows everything that we perceive about technology out of the water," we'll be well past the point that emotions can be fully emulated.

We've re-engineered dogs, you know? Wild canines like wolves, even when socialized, do not feel the pleasure and happiness that a domestic dog does when seeing their master. Dogs were engineered to be that way through selective breeding over decades or centuries in prehistoric times.
Everyone keeps attributing human aspects to being somehow "untouchable" for unknown "supernatural reasons." Not true. Never will be, never was anyway.

Most social interaction revolves around believing the other person's expressed emotions to be genuine and honest, yet we troll each other otherwise all the time, be it out of being nice or being mean and manipulative, and sociopaths exploit this most above all other humans. You cannot read the other person's mind, but we are all hard-wired for (mostly) honesty so human communication and interaction can work at all, but this does not, again, negate that we don't truly know due not being able to be inside the other person's head, thus, we basically hope and believe that the words and expressed emotions of the other person we interact with (of any kind) are genuine.

Human interaction works on good faith up to a great extent, and robowaifus need only conform to this. They don't need perfectly emulated emotions that mirror ours, but by the time we have "super advanced technology that blows everything that we perceive about technology out of the water," we should be well past the point of being able to make androids that genuinely feel as we do.

What is definitely not logical is the heart. It has no capacity for logic, only the mind does.

Peachy Life Edition

Previously on /sdg/: >>100757220

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

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most sovl gens posted in days
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blast from the past. probably still have this dataset but their t&c's are explicit, Joe knew the owner and they gave permission for SAI to use it

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Just installed WinDirStat... Holy shit...
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I migrate from windirstat to this, way fucking faster
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There are other frogs
The main problem is that frogshitters don't even try don't even try to post rare pepes anymore. It's just the same 2 jpegs forever until the end of time.
You rang?
>SAD PEPE gets popular
>is no longer sad
Every time. Being sad is why you got popular, sell out.

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/g/ humour thread
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is this guy still going? I asked around for a .zip file of them
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Startup struggles by monkeyuser

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what are some good side hustles to do as a tech worker? I currently work at company, but i want to earn more through side hustle.
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Have you tried just earning more in your job?
really depends on what you're good at
furry porn was good, but I'm a bit worried about the AI scare thing. I know it's awful art, but I doubt the people I'm selling to care. I mean have you seen the wonder bread stuff?
at my last job there was a guy who had a partime gig doing updates for a company, said it only took a few hours a week. I forget how much he said it paid though.
uber eats, don't burn yourself out with more tech work

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shouldn't a self-balancing "hoverboard" (that uses propellers) be possible nowadays?

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quadcopter drones are very light and are not suitable for personal transportation. ones that are big enough are really, really big. and really, really loud. and have been around for a really long time. they're called helicopters you nitwit
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>What's it have to do with this thread?
that the same channel than the video in the OP you dumb fuck
this entire channel is a psyop
you know I didn't even notice that the OP posted a youtube link. my shill filter patched that shit out long ago
post nose
they've got water jet surfboards. just get one of those. it's basically just a paddleboard with an electric impeller crammed in it. the main reasons they didnt take off until now were
>batteries a shit until recently
>who the fuck even wants to ride this thing, look at it, it's stupid dork shit for faggots, just get a jetski you homo

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>new trendy company becomes old miserly company
Of course it keeps happening. That's how time works.
as companies edge closer towards AGI, they're going to want to push more financial resources into AI development and as such will seek to cut costs wherever possible. Major companies like Google will likely do this until their AI starts to return profit.
oh well, what can we do? nothing.
>Put a pajeet at the top
>He starts hiring more pajeets

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>yandex is better than any US search engine
>baidu is better than any US search engine
>telegram is better than any US messenger
>wechat is better than any US messenger
>VK is better than any US social network
>bilibili is better than any US video platform
We have less racists and transphobes than Russia and China combined.
come on people would use instagram over it
Outsourcing to poos.
People spending formative years on weed and simping.
The worst education system humanly possible.
and that's what's causing problems in this country
its not that these are better(i use 4/6) ours are just shit now

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>just let your car drive itself bro, it's perfectly safe
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can't forget the asian driver
painful dildo
Theres too many roundabouts and one caused a semi to tip over a few months sgo.
Buy a stop sign decal, an accurate one, then stencil Baby On Board in the middle so cops can't say shit to you.

The same people who created the lines on this road are the same people who design intersections with 5 minutes of red lights.

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Submit pages and post your finds.

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abyssinian cats
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the perfect website. they ceased construction because they realized it could never be improved
its filled with conspiracy theories lol

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