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How are you doing /g/uy?
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Think of a program you use regularly that annoys the fuck out of you, and make a replacement for that.
Or, take your two favorite videogame genres and attempt to merge them together.
>>no motivating project ideas
This is something I struggle with.
>come up with "good" idea
>do a quick cursory look online
>someone else doing it already
do any game at all and experiment with variations on it. Take an asteroids raylib example and change how the ballistics work (friendly fire), or how the guns work (joystick-controlled turret), or add co-op, or add an enemy player that can spawn asteroids.
Even a game like Sokoban can turn into Helltaker (+VN, +time limit, +hazards) or Sokobond (chemistry instead of goals)
blend your skills together, and blend your interests together. It's how you can do something worthwhile without being the first or the best. Scott Adams has a book about it that I haven't read.
Who gives a fuck if someone else did it? YOU haven't done it and that's a good enough reason to do it.
I was thinking of doing it because I wanted it the final product, but now I've already got it handed to me, so I can't find motivation to do it.

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I haven't seen any keyboard threads lately so I'm almost afraid to ask, but I'm on the market for a new mechanical keyboard and I've currently got my eyes on the Keychron V5. Working at Amazon, I've had the opportunity to "test" an open-package used one, and I really like it. It reminds me of my favorite keyboard, the Das Keyboard 4 Professional. Mainly because it feels insanely solid, and when you press the keys, you can hear the sound/vibration basically travel through the entire board, but without any rattling sounds or indication that the different parts are shifting around. I'm not really sure how to describe it, other than that it's kind of like when you slap a crisp apple with your finger, and you can hear the sound sort of "spring" through the whole apple, but in a way that you can tell the whole apple is very solid. I also love that it has the volume knob, something I've dearly missed about my Das 4 Profressional. And maybe it just speaks to the latent consoomer in me, but the frosted transparent plastic reminds me of the Nintendo 64/GameBoy color era. I can't not love that.

I'm currently using a Ducky One 2 TKL that I got because /g/ was always fawning over it. It's a great board and I don't really have any complaints, but I definitely feel like it's been somewhat of a downgrade in overall feel and build quality, despite being functional and no-nonsense. Any weird schizo rants aside, what do you guys think of Keychron boards? Are there other boards with similar or better build quality per dollar spent you'd recommend? I just want a no-nonsense board with a solid build and high-quality feel, preferably one that looks and sounds really nice.
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keychron's usually a safe bet, they make good boards.

>dumb it down for me
in the one at the time linked, with foams removed, you can see the plate flexing a ton when he types. That's because of all the cuts made in the pcb and plate. These cuts make the board sound worse and a bit less consistent too, which is why they are derisively called "meme cuts".
€100 mousepad
bruh this is retarded
okay I see what you’re talking about now. does that “matter”, especially if you leave the foam in? foam is for sound dampening, right?
I guess not but any piece of shit board sounds fine if you dampen away all the sound. I don't usually like to leave foams in
I keep seeing those things everywhere and I hate them. Especially the OCD-style arrow key placement and le heckin ebin bolume gnob.

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The more I learn about linux, the more I feel like a retard.

Things that should work don't work. Intuition leads you to broken installs and false command prompts. Some issues are so specific that you can't find help in forums. You later find out that the exact same thing worked on your other PC, just not your previous one. Why? No one knows. Some packes are broken in one repository but are ok in others.

It's a jungle. Even when I accomplish something, I don't feel smarter. It feels like luck or being a retard that copy pasted a solution from an old forum post. Nothing ever just works.

At least as a desktop operating system, that is. I have no issue with simple Samba or SSH stuff.

Is there some good guide on daily driving Linux? Like, actually learning how to understand the inner workings? To get gud? Not just copy paste solutions? I really want to like Linux.

>inb4 I tried Debian and Fedora
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Use Arch with a WM and no login manager and read the Arch/Gentoo wiki.
You'll have a better overview of what you're fucking up if something goes wrong and you won't have a DE abstracting shit away behind its special snowflake configuration tools.
You always were dumb. Linux made you realize how dumb you were.
RTFM, that's literally all there is to it
There's an edited image floating around somewhere with what you want. I'm too lazy to find it though
Linux is impractical and overcomplicated for a daily drive. Come to the normie world, use Windows 10

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Any discord group I've seen, it's all the same: in one chat many people talk about different things, people reply to one and other very very rapidly talking about completely different topics (in one "thread"). The conversation moves so fast that it's hard to pay attention. Whatever you type is very likely to be ignored as it is lost in the sea of other messages. And so the conversation moves on, but not in any order, simply for the fact that people type things.

How is this chaos enjoyable? Even on Reddit at least conversations can be easily followed and read, and searched too. I fail to see how socially inept people like this superficial nightmare.
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You need an account just to view a public room. Matrix is a joke.
Matrix is full of loney jaded freaks who lash out at others because of their own insecurities and complexes.
and that's a good thing, if it was friendly it would be full of troons like discord
public on matrix, not public for you to scrape anonymously, rajesh

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“Alphabet has been slashing headcount since early last year, when the company announced plans to eliminate about 12,000 jobs, or 6% of its workforce, following a downturn in the online ad market. Even with digital advertising rebounding recently, Alphabet has continued downsizing, with layoffs across multiple organizations this year.

Chief Financial Officer Ruth Porat announced in mid-April that the company’s finance department would undergo restructuring, entailing layoffs and moving positions to Bangalore and Mexico City.

[ … ]

The latest cuts come as the company enjoys its fastest growth rate since early 2022, alongside improving profit margins. Alphabet reported a 15% jump in first-quarter revenue from a year earlier and announced its first-ever dividend and a $70 billion buyback.”

It's over for America
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>thinks he'll be making $100k/year for the rest of his life
>thread is literally about how such a scenario plays out in reality
I don't know how you retards manage to eat and breathe at the same time. These high salaries are a very temporary phenomenon, you are getting paid a lot which gives you an opportunity to save up money and figure out what to do next. Once the stock goes down 0.0000895% the people with the highest salaries are the first on the chopping block. Your income is not sustainable over years let alone decades. Fuck, you guys are so retarded I still can't believe it...
>working in tech in the first place
the game was rigged from the start
>free health care and walkable cities
what if you are not a decrepit disabled old man and rarely leave your home?
Mutts are bad but poos are way way worse. Only abos are beneath them and abos don't migrate and breed like roaches.
H1b needs to be ended.

Microsoft has dropped so new updates to their open source pride flag.
>In 2022, we open-sourced our Pride flag design representing 40 LGBTQIA+ communities. Our latest update reflects 74 identities. Plus, we are open-sourcing the entire Pride design and invite you to remix, share and make more Pride.

>Created by the LGBTQIA+ people, this year’s flag design represents 74 individual communities—with one powerful graphic that reflects a message of unity, solidarity, and intersectionality. It celebrates a community that’s wide, global, and ever-growing. We’re making it available here on GitHub for everyone to use, share and build on. Because Pride should be open source.

This year’s design builds on our earlier release and adds new LGBTQIA+ flags and layouts.

The following flags are represented in this graphic: Abrosexual, Abroromantic, Aceflux, Achillean, Agender, Ally, Ambiamorous, Androgynous, Androromantic, Androsexual, Aporagender, Aroace, Aroflux, Aromantic, Asexual, A-Spec, Bigender, Biromantic, Bisexual, Ceteroromantic, Ceterosexual, Demiboy, Demifluid, Demigender, Demigirl, Demiromantic, Demisexual, Diamoric, Egogender, Frayromantic, Gay men, Genderfluid, Genderflux, Gender neutral, Gender questioning, Genderqueer, Gray-asexual, Graygender, Gyneromantic, Gynesexual, Hijara, Intergender, Intersex, Lesbian, Maverique, MOGAI, Multigender, Multisexual, Neurogender, Neutrois, Non-binary, Omniromantic, Omnisexual, Pangender, Panromantic, Pansexual, Polyamorous, Polygender, Polyromantic, Polysexual, Pomosexual, Pride (LGBTQIA+), Queer, Sapphic, Straight queer, Transfeminine, Transgender, Transmasculine, Transneutral, Trigender, Two-spirit, Unlabeled, Waria, Xenogender.
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Pull request: "It get bigger when I pull it."
what the fuck is an asexual community? do they meet up to not have sex?
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Ever wonder why
these blatant troll
threads that violate
the only rule in the
sticky are never
deleted while the
mod is literally in
these threads all day
deleting posts?

Because the
apple nigger mód
is the OP posting
from his iphone.
He spends 20 hours

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whats the best way to learn programming? is there any particular stuff that helped you?
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>t. O(n!) brute force solution provider
I bet you probably blame a lot of your slow ass code on the programming language rather than your code complexity
not really i find most of the ideas I have already been made so i would end up making a shittier version. most of my ideas would be just a ai site which i think would end up being retarded. it would just end being llama3 fine tuned with like 4chan and reddit scraped data to see what it would say without filters. idk maybe software just isnt for me
based Dwarf
Building shit, reading shit other people built.
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Study general advanced mathematics
Study algebra

Study how a CPU operates and the full hardware of a PC

Study the C language
Study the Assembly language

touch grass and find something to love

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>year 2069
>artificial woumbs are a thing
>fleshlights are now electronic and can give you multiple orgasms in sucession and at will
>both of them are stuck into a teslabot™ with realflesh™ skins created by 3d rendering AI
>Neuralink™ bought the personalities of agreeable/trad women and downloaded a copy of their consciousness into their waifu grade teslabots™
Would you get one?
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No man ever thinks about this shit. When Women watch anything they are projecting themselves into the role they see on screen. This is why daytime TV and shows directed at Women are so terrible and unrealistic. This is why women self insert when they write. Why did Rey Skywalker get written the way she did? Because she was the center of attention and had everything handed to her and became the best without having to work for it, which is every woman's fantasy
I wasn't talking about the end of the story. Robot wives are the perfect solution to the problem feminism creates in societies.
Waifubots are coming sooner than 2069. Much sooner.
>multiple orgasms in sucession
Only possible if you're not mutilated.
>Why did Rey Skywalker get written the way she did?
Straight answer, because Disney had no idea what they were doing. They wanted new fans, that would buy more merchandising, but they failed to give them what they wanted, which was a Rey & Kylo ship, suddenly the old fans hated then and the new fans hated them. Oh noes, Panic...

Since then they seem to have been far more circumspect, some of the offshoots and the cartoons have actually been objectively good.

I do think that US women will do far worse out of this, than if they had left well enough alone. Young women especially, but that ship has sailed.

Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases (e.g. 4K editing, high FPS gaming)
State budget and COUNTRY or you will not be helped

Zen 5 / Ryzen 9000 announcement likely June 3rd at Computex

Fully seat a 12VHPWR connector in its socket, otherwise the connection can melt.
https://youtu.be/ig2px7ofKhQ?t=1345 [Embed] [Embed]

HTPC(4K60)/Web Browsing: i3 12100

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Nope, nshittia has sharted in its pants. This is what you receive when designers instead of engineers make products.
PSU is overkill but at least it has 2x 12VHPWR connectors. I honestly can't imagine wanting anything outputting power even close to 1200W near me (like 2x 4090). The fans will be going crazy any time the system is near full load and it'll be a space heater. Really an 850W with a single 12VHPWR connector is just fine for any graphics card up to 600W and you can save yourself $100
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Anons, after 8 fucking years on this machine I made a discovery... I'd be happy if anyone could explain this to me.
>3(4) screens, 1080
>play high intensity vidya
>play jewtube vid on left monitor (60hz normie stuff)
>move vid to main screen (Gsync, 144hz)
>LAGGY AF, barely a powerpoint
>move to right monitor
>smooth af again
>move mouse over vid while it's playing
So uh.. what
I always just thought high intensity vidya made shit lag cause duh, my GPU is breaking it's back making this work but apparently is monitor and mouse sensitive?

inb4 this isn't PC building

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scuse me.. I've got brain damage..
I've got 3 side monitors, 1 main. Main is 144hz Gsync, 2 are 60hz normie stuff, 4th is 4k 200hz

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The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-1086 and carrying a severity rating of 7.8 out of a possible 10, allows people who have already gained a foothold inside an affected system to escalate their system privileges.

It's the result of a use-after-free error, a class of

>vulnerability that occurs in software written in the C and C++ languages

when a process continues to access a memory location after it has been freed or deallocated.

>It's not possible in RUST.

Use-after-free vulnerabilities can result in remote code or privilege escalation. The vulnerability, which affects even Linux kernel 6, resides in the NF_tables, a kernel component enabling the Netfilter, which in turn facilitates a variety of network operations...

>It was patched in January, but as the CISA advisory indicates, some production systems have yet to install it.

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>It's not possible in RUST.
also not possible in modern c++. you don't have to become a tranny.
privesc are dime a dozen
I would love to exploit her holes.

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Choice day edition

Everything is already from China, but in here we discuss the cheap chink shit you see on various sites.

Useful links
>New guide (WIP): https://csg-guide.neocities.org/
>installgentoo wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Chink_shit_general
>NEW GUIDE (WORK IN PROGRESS, USUALLY TRASH): https://pad.disroot.org/p/ZxYEUYubPTPDhsEkKobh
>Mergeboss links (please post in this pad instead of spamming the thread): https://pad.disroot.org/p/%2Fcsg%2F_ali_game

>What headphones/earbuds should I buy?
>I want a cheap smartphone what should I buy?
>I want to buy some sort of emulation device

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>literally empty
thoughts on buying supplement powder from aliexpress?
would you trust .jpg of a lab that you never heard of if the product looks legit?
I test everything I get from aliexpress.

If it is important
and I don't have the means or the know-how to test said thing
then I don't buy it from ali.
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>Delivering (47 day(s))
I'm starting to believe chinks lost it
Same shit from the same seller took 32 days to arrive. Before that the slowest package was LNA at 27 days because it took them 2 weeks to ship it.
With numbers that high I would imagine it's in a shipping container somewhere.
And if it's in a shipping container then it might be affected by world events: houthis, bridge collapse, etc.

What did you order?

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Why haven't you upgraded to a Macbook Pro yet?
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go back
>Indians are smart
>We pick products because an Indian is in charge.
Wolfgang was a tiling window manager autist and Luke Smith clone who browsed /g/ during the period where Mac shilling was even more extreme than it is now, then actually fell for the "Mac is a polished Linux" meme. You can see how at a certain point, he became a huge GNOMEfag because he wanted to be a Macfag deep down, and even started showing hints of trooning out (amusingly enough). If Luke Smith is the guy who fell for every /g/ meme, Wolfgang is the guy who fell for every /g/ antimeme.

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How do you respond?
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linux users are always mad
I use a hair comb, your move now liberal
Buy and ad Ms. Borman
>Program works fine
>No more updates
>Still works fine
Neofetchbros... We won.
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>bash script to display distro version is discounted

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>everyone is starting to realize AI hype was overblown and stopped giving a shit
Meanwhile I'm still terrified of AI. Just because the technology isn't good enough to replace anyone at this point doesn't mean it's not going to permanently destroy the labor market. One third worlder with internet access and a GPT 4 subscription is (eventually) going to be all you need to replace an entire team of programmers. Even if you do manage to keep your job somehow it's not going to be anything like how it is today. The future is 100% high-level proompting AI that writes perfect machine code for you, in other words you won't have to do any problem solving and everything fun about your job will be automated for you.

Why have people suddenly stopped freaking out about this? It's not like anything has really changed.
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>Why have people suddenly stopped freaking out about this? It's not like anything has really changed.
They attacked Israel, you antisemitic pos. How could you miss TAHT?!
>Why have people suddenly stopped freaking out about this?
the only time people freaked out was when it started taking jobs, and now that we have found it can't do their jobs well
well IT people will be doing really well if companies need dozens of AIs to replace a few peopel.
>at least when I don't have much to do at work I can refactor shit or even work on my own stuff
because you're not the one having to be in all the meetings anon...
> they're going to make progress on mathematics that will kill us all even though it hasn't changed in a thousand years
Yeah, sure.

Making the AI Dream of Electric Sheep, Edition

Prev: >>100731968

>What is DALL-E 3?
You type some text and it makes some images


Bing AI Slop 0.6.2

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Just a small heads up for next time. That error is usually fixed by clearing your cookies.
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