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>10-cores? Haha, sorry anon, we obviously said 9.
47 replies and 14 images omitted. Click here to view.
One sec lemme fiddle with my Linux distro for ten hours ricing my desktop.
>tim cuck's poojeets cant even figure out ai
>has to go beg MS for their table scraps
You’re seething
Lmao btw I can run ai locally ON A LAPTOP because I have 96 bb ram and like 38 cores or something retarded stay mad though
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>Lmao btw I can run ai locally ON A LAPTOP because I have 96 bb ram and like 38 cores or something retarded stay mad though
enjoy your 10minute battery life currybook

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Toaster Edition

Ask your BSD-related questions here, discuss tips and tricks, share
scripts, and everything in between.

>Mainline distributions
>Extra user-friendly
>Security-focused, pentesting

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I don't know how to take a screenshot
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here's mine
Linux distros are closer to each other than BSDs are.
scrot is in available in the repositories
scrot screenshot.png

-d adds a delay (e.g. -d 5 adds a 5s delay)
-s allows you to select an area

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What technologies can save the west from global climate change and microplastics before we go extinct by the end of the century?
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>Not my problem. I really don't care how hot India is as long as they aren't allowed to come here.
So it is your problem after all.
If an ice age can occur, so can the opposite. Whether we contribute to a significant degree or not, i don't believe there is anything to do except seed bunkers and timecapsule libraries if the earth decides it wants to hug the sun a little tighter
I hope every westoid dies a horrible painful death. we are comming for you, time to repay 2000 years of death, colonization and explotation.
first movers advantage, brah. don't plate the hater hate the plame. your century of shame will turn into a millennium before too long

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What kind of technologist with any amount of self-respect would daily drive iPhone or Apple computer?
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MacOS is unix-like and also has all the normalfag programs you need as a wagie or student.
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>finally land software engineer job at fortune 500 company
>boss calls me the week before I start to order my computer
>asks me if I want a PC (with fedora *tips*) or a MBP
>those are the only two choices
>he tells me most engineers on the team choose the MBP

B-but /g/ told me everybody uses GNU/Linux in the development world!
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I'm a ceo of a fortune 500 company (Tim Apple) and if someone tried bring a linux "computer" into my building I would buttfuck them with my rock hard dick and make them disappear, but not before buttfucking their corpse at Bohemian Grove and snorting their adrenochrome
I see what you mean by the latency thing coming from windows, but that is a trade-off when it comes to reliability. With a windows machine you'll have better snappiness but somewhere along the lines you'll get just downright jeeted with a VBruntime exception that will feel like you stepped in jeet shit and have to continue working while the smell under the shoe lingers. Thats the best analogy I can come up with when comparing the mac vs win os experience.
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there is no equivalent to macbooks

macbooks have:
>soldered SSD
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>soldered RAM
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>soldered WLAN
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>riveted keyboard that requires total destruction of the chassis to replace
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>serial numbered battery that prevents boot if you replace it yourself
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>screen made from pajeet trash glass that cracks from temperature change in seasons or tape over the iBotnet webcam

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I use Cloudflare.
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kill yourself
If your VPN isn't bad at its job, it hosts a DNS server over the tunnel and overrides the system setting to use it.
>for servers and other things outside of most inner schizo security concern radius (and thus not vpn connecte for pragmatic or technical reasons)
> uses big corpo that censors

Yeah sure
thank me later
mullvad, it blocks ads

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The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-1086 and carrying a severity rating of 7.8 out of a possible 10, allows people who have already gained a foothold inside an affected system to escalate their system privileges.

It's the result of a use-after-free error, a class of

>vulnerability that occurs in software written in the C and C++ languages

when a process continues to access a memory location after it has been freed or deallocated.

>It's not possible in RUST.

Use-after-free vulnerabilities can result in remote code or privilege escalation. The vulnerability, which affects even Linux kernel 6, resides in the NF_tables, a kernel component enabling the Netfilter, which in turn facilitates a variety of network operations...

>It was patched in January, but as the CISA advisory indicates, some production systems have yet to install it.

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privesc are dime a dozen
I would love to exploit her holes.
>already gained
so non-issue then
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Linuxoids BTFO
crab crab crab crab
get deprecated
get deprecated
get deprecated

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Any discord group I've seen, it's all the same: in one chat many people talk about different things, people reply to one and other very very rapidly talking about completely different topics (in one "thread"). The conversation moves so fast that it's hard to pay attention. Whatever you type is very likely to be ignored as it is lost in the sea of other messages. And so the conversation moves on, but not in any order, simply for the fact that people type things.

How is this chaos enjoyable? Even on Reddit at least conversations can be easily followed and read, and searched too. I fail to see how socially inept people like this superficial nightmare.
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2 sides of the same coin
Is discord an application one has to install or is it available via web?
I'm going to check it out to see what all the hub bub is all about.
>Whatever you type is very likely to be ignored as it is lost in the sea of other messages.
Maybe whatever you type is of no particular interest to anyone, and you're not that important

If this confuses you then IRC would give you a cardiac arrest

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What routers are you guys using with open source firmware? Any cheap mini routers just for use in a space the size of a living room? What is everyone running?
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Are these cute mini travel routers a gimmick toy or the real deal? they're supposed to run on openwrt

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Why haven't you upgraded to a Macbook Pro yet?
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>Indians are smart
>We pick products because an Indian is in charge.
Wolfgang was a tiling window manager autist and Luke Smith clone who browsed /g/ during the period where Mac shilling was even more extreme than it is now, then actually fell for the "Mac is a polished Linux" meme. You can see how at a certain point, he became a huge GNOMEfag because he wanted to be a Macfag deep down, and even started showing hints of trooning out (amusingly enough). If Luke Smith is the guy who fell for every /g/ meme, Wolfgang is the guy who fell for every /g/ antimeme.
what did he mean by this

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Incredibly impractical distro with no real benefits.
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what would have happened if you abandoned the machine for 3 years and after 3 years gap try to emerge again
nothing, he lives in first world country, he doesn't lose internet for 3 years at a time
I use gentoo
>tfw fell for the 16GiB RAM meme

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Now that the holy trinity has settled what could we still improve?
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Even though Firefox still has it in their binary hidden behind a flag?
>Apple has more knowledge than anyone else
>This extra knowledge has led Apple to decide it's a good idea to support JPEG XL
>Therefore it is a bad idea to support JPEG XL
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Why won't thumbnails show in my folders for .opus files on windows? Is there a way to make them visible? It's aesthetically displeasing

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Decade long project edition.

/gedg/ Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Gedg
IRC: irc.rizon.net #/g/gedg
Progress Day: rentry.org/gedg-jams
/gedg/ Compendium: rentry.org/gedg
/agdg/: >>/vg/agdg
previous: >>100718837

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82 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.
a stack for a menu that spawns submenus sounds like a good choice
kino 0x00_ff_00 and 0x00_00_ff
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i am not, i'm just gonna get good at drawing instead. however i DID have it generate concept art of the main character for project #2 once, just to see what the experience was like
why is progress day synchronized with agdg's demo day?
I liked it better when I could use the later jam for a more polished update
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Is Jonathan Blow unironically the smartest living programmer?
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Braid wasn't a technically impressive game and nobody has copied that specific particle system because it's not useful or desirable anywhere else.
What's so impressive about the Witness? I get that it's enginedev work but I don't see anything unique about it
technically nothing really. but it's a really creative puzzle game in the ways it asks you to think.
witness is a literal IQ filter.
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>2010 was 20 years ago

Have you taken the HTPC pill?
>old mini pc: $50
>wireless keyboard: $15
>ubuntu linux: $0
>ad blocker on your TV: priceless
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i just need a wireless keyboard that would wake it, any suggestions lads???

I adblock at the DNS level with Freshtomato on my router
I'm more partial towards old android phones for this
But apparently the battery can explode setting the house on fire
should I buy gmktek g5?

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