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Previous: >>101065767

/Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy. Common topics include:
— dystopian news,
— cyberpunk music and media,
— OpSec,
— hacking the planet (HACKING THE PLA-NET);

Networking questions will receive more helpful answers in the Home Server General. This is not a "how to find a job in sec" thread, but here is some information to help you get started: https://paste.sqt.wtf/1511e8

While our wikis (https://paste.sqt.wtf/227046) are somewhat out-of-date, they are still useful and will be updated with new information generated in this thread. Related generals: ham radio, 3D-printing, microcontrollers, drones; all on >>>/diy/. Homesteading on >>>/out/.
epoxy on my ram and rom
Thanks. M links updated in The Armory.
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resistance is futile
how would one ai generate code to be used in operations without revealing one's identity
by writing it yourself
then writing markov chain to change writing style
The Arkime tool was previously named Moloch...
trying to analyze a malware that inject a message box to paint process, but i can't find the payload
i look into the imports section within the PE header and found the casual functions VirtualAllocEX, WriteProcessMemory not even obfuscated, but the destination pointer leads me to a different address space outside the borders of the program frame, so i realized it was happening under some sort of event like hitting the open button, i looked into what its involved in this operation and finally managed to find that the WaitForSignalObjectEx is the function i need to set the breakpoint on, but i still couldn't find the payload. idk if its encrypted or some shit this is really weird because its supposed to be in the memory allocation created by VirtualAllocEx but its not.
anyone has an idea how to approach this?
just memdump mspaint for now and search for the messagebox string shown in vid
also forgot, you should be hooking syscalls not the generic winapi alias
I easily get sucked into the youtube algorithm but it gives such good recommendations.

Is there a way to train it just to find interesting videos that aren't just ads?
aren't strings stored in the .rdata section?
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i eventually found it via the process monitor not even a debugger lamo the only blanked read/execute memory section
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butt hair general
thanks for stopping by
for their defense its only 999 numbers, even 16 bit computer can do this in less than a second
it's 042

6 is a commonality and it cant be part of the solution since 2 is present in 2 solutions as well - if 6 is in the solution the left and right statements can't be true at the same time.

so this means that 2 is correct and well placed - 0 is the 2nd number given by the rightmost hint. then, knowing that 2 is in the 3rd position because of the leftmost hint; and that 2 is not in the 1st position because of the rightmost hint; and that 0 is not in the 2nd position of the solution because of the same, that the first position number is 0.

finally, the center hint tells us that there is a number beside 2 and 0 that is in the key, which has to be 4 because we know that 6 is not in the solution, and that the final digit is in the wrong position. we are looking for the digit in position 2, so it can't be 1. as a result, it is 4.

putting this together, the key is 042
ok so the fedgov leak seems real...
insider here, trust me
it was posted, now we wait 400 years to download 33tb over tor
Russia bans 81 EU media outlets in retaliation for sanctions on its own news agencies.
Yeah, even your fat retarded 1bit mom could do it!

things are heating up
hi anon's, idk if this is the correct place to ask but there's a open printer that comes up on my wifi list. is there any way to check the device ID or IP on it?
ipconfig on Windows/Linux, some WiFi scanner on Android, like this one:
Print Pizza Hut delivery order requests on it
I love cockli subdomains. They allow for some sublime hatemail.
I love cockli subdomains.
I noticed how the media here said in retaliation of the may prohibition by the EU.
Yeah may of 2022.
All links starting with N-word updated in The Armory. And with that, a half is done.
where's the anon that posts the interesting news links ?
Julian Assange's team holds press conference LIVE:
god I hope he reveals some shit now
Another stream:
Lmao a Chinese lady me love you long time.
And that's it.
Died from AIDS. Happens to the best of us...
There's several that post news links.
anyone here have the verifications io db?
could a nigga get a snack?
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one of the server(ubuntu) in the company i work in is infected with a botnet (spams SSH attempt nonstop) and as the IT guy they decided to push that shit into me
is there any way to deal with that without formating the machine? cyber security isn't my area at all
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No, slay radio in pasta, no problem.
I am one of many news posters, but I have been busy today.
Once again asking if these are the only possible solutions or if am retarded.
ClamAV or any other antivirus. Also check out Lynis.
I'm not into sec too, maybe try looking at the processes? (top) or the crontab (crontab -e as root)
I guess Ubuntu uses systemd so try looking at the services up running (man systemctl for the commands)
Also look at the requests, where are they headed? (nslookup, whois)
Otherwise make a thread or better yet ask somewhere else like lainchan. I'm just a noob. But if it's compromised I don't think AVs will do anything, that was needed before to avoid getting shit from jpgs or pdfs
How are you sure it's a botnet by the way?
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one number is correct and well placed
could be 6,8,2
one number is correct but wrongly placed
could be 1,4
6 can't be both well and wrongly placed
two number are correct but wrongly placed
could be 2,0
6 was already removed
one number is correct and well placed
could be only 2, its correspond with the 206 and its well placed
could be 1,4
now that we know where 2 is locate its being placed in the right side, we know that 0 is correct and its in the wrong place so it needs to move to the left side
we know that 6 is not an option, and we also know that the correct number is in the wrong place, so it can't be 1 since its in the middle, it must be 4

>Otherwise make a thread or better yet ask somewhere else like lainchan.
Oh my fucking god look at this good... Sending people away from 4chan and not knowing that tech help threads are not allowed because of noobs like you. There's thus thread, there's a Linux thread, there are search engines. Sheesh.
memory dump, clone disk, recover from backup
do analysis on memory dump and disk clone
And don't forget to call the President.
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"Finally. Privacy Focused AI Use is Here!"
The Voight-Kampff test:
Some of you are human, and some of you are Replicants, but we are all 'programmed'.
Do you "hear the ducky" in the way he does? Context matters:
Or, are you an Replicant/NPC like Rachel from Bladerunner who didn't even know what she was?
Some Replicant/NPCs are self-aware, and know thier programming is corrupted and have been disconnected from the hive mind - how about you?
Which one one are you? Have you stopped to ask yourself this question?
You're in a desert. You look down and you see a digital copy of /CYB/LOID Ragazine with a picture of a tortoise on it's back, trying to turn itself over, but it can't. Not without your help- but you're not helping. Why is that, /cyb/?
These are the /Deep/er things of /cyb/, brought to you by /CYB/LOID Ragazine.
/cyb/+/sec/'s favorite ethereal magazine that does not exist.
>You're in a desert. You look down and you see a digital copy of /CYB/LOID Ragazine with a picture of a tortoise on it's back, trying to turn itself over, but it can't. Not without your help- but you're not helping. Why is that, /cyb/?
i know the turtle isnt real because cybloid hasnt released yet
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But it has been released.... I released it into your subconscious mind.... blurring the lines of reality.
Comming soon™ to an ethereality near you.
Reposting the updated Data Broker Removal Links:
>>101158608 >>101159848
OK, so I am back here to deliver.

=== /sec/ News:
>Emacs 29.4 released
>Version 29.4 of the Emacs editor has been released. This is "an emergency bugfix release" fixing a vulnerability that can cause the editor to execute arbitrary shell code in Org mode. Anybody who runs Emacs on untrusted files — including those using Gnus or one of the Emacs mail modes — should be looking to update. For those who cannot update, a pair of messages from Russ Allbery and Florian Weimer investigates how to disable the Org-mode evaluation, a task that is seemingly more complicated than it should be.

Given that Org mode is a rather popular knowledge management system, this could impact a lot of people.
>fixing a vulnerability that can cause the editor to execute arbitrary shell code in Org mode
HOLY FUCK thank god i compiled mg for my distro instead of emacs
Only you know can uncover the true answer to that question. The good news is that NPC 'programming' can be broken, but just like hacking into a computer system, it takes deep knowledge and persistant determination. It is also much more difficult, but it can be done. However, it is a continual process that requires constant learning and reinforcement. Stagnation leads to relaps. Hack your mind, anon.
The U.S. State Department is offering a $5 million bounty for information leading to the arrest or conviction of OneCoin founder Ruja Ignatova, the self-styled “Cryptoqueen,” who vanished in Athens in 2017.
he may be one of us
We are at let lockbit FED hack again if anyone is interested
>tailored access
systemd is backdoored
i use sinit
ok heres progress on my distro, someone will surely find this useful in the archives
Xfbdev from tinyx works fine, infact it lagged alot stuff like dragging windows etc
thats because theres no hardware acceleration
i recompiled with performance flags and its surprisingly usable now
multi media will be banned on my distro because of no hardware acceleration
previous i built tinyx as dynamic stuff, now im building all x stuff as static link
tinyx built as static fine, going to do dwm and st next hopefully will work when testing on bare metal
i should have started with distro for my router first instead of personal desktop build, but i might still use bsd for my router so dunno
still havent tested networking on my distro
want to build some gui apps first (catclock FTW)
web browser soon
thenks for reading blog
A small related thread:
Thanks Linus Sebastian! I can't wait to use LTT Linux!
ubuntu was spyware in the past, cant trust corporates with a distro
logged process list etc
but sure, it is better than fuckdows
ubuntu was never spyware, even terry used stock ubuntu
>inb4 muh amashit
it was a search partnership and purely optional
and it didn't last long due to the backlash from the community
also it never effected official spins either, just the unity desktop
>ubuntu was never spyware
it had process logger, you seem to be new here
logging processes which will eventually leak a password in CLI args is spyware, no reason for os to network your ps other than espoionage purpouses
>even terry used stock ubuntu
also this has nothing to do with spyware
terry didnt care, he said dual boot linux or windows with templeos
he didnt use linux for the purpouse of evading cia, thats made up garbage from reddit
nice proof
download the old ubuntu server which still lets you install old unity de
and ssl mitm it
infact go into settings and hover over the telemetry question mark and it will tell you everything
i dont have old screenshots on this computer
idk what you're talking about, but I've audited every single *buntu install for the better part of a decade and never once saw it send unauthorized data, maybe bc I used xubuntu and lubuntu so I bypassed the unity shitshow
just got a 50/100 on my second oscp attempt and now i wanna kill myself
test was bullshit honestly
what's the most secure, freedom-valued, anonymous, non-retarded way to get a reverse shell over the internet?
So the overwhelming majority of the world's data is running through AWS ? Is this a fair statement ?
host it as onion
drop tor client on target and connect to your onion
yes if you use normalfag sites
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sliver c2 + someone elses hacked box or custom coded .onion/i2p reverse shell
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torrents and other p2p is a lot of traffic too, pornhub cdn and netflix type shit

depends if you value 1mb of financial data over your banks private aws vs 100gb anime rips between some selfhosted NAS's in some autists basements as equal or not
The federal reserve is the original non-governmental organization that thinks it rules the US.
enjoy waiting 1 hour before being able to connect
instant detection
>custom coded .onion/i2p reverse shell
all you do is issue CONNECT alongside with onion command to tor control port
its not that custom
I'm pretty sure I've told you to chill or you're burn out.
Honeytraps are very old - and still effective. This is social engineering at its basest.

=== /sec/ News
>Labour suspends party member in connection with sexting scandal
>This spring Westminster was gripped by an apparent sexting plot that appeared to target a string of male MPs, staffers and journalists working in or around politics.
>More than a dozen male targets reported receiving unsolicited messages from a sender calling themselves “Abi” or “Charlie” since early 2023. In some instances the sender sent explicit images and solicited sexual content, and some recipients replied with explicit pictures of themselves.
>Detectives have undertaken extensive inquiries on the matter since April, including taking statements from both Labour and Conservative MPs believed to have received unsolicited messages.
It doesn't sound like the police has gotten anywhere near the core of the case.
Those horny Brits playing show me yours I'll show you mine in their 50s. That's why they love their gay Jewish singers and tv people.
One of the Medvedev's assistants had his email hacked and monitored for 6 months. Nothing that interesting except for proposed nuclear weapons in the Arctic.
i want to host a webserver on an old pc i own, but i don't want the IP to be my own home IP. what can i do to prevent this from happening. I don't want to buy a vps
How is that effective in age when sexual degeneracy is at the peak of our respect pyramid though
WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange is free after a 14-year battle against extradition to the United States. In a final effort to secure his freedom, an anonymous Bitcoiner donated over 8 Bitcoin, worth around $500,000, to help Assange’s family pay off the debt incurred by his travel and settlement expenses.

The donation link was posted by Stella Assange on June 25, and within 10 hours, an anonymous Bitcoiner paid over 8 Bitcoin
BTC to the fund, almost clearing the goal of $520,000. He has also received over 300,000 British pounds ($380,000) in fiat donations so far.

Our boy was not allowed to use commercial airlines to fly on that island and then to Australia.
Damn those guys are good.
If I knew my email was hacked, I would start corresponding about "our secret but operative lunar base" and watch the fun.
"Running Blind" by Desmond Bagley is recommended, where the MacGuffin is that the MacGuffin is actually a MacGuffin. This will be clear when you read the book.
Latest Boeing whistleblower, alive for now:
Password spraying is a password guessing technique where the bruteforcer uses one or just a few passwords in each iteration against a list of users in order to avoid account lockout. Typically, there is a pause between each iteration.
Kadokawa was hacked by Black Suit Ransomware.
I can only imagine how wide open their internal shit was because of Japanese IT.
Links starting with O updated in The Armory.
Shamefur dispray!
Another Chinese project takeover with predictable results: >>101176346
Oh that is a juicy thread. I'm gonna go post some racist stuff because I'm based.
does it make a difference in sec to use debian/arch or fedora? I see most tools are in debian/arch don't know if that would make it an inconvenience using fedora
why are we here again?
why is ungoogled chromium outdated as fuck
for me its even older browsers
cyberpunk truly has nothing to do with cybersecurity
Title: "Madaidan's Digital Inferno"
Genre: Cybergrindcore
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TRACK 1: https://voca.ro/1fPDaoJgpyGF

TRACK 2: https://voca.ro/1okYRXnfQOZt

kek, what happened to that guy?
you can still find him on telegram with his stupid patrick pfp
but in real words, he read his shilling and died from how stupid his work was
For pentesting? Maybe, because pentesters use Kali which is based on Debian.
Yeah baby just received my pistol crossbow. Gona post some impressions later.
now we are ready for a war
This is why I don't trust China

I won't buy hardware from these Chinese companies:
>Motorola (owned by Lenovo)
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Also, as if we needed any more evidence of Chinese spying, pic related.

literally every non free app dumps all your files, contacts, gps and listens to mic 24/7
Provide an article from a reputable source saying that WhatsApp does this
Same, but for me it's Fortune 500.
i dont use goyapp
you can ssl mitm to see for yourself
also you seem to be on the wrong board and wrong thread
For what reason?

So you're saying you can't provide evidence that WhatsApp has "unrestricted access to a user's phone operating system", accessing their camera, location, contacts, documents, etc?

(Sure you can grant camera access to WhatsApp but I assume it doesn't have that access unless you grant it)

>also you seem to be on the wrong board and wrong thread
Oh is this is the schizophrenic nonsense thread? I thought it was the security and privacy thread
microphone is permissionless because sensors dont have permission toggle
>So you're saying you can't provide evidence that WhatsApp
i said i dont use goyapp, i told you to ssl mitm it
>Oh is this is the schizophrenic nonsense thread?
wrong website sir
>For what reason?
I'm not from America, so it's actually worse for me if it's the one that spies on me.
Oh, and buying from China actually brings my economy benefits, while sending money across the ocean does not.
You claimed "every non free app dumps all your files, contacts, gps and listens to mic 24/7"

You provided no evidence

You're an idiot

1 yuan has been deposited in your account for these posts
>You provided no evidence
from my past experience of ssl mitm, everything sends trillion requests and has trillion third party tracking libs
>You provided no evidence
ok facebook shill, fuck off faglore buy an ad
Why are you thinking about gay shit? Do you have something to tell us?
Thanks! Here's some fent for you!
I'm not defending every American or Western app, but that guy claimed that apps like WhatsApp collect as much of your data as Temu apparently does.

But he can't substantiate his claim because he made up the claim; it's fiction.
this is a larp thread sir, no one here actually knows anything about operating systems or security, we just give useless answers with terms that sound cool to us
>catalog ctrl+f teamviewer
>/sec/ ctrl+f teamviewer
>Phrase not found
Russians hack teamviewer and neets of /g/ aren't even aware. The absolute state of this board...
So, I needed a weapon. After a lot of deliberation I've decided to buy a Man Kung TCS2G Alligator pistol crossbow.
1)It can kill a corpo.
2)It's cheap. I didn't want to pay for a rifle crossbow because I'm not a hunter and it's not suitable for home defense; for a PCP rifle because you can't be sure it can kill a cyborg and probably has a lot of plastic parts; for a rubber bullet gun because it costs as much as a real gun on the black market. That's what I'm planning to do after the war ends, buy myself a pistol, because I'm sure there's gonna be a lot available. The crossbow was selling for a discount of 10 bucks, so with two packs of aluminium bolts (fifteen in total, plus 3 broadheads for huntin' and just to check how they look) and a spare string it cost me about 65 bucks.
3)You can hunt small game and fish with it. Could be helpful for survival, plus something to use it for after I buy myself a gun.
4)It's silent.
5)You can make your own bolts. Is just a pipe.
6)It has two Picatinny rails.
7)People 3D print all sorts of things for it, including a magazine for quick reloading. This was one of the main arguments for purchasing.
6)I bought it in green purposefully, so that if some army boys would spot me, they wouldn't drone the fuck out of me.
Hands-on impressions. The thing's cute as fuck and very ergonomic, the plastic is solid. It's just fun to hold and look at. Puting on the string was a challenge on its own. Applied WD40 instead of wax and shot 15 bolts into styrofoam from 6m away. It was fun, the thing packs a punch and is pretty accurate. However, I noticed a little chink on the bed already, that might affect the string. Also, reloading is a bit more complicated and slower than I expected.
Now I can run around pretending I'm in Mad Max, Johnny Mnemonic or uhm... Star Wars, yeah.
I remember Teamspeak! Used it so many times with Counter-Strike Source!
Essentially we then have the choice of soft core processors on a FPGA, which could be interesting in itself, or an old pre-backdoor machine. The problem with the latter is that we don't really know when backdoors were slipped into chips.

And to be clear, backdoors are unlikely to be limited to processors - all chips with PCT bus and DMA access are suspect, including but not limited to north- and south-bridge, ethernet and power control chips.
You can also get hardware random number generators, but few will trust these. Making your own is harder then people realise.
>Thanks! Here's some fent for you!
That reminds me:

=== /cyb/ News:
>The new money laundering network fuelling the fentanyl crisis
>In an indictment unveiled in a California court last week that provides an unprecedented insight into the allegedly evolving global network, prosecutors accused Edgar Martinez-Reyes, who was present at the two cash drop-offs, and a group that included nine Chinese nationals of laundering $50mn for the Sinaloa cartel in Mexico.
>In essence, the officials claim, a new global money laundering network has evolved that marries two powerful financial forces — the huge stockpiles of cash being accumulated by the Mexican drugs cartels from selling drugs in the US, and the rapidly growing volumes of capital seeking an escape route from China.
>“Chinese money launderers have taken over laundering for the Mexican drug cartels,” says Chris Urben, who worked at the DEA for 24 years, investigating traffickers around the world. This alliance, he adds, is “amazing to watch...a game-changer”.
>In this scheme, “dollars don’t leave the US, pesos don’t leave Mexico, and renminbi does not leave China”, Urben explains. “Encrypted communications [allow] all of this to happen instantly”.
>This alliance, he adds, is “amazing to watch...a game-changer”.
Not the first one. The "game"' has changed severely for America.
For curiosities sake, in films I've seen scenes of armed agents blasting their way into a room to secure a hard drive. There's always some rushed process where the drives are wiped or a zip disquette goes into a microwave. What's the real world equivalent of this? Is it really that abrasive with smashing or drilling platters or in reality is it more tame?
Well obviously movies make it more visual for the viewers.
In real life you pay a couple of b-boys to drop some funky moves right on top of the hard drives.

Well okay, it's usually just encryption, so that even if data is intercepted they can't do anything with it.
There's also steganography that hides files by making it seem that there is nothing there.
More secure apps do not log anything, so as soon as they are minimized or closed all fields reset. For example, the IYPS password entropy calculator doesn't log the tested passwords and the field resets as soon as you switch tabs.
There's Tails, a portable OS that runs from RAM and is wiped out as soon as you shut it down. Seen the webm where a mister policeman removes a USB?
There's also a duress code that you can enter when someone is forcing you that will wipe the data or launch some other script like silently calling the Babylon, turning the frontal camera on, sending your wife your last will (and opening the gas stoves).
I have heard of flash memory sticks with electrically activated self destruct features. An alternative is a thermite charge for hard disks - setting fire to the computer might be a bonus (or not).
In Hungary, some AppStore users reported having money drawn from their accounts and credit cards. One user reported losing 1500 dollars in 74 quick draws.
Pentagon wants to feed soldiers experimental lab-grown meat.
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I heard of the Unplugged phone for privacy, is this just another Android clone or do these things actually have any merit?
malware meme, dont use smartphone if you want privoocy
they all have 200mb of binary blobs
Oh wow. Here, take this for free:
And also check out Shelter and Insular apps. Browse F-Droid security section in general.
i will always be here
That's what scares me.
You're the troll.
no im not, i just enjoy printers
Eh, I don't know.

Anyway, Cybertruck owners are polishing their cars so much that they turn them into mirrors blinding the cattle I mean other drivers.
What the fuck are these?
dont let the thread die now, we are making it to monday
The rest of the board heard the news about robot skin:

the future is wetware
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Here is a better alternative
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"Neodymium magnets MAGNETS the chain Neodymium magnets MAGNEEEAEEAEEAETS"



Man I can't choose between white and atomic hotline red
From the looks of it it is still electronic and, therefore, susceptible to hardware backdoors, tempest-class attacks, gremlins and who knows what. May I suggest string telephones for short-range unencrypted p2p communication and Jonh Dee's invocations for more general use cases?
>I think this should be a double quote. Don't know why this (and only this) works.
Is this fucker serious?
The turquoise one really accentuates your eyes papi.
bounty for finding original pic
Read up on the components and you will see these are as simple as you can get away with and still have a working phone. This is as far away from monster sized SOCs you can go.
Qualcomm and Rockchip SOCs are meant tyo be used in phones and are obvious prime targets for loading up to the hilt with multiple back doors. Arduino is not a relevant target unless nameless agencies are determined to know more about the watering of your potted plants.
Anon you make me blush
I was talking about github.com/skysedge/RotaryUnSmartphone/blob/main/RUSP/TOBY.cpp#L77
>Qualcomm and Rockchip SOCs are meant tyo be used in phones
Any device with an LTE module is a phone, by any useful definition. I find it extremely hard to believe that glowies will ever let anybody sell non-backdoored LTE modules. Software defined 2G is where it's at. That's the only reason why they keep trying to BLT 2G.
>I was talking about github.com/skysedge/RotaryUnSmartphone/blob/main/RUSP/TOBY.cpp#L77
also ffs, just use memcmp
Dystopia as seen from below:
Nothing about it is specific to dystopias or genuinely coming from below. It's yet another academic theory that berates academy and theorizing. Ivory tower people have been involved in this kind of inconsequential background infighting since Socrates and Ecclesiastes. Who cares.
A police officer got shot in Belgrad near Israeli embassy.
with a crossbow hehehe
The point of the article is that the author started out at the lowest rung possible and while he attended a top university, he still kept his perspectives.
how come we dont hear of ad hoc groups like lulzsec , i want one of em to go after the ccp 's apt 41
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everyone capable isn't openly risking arrest for politics for free, they end up working for NSA etc
We actually never discuss cyberpunk movies and games.
We do, and it was pointed out when Gunnm was storytimed on /a/.
I know i already post this shit but it goes to anywhere, can anyone help me with this please?

> be me
> Wanted to join the cybersec world
> Take a class in uni for this
> i choose to make a simple printer hacking to listen the files that are send to it
> realises that the only printer in this damn uni, is in a separated network
> mfw i cant reach it because the network is segmented by a cisco catalyst 2960.
its been weeks of nothing, i got the ip of the printer in that network, i have the make address, read the fucking manual, and everything, im trying to reach it trough the segmented network but i dont know if there is any way i could make my request goes to the other network, E.X the ip is 10.1.75.x and im trying to reach it from the 10.1.74.x, is there any way to make this? or should i simple """infiltrate""" there and make it in that network? Im fucking desperate and going crazy
>be me
>have windows 10 gay ming computer
>can browse without any problems, always whisper quiet
>go to a microsoft news site by mistake
>fans audible speed up
what in the FUCK is wrong with microsoft?
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study more
don't hack your uni without consent easy way to get kicked out
it is with consent, its part of the class, and i really dont know what to do next:(
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study more, vlan tagging, set your routes correctly, can you ping etc
Thank you for the vlan tagging, i think im gonna try with that!
Could you send something to print from outside the printer network? (random thought question)
=== /sec/ News:
>This Week in Security
>The hot news this week is that Kaspersky is banned in the USA. More specifically, Kaspersky products will be banned from sale in the US starting on September 29. This ban will extend to blocking software updates, though it’s unclear how that will actually be accomplished. It’s reasonable to assume that payment processors will block payments to Kaspersky, but will ISPs be required to block traffic that could contain antivirus updates?
>A Quartet of WordPress plugins have been found to have recently included backdoor code. It’s a collection of five Open Source plugins, seemingly developed by unrelated people. Malicious updates first showed up on June 21st, and it appears that all five plugins are shipping the same malicious code.

There is also more.
Sabu had shit opsec, fucked up and sold his group out. They ended up in jail or landed an NSA gig. Wish there were more hacktivist and hacker trolls nowadays. I’d pay for that shit monthly just to see some group with good opsec and some balls do some shit like that again
I hope he gets the break he needs and spends time with his senpai. Living a normal life. However, I do hope he kickstarts Wikileaks again somehow some time in the near future. The US gov tried everything to fuck up his life, made of lies about an alleged rape allegation of an underage girl in Sweden. Tried for 7 years to get him out of his asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy. Really hope to see it kickstarting again. Btw send the link of his donation OP. Would like to see its current amount
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Aaron Swartz, the hacktivist and co-founder of Reddit, He was facing up to 35 years in prison and $1 million in fines for downloading journals from MIT and making it free for students online. Information should be free for all. Knowledge is a human right. Regardless if it was a suicide or an alleged murder, he only died because of such fucked up laws that do not reflect the ideals of how humanity should be when it comes to the pursuit of knowledge. RIP Adam
>or an alleged murder
What? That one was new to me.
Those 35 years was because the U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts was hopped up on the prospect of a career leap. That imploded:
>Ortiz reportedly considered a campaign for Governor of Massachusetts, but she denied interest in such a run.[79] This decision also came on the heels of the unpopular Swartz prosecution, with other critics describing Ortiz's professional record as marked by a "hands-off leadership style" and "overzealousness."[80]
Yeah it was just a theory but it’s unlikely a murder since there was no evidence of foul play. It was a suicide but he didn’t have to face a million in fines and 35 years for sharing academic journals. It’s insane
sup dudes I'm weeks late but what's with the newish MEGA perms of wanting to block anything on any site?
They want to control the internet, just like always
"Swartz declined a plea bargain under which he would have served six months in federal prison."
>He was facing up to 35 years in prison
fake news

"A JSTOR employee emailed MIT on September 29, 2010:

Note that this was an extreme case. We typically suspend just one individual IP at a time and do that relatively infrequently (perhaps 6 on a busy day, from 7000+ institutional subscribers). In this case, we saw a performance hit on the live site, which I have only seen about 3 or 4 times in my 5 years here. The pattern used was to create a new session for each PDF download or every few, which was terribly efficient, but not terribly subtle. In the end, we saw over 200K sessions in one hour's time during the peak."
Aaron wanted attention. His script degraded the site performance to the extent that JSTOR was forced to discover him. That's exactly the result he wanted. Then he threw away all the opportunities he had by becoming an hero. What a total fucking loser.
>torrents and other p2p is a lot of traffic too
Is it really, today in the grand scheme of things?
>100gb anime rips between some selfhosted NAS's in some autists basements
I imagine everything on bittorrent could fit in less than a single Amazon datacenter, I could be wrong though.
I never realized how difficult it was to get monero with fiat until localmonero died...
Any recommended platforms? Need a stable one after Binance forced me to sell it. Would be great to get recommended ones with low fees and maybe some ways to earn a percentage for a duration
Used this one, but the fees are trash AND they make you go through BTC so it's fiat->BTC->XMR. It is probably the safest way though.
More buggy and not as mature, but you can do fiat->XMR directly and it's rapidly improving. Not too many offers on it yet but that should change.
If you live in a non-shit country for crypto you may have other options.
You can check https://kycnot.me
Sadly I don't, we really need good centralized Monero stores
LTT - "I Bought 25 Million Computer Viruses"
the closest there is that i know of is people fucking with indian scammers. deleting their network, files, jijacktheir cams, dox em, shame em , call some of their victim before they give them money etc etc nice but it couldbe even more epic . exposing chinese spy network in the usa could be nice, make them pay for the industrial espionnage .
>russians on a hacking spree
>this general is always full of niggerlicious posts like 101211075
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1. https://voca.ro/1dvL2Ono60BG (Intro)
2. https://voca.ro/1nHXahN3u6Fs (Бaнк, Бeнзин, Бecпpeдeл)
3. https://voca.ro/14jsMme4uwAB (Patriot Act)
4. https://voca.ro/16aKgpWKSMc0 (Coppers and Code)
5. https://voca.ro/1b2rrrTJd3EO (Paranoid Pulse)
6. https://voca.ro/15tFUQOvu6ei (Digital Desecration)
7. https://voca.ro/18veS1nRCctp (Aftermath)

>Btw send the link of his donation OP. Would like to see its current amount
I don't think they have a counter, it was probably a comment from his wife or team.
Jesus pal, it's all over the place.
A "strategically important" enterprise in Central Russia is hiring ex air defence personnel to work on turrets defending against drones. The pay is good.
China has also had similar "enterprises", also with good pay.
What's wrong with the video?
every track is combination of completely 3 random genres combined
What do you think about Hyphanet, anon?
tor is best.
but the people behind it are shady
everything else is not that good
A thread about the torrent protocol:
a midwit nigger thread with no value from people who know literally nothing about the v2 torrent spec
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is the album name "LOCKBIT AGENTS ARE ROBBING MY APARTMENT", and its title track "coppers & code"? Asking for- uh, a fren who is about to drop another cover for a certain rag. it seems to him that, 'Coppers & Code" would make a better album title and fit better on a magazine cover than the lockbits title. an anonymous source tells me he's really excited about the new release and cannot wait to review the album for the aforementioned ethereal magazine that also does not exist.

pic unrelated
Growing your own food thread (the box of potatoes doesn't work):
well, the original album name was supposed to be "TIME TRAVELING LOCKBIT AGENTS ARE ROBBING MY APARTMENT"
if you are wondering why the >>101212059 picrel is called "Coppers and Code" its because >>101200113 picrel was also named after track as honest listening reaction
I WAIVE ALL RIGHTS, EVERYTHING IS PUBLIC DOMAIN you can name it whatever you want
That thread went quickly off the rails. I know English law is crazy but needing a license to grow something in your garden? That is insane and as many tried pointing out, also wrong.

Anyway, in my gerden I have plenty of fruits and vegetables, mostly for fun, but I also eat the stuff. If you plan for the end of the world scenario, I guess a deep bunker with spirulina tanks are the way to go.
here is some LORE UNLOCK

Intro and Aftermath were originally meant to have (Ad break) in their name, coming back to past idea of having ads inside tracks and also because suno decided to generate elevator music for the second prompt, thats where the idea came back to me

"TIME TRAVELING" because all tracks are based on /g/ copypastas, oldest to newest
"LOCKBIT AGENTS" because album was meant to be mostly russian, scapped that midway through
"ROBBING MY APARTMENT" because thats what the first real track is about

Patriot Act and Digital Desecration are mostly fill, but play nicely into LORE

Album is about nobody getting hacked -> becoming hacker -> finding freedom in no computers
this also plays into the "TIME TRAVELING" because its chronological thing
also im not surprised they are trying to nuke suno with lolsuits, its absolutely wonderful
i enjoy BINARY ACOUSTIC DATA TRANSMISSION, Paranoid Pulse, Coppers and Code
I may be biased because they are based on my favorite pastas but they are awesome
hopefully we get a musicfag in this thread, or messing around with this tool will slowly make me learn music stuff, I already got ideas how to improve the next album

I new this to be true when I found the subgenius pamphlet on the restroom floor of the pita joint I worked in. I knew then I was an NPC in a field of cabbages.
Remember the XZ story? There are potentially more such cases out there:
>How free software hijacked Philip Hazel's life
>Philip Hazel was 51 when he began the Exim message transfer agent (MTA) project in 1995, which led to the Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) project in 1998. At 80, he's maintained PCRE, and its successor PCRE2, for more than 27 years.
And now he is considering retirement.
>I asked Hazel, given the recent XZ backdoor attempt, how he intended to vet any prospective PCRE2 maintainers. He replied that it was a good question "to which I have no answer. I will have to see who (if anyone) makes an offer". To date, he said he had received "no communications whatsoever" about taking over the project. Perhaps, once the word gets out more widely, a qualified maintainer will step forward to take PCRE2 into the future.
What could possibly go wrong?

At this stage I guess NSA has no alternative but to open a dozen shell companies that just so happen to fund such people and keep maintaining the software when the originatirs retire. The alternative is a huge set of Chinese shell companies.
this is why i use sinit. oksh. toybox
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smaller niche projects are just as likely to have unpatched backdoors or vulnerabilities

at least the big projects have resources to help prevent (nothing is 100% safe) to limit damage and fix it quicker.
>smaller niche projects are just as likely to have unpatched backdoors or vulnerabilities
i have read every single line, i have sources archived on bluray and paper and im never updating
show me the backdoor ahahaha
>(nothing is 100% safe)
sinit, oksh, toybox are
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>hopefully we get a musicfag in this thread
This etheral cover of CYBLOID prooves (you) are that musician.
No, fren.True NPCs cannot break thier programming unless they are overwhemed with undeniable information.
YOU, on the other hand, perceived a crack in the matrix. Now all you need to do is break free from the shell that encloses your understanding. We will wait for you, brother. P.S., please bring some cabbage with you.
Matt Brown, a gifted hacker on gaining root access to hardware via a serial console:
>There are potentially more such cases out there
Nooo shiiit!

Just removed 6 megabytes of dead Deepdotweb links from the armory that have been there for 5 years, since the site was seized and the owner jailed.
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Dammit- forgot to ask you to please post link to suno page so I can screencap & archive lyrics. Thanks.
>smaller niche projects are just as likely to have unpatched backdoors or vulnerabilities
Sure, but those are probably unintentional. We saw what happened to XZ shortly after it was taken over by what appears to be a foreign state actor.
i have bad news, suno deletes stuff after day so most is lost
i also did not save ai logs because this computer is mostly ran in ram so everything >>101183575 here is lost forever except mp3s
also i did not put everything in order and did not include aftermath and intro (these are actually edited) in the suno playlist
i think i prefer dropping vocaroo over suno lynx
>tfw just realizing that modern fantasy is the female equivalent of cyberpunk
so if we merge the two genres then we'll see a surge in popularity?
This is worse than the Notre Dang De Pari fire...
also here is request, for anyone who has access to luma ai (requires google acount, impossible to make throwaway) slap DJ Cygnus picrel into it, i want to see him walk around lmao
maybe remove background and text before doing so
>the female equivalent of cyberpunk
What? How??
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Thanks pal. I see the lyrics on my end. A fun thing I'd like to do is to burn these onto a hybrid CD to play in my car. In addition to the music in .mp3 format which mt car stereo can play, the disk will contain our artwork and thread posts on the subject. Also, I really liked the [intro], [Aftermath] & Coppers & Code, which I found to be genious, and found it to be fully in harmony with Deep /cyb/ Radio's founding principals for what music is, and continues to evolve as. You are truly 'Pentesting Ears & Hacking Minds'.
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World of Darkness is as manly as it gets!
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Does this Deep L translation look correct to you? Also, attached is a color DJ Cygnus suitable for templating. You may need to use tin snips to cut the image from your monitor as indicated.
tech is obviously modern magic
need pics of car radio playing CYBHITS
ill code another day and ride
basically 100% correct
last line is meant to be "i kill the neckbeard behind the counter"
>Thanks god I carry these stores
Thank god i carry these magazines
I'll see about making a .gif. If memory serves, when titles are long, they scroll across the display.
Thanks for the corrected lyrics. I feel it is important that we archive our work so that when the nukes fly, there might be a record somewhere that we existed. I have the player in my car and another automotive AM/FM/CD player that has a definite /cyb/ aethetic I'll setup as well. Might make for a fun bumpGIF.
>I feel it is important that we archive our work so that when the nukes fly
i felt like uploading mp3s to vocaroo were good enough
i would be more serious about saving stuff if i was manually making music and i wasnt on throwaway computer
i can start saving everything from now on if you want including ai logs
let the third album be the most documented
based on this btw, correct translation
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>vocaroo were good enough
Are vocaroo uploads permanent? Will they be there 4ever?
>throwaway computer
Do you mean your PC is expendable, or that the accounts your using are?
>i can start saving everything
Yes. Context matters. The pic I posted here >>101219822, I used mostly for internal records along with saving entire threads. All of this music has /deep/er meaning when we listen to them in the context of the thread's relevent posts, in addition to looking at the memepics generated. In ten years, we'll be roasting bug/ratkabobs over an open barrel fire singing these these to our friends and telling our stories, while trying to stay warm.
I don't know about you, but I've not only downloaded a car, but also a crab, and a butthair-ton of doomer music to help me cope with the famine, marauders, and the upcomming apocalype, generally.

>Verification not required.
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This should actually just be illegal, ik very well why its not but it really should, nothing that is absolutely mandatory for providing the service on a technical level should ever be required and it shouldn't be okay to ask for anything past that. If I wanna buy something sure that'll need a payment source, or a physical delivery will need an address to deliver to but sending a message on fucking twitch has 0 reason to require an active SIM card just like asking for a billing address on a digital purchase im buying with a prepaid gift card (or otherwise, shouldnt matter) shouldn't be a thing, you know i'll just enter spaces or their HQ, you know ill just not use your service if you ask for a number, its not worth the effort to walk 10 mins to ask tmobile for another free trial sim.

The absolute state of the modern internet im so sick and tired of all the bullshit.
>Are vocaroo uploads permanent? Will they be there 4ever?
dunno, probably not and you should right click save as
>Do you mean your PC is expendable, or that the accounts your using are?
i was planning to nuke this computer ssd soon, basically both pc and accounts are throwaway

i dont really store stuff permanently (on my computers atleast)
i usually upload stuff to some shared workstation
maybe we can run hidden service sftp server where everything is?
anyone can download and some can upload?
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Saving things locally for me is a SOP. I meant for everyone else.
>maybe we can run hidden service sftp server
We thought VALIS.MOE would fill this void, but he's too busy, and has been out of communications for quite a while. I don't use it myself, but it would be nice if we had a place to store our memetics. Maybe archive.org or somewhere else. I personally don't have the requisite skills to host anything except for LAN parties and internal network-related stuff.

Picrel is my "/cyb/" car stereo and now it doesn't want to play *any* CDs. Everything I love is dying. The radio still works tho.
Updated Firefox Zero user.js
Fascinating stuff, thank you anon
William Gibson's 'Neuromancer' to Become a Series on Apple TV+
Someone compiled a library and it was uploaded to valis.moe a while ago. It has an extensive tree structure, so you could contribute to the collection.
Welp, another retard gets caught because he sent threats. And that's what he deserves. Either do or move on, words are overrated.
So just looking through this article, we're essentially being hit from three fronts as far as bank fraud is concerned, basement incels, crime groups and state sponsored threat actors. My question is, are there state endorsed groups in the west that are doing the same to individual consumers in the 'enemy' countries ?
In the US? No. It's outsourced to other countries or groups. Ukraine has tens of thousands of people scamming Russians online and by phone, and it's obviously curated from the West. I reckon someone like Kurds and Albanians would do this too for America.
Can 4chan anons hack you???
>William Gibson's 'Neuromancer' to Become a Series on Apple TV+
Produced by Skydance and broadcast by Apple, just as Foundation. This could be really, really bad.
>Souless tech companies like Amazon and Apple try to recreate the success of Netflix by throwing a pile of money at a popular memberberry, because artistic merit = shit tons of cash
>Created by and starring out of touch nepo babies
>All done within the strict guidelines of globohomo
>could be bad
Is the nvd api acting fucky for anyone else? I can't populate my cve-search install.
That kind of reflects our dystopia. Then again, I was suprised they used a black actress in the role of Molly, considering Molly paid for her implants with her body.
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After a long time logged into hackthebox, what in the actual fuck it has become. Looks like they went full corporate with a faggy web redesign.
Any good alternatives? also bump
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Is there any way to escape intel ME or amd's PSP on modern low end hardware?

I know it's possible on OLD hardware (Core2 thinkpads etc) and on modern EXPENSIVE hardware (system76, purism etc)

But is there any decent hardware made in the last 5 years under 500€ (laptop, desktop or mini pc) that can have its management engine disabled or at least neutered by the average /g/ anon?

Maybe I've fallen for the paranoia but it's so annoying that the backdoors are built into the hardware.
coreboot supports all current intel gens
>But is there any decent hardware made in the last 5 years under 500€ (laptop, desktop or mini pc) that can have its management engine disabled or at least neutered by the average /g/ anon?
just buy thinkpad x230 and flash heads firmware, its powerful enough laptop
Thanks, I wasn't aware of this.

Are there no AMD options? Their APUs are quite tempting since they open source their gfx drivers
what am i doing wrong?
check with debugger
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> $29.99/month
> One-Month Membership
You call this a better alternative?
Why don't you fuck off old man.
these values are being distorted probably because they are escape characters.
i think i can set them within the buffer and then overwrite the pointer with their hardcoded memory address, but idk if this is what i supposed to do
sure thing kiddo, hope that course is worth your money.
=== /cyb/ News:
>Bionic leg driven by nervous system restores natural gait to amputees
>The MIT team developed a surgical procedure to reconnect severed muscles and nerves, which then generate electrical signals. These are detected by electrodes placed on the skin and used to control a prosthetic leg.
>The technology significantly improved patients’ walking speeds, as well as their ability to climb stairs and avoid obstacles, the research team said in the study, published on Monday.
After about 60 shots. The WD40 idea that I saw on Youtube comments is dumb: expensive and gives me asthma. I use an ointment that is applied to tree limb cuts, don't know how it's called in English.
The shot is silent, but reloading produces a click, and since you shoot it pretty up close, the silence advantage is meaningless.
Really surprised that aluminium bolts are so sturdy. Really fun to shoot and handle them.
I'm walking around my house pretending I'm Schwarzenegger from the poster of Raw Deal.
These new memes are cancer
making my own crossbow soon
This guy made a lot of PDF tools:
What are the best free web proxies to use that works on the tor browser? I have a few but I'd like some more to use for sites that block them.
Are (YOU) are in a "RegreSSHion" ?
regreSSHion vulnerability CVE-2024-6387, how to mitigate it, and how vulnerabilities like this can be prevented in the future.
Learn more about the bug below.
'Why Cyberwar Is So Weird'
checking gets is the only thing this faggot general is good for >>101234567
Germany debates reviving its cold war nuclear bunkers.
germany doesn't have civil nuclear bunkers, stop playing so much fallout
No basements in Germany???
Russia hacks Croatia's largest hospital and leaves a message:
He was surprised! Look at this normie!
always musl, hardened_malloc
open ports behind tor hidden service with authentication key
What are some strategies for backing up and archiving, /cyb/?
=== /sec/ News:
>Serious vulnerability fixed with OpenSSH 9.8
>Successful exploitation has been demonstrated on 32-bit Linux/glibc systems with ASLR. Under lab conditions, the attack requires on average 6-8 hours of continuous connections up to the maximum the server will accept. Exploitation on 64-bit systems is believed to be possible but has not been demonstrated at this time. It's likely that these attacks will be improved upon.
>Exploitation on non-glibc systems is conceivable but has not been examined.
- do it regularly
- check the backup too, don't wait until you desperately need to restore
- do not consider the backup to be complete until copies are placed in at least two physically separated sites.
bluray and paper thats all
Speaking of, there was an optical disks thread recently:
Very long term data storage is a hard problem. National archives have to transfer old data to new media as tech changes and old media no longer can be serviced reliably.
hypothetically how long does facebook (meta) stores a video call in their database, capture must take a lot of disk space but it's also compressed so probably not much?
So there's this NFC Forum organisation, and I guess they're proposing a new NFC standard called Multi-Purpose Tap, and one of the reasons is that it would be possible to distinguish people by their demographics, to connect the payment to their ID. They're giving an example of blocking the NFC purchase of alcohol by minors, but obviously there can be other possibilities. EVIL DYSTOPIAN POSSIBILITIES!
i only need cash
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What's next for Wikileaks after Assange walks free | A perfectly normal converation, by perfectly normal people:
>Three quirky women
No thank you.
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Like I said, perfectly normal. Y'know- by today's standards. I find it helpful to understand the normie mindset because, after all, they out number by an order of magnitude. What they think/believe affects us all to some degree.
hey bros, good morning
sir this is wendys
why they don't isolate /sec/ from this?
i think this is because this is the only thing that justify them to spam this shit in a technology board
the indian meme didn't cross my mind when I posted that
you are free to listen to TINFOIL TANGO TERROR >>101200113 while you write up good security post
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Mornin' Sam.
You must be new here. If you want to know why /sec/ does not have it's own thread, go back into the archives back 7-9 years. The /cyb/ versus /sec/(hmg) general wars were real, and they /sec/ gave up, and signed the uneasy peace accord. In more resent history, /pri/ merged onto /cyb/ forming the Unholy Triad of the Three Barrels General.
Great album.
third album coming soon, the best one yet
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Awesome! I was watching a video earlier about setting up a USRobotics Courier MODEM and was enjoying the handshake sounds, thinking about how cool it will be when you start mixing in SFX like that, and other classics like this:
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stfu faggot and dilate
By now, that has become so cemented that I even feel it when said out in the office in the mornings.
>MODEM and was enjoying the handshake sounds
thats what i was thinking of
i wanna make real music after this "album"
funny enough i want to have track called "pcengines" for the modem stuff
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You prolly already know this, but there are professionally recorded audio samples of a lot of iconic old PC equipment. Looking forward to your work.
uhm bump limit?
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So, I started playing "Observer" for PC yesterday so I can get some screenshots for editing ino pump pics. Some of the dialog is errie, as it echos some of the things we are currently experiencing. Plagues caused by nano technology, diseases brought about by unforseen consequesnces, and becoming dependent on biotech to stay alive because of it. I'm only 20 minutes into the game. My primary foucs is to grab usable screencaps. Some of the environment is romatically apocalyptic, and others just plain nonsensse, but very dark vibes all around.
kek that's like the double meaning of BBC when its mentioned at work
bake or wait?
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I donno... I just live here.
The year is 2084. If they had told me what the world would have become, I would not have believed them....
"... It ain't much, but it's home. Rent's only 5,000 credits a month. /sec/ and /pri/ live a few doors down."
Yes, I really have to be careful, especially after I found out that one of the assistants at work was a battle hardened veteran of /x/ and /pol/.
so the year is 2084 and everything still looks the smae
"/sec/'s apartment is cozy, but a bit cramped and very warm. He keeps lots of gear running in here and there is no air conditioning."

Nighmare goggles in effect
"/pri/'s apartment has the deluxe kitchen. He pays 5,500 credits for it, but it's totally worth it."
>I found out that one of the assistants
what happened to them?
"/pri/'s apartment goes up for rent often because of poor opsec. Hope the next tenent is cool."
classic beginner mistake, i bet they had implant watching his datalines for decade
It sure is, pal. It sure is... /pri/'s apartment is vacant again. I sure wish I could afford it. I really like that kitchen.
>what happened to them?
Nothing spectacular, the assistant told me point blank. I was, to say the least, astonished. You really cannot tell a book by its cover.
reminds me of that hl2 part
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How about a touch of Solarpunk in the next thread?
/fucko/ and /hrt/ were the best imo though completely dead
now i need to make /hrt/ track
bring back hackerman general
>page 11
>no new thread

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