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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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I made things easier for everyone.

I got everyone color-coded.
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Would be worth saving if an artist bothered to give it a name.
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How’s this?
Actually I am sick of naming files; I've figured something out already.
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Would you like to see the map with borders?

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East africans thread
Everyone only seems to care about the north or west imma dump my easterner thread

First set of pics are of the Nandi, Maasi, and various other tribes from kenya
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Ethiopian Ras
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A Ras is a aristocratic title akin to a duke

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Why is there such a stark genetic and cultural contrast between southern France and Spain?
They may as well be 2 differents thing
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You are making up bullshit without ever having visited those places and without knowing anything about those places.

You pretty much have the same people living on both sides of the Pyrenees. Basques on both the French and Spanish side (the Kingdom of Navarre used to be there), with both Castilians and Gascons being pretty much Basque mutts.
And Catalans (Perpignan in France was a part of Spain until the 1650s)
The Catalan region was born as a part of France, reconquered from Muslims by Charlemagne, and repopulated by people from Southern France who brought their language there.
There were times in history in which Aragon, the Catalan Region, Valencia and the Balearic Islands were part of the same State with much of Southern France (they spoke the same language, Occitan, the language of XII century trobadours).
It was only with the Albigensian crusade (in which the king of Aragon got killed, iirc, the battle of Muret) that France was able to prevent the loss of Southern France to the Aragonese (who were much closer culturally to the Southern French than people from Paris).

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Lol, Southern France is basically crypto-Spain
tons of guys that look like that in south france
there's quite a few northern french transplants in the south that look more nordic but the native southern french look a lot like spaniards, as this shows >>16835153
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>The Catalan region was born as a part of France, reconquered from Muslims by Charlemagne, and repopulated by people from Southern France who brought their language there.
That's complete bullshit.
That just shows that Catalans and Basques are similar to southern French, not the other way around
And they want independence
Them aside Spanish are moormutts completely different from us southern French

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Especially during the mid-20th century.

By 1941 the Soviet Union took the second place in the world in industrial output, second only to the United States.

Whoever made that meme is a fucking retard. I'm not a commie, but Jesus Christ...
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40 years after the revolution they couldn't produce shoes. The whole Communist Bloc wasn't able to make functional ball pens till its collapse.
Pig iron output does not an "industrial production" make.
The meme is making fun of the fact that most modern "communists" aren't the industrial workers of the world anymore.
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Cobbled shoes were a bourgeois indulgence.
>By 1941 the Soviet Union took the second place in the world in industrial output, second only to the United States.
In the end of the USSR Soviet's had 2000 km of highways (inferior asphalt type) and 60 cars per 1000 population (16.9 millions).
China has 177000 km of highways (long lasting reinforced concrete type) and 230 cars per 1000 (320 milions), china produces 30 milions cars per year (twice as much as total amount of cars in USSR in 1991.
USSR? Bug size tier industry.

Another piece of stats.
In the 80s USSR produced 300 thousands dwt of merchants ships.
China produces 30 milions dwt of merchant ships (literally 100 times ! more).
USSR? Joke!

There is a global gaslighting campaign to claim Hungary never looked like this and never held this territory or had these borders. Do not fall for it
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before the turks, around 80%
after them it dropped to around 50%
Hungary's "policy of magyarization" was one of the most tolerant minority policies in Western world at the time.
>Before the World War I, only three European countries declared ethnic minority rights, and enacted minority-protecting laws: the first was Hungary (1849 and 1868), the second was Austria (1867), and the third was Belgium (1898). In the pre-WW1 era, the legal systems of other European countries did not allow the use of European minority languages in primary schools, in cultural institutions, in offices of public administration and at the legal courts.[9]
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Trianon wasn't enough, each and every fucking Hapsburg scion should've been hunted down and substituted in a blood sacrifice for the Romanovs. This scum house plundered the Americas of gold, tried to subvert England with the whore Mary, took the low countries from the Capetians, utterly destroyed Spain with American gold inflation, provoked a revolution in France by seducing good Capetian humans, made a persecuting bloodbath of the Netherlands and Bohemia, stifled the freedoms of nationalist Europe and then instigated the then-deadliest conflict over one of their failsons getting late-aborted in fuck-knows-where Balkania, passed the buck to the Hohenzollerns and Romanovs and got away with it all.

If there was a button near the end of WWI to exsanguinate every Habsburg womb and cock, there are plenty who would've pressed it and turned South Mitteleuropa into Angband. Habsburgs and their slaves (von Hayek, von Mises, Karl Popper, Metternich, von this, von that) have been an absolute bane on the Western world. Pit all Osmanoglus and Habsburgs into a gladiatorial ring and let them kill each other, scorch every ex-habsburg territory as punishment for not overthrowing them. Fuck the Hapsburgs and fuck Hapsburgia.
Better when Croatia was a territory as opposed to a subject. Way harder to do colonial Hungary now which was always fun
>Muh big bad italy; which lets state for the record Britain OPENLY LIED TO when bargaining for Italy’s entry into the war. Britain lied to Italy and offered it Yugoslav territories, which it then renegged on after victory
That's Shitalians' own fault for falling for such an obvious deception by the eternal anglo. Same with the R*ssians thinking that throwing themselves in this suicidal war would earn them the Turkish Straits and muh Tsargrad. Had Italy backstabbee the CP or at least remained neutral, they could've carved themselves Nizza, Savoy, Corsica and Tunisia which are worth more than some fucking useless Dalmatian coastline.

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We all know that racism against other humans is.. le bad. But what about the vegan argument that humans are being supremacist to animals are we are no morally better than them? If non human intelligent life exists should humanity treat them as equals or go full WH40k?
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Is he benching 2pl8s?
To survive in the galaxy humans will need to be more like the necrons or the reapers from mass effect. Hiding themselves away for aeons, emerging only occasionally to destroy fledgling civilizations.
"Gods' creation was made for us.....to consume."
I believe... and I also believe that's bullshit.
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we've already accepted animals as our own and we worship them
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This feels like a bot thread. Either that, or school's out for the summer, because MAN am I getting deja vu'd back to the discord debate bro servers I used to frequent when I was a teenager

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Only 100% Anglo-Saxons are White. The English are the greatest thing to come out of Europe in the past 400 years and no one is remotely close to us. Compared to us, you're not even a human, you're an animal that is barely above the nigger ape. Germans, Swedes, and other parts of central Europe are not considered White. Everyone else is considered Swarthy. Black hair, olive skin, and brown eyes weren't white. Imagine calling yourself white if you have brown eyes. Benjamin Franklin stated that.

Bog / Bogtrotter / Bog-trotter
>Spaniards, Italians, French, Portuguese
Romans. Not white.
Swarthy. Finns and Swedes are Asiatic and Chinese, they're not some monolithic Nordic homeland of pure genes
Swarthy. German East has Baltic and Slavic traces and the German South has Latin
Not white. Greeks and Romans were Anglos.
>Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia)

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White is a cultureless word. European is a word of culture and a race of culture. Our skin color is peach anyways. Anglos and Spaniards were around darkies in the new world. That's the only reason they used the term white.
Yawn, divide and conquer thread. Ywnbaw OP
Were there still Vandals (tribe, not desecraters) in Sweden?
another day another nonsensical topic
Yeah halfwit, /Pol/tard inbreds are still pushing an 80 year old lie sad

Why did Pan-Africanism fail? Why did Africans start killing each other in wars, genocides, and coups after the end of colonialism instead of uniting together?
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>africans do not have the political skill or organizational capacity to form large civilizational nations.
Ethiopia, Egypt? Several West Africa empires? What do you even define the as "large civilizational nations"? Is Australia one?

>obviously africans who have trouble with normal states arent going to put together something to rival china or Germany.
Their pretty young states. It took the US and Canada 100+ years to actually start being standalone relevant entities.
Africa is a very large continent.
Ultimately because pan-africanism is a meme ideology originally created by the black equivalent of Latin Americans. And then retro-actively applied into a continent woefully unprepared for taking on modernity.
You could also argue independence was handled terribly, but whatever.
"Africans" had nothing in common and they never had anything in common. The only thing they might possibly have in common was they wanted the Europeans to leave, but not even that was true because many Africans were profiting off European involvement. As such the old arrangement reemerged under a different form where the freed Africans used their "sovereignty" to make deals with western corporations with the caveat that European governments were no longer paying for infrastructure or other improvements anymore. The process became entirely extractive because ultimately this was what the African leaders wanted.

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White American Racial Hierarchy, from best to worst.
>Greater Virginian Ubermensch: Found from the Virginia Tidewater and southern Maryland, through the Central Appalachians, and into the Kentucky Bluegrass and Missouri Ozarks, the Virginia Ubermensch are responsible for everything good that has ever happened to America. They singlehandedly won the American Revolution and would have succeeded in creating a herrenvolk white democratic ethnostate if it weren't for the perfidious South Carolinians and New Englanders stopping them. They invented bluegrass, country, rock, ragtime, and led the charge to win the West which turned America into a superpower.
>Pennsylvania Praetorians: The only true-hearted allies of the VirginiaChads, they also helped to try and create a democratic white ethnostate. Coming from similar Irish Protestant roots as the Virginians, the Pennsylvanians were a mighty race that peopled the Midwest along with Virginians, until the invasion of the Slavs and Ellis Islanders.
>New Englanders: A conniving, trickster people, who zealously hated the Virginia-Pennsylvania alliance and used slavery as a wedge issue to destroy it. They are a financial people, and don't understand anything outside of money, the Jews of the New World, but very successful and innovative.
>Carolina Chuds: The least intelligent of the white American races, they have invented nothing of note and achieved nothing of significance. They mostly just copied Virginian culture and then tried to claim it as their own. They are obsessed with negros and worship them secretly.
>New York Nimrods: Similarly unaccomplished as the Carolinians, but worse due to their New England like obsession with finances and money, they are the originators of the proposition nation myth of America and spent most of their history trying to undermine American nationhood by importing millions of unwashed continental European trash.
>Ellis Islander: Not Americans.
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Tl;dr, America is a nation of immigrants and anyone who derives a sense of superiority from the length of time their ancestors have been in America rather than their own accomplishments doesn't understand the first thing about America.
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but anon, my great x10 grandfather did a thing and thus i can be a complete fucking loser and tell people on the internet how great i am anyways without having to show anything for it. identity politics sure are based and high iq!
/his/ won't like to hear it because it ruins their LARP but It really is unexciting how utterly fucking gay it is to carry around an unhealthy pride from people 300 years ago in the past that you may be related to but have never even interacted with personally. Once you peel back the layers of it with any basic logical reasoning it becomes pretty meaningless emotional drivel compared to somebody's actual accomplishments in life and OP's post is obviously comparable to drunken Freudian psychoanalysis. But that's okay because this is the internet, we're on a Mongolian basket weaving forum and you shouldn't take things too seriously here.

Seething wopmicks who can't handle that the irish and italians both hate them and that real americans hate them too. Sorry you have no identity, but you will never be Americans.
ellis island supremacy
yup, we are here to suck you dry and then move back to the Old World while you negro-obsessed protestant masonic freakshows get swallowed up by the colored world.

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Why don't Europeans recognize that Russia saved them from Islam?
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Perfidy from across the sea.
Byzance did the same.
With mixed results.
Not even all of the Balkans isn't a 1/4 of Europe, and they're the worst and easiest part to conquer as well.
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Ottomans controlled half of Ukraine at their peak

So, let's say God is all-powerful. That means he can do anything he wants. But then why didn't he prevent Hitler from killing six million Jews? Why didn't he stop 9/11? Why doesn't he just smite all the people who are currently oppressing the Christians?
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>oh yeah well if god is really all powerful then why doesn't he adhere to my personal theory of objective morality which all of a sudden i believe exists?
A tale that began when the fist caveman tripped and hit his head on a rock, and will continue until all forms of brain damage are cured.
Mount Saint Helens is an example of real-time and modern observed geology that demonstrated catastrophism (rather than uniformitarianism, which was invented for evolution iirc and is required by it)
Creationism is a heresy invented by Satanists to promote incest, pedophillia, and hatred of God.
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I'm the super duper everything
Why would he?

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I'm convinced this is a pasta you guys are using on here, or you're getting it from somewhere because this EXACT phrasing has appeared before, but I'll deal anyways:
>Paul says Jesus was born as a human, of a human mother and born a Jew
Paul does NOT say this. What he literally says is "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law"(Gal 4:4).Paul says that he was MADE of a woman, and MADE under the Law. Now firstly, "born/made of a woman" is a really weird way to describe a normal guy. ALL of us are born of women. So what woman is he talking about? Mary? Nope. Paul SAYS what that woman is later in Galatians 4, and WHY the "made under the Law" is important. In Galatians 4:24, Paul SAYS that the woman Jesus was made from is Hagar. The woman of "bondage". And Paul spends time Galatians 3 setting up this whole thing in Galatians 4 about what it means to be born under the Law and what it means to be adopted into the family of Jesus, and receive a "new mother", literally a "new birth". Go ahead. READ Galatians 4 if you don't believe me. Note: Paul uses the word for "manufacture" here, not "birth". He uses the same word to describe the creation of Adam, and the future resurrection bodies and of the manufacture of Jesus from the "Sperm of David".
>He he says he was a descendant of Abraham
Read Galatians 3:16. He's saying that Jesus is of the seed of Abraham, but notice the phrasing. He doesn't say that Jesus was a descendant of Abraham, in fact, Paul literally says that he ISN'T talking about a lineage "many seeds". But only one. He never says HOW Jesus is of that seed.
>of Israelites
Read the original Greek of Romans 9:4-5. Jesus is LITERALLY "sourced" from the Israelites. His flesh is constructed out Israelite materials. It even uses the Greek word "kata", which means "sourced from". It NEVER says "descended from" or "ancestry".
>and of Jesse
It's just another way of saying "made from the sperm of David". It's just a prettier, or alternative way of phrasing it. It has the same issue of ambiguity as the "seed of Abraham" passage.
>He refers to teachings Jesus made during his earthly ministry
Would you mind pointing me to where Paul says that? Because guess what you find if you actually GO to those passages, which you didn't. Well, you find Paul saying that "the Lord gives this command, not I" (1 Cor 7:10), "the Lord ahs commanded" (1 Cor 9:14), "according to the Lord's word"(1 Thess. 4:15). Paul is talking here about Jesus LITYERALLY whispering in his ear these teachings. Like I said before ITT, stop reading the Gospels into Paul. Paul NEVER says that anyone else heard these things, in fact, Paul explicitly says "For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ." (Galatians 1:12). Paul is stressing here, and he does elsewhere, that he NEVER gets his teachings from anyone but Jesus or God DIRECTLY. This is why he stresses that "And was unknown by face unto the churches of Judaea which were in Christ:" (Gal 1:22). He's emphatically saying that he never even MET any of the Christians in Judea. In fact, he was UNKNOWN to them.
>He mentions how he was executed by earthly rulers
No he doesn't, actually. In the original Greek he says "archons of this aeon". Literally, Satan and his sky demons. And furthermore we know that Paul could NOT have been talking about human rulers, because he literally says that if they knew who Jesus was, they would not have killed him. But, this makes no sense, either of Jewish or of Roman leaders. Firstly, Jews already anticipated a dying messiah whose death would save the world. Secondly, if any ruler, Jewish or Roman, knew that the death of Jesus would save the whole Universe and end all suffering, they CERTAINLY would have killed him as God wanted. Do you know who WOULDN'T have killed him, and would have WANTED the world to stay ruled by sin. Satan and his demons.
Furthermore, it doesn't even make sense in the translations why Paul didn't say "he was killed by the Romans at the behest of the Sanhedrin", and instead just says "princes of the world" or "rulers of this world". But it DOES make sense when you realize it's a mistranslation.
>that and he says he had an earthly, physical brother called James who Paul himself had met
Again, your pasta is LYING. Paul NEVER says that James in Galatians 1 is an "earthly, physical brother" in the sense of a biological brother. Paul calls James a "brother of the Lord" ONLY the different him from Cephas, who was an apostle. As you can read in 1 Cor 9:5 (and many other places I can provide citations if you want), Paul says "Have we not power to lead about a sister, a wife, as well as other apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?" Note again, Paul putting the "brothers" of the Lord aside from Cephas (an apostle).
Because to Paul, a ""brother" or "sister" of the Lord was a cultic brother. A baptized but non-apostolic Christian. Apostles were, to Paul, those who had visions of a risen Jesus who gave them the gospel of Christ.
There, I wasted enough time on this gish-galop of a "refutation" I strongly recommend anyone curious buy a copy of On the Historicity of Jesus and read it cover to cover. Carrier refutes EVERYTHING I responded to here, and does it elegantly and in a peer-reviewed format.
>On the Historicity of Jesus
Wait, isn't that the same book where Carrier brings up a cosmic sperm bank theory and if you actually dig up the evidence it turns out he was basing it off a story where David knocked up a demon who gave birth to the king of Edom? Because I wouldn't trust that book. Are you Carrier? Are these mythicist threads actually a shill campaign to sell a book?

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Protestants are correct that Christianity is fundamentally a libertarian religion. The core tenants are basically that forcing your will over others is an abomination and you should never allow anyone else to enforce their will over you either through taking your resources or telling you what to do (turn the other cheek isn’t about not defending yourself but not seeking revenge). The only way Christianity allows for the enforcement of will is through social shunning and ostracism. The main reason Catholic and orthodox theocracy is gaining traction is because people are power hungry in the face of declining belief not because it actually aligns with Christian theology.
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>Protestants are correct that Christianity is fundamentally a libertarian religion
Taxation is theft. Now render into Caesar.
what are coups and revolutions then?
Paul was a glownigger actually.
And Jesus wasn't a God (duh) but a guy who tried to gradually improve the shitshow without getting himself killed _too fast_.
The Kingdom of Heaven is an Absolute Monarchy

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Your point being?

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