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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

Just learned that Europeans and The West are considered as Edomites, descendants of Esau. How do European Christians feel that they are the antagonists of Israelites?
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Non of that is stopping it from American Christians adopting those beliefs, most are half way there. Also, the West being Edom is not a cope, it's actual symbolically and biblically accurate.
This makes too much sense.
>Non of that is stopping it from American Christians adopting those beliefs, most are half way there.
Evangelicals are retarded. News at 11.
>Also, the West being Edom is not a cope, it's actual symbolically and biblically accurate.
Says who? Some random guy? You don’t get to interpret the Bible in some ass backwards novel way and then get mad when few people give a shit about your novel interpretation. Schizos do this shit all the time and their interpretations are just as idiotic. The only difference with Green is that he interprets it in a way that benefits his anti-Christian position instead of the usual pro-Christian position. Arguing against an interpretation that nobody accepts means you’re arguing against yourself; not against anyone else. It’s retarded. The jews are not the bene gesserit.
Adam just quotes and repeats what the rabbis and synagogues already believe in. It's not his interpretation It's a group of Jewish rabbis interpretation, maybe it is even in the Talmud, I haven't checked because it's too big. Adam is one guy and he doesn't believe he can take down Christianity because it's the worlds most practiced religion. He just seeks to expose what the bible actually says about other groups of people who aren't Israelites.
Jesus never said jews are the children of the devil

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>Deny all reason and logic
>Reject all historical evidence that disproves their Bible
>Scoff at all scientific proof that debunks their god
>Insists on believing a fairy tale with no evidence and wants to force you to believe it too

What do you call that but a parasite that seeks to infect and harm you?
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I am on the side of truth, so I must fight Jesus the deceiver and his army of parasite demons until the end.
>Do you believe in a loving god?

No, the cold and cruel nature of the universe is proof it was not created by a loving god. You must refer to some ancient mythology about how Adam and Eve messed it all up in order to continue believing in your fairy tale lie. So many excuses.
>the story of Jesus

God sacrificed himself to him self in order to save us through a loophole in the rules he created. What a great story.
no it is not logic and reason. God is neutral. He is like a human i think it fit your god in bilbe because in bilbe even say he is like human. Maybe i can belive you but all your shit christian say god is loving is all good is bullshit bro. Stop make people belive your cult. old and new testament is the proof. old is chad new is faggot. Why? because it is written because people who follow jesus.
>you are catholic right?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinitarians
>Stop make people belive your cult

He's a parasite, it's his nature.

>Christkeks believe this
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Kek. Frog God wouldn't attack his people for kikes.
doesn't matter anyway. touching afrog makes you unclean until sunset in judaism (so you cannot pray), but egyptians ate frogs, they would not have been fazed the least bit about them, it would have been like a plague of snacks. the goatfucker making up the fairy tale in question knew jack shit about egyptians and even forgot that the promulgation of the rules about ritual cleanliness come later in the story, even his fictitious jews in egypt would not have cared about frogs falling on them.
This makes me want to look this up to see if the word is a collective noun like "deer" or something
>t. not religious
Not even religious myself, but you're telling me the Xtians are using their imagination and critical thinking skills in a non-retarded and non-moralistic way?
That gives me hope for the future. Thank you for sharing, Anon.

>noooooo we're supposed to despise eachother and shitpost for eternity on this board!
Okay, the dictionary does indeed say collective. The only odd thing that could trip you up if you're prone to autistic interpretations is that a pluralized form also exists, so you could walk away with the naive black and white belief that this necessarily means the lexically singular form is in fact semantically singular. Actually the word is just really odd from a Semitic language perspective because of its length. Perhaps it's a compound. There is a tendency to prefer "triconsonantal roots" in Semitic languages and since this word is unusually long, there is a tendency to drop the explicit plural ending.

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Even 1.5 millennium after. Other European empires, like the British or Spanish never had such admiration. And the Russian, Ottoman and Mongol empires are frankly despised.
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Because they connected every city with streets, they build aqueducts, bridges temples
>Why is this empire so loved through history?

Because it was a polity which forced (yes, “forced”) city-states, kingdoms, tribes, and whatnot, to cooperate into a grander structure than their self-imposed political limitations & geographic limitations.

It was a polity that tried its best as it could to force everyone to share a single ground of association (ex. Gauls eating bread from Egyptian wheat, Hispanics drinking wine from metal cups made from the Levant, Britannics wearing clothes made out of material imported from Asia via the Levant, Anatolia...) without at all or skimming lowest as possible it could, from Point A to Point B, with Points C, D, E, F etc., in-between them as literal barriers of passage/entry.

I don't necessary want it to be about commerce solely but it was also a pact of trust: city-state/kingdom/tribe A didn't had to worry anymore in being at war with city-state/kingdom/tribe B, C, D etc.
The Russian Empire has always been despotic and backwards. They also have a huge chip on their shoulders, "oh no everyone invades poor Russia," as if they didn't have troops troops in France and Germany on multiple occasions.


This is a funny example of vatnikism as it includes mostly cases where Russia invaded its neighbors first, got its shit pushed in, and ended up with foreign soldiers on its lands. Also "invasions" involving colonies rebelling, and even ones that never actually happened but were just planned.
Hard to imagine more goblin-like 'culture'.
Only Westerners give a shit about it

Why has Monica Lewinsky never been married?
Bill's BWC ruined all other men for her
No man would want to marry a woman who's famous for sucking the dick of the president of the United States
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Her head game has to be amazing.
I think there's court testimony that he's only like 5 inches

"There is as much evidence for the Flying Spaghetti Monster, as there is for Yahweh"

Abrahamic believers, do you disagree with the above statement?
If so, how can you prove it?

Note the Bible isn't evidence that Yahweh is real.
It's a book, and a book in and of itself doesn't prove something is real.
If that were true that a book about the Flying Spaghetti Monster is proof that he too, is real.
Yahweh is an egregore with millions of followers.
FSM is not manifesting much of anything.
>If so, how can you prove it?
Yahweh have metaphysical attributes. FSM haven't them attributes at all.
Then if you believe in some metaphysical statements, like causality, you rather believe in Yahweh than in FSM.
Therefore Yahweh have more evidence than FSM.
Have you ever heard about TAG?

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Why do larpagans complain that Christianity is a non-European religion given that actual pagan Europeans had no problem worshiping Egyptian, Anatolian, Mesopotamian, etc gods?
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theyve been investigated by the feds a couple times now but they always close the case because they cant find evidence of criminal activity. there have been a few attempts at forming white nationalist christian organizations but most of them got WACO'd, like numbers 25 and the ruby ridge people. I hope the AFA stays smart about not falling for obvious fed tricks like those guys did (the ruby ridge guy got done in by a based and fellow racist asking for a sawed off shotgun, and that fellow racist turned out to be a fed) but they have let in a couple less savory types which concerns me.

im not sure if there are actual physical churches that only allow whites in america, but there are several christian identity groups and national organizations. why they havent tried something like the AFA I am not sure desu, I am not really involved with the christian nationalist community as much as the pagan nationalist one so I dont know as much about the internal workings going on over there. I know they have been compromised by feds for some time now, its a pretty well known joke that the KKK is composed of about 5 boomers who havent got a clue and 50 feds keeping an eye on them. but the KKK has been around for ages so that was bound to happen eventually
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>why they havent tried something like the AFA I am not sure desu
Because there's three kinds of people interested in CI: Feds, schizophrenics who can't play nice because they want to be their own Pope, and the dudes too stupid to earn their hammer in prison.
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>a lot of Japanese culture is Chinese,
And therefore not Japanese, in the sense of originating from Japan. But in this case I'd agree it's native, why? Because most "Japanese" are actually immigrants from Korea and China who adopted mainland Chinese culture then froze in the Tang dynasty. So it's misleading to claim they are 'Japanese' when they are to the Ainu what Australians are to abos.
Yayoi period was a few centuries before the Tang though, Japan received heavy continental influence after they'd already arrived

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midwit take
>america is comparable to late-republic rome
high IQ take
>america is comparable to pre revolutionary france
America is comparable to 1928 America.

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Origin of all text and imageboards can be pinpointed to one specific person and no it's not Nishimura Hiroyuki.

>1995 Japan, Sarin Gas attack in Subway Station happens
>Some time later, an unknown Japanese programmer releases an edgy game about the sarin attack that was the biggest terrorist attack in the country in the same year
>Tons of backlash at the time, which popularizes the game inevitably
>A man named Shiba Masayuki tries to upload this game to some website
>He gets scolded for it and is told to remove the game
>Later he decides to create his own website to upload the game and discuss it
>His websites continuously get deleted but he manages to cultivate an edgy underground subculture
>He creates Ayashii Warudo in 1996 (Strange World), the first if not one of the first textboards ever. The topics are mostly edgy stuff similar to old /b/
>In 1998 Shiba Masayuki decides to delete his own website because his servers kept crashing and received death threats over it
>People from Ayashii Warudo migrated to a website called Amezou, which was similar to Ayashii Warudo, but was created after it
>If I get it right, Amezou faced the same problems as Ayashii Warudo did and servers got bloated. Also Amezou faced a lot of vandalism from Ayashii Warudo users and its admin also received some threats as Shiba did.
>Nishimura Hiroyuki then decides to create 2channel, to ease the traffic. The name both refers to a tv channel and to mean it's the second Amezou in the year 1999
>Years later

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>This is history per the 25 year rule
i'm gonna kill myself
neato, we are each fibers spun into an unbroken thread through time
The moot part is completely wrong. He was a regular at the anime subforums of SA and created 4chan out of pure creator impulse. He is one of the great men of our era, a true visionary.
christopher please.

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Historically speaking, who should control Alsace–Lorraine?
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Alsatians and Lothringians
Should be divided by linguistic borders.

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>The universe is deterministic
>So, I don't have free will!
Is this the most midwit philosophical view in the world? Why do so many scientists fall into this trap when compatibilism has been written about so richly from so many angles?
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You could have not posted and gone outside to look up at the sky instead.

Determinism is braindead.
>You could have not posted and gone outside to look up at the sky instead.
That thought never even entered my head so no, I could not have done that. Even if it had I would not have made that choice, because my brain isn't wired to leave warmth, comfort and entertainment to go out into the cold and look up at a dark sky doing nothing. When weighing those options against each other there is no outcome where I choose the second one.
God knows I will eat ham for breakfast tomorrow, he even reveals this as a prophecy
Tomorrow comes and I simply utilize my free will to choose cereal for breakfast.

What gives?
>I don't share their opinion
This don't have anything to do with opinions, it's about how language is used
Clearly there's a historical precedence for the word 'choice' being used, despite it being impossible for you to choose anything else
Look, if you are saying 'true symmetry' is incompatible with determinism, (if you are not saying that, this is just silly burden shifting)
Then I would just not grant that the thing- 'true symmetry' is a thing that exist, in need of an explanation
whatever phenomena you want an explanation for is merely false symmetry, and got a casually determined explanation, just like anything else that has ever been explained

Was it really such a good idea to oppose Britain and start WWII? What were the advantages of engaging in the military conflict? The number of casualties was mind boggling. Was it worth it?
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After Prussians took over the city, many German Danzigers left the city. The Prussian government replaced them with Brandenburgians and other kinds of loyal Prussian subjects. This is why after WW1 "Danzig" was already pro-German and anti-Polish, but these people had nothing to do with the actual Danzigers who built and developed the city throughout centuries.

The NSDAP activists in Danzig were largely the lower classes imported from mainland Germany simply because there were too few local supporters and the 'zuruck zum Reich' thing was largely staged by imported 'Danzigers', real Danziger merchant families liked the Free City arrangement because Danzig could profit immensely from the trade from both from Poland and Germany and they certainly didn't want to cut off ties with Poland.

Danzigers attempted to defend the city from Prussian forces trying to seize it in 1793, they generally hated and despised Prussia and even Schopenhauer wrote about this because his family was among those who left the city because of their hate for Prussia and preference for the Polish.
>millions of english lives
>British ww2 casualties are 300,000
490,000 actually.
over a million in collective totality if we take all people of Anglo extraction across the world.
>The NSDAP were Germans Anon
They were always the most peripheral Germans, like Austrians, Prussians, Germans in Eastern Europe. That's where their support came from, lmao.
>english = british = anglo

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The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are unjustifiable.
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my face when
racially ambiguous paws etched these abysmal posts.

Reminder Oppie wanted the bomb dropped on Aryans and got mad when it cooked 100k gooks.
Ironically the Mongols were well known for protecting their own soldiers in battle. their terror tactics were sometimes just reprisals for excessive losses that also served as a reminder for others.
He’s not saying anything, he’s just mindlessly seething and looking for something to bitch about while he spams mutt memes to cope with his own ethnic insecurities.
seethe mutt

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>last dynasty after Constantinian
>great commander
>only emperor to show remorse after exterminating a city filled with innocent civilians
>trusted barbarians for military matters
>did hold a high respect for priests, bishops and the wise men from God
>BTFO forever and ever heretics, gnostics and pagans
>Catholicism is made official religion of the Empire
>during his reign the Bible canon is stablushed trought common work between Pope Damasus and St. Jerone during Council of Rome
>Golden Era for patristics and late Paleochristian arts
>rejects Diocletian minimalist style to favor classical style of old

His haters are atheist troons, quite sad he died too young so he would have taught his children to man up correctly. Truly an emperor I hold in good esteem.
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>>rejects Diocletian minimalist style to favor classical style of old
He didn't do that at all
I don't mind the man himself, he was truly great.
But fucking H*n*rius the absolute effeminate eunuch's pupil cowardly fuckwit was one of the worst. Only r*c*mer rivals him in the damage he did to the empire
>murder your most capable general and magister militum along with his family for no reason at all
>acquiesce to move capital ("I was forced lol" said no emperor ever) from Milan to Ravenna for 'safety' thereby giving up control over the most important part of the limes
>stupidly alienate Alaric and the Goths for good (related to Stilicho's assassination)
>do absolutely fuck all while empire is invaded by an endless horde of barbarians and Britain, Gaul, and Hispania completely collapse
I can't hate the useless piece of shit as much as I should.
I say this as an atheist ol theo is definitly overhated but half of the "acheivements" you listed are just christcuckery
>>trusted barbarians for military matters
That's rather a negative trait.
>>did hold a high respect for priests, bishops and the wise men from God
>>BTFO forever and ever heretics, gnostics and pagans
>>Catholicism is made official religion of the Empire
>>during his reign the Bible canon is stablushed trought common work between Pope Damasus and St. Jerone during Council of Rome
>>Golden Era for patristics and late Paleochristian arts
Instead af all this useless crap he could've, dunno... Rule the country, for example? Cuckstianity killed the greatest civilization of all the time...

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