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embarassingly empty edition

Previously on /flag/: >>198284600

>do (You) like going to places, taking photos and blogposting about it?
Welcome to /flag/ + /extraflags/, a lovely general for users to post about our trips, discuss flag collecting, Extraflags, and autistic activities while funposting.

>What is Extraflags?
Extraflags is an open-source userscript that lets you choose regional flags, like states and provinces, to add the already existing national flags on /int/, /pol/, /sp/, and /bant/.

Instructions and video guides for installing Extraflags can be found here: https://flagtism.gitlab.io/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/
Requests to add or change flags can be made here: https://gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/-/issues

>Collecting flags? Filling maps?
World template: https://gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/tree/master/maps/World.png
Extra Flags templates: https://gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/tree/master/maps
Labelled Extra Flag templates: https://imgur.com/a/J9CDp54

>Flag Informations
About 4chan flags: https://gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/-/blob/master/misc/about-4chan-flags.png
Flag creation guide: https://i.imgur.com/GLnizJD.png
FlagHunter: https://whatisthisimnotgoodwithcomputers.com/#!/flaghunter
Flaggot: https://github.com/dnsev/flaggot
Flag Fixer: https://github.com/ebinBuddha/4chan-Flag-Fixer
Extra Flag Lister: https://github.com/ebinBuddha/Flag-Lister-for-4chan
Maps and .kmls for dumping: https://run.plnkr.co/plunks/7AZWIftWn5W8rOh1/ https://run.plnkr.co/plunks/RONWwKtYXxD4vNdV/ https://app.mediafire.com/f391aacsk4ip4
More tools: https://nun.wtf/extraflags.html
ؚ ؚ ▲ؚ
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𝅙 ▲
screenshot this for me thx
kill yourself, flaglet
lads we're dying
i have a plan akshually, i just need the thread to have a little more content, like a Goslar dump
I'm visiting a friend. No doomping until Sunday, at least.
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i'll find another way or wait. Going to Rome tomorrow
I always thought about cycling to Switzerland from my former home in Milan, inspired by Goslar.
Should i do it /flag/
you absolutely should but if you havent cycled in a while your knees are gonna regret it big time
i once cycled about half of that distance (went to Lentate sul Seveso) plus did a lot of detours by foot along the way.
It was amazing and not tiring at all. It didn't have the climbs thou that the final part of this would have
business idea: make a porn video of a guy getting himself to cum with a pen the same way you saber a champagne bottle
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ill count you as an investor
i love /flag/ as much as this guy loves China https://youtu.be/jk9NLUyYEpw?si=un-LKrChJiRRa7mE
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aye i'm attempting it with le 2005 walmart "mountain" bike. planning to take the more rural dirt tracks rather than main roads because fuck civilization
>planning to take the more rural dirt tracks
that was NOT a good idea
decided to abort the mission in Caslino al Piano. My bike developed a problem that i can't change the rear gear, the upcoming hilly section wouldn't have been fun. Will try again with a road bike and on actual roads
I just realized how much I have been consuming Strawberry Coke (Hindbær Sodavand in danish) over the years especially during the times where I decided to not take my ADHD medications

So basically red40 dye has been there all along ruining my brain activity and making literally everything 10x worse with irreversible consequences to my brain activity. No wonder why I can barely focus for shit anymore

The worst part is that it was my favorite coke flavor even as a kid

You should install extraflags so i can contact the nearest asylum for them to take you in you annoying motherfucker.
Quack quack.
Low IQ eskimo niggers vrooming around at nighttime as usual

Its kinda funny that I was accused of a part of the dregs of society by a greenlander when all greenlanders are low IQ by default

So there was a guy who thought he would look cool by wearing black sun glasses on while looking up through the windows of the building that I lived in around 2018-2019

I have a suspicion that he lives in around he same area that I live now so that means he is a part of the dregs of society that he accused me of being a part of lol

Think his name is Minik which is such a bullieable name lmao
>Hindbær Sodavand
sounds tasty tbqhwy
You know I was gonna rant about beating the shit out of a certain person with brass knuckles if I ever saw them irl walking past me till their fucking innards were splattered all over the place

Empath my goddamn ass. Piece of shit teenage brained 4chan lingo retard. You only orbit around Mutahars circle so you can have excuse to be a piece of shit and the fact that you have so many subscribers has only gone to your head along with your massive ego

You are worth nothing as a person and you contribute nothing to the world but controversy and drama baiting. Nobodys gonna remember you for anything abd nobodys gonna love you for being such an eye sore to anyone sane enough seeing through your bullshit. Hating furrys is not a bold statement and perpetuating hate does make you an "empath"
You lied about being an empath. You are a liar which does *not* make you any different from keffals

You are a rat. A snake. A compulsive manipulator and a fat double chinned smelly stinky bastard of bulgarian descent which makes you even more fat smelly double chinned and stinky
greenland schizo at its finest
I thought I was crazy.
Flag dump:
São Pedro de France
Funny name, no idea why though.
Barreiros e Cepões
Barreiros e Cepões
Águas Boas e Forles
Águas Boas
Águas Boas e Forles
Vila Nova de Paiva, Alhais e Fráguas
Vila Nova de Paiva, Alhais e Fráguas
Vila Nova de Paiva
Peva e Segões
Peva e Segões
That's all.

I will be in Papua New Guinea in a week and a half and will post here in case anyone is missing that flag.

I used to do extra flags for png in the past but I'm not going to bother. I won't have a laptop, only phone posting
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/extraflags/ YEAH
/extraflags/ YEAH
/extraflags/ YEAH
>download Yandex browser from the regular play store
>download Tampermonkey from the Chrome store https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo
>click on https://gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/raw/master/Extra%20Flags%20for%204chan-Mobile.user.js
>click all the popups and that's it

also the only one that made PNG flags on gitlab is Karakalpak 8 years ago, are you the man itself? can't believe you returned after 8 years

btw if you are canadian, kill yourself
ayo lads, post your most updated maps of slovenia and croatia
let's see if I can dump something more
Italy||Friuli-Venezia Giulia||Province of Gorizia||Gradisca d'Isonzo
Italy||Friuli-Venezia Giulia||Province of Gorizia||Farra d'Isonzo
Italy||Friuli-Venezia Giulia||Province of Gorizia||Grado
Italy||Friuli-Venezia Giulia||Province of Udine||Aquileia
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map of Slovenia from Viseu (should be fully updated). There's no maps for Croatia so i'd dump everything just in case
yeah as you can see how difficult it is for me to not be a hateful piece of shit simply the fact of me being spied on all day everyday 24/7 :/

Is there even anything that I can do to mitigate this at all. Probably not

All people do is add to this burden of paranoia and inability to calm down and focus on anything or have a healthy introspection in any capacity
I feel bad for youse getting zero engagement
To be clear I was talking about turkey tom and not anyone else. Yeah I don't like the guy since I have noticed a degree of callous behavior in general. He is one of those people that can see everything I do and say which he has taken advantage of multiple times against me indirectly

He claimed to be an "empath" which is obviously complete bullshit on his part
United States > Massachusetts > Suffolk County > Boston.

It ain't much, but I'm happy with it.
When i said I used to do extra flags for PNG in the past I meant I used to have extraflags installed while I lived in PNG
kill yourself, flaglet
>those are COMPLETELY different things. confirmed nigger

You interpreted what I said wrong you fucking med nigger
Fuck off and eat your dads arse I'm not doing extra flags next week fuck yourself
I used to do aviation work there
I'm going back to walk the kokoda track
you mean TAKING flags? that's another completely different thing

also how did you went from Romania to Australia in only 13 hours? it's phisically impossible unless you are a proxyni... you know what
flag dump


>>199013836 Wallonie, Belgium
>>198771634 Belém, Pará, Brazil
>>198651524 Groß Köris, Dahme-Spreewald District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651595 Halbe, Dahme-Spreewald District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651403 Königs Wusterhausen, Dahme-Spreewald District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651508 Mittenwalde, Dahme-Spreewald District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651618 Rietzneuendorf-Staakow, Dahme-Spreewald District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651490 Schönefeld, Dahme-Spreewald District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651544 Schwerin, Dahme-Spreewald District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651567 Teupitz, Dahme-Spreewald District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651475 Wildau, Dahme-Spreewald District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651285 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin, Märkisch-Oderland District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651345 Erkner, Oder-Spree District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651364 Gosen-Neu Zittau, Oder-Spree District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651386 Spreenhagen, Oder-Spree District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651322 Woltersdorf, Oder-Spree District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651985 Bad Belzig, Potsdam-Mittelmark District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198652033 Beelitz, Potsdam-Mittelmark District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198652019 Borkheide, Potsdam-Mittelmark District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651998 Brück, Potsdam-Mittelmark District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198652093 Michendorf, Potsdam-Mittelmark District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198652150 Nuthetal, Potsdam-Mittelmark District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198652051 Seddiner See, Potsdam-Mittelmark District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198651963 Wiesenburg ̸ Mark, Potsdam-Mittelmark District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>198652956 Rüningen, Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198653620 Dörnten, Liebenburg, Goslar District, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198653090 Othfresen, Liebenburg, Goslar District, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198652764 Frellstedt, Helmstedt District, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198652679 Helmstedt, Helmstedt District, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198652819 Königslutter am Elm, Helmstedt District, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198652785 Süpplingen, Helmstedt District, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198652742 Wolsdorf, Helmstedt District, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198653019 Barum, Salzgitter, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198653055 Hohenrode, Salzgitter, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198653040 Salzgitter-Bad, Salzgitter, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198653003 Thiede, Salzgitter, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198652860 Schandelah, Cremlingen, Wolfenbüttel District, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198653076 Wolfenbüttel, Wolfenbüttel District, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>198651940 Zerbst ̸ Anhalt, Anhalt-Bitterfeld District, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
>>198652493 Eilsleben, Börde District, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
>>198652574 Harbke, Börde District, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
>>198652478 Hohe Börde, Börde District, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
>>198652599 Ingersleben, Börde District, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
>>198652554 Sommersdorf, Börde District, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
>>198652509 Ummendorf, Börde District, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
>>198652457 Wanzleben-Börde, Börde District, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
>>198652524 Wefensleben, Börde District, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
>>198651899 Dessau-Roßlau, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
>>198651921 Coswig (Anhalt), Wittenberg District, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
>>199014740 Nordfriesland District, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
>>198460617 Alatau District, Almaty, Kazakhstan
>>198460689 Almaly District, Almaty, Kazakhstan
>>198460642 Auezov District, Almaty, Kazakhstan
>>198460715 Bostandyk District, Almaty, Kazakhstan
>>198460736 Medeu District, Almaty, Kazakhstan
>>198460590 Nauryzbai District, Almaty, Kazakhstan
>>198460661 Zhetysu District, Almaty, Kazakhstan
>>198460572 Kaskelen, Karasay District, Almaty Region, Kazakhstan
>>198460553 Zhambyl District, Almaty Region, Kazakhstan
>>198460534 Korday District, Zhambyl Region, Kazakhstan
>>198304495 Gura Bîcului, Anenii Noi District, Moldova
>>198304539 Varnița, Anenii Noi District, Moldova
>>198304660 Căușeni, Căușeni District, Moldova
>>198304644 Cîrnățeni, Căușeni District, Moldova
>>198304591 Gîsca, Căușeni District, Moldova
>>198304613 Hagimus, Căușeni District, Moldova
>>198304631 Ursoaia, Căușeni District, Moldova
>>198300705 Centru Sector, Chișinău, Chișinău, Moldova
>>198300968 Rîșcani Sector, Chișinău, Chișinău, Moldova
>>198300828 Durlești, Chișinău, Moldova
>>198301124 Grătiești, Chișinău, Moldova
>>198301038 Stăuceni, Chișinău, Moldova
>>198301307 Drăsliceni, Criuleni District, Moldova
>>198301207 Măgdăcești, Criuleni District, Moldova
>>198301295 Pașcani, Criuleni District, Moldova
>>198303641 Cocieri, Dubăsari District, Moldova
>>198303794 Coșnița, Dubăsari District, Moldova
>>198303857 Doroțcaia, Dubăsari District, Moldova
>>198303555 Molovata Nouă, Dubăsari District, Moldova
>>198302127 Cunicea, Florești District, Moldova
>>198301865 Domulgeni, Florești District, Moldova
>>198301782 Prodănești, Florești District, Moldova
>>198302381 Sănătăuca, Florești District, Moldova
>>198301537 Brăviceni, Orhei District, Moldova
>>198301618 Ciocîlteni, Orhei District, Moldova
>>198301372 Ivancea, Orhei District, Moldova
>>198301599 Mălăiești, Orhei District, Moldova
>>198301524 Mitoc, Orhei District, Moldova
>>198301469 Orhei, Orhei District, Moldova
>>198301491 Pelivan, Orhei District, Moldova
>>198301353 Peresecina, Orhei District, Moldova
>>198301407 Pohorniceni, Orhei District, Moldova
>>198301441 Seliște, Orhei District, Moldova
>>198303408 Rezina, Rezina District, Moldova
>>198302075 Cobîlea, Șoldănești District, Moldova
>>198301980 Cotiujenii Mari, Șoldănești District, Moldova
>>198301936 Pohoarna, Șoldănești District, Moldova
>>198301909 Rogojeni, Șoldănești District, Moldova
>>198304863 Antonești, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304803 Cioburciu, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304893 Crocmaz, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304713 Ermoclia, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304735 Feștelița, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304870 Olănești, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304946 Palanca, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304695 Popeasca, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304845 Purcari, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304829 Răscăieți, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304813 Slobozia, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304783 Ștefan Vodă, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304759 Talmaza, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198304904 Tudora, Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova
>>198301751 Brînzenii Noi, Telenești District, Moldova
>>198301729 Căzănești, Telenești District, Moldova
>>198301659 Codrul Nou, Telenești District, Moldova
>>198301706 Negureni, Telenești District, Moldova
>>198301764 Ordășei, Telenești District, Moldova
>>198301648 Sărătenii Vechi, Telenești District, Moldova
>>198301686 Țînțăreni, Telenești District, Moldova
>>198304567 Bender, Transnistria, Moldova
>>198302800 Camenca, Camenca District, Transnistria, Moldova
>>198303900 Dubăsari, Dubăsari District, Transnistria, Moldova
>>198303988 Grigoriopol, Grigoriopol District, Transnistria, Moldova
>>198303139 Rîbnița, Rîbnița District, Transnistria, Moldova
>>198304460 Slobozia District, Transnistria, Moldova
>>198304433 Tiraspol, Transnistria, Moldova
>>198515073 Burgo, Arouca e Burgo, Arouca Municipality, Aveiro District, Portugal
>>198514990 Albergaria da Serra, Cabreiros e Albergaria da Serra, Arouca Municipality, Aveiro District, Portugal
>>198515048 Rossas, Arouca Municipality, Aveiro District, Portugal
>>198515054 Santa Eulália, Arouca Municipality, Aveiro District, Portugal
>>198515009 Urrô, Arouca Municipality, Aveiro District, Portugal
>>198515091 Várzea, Arouca Municipality, Aveiro District, Portugal
>>198514914 Arões, Vale de Cambra Municipality, Aveiro District, Portugal
>>198514934 Cepelos, Vale de Cambra Municipality, Aveiro District, Portugal
Are you the same person as the romanian. Ive worked in timor and i al searching for a gig in png. Any recommendations
>>198514973 Macieira de Cambra, Vale de Cambra Municipality, Aveiro District, Portugal
>>198514953 Rôge, Vale de Cambra Municipality, Aveiro District, Portugal
>>198284943 Forno Telheiro, Celorico da Beira Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198284954 Minhocal, Celorico da Beira Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285343 Ratoeira, Celorico da Beira Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285026 Vale de Afonsinho, Algodres, Vale de Afonsinho e Vilar de Amargo, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285109 Castelo Rodrigo, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285131 Colmeal, Colmeal e Vilar Torpim, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285088 Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285047 Freixeda do Torrão, Freixeda do Torrão, Quintã de Pêro Martins e Penha de Águia, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285065 Quintã de Pêro Martins, Freixeda do Torrão, Quintã de Pêro Martins e Penha de Águia, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198284963 Coriscada, Meda Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285147 Vale de Madeira, Alto do Palurdo, Pinhel Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285178 Pinhel, Pinhel Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285200 Souro Pires, Pinhel Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285242 Cerejo, Terras de Massueime, Pinhel Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285220 Ervas Tenras, Terras de Massueime, Pinhel Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198284978 Azevo, Vale do Côa, Pinhel Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198284994 Cidadelhe, Vale do Côa, Pinhel Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285258 Granja, Trancoso Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285272 Feital, Vila Franca das Naves e Feital, Trancoso Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285295 Vila Franca das Naves, Vila Franca das Naves e Feital, Trancoso Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198285319 Vilares, Vilares e Carnicães, Trancoso Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
>>198514788 Oliveira de Frades, Oliveira de Frades, Souto de Lafões e Sejães, Oliveira de Frades Municipality, Viseu District, Portugal
>>198514805 Sejães, Oliveira de Frades, Souto de Lafões e Sejães, Oliveira de Frades Municipality, Viseu District, Portugal
>>198514822 Souto de Lafões, Oliveira de Frades, Souto de Lafões e Sejães, Oliveira de Frades Municipality, Viseu District, Portugal
>>198514836 São João da Serra, Oliveira de Frades Municipality, Viseu District, Portugal
>>198514768 São Vicente de Lafões, Oliveira de Frades Municipality, Viseu District, Portugal
>>198514897 Manhouce, São Pedro do Sul Municipality, Viseu District, Portugal
>>198514857 São Cristóvão de Lafões, Santa Cruz da Trapa e São Cristóvão de Lafões, São Pedro do Sul Municipality, Viseu District, Portugal
>>198514877 Valadares, São Pedro do Sul Municipality, Viseu District, Portugal
>>198623468 Ardonsky District, North Ossetia-Alania, Russian Federation
>>198411995 Vyborgsky District, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
>>199013895 Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States
>>198856329 Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee, United States

rest of the dump

>>198935229 Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina
>>199020754 Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina
>>>/sp/141818049 Toowoomba, Darling Downs South West, Queensland, Australia
>>198936811 Rajshahi, Bangladesh
>>199008145 Vlaanderen, Belgium
>>>/sp/141594490 Eunápolis, Bahia, Brazil
>>198992667 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
>>198974511 Slave Lake, Lesser Slave River Municipal District, Alberta, Canada
>>198739449 Halifax Region, Nova Scotia, Canada
>>>/sp/142066931 London, Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada
>>199026205 Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada
>>199000110 Québec, Canada
>>199017741 Medellín, Antioquia Department, Colombia
>>199014061 Bogotá, Colombia
>>199011681 Čabar, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Croatia
>>198980045 Zadar, Zadar County, Croatia
>>199012477 Moravskoslezský Region, Czech Republic
>>198958190 Alexandria, El Eskenderiya Governorate, Egypt
>>198965993 Uusimaa, Finland
>>199024247 Illkirch-Graffenstaden, Canton Illkirch-Graffenstaden, Arrondissement Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, Grand Est, France
>>199030029 Ribeauville, Canton Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, Arrondissement Colmar-Ribeauville, Haut-Rhin, Grand Est, France
>>199007377 Moselle, Grand Est, France
>>198949456 Gironde, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France
>>>/pol/471976896 Montpellier, Hérault, Occitanie, France
>>199024446 Unterfranken, Bayern, Germany
>>198651267 Neuenhagen bei Berlin, Märkisch-Oderland District, Brandenburg, Germany
>>199004373 Aurich District, Niedersachsen, Germany
>>>/sp/142011351 Lövenich, Köln, Köln Region, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
>>>/pol/471894824 Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
>>198640665 Thermi, Kentriki Makedonia, Greece
>>>/sp/141993708 Dundalk, County Louth, Leinster, Ireland
>>>/sp/142010611 Metropolitan City of Napoli, Campania, Italy
>>>/pol/471957563 Modena, Province of Modena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
>>198624173 Ovodda, Province of Nuoro, Sardegna, Italy
>>>/sp/142058020 Terni, Province of Terni, Umbria, Italy
>>198470811 Mestre, Mestre-Carpenedo, Venezia, Metropolitan City of Venezia, Veneto, Italy
>>>/sp/141870440 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
>>198382952 Naryn Region, Kyrgyzstan
>>198972948 Panevežys, Panevežys County, Lithuania
>>>/pol/472153509 Vilnius, Vilnius County, Lithuania
>>198622357 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
>>199004403 Punent Region, Malta
>>199015815 Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico
>>>/sp/142045126 Ginneken, Breda Zuid-Oost, Breda, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
>>199014102 Cusco, Cusco Province, Cusco Region, Peru
>>198716071 Trujillo, Trujillo Province, La Libertad Region, Peru
>>>/pol/472242518 Manila, Philippines
>>198974014 Praga-Północ, Warszawa, Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Poland
>>198958883 Ílhavo Municipality, Aveiro District, Portugal
>>199014232 Vila do Conde Municipality, Porto District, Portugal
>>198520384 Viseu Municipality, Viseu District, Portugal
>>198623489 Tsentralny District, Voronezh, Voronezh Region, Russian Federation
>>199021247 Vojvodina, Serbia
>>198997939 Galicia, Spain
>>198344289 Noranco, Pambio-Noranco, Lugano, Lugano Ovest Circle, Lugano District, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland
>>>/sp/142006185 Canton of Zürich, Switzerland
>>198931562 Bristol, England, United Kingdom
>>198970746 Cornwall, England, United Kingdom
>>198944188 Lauderdale County, Alabama, United States
>>198893503 Conway, Faulkner County, Arkansas, United States
>>198898616 Bakersfield, Kern County, California, United States
>>198974389 San Bernardino, San Bernardino County, California, United States
>>198986185 Santee, San Diego County, California, United States
>>199013091 Denver, Colorado, United States
>>198881409 Connecticut, United States
>>>/pol/472177191 District of Columbia, United States
>>199016528 Coral Gables, Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States
>>198328631 Kissimmee, Osceola County, Florida, United States
>>198972352 Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia, United States
>>198974412 Cobb County, Georgia, United States
>>198968182 Solon, Johnson County, Iowa, United States
>>198977033 New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, United States
>>>/sp/142023466 Maryland, United States
>>199019790 Marquette County, Michigan, United States
>>>/pol/472180918 Minnesota, United States
>>198978161 Hinds County, Mississippi, United States
>>198894183 Missouri, United States
>>199023485 Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States
>>198890835 Brooklyn, New York City, New York, United States
>>>/pol/472189917 Lockport (town), Niagara County, New York, United States
>>>/pol/472200880 Oklahoma, United States
>>198976267 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States
>>>/pol/472089419 Bexar County, Texas, United States
>>>/sp/141967737 Kendall County, Texas, United States
>>198960145 Virginia, United States
>>>/pol/471958818 Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia, United States
>>199026084 Municipio B, Montevideo, Montevideo Department, Uruguay

se mercoledì prossimo il bidello non colpisce ancora puoi tornare a usare il pass

devi dumpare in Slovenia e Croazia?
dovrei prima raccogliere la lista dei posti
aye. in OP nel link mediafire ci sono dei .kml con i comuni di entrambi i paesi. Tuxler ha entrambe le bandierine, altrimenti potrei prestarti il mio account di hma
nice. will post flags when I have a better internet connection.
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aye second try. this time with le 2010 shitty ass frictiony walmart city bike

ebin. thankfully SOMEONE already fully flagged that country
post pics as well
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Yes. Same person.

Check out telecommunications companies. There is a lot of work in that space in PNG, and all over the country
>also how did you went from Romania to Australia in only 13 hours

I'm an Aussie in romania
Post on romania wifi shows romanian flag
If I post on my aussie sim card it's shows Australian flag
oh boy cant wait for biden to run again in 2028 after trump wins in a landslide in november

8 more years of back and forth between these ancient dinosaurs. God bless america!
Was checking New Mexico flags and apparently one or two can be updated from logos:
>Curry county
speaking of keks, would you look at this shit
>Quintã de Pêro Martins, Freixeda do Torrão, Quintã de Pêro Martins e Penha de Águia, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo Municipality, Guarda District, Portugal
What about it? Honestly can't see what's funny in the name.
not funny at all, makes your brain melt indeed. I wonder if that's the flag with the longest name in the dump
Oh, sorry. Now i get it.
That's just your typical United Parishes name and there's probably worse, every time i have to store those niggers they give me a headache because the name is too long.
I dont have any experience in that sector though. Are those australian telecom companies that operate in png?
no they operate in jpg
Here are some Fiji regionals
Fiji Islands||Nadroga-Navosa Province||Sigatoka
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amazing, thnks
flag dump

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Villoresi canal, one of the most prominent 19th century Italy's engineering works
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from Cesate starts a completely straight road towards the north that i used until Cogliate to save kilometers

you can already notice how the mountains look bigger
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his majesty Monte Rosa looking over my journey
Ceriano Laghetto
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Fino Mornasco

big industrial center close to Como, horrible traffic.
from here i could have taken the shortest, flattest route to Switzerland by passing through Como, which is also the recommended route between Milan and Switzerland
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Cassina Rizzardi

but instead of that i took a hillier route that takes more r a r e s
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Villa Guardia
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Montano Lucino
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Gironico al Piano

*it WAS the beautiful country*
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last village before Switzerland
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southernmost village of Switzerland, used to be the southernmost municipality as well until it got annexed into Chiasso in 1976

rly nice quaint hill village surrounded by vineyards, even managed to find wifi in the only bar of the village. markedly way more well mantained compared to the surrounding Italian villages
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southernmost point of Switzerland in Pedrinate, just a short hike from the village. bit cringe imho
plus i have no idea what those coordinates are
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Chiasso railway station, where the trip ended

that's it, it was fun to dump a bike trip like Goslar, althou small
>Fiji (You)s
priceless. i wish Viseu wouls still give out (You)s as well
Without knowing what experience you have I can't help much more. What do youbhave experience with and what did you hope to do over there?

The telecom companies are both Aussie and local png ones. Honestly though, best way to work in png is through an Aussie company. You will be paid way more and have better insurance and security/support when shit hits the fan (which it will over there)
This will be a challenge as you will need an Australian work visa and a PNG one, plus any necessary work licenses like a construction white card etc. Right now I'd say your best bet is going going over for aid worker if you have no practical skills

Here are some stories to get you motivated!!
>two security guards got killed on my worksite with machetes. Killers made off with a laptop and waterpump
>my customers got shot and car jacked while a lunch (they lived)
>I got threaten multiple times with fights
>I went to a meeting with landowners who brought machetes and threatened to cut my arm off for money
>I fell out of a helicopter
>my cars been punched, kicked and had rocks thrown at it while driving through town
>5 drunk guys tried to break down my front door and jump me at 1am
>I got trapped for 9 days without food on top of a mountain
>I fucked a chick and had her family try to bully me into marriage for Aussie citizenship
Idc all of those or similar things happened to me back home, aid workers beed to have some connections i guess. Ive only done manuel work in the summer then gov and banking jobs. How dyou find those gigs in the first place, do you fly to madang and beg ngos for a position
yo check discord again. last two things i promise
>Idc all of those or similar things happened to me back home
Lol where are you from and why do you feel the need to go to png then?
>aid workers need to have some connections i guess
Just apply online, but most for png require you to be Australian.
>Ive only done manuel work in the summer then gov and banking jobs.
You're not specific enough. Doesn't sound like good enough experience though
>How dyou find those gigs in the first place, do you fly to madang and beg ngos for a position
I doubt that plan would work at all lmfao
Madang doesn't have many ngo from what I saw. Id say most orgs will be run from port moresby and will service worse off areas in the highlands. Don't expect to land an aid job on an island beach hahahaha
my grandfather installed telephone lines in png in the late 60s
Because it has been a dream of mine. I do anti money laundering. Just landed a permanent position here but the pay is shit. I did some regional economic development and legal texts when i worked for the government.idc about the beach lol it could be anywhere in the country thats fine by me
All those lines will have been stolen for copper by now sadly

Gonna have to be a dream you keep working on mate. Most expat jobs for are senior positions and don't take young people unless it's for mining, construction, telecom or aviation, where they take young engineers or tradespeople
Whats your def of senior. I am not wageslaving here for 9 years. I gotta get a tradie cert in oz then
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What country are you originally from??
Senior, as in roles for manager, director, advisor, consultant etc. Someone that is responsible for company decisions and strategy, not someone at the beginning of their career who is still learning

I find it funny you want to work there so bad. All my contacts in png keep hitting me up for jobs in Australia
Hi, Guys. I'm back. I bought a P52 Thinkpad from a friend of mine. I still have to give him some money but it will be my last payment. My other computer's sdd is fucked, can't get some months of flag left.

How y'all be doing? I finished university and went from an intership to a big boy job
welcome back bro i missed your greentexts

still stuck at university + still have tons of flags to make + now i have to work too because i'm officially broke. bruh situation

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