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/p/ - Photography

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Go /p/ro:
• Please post images that are JPG format and ideally smaller than 1 MB, and/or about 1000 pixels on the longest side.
• Expect to be judged harshly. Learn to deal with it.

• We come here for photos, so post yours as often as possible, even if "image unrelated" to your text.
• "Flickr/500px/Tumblr/Facebook/Portfolio" threads are for critique and networking.
• Use "Recent Photos" threads if you are shy or only want to post a couple of photos.
• Shared raw files which we can collectively edit for discussion of post-processing techniques, are encouraged.
• Use the Catalog to consolidate similar topics (photographic themes, images or technical gear threads).

Do not want:
• Go to /wsr/ or /r/ for specific Photoshop requests.
• Gear threads are discouraged, but identified as necessary. Many users simply hide these threads.

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autism edition
Last: >>4393321
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saw this and irl onions'ed. they werent sold here and its probably real

celica ssiii = late 90s toyota equivalent of dc2 95-01 integra type r competitor, similar power2weight at 200hp/2600-2700lbs. looked real since its rhd

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this is a man

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>post your selfmade development and enlargement shit

>thread question
what new year resolutions have you already fucked up and which ones you still have going?

Previous thread

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited

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I refuse to buy anything new besides film (for now)
Also just forces me to use different types desu
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>you don't see why a niche product isn't sold in an uncommon format
It is though
Like who the fuck is printing 8.5x11 in the darkroom?
Who asked for 20x24 (5:6 aspect ratio)?
All I'm saying is they should have called me and asked for my own personal formats of choice, and everybody should have to use those.
Just get a 4 foot roll and cut your own paper.
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jesus fucking crhist what have I done I am such a god damn reatard
>made fresh batch of 1L of XTOL, in warm water
>sealed the bottle tightly
>wanted to left it outside the windowsill for a while to cooldown
>forgot the windowsill was angled
>the bottle FUCKING FALLS
>live on the FIRST floor
>most of it spills on a pavement anyway
>some of it right under some poor fucking italian's window that lives under
I tried to wipe off some it but fuck, its gonna fucking freeze overnight and I will have a fucking frozen XTOL puddle under my window, some pigeon will drink some of it when it melts and will shit itself to death because of me
don't play with chemistry if you're a fucking retard like me
if it freezes it's gonna smell shit for weeks, possibly
congrats on creating pigeon aids btw

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Convince me I'm not an idiot before I spent 1700 Euros on this.
I quit photography for several years and sold my gear and one of the biggest reasons was I hated that I had to specifically go out to shoot because I didn't want to lug around my camera and several lenses. Thinking about it a compact camera like this one would be perfect to carry around more often than not. Am I thinking correctly? I need to have an outsider point of view on this.
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To each their own, my keeper rate doesn't really change with the system I use
Would love to see what you're able to get out of the system though!
>small but not quite small enough to put in your trouser pocket
Being you I would buy any version of a GR III or wait for a GR IV. That is if you require absolute pocketability. If it's not such a big deal then there are some MILC options that have already been posted.
If you want the retro look (admittedly the top dial design is very practical and nice to shoot with) then try to look for a used X100V perhaps (but it will still be expensive).
>dying hobby
>east asian knock off of german design
X100 series looks nothing like Leica. It's obviously inheriting most of its design from the TX-1 and GSW690III.
Wait for the canon retro ff. Its going to mog the sony a7c to death.

Future canon retroshit > snoy a7c > fuji xe- > ricoh gr > fuji xf/xa > fuji x100
This is jap camera retailer data. You can always ignore it because it means nothing.
>inheriting most of its design from the TX-1 and GSW690III
no you're thinking of the xpros. the x100 is clearly a clone of the konica hexar platform

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It's an expensive and fun camera. As an alternative, you could search for a used X-Pro 2/X-Pro 3 plus a 35mm 1.4 lens.

This board is full of bullshit.

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Wha'ts the best way to denoise?
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Dxo Photolab works better/faster without making a copy, just werks like regular denoise.
>Do raw adjustments in lightroom. Save as tiff. Do color and detail adjustments in photoshop.

Why not just do RAW adjustments in Photoshop? Isn't Lightroom just a cut down version of photoshop?
If Adobe improved file management in Photoshop there would be no need for Lightroom at all.
Looks moderately smeary, but given how noisy the original image is I guess it's still fairly impressive and might be a legit good option in less noisy images to begin with where it wouldn't need to be as intensive
Just the plain old photoshop one or bust. Sorry but it's just true

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I don't have one and never used one, but I am intimidated. The size, weight and of course price. I know for wildlife it's pretty much a must, and I love doing that kind of photography, but carrying one around sounds like a huge pain in the ass when right now I have a very lightweight compact setup.
>Nikon Z7ii
>Z MC 105
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Why do you lie? Whats the point? Canon’s already lost most of their major news agencies to sony and is just #2 in FF ILC market share. They couldnt even make a 28-70 f2 without sony’s being smaller and vignetting significantly less. Canons engineering teams have gone downhill.
excusee but canon is #1 in compacts and crop sensors and therefore #1 overall. being #1 in $2000 professional gear is meaningless. everyone uses cameras like the r7 and powershot series. full frame professional cameras are barely a sliver of the whole market and the part that matters the least.
>canon lost this specific company wah wah wah
>i spend all my day researching who quit using canon so I can add them to my collection anecdotes
Canon won cameras overall. They have the biggest market share and the gap is only getting bigger. E mount is a meme for zoomies, pros don't even look at sony's on store shelves, they walk straigh passed as if they're not there and go straight to Canon.
Sony’s #1 in FF sorry. All canon has anymore is getty (for now) and some professional sports (for now). I guess they can be the beginners camera company in the future? Like fuji!
>w-w-w-well snoy is best at [insert niche here]
Lmao. Nice cope, kid.

What if these people have a genetic defect and can only see in orange and teal?
I understand at a primordial level orange and teal (golden hour & blue hour) have enchanted the landscape for the past 100'000 years of our existence. How our monkey brethren and forbearers gasped at the sight of the savannah as the sun lit up bush and shrubs as well as predators that might lay hiding in them.
Could it be that these photographers and editors aren't doing this purposefully?
Considering that haircut, it's more likely that kind of person is just completely lacking in taste.
If your photo is good you don't need to colour grade it. In fact an impressive photo will look more impressive if the colours are realistic. Colour grading does help spice up boring photos though.
Yeah, it sucks. But I modify small blotches of disharmonious colours.

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Big pink balls edition
Last thread >>4391933

How much editing do you guys do on your film photos? Do you leave them raw? Minor touches or full on edited?
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99% of people (with internet access) live in boring as shit places, and aren't willing to travel 2+ hours for a photo. I live in STRAYAM8 so I've got endless amounts of landscaping to do, but driving four hours up the coast or inland just to find out the weather is shit later that day is a bit disheartening.
Right forgot to mention I'm thinking of mirrorless, I don't want to buy another camera when I need another focal length.
I don't even really like the vast majority of landscape photography
Oh right. Probably something like the XM-5 and the Fuji 18mm f/2. I've not kept that up to date on APS-C stuff so that's just what I found with a quick search. The trouble is a lot of lenses around that focal length are pretty long, you may be able to get a slightly slimmer setup with a thicker FF body but a shorter 28mm.
Canon says they’re going to release a compact ff milc soon and they have the only 28mm pancake that isnt totally shit.

Otherwise go snoy and enjoy your 35mms. They have the smallest autofocus lens on earth but its a vibey 28mm fixed f4.5.

Which brand has the most reliable weather sealing? I wanna shoot /out/ but I live in michigan.

Has anyone had their 'weather sealed' camera die on them from heavy rain?
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Indians shill shit for free, they don't even need to be paid. They're total brand whores and will just buy something for its name and shit on anything that isn't that brand.
>paid panasonic shill
are you retarded? use a paid shill for what, 7 possible clients on this dead board who aren't NEET and already locked into a brand? ah yes, I can imagine the panasonic camera department's marketing guys going... "we better set aside some assets this quarter and make Timothy over there shill out shit on 4chinz... the return on that investment is gonna be bananas".
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>are you retarded?
Brother, you're on 4chan. Yes.
>he doesn't know how it works
take it from someone that has been paid to shill, including here

the brand contracts a social media marketing agency that serves many, many other clients
this social media marketing agency pays people to post scripted and guidelined comments everywhere
50 of the best employees and associates are running youtube channels and instagram accounts and others are required to like, follow, repost, comment on those etc for algo purposes and post support for "brand" in comment sections

if you are given a free camera to shill it you are really special
if you ONLY shill cameras, you are really, really special. we shill 50+ different products on a given day. PMPs, IEMs, smartphones, and apps make up the majority. the cameras are an "also do this" tier task.
4chan is never your primary task, it's "also, this is out now/on sale now, make a few threads on 4chan and respond to yourself about how you ordered it and this is a game changer and then go back to helping get our guys to the top of the algo and recommending our stuff on reddit" thing
It's all on price tiers unless you're pentax

Sony's SLR style bodies post-2019 have thorough weather sealing than sony's rangefinder style bodies and GM and G lenses have sealing while non letter lenses do not have the same degree of protection.
Nikon's professional full frame bodies have weather sealing but the most thorough weather sealing is reserved for the Z8 and Z9. Nikon's S line lenses have weather sealing but others do not.
Canon's professional full frame bodies have weather sealing with the best reserved for the R1 and R3. From the R8 down it gets worse. Canon lenses not branded with "L" do not have weather sealing at all.
Olympus bodies market weather sealing heavily but the OM-1/EM-1 series is the only one with actual full fledged sealing. It's downgraded for the OM-5/EM-5 series and absent lower. Only ZUIKO PRO lenses are weather sealed.
ALL modern pentax cameras and their lenses are fully weather sealed! Old lenses from the film days are not.
Panasonic varies by lens, no easy branding to follow.
Just don't get a fujifilm wet unless you're a gambling man.

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These are all from a trip I took in May. Went to Andalusia, Morocco, Italy, Malaysia, Bali, Thailand.
Majority of the photos were shot with a Ricoh GR1 and the rest with a Nikon F100
C-41, E-6, and B&W all developed and """scanned""" at home with a D700.
Oh, and all my film was exposed multiple times I just don't know how many CT scanners (the ones that ruin your film) I encountered

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Sorry, when I think of slide film, I think of those big boards of medium format film you slide in and out of a big box camera.
Those were not CT scanners otherwise you'd know. Those were x-ray which are somewhat safe-ish for 135 low iso film.
Any ideas about those scratches 'telegraph lines'? Do you open canister for spooling to tank reel or you just pull it by the leader? If later those were probably from shit in film canister lightseal felt.
On the sky often you have drying water marks, use some soft 'flo' bath, Kodak photo-flo needs 3/4 of recommended dose otherwise it's too soapy.
But other than that thanks for based thread
I also admire how you had resilience to visit so many places, many of them shitholes in one month, wouldn't do it if I was paid.
Honestly really nice work Anon. There are some great shots here, as well as some pretty generic vacation snapshits.
Best thread in a while, I hope you post more sometime when you go on vacation again.
Thank you anon

Yeah I was wondering why I got those lines. You're right, it was probably something in the light seal felt

Lol yeah I can see the reasoning. Slide film is just color positive film. Colors are beautiful but there's little dynamic range. It's recommended you expose for the highlights which will give you very dark shadows.
>slide film
I learned something today
Thank you

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The perfect lens doesn't exi...
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Yeah thats you when you bring up euro lens paypig myths like 3d pop and flat rendering lol!
>many girls flat out call DSLRs "dexter cameras"

i have never heard this and my gf is 26 and graduated from art school. the worst i heard is looking like a hipster or a photography major which is a insult in its own vs other art majors apparently. >>4400054 is me btw and i look fucking schizo irl

most girls just take iphone pictures desu its good enough and easy to share, i personally like dslrs because they're fun to shoot and feel like a camera.
It sounds like a high school in joke desu

30 year old boomers will do shit like think everyone watched some obscure cartoon on cable and had a neo-pet and certain video games because that was what everyone in their suburban town did.
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>they're for 2 completely different mounts
weren't nikonboys crowing about how their mount is so great since everything adapts to it? you can buy your chinese magadap adapter and the samyang lens and still come in way under the Plena's weight, price, and size, with an insignificant penalty to image quality (no you aren't going to be able to tell the difference between the images). At least with the Sony/Canon 135mm options there are actual advantages to the 1st party options (faster linear AF motor or IS) but the Nikon has neither and is still using a shoddy STM AF motor just like the Samyang.
Maybe if nikon would remove their non compete clause from Z mount licensing, niggors wouldn't have this problem

FYI: That clause is why tamron lenses keep coming out with weird zoom ranges and prime focal lengths. They can't do the same thing as a nikon product if they want to sell to nikon... and keep making half of nikon's lenses for them, of course. An unknown number of nikon lenses are made by tamron. It might actually be all of them. They have a japan factory so you'd never know by MIJ!

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Previous >>4359803

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Sidenote, if you're having issues with AF locking on during winter/snow, take off the lens hood if you have one. Made a massive difference for me even with the camera body equalized temp wise.
I'm actually very impressed with the r6mkii hitting the focus through a ton of bushes and branches on that shot with the cheapo rf100-400

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Have a bunch of others, but mostly samey as the rest.
Here's a fat fuck sparrow for my last one.

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Sensor ISO Speed308

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What makes it work?
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 26.2 (Windows)
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Image Created2025:01:18 01:07:26
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Image Height1913
It's a good picture of him, but it's overall flat.

I really like this as a portrait, but damn does it ring alarm bells knowing what we now know about the left and Obama. Surely some satanic shit behind this. And the sperm on the temple... pure humiliation ritual.

Pretty badass for a King ngl
Surely. I have seen a satanic shrubbery or two in my time, and my medievally stupid morons, this is definitely one of them. I can tell by the pixels.
What's so satanic about foilage?
>doesn't ask for elaboration

How do you EDC your camera? I want to take my camera with me more, but I don't want to carry a purse like a faggot.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
27 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
i like taking distance shots since its easier to take a few steps back if you have too much lens but personally for walk-around duties im waiting on a 28-90mm + 35mm prime lens to come in the mail.

its a crop sensor cam (pentax kf apsc) and that was a $30 lens (honestly not awful other than slow AF + bad purple fringing on whites + soft)
Buy a camera insert, you can turn any bag into a camera bag with that. So you could buy whatever backpack you like or something like a canvas messenger, then just put the insert inside and it's a camera bag. It also draws less attention since typical camera bags are very obvious about what they are and you can spot a Lowepro or Peak Design bag from the other side of a street.
nice purse
>image rotates when I click on it. what?
File: boris.png (517 KB, 562x593)
517 KB
517 KB PNG
It means somebody embedded an XSS attack within the image link. Might want to nuke your PC anon

What is it about nature that every living human seems to be able to appreciate from an aesthetic standpoint?
What does it take to be a truly great nature/landscape photographer? Anyone can snap a photo of a stunning landscape and receive praise despite not providing any actual input or effort into the photograph.
How do you go above and beyond in this day and age?
13 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
What do you think of the IQ?
>despite not providing any actual input or effort into the photograph
You could be that flippant about any photography style
Patience is key I think, and choosing your moments wisely.
Boring lighting makes for boring shots.
Case in point.
File: 1000046427.jpg (1.97 MB, 5472x3648)
1.97 MB
1.97 MB JPG
>noo, you can't just take photos of things you think look nice and have people like your photos because they look nice

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSAMSUNG
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>noooo you've burnt the highlights and I can't see any DR in the sun, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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