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Most popular music artists in every country

Notice anything?
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Tsoi lives
Based Florida
europe music is pure crap, low tier quality
Now do Warsaw, it's probably 70 percent polish at best.
white people prefer nigger music
white people prefer Jewish religion
white people are disgusting cucks

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>one Afghan shitskin stabs some pro-Israel anti-islam activist, nobody dies
>whole board goes crazy
Things like this happen nearly every day in France. Why doesn't France bother you at all?
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holy based
french keks
french stud
That fake french shill again.
Probably a shitskin who dont like France because we humiliated his ancestor. Shitskins are like kikes, they can't get over it.
>Things like this happen nearly every day in France
Uh ?

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Say something nice about Mrs. Williams
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>people (not trump) say niggers are irresponsible, vengeful beasts
>trump goes out of his way to appeal to and be fair to niggers
>leftists see a black person in a position of power above trump and get giddy thinking bunny hitler was just put in a snake pit, because I guess niggers are expected to behave like irresponsible, vengeful beasts
She has a really big cock
nah, they're bullshit.
we both know that shit's getting tossed on appeal,
and that the only point of doing it was so that faggots like you could parrot
>he's a convicted felon!
>disgraced former president!
100% fake and gay.
I'm sure she was promoted chud
a useless black government employee, shocking

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War between Hamas and Israel is fake;There is no War between Hamas and Israel.

Videos and photographics about fake Hamas Israel War are fraudulent videos and photographics that are either staged by actors or made in the computer or both.

Islamic State still controls large parts of Iraq and Sham today;Islamic State are never defeated this is a lie made up by kuffar.

Islamic State and Ahlul Sunnah Real Mucahids are fighting against Israel and they will push Israel into the sea and slaughter Jewish bastards in there InshAllah.

Fake Hamas Israel War narrative and fraudulent videos and photographics about it are made up by kuffar to cover up The Real War of Islamic State and Ahlul Sunnah Real Mucahids against Israel and also to cover up the fact that Islamic State and Ahlul Sunnah Real Mucahids are about to start pushing Israel into the sea and slaughtering Jewish bastards in there Biiznillah.
kys mossad
jeets are fighting for israel now?
>the fat kike waddling away after a failed backstab

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Previous: >>469847785

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski
>Russia recorded 30% growth of men with disabilites since 2022 (507 thousand men)

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Actually all I had to do was using Saucenao on my gif. Use those tools before asking to be spoonfed.
It’s from Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai.
Save them from their virginity (we'll have to dip into the single digits to find any of those but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make)
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how does exactly world's strongest army get to picrel point
not what I was promised
>I think we should be involved because if we’re not we’ll have to get involved far more later when this dumb shit comes knocking at our door.
You're allowed to be retarded, I suppose. But in a just world faggots like you would be killed off too.
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N-n-noooo. Regardless of the previous topic, are you okay with electroshock collars, forced conditioning and non-prescribed neuroleptics usage?

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If you believe in outer space, you are a fucking retard and NPC.

Jewish sorcery isn't outer space.
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daily reminder only kikes spam flat earth in places they cant censor where peple talk about their crimes so their media can call anyone talking about their crimes flat earther
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the shuttle engines weren't designed by krauts, though. and russia doesn't even have a real space program anymore + the USSR and korolev got mogged by spaceX
clearly they think you already have such a degree.

Isn’t it racist that no country in Africa has nukes?
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Talk to Israel. They took South Africa's nukes
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I know her
She went on to be a white house spokesperson
This is true, but the same is true for europeans.
This is well documented by europeans who lived with native africans and other "wild" people in the jungle.
The daughter of a guy who was trying to settle a war between two tribes has learned to improve her senses aswell and she did, not as well as the africans but still.
It would be fascinating to see if nuclear deterrence works with a race with median IQ 75
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no country in the world has nukes because they arent real, which is why there hasnt been a videotaped nuclear explosion anywhere in the world since 1971 because by that point western audiences were savvy to hollywood camera tricks which is also why we stopped going to the moon at exactly the same time!

see pic rel


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How do you weeb anons here feel about your beloved Japan's war criminal worshipping shrine getting pissed on?
How will Japan ever recover?

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The shrine also worships convicted war criminals who bombed Pearl Harbor and America's west coast in WWII. It also has a museum with cherrypicked narratives that deny any wrongdoing on their part and that America nuked them twice "for no justifiable reason".
Apologized? You retards are avoiding the allegations and keep on denying.
Considering how many Chinese there still are today they didn't do a very good job.
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Japan's education curriculum doesn't even teach the actual roles in WWII. They just teach students that Japan was the victim in the war, getting bullied by America when all they were trying to do was have their soldiers make the world a better place.

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Previous >>469781259

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Qassam Brigades destroy a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Zorob area in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of #Rafah.
>Qassam fighters managed to detonate an anti-personnel explosive device "Thunder" against an engineering force consisting of 6 Zionist soldiers, killing and wounding them near the George Junction, east of #Rafah city, south of the #Gaza Strip.
>The documented Palestinian death toll has risen to 36,379 martyrs and 82,407 injuries since the seventh of last October.
>BREAKING: Hezbollah strikes directly hit and destroyed the IDF's military base in Kiryat Shmona with Burkan heavy rockets.


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current situation in gaza (north of the corridor isnt inclouded)
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Pic from the strikes

Sure buddy

>they hit a christian majority area cuz no shias live in that area
All of Baalbek is Hezb territory
It really does look like some genetic muscular hypertrophy disease from inbreeding
looks like a nothingburger to me to be honest. if it isn't then Hezbollah will strike back anyways, so it's a win-win situation.
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>he hasnt taken the shabbosgoypill yet
Never going to make it

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Benjamin Netanyahu has accepted US Congress invitation to come speak in Washington DC.

Benjamin Netanyahu has active warants out for his arrest for his war crimes and the active genocide he is orchestrating against the Palestinian people.
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>doesn't even bother to use English
He was born and raised in Philly
he is protected by the most high, who are u kidding
On the playground is where he spent most of his days.
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u dimwits still underestimate ur enemy

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On average how long to trannies last post-op until they kill themselves? I cannot imagine doing this every day for longer than a year without just quitting forever
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>1st of June
>haven't bene hit with pride shit down my throat yet
>compared to previous years
it really is the IDF that pushes this shit onto the USA? Holy fuck.
Based stonetoss honoring the dead lgbt
The floor is AIDS.
this isnt even a joke nor is it clever or funny
its just a literal comic mocking dead people

i know it doesnt matter to any of you but im kinda disappointed
not in your homophobia or whatever but just that like this is the level of thinking youre willing to engage in now in order to feel that chemical rush like youve won
this is how low youll stoop just to feel something again

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They want you to suffer.
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>Fuckin lol
What's wrong with that? I have it set to 76/77 half the time. Hell, there was one july where I had the AC entirely off for most of the month. Keep the sun out and the windows shut for insulation and it's mostly fine.
They want you to use as your high deductible health insurance. Less than $10K? Pay out of pocket.
>im not home when im sleeping
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Telling people to conserve power by cutting back on basic things like washing their clothes, keeping the lights on, heating and cooling their house is an admission that they cannot scale energy production to meet consumer demand. An admission of failure. There is no such thing as a first world country that does not consume a significant amount of electricity. This is an omen that your standard of living is about to plummet. If they actually gave a shit they would invest in nuclear plants and your electric bill would be less than a hundred bucks
>vast majority of people have difficulty sleeping when it's too hot
>turn the temp up when you sleep
Who believes this shit?

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>This nigger...
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not funny
The man is a total dictator. Pinochet levels.
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>well, um, we just have to demonstrate he will not take power
>by uh if he does run
>by making sure he uh
>under legitimate efforts of our constitution he does not become our next president
Nothing to see here
Gooble gooble
Everyone knows.

What's up with women? Why are they so attracted to delivery drivers that make below the average minimum wage? Y'all told me they all wanted to date doctors and lawyers.

Do not bump this demoralization thread.

Just report and move on.
If you have to ask someone if they're 18. Maybe, just maybe. You shouldn't be flirting with them.
>watch this tik tok
and sage

I'm firmly on the side of Israel. They did nothing wrong.

Muslims populate like 1/4 of the earths fucking surface. Jews deserve to have a tiny nation for themselves.
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>the autistic incel yet again loses an argument and just proves how trash whites are
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Changing flags every other post
>I hope they will at least rule over us if we promise to try to not be retards
That ship has sailed, your ancestors fucked it up. Best you can hope for now is friendly trade relations.
>Jews peddle crack and popularize violence in black communities, promote MLK who was an absolute fucking nigger whose own family hated him to the point they tried to get his assassin acquitted over Malcolm X who wanted blacks to be self-sustainable
>Jews bring in hordes of Hispanic rape apes that ruin longstanding Mexican American communities that have been in the US even long before the Mexican-American war
>Jews bring in even more actually mentally retarded Somali rape apes to Minnesota, a state that is traditionally heavily Scandinavian
>Jews push nigger gangsta culture on Asians in California, allow literal Chinese secret police to harass Chinese immigrants
>Jews ruined West Virginia by selling their only valuable asset in coal mining to foreign countries, after polluting and scouring the Appalachians all because white West Virginians were getting too uppity and dared to ask for better pay and work conditions
>Jews sell US nuclear secrets to the USSR, a multicultural, brutalist communist union THEY created
>Jews basically control the US economy
>Jews go about life with an obnoxiously smug attitude, inserting themselves into every racial community’s politics because they think they are a master race
>Every race has a common enemy in Jews
The Jew cries in pain as he strikes you

Does this seem like how swarthy rape terrorists would behave?
Or maybe... MAYBE... maybe the jews are lying to us about CCHHamas
jews lying to goyim
a story as old as time
Hey, that's very polite of them. At least they didn't killed the family like some very nosey "people" do.

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I quit going to work after I realized 90% of the time I'm just wasting my time doing pointless shit nobody cares about and not getting ahead in life.
I worked there a lot over the past 12 years and the wagie community was a major factor in my decision to not work anymore. NEETs did it to an extent as well but WAGIES are far worse.
Someone could give a long drawn out and factually accurate explanation of what would have to happen for me to even be able to one day buy a home and have a family and why working was fraudulent. The post would get a dozen responses of
>when you know you know
>economic collapse is coming
>stack metals the end is nigh
>keep waging faggot
>100% eoy silver will reach 5k an ounce
Or some equally long schizo post explaining numerology, using bible scripture and random posts here explaining how by the end of the year billions will be unemployed because of the AI.
Here we are.
After seeing the nothingburger today I came here just to watch the seething and suicide letters. It’s beyond EOY, the jobs didn't disappear, the banks didn't collapse (unfortunately), no more use cases and all the dirty laundry is out in the air now.
It’s not going to be Millennial's Economic Paradise, it will not be the Roaring 20's all over again. The world will not be descending into hyper deflation and prosperity (as was obsessed over for months/years) it will be going on as usual with no major gains or rewards.
I will enjoy watching wagies burn every step along the way.

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Lol faggot poorfag + sage
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Copy paste bot faggots actually made a good thread. lol

***NO PUSSY!!! NO WORK!!!***






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Show flag, it's not that I disagree with your way of life, it's just that I hate memeflags.
Who gives a fuck you 3rd world faggot.

Why have you not killed yourself at the realization that this life has been rigged against you??

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What are the political ramifications of men NEETing?
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Why kill yourself? Stick around and try to survive the collapse. When your government gives you an apocalypse turn its immigrant horde weapons into fuel. throw their shitskins right back in in their face be defending yourself and property and surviving. I will probably die when the horde of 45 IQ immigrants armed by our own government show up at my door wanting my resources but I plan on making it as expensive as hell. I will go out out in a blaze of glory and I don't care if anyone notices it will be a life goal completed.
Women are retarded and basically just want chad to murderrape them
>who gives a shit what 40 year old women want.

50y old men do. Give it time, you will be there soon.

I will add one more thing, since millennial women have fucked up so majorly that most of them are childless and alone, they're looking for divorced men with children by the time they are 35 so they can LARP as a mother.
yea once they realise looks won't bring food to the table, paid vacations or emotional comfort they start getting real
Bein useful to yourself is more useful than being useful to other people.

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How the fuck hasn't Angela Merkel been assassinated by a patriot yet ? It would have been an important symbolic message. It baffles me, you literally know who fucked your country. In Minecraft of course.
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Next time it‘s gonna be you who‘s gonna shake like this. Stop hoping for shitty things.
yes it’s weird
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>How the fuck hasn't Angela Merkel been assassinated by a patriot yet ?
the people feel that politicians are merely puppets, one doesnt get very angry with just the face of the underlying ((system)), out problems wont be solved by cutting just one of the many heads of the hydra.
"patriots" are the biggest pussies out there. Eco warriors have more guts.
>by a patriot
why would a patriot bother the most popular German politician since Helmut Kohl? she is considered a Heroine by most Germans.

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