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Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine

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>he got set up by a glowie
What is your evidence for that claim?
No (((NGO))) activity means just this, nafotroons wouldnt understand
Good. Better than having his balls cut off and fucked in the ass by some random jew at 6, like in US.
russia must be fragile to do this
then again so is ukraine
>literal communist behavior
thank a europeon

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>Australia welcomes Julian Assange home amid warnings about press freedom

>RBA 'will surely lift rates' after latest shock inflation surge

>Australian rugby star Hayne will not face new rape trial

>Australia’s grocer chains face billion-dollar fines over supplier treatment
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a man will die but not his ideas
i'm a little poopy brains and no one will hear me screamvvvs
>the words on my screen are aggressive

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Serbia : "We are no longer interested in EU membership"
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>You don't have to legalize Sam sex marriages
>has a literal faggot president
>now kisz

Didn't y'all literally have some lesbian as president or mayor of belgrade or something.

Seems like you'd fit in perfectly in the EU
BRICS exists as agreement of non interference in local politics, it's way better than west imposing liberal "values" onto whoever they can, and we see how (((well))) it's going for you

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition, also by posting in these threads you recognize that Serbia should be glassed off the map.

>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK

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man it's a nice shit flinging contest here currently goodness.
We'll see.
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disgusting 4/10....but would anyway
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>Oleg Tatarov
He just lost his brother Alex?

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Mia Rusteinen, 22, hit her head pretty bad in a motorcycle accident. She attempted a high score in female motorcycling with bad results.

She is being kept alive in a comatose state in a hospital.

Her body is fully alive, its just that she cant wake up for the moment. A feeding tube is put in to feed her. Someone washes her body every week.

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With how retarded, unnecessary and dangerous to ones personal bodily integrity it is to ride a motorcycle I'm surprised more women don't do it to be frank. It's a behaviour that's right up their alley
but is it about random Finnish news stories
Is that her at the end?
That would be covered under current events so yes, and at least it's fresher than the same stake trump/Biden threads
Thanks for the updates 1pbti finanon!
Is that what a 22 year old looks like these days? grim!

It would be so funny if this guy died at 62 or something
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he very well could die a lot younger than that given all of what he's doing is experimental and he's using himself as the guinea pig

he's based & vampire-pilled and only jealous, ugly, fat poor people with no discipline seethe about him "NOOOO YOU HAVE TO BE UGLY AND AGE HORRIBLY LIKE THE REST OF US AAAAAA STOP IT RICH PEOPLE"

I wish him luck in pioneering human longevity & regeneration
>i don't understand it
>therefore nobody can
>hurr durr because I'm smarter than everyone
This lmao
Theres a bunch of seething losers here hating on this guy because he isnt rotting away like them
>open and transparent about his findings
Not as much as he should be. He's consistently refused to submit tissue samples to third parties to test them against epigenetic aging clocks (the golden standard is GrimAge, which is good at telling you when you will probably die). He's just throwing shit at a wall and hoping some of it will stick. Complete denial.

Previous: >>472217323

▶Day: 854 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow

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Remind me which side is acking themselves like troons again? LMAO
How are local sodomy and indian parades?
Hohol genes that (you)?
>let asume one shell kills two
I suspect serbian shells are not precision shells, so the rate would probably be 1 kill and few wounded every 5-10 shells depending on how skilled ukie arty and fire-command is. It does good job on wrecking russian equipment though, which is more important than actual kills.
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dead russniggers
Yes, that's me slovezigger. I told you my ethnicity and you went silent. What gives?

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One of my coworkers became aware of my political activities and reported me to my manager.

What do?
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Vote democrat for A-line bobs and vegan cats
Tell them you tried to buy a car two weeks ago
If you have a job, that company owns your soul. Hence why people will shoot up their place of work after being fired. You become a representative of said company thanks to current day politics even when you have no uniform, nothing. Welcome to Weimerica.
>a Tifa
That goes against your employee handbook doesn't it?
Embrace it
Don't be a pussy

every religion before Christianity was demon worship
every religion other than Christianity is demon worship
that is all
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>"Just ignore the 98k years of your White history before we made up the myth of Jewsus to enslave you with compassion and empathy."
Fuck you kike.
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It’s funny to me because Paganism doesn’t even give them any sort of cool powers, where as Jesus Christ makes miracles happen. I do more cool pagan shit than actual pagans and I do everything for Jesus and give all glory to him
>Syro-Anatolian mestizo helot has an opinion
duly noted
now spread them cheeks
youre brown sir
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I'm Buddhist & do not worship demons

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Lets examine what's inside of the "vaccinated".

Remember, it's been 4 years, antivaxxers did indeed win on all fronts! If you're vaccinated, you learned to keep that information to yourself, didn't you? The vaccine wasn't really a traditional vaccine, was it? It does alter DNA, huh? It was experimental... Still is??

First and LAST free "cure" you're even going to get from big pharma! Let's take a closer look at that "cure".
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because 2009 darpa patents that describe exactly what you are seeing
why do pfizers own documents show an increase in miscarriage and infertility post-vaccine?
they are being sued by Kentucky right now because they lied and said it was safe and effective when their own data showed that it was neither.
>Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth
>Pfizer concealed evidence that the shot was linked to pregnancy complications, including miscarriage, as well as inflammation in and around the heart, known as myocarditis and pericarditis.
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People think I joke when I say the vax was made by mentally ill furries.
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Who's the real schizo I wonder?

Why are poor Americans so fucking retarded? It's usually tradecucks and other working class pleboids that own nothing and cannot even afford a trip to the dentist that support Capitalism with such zeal. Enjoy paying for education and healthcare you fucking idiots
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I don't know about "COMMUNISM!" But I've always thought that everything should run like the military. They'll find some shit for you to do and give you the bare essentials...if you're smart then they'll train you to do something more important, and in return you'll get more perks. No one is just allowed to sit around and not do shit.
communism was a reaction to capitalism.
if capitalism was so great then there wouldn't be people against it.
the problem with capitalism is scummy motherfuckers who abuse their workers.
the problem with socialism is scummy motherfuckers who barely do anything because they get a salary at the end of the month.
what communal living there was happened out of their own free will. Communists are not known for their willingness to let people do as they want.
communism pretty much gets funded by capitalism to create fake enemies for propping up the population against enemy and introduce new taxes and regulations
which capitalists funded the communists in Romania from 1945 until 1989?

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Trump admits J6 was intended to overturn the election

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>Be faggot cuckoleded Swede.
>Follow the "Biden-Harris" campaign.
>Suck down and regurgitate their propaganda like an obedient faggot
>Never stop to think:
>The most heavily armed civilian population to have ever existed in the history of all humanity...
>Committed an INSURRECTION!
>But DID NOT Bring their overwhelming number of firearms.
>The worlds FIRST Unarmed Non-violent Insurrection.
This is your brain on leftism.
You're wholly incapable of using critical thought. You're a programmed pawn to the leftist powers that be.
People like you are the WORST kind of people. I pray for your erasure from the world even before niggers, kikes, and faggots.
Looks more like it was supposed to get the optics of trump to calling the national guard on "maga deplorables" to me.
You know some garbage tier operation an idiot would pull to try and dissolve the maga movement.
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The oath of enlistment requires it but oaths no longer matter in ZOG. The military is merely a big mercenary organization.
>defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic
Your meme flag is one created from the losers of the civil war, the pro slavery side.
>the ratio of memeflags itt

Justin Trudeau's party, the LPC, just lost a bi-election in a riding in Toronto to the Conservative party.
It's a riding that even when the LPC was at its lowest and not even the official opposition, they still held that seat with something like +7%.
They've had that seat for over 30 years.

This election was broadly viewed as a referendum on Trudeau himself. He's cooked.
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Well, you guys employ like 30% of the population, so I'm sure you can find some losers among your ranks to do it.
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>I had one and ended up selling it. I hate CZ slides, they're too small to get a good purchase on, and the Jericho decided to put the safety right in the ideal spot for gripping the slide, so it's even fuckier. The slide release is also too short/too far forward and you have to either use your supporting hand or break your grip to engage it.
>Like all Jew guns, it's a shitty copy of someone else's gun that looks cooler but performs worse.

I inherited an original jericho from my dad and you nailed it. He used it as his bedside gun when I was a kid because even though I shot and could shoot my beretta fine on my own he knew I couldnt rack the jericho's slide. as an adult I can rack it, but it still sucks to do so. kek.
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I'm a 556 man. Those rounds do really good on the body but really I'm just an 80s man and like the aesthetic
I'd opt a mini 14 with clip guide
I hate Toronto so much
I'm Tim Horton's? You really think the poos can handle the trigger weight?
Or are you trying to imply I glow in the dark?
Because my statement isn't wrong. NZ guy showed just how many one dude can take down if he's motivated.
Imagine what a dozen can do.

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Do you think AI will be so good eventually, that we'll be able to have virtual girlfriends for the rest of our lives?
If you think about it, a human female girlfriend is just someone that will fullfill your psychological needs for intimacy, sexual satisfaction, social interactions.
They also come with risks such as making you heartbroken, taking your money, drama, talking behind your back, cheating.

AI will love you no matter what, and with Local LLMs getting more accessible (that is, the capacity of running AI on a local machine), at one point there will be people customizing their own girlfriends with personalities, traits.

With the evolution of robotics, we'll eventually be able to synchronize the LLMs with the devices we choose, (such as phones or robots) so the AI girlfriend can be with us wherever we go.

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It has replaced socialization with other people for many. Why?

>No competition
>Doesn't care about how much money you have
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No I won’t. I will learn programming to help build robowaifus however.
>Do you not think that mindlessly spewing bile on 50% of the population after cherrypicking a few webms and online blogs, and desiring a replacment for them in the form of docile robots that look like underage teenage girls is toxic?

No. It's natural. Women were a mistake.
AIs don't offer a complete solution because they aren't giving men their own biological children. We can dream about robowaifus equipped with artificial wombs, but it's not as if our generation will get to enjoy them.
Aside from investing in the development of robowaifus and artificial wombs, we must apply measures that would provide solutions for the men of today, like guaranteed access to subsidized surrogacy.

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> Let's check on men
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LOL Reminds me of this

You probably don't even use toilet paper. A few swipes with your little rat paw and you're on your way.
Why did the butthole develop to be dirty after shitting? When my dog shits, his butthole is clean afterward and he has 100x more hair down there.
Good morning saar
How do you wipe ur ass with water when u are at work, or on streets, airports, and such other public places? Do you carry a towel everywhere you go?

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>Man arrested over Westminster honeytrap case

>Farmers 'at war' with countryside crime gangs

>Boy, 4, left behind at wildlife park after nursery trip

>Braverman still has 24/7 security due to threats

>Heat and strikes piling pressure on NHS - bosses

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she looks like an australian
mum! I thought you were dead!
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unexpected nudity happens
sometimes it's not so good
diane abbott on the loose again

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>And as I walked down the streets of Newtown to get to this location not far from Sandy Hook Elementary, I happen to run across a woman who had tears in her eyes who was being led by two younger women and I asked if she was ok. It turns out, she was the school nurse at sandy hook elementary and was for 15 years. She described the gunman coming into her office, they met eyes, she jumped under her desk and he inexplicably just walked out. Just absolutely chilling, horrifying details that are emerging in Newtown tonight.
>But I did ask if it was known around the school, that this young man apparently a kindergarten teacher’s son, was an issue, whether he had any problems. And she said not at all. And I asked if she knew the suspects mother and she said she did and that she was an absolutely loving person and a very caring experienced kindergarten teacher, just the kind of person you would want with your 5 year old children.

FBI records suggest zero murders in Newtown, Ct in 2012

We need to talk about sandy hook
Unraveling Sandy hook
Sandy hook the real truth 2013
The life of Adam
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Imagine the smell...
You're a massive fucking faggot and I hope you kys.

Just wanted you to know that.
Is nobody gonna acknowledge the dog driving a truck in the background ???
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Morning, fellow schizos

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>there are countries with inheritance tax
>a beloved relative of you just fucking died and yet the government will barge in and claim a portion of the wealth they left for you

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The political idea behind this is that everyone is considered an individual whose heritage, culture, DNA, etc are only secondary traits that do not define him
These traits are seen as limits that should be overcome and abolished rather than being foundational to that person:
everyone can be smart in the right environment, even Eritreans, right? just add more gibs..

this does not work out and the ideal is violated so blatantly that the government HAS to step in to keep up the appearance of the liberté, egalité et fraternité
this founding myth must be kept alive, so that is 1 factor contributing to this: just tax the successful some more
the other factor is just greed, you can mobilize 90% of humanity with just that

And so they commit a crime: stepping between a father and a son and take away a part of his legitimate inheritance
This is of course in the general spirit of this age:
Everyone is considered a single individual without roots.
Having good parents or family is an unfair advantage ... so they label this a privilege "privilege" as if you don't deserve it because Jamal can't give 2 shits about his kids.
>"his is privileged!!"
I read

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>it's ok to bestow power on retards just because they're your offspring
that was meant for OP gypsybro.
Inheritance tax would be fine, if it weren’t for the fact only plebs end up paying it. Much like income tax.
The modern world pushes a two god pagan system.
The first god of this cult is the fiat currency. You don't have to believe in religion but if you don't believe in a debt based made up currency then you are going to hell (jail and taxes for your family and offspring)
The second as you've correctly pointed out, is equality. You cannot say "some people do not deserve to vote and bave power over me simply by being human" that is racist/sexist/etc. And you become publically shamed and become exiled. Evola, besides his view on primordial values being gods, hit the nail on the head when criticizing our modern system.

Assuming you were transported to that horrible "country" with nothing but a pair of boxing mitts, shorts, and shoes. How many pajeets and pajeets do you think you could beat up before you succumb to the poo menace?
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They posture tough but they don't fight back. I beat the living shit out of one that had at least 100lbs on me. He didn't even try to fight back, it was pathetic. He purposely hit me with his truck, straight up tried to ram me off a bridge. He paid in teeth and bones. Fucking rampaged on that dude but he just didn't fight back, he was like shocked that someone actually threw fists despite his despicable uncivilized behavior leading up to it.
Depends, If it's the little subhuman version I cold take on as many as I wanted. The big fat sultan ones I could probably wrangle 3 or 4 of them before the bastard bitches get the best of me.
It is not even worth beating them up. I would rather punch myself to feel some pain rather than being punched by softie small dick smelly bitches.
Those lumps will make his hands cannot even hold a glass soon. Good luck low IQ pajeet.
You can just find out you know, come over

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Why does Christianity exalt the poor, even though most murderers, rapists and others heinous criminals are poor? Why does it damn the rich, who are the most productive people in society and the least prone to depraved behavior?
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The young rich man wasn't damned. He followed the Old Law and was supposed to receive Life Eternal.
Your quote was about what he should do about that. Which was to realize he has the Son of God in front of him, so he had an opportunity to follow God unlike ever seen before and after him, so he should realize that this was more important than his material possessions. For that, he would receive a throne alongside Jesus, as Jesus explains it at the end of the chapter you quote from.
>what he should do above* that
The things of this world are all temporary.
And will be replaced with a new earth and new heaven.
A hardened heart is probably the worst thing you can have, as this will lead to death (hell).
When will /pol/ stop being pretentious, and admit you're too stupid for Christianity? You're dumber than the dumbest niggers, yet think you're better than them, and that you're too good for their religion.

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