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Imagine a world where every single time a woman tells you to do something, you just do it. No questions asked. No pushback. No "but why?" or "that's not fair". You just obey.

Would society collapse? Would women suddenly become more responsible and start making better decisions? Or would they just take advantage of us and turn us into their personal servants?

Would we see a rise in female leaders and politicians, or would they just get bored and start demanding more shoes and handbags?

Seriously though, what would happen if we just gave women everything they wanted? Would it be a utopia or a dystopia?

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Like your own? But imagine on a personal level, would it make you happy to be bossed around by a woman? Secretly even?
If you grew up with a sister older than you then you'd know the answer to this.
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>What happens if you just do what a toddler wants?
>Would it walk all over me?
>Throw Tantrums?
>Never stop complaining until it gets what it wants?
Totally not a disingenuous jewpost.
>stupid ass kike motherfucker.
Yeah, he's a normie who did stuff for Staria for many years.
Why don't you think for yourself for once jew? Discuss that with the demons in your head.

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What’s your opinion on weed?
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It's okay
Anon, I've been thinking the same thing for several years now. It explains neatly the sudden and increasing decriminalization in more and more US states and nations. It dawned on TPTB that the masses can be smoked out of any resistance much like Soma in Brave New World, a future which was godawful but nobody did anything to question or oppose it since they were high AF.

It's God's medicine against bland normalcy.
I was smoking 20%+ strains back in 2005, but my friends dad was a professional grower. But you're right most of the average weed was pretty weak. Nowadays I don't even like the super strong strains, they make me geek out like a crackhead.
Ok, Shaggy. Explain just what being stoned has over not being stoned? All you weedfags, even my boomer uncle and sperg little sister have yet to articulate HOW being stoned is so preferable to not being high let alone doing anything else.

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Its worse than that bro.
Actually, better i guess since you are huwyte
>Shabbat ends
>Number of anti Christian shill posts spike
Every fucking week.
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Is it me or most Zoomers are hitting the Gym? Like 90% of them are in shape
I looked like an Auschwitz/Basedboy faggot when I was 15 years old.

I missed out :(
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Most zoomers are shut away in their bedrooms with crippling social anxiety from social media and tiktok.

The zoomers you see outside are the neurotypical hypernormies
on second thought I'm not sure if the reason is even hoe-chasing, it might be more like this >>471919089
>Like 90% of them are in shape
What, the literal athlete ones fresh off the field? Vast majority of zoomers are skeletal or lard.
It's not pasta fren...I actually have a great life and live this shit.
I didn't start going bald until 32 years old. Lol, lmao. This nigga is 15, does steroids and already bald. It's over for him.

Why are people of all races (whites, East Asians, Arabs, even Jews) bullying Indians now?

I have seen Indians getting bullied here since 2014 but it's becoming extremely common even among normies. 100K likes in a racist Anti Indian meme is crazy.
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Ur a diaper head purging a good bank. Go fucking steal a tooth brush from a homeless person u fuking broke ass clown. Ur fucking broke and stink like shit. U r a blight on society. Canada doesn’t want curry niggers , ur nothing but problems. U devalue everything go back to india
East Asians reminding Indians, Pakis, Bangladeshis etc that they're inferior is fucking hilarious to me.
Based nig
because they deserve it. you ever had to spend time with an indian?
they look like ass they stink they're retarded and they just fuck things up for the rest of us. pajeets are easily the lowest race
You're the 2nd worst race but a lot less likely to engage in interpersonal violence than the worst, so it makes you an easier target. Try reincarnating as chink or a dog or something next go round. Baby steps toward being human.

Yesterday, I went to the supermarket and two sketchy looking African dudes were hanging around outside near the entrance of the store. I kept walked further along to the opposite end of the store where there was another entrance just to avoid them. After doing my shopping, I went down the street to get something at 7-11, and an Indian clerk was working there. This was on the outskirts of a small town about 200 km north of Tokyo. Please pray for Nippon. 終わりだ
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not even 100 years ago you zipperheads had no problem summarily executing and decapitating koreans, chinks, and the white man. now you are completely buck broken and accepting towards jeets and niggers. what a pathetic nation.
There's a lot of female Canadian redditors who date Punjabi males.
You MIL redpilled all the women in the town and told them not to shop there?
They import jeets and niggers for lowly dirty jobs. It’s not something those brown niggers should feel proud and boasting about it lol.
Can you blame them? Have you seen white women?

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Why do lower class people insist people take their shoes off in their homes?
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I had one of my friends say some similar shit when he kept his shoes on.
>I bought them this week, they don't look dirty
Nigger your shoes being sort of new does not negate all of the nasty shit you walk in throughout the day to track it all over my house.
Then you can stay outside like a dog, you filthy nigger.
>wall street journal
why would I let a kike in my house tho
lmao karen just got caught on her ugly feet and went rageposting in the fucking wsj
Here’s why you’ll be leaving my home

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>He's an American male without an arrest record or diagnosed mental issues and doesn't have ANY firearms
WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP. You literally have NO excuse.
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Ur mad he's right.
>can't send guns by mail
Nice try DOJ.
What's a good gun for poorfags?
By the time you need them, you won't be able to get one.
What kind do you want?

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Hohols, what are you dying for? You could live in peace with Russia and be bros.
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go back to /k/ lol
Your country is a ecosystem unbalance
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>if the "jews" are so powerful how come they were jewed into a deal where they get land in the middle of a desert and have to constantly fight for it with many shades of arabs?..

Because their fairytale book says they're supposed to conquer that land, duh. Did you really not know that? The Torah promises all of Canaan to the jews and even more. Actually it promises them the land from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Everyone's a dick, but people are just fed up with the American and Western narrative that only Jews and Israel are innocent and sacrosanct. The cause is the Jews and their military-industrial complex, but you can can not say it. how stupid is it to try to find the cause elsewhere?
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Even Dostoevsky agrees

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how will choking Florida Men and America cope by the imminent humiliation?
Go oil!

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Do they just use them as cannon fodder? They are never armed, and hardly have any gear. Are they in Ukraine just to take bullets and FPV hits from Russians? How does Putin trick them to die in Ukraine?
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You didn't answer the question, Pidorashko. Why did you leave you family to inevitable rape, humiliation and death while saving your brown ass?
Also, why is the fact that 200-500 svinopidors are turned into fertilizer daily (officially, according to the leader of Zelensky's party: >>471915213) makes you seethe so much?
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The dirt around the exact area he got ack’d was displaced and a lighter shade.
Did they bury a mine and make him run over it?
You're one of the smart ones, aren't you, Abdul?
I don't answer your projections. I ignore them and keep collecting dead ziggers to never ending folder of videos, it will be good material for further research and history.

waoh haha hey relax man
Nigger is a derogatory term that dehumanizes african americans. Maybe instead of using that term you could just call them a fellow human beings. Thats what they are. Maybe try to be better. We could all overcome hate with practice.
Burning dollars what's a house without a home
Remember when /pol/ used to be worth visiting and not a bot-ridden, cancerous shit hole?
Yeah, me neither.

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Regular tobacco tastes like shit and only faggots with dead tastebuds enjoy it.
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Only degen faggots smoke. The only reason you think otherwise is cause you're brainwashed by jewywood.
In 2009, they started putting 'fire safe' chemicals in cigarettes. Absolutely ruined the taste.
>Just vape,
Zyn is way overpriced. If you are in the US, you can order Swedish snus online that ends up being like 1/3 the price.
Hi chang, I'm sorry nobody told you, but only girls and faggots smoke menthols. Yes, niggers are gay as fuck.

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The removal of "shame" from a large portion of society and it's consequences has be disastrous for western civilization
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Does she think this thing is sexy or quirky or funny or whatever? Its just fucking stupid
This is the sort of action I'd kill someone over.
shut the fuck up whore. like what the fuck are you talking about "irrelevant"? do you think we're all gay/troons who have delusions that we should've been famous or sth? no, we get, we're not famous, and it's not even about fame. it's about being famous FOR DOING BRAINDDEAD shit that is making people more and more of sub iq mouth breathers. it's also bc as that other person mentioned there's a time and place for everything: if i want to look for porn or some dumb whore showing me her ass cheeks i would be on pornhub not in a lecture

fuck people like you who defend this shit. go choke on your saliva and die like the dumb faggot that you are
That worthless whore looks 10yrs older than any of her classmates. Many such cases.
low-effort thinly veiled slide thread raid is happening right now.

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youre telling me president Trump and US military intelligence posted on this fucking board? that kind of seems like a big fucking deal
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This reminds me of when he did a phoner with O&A. Can't believe Norton married a tranny desu.

And all of it was for the eventual purpose for us to call you a faggot now for posting cringe. Sad. TKD
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My Q thread on /gif/ (i evangelize to coomers)
buncha sick Q related webms with sound
recent Q hits and inauguration
MSM panic about Trump revenge
Bibi snub
worldwide spiritual warfare

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>yeah lol? God posts on this board too.
we know niggers, he gave Ops trips
cope and sneed glowniggerfaggot.
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it's pretty funny how frequently the argument is:
>omg did you know about this controlled opposition guy we specifically had try to subvert the Q movement,
>well that proves its fake .
k lol

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He's a Pikey mutt.
Fish diet… he was all highland Scot with a bit of Irish thrown into the mix.
He was a very handsome man.
True… Wikipedia says there was a bit of pikey in there
Is this better?
You’re right. The British isles are mostly north of Germany, on the same latitude as Sweden yet we’re less aryan than Germany and nowhere near as aryan as Sweden. Even centroids like Austrians, Northern Italians and Hungarians are more Aryan than us, Brits are basically on a par with Spaniards or Croats skin-tone wise.

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because of a 9 year age gap
they also think she should be at the club instead of starting a family
are they correct? is he a pedophile?

How do they know the older one is her kid
She's empowered fuck off fat cunts
Dating a 15 year old at 23/24 is a bit weird, but not the worst thing in the world desu. Good for him for sticking with her and hope for the best for their family.
I don't think it's about 9 years gap, it's about her son being 4 meaning she got pregnant at 15 and he would be 25 at the time. stupid

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Lol I work in Five Guys and it is a ghost town. Management is completely baffled why people dont want to spend $30 on a burger.
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No frills grocery store. They bought out Winn-Dixie so their presence in the South is going to get bigger.
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Big city prices.
Mr Beast Burgers are better. I like the tranny burger.
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>learn how to make burgers at home
>even make the buns from scratch
>grow my own lettuce, tomatoes, and onions
>grind my own hamburger
>the only thing I take the lazy way out is the cheese and pickles
>make my own mac sauce
>my homemade burgers are so good
>I spoiled myself for burgers
>literally no place on earth can make a burger better than I can

It's a curse.
This is why I always laugh in the supermarket, I he cheepest ground beef is also the best (the highest fat) free tallow for whatever else you might want to use it for because NPC retards have been propagandized into thinking vax good fat bad. Whatever.

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Physically ugly, mentally ill, haven for pedophiles, loves gore, can only survive by mooching off of someone, thinks better than everyone else.
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I can't really argue with that, you fucking jew since your kind is responsible for fucking this shit hole up after moot sold us out.
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4chan is healing because israel is healing. both holy sites are on a spree as of late to remove as much trash as possible in as short a time span as possible. I, for one, am happy to be here in current year to dab on browns in more ways than ONE.
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It's fake but I wish it was real
keep going. remove this insanity from this fucking planet. muslims would rather cut down the forest to make more korans than they would breathe fresh air for fear their white nations could breathe fresh air as well.

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We really are stuck here. Even if we commit suicide we will be punished with reincarnation. Our lives are all determined from birth. We are Yaldabaoth's play things. There is no hope.
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Fight what?
The Creator of the universe? If youre at it, kill your entire family and then yourself because they are still creations of the demiurge matrix lmao
Azathoth shall be woken up soon, your useless essence will evaporate.
That's not the reality most people live in and you know it
In fact those nature reserves are slowly fading away to human greed
The body and the soul are creations of the demiurge, the spirit was not created, it is anterior to the universe
Gnostism has existed for like 3500 years of recorded history, it is probably millions of years old
>Love is another Trap that keeps humanity entangled in his Prison
Youre just parroting what demons think

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