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Previous: >>472339634
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq

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And here you can see why the loss of Izyum and Lyman was actually quite a big deal
>chad log trench vs virgin log cabin
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And a little bit of nuggets fried
Oreos with milk on a friday night
A pine coffin that fits just right
And the radio uuuuUUUUP!
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>piggers can take mud baths and be comfy there while we can't use them outright
they actually got us with those trenches, I concede

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Why is every pedo a right wing icon?
Seems fascinating how the muh drag queens went nowhere yet all these, muh comedy is banned, woke stole muh dei job future
all turn out unsurprisingly to be what they whine on
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Cause they require ID
guess what, the internet doesnt, yet
Ah yes, there is no right wing, thus Democrats are right wing
I agree laws should go so that way I can kill you
Yes we get it, you are a worthless pussy that pretends he cares about children, while in reality you wouldn't do shit.
You and your parents didn't do shit after wako
You and your parents didn't do shit after the CIA was kidnapping children to mutilate them, use for satanic rituals and send them abroad.
And you are not doing anything about the trafficking market that is active in the midwest
You are a worthless piece of shit that pretends to care about shit but in reality you do not do shit.
America needs many nukes, not just one kek
Do we know the age of the minor, do we have any proof of it the sexting or was it some other retarded shit?

ACB has entered menopause and she was having heavy cramps when she made up her mind on Rahimi, and Murthy v. Missouri. She was confused because the law is so complicated and men don't want to explain it to her. You can be sure that she's is still a reliable conservative vote and the Federalist Society can be trusted for their judicial recommendations. God bless ACB's adopted black children and let's pray those cramps don't flare up again during another important decision. Go conservatives!
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How is this even physically possible for a woman? Take your meds.

AI-G: Analysis of Murthy v Missouri
She was having heavy cramps cuz I rearranged her guts with muh dik the night before.
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>I admit, I didn't bother to research whether or not "cases" has ever been distinguished from "controversies". In fact, this analysis is incomplete, I'd say. But it provides some interesting, um, coincidences? Note the year 2013.

Is it appropriate for a school girl to dress like that?
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They float away
Sure, why not? She has a nice ass.
Haha, no, all she has to do is wear some loose cotton shorts and the issue is fixed. My eyes are feasting, but her parents are failing at their job
Kill yourself homo (by stopping your daily AIDS meds)
Yeah but it's not appropriate for you to take a creepy picture of her, how much more delusional can you get OP? Fuck you

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Cheating is le bad
humans did not evolve to be monogamous
Lotte best girl
Sex with autistic witch girls

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I have started to realize that if you are an incel your opinion is automatically less valuable. Like, you can't even convince one person on earth to love you as you are. How are you going to convince me to trust you or what you say? Incels are often obsessed with something unnaturally which is why women don't want to touch you or feel interested in you.
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Thank you. I needed that.
Chop wood, carry water, fren.
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>I have started to realize that if you are an incel your opinion is automatically less valuable
All you have to do is return the favor to others. That's literally all it takes, it flips a switch in their head that tells them "hey maybe this guy thinks my opinion is shit because it is!". Such is life in polarized retard planet.

>you can't even convince one person on earth to love you as you are
It is impossible to love anyone as they truly are, what they see in the mirror is all the show you. Everything else is a charismatic lie.
you dont convince anyone to love you, you retard. if you are matched it just happens
>Incels are often obsessed with something unnaturally which is why women don't want to touch you or feel interested in you.

It is very noble to want to help others, but more often than not, they are so attached to their misery, that no matter what you try, they will find a justification why they are helpless.

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EV fag
jews arent white
He was hot tired and sweaty, Pretty sure he had multiple run ins and thought of Floyd as an absolute monkey. He just ran out of fucks to give and when he got that dude under his knee he could get away with it since he knew Floyd was probably way over the lethal limit for hair-on.
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>Hurr is Chauvin bad guy
Who gives a fuck? Chauvin was stupid, arrogant pig who never contributed a fucking thing to society. Good fucking riddance.

Didn't this faggot work at a nightclub and have an Asian gf?

One stupid pig off the streets and a fent junkie criminal off the streets as well. Win-win.
hey I didnt get me YOU...

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The better question is why are there pyramids all around the world and what do they represent
see >>472346318
a) there must have been a global information exchange of some sort
b) pyramids must have served some important purpose which made them be built all over the place
c) don't worry about it! ancient peopel were mud-caked retards. pyramids are just stone piles and it's all just a cohincidence. go to work or go to sleep.
With the help of Penemue and other nephilim.
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Trumps fucked. Sad!
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this is my favorite moment from the last debate.
>no you're on number two.
It’s so they can fact check trump in real time and cover for Biden if he shits his pants
skibidi biden all over again.
So, you?
I asked when the “patriots in control” would actually do something worthwhile and you got all defensive. The criminals still walk free and basic life milestones are still increasingly unaffordable. Where is some kind of tangible result of the “patriots’” efforts?
Back to the CNN comment section you go, pussy boy.
You will be tortured to death in front of the kids you rape.

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Let me go ahead and spoil the debate for you
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>muh gunnaroonies
You won't do shit
Yes you are right. It's why I don't vote and have became a political atheist entirely. But one things for sure, whomever "wins"/AIPAC chooses, America loses nevertheless.
and he'll heckin fix it with more h1bs, more outsourcing, and rewarding whichever company sucked him off last
It's ok. It's tough, but at least now I get to watch my dad fuck kike lovin' Trump.
Just a question, but how exactly do a bunch fatasses and women with B grade firearms plan on fending off the same government that has some of the most advanced military on their side?

Greetings, my best friends.
Last week, I made a thread with the title “Maybe I got a job”on /pol/. I thank you all who have provided good advice and some helpful tips. Today was the day of my interview, or what I would call a “chit-chat”.

So, the bitch said to me that I’m going to be a waiter, and I was like, “Okay. Let’s see how this shit could work out”.
Now, my position is, guys, don’t ducking laugh, a “runner”. Who the fuck is a runner?
A runner is a basedboy who needs to:
1. Clean the tables
2. Bring the plates to the table
3. Make sure that the tables and shit is clean
4. Talk with randoms

And for how much? GUYS, I’m not fucking joking, he said, “Ohh… I might even give you 30€ for a night shift”. Do you want to know how many hours there are in this night shift? Do you really? 6 bloody hours! It’s 5€/h or even less because I’m more than sure this idiot wants me to become his slave.

What do I have to do? He said if you change your mind, message me. My mother says, ”Go to work, you NEET goy”, but guys, 5€ an hour… fucking hell.
I would earn more if I just became a beggar. Fuck, I fucking hate this shit hole. I thought, okay, at least 10€/h like every single idiot I know.

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it's italy and 5EUR/hr is the going rate for restaurant drone. It's sad and unbelievable but it's true. I left this shithole thankfully and i only come back on vacation. Senior software engineers are paid 40K/year here, maybe 45k
it's a jeet. you can tell because they write overly emotional banal garbage
So... slavery??
>60 bucks a night
You are better off being a neet, I get than an hour for night shift and it doesn't feel worth it.
since 1945

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This is a huge and deeply gay stretch. It just says that your mic is on.
Yes, Biden team set out a list of favorable requirements hoping Trump would refuse so they could get off the hook,
Typical NATO troon.
Why do they need 2 lights to let them know that their microphone is on? Surely 1 light is enough?


I don't know what you people want. Shouldn't Trump be considered so mighty that he can easily bowl over Biden in a debate? I thought Biden had crippling dementia? Wouldn't Trump easily swab the debate floor with him?

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Is watching porn cuck behavior? If you think about, you're just watching other people have sex. It's the same thing as going to the cuck corner while another man has sex with your girl.
No, it's hot. It's nice to vicariously experience that which you never will. White men will never bottom out a woman and hit that cervix but at least they can watch BBC black men do so
If watching porn is cuck, then constantly thinking about somebody else watching porn is...?
I hate america and americans

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Why do White societies have tendencies to become degenerate homosexuals, while other ethnicities don't?
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Judaized societies become this way because they promote jewish tradition.

Selfishness, homosexuality, pleasure, multiple genders, are all aspects of judaism and jewish teachings.
Once jews convinced christians that jews werent sons of satan, humanity fell further from grace.
When you prosper, the vices and debauchery takes over leading to the downfall. It’s human nature. Other races don’t experience the prosperity because they are lesser than.
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Hi Rabbi
Found this picture for you
Just so you know...
If there is a map of you degenerates (and there is)
Then there is a list
Be seeing you

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well... can someone be her white knight now she's DYING out here
There is plenty of shit jobs to work, drop the ego sweetie
>Gaps in my resume

Just lie bitch, women evolved to be way better liars than men lol....
My sister is a software dev and when she couldn't get software work she worked in a coffee shop for a year until she got a software job again.
She must be fucking retarded.
We hire boot camp grads and can't even keep up with demand.

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post em'

>if it's not funny your mother will die in sleep tonight

sorry i don't make the rules
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they had to give them up but the entity that owned and placed them there didn't exist anymore, that's why they had to go through deals and shit. It's still a shitload of fissile material and delivery systems, they probably would've sold them for pennies to the first bidder. I'm not saying that as an insult, the 90s were a dark part of history
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Damn man, haven't seen Greenlandanon for a while. Thanks.
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It's also in Parmesan cheese. Speaking of disgusting foods, let's talk about Euro cheeses...
>Several other regional varieties of cheese with fly larvae are produced in the rest of Europe. For example, goat-milk cheese is left to the open air until P. casei eggs are naturally laid in the cheese.[9] Then it is aged in white wine, with grapes and honey, preventing the larvae from emerging, giving the cheese a strong flavour. In addition, other regions in Europe have traditional cheeses that rely on live arthropods for ageing and flavouring, such as the German Milbenkäse and French Mimolette, both of which rely on cheese mites.
>A similar kind of cheese, called "mish", is also produced in Egypt.
>An early printed reference to Stilton cheese points to a similar production technique. Daniel Defoe in his 1724 work A Tour thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain notes: "We pass'd Stilton, a town famous for cheese, which is call'd our English Parmesan, and is brought to table with the mites or maggots round it, so thick, that they bring a spoon with them for you to eat the mites with, as you do the cheese."[25]
>According to Rabbi Chaim Simons of the Orthodox Union, kosher casu martzu can be produced provided that all ingredients are kosher, the rennet comes from a kosher animal slaughtered in accordance with the laws of shechita, and that the cheese is "gevinat Yisrael" (made under Jewish supervision).[26]
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you WILL get into the van
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Really, the fundamental thing your kind doesn't understand is that it's not about likelihoods and percentages, psychologically. It's about whether you regard the people assaulting and kidnapping you as common criminals or figures of authority. If a gang of regular criminals assaulted you, and you had the means to defend yourself, you would simply defend yourself instead of calculating survival rates, because that's the natural human reaction to being assaulted by criminals.
The majority of men don't post here.
shut up pusy
Lol nah I'm good. Instead I'll have about ten jews being dragged from behind my pickup.
Maybe. But you'll never take me alive.

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You don't know anything!
Thats funny I was just thinking this yesterday. Besides that a "ceasefire" which is the word theyre using - is temporary and worthless, an actual peace deal would never involve Putin keeping all the land he currently occupies. You never just get all the land youre on in a peace deal, you justified keeping a small portion of that.
Like just Crimea I said. They could ask for just Crimea based on what they hold, and here we are. I have ESP so its no surprise, I could actually see this happening. Reasonable demands, although still cause for a future war to reclaim it later.
this is good, as zion miganald has been dropped from the roster and i've finally gotten putin on board with total hohol death, make "peace" until after dementia pedo wins or the kikes hoist up miga zionald and then immediately liberate every last inch of hoholistan
it's all coming together
Maybe Zekenski should have kept his mouth shut about joining NATO? You think if Zelenski kept his mouth shut about joining NATO Putin wouldn't have an excuse to invade?
This isn't a war, it's White Genocide for Jews. And all sides are in on it. Wake the fuck up.


What do we make of this /pol/? Do we sneed it or seed and feed it?
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did the length of the video time change? youtube may have mass edited it

Also, have you guys seen krystal and sagar?!?!??! OMG they are theeeeee BEST - if you want the most milktoast fake resistance as fuck news you can possibly get please go to COUNTER POINTS the newest CIA news outlet, plugged by joe rogan cosntantly for years, cause he's a fucking sell out kike
its old episodes that were only on spotify that are being uploaded to youtube
I actually like breaking points a lot. You are probably Jewish because they shit talk Israel all day.
>one of the most anti-Zionist alternative news outlets available to the public
>CIA news
The schizophrenia is strong in you

Anyways Joe is great and I love his show.

which pres will free my peeps?
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What is a "Palestinian" doing in America? Why are you colonizing it?

>which pres will free my peeps?
fuck your raghead scum and their moscow/iran controllers
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Sand niggers are dying, their nations are being forever ruined and it's an absolutely fantastic thing, my guy.
Wholesale nuke lebanon and Iran next.
Of course people died. They died of things like typhus. There was no genocide attempt or gas chambers or any other parts that actually make the holocaust the holocaust.

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