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Previous: >>471902161

▶Day: 850 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>South Korea to reconsider providing weapons to Ukraine
>At night, the AFU attacked the Afip, Il, Krasnodar, and Astrakhan oil refineries. Also strikes on the radar and electronic recon centers in the Bryansk region and in the Crimea, as well as Shahed storage and launch centers in Krasnodar - Ukrainian General Staff
>The US allows Ukraine to strike with its weapons anywhere in the Russian Federation, where it attacks the border, and not only near the Kharkiv region, - Pentagon spokesman Ryder
>"Ukraine must first win the war in order to join NATO", - White House representative John Kirby
>Rostov oil base still on fire more than a day after
>Oil base droned in Rostov oblast
>Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland began, 92 countries attend and 8 international organisations
>Yuan to replace dollar as Russia's main foreign currency
>The yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX)

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Of course faggot.
Just because you are a lactose intolerant shitskin doesn't meant the rest of us are.
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Fresh (((RT))) kvetchmaxx just dropped, fellow goyim

Yeet it or sneed it?
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Keep it up, surely by 2524 you will get to the Dnieper!

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holy based

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>Major General
Is Israel running out of commanders or what? How can you be that high ranking at 25?
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kike army gives ranks based on time served, you can become a first sergeant after 32 months. mandatory conscription but they reward those who stay after the minimum service contract with higher ranks.


>In the IDF enlisted ranks are earned by means of time in service (pazam), rather than by a particular post or assignment. After 4 to 12 months the conscript is promoted to rav turai, after 18 to 20 months promoted to samal, and after 24 to 32 months is promoted to samal rishon. (This means that female conscripts reach no higher than samal during their compulsory service, unless they serve in combat positions or volunteer for longer terms.)
it’s not real. none of it is real.
probably working for his uncle
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>Worthless gold
>Trans woman
>Jewish military prowess

Semites suck at war because they are scammers, not warriors. They can never give 100% to any activity, they always have to shit test like a woman and see how much they can skip.

They are lazy and do not train. They have sloppy uniforms that they do not treat like a uniform. Their weapons do not look like a weapon should look if you are going to use it to fight for your life. On Oct 7th, bases got their shit jumped, posts were unmanned, vehicles not parked ready for fighting.

When you are on a border base, you keep your pants and boots on and your rifle next to you. You post sentries. You park vehicles in a way you can start fighting even before they start moving and you can get in them quickly and from behind cover. All these things you can do as a soldier. You will not know the when or how, but you can decide how you will react. Jews did none of this. That's why they were executed in their underwear, and the civilians they were to protect were kidnapped and killed.

They also suck at strategy and have never learned to stop bidding too high and leading with their trump cards.

And most importantly, there are no true Jewish war heroes. If you are a jew who dies in combat you will be given an impressive eulogy, but forgotten or mocked in private as someone too stupid to pilpul his way out of military service.
This dude wasn't a day under 35.

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Just found a meme that very accurately describes a /pol/ individual.
Do you agree?
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Into my Daww folder.
10 years ago you could have made this argument
Now if you look at the charts you have to conclude that something bad is in store unless your head is completely buried in the sand
You must not realize that birth rates are falling everywhere and the only places still at a replacement level are Israelz Africa and parts of the middle east. Wetbacks aren't reproducing, gooks or pajeets aren't either
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Tits or gtfo

A bunch of drunk people. Drooling and shouting. Women too. So sad.

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How much history is actually real?
About 65% of it.
Most of history is clickbait and when something catches on it becomes embellished and perpetuated forever. Your pic for instance is a great example, people still actually believe his velocity composition laws are used in any GPS let alone the ones still classified under the DoD.
That's not even the worst he got away with, he actually "explained" light using Shabbat logic as the foundation.
general relativity is directly responsible for satellites you dumb fucking faggot
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>Shabbat logic
Many such cases. Molecules and chromosomes being other examples. I also don't think it's an accident they made his hair look like a mushroom cloud.

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Stop chasing after pussies with 1000 body counts and become men of God. Pussies that will eventually become roasties will rot while God's glory will be forever. Therefore, stop being incels and become priests and monks of God so that those rotten pussies filled with a thousand different cums will be punished as a single roasties filled with STDs where they can no longer find good men, hence we serve as God's instruments of judgements against these vile whores. Deus Vult Soli Deo Gloria, and become priests and monks of God. There are shortages of priests and monks anyways, God has called you today. DEUS VULT!
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Only retards think God was a masculine figure. If you do any amount of proper research into religious origins and synchronizations, you will figure out that the fertility Goddess was the true creator. Your bible was created by tyrannical incels with pussy envy.
But you can't deny that the spics and niggers are at least better comrades and brothers than inbred sandwhore and roastie dogpiled cunts combined.
That's a kike lie made to twist history into something else so they can turn female goyims into whores that becomes their breeding machines, so they can make babies to satisfy their metzizah b peh forskin cravings.
God hates me and you’re a memeflag
lol what a retard.
>kike lie
Literally tells you in every religion that a “messiah” or sacrifice is born from a “virgin” woman. (parthenogenesis) which happens all the time in nature. Woman is the life barer and blueprint.
All fetuses start female.
XX chromosome. X comes before Y.
Y is a broken X. Y is a mutation of X chromosome. Women were more hermaphroditic in the beginning hence they could produce offspring of themselves. The Y chromosome was likely introduced for variation in the species since through parthenogenesis birth you can only produce clones except for very rarity when you can produce a mutated XY offspring which likely was androgens from fruit, as some fruit boosts women’s testosterone levels.
This is why men have a prostate, non functioning nipples and an extended clitoris and seem on their ballsac. Because it used to be the outer labia.
Men were likely very weak in the beginning and through female selective breeding, was slowly able to produce stronger men to do their bidding’s and protect them. Males started to get bigger and stronger and then overpowered women out of envy of their intellectual and spiritual dominance. That’s why men created and constructed society because they had something to prove and that’s why Jesus was male, because men needed an example more than women did.

Bros, he's cooked
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nigger fragility on full display
>Are you retarded?
One of knows all the details of twitter faggotry, one of us is a gay retard. Want to see who? Find the nearest mirror. I don't mind you burning your time of it, but recognize how it's a negative and a problem you should limit.
Imagine having your life revolve around Africans. Africans are fucking irrelevant. Get a life.
go back to ghana
yes we are

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Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr

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he keeps removing the trash but that's just smaller part of the problem.
The culture in high command is totally fucked because everyone just got used to the shoigu retarded facade bullshit
It comes off as fake and gay. Why does only one guy have a gun?
Please answer the following questions
Why does only 1 of them have a rifle
Why is he in civillian clothing?
The whole thing is a Greek tragedy.
>Your country is a CIA client state
>said the American
I hope you are prepared to defend your masters on Tel Aviv, Amerimutt
>You and your brown
Literally every sport team is whiter than yours

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That's right. Remember when homosexual sex acts were actually killing men by the bushel with AIDS?

Todd was one of these sorry homosexuals. Homosexuality murdered Todd. A murderer injected his poison DNA into Todd's butthole and Todd caught HIV. But while homosexuality destroyed Todd's body, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ saved Todd's soul.

The real question is
>why are there so many sexless men today?
Gee I dunno
Could it be ... fags???
Fags have more sex than normal men though

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youre telling me president Trump and US military intelligence posted on this fucking board? that kind of seems like a big fucking deal
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>wtf did mccain even do
one very specific traitorous thing he did was start crossfire hurricane.
The FBI has a typical intake process whereby cases that have political implications are identified as potentially political and a decision to investigate the case is made based on proximity to the election.
Had crossfire hurricane gone through the typical FBI channels, it would have been immediately identified as a political case and set aside as a matter of procedure.
But Senators have a little known power w/r/t the FBI where they can specifically submit a case and by passes the typical intake procedures.
This allowed the entire case to be opened and begin.
McCain literally is among the highest ranking members of US government involved in the coup against a sitting US President, including illegally spying on his during his campaign, based only on nonsensical oppo research paid for by Hilary Clinton.
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>McCain literally is among the highest ranking members of US government involved in the coup against a sitting US President, including illegally spying on his during his campaign, based only on nonsensical oppo research paid for by Hilary Clinton.
Reminder when /pol/ trolled that faggot and got the piss larp into the official CIA report
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>faggot, the Q fags are the marks
but you fell for a bot narrative about Q, you just admitted it, your entire opinion of Q is predicated on believing literal anti-Q narratives, concocted by multi-billion dollar intelligence agencies, which by virtue of existing at all, prove Q is real.
I still got a lot to work out before I send a proposal.

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billionaires shouldn't exist
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Some of those do come from natural sources.
>thanks for the useful information Mexican anon.
It would be nice to converse with bright Mexicans like you here in So. California.
Have yet to come across any in long of residency in this state.
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Just read this, it has everything you wanna know.
Thanks again

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Are Trumpanzees illiterate?
kek I actually admire just how delusional they've become

as if the president that let hillary get away and the country get looted and destroyed over a fentanyl addict would hunt down democrats
It's hilarious how many posts on 4chan come straight from reddit.
>wall o' text
Alright, liburul.

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/pol/ humor thread
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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
You pathetic leaves never fail to make my branches shake with your “high winds” warnings. Face it: most pinecones will be more successful than you sad deciduous leaves will ever be. You are on the wrong side of the forest, get raked losers.
top fucking kek

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How do religious retards deals with modern bugs we have found in their religious logic?

According to religion, homosexuality is le bad but having sex with a tranny is good, because is le male and female sex, like god intended.

And there's nothing the old texts can work here because it wasn't an issue during the stone age.
Trannys have existed for a long time, ishtar temples had them
>According to religion, homosexuality is le bad but having sex with a tranny is good, because is le male and female sex, like god intended.

I don’t think that God would approve of my having sexual relations with a mentally ill person who cannot figure out xer identity. He commands us to abstain from sodomy and degeneracy.
Trannies are fucking retarded fools. You can kill them if you want. No 1 cares
Trans comes from the Talmud. They claimed in that book there are 8 Genders. Because they're perverted morons.

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Housing inventory in Austin, TX hits fresh all time high
The Fed is not printing the money
Blackrock is not buying them
Illegal aliens are not buying them either
Literally everything real estate shills have said is wrong
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Feel bad for you bud, I really do. You bought into the Jewish speculation and you and the other millennials are about to learn you play with Jews you lose.
Austin and San Antonio also have a disgusting climate for a large portion of the year. Hot and humid. It's not as blazing hot as the actual desert, but it just stays uncomfortably warm for month after month. I remember being in Austin close to Christmas once, and it was nearly 90 degrees and muggy. It's not a suitable climate for a white man.
South Bay LA anon.
Be me, tell senpai SELL at end of 21, early 22. Tell them crash is coming.
Sister moves back in to finish degree.
2 years go by. She finally finds white BF and gets degree moves out.
House on market.
Had to reduce price recently to 2021 peak prices.
It’s real. It’s going down.

Sister is a cunt. But hey parents do that. Now she’s paying 3250 a month.

Everyone “smart” sold in 2021, houses were selling in days.

Now I’m in mountains north of LA … property approaching 10x what they were 10 years ago.
I’m talking useless dirt.
Everyone is getting ready to sell up here. Old boomers with dirt.

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Bruh your house isn’t worth that much, you are getting scammed by taxheebs.

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we lost, this roastie slut has destroyed any hope of Trump 2024
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What're we sliding tonight jews?
Literally have no idea who you're even talking about
I hope you are skinned alive by extraterrestrials.
me too, better than by nigger terrestrials
so you want a dude to spit on your dick fag? you've never spit on your own dick?

>hahaha yes goy, pay us a fee for the mere privilege to shop here
Seriously why do people fall for this?
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Glowniggers realizing that the average population would rather die for Costco than for Israel. Costco has provided more for the American citizen than the government.
My mom has a membership. It's nothing great. Some of the stuff is more expensive than public stores.
Place is filled with shitskins.
Makes boomers feel like they are special and more importantly tracks what individuals buy.
>the quality of food there is better than Walmart or Target.
Not really.

Why are people of all races (whites, East Asians, Arabs, even Jews) bullying Indians now?

I have seen Indians getting bullied here since 2014 but it's becoming extremely common even among normies. 100K likes in a racist Anti Indian meme is crazy.
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Poo hate thread?
India is literally South Asia, they are "South Asians".
Indonesians etc. are South East Asians.
Then your standard "Asian" are East Asians.
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india is literally in south asia mayocel..........i thought polcels claim to be high iq, i quess not
nobody recognises indian as asian apart from anglo narrative for political reason, they've always been middle eastern

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or said another way how to you untangle the actual love for just a steeper gradient expression on gold digging per unit perception at this sexual point of sale where a sexual transaction might occur?

All you're doing is trading one problem for a completely different problem. But if you go and come back, you'll learn to see that all women in America, without a single exception, are absolute Roman Emperors in their view of themselves. Even the 1 of 10's are strutting around like 10/10's, even though they can't even walk or care for themselves let alone others.

All it does is show you that by being in America, you're in waist-deep shit just like the 3rd world, but it's a different kind of waist deep shit. America is not a first world country, it's in fact quite horrible along most spectrums.
Wise take,
I still will marry my Asian from the last thread but good point
only half of the white/sea monkey relationships I've seen actually last beyond the initial marriage visa. all the sad cunts chasing gook poon say the same thing;

>nah bro they have real women over there
>she cooks, cleans and fucks me all the time
>western woman stand no chance lmao
>idk what happened bro she just stopped sucking my dick after we got married
>yeah we broke up but I'm going back to find another sea monkey since they trad and based


>white supremacist male
>self hating chinkoid
>married for 50 years with high achieving kids
>married for 50 years with weird happa schizo kids

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she looks retarded to the left and fuckable to the right

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We Scandinavians (including Finland) MUST unite into a new country called Scandinavia. And we must do it soon.

The rest of Europe is collapsing as we speak. This new country called Scandinavia will be the greatest country in Europe by far. BY FAR.

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>Same culture, history and everything
Finland (except Åland) should remain an independent state.
Abolish the monarchy. Right-wing dictatorship.
This would be a better flag.
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Ukraine drone bomb their own solider caught as pow
Based Russian guards mercy kill the pow with no hesitation
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>similar uniform
nigga they're not even in the same camo
>no way Ukrainian soldier would wear cheap sneakers
kek my sides hurt
just look at the images my guy
what's the model number faggot
>Wagner hammer guy was exterminated by fsb and then had his gravestone bulldozed after this photo
you stupid niggers shut the fuck up, none of this matters you fucking faggots holy shit

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