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Previous: >>472172799

▶Day: 854 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says
>Dagestani muslims killed at least 19 police officers and several civilians in attacks on churches and synagogue

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Huh oh stinky
>Israel's Supreme Court ruled unanimously Tuesday that ultra-Orthodox men, long exempt from military service, can now be drafted into the Israeli military. Yolande Knell, Middle East correspondent for BBC News, joined CBS News with more on the decision0
Last week, paid a quid and a half for a 600g loaf.
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Reminder that behind every post shilling against Trump is a zigger shitting himself at the absolute scale of TZD that he will unleash if he is to be elected. Do not give them (You)s so they go completely insane. They are so fucking afraid it's incredible.
Stuck at Chasiv Yar?
Trump loved his arms deals, he is a so-called Merchant of Death. What is terrifying is that 1/2 of the US population support him. I fear the fate of the developing countries as he exploits Europe's right wing surge to sell weapons to them as they try to recolonize Africa, Asia, and LatAm.

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I'm not voting for Trump if he has a pajeet as a VP. Simple as.
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>Couldn't get a jeet on the ticket because Kamala poisoned the well and Ann Coulter BTFO this dude
>Sneak him in as VP instead

Pure retardation
So Swampyswamy is looking to ride the coattails of someone above him, just like an Indian.
He's married to a jeet and is obviously a never trump grifter
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Lmao why do hispanics even support trump in mass? It's as common to find a hispanic trump supporter as finding gun owners
Vivek is by far, the farthest right of any VP candidate.

Inb4 le shitskin.

I've lived 36 years with white "leaders" who haven't once stood up for white people.

I'll be A-OKAY with a jeet who at least has the balls to call out anti white propaganda.

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Discuss everything about the Two Time Cheating Ego Eceleb Cuck but this time with a minor.
4chan /v/ leaked why he was banned back then when he was banned and no one listened or cared.
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Only EDP445 gets in trouble for communicating with minors not my man Doctor Disky
>he called me canadian I call him reddit cause dots
faggot. one of you two >>472195650
need to figure out who the fuck is wrong and right, and chances are insider info can't be sourced outside of vague archive links so it's an impasse. Man this thread is a pain in the ass.
So a troon then. Get the fuck outta here with your bullshit. I'm(50) fucking a 16 year old(legal in my state) girl later tonight since I have the genetics of a greek god and can fuck literally anything I want. Stay mad you ugly fuck.
"sexting", no messages have been seen in public. its hard to really convey the meaning of the messages in a message format, you could take "suck my dick" in a lot of different ways, not just literally if said in real life. For all we know it's banter that some twitch employee that was illegally monitoring his chats took literally because they had a predetermined plan to look for anything that would ruin his career cause they literally hate him. Whats crazy is roll back time 25 years, to 1969. Groupies were probably often times underage, I don't see the authorities going after them for LITERALLY fucking underage women. not only that but you got a 90+ year old german woman being charged with a crime for saying the holocaust was fabricated by the jews. DrD is just another example of the way this stupid ass society is heading and the increased oversight of daily life on people who have done nothing wrong. like bro I'm fucking serious when I say this shit is going to lead to serious civil unrest
>Verification not required.
>you're poor which is why you cant buy a used car so you have to buy new cars instead
3rd worlders are retarded

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Literally nobody likes Trump.

Not a single soul.
I don't live in USA but the other day i went to a gay bar and there were Biden signs all over the place. I walked out of the place with my MAGA hat and a bunch of strong black men approached me and said "Hey faggy white boy, we don't take kindly to you MAGA people around here" and they hate crimed me while shouting "THIS IS A BIDEN COUNTRY!".

There truly is not a single person alive who supports Trump anymore. I'm so done supporting for him. I wouldn't be able to vote in USA elections, but if i could, i am not voting for Trump anymore.
>wow heckin good post fren
Post positive about Trump, refresh, or go to page with another account, you tell me where your comment is. I'll wait.
Now do the same for Biden.
Youtube banned me from commenting for "cyberbullying" Scott Wiener. All I did was call him a child molesting traitor, which is stating the obvious.
what he do to OPEC?
i don't get it.

Thanks for the gold kind stranger.

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Previous: >>472180567
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK

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death to Globohomo
a curse upon the Jews,

You are a delusional fag. Terminate yourself and your closest family members. Make sure to post it too so we can all laugh at you.
you are a certified moron!
It's not happening.
H1B anchor baby gonna be a VP.

>They don’t want sandwiches. They want a cooked meal like in their own country. And that’s a serious issue,” he said.

>In addition to sandwiches and bagels, the migrants are served food including fruit, peanuts, chips, juice, soda and prepared dinners that “you heat in a microwave,” Rodriguez said.

>“They don’t like the menu. They just don’t. They want rice and beans, plantains, tostones,” he said.

>Rodriguez recalled one incident last month when “I knocked on the door on the 18th floor to deliver a duvet and I saw smoke and could hear a fire alarm going off.”

>“I put in my key and pushed open the door, and a whole bunch of smoke came out,” he said. “A lady was there and I said, ‘What are you doing?’ She said, ‘Nothing.’ I said, ‘What do you mean nothing? Where’s all this smoke coming from?’ She said, ‘I don’t know.’”
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no dinner but you can bang his wife/gf or daughter
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just replacing the electorate in time for Nov 4th
nothing to see here
isn't it 1 ton for just that hotel?
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there's a card stand thats upright. you know what to do.
I watched some fire safety video that said opening the door to a smokey room is lelbad because it feeds the fire oxygen, what she should have done instead is seal off the room with duct tape.

Americans live in the Build Nothing country
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Pick one.
That's fagafornia, the dumbest state in the nation. They piss away all of their fresh water, into the ocean and then cry when they're low on water. I'm still rooting for the San Andreas faultline.
11B$ must be the most expensive bridge on record. Based.
Embezzling taxes is piss-easy in the US because our government is extremely corrupt.
I heard the USSR would build huge projects and then totally stop before they are completed, as if to mock and steal from the population.

So now that the dust has settled, how accurate was this?
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Bernie is the most based American politician and he's an old faggot from a state nobody cares about.

>hates Israel and Zionism (despite being a Jew and thus having carte blanche to criticize them)
>has opposed every war
>is usually the only abstaining from cringe Ukranian packages
>wants to add more social programs and tax huge corporations (something /pol/ thinks they hate but they don't (because they're retarded))

The only problem is that the American bi-partisan system made him cuck out and give it to Hillary. It was honestly pathetic, and I'm sure all the modern-day apathy from young people comes from that moment in 2016.
the presidency gets the attention of either the mean or the mode

if it's the mean it goes blue
if it's the mode it goes red

it's the easiest thing to call bar none ever
What's the mean and what's the mode? I guess the mean is the mean average, and the mode is the rest of the graph?
could've sworn I wrote the reverse
mean or mode of what? not saying

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redditors in canada are getting fed up with pakis and starting to treat them like the germans treated jews before ww2. isnt india siding with russia? why are they even here anyway, fucking sand niggers
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If they aren’t sucking our cock, they’re sucking the old empire’s
my family is not british, how many times do you need to be told something before you understand. germans only need to be told once
>The vast majority of the population supports vaccines including COVID vaccines.
I've noticed people who've taken them have spoken out against them. I'd say at minimum 30% of people think the covid vaccines were useless ("saline") or worse than useless.

Pakis are Hindpoos that were infected with pisslam by Mughals and Timurids.
Yeah, I've been arguing with Canucks about immigration ever since I first got on the internet. They are like Swedes. They have to learn the hard way.
They've been training.

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Sir, a second Pterodactyl has just hit the visitor center.
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>Intact pterodactyl bones found among the wreckage
You just know this was all orchestrated by the Dilophosaurus tribe to further their interests.
thats just the entire community THOUGH
You can't say anything like that to a client.
If you do, - your business Is ruined.Well,unless you get money from NGO to promote certain political ideas,in which case you dont éven care about customers...
A perfect representation of our fat retarded globohomo commie .gov
>thinks it's smarter than everyone
>dies violently and is shit out of a dinosaurs asshole in the end
Literally every government on a long enough timeline

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>Deputy Shane Iverson pulled over, 29-year-old Timothy Michael Randall for a traffic violation in the area of Highway 64 and CR 4125. Deputy Iverson told Randall he had pulled him over because he saw him run the stop sign at the 4-way stop, which Randall denied having done. He told Randall to get out of the vehicle, which he did, the video shows, but then he appears to struggle with the deputy when he was attempting to handcuff him. A physical struggle ensued. The struggle ended in a single gunshot that killed Randall.
Kikes jerk off to this 24/7.
The comment section is wild. Boomers legitimately think this guy deserved to die.
Nobody is safe. This is the world you fucking trash wanted.
yeah, like you took a stand against it.
Ahh yes he was "un-armed" while he was physically assaulting an officer, with his legs and thighs.

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And the bajorans deserved it.
Discuss the political implications of Anti-conservative characters and memes backfiring every single time.

Post fictional chuds that were meant to demoralize you but did the opposite.
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The bajorans are a dirty and vile people
Also the whole thing isn't too far fetched if you experiment with psychedelics. The universe is what we perceive of it. I can easily change my perception. So what is it now?
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>I should have killed every Bajoran!!!
Not the Hero were were looking for, but the one we got nonetheless
"Pressure" was a typo.
I meant pretty sure
its just a great actor, I believe actors inspire people that work with them
which is why movies suck nowadays, because the actors suck

Does /pol/ really believe Putin is based?

Please elaborate on your beliefs anon
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>cuba is worse off then mexico
Because, as a punishment for stopping the American exploitation of their country, you not only embargoed and sanctioned them but you forced every other country to embargo and sanction them. If you stationed warships off their coast and sank any commercial shipping attemting to reach their ports the effect would be the same.
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Are a mossad/CIA operation you dirty subversive jew.
>cuba is worse off then mexico
But they have no narco problem, because they have no borders and no trade with the USA. That's the point.
what a lie, cubas top trading partners are Spain china and Canada
You - attempted - to embargo them. Countries still trade with them despite this. Like merchant runners escaping the torpedoes of the blockading fleet. But their trade suffers greatly regardless.

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So the anon from a day or two ago, saying CNN was prepping it's staff to DMCA the fuck out of the internet to ensure only pro-Biden, anti-Trump footage from the debate make it's way to the internet, was telling the truth.

Tim Pool has stated that a lot of people who stream debates and shit and offer commentary/REAL fact checking, are being contacted directly by Youtube itself, saying that CNN is going to ban hammer anyone streaming/posting footage of Thursday's debate unless CNN gives EXPLICIT approval for them to post any footage online.
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Based. You should all be fighting ZOG instead with memes.
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If this is true CNN is literally threatening people with shutting them down. See here >>472194521
I don't expect the debate to even happen. There's still got two days to manufacture an excuse and I'm sure they'd rather start WWIII than make Biden look bad on the Internet.

Even they have to know it's impossible to remove things from the internet and that banning people for posting those things only draws more attention to those things.

The air smelled of leather and dust and years

Imagine CNN threatening you and you back down. Does not sound like the cool side at all.

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Previous >>>>472103102

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Occupied Palestine: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - Balata Camp: Our fighters confront the occupation forces’ storming of Balata Camp, targeting them with a heavy barrage of bullets and explosive devices, and engaging in violent clashes with them.
>BREAKING: Commander of the US army, General Charles Brown: "We will not be able to defend Israel in war with Hezbollah."
>Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: In cooperation with the Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, the Martyr Commander Raafat Abu Hilal groups, they destroyed the Abu Mutaybiq military site with 100 mm mortar shells, July 24, 2024 #Al-Aqsa_Flood
>#Lebanon: Islamic Resistance: Targeting a building used by occupation soldiers in the “Al-Manara” settlement with appropriate weapons

https://youtu.be/WH21UUjy0vc [Embed]

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>I saved a female canadian mounties life and career back in 2010 in las vegas
Female mounties are the worst, not even joking, they're worse than female MP.
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she was alright but she was drunk that night fren
Fair enough. A good deed is a good deed fren and that's all that matters.
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it was either help her or let her go to jail and I choose to help her fren
You're a good dude 53.

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Why are rightwingers so obsessed with Clinton?
I thought they didnt care about her anymore back in 2017?
>why should we care about what crime families there are and how they are connected to the government
>please call them a crime family, I need to grift
Again, explain why you stopped caring about her in 2017, now are needing money again 7 years later?
All I see is 50 year long obsession and anger at a female being president
>u1 bad
>oil exports good
>female in charge bad, were sexist not racist
clinton OF when?
>All I see is 50 year long obsession and anger at a female being president
If that were the case, we'd hear non-stop reeeing about Kamala, not the hilldawg
There is, people insist kamal can be president just as often as Obama
Its lulzy how desperate the rinos are for anybody but Biden to be president

Alright /pol/, it's literally over halfway through 2024... how the fuck can we fix California?
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no shit lol. Sounds like a safe car to me.
ad campaign? Look even dicks that try to kill their family survive and have a come to Jesus moment. Brought to you by Tesla. That's more plausible than your autopilot kill theory.
Fuckin' LOL
Tesla cars are such inferior products. All you can do is ad hominem. Keep holding onto your delusions.

May the great unraked bless this thread
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Holy Shit!!!
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fuck you
You can just hear the hatred in Brad Douriffs voice
Best and most underrated characters in TLOTR. Wormtongue
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Republicucks have no answer for this
40 year old empty egg carton posted this btw.
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I did both.
Fat people should be bullied
the same people citing churchill and his stand against hitler and likening russia to pre-war germany will then discount the quote about no brain.
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>If you exclude COVID relief spending from the tally, $4.8 trillion in debt was added under Trump and $2.2 trillion was added under Biden.
Republicans must be literally retarded.
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I don't trust either one with our national debt. No reforms will be made to Social Security or Medicare, and the Military-Industrial Complex will continue to eat up our money, regardless of who gets elected. I don't want my savings to become worthless, but I see no way out. Hyperinflation has been on my mind for months, and I don't see either presidential candidate preventing it.
Still voting Trump cope and seethe better hope he wins or it'll be a real insurrection this time nigga
You're free to act Sisyphus if you so please. Oh, and be sure to write your Congressman, whose owned by AIPAC.


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