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How do we solve the male loneliness epidemic?
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Me too. She was more than just a sex bomb though she was preternaturally pretty. She had this intelligence and this deep spiritual calm that being in proximity to her was like being on an intoxicating tranquilizing drug. I've never met anyone else that came close to that feeling a feeling that vastly transcended any mere lust.
>I think probably about 80% of guys can get laid with reasonably attractive women

Where in the world are you getting this from?
>>truth is, a lot of the time jerking off is more rewarding than putting in the effort of getting laid
Women have always scoffed at the idea that they have to compete with porn/weed/video games, when the reality is that not only are they actually in the midst of that war, but they are getting their fucking asses WHOOPED.
Not being infatuated with a model or a 15 year old really changes my perspective on life and makes me see that I can't stand being around people and that I only care about myself.
Who would've guessed that I love myself more than I fear loneliness.
Life experience, basically observing how well various guys around me are doing. Success at getting women is value multiplied by effort. Gigachad needs to put in almost no effort, he just needs to show up. If you're an ugly guy you need to put in way more effort but you can still occasionally find an attractive woman to bang. Only if you're really in the very bottom of the looks/mental health/status/etc distribution is it truly unfeasible to get laid no matter how much effort you put in.

This is how Pajeets colude with the Jewish mafia elites in the Canadian government to exploit the Canadian Taxpayers

> Every Single Leaf should see it

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Team towelhead.
This guy owns a 7/11 too btw. Just saying.
I guess there's simply nothing to discuss?

Pajeets are invading canada with Canadian made loopholes but that's how life is?

Ok then. Let's talk about something else.
I'll get a sensible chuckle when Portugal gets Pajeet'd.

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It's already happening by happenstance.
can't be drafted if you don't identify as male
Haha yeah bro they should just get free houses, education, food, guaranteed work, and hmmm let’s throw in free healthcare too. But they should NOT have to do anything ever in return. SO TRUE!!
Women aren't excluded anymore. The memes won.
So what? Men 18 to 27 used to be required to register for the draft. 20 years ago, I went to the US Post Office to fill-out the registration shit. Stupid cunt behind the counter said the US Military does not draft people. I told the stupid bitch to get her supervisor. Stupid cunt was about to make me into a criminal, because all females are stupid useless cunts.
I would guess most men have not registered, because they did not know it was a thing and stupid cunts told them there was not a draft.

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Q post 1440 on 06/03/2018 with text in the shape of a handgun, Hunter went on trial 06/03/2024.
Q post 3850 with "Hunters become the Hunted" poster on 02/10/2020 stating "How do you introduce evidence legally?", during the trial the laptop of Hunter was introduced as evidence.
Q post 1479 a submarine on June 12, 2018, on June 11, 2024, a Russian submarine fleet passed Florida, the same day Hunter was found guilty on federal gun charges.
Q post 3923 on April 09, 2020, "Hunters become the Hunted" poster again, on April 09, 2024, Russia accused Burisma of funding terrorism. - DATES ARE IMPORTANT.
Q post 3625 on November 24, 2019 - [HUNTER]s BECOME THE HUNTED - BURISMA PDF.
Q post 562 - REMEMBER THIS DAY - January 19.
Q post 558 - TIMING IS EVERYTHING - January 19.
Q post 3799 on January 28, 2020 - TIMING IS EVERYTHING - HUNTERS BECOME PREY.
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Alexa play prince Jared calling Gaza valuable waterfront property
Trust the plan miga
Haven't paid any attention to it
How are these people able to know the future??? Are they able to see it, or are they actually there interacting with it? Like seriously, what is going on?
On 9/11/23 at 6:01pm I saw a guy post on twitter (not exact words) "in 2-1/2 hours Aaron Rodgers will tear his Achilles on the wet MetLife Field." At 8:30pm Aaron Rodger tore his Achilles and ended his season on the first game. How the hell did he know this? You can't guess the player along with the EXACT time and injury. Out of the hundreds playing that day he knew exactly when in the game.
Some will say the NFL is scripted. Maybe but that is huge! To take one of the best, most famous player out for the entire season in the first game is crazy. And also all medical personnel. It is possible though but then you have others like RoaringKitty (the Gamestop story). His 3-4 year old Twitter posts are lining up now. That whole thing is about to blow up the entire financial system because it goes way beyond Gamestop and huge players are in it, multiple billionaires. He knew all this was happening. They know exact details. Who in the hell are these people?
Why is Jan 19th such an important date to John Titor?
The economist Martin Armstrong has something he calls Socrates. It works for him.
Clif High has his Alta reports - discerning future events thru a study of linguistics.
Intel on pol, likek Red Skull, have Looking Glass.
The physics behind all these things, we don't know.
But they are largely accurate.

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What are some practical ways that we can help draft resisters?

>On Sept. 24, 1968, 14 people removed 10,000 draft files from the Milwaukee draft board and burned them with home-made napalm. They were inspired by a similar action by the Catonsville Nine on May 17, 1968.

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Say something nice about her.
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>she broke some teeth and the dentist in Spain (she lives there) made a mistake with the implants (drilled too deep or something like that), so she got a serious infection that was spreading. To stop the infection they removed quite a bit from the bone of her upped jaw and nose.
Oh my
Fuck it, I'll marry her. She deserves love. I kind of also hope to get strangled by those legs. hnggg
yeah, that's it, thanks
apparently it's some faggot guy doing a character making fun of the charlatan psychic scammer Sylvia Browne and a psychic reading she once did about anal prolapse
clown world
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Let's see if I get this one deleted again

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Post an offensive political opinion you have that everyone on /pol/ disagrees with.
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Buena parte de el PSOE es religioso, especialmente en el sur
Writing "no u" would save you so many letters and it would mean the same
That all drugs should be deregulated, but not because of any freedom or anything retarded like that.
Because it will divide the strata of humans further, and all of the low willpower faggots will suffer and keep themselves where they belong. As slaves, or dead due to overdose, removing them from the gene pool.
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Anyone who supports Russia should be executed for treason. It's really pretty simple: if you support Putin, you hate the West, you are a psychological threat to it, and therefore a potential physical threat, and therefore you must be liquidated.
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whoa, but that means i would die :'(
"The West" doesn't mean every faggot loser piece of shit on earth huddled together under a global nanny state
>the flag the post
>Anyone who supports Russia should be executed for treason
Sorry anon, my government hasn't declared Russia as an enemy and even if they do, I will always support Russia. I'll support whoever the fuck I want.
Turn off vpn Ivan, Americus like to post this

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>le stronk female fights robots from le future and saves the day
>le nigger scientist creates le CPU and robotic arms and shit
>so based
>much wow
>nothing woke about it
>wokeness didn't exist before le Occupy
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it was done in a very organic way and did not distract from the rest of the movie
e.g. Linda Hamilton actually spent a lot of time buffing up for the role.
Joe Morton's character and his family were extremely inoffensive and would mog many white families of current year
>Who is a fictional feminist propaganda character. Thanks for proving my point.
Ok......this doesn't prove your point. Linda Hamilton is a fucking actress, who in the world thought she could beat up any man? Sarah Conor trained for years. kys faggot.
stfu, faggot. Our argument started here.>>471268453
It wasn't even necessary to kill Dyson. Just to destroy everything.

I didn't even speak about capability. Didn't bring it up or picked that point up. You argued in your mind with the other anon against me.
>It wasn't even necessary to kill Dyson. Just to destroy everything.
>That wasn't her plan though. The idea of breaking into the lab came after she failed to kill Dyson. Whatever Dyson had on his home computer was in the lab building, so destroying that was worthless. She went there to kill Dyson.
>Killing Dyson alone wouldn't be enough. Dyson didn't do all the shit by himself. He said himself that the chip and arm helped them and sped up the whole development. If he died, somebody else would have continued.

>>Killing Dyson alone wouldn't be enough. Dyson didn't do all the shit by himself.
But Sarah didn't see it that way. In her mind he was the brains behind the operation, or at the very least the first one that had to go in this long string of "things to destroy". She went to his house to kill him and couldn't get it done.

You were literally arguing with the other anon in your mind vs me.
But yes, her "plan" (she woke up from a nightmare and just went to kill him) failed. She couldn't do it. You think afterwards she would have just went home and said "forget it, wrong house"?

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Wherever Americans go..
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It's a YouTube comment screenshot, get on my level
lol imagine writing that
he's defending the new asscreed game isn't he

Hello! Which Saints have you been reading lately? I'm reading the first and second apologies from Saint Justin Martyr. His words remind me that I (and you!) should always be defending and explaining the one true faith to everyone.
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Jeromes commentaries (I just started reading a few) are also pretty good to understand what people knew at the time and how they interpreted stuff, even tho I disagree with him on some subjects.
I think the "martyrdom of polycarp" is probably fake but that's just my impression.
I can’t understand why you think your agitprop makes a difference to the majority of this board, unvaccinated atheists. It’s like you have an agenda to shill, and will push it no matter how many times you’re corrected. Because it’s not truth or discourse your h e for, it’s shilling.
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I particularly enjoy how he would excommunicate every Christian alive today except for a few. Probably like you OP. Or do you agree with Justin and the entire original church here?
Or maybe you can get the fuck out of this thread nobody wants you here to derail it stupid shill.

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How do me and my gf escape this kike nightmare that we are pretending is a society with $50k?
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She’s fucking niggers btw
your gf will dump you for the first chad that comes knockin, especially when the chips are down, thats when they start shopping around.
Just move to Slavland somewhere
It takes ten seconds to google house prices in Manila, or any city in flipland.
(You) will die starving if you aren't raped and murdered before then.

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Americans, does your 4th amendment allow you to blast cops when they try to break into your house without a warrant after you tell them to get the fuck off your property and they refuse?
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If you have enough money to hire a good enough lawyer, the cops wont do that shit to you because you will live in a nice enough part of town. If you dont have enough money for a good enough lawyer you go to jail still, its not like a public defender will be worth much.
didn't they kick the guy's door in without a warrant in Se7en
You lick unlimited Chang asshole

When it comes to cuckery you know all about it from 1st hand experience
you wont do shit cleetus
Lol I've definitely seen this. CO for 10 years. Inmate told me to come to his cell windows during count and started helicoptering his penis with a Bic pen buried as far as he could into his pee hole. Another time a guy cut his balls off and bled out in his cell. Said it was God punishing him for raping a child. I understand Pa hope he's doing better

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Nothing I do here would be extreme enough to try to warn people. Once it happens that's it. Someone much worse than ww3, aliens and AI is coming. I saw with my own eyes a bioengineered super soldier. There might be 100'000 of them now. It's related to the announcement that they've found Dyson spheres, They Live and the ending of that movie Cloud Atlas. Idk this to be sure, but we may have gotten our understanding of genetics from Roswell crash 1947. 17 years later in 1964 the function of the nucleus would be defined for the first time in science. 13 years later the first genetic clone was created in 1979 lab mice. 18 years later in 1998 the first hybrid human clone was created. On December 27th 2002 the first human clone named Eve was birthed from a natural mother who was artificially inseminated.

I know what I saw. Appearently this is low level technology to whatever aliens we got it from and is used to infiltrate any society via They Live style of control. AI is one of their higher technologies which we needed to use to find the Dyson spheres. So the oldest analog computer is a 2000 year old antikythera mechanism. Mechanical cruse calculating computers used in WW2 have actually been around a long time..... The AI is new

Anytime they say peace now, they mean war.

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This is literally the only place I see this. Sauce other than your channel op?
>Aliens filming their ship landing
Makes sense. They all apparently have some vanity issue of needing to be noticed with always using lights.
New source from channel with 10 view 4 days this gettting wierd X
Are they coming back? I forgot the nigger's name but he has a theory all of this shit is happening in society due to Nazis going, "I told you so" to society, before coming back. This could be insanity and a massive cope, or the truth.

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What happens If I just rape them? :DDDD xdDDD
they'll just send more officers

Redpill me on X
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being better than /pol/ doesn't really take much these days
Twitter taken over by a grifter fighting for the same team making problems. Brain chip implants. Nuff said.
not really, its even more full of brownoids and brownoid supporters and there is not even real discussion
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Elon has received more money than all the home owners in your zip code have received combined, excluding rich neighborhoods. When was the last time government gave you tax payer money so you can work on your house or project? It just never happens. Some business get money from them multiple times every year and you? Does a check come in for you? Only when they ruin or terrify your life.

>covid bux to people still working during lockdowns

Movie industry revenue charts proves there was a lockdown. Their profits actually went down.
Shitty establishment platform bought by a Shabbos Goy and master conman who is obsessed with the letter X.

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What explained the unrivaled popularity of Comet Pizza & Ping Pong among the high and mighty of Washington D.C.
probably the novelties
>CP & PP
so, cheese pizza and pepperoni pizza?
Fucking babies and pretty good pizza.

You are a coping retard who has accomplished nothing noteworthy in life and have no accolades to distinguish you from any common 80 IQ brown spic.
I am Jewish
I am disabled

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I will be racist against anyone who is in my country and not theirs.
If you are in your country I will never be racist to you, until you try to live here.
This is the optimized position.
You may not like it, but this is what optimal race judgements look like.
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America is a country settled by immigrants. You have no understanding of history and you are a serious mental midget.
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>Only pedophiles play MtG
indeed. pic related.
>settled by immigrants
Actually the founding fathers specifically only wanted white european men and families of "good standing" -- i.e. well-to-do.
It wasn't until the Hart-Cellar act, AKA the Immigration and Nationality Act
"The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States"

It only got WORSE after that. Anyway you're a nigger kill yourself.
>I'm not racist
Disgusting. Man up you pussy.
It's not morally wrong for anyone to try to do what we did to the Native Americans. But it also wasn't wrong for the Natives to have tried to kick us out.

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