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Previous: >>471330702

▶Day: 844 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland began, 92 countries attend and 8 international organisations
>Yuan to replace dollar as Russia's main foreign currency
>The yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX)
>Japan will provide Ukraine with $4.5 billion in 2024 and will continue the support, according to the new 10-year bilateral security agreement
>G7 leaders agree to unblock $50 billion frozen Russian assets for Ukraine
>New US sanctions against Russia have forced an immediate suspension of trading in dollars and euros on the Moscow Exchange
>Armenia is leaving CSTO
>U.S. lifts weapons ban on Ukraine’s Azov Brigade
>90 states register for peace summit in Switzerland, russia not invited
>Su-57 and two air defence systems (Pantsir-S1 and S-300) damaged/destroyed in drone strike nearly 600km from the frontlines

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First for TZD.
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> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Ukrainian-Victory;
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification;
AMEN: So must it be.
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I'm off to work in twenty minutes. Gentlemen - I'd like to hear /uhg/'s latest news, please and thank you.
it's been super slow and nothing is happening anywhere
Russia is getting ready to been never wanting Crimea. Currently, Crimea museums are ordered to prepare their collections are for evacuation to russia.

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at least theyre not speaking german
Not my problem.
No wife/gf no kids.
Chads it's your problem
No pussy, not my problem.
Whenever Muslims moved into Europe in large numbers in the last 1500 years, they came to conquer the nations, subjugate the people and erase their culture. What makes you think it's different this time? Only now they don't need weapons, because we're stupid enough to simply let them walk in.

Why'd we let this alcoholic retard take us off the gold standard?
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You are a child who understands nothing. Nixon was the greatest president of the 20th century.
Not to mention he thought he could stay in office if he appeased (them). Naturally they didn’t uphold their side of the deal.
There is not enough gold to back all the billionaires and banks.

Central banks can print money forever, physically and digitally.

> mining gold is as easy
as printing money or changing a number on a screen

Your brain on communism
Almost as dumb as the alchemy transmutation retard.

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Why people got a problem with black folk in modern movies but had no problem with a black guy duking it out with Bruce Lee back in the day? Is this not diversity too or what am I missing
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A. They were "black people" before the c.1990s; they're predominantly NIGGERS today.
except Bruce died during this filming soo for all we know that's the stunt double.
and what exactly is the difference

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I'm so tired... I'll take the roastie.
As long as she cooks, cleans and has my babies (and sucks my dicks whenever I feel like it), I'll do the unthinkable... I will settle, because let's face it, chances are so slim they might be non existent.
Talk me out of it.

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Jeremy Allan White - Is he a Jew? I think he might be a mischling and they don't want that fact out there. I wonder who his mom and dad are. Maybe just the mom is a joo.
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his mom is Angel Merkel?
maybe a few gens back it was something different

I think what's most interesting is that jews seek to look as much like light eyed light skinned whites as possible, and not arab, while retaining certain dna, the nature of which is never outright disclosed
i think his dad may be a jew
you should be able to tell by physiognomy alone at this point
no names needed

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Share your experience?
How should glowniggers and their owners be punished?
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>How does one compete or train to overcome these beings?
study and PRACTICE the buddhadharma.
these beings use Self-nature and the ego against you. so see into No-Self as much as possible, and practice moral purity.
blamelessness, that is HUGE currency in the spiritual world.
become monk like.
one of the bigger things they'll throw against you is your own sins, so purify and atone.
honestly practicing with a group will be good as any social fuckery/mind games will strengthen your sense of self.
if you can't move effortlessly through social settings with physical beings then spiritual settings and beings will dab all over your sanity.
plus buddhist sanghas are pretty chill. pozzed, but chill
They are doing the devil's work, they must repent like everyone else of their sins so that when Jesus returns he does not destroy them
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>Share your experience?
they overextended, I demonstrated I know how to punish tactical errors, they never showed their faces here again
I don't know about other people but I actually am. I'm not watched for my political views though I'm watched because of my involvement in the "occult". They told me themselves I'm classified as a "dangerous individual possibly linked to Satanic Ritual Abuse".

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Has /pol/ ever met a girl that was openly racist? What were they like?
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I have a niece that hates blacks as much as I do. What's funny is her parents are conservative in the boomercon let's-all-get-along and I-don't-see-race sort of way.
I told her nigger jokes and made fun of them when she was a kid and that helped, but then she got a big nasty lazy loud black roommate her first semester in college that sent her over the top.
Racist is a satanic and pejorative word for those who like and defend their own race (defending the nation, homeland and country) invented by the Jew Liev Davidovich Bronstei or Leon Trotsky
>meet cute relateable racist girl that understands 4chan memes
>she has a penis
every single time. i think i just give up and take the chaser pill
>If the more decent-looking incels were funny, that'd probably have a girlfriend.
>just stop being an incel bro
do you even know what incel means? It's involuntary.
My gf tells me to shave my facial hairy because "it looks like what the dirty skin people have" lmao

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is ukr*ne worth getting nuked for?
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Lmao, my local yacht club is bigger lamayoooooo
Hypersonic = nukes
Jew shill
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Listen to this man

Pol is always right, you guys saved me from getting vaxxed.

Thanks pol

>The EU has Officially declared the Covid Death jab / Vaccines were illegally Approved.

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They're trying to save face, Europe is an American ass bitch clown and they'll do what they're told.

If America calls for a second round and vaxx the cattle, cattle will get vaxxed the questions asked
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Disclosure is nonsense its jewluminati coming out to play bs

Anyone who would get the vaccine because some unfunny faggot held a phone close to their face and told them to get it deserves to die.

Never vaxed. Never masked. Never checked in. Never tested. SORRY!
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No middle ground. No other options.
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Whore 100%
You can even make it a tranny whore
Everything is better than fucking mudslimes
thank you, thank you
>I'll be here all week (no really)
It seems your solution is just to choose one or the other, i.e. how do you reconcile the complex norbro?

Auslander and inhumanner raus
a whore can make money on onlyfans and take care of daddy
Yeah, it's awful here expecting you to remove your hijab. Tell me again when you're going back

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Where the fuck can you even go, as a white person, to talk about your fucking demographic replacement. This board is a mossad op with meme flags and fucking jews and bots. Signal to noise is obscene lowly. Dead as shit. There is nowhere to discuss this shit and yet it's happening at an exponential rate.
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>I'm on the West Coast so niggers really aren't a problem here.
Oh, my.
I tell everyone I can. I don't care if they speak to me again.
>Everyone who took the oath absolutely didn't mean it they just wanted the paycheck.
I took the oath in '80. What should I do? Tell us. I'm guessing you didn't take the oath, but are instead an internet warrior with no fear because you live behind an anonymous screen and talk shit that you wouldn't say in public because someone would smash your face in.
You go to the local gaming store and find the sweaties playing Warhammer 40k and then everyone talks in code. You say for the emperor of man we'll exterminate those xenos scum because we hate aliens. We need to exterminate every last alien.
Or you go in with the D&D crowd and you make a paladin who really hates orcs, those subhuman scum, they need to get lynched. Kill every last orc, total orc death, even the women and babies. Nobody will think you are crazy if you plan a genocide of orcs to cleanse the kingdom so that only your people remain.

Coincidentally this is why we get endless articles from woke games journalists saying orcs are code for blacks, and warhammer is a sexist fascist thing that they constantly want to feminize and undermine. They know the game too. These are pockets of resistance where white men gather and discuss forbidden subjects like genocide and how it's morally justified to kill your enemy with a sword since orcs aren't human.
I’ll replace your ass with my foot

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This is in the top 10 greatest fucking video game of all fucking time.
I’ve never played any Switch game and even I know it’s better than anything else released this generation.

Nintendo is one of the handful of companies out there that make games that you’d look forward to spending your time to play.
Think about it.
>Spend your time
Your time is valuable. Like money, you spend it.
To spend your time / money on anything that isn’t crafted with thoughtful care is is super stupid.

God bless the Japanese.
God bless Nintendo.
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Look I want to fuck the birds in those games but how is this thread political?
>ritual and occult
That's called having a culture that is older and more substantial than kike advertising slogans
Hahaha no.
Naruhodo, how do I get there
>Mipha exists
>oh, this is cute, let's see how it resolves
Oh. Ok, then. Go fuck yourselves, Japan. An actual opportunity to explain what the Zora actually are, and they decide they'd rather not develop any lore. Fuck off.

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a business genius.
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>retards needed a car crash to understand the need of seatbelts kek
>I had huge tits, the biggest. Everybody talked about my tits
Her face is giving adam sandler
wrong brown faggot troon loser cum guzzler.
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Trump's son starts a business after working as the brains behind his daddy's Middle East policy making and just so happens to get 2 billion from MBS, who personally forced the deal to happen despite Saudi businessmen saying it's a bad deal.

And the Republicans are trying to cover it up.

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So is Israel winning or not?
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Why is it that jewish women were not given to black men as slavery reparations?
Good, so would most of the world...
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It’s a wash, they could probably flatten Gaza to the ground jf they wanted to, but are stopped by non-stop protesting.

Especially in the states where the amount of money we send them, both direct aid and under the table is being exposed hard. Same with the amount of influence that the Israelis have over American politics, and the Overton window shifting hard to the right because of that.
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and you'll never get that chance, nigger monkey

So how did regular americans react to automatic draft law being signed?
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Gtfo faggit
Eat shit, nigger. I would never go to plebbit.
>The Senate will likely shoot it down.
The are trying to add all females 18-26 to the auto sign-up. Senate may do that, pass it, and watch the number of single, unmarried, childless women in the united states drop to zero - just for laughs.
You think they are preparing for war with Iran?
USA won't have a draft because it would be incredibly unpopular among both the right and left and there would be widespread resistance, possibly even a revolution.

The looming WW3 is likely against Russia and maybe China. But most Americans have no interest in fighting for this gay nation.

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Is there a God /pol/? Why does he turn some people into human kebabs?
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People did that not God. God gave you choice he could have made you his bitch. You're to stupid to understand that. Have fun blaming everything but yourself.
Jesus Christ is God, haven't you read the Bible? Hebrews 1:6-12, Titus 2:13, Colossians 2:8-9, 1 Timothy 3:16 (John 1:1,14), 1 John 5:7, Romans 9:5, you could go into the OT too if you'd like with Isaiah 9:6, Zechariah 12:10, Malachi 3:1, Micah 5:2, etc.
I think I can only recall one recent time when someone described the Trinity as three "states", it's well established that it's 1 God in 3 persons (you can compare Genesis 1:26-27 carefully and see how God is obviously more than one). Why Jesus? Because only Jesus, being both God and man and foreordained before the creation of the world, could suffer the wrath of God for all of mankind. Also, it is God who wrote on the tablets, not Moses
Here's a link with info regarding the reliability of the Biblical text
You pray to a dead Jew whose followers killed your ancestors. There's no way to justify that.
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Good thing i don't have to justify anything to some satan worshipping faggot.

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What the fuck was his problem? Did no one ever tell him 'with jews you lose'?
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He was a raging alcoholic nigger faggot.
lol no, he even served another term as PM from 1951-55
he is idolised by bong normalfags to this day
he won personally though. They paid off his dept, they let him to pretend to be some warlord, made him generally beloved, making movies celebrating him etc.
Churchill was the ultimate British chauvinist. He didn't want an alliance with anyone other than the Anglo-descended society of America. Of course he was bankrolled by the Jews, but he regarded them as kindred spirits to the English aristocracy.
His and FDR's hatred for the Third Reich was functionally pathological, because Hitler was liberating Europe from the debt-slavery fractional reserve banking system (a society without subservient financial dependents)

Churchill was a drunk, a lunatic, a bastard of the highest order. I despise this fat fuck more than anyone could possibly imagine. He lost us the empire. He lost us our collective racial future. I shit on his grave. I piss on his whore mother's tombstone
he was largely disliked by the british public in the years before he became PM, too. he was a really shitty home secretary and led a ww1 disaster at gallipoli. somehow, with funding and (((media))) propaganda he managed to win the public over.

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>you learn that your adult daughter posts videos like attached online
What's the right course of action here?
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Don't want to go into work today or ever again?
Just shit your panties online.
Just shit your panties for federal reserve notes from incel jews.
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Fuck you I accidentally streamed it on the TV during family dinner
This is amazing.

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What are the reasons of polish hatred in this place apart from:
>Poland started WW II
>Poland flag behind most retarded takes in this place

And what will be political implications of diversifying European Aryan race in the wake of nationalist rebirth which is a result of spreading hate speech by nationalists from Western Europe countries against nationalists from Eastern Europe ?
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He's in his late 20's but still acts like a juvenile teenager. He's been saying shit like "Dating women is gay" for years, he's been hanging around confirmed paedophiles like Ali Alexander and the likes of Milo, the "totally not gay" predator.
Seriously, do some digging into it cause it's a deep and hilarious rabbit hole of cum hunting, zesty parties and many, many, MANY idiotic takes. Don't just follow this idiot blindly just because he knows how to speak well.
Also he admitted to being Ye's (formerly Kanye West) little bitch during his campaign.
This is ahistorical, Hitler didn’t mention “whites” which is modern mutt concept, he only mentioned Europeans and the distinct ethnic groups among Europe.

He also acknowledged the superiority of certain groups (German, Meds) to that of inferior groups (Slav, Gypsy)

>“The Russian is a brute like the inhabitant of Hindustan. It is a crime against nature to consider such men as equal to us.” -Adolf Hitler

this guy seems pretty fucking based to me
Our youth is more religious again, our leaders in the AfD are all very Christian, Höcke, Krah, Helferich. Its a winning formula because it has everything we need, baked in anti semitism, monarchism, anti feminism, anti faggotry etc a native revival back to Chrstianity in the face of mass muslim invasion is the only logical and organic movement, it happens naturally, some will convert to islam, but soon a neochristian reactionary youth movement will radicalize our kids and become the defacto counter culture and thus, the dominant force online later on.

People not seeing the obvious reaction to modernity are jsut a lil bit slow and probably didnt touch Bitcoin neither before it became mainstream, but its self evident in my eyes.
You would be placed in a concentration camp for uttering this in 1940s Germany. Goebbels was a devout Christian.

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