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The whole economy revolves around one times one equaling one but what if it actually equaled 2?
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One set of one is one.
I ve been thinking the same about chess just like his reference to his biology teacher. In theory each move you make is potentially the best move you can do without having a plan or doing any calculations.
Has anyone asked Terrence Howard what he thinks 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 is?
Does this equal 4? Since you can group it into (1 x 1)(1 x 1) = (2)(2).
So 2 x 1 = 3?
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Wrong, 1*1=2

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Say something nice about Mrs. Williams
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have you seen the appeal judges for Manhattan?
We have checks and balances unlike the UK even though most of our system was modeled after yours
Political show trials are illegitimate.
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>"Well If the law got him then he MUST have done something, libtard!" (((-R))) 2008
>Living in glass houses and throwing stones
i wish the united states would just stop having elections all together like ukraine. 90% of the media and internet is idiots worried about Trump even thought he's going to be dead or in prison serving a 10,000 year sentence the night they start "counting the votes"

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I have autism and never experienced romantic love. This is highly political.

>just get a whore
It's not the same. It just isn't. There has to be love.
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I'll help you. Its simple. Do simple things. Take your girl walking outside. Sit outside shops. Buy her a lemonade. Stroke her hair. It all gets better from there.
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follow your own interests and join social groups
it'll happen when you least expect it
every time in my life whenever i was actively seeking a someone it didn't work out until i stopped trying and just focused on my own interests
Meet other autistic girls.
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Anon, women won't love you the way you want them too. They can't love you the way you love them, it's just not in their nature. All the greatest poetry and songs about love were written by men. Men love women, women love children, children love puppies.
underrated post

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How can Costco manage this but all other fast food restaurants have had their prices go through the roof?

it's called a loss leader
loss leader. millionaire boomers will go to costco and buy 800 in groceries and then make sure to buy a hot dog as they leave. lol
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>2024 first half will be remembered as the most utter mega hyper-fucked moment in the tech industry by far
>worst than the dot com bubble alone
>leading to hundred of thousands of useless, unemployed, CS degree holders
>fighting for the most shitty positions out there, that once belonged to clueless fresh grads
>and current freshgrads are left with a mega fucked job market
>and (you), still wondering to "BroH, Lwrn2cod3", and wanting to compete with a sea full of H1Bs and other desperate kind of corporate slave wannabies?

Yeah, sure buddy, but you just "BRO, learn2code and get a 6 figs easily, wfh comfyly bro, shits ezpz bro"

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>Money isnt free anymore so there is no mo money for dem programs
ai and crypto remain hot - the rest mostly sucks now
lmao even
I understand if you can't make it work - it's a touch complicated
>lmao even
tell me you are a loser without telling me you are a loser
It's OK, one day you'll know how to do 'hello world' without the help of an LLM!

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I have spent about a year monitoring this board. I am impressed by the energy and passion displayed by the esoteric intellectuals who post in this forum, however there is one idea fairly popular among this intelligent crowd that troubles me

Our respected and esteemed posters seem to be of the opinion that if USA collapses, it would help undo the disastrous effects of neoliberalism and degeneracy and usher in an era of traditional revival and racial politics. However, I do not believe there exists much evidence to support this notion. Empirical evidence from already collapsed to near collapse countries like Lebanon, South Africa, Somalia etc. seem to suggest that even during or after the collapse has taken place, the structures that were maintained by elite do not really get dismantled. While we harbor romantic imagery of revolution and the beautiful anarchy that follows, the reality is much more grim and more often than not, the elite escape unhurt.

If USA collapses, then our people will likely suffer even more than they already do and the parasitic elite that governs us will not only maintain their structure but may also leech even more resources at our expense. It is hence in our interest not to wish for it's collapse but to infiltrate it from within and replace it. To this extent, we must maintain our steadfast support to the GOP who are fighting a valiant battle to preserve our freedom and our right to free speech.
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I dont want us to collapse for my sake. I want us to collapse for the sake of Europe and Japan and all of our other “allies” who are being forced to accept our globohomo degenerate cultural influence. While our country may be beyond saving, if we collapse we can’t pressure other countries to accept degeneracy any longer.
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idk the jq is what led to bitches getting so much power tbw. Solve the jq and everything else should fall back inline.
I've tested women by telling some of them in prepper groups that they'll need to be traditional post-collapse, and I've been met with insane levels of murderous rage by them.

They know, and they will gaslight you at every chance, and if they can't gaslight you, it's freak-out time and calling big daddy gov for backup. Literally nothing can get done anymore because of their schizophrenia. Enough of this shit.

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You have admit it, this guy give strong alpha vibes.
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You can see the hand up his ass from here
he's a gangster, dealt with ukraine mafia his whole life selling drugs,weapons,humans
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Alpha street shitter vibes.
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Certainly molester vibes.
destroying things is not alpha or manly. Biden destroyed democracy in order to prevent Trump from doing it. no one has faith in the system anymore since its patently manipulable

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Fuck this kike lover. He did more for Israel than America. He lost me at “we need more workers”. He wasn’t going to deport any brownies.

Fuck off to Israel
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Repeating the question is all you have, eh? No real human thought of self-determination involved, believing you only have these choices. Citizens can reject ALL of these candidates by protesting those who placed them there, the ability to recognize and call out a renege by your governing bodies guaranteed to you by your founding documents. So no, again Trump is not the answer nor is any other uniparty shill candidate. You do not have to choose the lesser of two evils and it's time you remembered The People have the power in the country.
OK got it your answer is 'jibba jabba blah blah blah dont support drumpf no matter what!' doomposter.
You willingly choose to make your country worse, you can't blame anyone but yourself when you are left bleeding out in a ditch somewhere.
The jew wins in the end. Who Owns The Banks?
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The United States should end military aid to Israel.
1. Military Aid to Israel is unnecessary. Israel is a very prosperous country and more than capable of paying for its own military.
2.Military aid to Israel is a security risk to the United States. Israel has been selling American developed military technology to China for more than a decade. These sales have been instrumental in the modernization of China's military.
3.Military aid to Israel is a diplomatic liability,
4, Military aid to Israel is illegal under American law. Israel's human rights violations disqualify Israel from receiving military aid under the Leahy law and Israel's refusal to allow inspections of its nuclear sites or sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty makes any aid to Israel illegal under the Symington Amendment.
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quit it dumb spammer shill

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Why does the British political system treat good men like Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway so terribly, but vote sick fucks like Thatcher, Blair, Johnson and Starmer into power?
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>good men like Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway
you're jewish
Corbyn was the leader of the Labour party so he was in line for prime minister, kind of like Trump is now. he just missed out on some of the votes so he stepped down. Labour didn't win precisely because people remember Blair's term, his predecessor. Galloway is a fringe politician and has always stayed with small parties, he's like the left-wing version of Nigel Farage. you know who he is so he's done his job.

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Let's hear Neil deGrasse Tyson defend this.
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Negroes were literally not meant to handle thousands of years of knowledge that they did not accumulate themselves in Africa. It's genetic, it drives them insane. European knowledge is like lovecraftian cthulu madness to niggers.
T Dawg has some fun eloquence to him though. Wave conjugations...bro is looking at the flower of life in 3d whilst all the Euclidion freemasons are drawing straight lines n sheeeit
>be 150iq freemason founding father
>strong historical knowledge
>well versed in latin, ancient egypt, platonic philosophy, and religion
>hmm, we will make this great nation called the USA
>fast forward a few hundreds years later
>the money supply is a joke
>half of your population is mulattos and spics
>cry in grave
This is quintessential well poisoning
>Oh you think Jews lie to you?
>Then you have to believe this retarded thing
>Jews were the ones who have always told you the opposite because I said so
not even giving you a (you) that's how stupid you are

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>Jews make up 0.03% of Mexican population
>Still end up with Jewish president
How the fuck is this possible?
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oh boy, someone tell him
This will not be the first time a kike hold power in mexico
Gortari the neoliberal neocon shit bastard was.
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I didn't say that's what should have been done. Only what WAS done. Can't blame everything on one asshole when there were tons of others before him.

It was Echeverria who got us in debt with the world bank and others in the first place.

They thought that it could all be paid with oil profits, while the oil profits were being squandered, more debt accumulated, and ultimately the oil shock came.
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>More generally, several Directors were worried about the buildup of external debt (Figure 7.2). Costa P. Caranicas (Alternate—Greece) noted that Mexico had the world’s largest external debt and that the staff was projecting what he termed
a “staggering” magnitude of new borrowing during 1982.

Salinas was just the finishing shot of what was started in the late 60s

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Please explain why you call people who want the economics of the United States in 1950's-1970's "Communists".
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Silver is fucky cause its industrial demand has exceeded production, companies are using reserves
Reserves have been overstated on many metals for decades
Britain being quite notorious for selling bags of useless rock as real ore
>there's certainly some Jewish fuckery at work in that market
i agree.
my main point from the beginning was that the price of housing has nothing to do with capitalism or communism, but simply a move away from silver currency.
we have an ESL, that calls me a jew, while shilling communism, that can't seem to understand that this has nothing to do with ISMs other than judaism
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>Completely untrue.
>A barter system is capitalist so long as there is room for scaling and growth.
So can you show me an advanced, developed, industrialised nation with a barter based capitalist economy?
>All transactions are based on the barter system.
So can I go to Lidl and pay for my groceries with my own hair which I cut (which can be used for a wig)?
Or maybe with some wood from some of the trees in my yard?
Or maybe with some of my physical silver?
Or maybe some of my XMR or BTC?
Yes? No?
>A contracted painter is an asset, he is the asset he is selling, he can accept cash, credit, gold, silver, whores and cocaine as payment.
So can you show me an advanced, developed, industrialised nation with a barter based capitalist economy?
>So long as a profit can be made (IE he has access to low cost materials and the charge for the job includes this and his time as part of the exchange)
Right here you're trying to redefine profit as payment for one's labour. So conflating profit with wage or commission rate.
Like I said, physiologically incapable of intellectual honesty or integrity.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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You think inflation stared with the gold window being closed by Nixon? Do you realised that that affected foreign central banks and that the gold window for US citizens had closed decades earlier?
The reason Nixon closed the gold window was because foreign nations/central banks wanted their gold back.
The reason foreign nations/central banks wanted their gold back was because of the rampant inflation caused by the rampant money creation by the United States.
Keep being a moron who thinks that a gold standard is not a fiat currency or prevents money printing.
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>So can you show me an advanced, developed, industrialised nation with a barter based capitalist economy?
literally all of USA history before your dad was born
>Or maybe with some of my physical silver?
see above answer.
but again this has nothing to do with ISMs besides judaism taking us off the silver coinage

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How do I stop being depressed and demoralized all the time?
>this is political because millions of zoomer men are demoralized with tremendous impact on society as a whole
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I'm trendy and oozing with vril. That's all it takes, sorry old man
Get the capacity to obtain things
I've already tried that but I ended up even more depressed because I don't have anyone to talk to IRL
What does this even mean?
Who can afford to go outside, every time I leave the house it cost me money.
what do you sell? sounds interesting

>tries to wipe the most evolved race on the plannet.
>begs us for help
kikes why dont you just start helping us for ones.

Crime rates in Germany: murder
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That's funny considering that Romanians probably hate gypsies the most in Europe if you look at their history, enslaving them until late19th century and then trying to genocide them in WW2 while being allied to Germany.
Are you preparing your anus for WW3 Hans, forget guns buy lube Russians will rape you anyway AGAIN so at least this time try not to make your ass bleed
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Sounds like self hating gypsies to me
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>lists yugoslavia
>also lists bosnia
Is there a reason why they still have yugoslavia, or do they include all the balkan countries except bosnia under yugoslavia?
I don't see much of a difference between reddit and pol when it comes to shitting on Europeans... lol

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If transwomen are real women, why do they call themselves trans?
To celebrate diversity. Check mate, chud.
Like trans fat

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I'm Black, voted for Biden 'cause them COVID checks was tight, but life got worse since he got in. What went wrong?
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Libra is on the equator of Aquarius
ayyo bix nood
this is true saaaarrr please only post best bobs and vagene for india champion
What an odd AI image. It's an amalgamation of a stove, a sink, and a van or bus.
Everythings getting so damn weird, but it's not even that interesting. How fucked is that.
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Built for bbc.

They dont want the guys who buy them anyway
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they all look the same
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Breeding your local robowaifu
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I'm only interested in robot women because we could customise them into catgirls
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Did heehee do it?
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No, he was antisemitic so his handlers put him down.
I don't think so. He was a weirdo, for sure, but I don't he was that weird.

He didn't do it. Here's proof.

He was set up
He was investigated by everyone from ambulance chasing lawyers to the FBI themselves, nothing came of it, and children who were around him and have made public the troubles that came from growing up in LA including molestation all defend him even after his death. He didn't do it. You can call him a stunted, traumatized weirdo, you can say whatever you want about his music. He didn't diddle any kids, the jews were just mad that he was on track to beat them.
The legend

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