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More Sikhs means Hindus and Muslims will be less likely to come here. Sikhs are actually based in many ways, they kept the Muslims out until the British fucked them over and gave away their lands to Muslims. The strategy is basically similar to introducing a predator to take care of your rodent problem. In the end, the total immigration from the Indian continent will drop but the proportion of Sikhs that come will be higher. I've only had a positive interaction with Sikhs, they are very tolerant of Christians unlike Muslims. Even Hindus have a history of persecuting Christians in their own country. Sikhs fought bravely for the British in two world wars despite being screwed over by them.
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No one likes Sikhs though. They are just stupid faggots also they can't fight
But you can't deny the fact that there's a lot of shitting in the streets in India. China too. Isn't it also the case that Hindus like cow dung?
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Durka durka Mohammed Allah Gary.
Better than Pakistanis. Didn't Pakistan lose every single war to India?
Which war? The 71 "war" which was just a handover of power to the Bengalis and a courtesy cleanse of their filthy Hindus?

Tussi kis ilaqay se ho?

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Japanese people started this trend in the the 2000s now its catching on here. Like 1 in 3 young men is a shut in that never goes outside or works wtf is wrong with these incels?

Its like they just gave up on life...
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why dont you ever respond to me when i (you) you japan shill i just want love
Lmao you are obsessed how many times are you going to write that drivel out as an excuse for being a rentoid
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You aren't entitled to other people's company or attention.
It's pajeet anon....
>lmao that's pretty graphic
It's incelistic nonsense, Mr. Potato Head.
>I'm totally comfy and in my zone
Uh-huh. Totally. I'm not convinced. Do you have a deadbolt on the outside of your door so when your ma shuts off the wifi you can't bust through the door and choke the bitch out like your current NEET posterboy does, Mr. Potato Head?

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bros please post the i am unemployed and will not work gigachad meme with basedjaks seething about it to this thread i need to save it
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since when have there been a filter
You should probably just head back, to reddit, shill
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I don’t know what a "basedjak" is, but is this what (You) want, right??
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here friend
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Political thread about the global banking cabal and how the Federal Reserve — with their parabolic printing shenanigans — exports inflation and monetary slavery around the world. We discuss the Who, What, When, Where, and Why of how a silver bullet can kill the Fed, ECB, IMF, BIS and the “for-profit above all else" religion that debases honest and fair commerce in all societies.

This short, must-watch video explains how the fiat banking system works and why it must be expunged from existence:


The Federal Reserve and the IRS were both created unconstitutionally in 1913. The IRS forced Americans to use Federal Reserve Notes (dollars) to pay their illegal Federal Income Tax. The Fed was supposed to stabilize US currency by backing every dollar issued with 40% gold.

1933: Americans’ gold was confiscated by the Treasury (except $100 worth/person) b/c the Fed convinced FDR that people were hoarding gold. They were forced to trade their gold in for $20.67/troy oz. before FDR raised the exchange rate to $35/oz. with the Gold Reserve Act of 1934.

1958: Bretton Woods pegged all foreign currencies to the dollar which was then pegged to gold at $35/troy oz. Central Banks under the BIS metastasized all over the world.

1971: Nixon de-pegs the dollar from gold entirely, making the dollar a fiat world reserve currency, betraying the 40% gold promise from the original Federal Reserve Act.

1974: Ford legalizes gold ownership again.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Yeah dude. The time to buy Eagles/Maples is coming to an end.
In terms of price appreciation, silver and gold have just started their run. People have been saying this for a long time but there is now a game changer. Chinese people have stopped buying real estate, and are buying gold and silver. There are a number of people who, from looking at the market from different perspectives, are independently coming to the same conclusion. Gold is undervalued maybe 3x-10x. Silver will follow just to maintain the current ratio.

I think 500 usd for silver is a foregone conclusion at this point
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>reminder you can do other things to end the fed as well like removing all money from your bank account. even if you cant convert it all to silver for reasons, at least keeping that in cash forces kikes to reveal the fractional reserve ponzi to NPCs when they start limiting or banning cash withdrawals to the masses
The Mandela effect of removing "Moneychangers" from the verse in pic related is evidence of where we are in the timelines...
If you know, you know.
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>I think 500 usd for silver is a foregone conclusion at this point
Don't even get me started of viewing things through the lens of federal reserve notes (USD'S) right now, the only anchor lens of truth of value monetarily was, is, will be silver. Even gold at this junction due to the demonization of the GSR (gold silver ratio) creating the bubbles upon bubbles of rehypothication and fictional fractionalizing is distorting reality far beyond the imagination now.
Next stop is like 2 towns past clowntown, where NFT's are required studies at Harvard

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they created it and now they are in search of the next big thing behind the horizon (even if they won't find it)
they aren’t expected to be*
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>jew post (low quality)
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At my school graduate classes were senior classes but with a harder grading curve and a special project. As a 4th year CS major, I saw some fucking embarrassingly bad graduate students in my final year, all of them brown or Chinese. Your typical homegrown, white, male senior could program circles around these fucking retards. American grad students aren't disappearing because Americans aren't up for it, they're disappearing because grad school is a fucking scam populated jeets and changs that's 90% regurgitated senior curriculum stuff anyways.
all from rich families, how else do they pay for it. all while they make it impossible for americans. how could anyome not shit on that flag

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Russian drone drops 35kg bomb destroying a house on hohols
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thank god you posted it! I've been waiting all fucking thread. It's the ONE Russian FPV video lmao. Asked for it here>>469864003
Why are these niggers giving (You)’s to /uhg/ FPV gore mutt? Use the archive ffs. Its so easy to spot.
the guy on the right was clearly still "in one piece" before the bombing
this one was cleary already wounded and incapable of fighting

Even in the gore drone footage department Ukraine is morally superior
>there are no russian drone videos
>actually there is one but it is the only one!
lmao you shills are pathetic, i see gore videos from the russian side every day
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>now you see me
>now you don't
Russian instant stealth technology is really something else

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Remember when they accidentally allowed National Socialism for a few years and the economic recovery was so incredibly fucking stark and instantaneous that people started noticing and asking questions about why we need Central banks when Germany got rid of them and German life went from "You very well might die of starvation in the middle of the street while child prostitutes watch from a street corner" to "You easily can support a wife and 5 kids in a house you own doing even the lowest skill work imaginable" and they had to start a war slaughtering 60 million and then bombing any other countries who wanted to try it to prevent the example of what could be from ever existing again?

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This is false.
This isn't actually true, and nobody said it until long after the war was over. Germany's debt to GDP ratio and deficit growth were actually fairly decent compared to other European countries at the time.
That is also false in this context, 1930s Germany didnt unless you consider ransoming a Rothschild as genocide.
Read “Wages of Destruction”. Hitler was great in a lot of ways, but his retarded economic policy is what fucked him over and forced him to war. Germans were forced to lend their money to the government, they couldn’t even access their own wages.
The Eternal Britkike still hasn't learned the lesson.

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The system is coming down folks, this is it
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give em guns and some '60s blues
>Fed's shutting down InfoWars
We are not lucky enough to never have to see or listen to this fat retarded gorilla nigger ever again, he's just gifting off the Trump bullshit
Youtube link? Any link?i dont have shitter
Found a link myself. Google alex jones twitter, does his Twitter page show up in the results? I dont get it at all on google.
Google censoring alex jones searches?
It's a nothingburger. No one cares about that kike

The West is lost, including the US. The best times are over. The future is in Asia.
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I say let the foreign occupants be killed instead when they raise their fists in anger against the native Europeans.
You are brown.
Move the monopoly of violence away from the occupational government into the hands of native Europeans.
Watch all of our problems go away.
Did he? Don't know. Now you aren't allowed to. And hating Israel now also isn't clever politically. Hating muslims though is. So they first will do that to get as many votes as possible.
Havent you seen the video? The socialist mercenary band formerly known as "police" has no monopoly on violence - that is the ugly truth of this version of German socialism 3.0; its just Anarcho Tyranny, with an extremely thin coat of paint of a rainbow and a Futanari
All of these european kosher nationalistic parties want to gain more influence by being friendly towards the jews.
But they should beware that no kindness against the jewish people goes unpunished.

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Microsoft has dropped new updates to the pride flag.

The new design is now super-inclusive featuring:
Abrosexual, Abroromantic, Aceflux, Achillean, Agender, Ally, Ambiamorous, Androgynous, Androromantic, Androsexual, Aporagender, Aroace, Aroflux, Aromantic, Asexual, A-Spec, Bigender, Biromantic, Bisexual, Ceteroromantic, Ceterosexual, Demiboy, Demifluid, Demigender, Demigirl, Demiromantic, Demisexual, Diamoric, Egogender, Frayromantic, Gay men, Genderfluid, Genderflux, Gender neutral, Gender questioning, Genderqueer, Gray-asexual, Graygender, Gyneromantic, Gynesexual, Hijara, Intergender, Intersex, Lesbian, Maverique, MOGAI, Multigender, Multisexual, Neurogender, Neutrois, Non-binary, Omniromantic, Omnisexual, Pangender, Panromantic, Pansexual, Polyamorous, Polygender, Polyromantic, Polysexual, Pomosexual, Pride (LGBTQIA+), Queer, Sapphic, Straight queer, Transfeminine, Transgender, Transmasculine, Transneutral, Trigender, Two-spirit, Unlabeled, Waria, Xenogender.

And the best thing, it's open sores so everyone can contribute!!!! Yay!.

crosspost: >>>/g/100766690
No furrykin? I'm suing for discrimination
Ovniraptorsexual?? Why are they discriminating so much? Fuck i hate this game
No abbosexual? What the fuck?

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I denounce the Torah.
Alright flat earth believers, we, the globe believers, know that the globe earth has been questioned and tested for centuries and has thus far not only held (pic of earth, Apollo 13), but been verified by millions of people on earth. Many of us have personally verified its veracity as best as we could. We too are inquisitive, but we are not lazy: we went out there on our own and we saw as much evidence we could see with our own eyes, as best as we could see it. It held.
You come here come here seeding doubts about the globe earth, but here's the thing: you reap what you sow, and so if you seed doubts, you can only expect our profound disbelief about what you propose as well.
Nonetheless, we will give you a chance to convince us all that we are wrong, and that the flat earth is the truth.

The challenge here for you is to convince us that you are correct, therefore THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON YOU.
I will post a list of observable phenomena, which ALL fit the globe model, some extremely easy to verify with the naked eye, and you must put forth ONE, and only ONE flat earth model that will explain ALL these thirty-seven observed phenomena.

From the start, the basics:

1. Everyday, the sun, the moon, and the planets rise and set in opposite directions.
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36. Independent observers, on different sides of an eye of a hurricane, will observe the winds blowing counter-clockwise on the northern hemisphere, and clockwise on the southern hemisphere.

37. A compass rotated ninety degrees along a meridian line, will have its magnetic needle pointing directly down at the magnetic north pole, and its needle will rotate as you move away southwards. The needle will be horizontal at the equator, and will eventually point upwards once reaching the southern magnetic pole, as if walking on a sphere.

That's it.

I have been respectful, I did not insult you, and I am giving you the best chance you will ever have here on /pol/ to show that you are right, but remember, your model must explain all those facts, just like the globe model does, therefore:

The single globe earth must be beaten by ONE, and ONLY ONE flat earth model. No excuses.

Now we wait for your proposals.

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What the FUCK did he mean by this?
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Mariusz Vanderlubbe pinned for false flag Reichstag fire and given polish attire. How can Putin not know.
And then some general that just broke the japs back in Manchuria comes and also brakes fascist Europe, the UK invest it all and got broken so they emigrated to the USA to start over
Poland refused to communicate with Germany because they assumed the West was going to back them.
Then a supposed genocide toward Germans was happening, Germany demanded a corridor access to the separated territory.
Poland told them to fuck off, and the rest is history.

I think what Putin is saying is that countries that refuse to communicate and coordinate justify military action.
He parallels the events of the ethnic cleansings in Poland to the ethnic cleansings happening in Ukraine.
Only HoI4 players would understand.
At that time, the Red Army had experienced the tremendous growth in its strength, from a poorly equipped army in 1920s, it became a modern and professional army in 1939. The number of troops increased rapidly, from 1.3 million men-at-arms by the end of 1936 to more than 3.0 million men-at-arms in 1939

Germans still looked at the soviets like they're stuck in the 20's, so when they see 30 divisions amassing at the border they think fuck the invasion is imminent. Not knowing that the soviet union had about 300 divisions in total or even more. Sending 30 to the west is everyday stuff
Wtf i love jewtin now


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Funny and would. I heard you must not play this song - even the original - anywhere. Keep up the good work and ruin every single faggot song for them.
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I had thought it was just those organising Oktoberfest who had issued a ban of the original song. A total delusion of this modern world is how the left have become convinced that anti immigration sentiment is by nature right wing. Those lunatic fools on the left seem to think that flooding the lower classes with competitors to the natives, at their expense and to the benefit of the corporation for available labour, as I say they seem to think that saying ‘no!’ To this is racist and right wing. Fools that literally everyday vote for their own ruin and think that their suffrage is their moral victory. Fools, they have abandoned those they say they represent and have granted what was once the lower classes to foreigners who will gladly hang them when the time will come
Ok yeah that's not an ass for a white boy that's an ass for a black man.
t Swede

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What are the political implications of amateur pornstars having their family members masturbate to their porn?
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By "obsessed" they mean they keep bringing up how disappointed they are that their daughter/sister is a whore
You don't understand niggers and how incestuous they are. She's done porn with other men, she is saying that her family members, in which by the way she specifically means her male cousins, love her solo videos. I don't think you know how much niggers have cousin sex, nobody really talks about it but it's normal.
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What is your goal by calling the angry mlp poster and the 2-3 kekistan flags
>You don't understand niggers and how incestuous they are
I was only 16, but I guess that's no excuse
My sister was 32, lovely and loose
She don't wear no underwear
She said it only gets in her hair
And it's got a funny way of stopping the juice
My sister never made love to anyone else but me
: prince

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ctrl+del homo
0 results
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Snoop dog
Living the dream
Yeah just a minor discomfort
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>colonoscopy cam
you are the first greenland poster i have ever seen on this website. congratulations, don't let coloreds or jews live comfortably in your country

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Kenan Thompson is finally in jail.
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Awwwwww here it goes!!!
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>huehuehue lets make a whole new thread about it
chucklehead faggot macaco
kenan thompson is such a talented actor. I can't think of one snl sketch where he wasn't pleasant to watch and listen to.
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>pool's closed

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>Not positive
I know from personal experience that women love getting dug out deep and having their clits and nipples played with while calling her stuff like a dirty nasty bitch. If you've had sex but never made a woman piss herself orgasming at least once so hard then idk what else to tell you bud
They get to choose their own slavemaster and to be thankful for it.
It should take less than 5 minutes. Next time try pulling her hair, slapping and choking her at the same time. Trust me
Except foreigners somehow. They can have 5+ kids without any issue somehow.

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Redpill me on the bluepill, /pol/. Is Viagra based or jewed? This stuff gives me a boner I could drive nails with.
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This is a self control issue. Quit blaming “high-t” it’s shameful.
>a boner I could drive nails with.
I have a hammer for that purpose. I only use my dick for fucking and peeing. Thank Gods, no Viagra needed yet. If I could not fuck at all then I would try Viagra. But as long as I can fuck I would find it stupid.
if youre old, go for it idk
It’s pretty based but shouldn’t be necessary, all the compulsive porn and overexposure really fucks with your head and then you can’t perform anymore. I actually notice that all my problems with performing
>not staying hard in between
>getting flaccid from using a condom
>coming too fast
All go away after if you cut out porn in masturbation completely. Actually went on a prettt long trip with my girlfriend and couldn’t stop fucking her after the first few days, multiple times as well. Porn is really evil and using this shit to cope with it only fights a symptom but is not a solution.

Also the patent and Pfizer keeping this shit expensive as hell is funny as fuck, especially in this country where you can only get it with a doctor’s prescription, which of course turns into an entire underground market that nobody is enforcing with all sorts of dickpills straight out of some lab not run by pharma Jews.8rah
i can get hard just alright. but if it also helped me not cum within 5 minutes that would be an actual game changer.

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>2024 first half will be remembered as the most utter mega hyper-fucked moment in the tech industry by far
>worst than the dot com bubble alone
>leading to hundred of thousands of useless, unemployed, CS degree holders
>fighting for the most shitty positions out there, that once belonged to clueless fresh grads
>and current freshgrads are left with a mega fucked job market
>and (you), still wondering to "BroH, Lwrn2cod3", and wanting to compete with a sea full of H1Bs and other desperate kind of corporate slave wannabies?

Yeah, sure buddy, but you just "BRO, learn2code and get a 6 figs easily, wfh comfyly bro, shits ezpz bro"

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>there's a reason why back in the day chicks coded,
They didn't, you retarded nigger. That is made up kike nonsense. Hamilton is a perfect example, she didn't write any of that code, she was a "project manager" after the project was completed and on maintenance mode. And she got that job by fucking the boss.
>Do you think I should job hop?
Oh no, the salary is fine with that level of experience. But job hopping at this point would kill your entire career. Whatever happens, don't leave this place for at least 2 years.
stay mad code monkey
>Secondly, its better to fully automate the monotonous problems such that we can focus on greater and more interesting problems
OR you can just be sent back to doing manual labor like everyone else. Just a couple more years and the AI will be the one giving you prompts.

>we should not limit progress in fields simply because we want to scrounge some pennies.
The situation it's the literally opposite though. At the moment, AI can do NOTHING that humans cannot do; it just does things faster and cheaper, for the joy of business owners. What it COULD do, however, is erase the need for most humans to use their brains, which will obviously have apocalyptic consequences. AI is inherently anti-human and should be considered a weapon of mass destruction on par with nuclear weapons, if not of greater risk.
Coding is only useful for third world failed countries,like mine.Because we get western paychecks.If i was born in a first world state,like America,because we are living in american empire,i would pursue degrees to get into the system,because we can defeat the deep state if we outnumber them

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What are the political ramifications of men NEETing?
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That's like a monkey just gathering fruits, calling his material instincts "work" and then oneday acting surprised giant machines cut down his natural habitat.

Your not some enlightened full-of-purpose enigma, your just a wagecuck bro. I'm in the process of becoming one out of necessity, but at least I know I will refuse to work hard and keep as much energy to myself. That's the one thing they can't steal from me. My vitality.
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Lotta cope, most NEETs get their money from the gubment.
You need to comply with some rules but the money never stops so long as you put in a half-assed effort at least.

Careers are gonna be fucking dead soon, everyone who works with a computer will be out of a job in 20-30 years, people working in industries such as transportation will get maybe 50.
This is the century of the NEET, you're a moron if you're still trying to make yourself useful to some bossman rather than focusing on minimizing all your costs of living.
Move into a smaller apartment, sell your car, buy second hand stuff, never go to the doctor. That's the kind of guy who will survive in the coming years.
Those "hustlers" working 40h jobs, living in expensive apartments or houses, paying tons of rent/mortgage/taxes all contingent on their fragile source of income, they're gonna be fucked when the next recession hits. And it will hit.

Get your testosterone checked and get on Clomid or enclomiphene.
I will never understand the idiots working a lot and some even earning a lot of monies but then they just proceed to burn that money immediately for stupid shit, it's madness, I can't even remember when I bought something new, I find good used (like once) stuff dirt cheap everywhere I look.
I know a young white guy in a wheel chair and he does both, works part time at the library I go to when I can't find something I want to read about online, but NEETS don't get jack shit. I don't want to live in niggerville with rodents and bugs. So I wage cuck. As much as you guys are scared of girls i dunno why none of (((Einsteins))) didn't try to partner up with a NEET chick because you have tons of models complete with various accesorries to chose from, kind like a used car dealership only women.
Not all of them are single moms with nigger kids, ya know. Many are too shy and women are scared to admit they are NEETs

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