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Inspire eachother I guess.

>Rules: No fedposting, only in roblox game modes.

All im gonna say is,

>you can definitely trust me with basic training and a firearm, and I definitely will not SHOOT my COMMANDING OFFICER on sight, steal his identity and assume his position, and then not listen to his chain of command or the military chain of command in roblox war roleplay.

>I will definitely NOT INSPIRE OTHERS TO DO THE SAME and establish communication with rouge cells and then setup defence against both domestic and foreign invading enemy, on whose both sides are jews in roblox war roleplay.

>I will certainly not then do the same thing to OTHER PLATOONS posing as an ally and may/may not feed false info to higher ups in chain of zog military command with my new stolen identity. I will not tell enemy soliders what I have done and I will not tell them that they don't need to fight the war if they do the same in roblox war roleplay.

>I will certainly inform command on what is going on and they will certainly know what's happening, if it ever were to happen. The whole thing will not be silent in roblox war roleplay.

>We will certainly not spread to other branches of military and government. We will certainly not spread to higher command and assume their positions as well. We will certainly not kill any jews or defacto overthrow government in roblox war roleplay.

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This mandatory in America now. You will be signed up to serve the Jew when the time comes or no food stamps for you.
Stormshield is under attack, 50 Hoarde, heals stack inside the butcher shop. Tanks out front and damage to play peekaboo, Damage set autotargeting overlays on me on channel 35. LowLevelFags get on the chat horn for backup.
Take the Conscription Officer Pledge today
Good message, too bad he ruined with the homicidetranny shit.
wow tell us more about that!
and Is this common in the turkish army?

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>Another day, another escalation
- More people die of 'EK stress', has nothing to do with the COVID vaccinations though, believe us cattle!
- Bread and games: Poland - Netherlands, 1-2. UNVACCINATED CHAD scores winning goal
- Marjolein Faber will remain candidate minister of migration after ‘crises’ debate
- King: any civil servant that doesn't want to work with the PVV can find a new job
- Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD/Shin Bet) not minister nor vicepremier after background check by the AIVD, no shit
- Students want to continue pro-Palestine protests, citing that nothing can stop them
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known. Mental pressure cause them to be more restrained in their work. Good. Think about this fuckers when you pull people out of their houses for a draft/forced vaccinations
- Literal glowie prime minister Dick Schoof (NCTV/AIVD) and possible vice minister Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD)
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists' and antifa
- Cybercriminals are increasingly more armed with firearms and becoming more sophisticated, using OSINT to improve their phishing attempts on their victims. Not that Dutch IT security means shit
- Dutch civil servants are 'trembling' at the idea working under the PVV
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal
- NCTV glowies: ‘pepe is an extreme right meme’ and funny
- 18% is for overthrowing the government system, 6% even thinks violence is allowed
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>Gebaseerd is wat ze het noemen, je neemt een dom onderwerp en noemt het gay of gebaseerd op basis of hoe Joods het is Paulie, de gehele jeugd doet het tegenwoordig!
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Misschien, maar aan het einde van het verhaal heb ik nog geen Sefardische vriendin..
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>"I still love you <3"

Well i don't want to hate jews, But i would appreciate if you put a little bit more effort in preventing it.
You guys are not making that easy for us.
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>Don’t ever talk to me like that about Hila or Klezmer you get me?

>hooliganism seems to be back on the menu boys

>Gordon Ramsay says he's 'lucky to be alive' after bike accident - and thanks his helmet, talk about having a kitchen nightmare.

>Rishi Sunak: Faith and duty guide me through my election trials. first pegan prime minister doesnt seem to be feeling so well.

>Wes Streeting admits he wanted 'more ambitious' manifesto on social care. they havent even won yet and they already want more money from you.

>Time may be up for the Tories, but their legacy of lies will live on. looks like the concept of Brechtian alienation has not only let it self go but doesnt seem to have much political insight. what legacy?

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How fucking retarded is this country that labour is going to win
Half the country is brown, so what did you expect?
Stop! I can only get so hard!
labour is gong to win and lib dems will be in opposition.
can't wait
it will be hilarious
Same hymn sheet, just changing the choir

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Previous: >>471382568 >>471382552
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A
>'NATO maps out plan to block Russian "invasion" in Europe ' - The Telegraph -https://archive.today/MkhiF
>The Ukraine faces economic collapse: electricity shortages, lack of money to fund the AFU -https://archive.today/iwOrt
>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons -https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane -https://archive.today/iAtY3

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Can anyone recommend books about the Russian way of war ? Something really autistic that gets into the nitty gritty of it, you keep hearing about 'deep battle' this and 'flexible defence' that, or 'attritional warfare' but wtf does it actually constitute ? I remember during Bakhmut Prigo said something about shells being directly proportional to losses incurred and how you need something like 1k shells a day to suppress a NATO sized battalion, well isn't that interesting ? Surely if even a hotdog vendor knows this there have got to be some books on this topic?
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>Are you going to start today again? Don't make me do retaliations because I'm getting tired of it.
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I'm pretty sure the normal average person can distinguish between a caribbean and an Indian. Maybe you ruskies can't, which is why you make alliances with every single thirdie you can find.
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>kill yourself vpn troon
Why the need to project what you do when you're in fucking Moscow using a VPN larping as a German? Are we really going to believe a German is going to support Russians so much? The only reason you may support Russians while you're a German is because you're some Soviet mutt rapebaby. You're not different from a normal Russmutt.
Imagine watching this face while fucking

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There's something deeply racist about this...

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>A “monster” 19-year-old killed his parents at their Florida home and shot an officer in a gunfight that was caught on the injured deputy’s bodycam before the teen was fatally shot Saturday night.
>Christos Alexander Themelis Jr. fatally shot his 51-year-old father Christos Byron Themelis inside the home and then his 48-year-old mother Rebecca Ann Themelis on the front lawn in front of officers during the surreal scene shortly after 11 p.m., the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said.
>Deputies initially rushed to the house when police received a “frantic” 911 call from the shooter’s mother who told dispatch her son had just shot her husband as more gunfire rang out, Sheriff Chad Chronister said.
>While the mother was in the front yard, the son mercilessly blasted her in the back of the head as the woman was instructed by law enforcement to walk to them. He then opened fire on the responding deputies, the footage indicates.
>“Stop reaching for your waistband,” a deputy could be heard yelling at the teen just before he started shooting.
>Themelis is believed to have died of the injuries he suffered in the shoot-out.
>“How did he have access to any type of firearm to be able to inflict this type of violence here this evening?” he questioned, calling the shooter a “monster.”
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>bro just read on the internet how to do something useful with your hands
>you can totally ask a buzzfeed article "why isn't this threading on" and have it respond with "look at this dent here, it's damaged and it's never going to work, either the store or manufacturer dropped it and sold it anyways, let's go show them and get a refund"
>you can afford to fuck up raw materials 3 times learning on your own, right?
It's a shame he died. It's doubly unfortunate that none of the zogbots died.
Oh, and the fact is, 90% of those parents who were killed by young children deserved it because of their crappy upbringing. Simple fact. No person is born with the desire to kill others. (Except niggers, sandniggers, kikes, but they are not a humans first of all)
Where is the fucking video?
parents probably refused to pay for his tranny pills and surgery

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This guy will only plunge us into further misery. He’s a degenerate bourgeois who lacks the aristocratic soul required to rule.
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that dumb cunt is right about immigration BUT
hes in pocket of the jews and
he wants to privatize everything like a psychopath
so fuck him
that patriotism doesnt go far to save him from his evil positions on other issues
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>I'm against globalist
>But I worship Thatcher
He is like Tucker Carlson being a politician, shrewd maneuvering to be popular but essentially FoS. No one can save the West, only someone like George Galloway can build things up from the rubble.
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>Das statue ov libertee ist kaPUT!
All these seething memeflag shills let me know that Nigel is the correct choice.

Prime minister Nigel.
Nigel Nigel

Do something british!

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You have a lot of explaining to do.
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>nigger crying about another country
>nigger's handle is fucking "kahuna"
we wuz rastas
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they look happy :)
blackface is also a vital part of Jewish cultural heritage. we stand in solidarity with the dutch: an attack on blackface is an attack on the Jewish people.

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Previous: >>471385560

▶Day: 845 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland began, 92 countries attend and 8 international organisations
>Yuan to replace dollar as Russia's main foreign currency
>The yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX)
>Japan will provide Ukraine with $4.5 billion in 2024 and will continue the support, according to the new 10-year bilateral security agreement
>G7 leaders agree to unblock $50 billion frozen Russian assets for Ukraine
>New US sanctions against Russia have forced an immediate suspension of trading in dollars and euros on the Moscow Exchange
>Armenia is leaving CSTO
>U.S. lifts weapons ban on Ukraine’s Azov Brigade
>90 states register for peace summit in Switzerland, russia not invited
>Su-57 and two air defence systems (Pantsir-S1 and S-300) damaged/destroyed in drone strike nearly 600km from the frontlines

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Is this true? And what point are you making? Please be coherent
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Russia just mad that their alternative for Olympics only have Russians participating (there were some disciplines with only one participants)
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are not working

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if not the USA
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North Korea
THis is btw. the bible of north congregation that is tribe of dan underneath him naphtali and asher swedes and norwegians and dan ofcourse. Dan mark, dans field, the name of country.
SO germans said. LULZ, you cannot defend this anymore. We are ofcourse many times larger. we are going to take it back. swedish and norwegians and finns also independent, not even the finnish elves got your back, you all alone, you the tiniest nordic nation vs entire germany. LOL please you must give it back to us. The lunatic king decides, he's going to try to hold on to it. He fails danish military destroyed. But he says. I love danes so much i will stop taking ONLY WHAT YOU TOOK FROM US WE TAKE BACK. and they stop at that. this is classic german. If you know THAT going into what the nazis did in ww2, same thing. is why when they invaded the nazi military denmark. They surrender immediately. We know what they doing, they want. build military bases so english can't attack them and marshall danish military has nothing to do with snuff us out. Because HAHA if germans wanted to snuff out danes, they had every opportunity for it. It's like tit for tat. you take this i take it back, no hard feelings but i am going to want it back, no more no less, is how germans always dealt. You take from poland what is mine i want it back it all escalates into a fucking nightmare. The reason germany go into all those north south east west. is cause it's perimeter nations. Look up euro map. They do not go in there to make them force to be german. Infact in typical german fashion as many times before when germans enforce their will. They send to from nazi high command to the king at time, greetings of good will he ride around horse, the nazi say denmark will be for danes not for germans, they do this to fight british. And the president of his birthday nazi high command, red roses. for him to give to his wife.
USA is the best nation. literally a man's dream. second to none. uncomparable. too based for this world. you are god's chosen if you are born in the USA.
>USA is the best nation. literally a man's dream. second to none. uncomparable. too based for this world. you are god's chosen if you are born in the USA.
It's literally the opposite it is the hell hole that promotes racial warfare and invasion of entire countries trying to say it is blueprint for the planet. And somehow manages to take the least ones who should be propped up, africans 3x size of usa even bigger colonials than british. Let's make entire USA ABOUT TWERKING.
BOW TO YOUR GOD, and THROW SAND IN YOUR FACE. DO it literally. Throw sand in your face. for trying to get the human races to fight rather than they each have a territory of their own and respect eachother. USA literally is trying to ruin that.
What is DAN, it's only the supreme judges of all mankind not cause they are better than others but because they are HONEST. dictated by the overlords. as their liason.
Dan wil always have the least on earth, but somehow dan will at same time have the most and be fine. Because they're so fucking good.. that it puts you all to shame TRULY.

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The decline of the vaxxers will be substantially noticeable in mid "September".


^^you are here - picrel^^^

>I'm talking people in grocery stores screaming because they don't know where they are or what they were doing.

>I'm talking about a real fucking zombie apocalypse.

>Family members shooting each other because they didn't know who they were and what they were doing in their house, your own mother won't even recognize you.

>We have about 3 to 4 months left until hell on earth.

Good luck to you all.
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>Maxxvaxxed dumb boomer woman putting lives in danger driving a huge ass luxury car

Meanwhile I cannot even afford a bike despite degree and multiple professional experiences.
That's why I will be happy when nukes will fly.
thanks for this bro
Have been looking for a way to filter out the shill/kikes that use the UN and the pirate flag to recognize each other, and lately the retarded Fin that trashes the board with his retarded spam
>show flag
>no this is not true
>why, because I said so
>plus you not flag

Butthurt VPN kike shill nigger detected
did you changed your UN or Pirate flag for the libertarian one? KEK
get the fuck out nigger kike shill

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it's so fucking over for indians
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Huge missed financial opportunity. For all of them. Pure non-sense

How u making these
It’s no different then telling someone studying to be an artist that they’re not allowed to learn from drawing life models. It’s the most basic and long-practiced method of studying to draw the human form.

>Trying to ban people watching porn

>Cheats on wife with a porn star

Do republicans not see any irony here?

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They did studies at the time showing transmission was reduced by 91% on the original wuhan strain and reduced by two-thirds with the delta variant. Unfortunately it kept mutating and omicron was so infectious (almost as infectious as measles) that vaccination failed to stop transmission at that point

Wuhan: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35084937/
Delta: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanwpc/article/PIIS2666-6065(23)00248-1/fulltext
>They didn't die from the vax, they died with the vax.
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>Taking the vaxx makes you hotter you chuds, just go take it and maybe you can have sex

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Damn...they really DID build everything n sheeit
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Nippons need to stop pretending and accept their black heritage
I hope the Japanese lynch every nigger out of Japan if this gets released. Filthy thieving we wuzzing animals.
Have you seen how Muslims react whenever someone even draws a picture of Muhammad? They act like Muhammad is supposed to be allah himself and not just a man.
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>their primary opponent
LOL Muslims are their primary allies since the beginning, not opponents. THEY created them, first to use against the Christians, then the Persians and Indians, the 3 biggest civilizations that were a direct threat to them.
The shogun fear the cotton picker

Can the population be conditioned to accept pedophilia like fags/ trannies?
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It’s the opposite faggot. pedophilia Is trad, homosexuality isn’t .

Americans already have white girls paraded around and fucked by niggers openly
"Pedophilia" was not really a thing until a few decades ago. Take your pick for when it started: sexual revolution of the 1960s, advent of the Internet in the 1990s. The fact is that the age of consent hasn't existed in most parts of the world for most of human history, and in complex societies built around modern codes of law we see the age of consent inexorably creep upwards, which is at least in part a function of this frantic urge to infantilize people as long as possible and project a lack of agency onto them.

Tl;dr: for most of history people dgaf how old she was.
age of consent was invented in 2nd century rome as a response to rampant fornication, though they didnt have government indoctrination day prison. only if men are told its illegal for the wardens to fuck their daughters will they allow their daughters to be dragged away on the prison bus. if it wasnt illegal to fuck girls under 18 there would be no bus drivers or police left alive
>crossdressing aka trooning out is a sin
Where does it mention this in either the New or Old Testament?
The Bible is quite clear about adultery and fornication, not about weird sexual deviances that didn't exist until very recently.

At most you could say that trooning out implies homosexuality which has traditionally been seen as the sin of Sodom.

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Vote PPC.

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Pajeets dont even vote left funnily enough, atleast the sikhs dont
Lol you're the only one considering morals at this point. The government stopped with that long ago.
Normies are reaction units who will go along with whatever is in the strongest position of authority. You don't need to convince them optically or intellectually, you just need to win and you get them. Normies are the spoils of conflict.
Ppc won't/can't do shit. They're a controlled alternative. Also fuck the CPC. I'm not a libtard, either.

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i havent been able to smoke in about 3 days and im starting to absolutely lose my mind. I dont know how normies stay sober 24/7 without going crazy. Within the first day of stopping smoking I noticed my tremor came back too. Weed is krishnas gift to humanity
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When I was a teen everyone said the jews and big pharma were to ones to ban it for their nefarious purposes. Zoomers have gone full retard it seems.

Just the absurd tier propaganda against weed in the past should make you sceptical. But yeah by all means keep LARPing "trad" zoomerfaggots.
i didn't do this to myself. i know i could have done better, but how was i supposed to know better as a fucking teen?
I don't have PTSD, i'm not schizo, i'm not anxious, i don't have any issues at all. im not saying this to brag, my point is that regardless of my health i just cant seem to figure it out. am i fucking stupid? everybody else seems to think otherwise considering how envious everybody is of me. i try to set an example, then people just do the exact opposite. they might try to get passive aggressive and say something fucking stupid, and its obvious they didn't even think it through for 2 seconds. i could destroy them right then and there where they stand, but i don't because i don't want that shit on my conscious and i don't want to appear like some kind of careless asshole either. idk man
all they want is attention and they give nothing in return

don't tell me to get a hobby, i'm not autistic either
Also weed is still banned in most of the """ZOG""" countries. Why would that be if they want us to use it?
>I'm non functional without my drug
>Is this thing a cheat code?
You are describing chemical dependence. You are an addict.
Pick yourself up for your wife, if you love her. Myself and the other anon live alone, you're in a different situation. If you can't get on top of it your wife will leave you, not because she's a bad person. It's just how things are.

I actually went to see a GP about PTSD and coping with it, should have learned my lesson about doctors. I gave him a list of symptoms and this is how it went down. It's so ridiculous it sounds made up.

Doctor looks up at me.
>So you got PTSD from not taking the covid vaccine? What will you do when you're conscripted to fight China?
>What? What sort of question is that?
>What will you do when you're conscripted to fight China?
>I'll shoot the highest ranking Australian military personnel I have access to.
>If they give me a gun and tell me to fight I'll fight.
>Get out of my office
>I want my money back
>Fine you can get it from the front

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Why are arabs and African in Sweden, Belgium, UK, France, spain, germany, Italy?, Norway - Commit a crimes and rape white girls? Just why?

They can just live their lives, find work and make family.

Why they must rape and do crime's? Just why? What is their problem?
What make brown people so evil and stupid? Why they want to make bad name to all brown people and make the right wing to rise?

They doing this for years and it does not seems they want to stop being violence, do crime or rape white girls.

I just don't understand what their end goal is.
>uses female anime avatar when posting
jewish tranny confirmed
why has israel occupied palestine for over 56 years. 56 years of oppression.

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The driver surrendered
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Don't forget they need 800 billion more shekels, goyim!
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The only way to stop the war...
Why do you think putin keeps allying with southern countries? To keep his supply of bananas flowing.
that 800 billion price is buying their old soviet missiles and munitions
since russia is running low on stockpiles, they're buying up their old soviet shit around the world
funny how you crop out that little detail of the article, that russia is running out of shit
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dont know tell me?
this are your threads from the past
Why would an American be this upset and emotionally invested in a conflict that isn't even on your continent?

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