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>uhhh you're not entitled to a beautiful loving wife

Okay, so why the fuck would I contribute to society in any way whatsoever?

The system literally doesn't have an answer to this. It's either pathetic shaming attempts or
>Y-YOU should work because.... You just have to okay?!

NPNW is a cop out meant to cheapen the message. Getting pussy isnt the problem, having a family is.

Without a loyal woman at home every man is obligated to not only contribute nothing, but actively become a menace to society and hasten it's destruction.

Try to prove this wrong logically, you literally can't. This thread will hit bump limit and you scums won't be able to answer the above question.
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This is why I hate all those faggots who keep shilling going and finding a SEA wife. Those women literally just want you for the money and to get out of the slums.
You're pretty much describing this image, OP.

If you actually spent some time working on yourself and socializing in the right places you could probably find the sort of woman you're looking for.

In Moby Dick Captain Ahab is fueled by his rage at the injustice of the world, presuming that if you hate something hard enough, eventually creation must take notice. Instead of an epic showdown with creation and getting to "strike behind the mask", Ahab gets pulled overboard by some rope tangled around his leg and suddenly everything he was on about which he thought was so significant is simply gone.

Feel free to check out of society, OP. No one will notice or care. Some grifty journalist may write the upteenth article about incels, but that's about it. Oh, there's so many of you silent quitters that women can't get husbands anymore? They will unironically lobby for polygamy than settle for you, which is how it worked for most of history before monogamy was invented.

Even your 15 minutes of fame as this year's false flag mass-shooter won't do anything.
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Men are not entitled to women but they DESERVE robowAIfus

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They're gonna let the media hype die down a bit, then let this yid walk, aren't they?

What happened to respecting everyone's belief?

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Give me your best or rarest Hitlers.
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/pol/ would seethe if right wing leaders were seen within 10 feet of a child in current year
Fuck off with your Jewish tricks
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How are the Zionist States of America supposed to pay this debt?
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Airstrike the bank?
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Why can't the debt be cancelled? Or just eliminate whoever you owe it to?
The US partially defaulted in 1934 with the Gold Reserve Act and again in 1971. Also, many of the US' so-called "sanctions" are de facto partial defaults,
Buy bitcoin

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Nobody noticed this but me?
Kek is getting his word out, even if he has to use alternate channels. Something vile has muzzled him
>the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:
>>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>>Are X white?
>>Is X degeneracy?
>>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.
There are dozens of these threads on the catalog right now, why aren't the jannies doing anything?

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It's not funny anymore.
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Except Bhutan. Bhutan matters.
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>Times tide will smuvver you

It's only getting funnier.
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It will never stop being funny
Never was. But now I think it's Hilarious!!! We're so Fucked, it's like we're in a comic book!

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I there a dumber place for white women to travel than to India?
I blame Eat Prey Love for this. Even women you get nearly gang raped by the hotel staff (like pic) have to pretend that Indai is this aazinbg thing at first. Then they upload the truth.
I think some mid and sub5 white women really like the Giga Stacy treatment they get while in India and tell other white women to visit for that reason. Other than that, I have no idea why anyone would go there.
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I had a date with a roastie who was going on a trip to India a few days later. India was on her dream trip list. It's like... why? She was one of the most awful people I've had a conversation with in memory. I might make this a shit test on future dates, like "do you want to go to India?"
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It's speciesism, not racism you Brown Freak.
India is not cheap to go to from the USA.
Yes I know. The problem is the women’s minds have also been hijacked, and they are much more susceptible to it.

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Race isn't real
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Taking ownership of the sweat of one's own brow is the foundation of nature.
There's more to be a capitalist system than just people fucking owning things. Saying otherwise is armchair theoryfagging. Like your hero (((marx))) it's all you communist faggots are good for.
>gaining more power is... Le bad
at least they won't let in more immigrants.
This is the worst bait thread I've ever seen
It's not all bad.
Look on the bright side.
A communist memeflaggot is getting BTFO'd

Why do white incel dregs think their opinions on politics are valid?

After all, incels are basically retarded does anyone really care what a retard thinks about economics or material science?
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Oh I'm sorry let me fix that then.

deep breaths, anon.

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The problem with the term incel is I know guys far less attractive than me with kids, and they're miserable. I don't think it's involuntary in most cases, I think men just don't care to pursue women, and that makes women mald because their entire sense of worth comes from leveraging access to their holes.

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Even the progressive left in NYC has had enough of street shitters
>Be filthy jeet
>Serve slop that gives food poison
>Get ACKed

Just another day in NYC

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Why? looked like a simple slip and fall to me.
Poos do that even when they're talking to a real women, I shit you not:
I dont hate you if you stay in your country and dont try to scam my granny.
These Gap commercials are getting weird.
>hey are NOT scared to fight or even take a ass whipping if they have to for whatever issue or no issue at all.
As one does when they enjoy the protection of the State.

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Should Indians be considered a biological weapon?
if pajeets were as bad as /pol/ says, the spam would be unnecessary

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How do you help him win, /pol/?
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>See, some jews changed their name from Levi to Lee.
Sure, because Lee was an anglo name which is why they changed Levi to that to try to blend in, so no that's not proof. Proof would be his personal family lineage to demonstrate if he was an actual jew attempting to blend in or an anglo.
>Kill yourself.
And that's all you got - you just blew your whole load. You got nothin'.
What actions? Raiding into pennsylvania more and burning a amish few farms would have won the war? You're parroting tropes rather than practical advice. Sherman was a coward and cuck and achieved nothing without grant doing all the legwork first. The reason he was able to march around georgia is because for 3 years confederate armies had been bleed white at enormous cost to the union. Truth is had sherman or grant fought lee in 1862 instead of going out west they would have both gotten there asses handed to them far worse than little mac ever did.
>The reason he was able to march around georgia is because for 3 years confederate armies had been bleed white at enormous cost to the union.
But they effectively had near infinite troops because most of them were recent immigrants, without breaking their will to fight the South couldn't win as they couldn't match them industrially.
>Truth is had sherman or grant fought lee in 1862 instead of going out west they would have both gotten there asses handed to them far worse than little mac ever did.
Sure, but battles won don't equal a war won as we've seen repeatedly.
They nearly did break the unions will. the 1864 election was a lot closer than is admitted now. One more significant union setback dung the summer campaigning season would probably have seen lincolns admin defeated. Telling the confederates to loot and burn more is fine and all but they rarely had the opportunity and such actions like would only harden northern support for the war.

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Mine causes big sinkhole in soccer field
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well which is it?
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Bbbbut how wwwwil the little spics and suburbanite kiddos play their sportsball now!!!???

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>intellectually obliterates all commies or chuds who stand in his path
>isn't afraid to call out stupidity or bad faith reasoning from the right or the left
>literally drowning in retarded griftlet zoomer pussy
>about to release a video game about his life
>has a literal son so you know he has had more sex than Vaush, Hasan or Fuentes
How does he do it?
Discuss your favourite Destiny debates, the ones you think he's lost and the real world implications of his political discourse.
Are redditors right in saying that Destiny is akin to a modern day Christopher Hitchens?
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>he said he was 5ft8

I'd believe a few inches shorter. Dude's gotta be like 5'5
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what about it?
losers always glorify themselves
not to mention his israel apologies campaign
destiny would be definition of big child if he wasnt so small
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>about to release a video game about his life
What are you talking about? It already exists.
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It's real... for some reason

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Kill all Californiafags edition
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This post smells of AIDS.
>There's no more exclusively single-family zoning here though.
That's what I said you illterate nigger.
The problem with it, you illterate nigger, is that they have to build the multifamily units on plots of land that could only fit a single family unit.
>"Multi-family units" just means niggers.
You don't realize, they want the impossible by putting multi-family units on lots that barely fit a single house.
To even make it worse, you have have equal parking for all four units on the same lot, which is impossible to do.
U.S. without California:

>70% white again overnight
>Democrats rendered almost irrelevant in federal politics
>The LGBT movement is purged
If you hate them so much why do you allow them to control so much of your culture?

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This is the second army of the world?
Those are fucking logs and horse stall mats
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log burning
How likely is a log to offer protection from a drone?
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They are playing around, waiting for NATO and United Israeli States of Negro Worshipping Christcuckia to run out of $$$ and bullets and missiles and learn our tactics. Then, all at once our carriers are sunk, The middle east attacks the jews, Russia and china destroy the US.

Greetings, my best friends.
Last week, I made a thread with the title “Maybe I got a job”on /pol/. I thank you all who have provided good advice and some helpful tips. Today was the day of my interview, or what I would call a “chit-chat”.

So, the bitch said to me that I’m going to be a waiter, and I was like, “Okay. Let’s see how this shit could work out”.
Now, my position is, guys, don’t ducking laugh, a “runner”. Who the fuck is a runner?
A runner is a basedboy who needs to:
1. Clean the tables
2. Bring the plates to the table
3. Make sure that the tables and shit is clean
4. Talk with randoms

And for how much? GUYS, I’m not fucking joking, he said, “Ohh… I might even give you 30€ for a night shift”. Do you want to know how many hours there are in this night shift? Do you really? 6 bloody hours! It’s 5€/h or even less because I’m more than sure this idiot wants me to become his slave.

What do I have to do? He said if you change your mind, message me. My mother says, ”Go to work, you NEET goy”, but guys, 5€ an hour… fucking hell.
I would earn more if I just became a beggar. Fuck, I fucking hate this shit hole. I thought, okay, at least 10€/h like every single idiot I know.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Sarai un wagie per tutta la tua vita, non dimenticarti la sesta dose!
You know what, you gave me a great idea. So, after this shitty job, I’ll do some volunteer work here in town - for free. You know, I don’t have friends, and I think this will put me in good odds to just interact with people.
Fra spero di trovare un contato in Columbia per sopravvivere il presente, non pensare al futuro senza di me. Comunque se vuoi possiamo essere dei amici, anche se probabilmente sei più ritardato di me.
Yes, that's a good way to network and meet people. Also most girls LOVE when guys do stuff like that and help people out instead of spending all of their free time playing videya and smoking weed.
I stopped playing video games in 2017, they had a bad impact on me, not financially but mentally - sounds crazy. I still own a PS4, Switch, 3DS and Xbox 360. I wanted to buy some vintage stuff, but people nowadays value their rubbish way too much.

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How do we save the human race by letting only smart people breed and sterilize the useless retarded masses?
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wow based based based
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Yet that dork will never wet his prick with a vagina and will likely die cranking his shaft to produce a sperm sample, ala Idiocracy.
That chick looks like 50
I hesitate to even use the word chick, should be hen
its a man
That reminds me. There is a propaganda picture from the Third Reich that shows Akademikerfamilien (academic families) having 1.8 children, German families having 2.2 children and Asoziale (asocials) having 4 children.

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