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This site is pretty interesting. It’s hard to formulate but some people just look like pedos. But why?
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It is easy to spot jews.
What about rapes that don't get reported? How often does the person who gets a teenage black girl pregnant get arrested and charged?
With how much some person focus on them im willing to bet they overcompensate for something.
Guess what they feel guilty about.
Im assuming it's convicted ones? Otherwise how would you know for certain both pictures aren't?
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They literally don't have category for Hispanics and Hispanics are classified as White in order to make White people look worse.
Also Blacks are 12% of the USA population but commit 22% of molestations.
Whites are like 50% of the population if Whites hate the same crime rate as niggers that would mean White commit 100%+ of the molestation which goes to show you just how evil Niggers are

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>people are getting poorer and their money isn't worth shit
>still an obesity crisis
What? Can someone explain this
theyre incredibly hungry for some reason
Some things be tasty bro. Accept it.

Closeted lesbian incel women are copying closeted gay incel men and are rating women out of 10 whist getting into little gay fights over their ratings. It reminds me of when closeted gay men rate men out of 10 and get into fights here lol
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holy shit, get a life
brook or blanca are the best looking ones from that list for sure, but neither really does it for me.
I don't really like RBF
incels are cucks and simps
same fucking thing
Dua Lipa is not so hot.

T. Male escort in Milan

The bottom is a dude. Look at those brows and tell me you know she keeps a weed wacker in her bathroom. That is the DEI of the modeling industry and everyone knows it. Protip If your gf is in the same runway show or shoot as her remind her marrying white is marrying up she'll thank you for it later.

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If Q is boiled down to “people wont believe how bad things were about to get just by being told, they have to be shown” what is happening these last few years seems like a fairly perfect example of what you would expect to happen.

> a big scary virus that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary draft that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary war that doesnt actually kill you
> big scary price hikes that dont actually kill you
> big scary trannies that dont actually kill you
> big scary nukes that dont actually kill you

Its like a haunted house ride at this point. But if this is whats happening, is actually going to work when the whole thing seems so fake and gay? Do people crying about a draft really think that theyre about to be drafted? Maybe you feel some sense of fear around these concepts but are you experiencing true fear of any of it?

Are you confident enough youll be drafted for example that you would pledge to donate $1000 to charity if it doesnt come to pass? If not, how seriously do you really believe it?
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>Drain muh Swamp
>refuses to release the scheduled JFK total declassification, delaying it-- this is in the first months of his presidency

Qoomers fell for strategic deception that worked so well against The Whites, then Lenin's 'New Economic Policy' of 'state capitalism', then Agent Kissinger's build of of Red China - as if there was any substantive daylight between Moscow and Beijing.

'They' aren't globalists or *just* The Jews-- it's fucking communists and the same old active measures-- one doesn't build up the infrastructure and networks over a century and just lay down your tools after the poorly stage managed invasion of West Germany by the DDR.
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>Its like a haunted house ride at this point.
Good simile.
Haunted house rides, roller coasters, and other "amusement park" experiences were the basis of, and were based on, tons of research on the psychology and physiology of excitement and fear reactions.
Same with casinos.
Same with boot camp.
Same with the Ed Biz (which is where the "MKULTRA" type research originated).
Same with media.

These are realms where you have been studied, engineered, poked, prodded, and squeezed through the various Fun Factory extruders of those who want you to be in a shape/configuration more to their liking/benefit.
To some degree, all culture/social interaction does this. But the automation of the "human" "sciences" (I include drugging people in that) amped and ramped up the processes...and opened new fronts of war.

For there is a war on.
The prize is your mind, body, and soul.
It's not just about shekels. Currency can be fiat. It can be made of anything--knotted strings or notched sticks.

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>If not, how seriously do you really believe it?

It's not going to happen. Oh don't get me wrong, they will try. But I'm not worried because I know what they are generally doing and why they are failing. It isn't even that "they plan to lose" ww3. They couldn't win even if winning was their actual goal, or get what they want.

Look, yes, suckers are going to die obviously. The left for instance are too far gone and won't listen to us evil nazi, bigot, misogynist, etc etc.; and the right trusts the kikes into defeat after defeat.

However, the US lost the ability to actually fight some time ago, because their biggest currency was the peoples trust in their leadership and our logistics born from free markets. And Russia and China have enough time and preparation to not be intimated by the west anymore. Russia doesn't need to invade, and China doesn't need to provoke the armed population if they invade. The western leaders won't get what it wants, nor have it's goals achieved.

We are just going to not budge because they are jews, and they will have to rely on the mudblood covidiots again. Eventually, nothing will happen, and they are going to be ass mad with no fucking clue how to unfuck themselves.
just trust THE PLAN© goyim, do nothing and TRUST THE PLAN®
more details SOON™...
Instead we should make things better.

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How exactly did he clean a country full of corruption and murder? Was he just lucky?
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turns out its fucking easy and everybody in the western world wants you to live next to criminals.
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you missed the most important part
you must win the Spiritual War
I mean hard to kill the guy when he locked up all the enemies of the state and has the support of all the poor and rich. The guy is clearly doing something right. People can finally go back into the streets. The bar was set so low that anybody who could pull off what he did is going to be revered forever in their country
Which is why I'll vote for an Arab for president if given the opportunity
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>country has a terrible murder problem
>murderers all tattoo their faces with "I AM A MURDERER"
>non-murderers do not, because the murderers really gruesomely murder people who dare to falsely wear the MURDERER face tattoos

>throw all the tattoo face people in prison
>suddenly the country becomes perfectly safe and normal people can live their lives without fear of being extorted, robbed, or murdered by the murderers


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Anyone who supports Russia should be executed for treason. It's really pretty simple: if you support Putin, you hate the West, you are a psychological threat to it, and therefore a potential physical threat, and therefore you must be liquidated.
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Imagine being one of the few lucky Ukrainians who got out of the north korean prison...
and this is how you spend your days sucking the dick of a dictator that enslaved all your male relatives.
Be better
What's the point in articulating anything? Neanderthal jewish Israelis are impervious to reason, empathy or kindness, they only believe in loathing, violence and power. I tried for the better part of a decade to debate jews and it is literally impossible. That is why I have concluded there is no alternative but to kill them all so they can no longer shit up their planet with their pathologically violent culture.
now say that about Israel
>Anyone who supports Globalists should be executed for treason
Anyone who thinks putin is not globalist pawn just because he said so should be put down for severe retardation.
>He looks pretty American
so, a short fat jew?

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Based Christians enacting cosmic crusades and establishing human superiority across the stars while faggot atheists cry about xeno rights.
>r/atheism faggots embarrassing themselves again
you niggers are so fucking dumb
Biblical literalists think they are demons or some shit.
>this Redditarded atheist faggot thinks aliens will affect abrahamics in any way, shapw or form.
Also why would you want the suffering of your israeli overlords, you infected american faggot?

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Are europoors descended from hobbits?

what's going on
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Shut up kike
Sunak is tiny, yes.
They're further away you retard.
I see 3 females, a British man and a giant faggot.

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>le stronk female fights robots from le future and saves the day
>le nigger scientist creates le CPU and robotic arms and shit
>so based
>much wow
>nothing woke about it
>wokeness didn't exist before le Occupy
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>strong and capable
She's a mentally unstable freak, completely batshit insane. She only gets things done because she's completely unhinged. Ready to be violent because to her everyone are just dead men walking.
>>strong and capable
>She's a mentally unstable freak, completely batshit insane.
Those things aren't mutually exclusive. Take Killdozer as an example.
The difference is that women characters were written as good characters back then with no political bullshit like nowadays where all women are Mary Sues that preach feminist ideology.

Black man scientist is woke though but at least the blacks back then were just another character where nowadays they also preach woke ideology. Media just was more non political back then
The entire plot of the 1st movie is about how 1 woman needs to give birth to a white man who will eventually stop (((skynet))) and save the human race
What about that is woke?
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Based and greekpilled.

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>Should We Vote for Donald Trump?

>Analyzing the Trump Conviction with Alex Jones

>It's Time to Tell the Truth about Jewish Power

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Jake Shields is known to be THE most hung guy in hollywood, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed Nick Fuentes' boypussy.

they would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting himself lubricated enough just so he could take it. i can just imagine him begging for it, with Jake barely able to force it past the knob, and Fuentes moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. He would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to his prostate.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with his anal muscles clamping down on Jake's throbbing monstrosity, his whole body quivering in euphoria..

i bet he still masturbates to the memory of it
name more than five persons in this picture
Hitler was weird.

Get laid
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i'm a man (male) and i cant sit cross-legged like that. my balls hurt

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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Ah, so only part of Calgary, they never mentioned
I believe so aswell.
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Do the needful sir
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Asbestos is the bestest.
This whole thing reeks of another scam. We can argue all day if the break was intentional or not. But we can all agree if the fuckery with the "repair" is not natural and there is clearly some kind of agenda behind it. Water restrictions due to "climate change", even though we've had a very wet and cold spring/early summer so far

2 more weeks to flatten the water restrictions. The worst part is all the normies snitching on each other just like covid

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With an investment as small as $750K you could secure a passive income and never work another day in your entire life
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AI will become huge but just not yet. Only once the new financial system (blockchain DLT) is in-place and gets integrated with AI, yeah THEN AI is going to go crazy but right now it’s just indians putting their grandma’s money in big boob indianchad fantasy fulfillment image generation technology and chatbots and in in typical jeet fashion being way out of their depth believe that that is “AI”. Yeah nvidia is a “good stock” but to buy into the hype like a jeet is what is going to rug-pull india and reddit.
Our currency is worth nothing more than an entity pushing $35,000,000,000,000 in debt to its own people saying it's good for the money and we're about to have an extra trillion or so dollars in cash floating around via the Saudi Arabia deal not being renewed. The only reason the economy looks good is inflation is causing the numbers to rise when the reality is the value has plummeted and our leaders with actual authority are too mentally deficient via age, lead poisoning, or stubbornness to acknowledge that. To invest in a market that's about to go ass over tits is to burn the money you have. Plus most millennials haven't even earned $750k adding up every year they've worked. The only ones with that kind of cash laying around to play with don't need investment advice.
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I am 40 and I have no woman, I have no children, I have no house, I have no friends, I have no stocks, I have no money and live paycheck to paycheck. When will my real life begin bros? I'm tired of the grind, I'm tired of this life, just very very tired that's all.
Seems like a great time to invest, nothing to lose
I have taken $1337 losses with WEED

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Jared Taylor is very optimistic about the future of white america. Do you agree with him?

I really like Jared, and I really REALLY hope his idea of dozens of little Orania's cropping up over the US becomes a reality.
didn't he give up just while ago?
He says Palestinians have infiltrated congress and they’re destroying the country.
No. Not as long as the US government exist in any form. The US government has made it beyond crystal clear for many decades that as long as the US government exist there is no reason to be optimistic about the future of White America

Let me be crystal goddamn clear. I hate the US government on every level. I believe the US government should be erased. I believe the total erasure of the US government is necessary for many reasons including the future of White America. The US government should absolutely be removed completely before anyone waste their time attempting being optimistic about the future of White America
It's up to us to make it so.

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Was the Mandalay Bay shooting a glowy psyop?
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Yeah it was an ISIS arms deal gone wrong
you're telling me they're a trained hit squad, there to shoot their way through a trained defence team, and they didn't think to put a guy on the door watching the peephole so they didn't get ambushed?
The real mass shootings are the post office variety. Some miserable loser in a dead end job hates the boss and co workers and teh job itself. Finally he gets fired or laid off and his shitty marriage to an ugly cunt with a yeast infected stank hole blows apart. Maybe he's even facing homelessness so wtf let's go out in style kyle. I think that's very real.
Make it even pinker next time you homo
retardo extremo

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>Politically speaking, how long until total collapse of EU and start of civil wars? Where will it start? UK? France? Germany?
>How the fuck people from western EU allowed this replacement to even start? Is it too late? Sweden is fucked beyond repair, and it happened for just 10 years

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Tokyo government to launch dating app in bid to boost birth rate.

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So you have a million statemens raise by government workers, school, cloth and fed.
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Without taking away womens rights its all a cope and it will fail.
Women's rights will disappear when civilisation collapses.
So it can match Japanese women with niggers? Lol.
No unironically we need equality. Men are second class citizens right now. Women are put above everyone. Once women are treated just like men they'll throw themselves back into the kitchen. Stop treating them special ffs. Stop simping. Stop giving drug whores kids in custody battle. Stop giving them money from divorce. Just fucking stop treating men as disposable slaves.

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So I am a codebreaker that has come across a platform that was given a top award for the content, in an ARG that was made to corral cryptographers in a format that created the instructions for a real world operation.

You won't believe the list of targets in this affair.
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Thats a lot of schizo
Remember the Mitten Acht that Bernie was put up to host at the inauguration

This is one of the Enigmas of this system, as once you lock onto the read of the first set of stennos, there is a specific position that is seen to deliver a secondary breakdown into even more of them.

Here we have some of the best proof that the Architeuthis Ciphers are designed to be used with the Alster Bottles.

Of course Trump claiming that they are a Big Nothing Hamburger didn't help, showing that he was aware of the planning and did nothing but encourage more of it.

The mention of Bernie's Mitten Act in the Architeuthis Ciphers from 2014.
I guess since you put all that effort into posting this I'll post something more reasonable. Are you saying that the baddies are using crossword puzzle to frame drumpft? To what end?
Here we have the breakdowns of the second set of blocks, with each formed around the design of a specific blocking technique. It reveals that there are EAMs that are created to activate one or another of these operations and deliver the go-codes using a secondary breakdown as well.

Of which confirmation of the third block's plans is added with a TOR Browser Cipher as well for the creation of a Disposition Matrix....a Hit List.
The whole thing was created for Trump to use to assert his innocence, to make him appear as if being persecuted.

Trump had initiated one of the segments of this affair with Pence and were taking instruction from them, playing out a number of staged roles to make it appear that someone was after him

He had created a feed of intel from Congress and other members of the Government that was orchestrated with the creation of PsyGroup/Whiteknight/Orbis.

They were collecting data in Philippines, and dropping "Q" ops codes in the Cripplechan boards where they hosted their servers in the Philippines as well.

All the while making himself out to appear to be the victim of some kind of conspiracy against him.

The coronation of the Antichrist
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nah this
Who is he/she?
what happened with the red heffers sacrifce?
Who are you?
a bot spamming the same shit here and /x/

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But I've also been a giga pol fag since pol was formed and my grandfather was a Hitler youth.
Jews sent their whores to every frontier to seduce lonely white pioneers, all so they could demand your allegiance today. Joke's on them. Mischlinge make the most fervent Nazis.
Make your kike ancestors seeth anon
You are doing God's work
fuck you and your gay thread faggot
>I am 3% Jewish
And that you know how?
By "23andMe" test? Where one of creators were (((Suzan Wojcicki))), former CEO of youtube. And "23andMe" was famous for putting some "1%" in their ancestry test results.
DNA companies intentionally add 2% african 2% jewish to "fuck with racists"

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If gender is a social construct then nobody should be talking about "male to female" or "female to male" because that does not happen and is completely impossible. They're lucky enough to be granted that gender is "man" and "woman" and is just a social role not tied to biology (it IS, but they'll reject that all day and night, so, moving on), and so can be changed on a whim, but male and female are concrete descriptors of a physical, tangible, observable fact that cannot and does not change, on a whim or otherwise. I'm pretty fucking pissed that everyone seems to have given up the fight at "man" and "woman" and just allowed these kikes to steamroll right past what should have been the next barrier of "male" and "female". Now those words are being thrown around with zero meaning anymore; it's disgusting and useless.
Enjoy Hell, tranny scum. You can't escape it.
Aren't trannies and all the circles surrounding the topic woke advocates of muh equal rights and everyone is human? Where are the protests from trannies against this privilege they now have?
Huh, hadn’t thought about it that way! Always look on the bright side of life, anon
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>report for examination or induction
Americans now have to report for mandatory penis inspections
Do I qualify as transgender? I like anime and cute things.

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