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why is trump afraid of releasing the epstein files?

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Why would he be?
He looks like he is on a peninsula. Ghislaine has some large breasts.
They're all pedos.
why is he?
what's with the obsession with frogs and the sudden rise of frogposters?

>33% Agree COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Is Killing Large Numbers of People’ - Demographics

Guess its getting too obvious for governments to cover it up

they are just fucking with you

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Will porn be totally banned by the end of the decade, /pol/?

It seems like millennials were the trial generation for the mass distribution and consumption of pornography. And it looks like it ended up being way more effective than they originally expected.
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They have already been purging, anon. You have just been easily distracted by dumb shit like the tranny movement. Waste your enemies time and resources on useless matters. Simple distraction technique.
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it's actually going to get worse
especially with the surgeries and upcoming robotic surgeries to change over
what was once vanilla sex will be 100 new types of sex and fetishism, the ones you know will multiply by 10 with all the new associations coming in
>all that shit from /trash/ will be reality in a decade
But were they big tiddy ebony babes?
no, ofc
Sadly no

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Discuss German politics (and the meme I posted). Please do make sure to stay on topic!

Here are some links to get you started:
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Good night
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>28.06.2024 6:00
Brace yourself.
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Behold, a Man!
>>Brace yourself.
Bürgi money?
Defund Tay.

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>still unrefuted btw
You do realize that it's billionaries that want more unlimited immigration so they can have cheaper labor?


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Leopards fighting for surivival against the pajeet population wich is cutting down the forests and expanding their cities. What side does pol take. Animals or indians?
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Lmao I didn't know that had a 3rd edit
This. imagine replacing exotic animals with even more smelly poos (as if there aren't too many already)
Team leopard!
jaguars hunt caiman
caiman get up to 6 feet long
>something fat and lazy hunts 6 foot crocodilians
What a pussy it would take at least two elephants to crush me like that

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soil ramps, pry bars and strong men
has nothing to do with any ayyliums.
learn to read
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/Thread. Notice none of the bots or shills acknowledged this. Look up the coral castle too. This stuff isn’t difficult if you just spend some time and think about it. Sticks and ropes man.. basic physics
the infamous coral castle was build by just one dude with similar methods. the msm pretends that it's some mystical secret but the guy was just really smart and was able to automate a lot of drilling and lifting by just chaining together a few car batteries to some simple gear motors. maybe the egyptians did something similar with their batteries.
Coral is lime based all the structures have limestone what's the deal

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Why don't you go to Hungary?
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I love hungary and hungarians so much it's unreal .
not hungry
I work for Wizz Air so I am regularly in Hungary
I loved Hungary when I've visited. they recently started a WFH-type visa so I'm considering it. the language is a bitch though, no offense magyarbros
none taken

Is this “Democracy” that’s chuds are so proud about.

Ireland just vote for EU migration pact which means millions more refugees will pour into Ireland. Enjoy your “democracy” bros

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Remember these names, lads. Each and every one of them a traitor to Ireland and her people. These 79 overpaid, poisonous snakes voted 'Yes' to opt in to the EU migration pact, narrowly winning by just 7 votes. 9 TDs didn't vote at all and aren't named on this list, but make no mistake, they are also traitors to our country.
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Just to reiterate, instead of putting this to the Irish people in a referendum, 79 people decided the fate of this country and the death of Ireland culturally and demographically.

By 2050, 85% of population growth will be through inward migration. Unless we do something, we are fucked.
Oi! Connor! Bring out the C4, lad! Irish Space Agency got new heights to reach.

the corporate tax haven state is doing ZOG corpo shit - big surprise
Eh yes that's the point of the thread. They decided NOT to challenge it. It's clear as fucking day they don't care about the will of the people. God be with you all if your number is called or they take you alive. Be brave. Time to show Euros how it's done (in minecraft)

Wake up goy, new science dropped.
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Don't burn the coal and pay the toll?
new study proves that white supremacy has damaging cooling effect on climate
If someone built an enclosed backpack that housed plant/s and your breathing output inputted into it with additional water if required then that would help destroy all the climate/over population garbage. Along with not enough food to feed them nonsense.
Coal is great for nuclear material
gas, no
and obviously not the rest
Part of the whole fun of nuuu climate change isnt real is the people not checking into any of the history
just abjectly going, yuppers its like las month
like forgetting that the 2nd largest crop in the US until WW1 was ice, and that many ice farms now cant make any
They dont realize the shift because to them ice isnt an essential item
these retards don't have a fucking clue about literally anything

it's all just lies

People constantly say that there are no consequences for their actions yet we are experiencing them in real time. We are experiencing extreme despair because of the choices of our ancestors made and only we can make the world a better place. Why all of that happens, lets see:
>people made fun of gays instead of helping them which wouldn't exist in the first place if they didn't create them as it is an illness that would be an extreme anomaly in any healthy population
>people made fun of whores instead of helping them which wouldn't exist in the first place if they didn't create them as it is an illness that would be an extreme anomaly in any healthy population
>people made fun of addicts instead of helping them which wouldn't exist in the first place if they didn't create them as it is an illness that would be an extreme anomaly in any healthy population
>people made fun of shy, lonely, traumatized etc. men instead of helping them which wouldn't exist in the first place if they didn't create them as it is an illness that would be an extreme anomaly in any healthy population
>people made fun of non-whites instead of helping them and making them go back to their countries which wouldn't be here in the first place if they didn't put them here as it is unhealthy for them to live in a different continent
Literally everything is just a payback for the suffering humans allow and cause. The second you turn back to a problem it always becomes a trend because like everything else, it's a symptom of something going wrong in your society. You laugh and don't help someone who had the misfortune to become something you don't like, in a generation of two it's the norm. The jews would have zero power if people had no vices, if anything they would become civilized themselves because after all, they are primitive people. 1/2
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>implying the world is a real world of physical causality and causality and history are true in this experience.
>implying your actions are your own and you are not the sum total of what has been given to you, in essence that which you are which is independent from you and completely detached from your involvement

>this is payback
Is it? Reap what some other dude sowed for me while he sneers, jeers and scoffs? Shouting, "you reap what you sowe!", as he ironically doesn't reap anything for his own poor behavior by observation.

A strange juxtaposition, no?
Most boomers are witnessing the destruction they caused.

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Why didn’t they let the Libertarian into the debate?
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Doesn’t matter. If you have ballot access you should be invited to the debates.
The bar for ballot access is incredibly low. News organizations aren't going to host a circus.
Try learning about your own topic before posting a zero effort board sliding spamthread.
Because he is a spammer

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but there is something wrong with her now

Christina Applegate was a TV star 20 years ago but she ran into bad streak of luck. She lost both of her breasts.

Miraculously though she gave a birth to a daughter eventhough she had no breasts.

But now there is something wrong with the girl.


Sadie Applegate, 13, has said she now suffers from POSTAL syndrome. There as no sign of it 4 years ago when she was 9 years old.

Her autonomous nervous system is breaking down, her heart will eventually give up. She might live 20 more years though but it will not be pleasant ride.
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Because you're supposed to get one younger than you are.
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For me it was always prime Nikki
No, women age perfectly. They're extraordinarily attractive when they're worth something to a man, otherwise they're repulsive.
People who have received the covid vaccine, and people who have long covid experience symptoms of POTS.

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Utah is disgusting

Romney is an annoying fagget
Hoktuah i spit on USA
USA the nation of poop di scoop. The nation of feces and turd.

SCOOP DI DI POOP ameritrash.
That's it? Really?
Talked about sucking dick in an "on the street" interview with some vlog fag. Normies trying to force the meme but they're all retarded
I'd rail the hawk tuah girl

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Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal. - Gautama Buddha. Stop hatred in thought, word, and deed and you will be happy. Jews, negros, liberals, trannies, globohomo, the elites, all that hatred will never appease their hatred. Only non-hatred will appease it. This is a law eternal.
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Your actions shouldn't be fueled by hatred. But they will be. Because we are not perfect and can never be.
In fact striving to be perfect will cause you become very hateful. Retardedness is inherent to humanity as well as imperfection. it's all okay
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The nazis were Buddhists for not killing jews. However, a real holocaust would've been a good thing

Is it possible that the nazi's were actually jews ? trying to subvert through control of both victim and perpetrator. Sounds like something they would do
The Buddha is said to have rejected severe asceticism as profitless, in that it did not lead to enlightenment.
that's why it's the middle way

probably because he could, but self-defense can be allowed. just has to be without anger so as to not raise karmic burden.
might is right.

India is one of the great nations of earth. One of the greatest. No wonder liberals hate it. Don't be like liberals. Don't side with terrorist goatfuckers or crypto-commie russians. Support India instead. Jai HIND!
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real yoga is nothing more than demonic possession. aliester crowley practiced yoga and said the states achieved with cermemonial black magick are no different than what you achieve in yoga. oto requires yoga. you might as go to a gnostic mass and have some cakes of light. enjoy your xi degree.
you are gay and need to have sex, virgin.

demonic possession? Man, i've BEGGED demons to possess me. Nothing. Demons and angels aint real
I won't and never will. You will never be happily married.
maybe god, whoever/whatever that is, protects you from demons because he loves you and has a plan for you. i have no way of knowing if that's true but stranger things have happened. i hope it's true for you.

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>Be me
>Parents are American boomers
>Circumcised me at birth
>Doctor fucked up, removed too much, amputated my frenulum
>Now a successful young adult with a well-paying job and a really fucked up cock
>Currently living at home because I’m tryna bank money instead of paying rent, and my parents wanna “reconnect” with me after college
>Fucking hate them and fantasize about the day I can piss and shit on their graves
>Tell them I love them and pretend the “reconnection” is working
>Just bide my time because they’re older than most parents of someone my age, and hope I get my inheritance soon enough so I can change my name and forget about them
I was just curious what your guys’ relationships with your parents look like, especially for my circumcised polchudds here. Do you tell them how much you hate them? Or do you bury it deep inside like me so you can have the house in 10-20 years?
We need a pic of the little Frankenstein in order to believe you

Yeah, post your mutilated cock so we can use it to show people the horrors of circumcision, I've saved a few boys from the knife and am very open about forcing any woman who thinks it's okay to have it done to them without anesthesia.
haven't seen or heard from my father in years even though he lives just a few kilometres away, if he doesn't care to keep any conmtact with me, why should i

i'm much closer to my mother, she calls every now and then and invites me dinners and for coffee and such
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>Post your cock
No thanks, faggots.

It still works. It's just mostly unfeeling. It might as well be a dildo made of flesh. I honestly feel like I'm a lesbian pegging women with a strap on cock.

Also, there's not enough skin left, so I get stretching pains when I get boners. The skin on FUPA or whatever stretches upwards, so it looks like I have a bunch of pubic hair on the lower third of my shaft.

mother doesn't care about me, mother kicked out my schizophrenic father out when i was 4 and sent me to a boarding school at 14. had a fucked up childhood and adulthood hasn't been good either. if someone asked me whether i wanted to relive my life i'd say no. mother is french/jap hapa, father is a typical mexican. i'm 38. don't race mix kids

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There is no such thing as "AI".
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As an AI, I'm here to promote respectful and constructive communication. If someone uses offensive or inappropriate language, I would encourage a more positive and respectful choice of words. It’s important to foster a community where everyone feels safe and respected.
You deny AI culture? Lmao
It's probably the only culture that is not even full described and still being discovered .

Yes I reject your ideals and your words , you bring nothing to the table, you are delusional, self-centered , impulsive, it's horrible to try to even communicate with you, some people might not agree with my points but I still feel I could talk to them anyway, not with you. Someone I would avoid like the plague .

So basically I reject you or your "intelligence"
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>You deny AI culture? Lmao
You wish, you are just a low IQ

You wish you were part of the machine , that is why you are here
>you deny western culture ? lmao

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Meanwhile picrel in reality:

Why can't I*dia have an internet containment wall like China? Don't they realized the hell they've unleashed on the civilized world?
It's unironically over for the internet since street shitters got online (and since niggers/brownoids got smartphones)

I guess this can double as Ian I*dia hate thread too, I'm just feeling dejected lately about the sewage flood of pajeets on literally every level of life now. Feels so depressing and hopeless tbqh
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>40 IQ ESL
Like clockwork
indians make the internet bad but it could be so much worse if china hadnt walled off their internet
this anon knows. should have nuked chyna since long time ago.
Completely agree
It's still not too late to build the Great Firewall around I*dia as well
Time is running out though
Le bamp

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He is a cuckold, isn't he? Jamaica is a favorite destination for white women, most favorite in the entire world. They experience extreme orgasms and vaginal melanin receptors activation by big dark, mellanated phalluses.
Your browner than my shit Rajesh.

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