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22 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
No one could hear him coming, because no one clapped
I hope they livestream their suicides :3
>run WhoreOfBabylon.exe
Would tittyfuck.
Why do you follow trannies on twitter

Trump exposed himself during the debate by stating he would NOT sign a federal abortion ban into law as president. He clearly believes states should be allowed to murder preborn babies up to the moment of birth. This is satanic.


The most evil, cowardly and selfish act anyone can commit is murder the weakest and most vulnerable human beings. This is why it is impossible to name a single thing in this world more evil and demonic than abortion. Abortion murders babies, damages mothers and creates a culture that views ALL human life as disposable

When we murder our weakest and most vulnerable any and all respect for human life AS A WHOLE becomes non-existent

It's because our culture tolerates abortion that we tolerate mass murder, shootings, allowing needy people to die, abuse of the vulnerable and many other horrible things. Abortion has cemented Neo-Malthusian thinking and eugenics in our culture as every abortion is a eugenic abortion. You cannot have any respect for human life and persons at any stage of life if you support murdering the weakest and most desperate to survive

I do not believe our society and our world could fall much further once it solidifies murdering the most innocent and vulnerable of any group of people, be it the preborn or the sick and disabled, into its culture

When murdering those whom we have an obligation to protect and love becomes normalized then no amount of depravity is off limits.

Over 66 MILLION preborn babies have been aborted in America alone since 1973 which is more dead Americans than in every war America has been involved in COMBINED. No war, famine or even genocide has killed that many in such a short amount of time.

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How can someone that doesn’t exist judge us? There is NO GOD you moron. You’re mentally ill.
Because it’s deeply unpopular and he needs to get elected.

Kicking it back to the states is the best thing he can do.

Republicans take things too far when they start talking about banning contraceptives. Normal people who have sex don’t like that kind of rhetoric.

Just ban the barbaric shit like ripping a baby out with tongs and then fuck off.
He said he supports a state’s right to choose.
I think abortion should be banned federally but there's no reason to band contraceptive.
Hormonal contraception is abortion.

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who is reddit?
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I had to look to see if it was the same Biden from the State of the Union address.
Didn't hear much about that Biden.
This Biden though...
I don't think they own the majority share. Unlike American corpos owning tiktok
you have to go back

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Dems and troons on absolute suicide watch after this debate. They are becoming self aware and it's hitting like a truck. Imagine the smell of the unwashed neovaginas to be had in a few days due to not showering/dilating from depression.

And now, with the full complicities of the MSM/Social media narrative control complex, the focal point of all your hate and anger is going to be removed and a period of time will elapse before a new focal point will emerge. That period of time will be used to diffuse your efforts to sow discord and preempt the new DNC nominee. Al those "Fuck Joe Biden" flags will come down, now, no longer being useful from a campaign standpoint. Your ability to message and attack the left has been diffused by 75% or more. Congratulations, you've been played.
>Do not let this happen. Adjust your messaging now and get out in front of this.
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>I just changed the oil pan
Yes, because someone else tightened the bolts above torque and the gasket failed. Since the structural integrity was compromised, rather than tapping the old pan flat, I got an OEM replacement pan and gasket, used permatex black on the pan side and copper on the top. The dust cover on the transmission is a bitch to move out of the way but I can't afford a mechanic.
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>let's remove an elected president because he can't beat the other candidate who is a threat to our democracy
Leftist logic ladies and gentlemen
The primary doesn't determine the candidate. The voting at the convention does and they can change their votes if they want to.

Would you be willing to die for protecting a woman?

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Someone needs to van these bitches and drive them to the front.
It's pretty normal to see black people in balaclava's in shoddy areas now openly. No fear or nothing, just in case they get the feels to rob or their trying to hide from opps
How does one clad themselves with Greek dessert pastries? Is there photos?
tough luck that weak broccoli faggot turned into minced meat toast
>What can you say?
Thanks, Jews!

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Not just the white nicotine pouches (they're called gay snus here) but traditional like pic related, too.
I've seen ZYN & a bunch of other gay snus brands 'pop off' abroad.
As long as you keep it tidy and put the shits in the trash after you're done.
Based, fuck littering.
Love snus, quit vaping with siberia, and have slowly weened down to stronger general portions. ZYN and the swedish gay snus brands like LYFT or whatever is popular now are good for me sometimes since they don't smell like ammonia in public. The snus smell is very strong when I keep it in a bag and open it up.

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antisemitism is a low IQ trait
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>Israeli puppet
fuck you goy literally mocking us

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Libya, Syria, Ukraine: It's worse than we can imagine

"Only volunteers from nationalist troops are fighting. In the near future the Armed forces of Ukraine will be rocked by uprisings. Officers do not understand the commands to kill civilians."

>In the near future the Armed forces of Ukraine will be rocked by uprisings
like the Wagner rebellion?
Lmao THD.

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Big omegakeks lmfao, this has to be one of the funniest political events I've seen in my life. it's 6:30 AM and I haven't stopped laughing. God bless america
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I mean it is funny, until you realize that one of these geriatric retards may make decisions that could lead to global nuclear war
fucking kek
"Jill, we're gonna be playing golf after this?"
>"I was a 8 handicap,"
>"y'hs-uh, buiha yknow imeagivuh howm-"
>-"I've seen your swing I know your swing"
>"hyebut yabbadon't havany groun, twenny one ground"

best transcription I could do
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Picking her for VP would be the death nail for the Democrats at this point wouldn't it. Is there any other logical choice?
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I wish he would pick mommy. I wanna see her bend over harris again on stage. Smart and sexy. Don't agree with her nuclear energy stance, but can't win them all

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REAL Chuds will register and vote for Biden
Stick him with a fork, he's done man.
i thought he rigged the election?
Nope baby fcuker goes his sephardic child fucking ass to hell with herb the lie. And the other ziojist shit why do you idiots sign to defens the imaginary right of the shit you are supposed to kill
You spelled Chump wrong there….

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Proof in pic real lol
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Romney wasn't wrong when he said there's a portion of the American people that won't vote for a Republican in any context.
>he doesn't know that biden doesn't stutter
Come on, are you people really going to to tell me that you WOULDN'T pick the troll answer in a poll like this?
pro israel and pro america candidate is better than anti america and pro nigger tranny candidate
its pretty strange that the ones dying from heart disease, dementia, cancer are incredibly active voters for some reason

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Dont you faggots understand?

A Biden win would literally usher in a civil war. It would literally be the chance of White Americans to WAKE UP our countrymen.


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um. ok go ahead lets accelerate I guess.
You're too late. The word has been put out, and your boy Biden is done. Here's the proof:
>trump did a bad job and lied alot
>biden .....
>it was bad
lol they couldn't properly say why
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Accelerationists are retarded. Even if by chance we accelerate into complete economic collapse, a civil war, etc etc, you will not live long enough to see the happy days. You will spend most of your life during the hard times and maybe reconstruction.

I'd rather see the problem get course corrected and fixed now instead of letting it get even worse until we hit rock bottom.
Kek, cope.

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not madam president, just a madame.
Perfect cat house material.
Socialists are not influential enough in Democratic Party to win. Bernie losing twice is the best proof. 2028 candidate will be some centrist like Kamala.
>room temperature IQ mousey cunt
no thanx

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Biden is just an old man. The condition that he's in is completely normal for his age, and most people his age are in even worse condition. You know, seeing the way Jews are treating Biden now. How they're trashing him and giving all their money to Trump. And seeing how MIGA is out in full force celebrating and shitting up this whole board.

I was planning not to vote at all, but after seeing everything going on, I've decided to vote for Biden. I'd like to trip the Jews up on their plan to get Trump in so that Israel can annex the West Bank.
or maybe he's too old?
>I'm voting for the retard to get back at people who are making things retarded
Good plan.
I can't tell if Varg is just autistic or nordic Charles Manson.

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I am a mid ranking staffer in the Biden administration, and let me tell you: people are freaking the fuck out. They recognize Biden got absolutely Trumped in that debate. Imagine the Pentagon on Defcon 2; that's what it looks like here. I don't think his chances are existent anymore. I've even heard of Biden being forced to step down and Kamala or Pete running in his place.
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>Holy shit, I can totally see it. The way he's walking he could definitely be on a treadmill
It’s east to see the second you open the clip. The speed he’s moving versus the speed and stride he has don’t match. He’s walking on a treadmill or on a belt with green green behind him being recorded and that recording was super imposed into the microphone footage.
Finally an honest anon.
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This post has 2 more weeks energy
It was part of the plan midwit. They always intended to replace him.

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It mainly concerns people with Finnish genes

APE-CEDE syndrome is in Finnish


Autoimmune Poly Endochrinopathic - Candidiasid Ectodermic Dystrofia and Encephalopathy is genetic and appears if you have Finnish genes from mothers and fathers side.

>nails get constantly colonized by body yeast which is a fungus
>tooth enamel disappears for no reason
>hair falls of at young age (less than 30)
>malignant changes in eyes, blurring the vision
>diarrhea that contains fat which body was unable to store in the fat-cells

In entire world, it happens for one person in 300 000 - 600 000.

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So what you're saying is you need foreigners to breed your women? I'm on my way

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Why were a group of unelected aristocrats allowed to determine if the states they were from wanted independence from the United Kingdom?
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Wdym allowed? they allowed it themselves, because they could
>allowed to
lul, they fought them for it

Delegates for the second continental congress were elected directly or chosen by the legislature, depending on the colony.
The truth is that there is only one humanism-atheism-capitalism but humanists keep making up various flavors, like classical liberalism, social liberalism, nationalism, communism, to keep people running in circle among all the atheist religions. In other words, atheists use their fantasy of markets to balkanize their own religion in order to keep people trapped in it while thinking they become free thinkers when they explore the various flavors of atheism.

the bourgeois created humanism and their revolutions precisely to remove any theology bigger than the bourgeois society, so that the wageslaves can ''create their own goals'' , ie self determination, and be an active ''citizen''. This was at the time of the bourgeois invention of ''nationalism''. Nowadays the bourgeois manages the other side of its self-made individualism with the exact opposite (equally controlled by the same bourgeois), ie perennialism, internationalism , interdependence ie ''being a citizen of the world''.
You have to understand that in a balkanized atheist supermarket of political sides, the bourgeois control all sides, all the narratives. It's the bourgeois who choose what narrative is trendy and what narrative will be frowned upon through the bourgeois means, ie mercantilism and legalism.
Overarching this balkanized supermarket of atheist sub-religions, there's indeed a contrived inorganic theme to get the wageslave going. The bourgeois academia was never about truth nor science.
Any new fad in democracy stems from the merchants and the bureaucratic agents, and they go along the flow, not planning some 4dchess like atheist chuds keep fantasizing.
Right at the beginning they were vilifying monarchies, then they started their self aggrandizing narrative of industrialization, then colonization, then they created 2 world wars, then they started mass consumerism thanks to feeding the peasants with industrial goods, then they started decolonization and now they finally found the perfect match between the mercantile activity and the atheist cravings for virtue signaling: wokism.
This is thanks to women being educated with bullshit studies, women controlling the bureaucracy, women controlling the HR department in megacrops and women being the major consumer in democracy.
Wokism is the ideal life of the atheist and woman: tons of consumerism and at the same time tons of false introspection, because they are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. Merchants and Bureaucrats and Women have no capacity for criticism, which makes them the best candidate for running the show.

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